Human Geography: Nature and Scope

Human Geography:
Nature and Scope
There are three popular opinions about Human Geography—Environmental Determinism,
Possibilism and Stop and Go Determinism.
1. The basic motto of geography as a discipline is to understand earth as home to human beings
and to study all those elements which have sustained them.
2. Under physical geography, the physical environment of the earth is studied. Under human
geography, the interrelationship between the physical environment and socio-cultural
environment created by human beings through mutual interaction with each other is studied.
In physical geography, we talk about landforms, temperature, climate, rainfall, soils,
vegetation, flora and fauna, etc. But in human geography, we talk about occupational
structure, density of population, houses types, roads and railways network, airlines and
pipeline network, industries, farms and ports in different parts of the earth.
3. On evaluation, we observe that there is no duality between nature and human as some of
the experts tried to express in dualism because nature and human are inseparable elements.
Therefore, they must be seen in their totality.
4. It is simply not possible to segregate nature and human race because their identity is not
possible without each other. Especially a human being who is associated with nature in a
deep and complex manner, we cannot think of his existence without nature.
5. With the help of technology, man interacts with his environment. To my surprise, I could not
think of a single man-made goods which can be made without using any natural resource.
6. Technology indicates the cultural development of a society. All that we see today have been
produced only after an understanding of natural laws. Understanding of nature is of utmost
importance for developing technology and as technology develops the shackles of natural
disasters and problems loosen their grip.
7.Human being is directly dependent on nature for resources which sustain them. In such
societies the physical environment becomes “the mother nature.”
8.The people begin to understand their environment and the forces of nature with the
passage of time. With social and cultural development, humans develop better and more
efficient technology. They create new possibilities with the environment. Nature provides
opportunities and humans avail of these opportunities. It is called ‘Possibilism’. Such
understanding of nature gives birth to malls in cities, resorts in hills and oceanic routes. It
has made the entire world a small village.
9. Nature gives an opportunity and man sustains it. In this way, gradually humanisation of
nature takes place and imprints of human activities become visible.
10. The concept of Stop and Go determinism is neither purely dependent on environment like
environmental determinism nor purely possibilism. It is a mid way path. The concept says
that there is neither absolute necessity nor absolute freedom. It means that human beings
can capture nature by obeying it.
Human9 Geography: Nature and Scope n 9
11.Earlier there was little interaction between different societies and the knowledge about
each other was limited. Travellers and explorers used to disseminate information about the
areas of their visit. They did not have navigational skills and journeys were full of dangers.
In the late fifteenth century, attempts were made for explorations in Europe through which
myths and mysteries about countries and people started to open up.
12.Human geography is highly inter-disciplinary in nature. It develops close interface with
other sister disciplines in social sciences in order to understand and explain human elements
on the surface of the earth.
Environmental Deterministic Approach states that:
(a) Environment controls human actions and activities. Humans were directly dependent on the
natural environment. The elements of physical environment are landforms, soils, climate, water,
natural vegetation, flora and fauna. The elements of socio-cultural environment are houses,
villages, cities, road-rail networks, industries, farms, ports and items of our daily use which are
created by human beings using the resources provided by the physical environment.
(b) Humans were not free and they adapted according to the nature.
(c) Humans were naturalised. They were afraid of natural forces.
(d) It states that human history, culture, lifestyle, and stages of development are influenced
by the physical environment like climate, soil, relief, etc.
(e) It considers human as passive agents, whose attitude, decision making is influenced by
physical environment.
(f) Example: The life of nomads or tribal people living in mountains or forests.
Possibilism Approach states that:
(a) Humans were free to choose/decide. Nature did not control them.
(b)The nature provided/offered opportunities/possibilities for humans to exploit it for their
(c) It considered humans as active agents rather than a passive one.
(d) The technology, attitude, habits, values of humans which influenced human’s actions not
the nature.
(e) The nature got humanised.
Neodeterminism or stop and go determinism:
Griffith Taylor introduced the concept of Neodeterminism or Stop and Go Determinism. It
states that:
(a) Neither is there a situation of absolute necessity (environmental determinism) nor is there
a condition of absolute freedom (Possibilism).
(b) It states that nature has provided possibilities and scope for development but also put limits
on it.
(c) It means that human beings can conquer nature by obeying it. They can continue in their
pursuit of development when nature permits.
