January 6 - The Daily Iowan

The final examination schedule
w~s released Tuesday by the reg- Tuesday,
istJ{ar's office for t~t week which Students are not required to
will be held FrIday, Jan. 29 take more than three examinations
throUgh Friday, Feb. 5.
in anyone day. If an undergraduRegular classes will , be subsU- ate student has two examinations
tuted by the examinations starting scheduled tor tbe same period, or
at S a.m. Friday until 5 p.m. tbe has more than three tests on the
Sollowing Friday, Feb. 5.
s?me day. a request should be
fIled at the registrar's office beExam na Ions In courses where Core 4 pm Thursday Jan 21
~tlons a~ to be combined for the
. ., .
test are ILsted by department and Following IS the schedule of excourSQ numb?r. In all ~ther amlnatlons for ~e coll.eltes of
courses examma~lons are listed c.ommerce, education, eqglneering,
accoJ'dlng to the time of their first liberal arts and the graduate col~eekly meeting on Monday or lege:
FrIda" Ian. %9
8 a.m.: All sections M & H 59:43;
Zool. 37:1; Soc. 34:2,3; H. Be. 17:2;
French 9:101,27; Com. 6G:8.
10 a.m.: Classes which meet
ti t n Tues 8'30' all ecfons
P~. S~I., 30:3." . , . S I
. .
1 p.m .. All sections G. E. 56.2,
Span. 35:2.1; French, 9:7,5,3,2,1 :
Com. 6M:135,131.
3 p.m.: Classes which meet first
Monday, 8:30.
7 p.m.: Classes which meet first
on Tues., 7:30 all sections Skills
Sa*urdar, le. 30
8 a.m.: All sections Span. 35:103,
101,28,27; Phys. 29:1 ; Germ. 13:2,1; Com. 6L:151; Com. 60:5.
10 a.m.: Classes which meet
first Tues., 9:30; All sections Core
Ll:15; Com. 61'.1':164.
Monda" Feb. 1
8 a.m.: All sections M & H 59:42; PEW 28:83; Germ. 13:3.
10 a.m.: Classes which meet first
Tues., at 10:30.
1 p.m.: All section M & H 59:40;
Psych. 31 :111; Math 22:24,6,5,4,3;
Com. 6A:l!)l; Ch. WeI. 5:101.
p,in,: Classes whleh meet first
ott Mon., 10:30.
7 p.m.: Classes which meet first
Mon., 7:30; All secUons Eng!. 8:18,
17; Com. BE:4.
Tueldar, Feb. !
~ a.m.: ~l ~ct1ons M ~ E.58:21;
P~ll~. 26.101,. Jou.rn. 19.15, .Dlgl.
8.15, Com. 00.119. Com. 6E.3.
10 a.m.: Olasses which meet
first Tues., 11 :30; All sections
Com. 6A:I03.
1 p.m.: All sections Pol. Sci.
30:2,1; Core 11:12; Com. 6L:155.
3 p.m.: Classes which meet first
Mon., 11:30.
7 p.m.: Classes whic.h meet first Core 11:2; Com. 6G:1l7.
Mon., 9:30.
\ 10 a.m.: Classes which meet
Wednesday, Felt. 3
first TUes., 2:10.
8 a.m.: AU sections Speech 36:- 1 p.m.: All sections M & H 59:11; Jo~rn .. 19:101; ~. Ec. 17:23; 41; Soc'. 34:131; H. Ec. 17:3,1;
Ene!. 8.10J, Com. 6G.1I7:
10 a.m .: ~Iasses which meet 3 p.m:: Classes which meet first
first Tue:-.' 1.10.
. . Mon., 2 . : 0 . .
1 p.m .. All sectiOns Soc. 34 .1, 7 p.m .. All sediOll5 Span. 35.3,
Joum. 19119; Com. 6M:133.
Core 1l:37; Com. 6G:1S5.
3 p.m.: Classes which meet first
Frlay, Feb. 5
Mon., 1:10.
8 a.m.: All sections PEM 27:21;
7 p.m.: All sections PEM 27:6,5; Core 11:1; Com. 6M:l~«; Com.
Core 11:3; Com. 6G:124.
Tlwnclay, Feb. 4
10 a.m.: Classes which meet
8 a.m.: All sections Hyg. 63:101; Urst Tues., 3:10.
1 p.m.: All sections Skllls 10:35
32,31; Skllls 10:22,21; Com. SA:7.
3 p.m.: Classes which meet first
Mon., 3:10.
