ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY BIOLOGY 221 BAKER/RUSSELL SUMMER 2015 THIS SYLLABUS You are responsible for knowing all the contents of this syllabus. It provides information on the organization of the course, schedules for the lecture and the laboratory, and reading assignments from assigned texts. Any changes to the syllabus will be announced in lecture and/or posted on my website. CLASS HOURS: LECTURE: MTWTh 9:00 – 11:05 A.M., BioSci 102 Lecture exams will be administered in this facility during regular class hours as scheduled. LAB CLASS: MTW 11:30 A.M. - 2:30 P.M., BioSci 106 Periodically, the lab is open for independent work; refer to the lab schedule and the Instructor for availability. Do not expect assistance during these open hours, or expect the open lab to always be available. NOTE: Students must be concurrently enrolled in both lecture and lab. TEXTBOOKS The lecture and lab text is a custom edition for Orange Coast College entitled Essentials of Human Anatomy and Physiology (11th edition) by Elaine Marieb (ISBN 13: 9781269752862). Reading assignments are listed in the lecture schedule. Lecture tests will focus on lecture material, but a small percentage may come directly from the reading or from online resources and may not be covered during lecture. You must bring the online lab handouts and Essentials of Human Anatomy and Physiology to lab each time it meets (except on lab exams days). MASTERING A&P This is an online learning system required for this course. Bundled with your Marieb textbook (if you purchased it new), you will find a cardboard envelope. Inside the envelope (simply “unzip” the tab) is a student access code you must use to register online for Mastering A&P. The course ID for this semester is BIOL221SUM15. Please select 11e as the e-text. Registration instructions are found on the first page of your textbook, and will be provided in lecture and on the instructor’s website. If you purchased a used lecture textbook, you will have to follow separate instructions for the purchase of Mastering A&P (they may be posted on the instructor’s website). 1 All Mastering A&P assignments for lecture and for lab have specific and inflexible due dates. Should you wait until the last day to complete online assignments and run into any type of difficulty, no accommodations will be extended to you. There are extra lecture and lab online assignments built-in to the course that allow for occasional student or technical challenges. Up to 30 points of extra credit may be earned though the completion of online lecture quizzes. ADDITIONAL REQUIRED MATERIALS For lecture exams, you will need a packet of “Scantron” answer sheets #882-ELOVAS. These are green and have 50 answers per side. EXAMINATIONS AND GRADES You will be assigned a single grade for this class. Lecture points and lab points will be totaled to determine your final grade. Grading is based on total points earned. Grades will be assigned on a standard 90% - A (and no academic dishonesty), 80% = B, 70% = C scale. The following are the source and weight of points: 4 Lecture Exams @ 100 points each 3 Lab Exams @ 100 points each Lab Quizzes (5 @ 10 points each) Mastering A&P Study Modules Mastering A&P Lab Homework 400 300 50 50 50 Total Possible Points 850 Refer to your Lecture and Lab Schedules for the dates of the exams. These are objective tests. For lecture, you will need a packet of “Scantron” answer sheets #882-E-LOVAS (they are green and have 50 answers per side). MAKE UP EXAMS Lecture: Make-up lecture exams will be given ONLY if you notify the instructor prior to the exam or within 24 hours of the exam and if the absence is due to a college-recognized emergency (refer to your student handbook, The Chart, for a listing of recognized emergencies). Lab: Laboratory exams cannot be made up for any reason. ATTENDANCE Attendance in class is very important. It is your responsibility to keep up with the reading assignments, changes in the schedules and any other activities outlined by the instructor during class meetings. You may be dropped due to excessive absenteeism. However, your enrollment status is YOUR responsibility; do not expect your instructors to automatically drop you if you stop attending. 2 STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES The student will be able to: 1. Identify gross and microscopic anatomical structures of the human body on illustrations, models, and on human skeletal and cadaver specimens. 2. Show the interrelated nature of organs and organ systems by describing or illustrating the relationship between anatomical structures and physiological processes. 3. Evaluate the results of physiological tests including: electromyogram, electroencephalogram, electrocardiogram, spirometry, and urinalysis. ACADEMIC HONESTY The Chart contains information regarding academic honesty. That information should be read carefully. I DO NOT TOLERATE dishonesty from students. This includes, but is not limited to, copying the work of another student, submitting someone else’s work as your own, copying test answers from another student, allowing another student to copy your test answers, informing other students of material to be found on exams, using a cell phone or other digital/electronic, etc. device during an exam, and possessing cheat sheets or cheat notes during exams. I will report any student exhibiting dishonesty to the Dean of Students for a disciplinary hearing. I will assign zero points for the exam or assignment in question. Any student caught cheating may be removed from the class, or assigned a final grade of “F” for the course. Any questions regarding this policy should be referred to the Dean of Students. TIPS FOR SUCCESS • Check the websites regularly for changes and announcements • Keep all of your exams and quizzes • Keep track of your own points & grade to date • Stay on top of the workload; don’t fall behind • Print the lecture notes (if available) & read the relevant material in the assigned chapter in the Marieb text before you come to lecture • Form a study group and meet frequently • Study lecture notes & related reading to prepare for lecture exams • Study the lab handouts & assigned specimens to prepare for lab exams • Review frequently • Attend open labs • Consider taking photos of lab specimens either toward the end of lab or during open lab, print the photos, cover with a transparency, then practice labeling assigned structures. • Spelling counts on lab exams, so practice writing out the names of structures • Sources of help include me and the lab teaching assistant(s). Free tutors may be available through the Student Success Center. 3 CELL PHONE/ TEXT MESSAGING ALERT • The use of cell phones or text messaging is not allowed during class unless it is being used at the direction of the Instructor. • If your cell phone, etc. goes off during class, you may be asked to leave class for the remainder of the class period that day. A second offense may result in you being dropped from the course. LECTURE NOTES ONLINE Baker’s Lecture notes are available at: Russell’s Lecture notes are available at: I recommend that you print copies of the lecture notes (if available) before class and refer to them during lecture. HOW TO CONTACT US: Cherryl Baker’s Office: BioSci 212B Office Phone: (714) 432-5847 Email: Greg Russell’s Office: BioSci 212C Office Phone: (714) 432-5504 Email: 4 ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY Biology 221 Baker/Russell Summer 2015 PROPOSED SEQUENCE OF EVENTS: LECTURE DATE/DAY 6/15 M 6/16 T 6/17 W 6/18 TH TOPIC Orientation to A&P & the Body Chemistry Cells & Tissues Skin & Body Membranes 6/22 6/23 6/24 6/25 M T W TH EXAM I Skeletal System Skeletal System Muscular System 1-4 5 5 6 6/29 6/30 7/01 7/02 M T W TH Muscular System Endocrine System Endocrine System EXAM II 6 9 9 5, 6, 9 7/06 7/07 7/08 7/09 M T W TH Nervous System Nervous System Blood Cardiovascular System 7 7 10 11 7/13 7/14 7/15 7/16 M T W TH Lymphatic & Defense EXAM III Respiratory Digestive 12 7, 10-12 13 14 7/20 7/21 7/22 7/23 M T W TH Urinary Reproductive: Male Reproductive: Female EXAM IV 15 16 16 13-16 5 CHAPTER (Marieb) 1 2 3 4