(d)The Neodeterminism conceptually attempts to bring a balance nullifying the ‘either’ ‘or’
1. Choose the right answer from the four alternatives given below.
(i) Which one of the following statements does not describe geography?
(a)An integrative discipline
(b) Study of the inter-relationship between humans and environment
(c)Subjected to dualism
(d)Not relevant in the present time due to the development of technology
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(ii) Which of the following is not a source of geographical information?
(a)Traveller’s accounts
(b)Old maps
(c)Samples of rock materials from the moon
(d)Ancient epics
(iii)Which one of the following is the most important factor in the interaction between
people and environment?
(a)Human intelligence
(b)People’s perception
(d)Human brotherhood
(iv) Which one of the following is not an approach in human geography?
(a)Areal differentiation
(b)Spatial organisation
(c)Quantitative revolution
(d)Exploration and description
Ans.(i)(d) Not relevant in the present time due to the development of technology
(ii)(c) Samples of rock materials from the moon
(iv)(b) Spatial organisation
2. Answer the following questions in about 30 words.
(i) Define human geography.
Ans. Human geography has been defined differently by different geographers. Some of the
definitions are given below:
•According to Ratzel, “Human geography is the synthetic study of relationship
between human societies and earth’s surface”.
•According to Ellen C. Semple, “Human geography is the study of the changing
relationship between the unresting man and the unstable earth”.
•According to Paul Vidal de la Blache, “Conception resulting from a more synthetic
knowledge of the physical laws governing our earth and of the relations between
the living beings which inhabit it”.
(ii) Name some sub-fields of human geography.
Ans. Various fields and sub-fields of human geography are as follows:
(a)Social Geography: Under this, Behavioral Geography, Geography of Social Wellbeing, Geography of Leisure, Cultural Geography, Gender Geography, Historical
Geography and Medical Geography are studied.
(b)Political Geography: Under this, Electoral Geography and Military Geography
(c)Urban Geography: Under this, we study the planning of towns.
(d)Settlement Geography: Under this, we study the planning of towns and villages
(e)Population Geography: Under this, demography is studied.
(f)Economic Geography: Under this, geography of resources, agriculture, tourism,
industries, marketing and international trade, etc. are studied.
(iii) How is human geography related to other social sciences?
Ans.The nature of human geography is quite inter-disciplinary because it studies the
inter-relationship between man and natural environment. Therefore it has deep
relationship with many other social sciences like Sociology, Psychology, Welfare
Economics, Demographic Studies, History, Epidemiology, Anthropology, Urban Studies
and Planning, Political Science, Psephology, Military Science, Demography, Urban
or Rural Planning, Agriculture Sciences, Industrial Economics, Business Studies,
Commerce, Tourism & Travel Management and International Trade.
Human Geography: Nature and Scope n 11
3. Answer the following questions in not more than 150 words.
(i) Explain naturalisation of humans.
Ans. In the primitive age, when technology was not developed, the man was bound to live
in complete harmony with their natural environment. It was so because the level of
technology was very low and the stage of human social development was also primitive.
This type of interaction between primitive human society and strong forces of nature was
called environmental determinism. Nature was a powerful force in these societies and
was worshipped, revered and conserved. Human being was directly dependent on nature
for his survival and called it “mother nature”.
On the basis of attained knowledge, technology and industries, man has been able to develop
cultural landscape. The imprints of human activities are available everywhere. For example,
Health resorts on highlands have been used as recreation places, huge urban sprawls, fields,
orchards and pastures in plains and rolling hills have added to beauty, ports on the coasts,
oceanic routes on the oceanic surface and satellites in the space have enabled man to touch
the heights of the sky. This is how humanisation of nature takes place.
(ii) Write a note on the scope of human geography.
Ans. Human geography is one of the important branches of geography. In reality, the core
concern of geography is to understand the earth as home of human beings and to
study all those elements which have sustained them. Therefore, human geography
attempts to explain the relationship between all elements of human life and the space
in which they happen. Human geography develops a close interface with other sister
disciplines in social sciences in order to understand and explain human elements on
the surface of the earth. With the expansion of knowledge many new fields emerge
and submerge and it has also happened to human geography.
Some of the social sciences closely connected with human geography are: Sociology,
Psychology, Welfare Economics, Demographic Studies, History, Epidemiology,
Anthropology, Urban Studies and Planning, Political Science, Psephology, Military
Science, Demography, Urban or Rural Planning, Agriculture Sciences, Industrial
Economics, Business Studies, Commerce, Tourism & Travel Management and
International Trade are such disciplines which study human activities and behavior.
