johns hopkins donor advised fund

Manage your charitable giving efficiently with
a Johns Hopkins Donor Advised Fund account,
offering you and your family the flexibility to
recommend support for Johns Hopkins and
your other favorite charitable organizations, and
simplifying your record-keeping and giving.
In the year that Paula Boggs, A&S ’81,
retired from her position as general
counsel for an international company,
she received additional income due to
her transition. Paula, a Johns Hopkins
trustee and Legacy Society co-chair,
is a longtime supporter of the Krieger
School of Arts and Sciences and also
gives generously to other charitable
organizations. She wanted to expand
her giving to other areas of Johns
Hopkins, including the Peabody
Institute, and sought an income tax
deduction in the year that she retired,
so she established a Johns Hopkins
Donor Advised Fund account. This
provides Paula with tax advantages, a
streamlined approach for giving to
Johns Hopkins and other organizations,
and the flexibility to make grant
requests at any time.
With a fully deductible gift to Johns
Hopkins of $250,000 or more in
cash, securities, or other assets, you
can establish a Johns Hopkins Donor
Advised Fund (DAF) account in your
or a loved one’s name to serve as a
central source for your philanthropy.
Then recommend distributions in
the form of grants to any area of
Johns Hopkins and other charitable
organizations on your own timetable.
Johns Hopkins approves the
recommendations (unless they would
benefit you or your family or an
organization whose values are in
conflict with those of Johns Hopkins).
At least 60 percent of the distributions
must support Johns Hopkins projects
of your choice. Make additional gifts
to your account at any time.
• Simplify giving to Johns Hopkins
and other charities.
• Leverage Johns Hopkins’ expertise
in fund maintenance and distribution,
investment management, and
• Build a charitable legacy for you
and your family.
• Claim an immediate tax deduction.
• Remain anonymous, if desired.
• Avoid costly and complicated
foundation rules. If you have an
existing family foundation, you can
even convert it to a DAF account.
The Johns Hopkins Donor
Advised Fund at a Glance
Minimum to open an account:
$250,000 in cash, publicly
traded securities, or other
approved assets
Minimum balance required:
Minimum for additional gifts:
Required annual distributions:
Minimum amount per grant:
Minimum of total distributions
required to Johns Hopkins:
60 percent
Frequency of distributions:
At donor’s discretion
Termination of account:
Donor’s death (or deaths of
donor and spouse) with up to
an additional 10 years if a
third-party advisor is named, or
when the balance falls below
$100,000 for two consecutive
quarters, if earlier
Investment and management:
Johns Hopkins University,
in conjunction with
Kaspick & Company, LLC
Johns Hopkins does not give tax, legal,
or financial advice; please consult
your own advisor for individual advice.
The information contained in this
publication is not intended to or written
to be used, and cannot be used, for
the purpose of avoiding penalties
imposed under the Internal Revenue
Code or promoting, marketing, or
recommending to another party any
transaction or matter addressed herein.
Tax-wise: Claim a federal charitable
income tax deduction for the full
amount of your gift to establish a DAF
account. Gifts of cash are deductible
up to 50 percent of your adjusted gross
income. Pay no capital gains tax on
gifts of long-term appreciated securities,
which are deductible up to 30 percent
of your adjusted gross income. Unused
deductions can be used over the
five-year period after the year of your
gift. All assets donated to your account
are removed from your taxable estate.
Convenient: Create one source for your
charitable giving. When you request
distributions in the form of grants
to Johns Hopkins, and if you wish, to
other qualified nonprofits, Johns
Hopkins will handle the payments and
paperwork. Decide which areas of
Johns Hopkins and other charities to
support on your own schedule.
Eliminate having to track your giving
for tax purposes. Unlike private
foundations, which require a fivepercent minimum distribution
annually, there are currently no
requirements for annual distributions
from your DAF account.
Efficient: There are no start-up charges
or fees. A competitive annual
administrative fee is paid from the
account’s principal. When you are ready,
make your recommendations for grants
of at least $1,000 to approved charities.
You may make additional gifts of any
amount to your account at any time.
Professionally Invested and Managed:
Johns Hopkins University, in
conjunction with Kaspick & Company,
LLC (a subsidiary of TIAA-CREF)
will provide expert investment and
administrative services for your
account. Accounts will be invested in
one of Johns Hopkins’ standard asset
allocation mixes or in a special
cash option. Your objectives and time
horizon for your account will help
guide the investment decisions. Johns
Hopkins will manage all record
keeping and provide you with detailed
annual reports.
Contact the Office of Gift Planning
to speak with a gift planning advisor
who will be happy to discuss your
philanthropic goals and financial needs.
Our services are confidential and
collaborative, and we provide them
without obligation. We look forward to
sharing more about the Johns Hopkins
Donor Advised Fund and discussing
other philanthropic strategies.
Johns Hopkins
Office of Gift Planning
San Martin Center, 2nd Floor
3400 North Charles Street
Baltimore, Maryland 21218