Theories of Personality Syllabus Class: PSYC 345 Theories of Personality (3) Time: T/Th 1:35 – 2:50 Final: T - 12/12/06 – 1:00 – 3:00 Location: GRPS 2 Email: Fall 2006 Professor: Karen J. “KJ” Hummel, Ph.D. Phone: 714-556-3610 x3651 Office: School of Psychology Office Hours: T/Th 12:00–1:30; T 3:00–5:00, Th 4:00 – 5:00, and by appointment DESCRIPTION OF COURSE: A review and critical evaluation of the major personality theories and their supporting evidence. PREREQUISITES: General Psychology (PSYC 103) and Developmental Psychology (PSYC 320) COURSE FULFILLMENT: This course meets elective upper division requirements for psychology majors and upper division elective units for all other majors. TEXT: Friedman, H. S., & Schustack, M. W. (2006). Personality: Classic theories and modern research (3rd ed.). Boston: Allyn & Bacon. COMPUTER RESOURCES: General computer resources All students will have access to PCs and Macs in campus computer labs. You will have access to word processing, spreadsheet, database, internet e-mail, and internet web browsing from all PCs and Macs. Web Resources There are a vast number of resources available online for personality research and testing. Below are just a few of the many that exist for your exploration: Personality Information and Research: 1 Personality Test Sites: LEARNING OBJECTIVES: The Student will gain a general understanding of: the study and science of personality psychology. many of the various personality theories. the importance of evaluating theories for their strengths and weaknesses. how to apply theory to “real life.” issues surrounding self-concept and identity. gender and cultural issues. correlation and experimental methods. the role of the family in personality development. the role of peers in personality development. Christian perspectives on personality development. VANGUARD UNIVERSITY'S EDUCATIONAL TARGETS & COURSE GOALS: 1. Intellectual Engagement • Students will learn to think critically and evaluate evidence from research conducted in the field of personality psychology. • Students will be exposed to several theoretical models that have been developed for the purpose of understanding human personality development, including cognitive, behavioral, biological, social-cultural, and spiritual perspectives. • Students will choose a personality to explore, and examine it based on three of the perspectives listed above. 2. Spiritual Formation • Students will consider the role that spirituality plays in the development of the healthy personality. • The student will become sensitized to the role of the church and the church community as a source of support for the spiritual development of the healthy individual. • The student will learn about issues of integration of psychology and the Christian faith and will intentionally look at personality psychology "through the eyes of faith." 2 3. Professional Excellence • Students will develop an understanding about personality development and communicate their personal positions through critical reactions to public media-generated sources of related information and to information originating from professional publication. • The student will learn to read and critique primary source material. • Students will write an APA style paper, integrating several theoretical perspectives. 4. Socio-Cultural Responsiveness • Students will learn to appreciate cultural diversity by considering personality psychology principles across gender, ethnicity, and culture. • Students will learn to appreciate cultural diversity through exploration of diverse cultural norms and expectations. • Students will learn to appreciate differences of race, ethnicity, gender, and age within the Biblical vision of inclusiveness and the equal value of all people. 5. Responsible Stewardship • Students will gain an awareness of and an appreciation for the importance of the family system and other meaningful relationships for the healthy development and maintenance of the individual, as well as for the greater good of society. • The student will learn the importance of developing a lifestyle of personal health and well-being by examining the ways in which the various aspects of human nature (cognitive, behavioral, biological, social-cultural, and spiritual) work together to optimize our functioning as healthily integrated individuals. • The importance of personal responsibility for self-development (including spiritual development), and relational interactions, will be emphasized. GENERAL CLASS POLICIES: 1. Attendance – Attendance is very important and will affect participation points earned. 2. Late Assignments – All late assignments will result in a loss of 5% for being handed in one class session late, and a 10% loss for being handed in one week late. Except for extreme circumstances, papers will not be accepted after one week beyond the due date. A student MUST contact the professor BEFORE class to arrange turning in a late assignment. If a student does not complete an assignment on-time without first contacting the professor, then the student will likely receive zero points for that assignment. 3. All papers must be typed. 4. If an assignment is being submitted through email, it is the student’s responsibility to ensure that the email was received. If the student does not receive a reply from the instructor indicating that the assignment was received, it is to be assumed that it was not received, and student must follow-up on turning in the work. 5. IMPORTANT: Work must be ORIGINAL; plagiarism is a very serious offense, will likely lead to failure of assignment, and may even lead to failure of course. If students have any questions about what is or is not plagiarism, they should be sure to consult instructor BEFORE submitting assignment. 