This is how the realm of human geography is expanding continuously.
1. Which of the following is not a subject matter of Human Geography?
(a) Urban Geography
(b) Political Geography
(c) Economic Geography
(d) Physical Geography
2. Which of the following is not studied under Economic Geography?
(a) Historical Geography
(b) Geography of Resources
(c) Geography of Agriculture
(d) Geography of Industries
3. With which branch of Human Geography is Electoral Geography associated?
(a) Social Geography
(b) Population Geography
(c) Political Geography
(d) Urban Geography
4. Which of the following is not associated with Social Geography?
(a) Behavioural Geography
(b) Geography of Tourism
(c) Cultural Geography
(d) Medical Geography
5. Which of the following concept is associated with Griffith Taylor?
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6. Ratzel was a propagator of __________ philosophy.
(c) Stop and Go Determinism
7. Paul Vidal de la Blache is associated with __________.
8. Ellen C. Semple is associated with __________.
(b) Stop and Go Determinism
9. After understanding which laws of nature has human developed technology?
(a) Concept of Friction and Heat
(b) Secrets of DNA and Genetics
(c) Laws of Aerodynamics (d) All of the above
10. Which of the following has not been used by Kari?
(a) Computer Network (b)Orchid
Ans. 1.(d) Physical Geography
2. (a) Historical Geography
3.(c) Political Geography
4. (b) Geography of Tourism
6. (a)Determinism
8. (d)Determinism
9.(d) All of the above
10. (c)Kuchla
Q1. What is the core concern of studying geography?
Ans.The core concern of studying geography as a discipline is to understand the earth as a
home of human beings and to study all those elements which have sustained them.
Q2.Is there a valid dichotomy between the nature and human?
Ans. Through deep observation it is found that there is no valid dichotomy between human and
nature because human and nature are inseparable elements. and therefore they must be
seen in totality.
Q3. Can we separate human and nature?
Ans.Human and nature are inseparable elements and can’t be separated. Hence, they must
be seen in totality.
Q4.Name the geographers who advocated ‘Environmental Determinism.’
Ans. German expert Ratzel and his student Ellen Churchill Semple advocated ‘Environmental
Q5. Who was the founder of Possibilism?
Ans.French expert Lucian Febre and Paul Vidal de la Blache are considered as founders of
Q6. Who was Griffith Taylor?
Ans. Griffith Taylor was the founder of Neodeterminism and Stop and Go Determinism.
Q7. How does human interact with his physical environment?
Ans.Human being interacts with his physical environment through his attained knowledge
and technology.
Q8. What does technology indicate?
Ans. Technology indicates the level of cultural development of society.
Q9.How has development in technology helped the man?
Ans. With the development of technology the shackles of environment on human beings have
loosened and his level of freedom has increased.
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Q10. Physical environment has taken form of “Mother nature”. What does it mean?
Ans.There are still such societies in the world where there is direct dependence of human
beings on nature for resources and nature is taken as a powerful force, it is worshipped,
revered and conserved.
Q11. Who gives birth to possibilities?
Ans. Nature and natural resources provide opportunities. It gives birth to possibilities.
Q12. How have the people living in Trondheim and other similar places overcome nature?
Ans. The people living in Trondheim and other similar places have overcome nature through
Q13. What are different fields of Human Geography?
Ans. Fields under Human Geography include: Social Geography, Urban Geography, Political
Geography, Population Geography, Settlement Geography and Economic Geography.
Q14. What are the sub-fields of Economic Geography?
Ans. Sub-fields of Economic Geography are: Geography of Resources, Geography of Agriculture,
Geography of Tourism, Geography of Industries, Geography of Marketing and Geography
of International Trade.
Q15. What are the sub-fields of Social Geography?
Ans.Sub-fields of Social Geography are: Behavioural Geography, Geography of Social
Well-being, Geography of Leisure, Cultural Geography, Gender Geography, Historical
Geography and Medical Geography.
Q16. Define Geography in the words of Fredrick Ratzel.
Ans. According to Fredrick Ratzel, “Human geography is the synthetic study of relationship
between human societies and earth’s surface”.
Q17. Define Geography in the words of Ellen Churchill Semple.
Ans. According to Ellen C. Semple, “Human geography is the study of the changing relationship
between the unresting man and the unstable earth”.