.wh~n two coW'ses are In contlict m dUferent departments, the
higher number of tile d~partment
bas precedence. It contlict occurs
with courses in the same department, the higher course number
has precedence.
Reptration for the second
semester will be conducted Monday and Tuesday, Feb. 8 and 9
with opening classes held Wed
nesday, Feb. to.
University of Iowa
Campus and
Iowa City
'hralnI' coIU.. wUII Increue4 elou.u- ~­
DlI'h'- N" 10 cold 'ft.anday. IIJI'h Today, 12: lOW,
20. mch ~y, n;
lew, U. '
Iowa City, Iowa, Wednesday, Jan. 6, 1954
De'macr,als' ~riefed
On ' Ike s ' Program
Members Discuss New WSUI Series
g~esslonal leaders a preview of about half the time."
hIS foreign and defensive pro- But nobody would say imm~l­
grams Tuesday in a bid lor two- a~y whether the Pcmocrats
?arty backing on thes~ key iss~ brought up the adminbtratlon's
.: . '
. .'
" ·u ~ S Jrea sur'r: .
. .
Korean Peace Talks
Resumpfl"on . Pushed
curity, budget balancing, larm
and labor que~t.1ollS, Ha'WlIl'ian Through Infermed"lary
statehood. and a proposal to limit
The Dern<>crats got nctr lOok dt
presidential plans lor handUn
. potentiaJlY
tic problems
as expl'lsive
taxes, social'
FOUR SUI FACULTY l\IEMBERS are shown dlscussiD,. plans for a new WSUJ radio series. Seated
Is Prof. Wayne .Valley and othen (left to rlrht) are PM/f. Frank Coburn, Pror. Boyd McCandless aDd
~r. Harold Saunders. All have been named conaulknts In thll WSUf $5.000 award WinnJnr aeries
lep*,&le!\ 'lIow 8 the Family"" Th~ rrant was one 1)( th~ larres' qf e!rht .uca awuds liven to eol~~It . alld ~versjties thro~h9P~ the Unl~d. ~ta'e~. I
. . ' "
/D.II, T.....u Pilot" by 00.1.
"1 .'it
. i.
treaty making powers.
In a congress with almost even
voting power betwften the two
major parties, Eisenhower is &"0Ing to need some Democratic:
help on those programs, too.
Elsenho,,:"er w~U ouUfne his pro-
rJ .( , ... . '.
' •• '
'·f. .
.. "
.'· WASHINGTON . (JP)~PJ'esidcnt
". . , . ~.
. .
".. . .
tiilenhower has IIlvlted four mem- the propose~ new look. .mllit~ry Four SUI c~nsultants have been
bNS of the senate and house ap- pr~g:aln With t?p . ad.mlO1stratJon naPl~ to assl~t station WSUI in
propriations cOlllmittees to sit ?ffiCl~.ls before, It IS mcorporated a serl~s of radiO programs on the
d '
In Elsenhower s. Jan. 21 budget AmerIcan family. Those named
~wn. With admmlstratlOn offl- message.
were Prof. Ft:ank Coburn, of psy\a').~ , in 1111 ~np::ced~~ted 7,0~e t~ They will si/. down, possibly late chiatry; Prof. Boyd McCandless.
s ape a re uc
ml I. ary . u g~. this week 01' early next week, with director of the Child Welfare . Re,For ;perhaps ,the Ill'st time m Budget Director Joseph M. Dodge. search station; Prof. Harold Saunhiltory, th~ chaIrmen of th? two Secretary of Defense Chllrles E. ders, chairman of the department
fUll t:ommltt~es and the chalrm.en Wilson, Deputy secretary Roger o! sociology, and Prof. Wayne
of subcomn:uttees concc:ned WIth M. Kyes and Adm. Arthur Rad- Vasey, director 01 the school of
~r"c:d .~ervice~ funds :-"111 have a ford, chairman of the jOint chiefs soaial work.
, nd 10, helpmg decIde. on the of staff.
Station WSUI was awarded a
~~ent s drec~mmendahons be- Bridges and Taber, who head $5,000 grant from the .fund for
G~ • e s~n stem to ~ongress. the senate and house appropri- adult education by the National
, ~enators Styles Bridges (R- ations committees, both are on Association of Educational BroadNlU.},}nd Homer F~rg.uson (R- record .lor balancing the so-called casters. Other recipients of radio
~~h.). a~d Repr~sent~tlves Joh~ "ca~h". budget in the ~iscal yellr grants ~clude the Unlversity of
~~r: (R ~.y.) an(i R!chard Wig be~nmng' next July 1.
