TIE .(..wittiUL In the Frankfort railway nation FACTS there, were 7,000 hungry, freezing men, women, and children seek-bi- g shelter. Hundreds of the youn-gwomen were pregnant... In , faii:?:2 niLDS jozxw.towa V A Despeeata :tuaUoni coun- In the tries of Europe nearly all babies bora last year have died. famine-strick- en Other, tf neglected longer, will ever grownup. In all Europe 10,000,000 people face atarva. Oraecai ' ' Of 23400 children, examined, four out of every five have .:;. fyItaJjn V Pastors, it ll reported, are Itarvlng to aave their children. i ftaaoai - i - Last winter, in one section 4,000 homes were without a blanket, and 9,000 had only one. ' ChUat - . popuhalf times, the normal In i lation live below thehunger line. Try to visualize the situation after 12 years of war, floods, famine L":v and pestilence. Germany! ; BUN. . MON. APRIL SentimentaJ Journey i With . CHARA, MAUREEN And JOHN PAYNE. For Manufacturers . that OPA is striking at manufacturers' price viol ations, the agency last week filed An indication And VERA VAGUE. , 1 DOUBLE FEATURE J Shooter Straight WESTERN My Name Is A Julia Ross 1 1946-4- 7 waterfowl hunting season: , 1. Reduce the length of open season from 80 to 30 days. 2. Reduce the bag limit from 10 to 5 birds per day, with possession limit the same as the bag i THURS. . FRL v APRIL 11-- 1 Cinderella Jones With JOAN LESLIE, And ROBERT ALDA. . . f, SAT. APRIL IS DOUBLE FEATURE , nt It t- - , With iUNitl wVKduri. ;i Behind Green I deals Just because ? to cancel appointments. Si With CAROLE LANDIS. lOOOOOOOOOOOfj OPA is also asking Judgment Oscar Batchelor Sunday. Mr. H. N. Gresham Is visiting Furniture Corporation, Lexington, his son in Goldsboro. regfor alleged violation of OPA Mr. and Mrs; R. C. Gresham ulations. are spending the week end In Ral today. Since the law requires that growers be given notice of proposed maximum prices 15 days ahead of crop planting, Mr. Johnson said, the following prices to the producer are proposed for raw and unprocessed soybeans: Maximum price ner bushel of 60 pounds for U. S. Grade No. 2 classes I (yellow) and II (green), $2.10; U. S. Grade No. 2, classes HI (brown), TV (black) and V (mixed). $1.90. , glasses you need. WE HAVE TO OFFER ii PARMENTER REDS BARRED ROCK . if "i ii mm Cone in today. Dr. H. W. Colwell NEW HAMPSHIRE REDS y WHITE ROCK OPTOMETRIST CHICKS WALLACE, - LIMITED TIME ONLY $12.95 per 100 Our Flocks of PARMENTER REDS Are Direct From E. B. Parmenter, The Home of Parmenter Reds. ' These Birds Have Won Egg Laying Contests All Over The Country. All Chicks Are From BLOOD TESTED Flocks See C. C. JONES and R. B. ONES M N, C. F. ALLEN JR. M.NANSV1LLB S ONLY INSURANCE AGENCY IHIAITCIKIECllf OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOGOOOOOOO PINK JNORTH CAROLINA HILL, FOR SALE TWO STORY BRICK BUILDING IN WARSAW LOCATED P AND ABOUT MIDDLE OF BLOCK BETWEEN A NOW OCCUPIED BY CITY MARKET, BRANCH BANK. BEAUTY SHOPPE and DR. WARFLORENCE'S lower floor, Do You Iksd Uooey For ? Repairs To Your Car Farm Needs Unexpected Expenses WE LEND YOU MONEY ON YOUR CAR to $50 REN, Dentist, 2nd floor. SUBMIT BIDS IN WRITING TO M. H. BARR WARSAW; N. C. IP 0 J99 W mr it tU 9 eooooi .' "JES HOL' IT NATCHEL, SONNY!" . $1,CC3 IN FIFTEEN MINUTES NO ENDORSER - NO DELAY We will also finance the car you plan to buy. PRIVE IN TOMORROW 17AYIIE FINANCE COMPANY M. F. LAWtER, Manager Goldsboro, N. C. Cor. James and Ash. What Our Dank Auto Loan Plan Offers To You: "DISCOVERING'' bank Instead of paying high financing charges, you arrange a low-coloan here. .There are no commissions, no "buried charges," and you can include the cost of car Insurance in your loan. or endorsers Your .loan, application