Q18. How did Paul Vidal de la Blache define Geography?
Ans. According to Paul Vidal de la Blache, “Conception resulting from more synthetic knowledge
of the physical laws governing our earth and of the relations between the living beings
which inhabit it”.
Q19. Define the important concept of Neodeterminism according to Griffith Taylor.
Ans. The concept shows that neither is there a situation of absolute necessity (Environmental
Determinism) nor is there a condition of absolute freedom (Possibilism). It means that
human beings can conquer nature by obeying it. They have to respond to the red signals
and can proceed in their pursuits of development when nature permits the modifications.
It implies that possibilities can be created within such limits which does not damage the
environment and there is no free run without accidents.
Q20. What do you mean by Behavioural School of Thought?
Ans. Behavioural School of Thought laid great emphasis on lived experience and the perception
of space by social categories based on ethnicity, race and region, etc.
Q1.What do you mean by ‘Dualism in Geography’?
Ans. The teaching and learning of Geography has been a matter of debate amongst geographers.
Some examples are:
(a)Whether geographical phenomena be theoretically interpreted or through historic
institutional approach;
(b)Whether subject matter be organised and approach to study and teach geography
should be regional or systematic;
(c) Whether geography as a discipline should be a law making/theorising or descriptive?
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Q2. State some examples of metaphors used to describe the physical and human phenomena.
Ans. Some examples of metaphors used to describe the physical and human phenomena are
as follows:
(i) ‘Face’ of the earth.
(ii) ‘Eye’ of the storm.
(iii) Regions, villages, towns have, etc. been described as ‘organisms’.
(iv) Networks of roads, railways and waterways are described as “arteries of circulation”.
(v) ‘Mouth’ of the river.
(vi) ‘Snout’ (nose) of the glacier.
(vii) ‘Neck’ of the isthmus.
(viii) ‘Profile’ of the soil.
Q3.Make a list of elements that human beings have created through their activities on the
stage provided by physical environment.
Ans.Man creates many elements through his activities on the stage provided by physical
environment with the help of technology. Houses, villages, cities, farms, ports, items of
our daily use and all others So elements of material culture have been created by man
using the resources provided by physical environment.
Q4.Technology indicates cultural development of a society. Explain.
Ans. Human interacts with his physical environment with the help of technology. It is certainly
important what goods and services man produces but more important is using which
technology he produces these goods and services.
It is also to be noted that man has been able to utilise this technology only after
understanding various laws of nature. For example; understanding of laws of friction
gave birth to many inventions. Similarly after understanding secrets of DNA and laws
of genetics man has overcome many diseases and aeroplanes could be invented only after
understanding laws of aerodynamics.
Q5. How do human activities help to create cultural landscape?
Ans.On the basis of attained knowledge, technology and industries, man has been able to
develop cultural landscape. The imprints of human activities are available everywhere.
For example; health resorts on highlands have been used as recreation places, huge urban
sprawls, fields, orchards and pastures in plains and rolling hills have added to beauty,
ports on the coasts, oceanic routes on the oceanic surface and satellites in the space have
enabled man to touch the heights of the sky. This was coined the term ‘Possibilism.’.
Q6. What is the concept of Neodeterminism or Stop and Go Determinism given by the
geographer Griffith Taylor?
Ans. Geographer, Griffith Taylor, introduced a new concept which was a middle path between
the two ideas of Environmental Determinism and Possibilism. He called it Neo-determinism
or Stop and Go Determinism. According to this concept, neither is there a situation of
absolute necessity (Environmental Determinism) nor is there a condition of absolute
freedom (Possibilism). It means that human beings can conquer nature by obeying it. Those
red signals where nature allows changes or modifications without damage, development
should be done but those points should not be touched which will damage the nature as
we did with ozone layer. In a nutshell, neodeterminism is in favour of bringing a balance
nullifying the either or dichotomy.
Q7.“There is no free run without accidents.” Explain.
Ans. In this statement, the thought of Possibilism in which man was taken as free, uncontrolled
and master of unlimited powers has been criticised because as a consequence of free run of
developed economies many problems are being faced today like green house effect, ozone
layer depletion, global warming, receding glaciers, degrading lands, problem of pollution
and incurable diseases.
Human Geography: Nature and Scope n 15
Neodeterminism has conceptually tried to bring a balance between supremacy of nature
and Possibilism. It brings a balance between the Environmental Determinism and
Possibilism nullifying either or dichotomy.