Chicago, Iowa State college, Unl«i1c::O{\h (R-Mass.) have been This would .mean that spending versity of Massachusetts, Michigan
8J " b~ the Pre,sident to go over would .be brought. into Une with State college, Alabama college,
the treasury's c~sh income-in- University of North Ca~o1in~, and
eluding about $3 billion coUected George Washington unIversity of
for various trust funds and Mt Washington, D.C. .
listed as revenue on its · book- Work on the 13 program series
keeping budget. The latter budget began this week . The series, en-
.' ' 'I -
·.Ota Moon Echpse
. '
f o Occur - Jan. 18
;A -total
of 18,
the Prof.
wy'lje of ',the SUI Ilstronomy deb~f~went aaid Tuesday.
'I(ii~ 1!(1Ipse ! will begin at 6:50
p.I\l',fahq ~m be tQtal at 8:17 p.m.
J\( i:32 p,m, it wAI} be in the middie qt totalitY. and at 8:47 p.m. the
\Ptallt.y. will end. By .,10:14 p.m.,
!moon will again be bright,
~ ,
_.:kid. ,
I ' "
' I."
.World News Briefs
.:~• A·CoftcJensation Qf
stm would be three billion in the
The President's move in invlt_
ing the tour members of congress
to sit in on the final pha~es of
shaping the defense .bucIut is r~garded in some quarters/as <tlT)ove
to bolster bls own reported position that substantial cuts. are' pos_
sible while increasing Amerioan
combat striking power.
late Developments
"How's b)"
the WSUI
be prodUCi!d
director Leo Eitzen.
James Wehr, A3, Davenport, assistant program director of WSUI,
will direct the broadcasts and
Fred Sederhelm, . director ot the
SUI school ot tbe air, 'Will write
the scripts. Actors and musicians
trom the university and surrounding areas will be selected for the
radio productions.
t"--"-~ -
later mcssagC$ on specific parts ploratory .move to .fmd a formula
of the program.
for resummg the talks.
Republlcana BrJefed
"From where I sit ~ can't say
when. 11. ~ght be pOSSible to reRepub.lic~n congressional ~blefs sume the conference," he added.
fot a brleflllg on the 4J1l program Young declined to name the inat a White House conference tel;mediary. Washington reports
Monday. They came back to .sJt !aid it might be India, Swltzerin ~th the Dem?Cra~ on. tpe llmd or Sweden. They aU have reforeign-defense polley dIscussions presentatlves at Panmunjom.
"I do not think it ls an imposThe legislative con fer e nee, sible hurdle," he said of cqances
presidential press secretary James the Reds will withdraw their
C. Hagerty annpunced, was con- charge 'that the U.S. was guilty
lined to these items:
of "perfidy."
Secretary of Defense . Wilson The Communisl.t; charil'lS' the
"oOtiined the defense plans 01 U.S. plotted with Soulh Korean
lhe administration, including ,President Syngman Rhee, who orrecitation of the gen~ral steps by dered the release 01 27,00Q: North
which the program Is to be car- Korean anti-C~mmunist prisoners
ried out."
last June. cl 1
Asked. QuedlOJl&
b ~S. Sfrtha envo~ ~ ~ De~n
Then Hagerty said there was ro ~ 0 t ne eo~~~ a s a er s X'
a gener~l discussion a~d exchan&"e w~ea;ume,g th~ ~~s. 8th army
of views Sen Styles Bridges threw up miles 0 barbed wire
(R-NH) . president pro tempore fences and banicades tOday -preof the 'senate and chairman ot paring for any emergellcy' durits appropriatio.ns committee, ing the release of more tllan 22,000
told newsmen that "ott, yes," war prisoners who refuse to go
Democrats had a chance to fire home.
\t -
"" '/ '
'. i
sta~ :007~~lu:.e~.ouie~r1~:~'::
~.~-----------_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-
• •
Willing To Give Arms Aid for Alliance
WASHINGTON (JP)-The United states is reportedly willlng to
provide arms aid to Pakistan and
n . hb i
t i 'f th b d
elg or ng coun ~ es I
e~ an
together in an anti-CommunIst detense alliance.
Until it is ~lear whether such a
regional detllnse grouping Is possible, however, officials indicated
this country will hold up action
on Pakistan's separate request for
American weapons.