ia acted on promptly. .No borrow here. to in order a depositor are necessary and you don't have to be of its cost from us. You choose your new car, borrow up to (somewhat less for used cars) and pay cash for your purchase. You can st ECONOMY, UNCLE two-thir- TILE CONVENIENCE LOCAL SERVICE One day back in 1934, an artist, driving leisurely along country road in the deep South, heard the sound of banjo music floating toward him through the trees. He left his strains until he found a car and followed the a little cabin porch, sat on where, forest clearing in the boy of twelve, and a dog--in an old darky, a the middle of a music lessonl All unseen, the artist set up his easel and soon, upon the canvas, appeared the boy, all thumbs, his face screwed up in earnest effort, manfully struggling wijh the stringed instrument; the dog looking on in painful apprehension; the old man patiently urging: -natchell" Jes' hoi' it natchel, Sonny-thataw- ay, was fea- Hintermeister by Hy beautiful painting This tured on the 1935 Uncle Natchel calendar, and inbroduced to a million people the familiar figure of "Uncle Natchel", the kindly old man who has appeared ever since as the - symbol of Natural Chilean Nitrate of Soda. Uncle Natchel is really a rare and lovable character. Grown old in the employ of Sonny's family, he is known to everyone for miles around for his inexhaustible supply of stories about the wonders of Nature arid his belief that the best way to do anything is the "Natchel" way. And that, of course, is how he got his name. red-head- With a bank auto loan you can deal with local people from start to finish. You buy your car from a dealer you know, borrow at our bank, and place your insurance right here at home with a home agent ef your choice where service whenever you need you can depend on getting prompt, - NATCHEL sad-swe- et shop around and buy from any dealer. . WAGONS . -- By meeting your monthly auto loan payments regularly, as agreed, you an asset that will prove can help build your bank credit for the future EXTRA BENEFITS MCKAY GUANO SOWERS ' T03ACCO. SPRAYERS valuable to you again and again. r r . ear aaywnere, compare the complete eoat of ether with a similar tranfees, commlssloaa, extras f1naseehargea, plana including ' We, benefits, as confident a bank saction here. Then choose the plan with moat ;.! j '7 V auto loan will be your ehetoe. v Before yon finance your next Seed I rah Potatoes 02.00 Bag vJe L w immB irf w C4 v Everyl".'r.3 for Form & Home ; - prescribe the m T03ACCO TRUCKS BQYETTE many cases stem from eye strain. check-u- p Proposed ceiling prices for the are the 1946 crop of soybeans a. same as tnose now in eneci ior S. John the 1945 crop, Theodore son. OPA District. Director said FAST ACTION r" in FRESH HATCH JUST OFF Remain Same SEED PEAS TWO-HOU-SE J" maladies trist give you a thorough to be on the sick list Miss Mary Jane Gresham spent the week end with her sister EdHUNTING REGULATION na Earle, at Hon College. Miss Dorothy Mulikin visited Each year's federal waterfowl parents In South Carolina her hunting regulations have been over the week end. supply demand on and a based formula and designed to prevent getty Jtan Bratcher is able to legal take that would cause a about after. recent Illness, it net depletion of breeding stock. hai been reported. . There was overwhelming testi-- 1 Miss Rosa Lee Whaley spent the mony presented at the recent week end wjtj, her sister In American Wildlife Confer- - elsu ence In New York City to the ef t feet that the continental waterCeilings Soybean fowl supply is substantially less than it waa a year ago. . PEA WEEDERS ::' . BOOK YOUR CHICKS NOW Miss Dolly Sandlin is reported HAY CONCRETE 1 