Joanne Culley Media Productions My primary business activities are

Joanne Culley Media Productions
My primary business activities are writing articles for magazines and newspapers,
preparing funding proposals, doing publicity, and producing videos. I am in a field that
has seen a lot of technological change throughout my career.
Recycling: In my office, I buy very little new paper as I rarely print out documents. As a
grant writer, 90 percent of the applications I work on can be filled out and submitted
online. When I do need to print out a draft, I use the blank sides of already-used paper. I
reuse envelopes and packing materials when I need to mail out a DVD. I am paid mostly
by e-banking transfers and I pay my bills online. I produce close to zero waste with my
Transportation: I spend very little on gas and car maintenance as I have a home office
downtown and do most of my work by email or phone. When I do have a meeting or
workshop to attend, I ride my bike or walk throughout the three seasons. The costs I save
on transportation are passed on to my non-profit clients, through my lower hourly rate.
Energy Conservation: When I leave my office, I turn down the thermostat. In the
summer I rarely put on the air conditioning, and when I do, I am on the Peak Saver
program, so that the temperature is set higher than average. I use CFL bulbs and turn off
the lights and equipment when I am not in the office.
Social and Community Responsibility: When I am on a video shoot, I use and pay
students as production assistants to help with the work and to learn about the process of
production. I pass on tips and knowledge I have gained to younger workers at networking
events, and introduce them to contacts who will help them in their careers. I contribute
my time and donate money and items to fundraisers held for YWCA Crossroads
Women’s Shelter, YES Shelter, Kawartha Food Share, United Way and more. I take part
in environmental efforts, such as the annual Jackson Park Clean-Up and contribute my
time and money towards advocacy efforts to preserve green space in Peterborough.
Goals: Within five years, my aim is to become paperless. Also within five years, I would
like to invest in solar technology, by installing a solar hot water heater and roof panels to
take part in the provincial MicroFIT program.
As business people, we can make a huge difference through our daily actions to conserve
our precious resources so that our community continues to be sustainable into the future.
"I am committed to sharing ideas about environmental sustainability in my work. I
produced a series of five YouTube videos for Green Communities Canada about home
energy conservation, assessments and solar retrofits, and produced another video about
toxins in the home entitled Better Safe than Sorry - Hidden Exposures all Parents Need to
Know. I frequently write articles about the solar industry in Ontario for the Business
Advantage magazine and have written about discussing environmental issues with
children in the Peterborough Kids magazine."