India's Prime Mini~ter Ne~ru
has vigorously denounced any
move to give American arms assistance to Pakistbn. Nehru said
that WOUld. be a threat to peace in
Diplomatic officials believe,
Get Marine Shots
CD.a,. ......
ft ... _,.
TIlE PILE DRIVER, operatiDl at tile eoastncUoa sHe ., tile a4dlUOD t.
Iowa Memorial UnJoa, Is the eeutrai point .r IDlerist
lor maileD' aDd IHUUr sldewa~ "'lQIervilon." Some lIIlideallflecl
" D i l are IhOWD wa&Cblq It. The maeblDe, operated br IteaID
pndtaeed ID a blaek boUer at ile OIate.. 01 the llle. drtVeI JIeIlow
.&ee1 caeblp ....
p001lD" ~u. 30 or the elUmated sOt Pila
are alreadr III tbe ........ aDIl ave bee. eappecl wit. OIDleDi. Todar aa eIP~lDeb waU foaada on will
.a tIlem aa' .-ea•
of &lie walls wW . . . .bIJ
ba laIe' .....
- _ .. -
in, steel Clllllbgs into the ground
at the construction site of the addltion to the Iowa Memorial Uniqn will be a famillar campus
lIOund this winter:
About 3d casings are now In
the ground and have been filled
with Cement. but some 470 more
must be driven in. The deepest
extend 20 feet into the ground.
The piles are grouped together in
clusters up' to' 10 and then covered
with a cement cap.
Th~ black coal-fired ' boiler at
the center of the site provides
steam to operate the pile driver.
About 3Q ~ are currently work.
Ulg on the pr~ject.
Tue~day an .old steam return
tunnel on the !\Duth side of the
present Union ·w. knocked out
with a steel ball. swung by a
crane. TOOU, an el,hHnch wall
foundation Will be laid on top of
the piles whJCh have peen capped.
Maurice Jones, engineer for the
builder, the TunnicHff Construction Co., Davenport. said workmen wlU ~gln erecting the brij:k
walls Q soon Q the foundations
are solid.
The 167 by 2D5-foot addJtlon
which will contain a small baJement, a below 1I'0und level floor
and one flQOr above ground, wUl
oot have a Itrllctural steel frame.
Janel did re-enforced concrete
walla ~d jglsts will be \lied
stark and simple: he said' "a big
pile of treasury money" in his
tenl\nt house. And he was "scared
to death."
Troopers s~ to the farm, about
50 mUes southeast of Washington.
:!':,da~!S~~r~ ~en~tmJria:~
hand Grant's story:
Drove New Car.
however, India would find 1t more Mondai night his daughter, ber
dl!ficult to object to sending husband and a friend of theirs
weapons to Pakistan, if thls ' y,;ere drove dow» from the capital in a
done to support a tormal alliapce newly bought Oldsmobile. bragged
de.lcated to maintaining Asian they, had. "pulled a smoothle" and
peace. India would presumably asked him to bury the money <untn
be w?lc.ome to join such ~n alU- "It cools ott a Httle."
ance If It wished. It was saId.
.G rant-as' quoted by qte troopThe countries which might make ers and by chief U. E, Baughmlj.Il
up the alliance were not Identified, or the secret service-refused. at
but informed officials told a re- first but changed hls mind when
porter Sunday that the U.S. ~as one of the men drew a gun. His
discussing military aid wiih Pakls- dauthter and her .companions then
tan, Iraq and Saudi Arabia as rave him) ~8,000 r Wrapped in a
well as an increase In !low of gray sOCk; for his help.
Am.erican weapons to Iran.
They '; left. Agonized, Grant
In this stral.4!gic regi.on, Turkey wr:estle\l with his con:science-and
Is already receiving larre7acale a tear oJ discovery. FU;lally he told
American arms help.
hJa wife of the affair. She had a
. ."
heart attack. and a dodor was
called. Finally, at 5 a.m.. Graht
,.,'y', e".'l.~.,l .....
The crack Qf a pile driver shov-
f i t;
't~ . \1
farm wherll Mamie Landis' flfther, Irvlnr Grant, Is a ser:vant. ·
auto Tuesda)' In WUbladon. D.O. . .
keasury department for aualpmen'
The secret service rePorted they' were
the theft, of $160,000 lrom·the burea.
,I;! •
_"Iar cloee IoceUter In an
the, were tallen ftoft! the
before a U.S. eommissioner,
arrested.n conneetlon with
of elieraVinr.