3 DESCRIPTION OF ASSIGNMENTS: Theory Application Paper - Choose the personality of anybody you know (person to remain anonymous) and explain its development in terms of two different personality perspectives (choosing from the eight perspectives covered in the text). Please be sure to specify which perspectives (and which theories within each perspective) you are using. In addition, discuss this personality development from a Christian perspective, focusing on faith development and spiritual gifts, where applicable. This paper, then, should consist of three various views of the same personality (including the Christian view). It should be a minimum of 5-7 pages in content, it should contain researched perspectives from the theories you have chosen (you may use printed and internet resources, but you should have a minimum of five references, and at least one reference should be a primary reference – actually written by one of the theorists whom you are discussing), and it should be written in APA format. Please remember that it is worth 25% of your grade, and be sure to allot yourself an adequate amount of time to complete this assignment. A grading rubric for this assignment may be found on page 7 of this syllabus. (250 points) Theorist Book Report – Students are to select a book written by one of the personality theorists discussed in the text (or by another theorist if consent is given by the instructor). The theorist may be one related to a perspective that was researched in the personality paper (above), or one related to a different perspective. After reading the book, students should write a 3 to 5 page report about their experience and impressions of the book. In addition to summarizing the main points (30 pts), be sure to address the following questions: 1) Why did you choose this particular theorist? (10 pts) 2) What interests you about the personality perspective associated with the theorist? (10 pts) 3) What three points in the book were most significant to you? (45 pts) 4) With which aspects of the book did you agree? (10 pts) 5) With which aspects of the book did you disagree? (10 pts) 6) How might you apply this information to your life? (30 pts) There will be a total of seven sections, then, including the book summary and the six questions. Please be sure to include an APA style reference page for the book you choose to read. (5 pts) (150 points total) Online Test and Reaction Paper – For insight and education, students will complete an online personality test of their own choice. Results will be submitted to the professor for participation points only and will be kept completely confidential. Students are also to complete a one page reaction paper telling whether or not they thought the test was accurate and valid and explaining why or why not. (50 points) Reflection Paper - Students are to write a 2-3 page paper answering the questions: 1) Which theory do you think best explains your personality and why? (100 pts) 2) On which aspect of your personality do you think God may be most calling you to work? (50 pts) (150 points total) 4 Attendance and Participation - Attendance will be taken, and points will be assigned according to presence in class and active participation in class discussions. (50 points) Exam #1 – Multiple-choice examination covering chapters one through five. (100 points) Exam #2 – Multiple-choice examination covering chapters six through ten. (100 points) Final Exam – Multiple-choice examination covering entire book (Chapters 1-15). (150 pts.) 5 DESCRIPTION OF EVALUATION: Students in this course will be evaluated by the College’s 4.0 grading system. You should refer to the Student Handbook for further details on the grading system. The following criteria will be used in determining the student’s grade: Assignment Two Exams @ 100pts each Final Exam Points 200 150 Due Date 10/10/06, and 11/9/06 12/12/06 Online Test Analysis 50 10/17/06 Theorist Book Report 150 10/26/06 Theory Application Paper 250 11/21/06 Reflection Paper 150 11/30/06 Attendance/Participation 50 Each class meeting TOTAL POINTS: 1000 GRADE SCALE Points Letter Grade Significance Grade Point Average (GPA) 930—1000 900—929 870—899 830—869 800—829 770—799 730—769 700—729 670—699 630—669 600—629 0—599 A AB+ B BC+ C CD+ D DF Exceptional 4.00 3.67 3.33 3.00 2.67 2.33 2.00 1.67 1.33 1.00 0.67 0.00 Above Average Average Below Average Failure 6 CRITERIA FOR THEORY APPLICATION PAPER PSYC345 – Theories of Personality Writing Presentation Grammar Neatness Clarity WRITING CONTENT Factually Correct Covered all content areas Clarity of content APA Format POSSIBLE POINTS 50 References Source variety APA Format Appropriate Number TOTAL 30 150 20 250 7 POINTS EARNED THEORIES OF PERSONALITY CLASS SCHEDULE – FALL, 2006 DATE 8/31/06 TOPIC Introduction to Class ASSIGNMENT DUE None 9/5/06 What is personality? Chapter 1 9/7/06 Assessment and Study of Personality Chapter 2 9/12/06 Psychoanalytic Aspects Chapter 3 9/14/06 Psychoanalytic Aspects Chapter 3 9/19/06 Psychoanalytic Aspects: Video Chapter 3 9/21/06 Neo-Analytic and Ego Aspects cont. Chapter 4 9/26/06 Neo-Analytic and Ego Aspects cont. Chapter 4 9/28/06 Case Study Analysis Attend Class 10/3/06 Biological Aspects Chapter 5 10/5/06 Biological Aspects Chapter 5 10/10/06 EXAM #1 EXAM #1: Chapters 1-5 10/12/06 Behaviorist and Learning Aspects Chapter 6 10/17/06 Cognitive and Social-Cognitive Aspects Chapter 7 / Online Test DUE 10/19/06 Trait & Skill Aspects Chapter 8 10/24/06 Video - Traits Attend Class 10/26/06 Humanistic and Existential Aspects Ch. 9/ Book Report DUE 10/31/06 Humanistic and Existential Aspects cont Chapter 9 11/2/06 Case Study Analysis Attend Class 11/7/06 Person-Situation Interaction Chapter 10 11/9/06 EXAM #2 EXAM #2: Chapters 6-10 11/14/06 Christian Aspects of Personality Attend Class 11/16/06 Christian Aspects and Class Discussion Attend Class 11/21/06 Video - Gender Theory Application DUE 11/23/06 Thanksgiving HOLIDAY None 11/28/06 Male-Female Differences Chapter 11 11/30/06 Stress, Adjustment, & Health Chapter 12 / Reflection DUE 12/5/06 Cultural and Ethnicity Chapter 13 12/7/06 Final Exam Review Complete Study Guide 12/12/06 FINAL EXAM – 1:00 – 3:00 FINAL EXAM: Cumulative 8 PSYC 345 THEORIES OF PERSONALITY – INFORMATION SHEET NAME: BOX #: PHONE: E-MAIL: MAJOR: CLASS (JR., SR., ETC.): HOBBY: SCHOOL-RELATED FEAR(S): MOST IMPORTANT TRAIT IN PROFESSOR: ANYTHING YOU THINK USEFUL FOR ME TO KNOW: 9