Q8. When and how did Human Geography begin? Explain.
Ans.Human Geography may be said to have originated since man has started interacting
with his environment. It has its roots deep in history. Therefore, the concerns of human
geography have a long temporal continuum though approaches to articulate them have
changed over time. This dynamism and changes in articulation are indicator of vibrant
nature of the discipline.
In the beginning, the interaction between various societies was negligible. Therefore
knowledge about each other was also limited. Travellers and explorers used to gather
information before a journey and navigational skills were underdeveloped. In late 15th
century, Europe witnessed attempts of explorations and the myths and mysteries about
countries and people started to open up.
In the colonial period, these attempts increased with an objective of getting access to
resources and to obtain inventorised information. Through all this we get to know the
sequential information about the development of human geography and to understand
that the development of this discipline has been a steady process.
Q9. Describe the fields and sub fields of Human Geography.
Ans. Human Geography has a highly inter-disciplinary nature. Therefore, in order to organise
the study of human geography, it has been divided into various fields and sub-fields.
(a) Social Geography: Under this, Behavioural Geography, Geography of Social Wellbeing, Geography of Leisure, Cultural Geography, Gender Geography, Historical
Geography and Medical Geography are studied.
(b) Political Geograhy: Under this, Electoral Geography and Military Geography are
(c) Urban Geography: Under this, we study the planning of tours.
(d) Settlement Geography: Under this, we study the planning of towns and villages both.
(e) Population Geography: Under this, demography is studied.
(f )Economic Geography: Under this, Geography of Resources, Geography of
Agriculture, Geography of Tourism, Geography of Industries, Geography of Marketing
and Geography of International Trade are studied.
Q10. Explain those branches of social sciences in which centre of study are human.
Ans.Development of various social sciences could have been possible as a result of human
interaction. In these disciplines, the centre of study is human, his activities and behaviour
only. For example; Sociology, Psychology, Welfare Economics, Demographic Studies,
History, Epidemiology, Anthropology, Urban Studies And Planning, Political Science,
Psephology, Military Science, Demography, Urban or Rural Planning, Agriculture Sciences,
Industrial Economics, Business Studies, Commerce, Tourism & Travel Management and
International Trade are such disciplines which study human activities and behaviour.
Q11. Differentiate between:
(a) Physical environment and Cultural environment
(b) Determinism and Possibilism
(c) Regional Geography and Systematic Geography
(d) Humanistic or Welfare School of Thought and Behavioural School of Thought
(e) Nomothetic and Ideographic
Ans.(a)Physical Environment: Physical environment includes all those elements which
nature has made available as free gifts for human development. For example, land
forms, soils, climate, water, natural flora and fauna, etc.
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Cultural Environment: It includes all those physical-cultural elements which have
been developed by man through his gained knowledge and technology. For example,
houses, villages, towns, network of roads and railways, modes of transportation,
industrial units, fields, hospitals, sports complex, means of entertainment, markets,
ports and goods of daily and special use.
(b) Determinism: According to this thought, man is a slave of nature. There is direct
dependence of human beings on nature for resources and nature is taken as a powerful
force, it is worshipped, revered and conserved. If man does not follow the dictates of nature,
he has to bear with the aftermaths. Kont, Humbolt, Ritter and German expert Ratzel
and his student Ellen Churchill Semple advocated the philosophy of ‘Determinism.’
Possibilism: French geographers denied to accept determinism and considered man
as master of his destiny. They claimed that man has the ability to change the nature
completely with his will power. It means that everything is possible for man and it
is called Possibilism. French expert Lucian Febre and Paul Vidal de la Blache are
considered as founder of Possibilism.
(c)Regional Geography: Under this all the geographical elements of a region are
studied as one unit. And one region is considered a different unit from another
region or differentiated from another region only on the basis of these geographical
differences. We need to understand this regional difference in geographical context.
Systematic Geography: Under this special geographical elements of a regional
unit are studied and which are generally based on political units. Therefore, it is the
individual study of a special geographical feature of a region.
(d) Welfare School of Thought: Welfare School of Thought was mainly concerned with
the different aspects of social well-being of the people. These included aspects such
as housing, health and education. Geographers have developed welfare as a base to
study geography. This thought was the result of rapid changes that happened after
Second World War because this war gave birth to many human problems, therefore
to solve these problems, welfare or humanistic thought has developed.