JAMES RUFUS LANDIS, 29, and hI. wife,
3 0 U'n"·on- "nne'x·'. "'p.,.Jes ,10
eJil , ~.aFauquJer1:Ou~ty.~.,.
at least, wben be personaUy de- ean peace a......
livers his State of the Union mes- Young sard ill a tulepnone it1ter-
•• 't(;H[YO (WedJlesday) (IP) - Pelpjne ' radlo today said !.wo Cbi' \llnnenfrom the Na:tionalist island. of Formosa lled into Red
~iI 'Dec., iaabOard a jet tr.unlng plane. The Red broadcast., heard
'. quq~ed thll t~o as saying that Formosa had become a "colo~
~$m'i.C8'l Imperialism and a springboard for lis aggression against
~ 'ind Asia ... ·
The baftling dlsappearance o't
the $160,000 In new $20 bUll from
the heavily guarded t'lJ!ftncy
printin, plant was solved throQgh
a heart;-renqlng 5 a.m. telephone
!~~~~D a~ l::r~!~:~!n:!r ;~:
3,000 'Korean Youth
DIVISION, 'Korea •(Wedneaday)
(IP)-All . day long most of tbem
cried, wailed an,d lobbed, their
faces contorted with fear.
' Some stoically !'Oiled up their
sleeves and took It. A few even
,"r' :',
(lP)-P;emier Giuseppe Pclla, who took over as Italy's That was ~e pictute today
la~ fOvernll'\ent chief 4"h months ago, quit T,ue$day in the wake when the manne:; gave t~phlls
0t~wlbt dlfferenocs within his own Christian DePlocrat party. The and smallpox vaccinations to 3,000
'J~~t~ut~ Premier h~nded his resignation to Pre'Side!lt Luigi Ei- dl~~~:~~~K~r::: :~ii:::' will
~~; fO~I?\YI~i .8. 2~-mmutl! eme~gency meetin! of bis ministers. ", get the s~me t~atmen~ in the -days
. '10
-.. -d
• and weeks to come.
I KYO,. (. e ne~day) (JP)-The Far East command today said it
In their area alon, the front
..Jeep, tlt RUSSian built MIG-IS turned over by a fleeing North the marihes nave 112000 Korean
~..:t..11 pilot. because "no one seems wilHng to take credit for bein, civilians inetudin, 48000 refu...~1CI'; ~t ~he Dillne." Th~ Far East cOnl(TIand said that because ot lees living under insattitary conIt , wy )Y\?,drawin g an earlier offer to ret\1rn the speedy jet dftj~ns.
Ifi.>:ter to its rightful ownu"-presumably the Soviet Union. Tile "While the marines are in Ko... ~~~ ha~ b.11O giving t~e M.G extensive fligbt tests on Okinawa rea we bope to do as much as we
~ last SeRt.. 2.1 after the plane was fiown to SeOUl from North Ko- can to cope with the public health
..... ' t
., !
situation," said Lt. Ronald G.
, '.' "
', .
Haynes, San Anselmo, Call f.
, 'HIW YO. (IP)-The CIO United Steel Workers and the Contl- . The Koreans s.nt their chil!..~~l ~~ t;o ..Tuesday settled a 36-day •.trik~ pI 14,500' workers in dren but few adults were wiUi.ng
.. Planb.
-.... '-.. to Jubmlt to Ute needle.
DlaappearaDOe 8olve4
MUNSAli. KOrea (Wednesday)
Kenneth Young, state department Far :East expert, con~ru~edti ntodaYsehcerethaSne~tnl tCloonnsI a
(IP) -
4- C -'" If t
'\.~ ~'Yl e$ *,:' onaress en >~
,o.n. 5 ~~~et~~ c~:\':llsss ~r~aYie~a~~ ::i~~ f~~I~:: ~~~u~~~~~ru::e .~~~
·, · .,.. H:J'
I'':. . ·( ul M'I'I
I I :ttl
· u ge ., F'. -, ' S·
" '.
tO .e.P
amI y erles
I .... :
, .' 4.. r
WASHINGTON (lP)- An angulshe8 lather set police on the
trall of his daufhter and her hU4band Tuesday and within hours
the secret service nabbed the couple and J1lCOvered $128,300 ot the
$160,000 whisked from the bW'cau
of engravlrlg and printing under
the noses of armed guards.
Held as the cilie! figure in th'e
bold, unprecedented New Year's
Eve thelt was a long-trusted bureau employe. James Rufus Lan'dis, 29.