These Let our registered optome- FOR WATERFOWL "Our Best" Guano Sowers $10.50 WIRE FENCE sf. General Insurance of S74.433.79 against the United - Strife ... mai . The recent cycle of rising water fowl population appears to have quite definitely passed and a cycle of declining waterfowl supply ap pears to be well underway. Trained game managers know that heavy take during the downtrend in a population cycle is disastrous. The National Audubon Society has always recognized the recrea tional value of field sports, legally pursued. It has never been opposed to hunting. It does believe in regulation of deliberate take, such that there may be ho- net depletion in the breeding utock. After careful consideration of the existing circumstances, the Directors of the Society have decided to reccomend to the federal government for Its consideration head- KENANS VILLE.N. C. Mr. and Mrs. R, S. Batchelor and daughter visited Mr. and Mrs. TEST YEAR a ache or Hatlgue forces you BEULAVILLE NEWS : 1 Trurj Dtfitmnt following changes, to apply to limit ; Business i Ral-Nor- th With NINA I V. S. For Good ; Don't loose out on lucrative ! ROBERT BENCHLEY, WED. APRIL ' -- Savings Bonds in which Americans A vest Its production in this state aiona is said to equal that of any other nation.- - Mills mutt turn out materials for ships, railroads, buildings for the world's reconitructlon. Vital industries in ell parts of the Nation must bavt'its output - Violations Expensive 1946 ACID Snafu GbodEyesr Dr aOrTColweil i eigh. rowa. apbil With trict Director said today, i Actions against slaughterers include criminal Indictments, treble A On Upgrade damage suits, injunctions to prevent further violations,', and sub--: witholding, he added. Court .actions at the rate of 20 sidy ; per week are being brought by OPA against slaughterers and OPTOMKTRSMT meat packers In a drive against black market operations which is Eyes Examinee. QHhm F1HI Next Doer U Carrnsuah diverting much of the short supChevrolet Company.. channels, legal meat from ply of . Offtr lr Fmniant I DisWAJXACE. V ' Theodore S. Johnson, OPA , -- T-- S t ''.l-- . over-ceilIn- WARSAW i . three German cities infant mortal, ity - 80 .to 100 percent . ,,,. VN '... France: t, Due to the, depleted physical resistance' thousands of children are dying. Tuberculosis has Increased ; ; from 48 to 74 percent V Poland i ;."" Two million of six million are undernourished (under 14). In one primary school the father of only one iri 100 children was still living. ACUTE NEEDS t Garments, food, vitamins, medi v ; ; cines, money and prayer, j ir RESPONSE: Take an offering. Most European countries are now open to private relief. Clothing and food, in 11 pound boxes, may be sent STEEL WILL HELP. through the post otfice to the Steel a billion dollar industry In United Chore CenUi, New Wind- Pennsylvania will pour millions sor, Md or Modesto, Calif. into the NaUon to guarantee the it was furniture manufacturers, reported. In one suit the agency seeks $150,000 from Irwin A. Mor- genstein and the Great Lakes In dustries. Inc- - High' Point for al g sale of furniture leged and toys, It was said. In filing "suit for 3 times the amount of the overcharges, OPA contends that the total amount of overcelllng charges received by the defendants was approximately ' $30,000. Theatre I Behind. Uesthe Might of America iooooooooooot suits against two North Carolina thethe j Duplin . 5th., 1946 FRIDAY, APRIL S iMeat Actions 'Your Bonds er feUrWl-TIMZ- ; i - Our charge for riew tar loan is $5.00 per $100.00, pr year added to loan. Loans are repayable 15 months or lest. Dfcncfj Or.rAlnCi Trust Co. E::'Jn County : : MEIBEIl FEDEKAL DiJPOSTT INSURANCE CORPORATION , . .