Behavioural School of Thought: In 1950-60, on the basis of psychological researches
through qualitative and other methods many humanitarian aspects like human
race, caste and religion Behavioural School of thought laid great emphasis on lived
experience and the perception of space by social categories based on ethnicity, race
and region, etc.
(e)Nomothetic: Under this, the subject matter of geography is studied as per fixed
principles. Before study, aims and objectives are determined then its laws are fixed.
Attaining goals on the basis of these laws is the objective of a geographer.
Ideography: Under this, the description of geographical elements is prepared and
under this a geographer tries to understand which of the natural and geographical
factors have affected interaction of human activities and to what extent.
Q12. “There is mutual interactions between the elements of Physical Geography and Human
Geography.” Substantiate the statement with proper examples.
(Delhi 2014)
Ans.Human being is directly dependent on nature for resources which sustain them. In the
beginning physical environment had taken form of ‘mother nature.’ Such societies are
existant even today but over time people begin to understand their environment and the
forces of nature. They develop better technology for their socio-cultural development. They
move from a state of necessity to a state of freedom. They create possibilities with the
resources obtained from environment. The human activities create cultural landscape.
For example, health resorts on highlands have been used as recreation places, huge urban
sprawls, fields, orchards and pastures in plains and rolling hills have added to beauty,
ports on the coasts, oceanic routes on the oceanic surface and satellites in the space has
Human Geography: Nature and Scope n 17
enabled men to touch the heights of the sky. Hence, there is a mutual interaction between
the elements of Physical Geography and Human Geography.
Q13. How does humanisation of nature occur? Explain with examples.
(All India 2014)
Ans. Man learns the laws of nature on the basis of his knowledge and efficiency. On the basis
of this understanding, he develops technology. He interacts with his physical environment
with the help of this technology. For example; Understanding of laws of friction gave birth
to many inventions. Similarly after understanding secrets of DNA and laws of genetics man
has overcome many diseases and aeroplanes could be invented only after understanding
laws of aerodynamics.
Q1.Which examples have been described in the context of “Humanisation of Nature” and
“Naturalisation of Humans”?
Ans. Naturalisation of Humans: In context of naturalisation of humans the following example
has been taken: There was a man called Benda who lived in the wilds of the Abujh Maad
area of central India. His village consisted of three huts deep in the wilds. Not even birds
or stray dogs that usually crowded villages could be seen in these areas. Wearing a small
loin cloth and armed with his axe he slowly surveyed the penda where his tribe practiced a
primitive form of agriculture called shifting cultivation. Benda and his friends burnt small
patches of forest to clear them for cultivation . The ash was used for making the soil fertile.
Benda used to feel lucky to be born in such beautiful natural surroundings. When he used to
take palmful of water, he remembered to thank Loi-Lugi, the spirit of the forest for allowing
him to quench his thirst. He chewed on succulent leaves and roots. The boys used to collect
Gajjhara and Kuchla, from the forest. These are special plants that Benda and his people
used. He hoped the spirit of the forest would be kind and lead him to these herbs. These
are needed to barter in the Madhai or tribal fair coming up the next full moon. He closed
his eyes and tried hard to recall what the elders had taught him about these herbs and the
places they were found in. He wished he had listened more carefully. Suddenly there was a
rustling of leaves. Benda and his friends knew it is the outsiders who had come searching
for them in the wilds. In a single fluid motion Benda and his friends disappeared behind
the thick canopy of trees and became one with the spirit of the forest.
Humanisation of Nature: In this context the following example has been takens. Winters
in the town of Trondheim meant fierce winds and heavy snow. The skies were dark for
months. Kari used to drive to work in the dark at 8 am. She had special tyres for the winter
and kept the headlights of her powerful car switched on. Her office was artificially heated
at a comfortable 23 degrees Celsius. The campus of the university she worked in was built
under a huge glass dome. This dome kept the snow out in winter and let in the sunshine in
the summer. The temperature was controlled carefully and there was adequate lighting.
Even though fresh vegetables and plants didn’t grow in such a harsh weather, Kari kept
an orchid on her desk and enjoyed eating tropical fruits like banana and kiwi. These were
flown in from warmer areas regularly. With a click of the mouse, Kari could network with
colleagues in New Delhi. She frequently took a morning flight to London and returned in
the evening in time to watch her favourite television serial. Though Kari was fifty-eight
years old, she looked fitter and younger than many thirty years-old people.