His pretty bobby soxed wife,
Mamie. 26, whom he married
when she was 14, also was
charged with currency the!t. A
neIghbor who lives in the aa~
ali'artment house, William Giles.
was picked up later in a Washington tavern and held as an aC<tes-
Ul 'the new legislative session decision 10 withdraw two diviopening Wednesday.
s,ions or u. S. troops from Korea.
The Democrats lefl the White Many of them have criticized
House with polite pleasantries the idea.
and a dozen different ways 01 Hagerty declined to say whethsayIng "no comment."
fr there were any conflicting
Eisenhower sketched over for views, whether any changes in
them only the parts of his State the Stale of the Union message
of the UnIon message on foreign would result from the conference,
polley, foreign aid and national or wbether Eisenhower brought
security. All ~hese are fields in out any dollars and cen~ figures
which there has been sizeable for the defense and foreign aid
emphasis on a bipartisan approac programs.
In the past.
No LOOk ., Taxa
the Weather
est. 1868 - AP Leased Wire, Wirephoto - Five Cents
. , ': - . \ .
Serving the State
, ,\
poli~. hb d _ _.. He "lIed
. tbe
Seent 8ervI~e Callecl
Quickly the Virlinla authorltiea
C1l11ed in the secret service afld
at 10 a.m. Landis was ar~ested,_ as
he went ,.atiout, his duties
checkef of distribution in tlie en..
graving bur~au.
"He seemed quite unperturbed."
reJ?Orted secret service Inspector
Russell DanU.
. .~
Chief Ba\lJhman saJd Landis
soon admitted a role in the tbeft!tord the apnts he emptied ~w~.
,paC!ka,es ot $20 bills, and stufted
plain ,paper in their place, at tile
very jaws of a huge bur,lar-ptoOt
safe '00 the morning.ot Dec." 31,
O"'~~ l\IaJ' Be Iavolvetl
But BaUl~an aaid the man inslsted some other perso~ outside
the bureau-a man not identified
by name-masterminded the tbeft
and removed the money past t.he
unitoJ'JIVd lUards who scrutinize
everybody and everyth~ leavlll'
the plant.
.There . Is .• considerable clou\;t,
Baughman ~d . wheUter this otlll!!"
man exists. . . •
. He said' the' secret ,er\1ce hu
fnlormatJon Lllndll hbnl,lt
moved the . money, s~1fin1 the
packets of i)Uta into pockets be lUtd
specially talJored In the alta ot
one of hJs ~7 suit jackets.. '
througbout the b~ding. The.·wa~
rise about 1$ feet , above
ground level.
: .. '
Prof. George L. Horner. 8UP,e!intendent of planning and ~n'struction at SUI. said the $817,000
addition will be ready tor student
use about February, 1955. · ,
Windows on Utt: south side' of
the present Union will be l>rlcked
up and a doorway will be e~structed betwee!l Ute two struc:tures.
' , , .
No state funda will be ~ to
for the addition. Fred -Ambrose, university business manid SUI st d ts'
. ted
ager sa
u en reques
the state board of education ~v:
eral years ago to levy a semester
tee, which became etf~tive . In
Sept. 1951.
The fees provide a financial
basis for bonds which will be
amortized through the fees and
throlilh the Union cafeteria, Boda
fountain and other earnlDJl, Ambrose said.
' '.
A lS-lane bowlin,
a ~8
by 112-foot rumpus room, game
room and lobby will be situated on
the below ground Ie\oel floor.
~ .... An'"
The cround tloor will feature
Baulhman aaid ·l"ancil. led lbe
an outside ·terrace on the nri- ..ents to It cache of bUla rilbt ~
east comer of Ute addition, TfUa Ute bureR\! ttee1!--16 bund\e,. e~­
Door will also hOUle a 80 by 112- iainJllI $32,000 ill ,f rah 2P'•• wete
foot Ioun,e. a Ubral')', ,mullc
.-._. :. ..
rooml, an information oeDter and 00".-...- , .
,enera} oftlces.
5) .
on POri
- ..
:'!.- - :;.~--...::.. . - - ; _ ~_
....e !-TBE DAILY IOWAN-I. . . CU,. Ia.-WW.• Jail. I. liSt
11ie lDailylowan
"...., ................
.u ..hlet
II ....rh4
• It ' . . . ,..........
to II ....
.......... to ,.-... ..
lIon4o.7 ami "pi IIoIIcIa.rs .... s .... ,
_.10 PIIb&IUons. 1M.• 1. ~"'. AVe.......
