Executive Summary: The Johns Hopkins Primary Care Consortium (JHPCC) Report to Johns Hopkins Medicine April 23, 2012 Mission The mission of the Institute is to provide a broadly collaborative and multidisciplinary academic home for research, education, quality improvement, and innovation designed to improve primary care and health outcomes for the benefit of patients and society. The Center is to inspire and nurture the development, value, and professional growth of primary care clinicians, educators and researchers within all entities of Johns Hopkins Medicine. Vision The Institute will be recognized regionally, nationally and internationally as an innovative source of leadership, discovery, and dissemination of evidenced-based clinical processes, education, scholarship, and public policy development regarding primary care. Specific Aims To achieve the overall mission, we propose to address the following specific aims: Specific Aim 1: To develop, implement and evaluate models of primary care delivery that: - are evidence based and improve health care outcomes; - integrate research and health care systems across different life stages, recognizing the impact of illness, experience, and health care at earlier life stages on subsequent health, (termed the life course development model); - integrate care among different health professionals and facilities (termed horizontal integration); and - integrate care with various social sectors (e.g. social services, child care centers, schools, employers, housing, government) that impact health care outcomes (termed vertical integration). Specific Aim 2: To enhance the education of all trainees about primary care excellence and innovation. At Johns Hopkins School of Medicine few students ultimately chose to pursue a career in primary care practice whether they obtain their post-graduate training here or elsewhere. While most post-graduate trainees pursue subspecialty tracks, a goal of the Center is to increase the number of practicing primary care physicians and leaders trained here. The Center will lead educational efforts that will demonstrate the increasing institutional value placed on primary care practice and will engage all trainees in primary care. Specific Aim 3: To train and mentor the next generation of faculty leaders in primary care. These individuals will serve as the role models to inspire physicians coming after them to follow their career path. The Center will work to develop faculty leaders with broad expertise related to education, scholarship, and the practice of primary care medicine. The unique perspective of the community-based practitioner will also be recognized and appreciated. The Center will devise and make available faculty development initiatives to assist in the professional growth of these individuals and to promote collaboration among the networks of practitioners affiliated with Johns Hopkins Medicine. Specific Aim 4: To develop frameworks and models for translating research and innovation in primary care into health care policy and practice. The Affordable Care Act emphasizes the importance of primary care access and medical home systems of care. New financing mechanisms that are being considered will place priorities on innovations to improve outcomes and reduce cost. When Johns Hopkins University’s expertise in primary care can be layered on top of its qualifications in specialty care, new research discoveries, and health plan administration, JHPCC will be uniquely positioned to be at the forefront of these policy changes. The Institute will influence the use of technology to support improved outcomes while maintaining a focus on the doctor-patient relationship. The resultant patient centered primary care, which may soon require recognition of personal genomics in addition to the biopsychosocial factors that impact wellness, will be achievable and will be facilitated by innovations that support effective communication among caregivers, primary care providers, and specialists Short-term Plans and Deliverables In order to establish itself as a resource for the Johns Hopkins Medicine community, JHPCC intends to embark on specific activities and generate identifiable products over the next 12-18 months. Plans Xxxxxxxxx Yyyyyyyyyy Zzzzzzzzz Deliverables Pppppppppp Qqqqqqqqqq Rrrrrrrrrr