Q2.Describe the fields and sub-fields of Geography and its inter-relationship with other fields.
Ans.Nature of Human Geography is inter-disciplinary. In order to understand and describe
the human elements found on the earth, human geography has established strong bond
with other social sciences and their helping subjects. With the expansion of knowledge,
new subjects keep on developing. These are studied with humanistic approach but because
they are not free from geographical and environmental effects, they become subject matter
of human geography.
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Fields under Human Geography include: Social Geography, Urban Geography, Political
Geography, Population Geography, Settlement Geography and Economic Geography.
Sub-fields of Social Geography are: Behavioural Geography, Geography of Social
Well-being, Geography of Leisure, Cultural Geography, Gender Geography, Historical
Geography and Medical Geography.
Sub-fields of Political Geography are Electoral Geography and Military Geography.
Sub-fields of Economic Geography are: Geography of Resources, Geography of Agriculture,
Geography of Tourism, Geography of Industries, Geography of Marketing and Geography
of International Trade.
Other than this, Sociology, Psychology, Welfare Economics, Demographic Studies, History,
Epidemiology, Anthropology, Urban Studies and Planning, Political Science, Psephology,
Military Science, Demography, Urban or Rural Planning, Agricultural Sciences,
Industrial Economics, Business Studies, Commerce, Tourism & Travel Management and
International Trade are such disciplines which study human activities and behavior. As
the scope of these disciplines is expanding, it is also leading to increase in the scope of
Human Geography.
Q3. How did man develop and expand proper technology?
Ans. Human beings were able to develop proper technology using his knowledge and intelligence.
It has taken man a long time to reach at the present level of technology. In primitive age
when the level of technology was very low man was bound to follow the dictates of nature.
In those times man was a slave of nature, scared of its powerful force and used to worship
nature to make it happy. In these conditions the state of cultural development was also
primitive. However, the process was gradual but man developed technology and it is also
to be noted that man has been able to utilise this technology only after understanding the
various laws of nature. For example; understanding of laws of friction gave birth to many
inventions. Similarly after understanding secrets of DNA and laws of genetics, man has
overcome many diseases and aeroplanes could be invented only after understanding the
laws of aerodynamics.
Today the level of technology is touching the heights of sky through which man seems to
get free from the natural forces. Earthquake, cyclones, landslides, volcanoes and other
natural disasters keep reminding man that he is still a slave to nature.
It implies that man can’t be completely free from natural forces but with the development
of technology man has become free from nature and this freedom can be expanded further.
Man needs to follow Stop and Go approach. It means possibilities can be created within the
limits which do not damage the environment and there is no free run without accidents.
Q4.Explain important definitions and concepts of Human Geography.
Ans. Human Geography has been defined differently by different geographers. According to
Ratzel, “Human Geography is the synthetic study of relationship between human societies
and earth’s surface”. He stressed on synthesis. In the words of Ellen C. Semple, “Human
Geography is the study of the changing relationship between the unresting man and the
unstable earth”. In this definition emphasis is on dynamism. According to Paul Vidal
de la Blache, “Conception resulting from more synthetic knowledge of the physical laws
governing our earth and of the relations between the living beings which inhabit it”.
There are three concepts in Human Geography—Environmental Determinism, Possibilism
and Stop and Go Determinism or Neodeterminism. Environment controls human actions
and activities. Humans were directly dependent on the natural environment. The elements
of physical environment are landforms, soils, climate, water, natural vegetation and flora
and fauna. The elements of socio-cultural environment are houses, villages, cities, road-rail
networks, industries, farms, ports and items of our daily use which are created by human
beings using the resources provided by the physical environment. Humans were not free
Human Geography: Nature and Scope n 19
and they adapted according to the nature. Humans were naturalised. They were afraid of
natural forces. It states that human history, culture, lifestyle, and stages of development
are influenced by the physical environment like climate, soil, relief, etc. It considers human
as passive agents, whose attitude, decision making is influenced by physical environment.
Example; The life of nomads or tribal people living in mountains or forests.
Possibility approach states that humans were free to choose/decide. Nature did not control
him. The nature provided/offered opportunities/possibilities for humans to exploit it for
their benefits. It considered humans as active agents rather than a passive one. It’s the
technology, attitude, habits, values of humans which influenced its action not the nature.