-, Ot)'. ~•. EuIittH .. _ ,
II\IU lnIutt .t \be Poft
,t I. .,
-' 040. . . . .r .... eel of ........ . ,
ilardi I. 1m.
f'" i£!
,. ..........
,....f ...
01. ..•,
a.a. ~ _ , ............ tIM
J • .,.
the News
I'llIIIiIbecI cIa ..y ucePt S1mcIay...
Newt Analy t
AMMAN, Jorcl,an (A') - Arabs
still refer to Jordan as a "British
puppet," but British influence in
0-' ...... ,-.....
-- ....,.. ......
thoIS d ese rt '.1
run gdo m h 1\S bed
e n c::;'''T:c.
elining steadily.
' :...
:::::.·_...:~__-:--,--:-_I .......
Edlto, ,. Howle Greenw.ld
Since the assassination of King
- - - : - - - - - - I I ; ; I ; .....
~ .. __ •__ ~ .a_'-r L J......
Chief Spor
Pbotocrapher . , .. BUI Wllilamoon
CIb • .-,- - ._.., ..-" . . . . v..
Wirephoto Technician .. .. Jay Hytone Abdullah in 1951 British power
,,~;-:. "'=~
thr: DAILY 10"AN ADVnTI81NG IITAFF has slipped stea(iily. A freely
• ,
~.... lUI. B7 INIiI In
..... Man..... .... Charles Goeldner elected parliament replaced the
• _~____-=CUte."
-'--_.. &'no"
--.e, ,,: 'tbne montlll. 81&11
ANt. 8\11fnua M..... . 11m Sommuvllle
. aD ol&r _11 ...,Iptlons flO CIII.Uled M.nal"r ., . ... " Max Nebel monarchy ' as the country's rea1
CaD 8-2151 II ,a. , . . . . __1..- ,.;, Jeat: "" month.. $S."; 'three DAILY IO"AN eJaCULATION STAFF power. The rise of anti-British
__t_~_n_M_..._._._._.._.._._R_~_rl_~_o_~~ Pal~tian~ns in llie ~vernment
made the British position more
di!ficult. And Bl'itian's annual
subsidY is being rivaled by financial aid from other countries.
Must Deal with Group
Today the BrHish must deal
with an entire parliament instead
of with one cooperative kin\'t. Late
VOL. XXIX, NO. 325 in 1951. the Jordan constitution
, was altered to make the government responsible to parliament
Tbancla,., lID. 7
7~ p.m-:-Unlon Boatd Movie lun~heon program, Iowa Union . instead of to the King. This
.~a 1:10 p.m.-Unlverait, Club Des- pCu\)ah,", lo~, Iowa UniOn.
' :00 p.m. - Graduate college- change has given added power to
~ Party Brid,e. Iowa UmOQ.
~,. JaIl. 11
Humanities society lecture, Prof. the half million Palestinians add:~., 8!Gq p.m.-Stan Kenton Coo'-00 ' i;.m ' Wri(en Workshop Charles T. Miller, SUI, "The Gen- ed to Jordan after the Arab-Is:~~. Central Party Comm\Uef, ~ure, J. ; :Jiowers, sbort story esls of ~Ilton's Comus," senate raeli war Of. 1948.. P~lest.inians
JA)WII Union.'
writer amate Chamber O. C.
chamber, O.C.
now form a sligh~ majority m the
Saturb" Jla. I
, .'
8:00 p.m.-Play, "Cradle Song," country. One-third of Jordan's
. 11 a.oo
· 11 WI'5"on
... _ ,UDn'e'ntlty
:.~:tiO p.tn.-BaII~etpal1,
Michigan Theatre.
population are retugees who lett
p.m.- BlIBk etb a,
~~ln Unlvenlty here
" . •
Saturday, Jan. 16
homes in what is now Israel. The
. , 9:10 p.m.-~t.p~e .,lIrt1 • .,.,
~es.Ia~, .lUi. I!
8:00 p.m.~Play, "CradIc Song," Palestln,ians hold Britian largely
;ndllncc, Iowa Unjon,
, "'" J!.m ......1,rI&nglt; Club Pic- Thcatre.
responsible for loss of their homes.
Spa",.. laD. 10
ril~ ,.uPPer, 10"'.8 Umon.
8:00 p.m. ~ Basketball, MinnePalestinian, and witb it anti2:00-5:00 p.m. ~ 'tOIl . Dllnc~ · .: ~. p•.n.-Sllcihlndra Bose Lec- sota, here.