The nature got humanised.
Griffith Taylor introduced the concept of Neodeterminism or Stop and Go Determinism. It
states that neither is there a situation of absolute necessity (Environmental Determinism)
nor is there a condition of absolute freedom (Possibilism). It states that nature has
provided possibilities and scope for development but also put limits on it. It means that
human beings can conquer nature by obeying it. They can continue in their pursuit of
development when nature permits. The Neodeterminism conceptually attempts to bring
a balance nullifying the ‘either’ ‘or’ dichotomy.
Q1. Geography is an integrated discipline. How?
Ans.Geography is a discipline of synthesis. It includes spatial and temporal synthesis.
Its approach is holistic in nature. It recognises the fact that the world is a system of
interdependence. The present world is a global village. The efficient transport and
communication helped the world to become unified village. The audio visual media
helped the data to be enriched. Technology provided better chances of monitoring natural
phenomena as well as the economic and social parameters.
Q2. Geographers play an important role for a country. How?
Ans. Geographers are important for any country because:
(a)They study the variations and association of the features on the earth surface e.g.,
cropping pattern differs from place to place and it is due to difference in the climate,
soil, demand, transport facility, capacity of the farmer.
(b) A geographer also studies the cause and effect relationships.
(c)The interaction between man and nature is highly dynamic and not static. So it is
also called as the study of the relation between unstable earth and untrusting man.
(d) He helps to predict climate.
(e) He helps in handling natural calamities.
Q3. Geography is a blend of social sciences and physical sciences. Do you agree? Justify.
Ans. Yes, I agree.
The basic aim of Science and Social Science is to understand the reality of the nature.
History helps in knowing the man-made activities; Physics helps to calculate the effect
of climate on man. Economics helps to understand the effect of human activities on the
development of the country. The geographical factors modified the course of history. The
change in the climate has influence on the occupation. All branches of Physical Geography
have close relation with Natural Sciences. Biogeography has close link with Zoology and
Botany. Mathematics and Arts have also contributed to the development of Geography to
measure the area and dimensions of the earth. Cartography and projections are based on
mathematics. History of geographical thought is the mother of all branches of Geography.
Sociology, Political Science, Economics provide the aspects of social reality. Population
geography has close link with demography.
20n Geography–XII
Q4. Differentiate between systematic approach and regional approach.
Systematic Approach
Regional Approach
Systematic approach was introduced Regional approach was developed
by Alexander Von Humboldt, a by another German geographer and
German geographer.
a contemporary of Humboldt, Karl
Methodology In Systematic approach, a phenomenon In Regional approach, the world
is studied world over as a whole, and is divided into regions at different
then the identification of typologies hierarchical levels and then all
or spatial patterns is done.
the geographical phenomena in a
particular region are studied. These
regions may be natural, political or
designated region.
For example, if one is interested in For example, if one is interested
studying natural vegetation, the in studying natural vegetation,
study will be done at the world level the study will be done for different
as a first step. The typologies such as region like equator, monsoon, desert
equatorial rain forests or softwood and Tundra.
conical forests or monsoon forests,
etc. will be identified, discussed and
Q5. Mention three characteristics of Neo-Determinism.
Ans. Introduced by Griffith Taylor.
(i) Reflects the middle path between the ideas of environmental determinism and possibilism.
(ii) Emphasises on solving the problems without damaging the environment.
(iii) It believes in the concept of Stop and Go Determinism.
Time Allowed: 1 hr
Max Marks: 25
I. Answer the following questions in 30 words:
(1 × 5 = 5)
1. What is the main objective of Geography?
2. How could man develop technology?
3. Who was the founder of Possibilism?
4. Which factor is considered most important by determinism?
5. Who was Griffith Taylor?
II. Answer the following questions in 60 words:
(2 × 5 = 10)
1.Make a list of elements that human beings have created through their activities on
the stage provided the physical environment.
2. How does technology indicate cultural development of a society?
3. “There is no free run without accidents.” Explain.
4. Distinguish between Regional Geography and Systematic Geography.
5. Give meaning of Welfare School of Thought and Humanistic School of Thought.
III. Answer the following questions in 150 words:
(5 × 2 = 10)
1. Explain the fields and the sub-fields of Human Geography and its inter-relationship
with other social sciences.
2. What do you mean by Neodeterminism? To what extent do you agree with this school
of thought?
Human Geography: Nature and Scope n 21