British, . Influence has I·eached a
River room, Towa Union .
.t~.' Swalni ' NlkJIJanAnda, Mllc9:30 p.m. Post-game party new high in the current cabinet of
2;00-5:00 p. m. - D II P '1 ~ .. I. brw AI.I!1Jtorl'um.
and dance, Iowa Union.
Dr. Fawzi Mulki. Palestinians ho!d
Br1~lc, Suhporch, Iowa linton.
4:10 jI.m. - ,Student-Faculty
Sunday Jan. 17
half the 10 portfolios. Because of
~;3 .1 p.m.-[owa Mouriai~rs eoite~ bollr (Ps~hololY, sociology 2:00-5:00 p.m. '_ Tea dance, Ri- their aggressiveness and ability,
Travetoglle, john D. Cr~l~! "Polf- an'a tdUfatiOD'>. lounce, Library. vcr room. Jowa Union.
these men dominate the eabinet.
nesian Playgrol.lnd~." M8cbrld~
• WedIIWa,. Jan:. J3
2:00-5:00 p.m, Duplicate
Bas 3 Leaden
" •
~cJo 11~ ~Unlvers1ty Concert bridge, Sunporch, Iowa Union.
Led by Foreign Minister Hus8:00 p.m.-rowa Mo-).Int.a1hetri eo~ ~i1)laft\ Primro"ey- violist,
8;00 p.m. ~ Iowa Mountaineers sein E:halidy, Minister ol EcOn~avelogue. John~D. Cr~I" ~~i.'oun,e, lfWe Uplon.
Travelogue, Robert Fl,'iars, "Holl- omy Anwar Khatib, and Minister
CllifornLIl-The ~a of Co~
, ' i"'~,., Jail. U
day j~ England . and Scotland," of Education Ahmed Toukan, tl1ls ..
MacbrIde aucU\onum.
,.12,SO p.D'I. l - University club Macbride auditoflum.
group can rally the nation on any
_.u . c.......
deposited with tb", City editor II
r. i
The Dally Iowan In tbe De,...
room in the Comrilunlcl~
Center. Notices ·.mUJlt ' be , ...
m1tted by 2 p.m. ~he day 11ft.
cedin, -fl.rs~ publlca~lon: the,
wi\1 NOT be accepted by pho..,
and must be TYPED or LEGIBLY WRITTEN and SIGNEl)
by a responsible person .
NIIOc:Ia&ed Press
Wt.,.. ... '.' , ..•...• Dave Pel~11IOI\
JIlCI~~~~alo Eclitor .,.. Verdi. nddeU,e
y..... r ............
~ lhnkson
"rw. ,............ .
tee presents "Modern Ameriea'll
Man of Music," Stan Kenton, b
a concert featuring 20 9f ~ ,
"World's Most Outstanding ~
stu mentalists" Thursday, Jan. 71
in the main lounge o(the Unl-:
Tickets a1'e on sale at the UniGt
desk lor $1,50 per person , You an
urged to buy your tickets ~arb
due to a limited seating capacity.
. .:; "..
r-.. .....
_._.1 ,"'"
amination will be given Thursday '
Jan. 21, from 3 to 5 p.m., in rOOD
221A, Schaeffer hall. Only th~
who sign the sheet posted outsidt I
room 307, Schaeffer hall by Tues.
day, Jan. 19, will be admitted to
the examination, Next examlna.
tion at the end of the secolld
("La RegIe du Jeu") wi1~ be lilt
last Art guild's feature 111m to bt
offered this sem~ter. An iIftlmal!
satire on French domestic Jif~ it
was written and directed ,by Jean
Renoir. Showings wllI pe given at
5 and 8 p.m .• Friday. Jlin. p, In
Shambaugh auditorium, roain ]j. ,
brary. Two short subjccts will al.
so be shown; Benjamin Britten'l
"Instruments of the Qr.chestra,·
and. in color, "Fiddlc De D!:e,"
Admission: 50 cents.
- - will speak on "The C!:'nesis of Mil· I
ton's 'Comus' ,. Thursday, Jan.l~
8 p.:::., senate chamber, Old Capl.
to1. The graduate collcge and Hu· ! '
eere ary
Ab I'"Ion .
Of PUbl'Ie Seh00 IS
Dr Lampe Retires- -
Il ,,(hr baI.......&lo.
:' ,
For J. M. Roberta Jr.
Freel M. PownaU. Pubillhe~
Charla It. lhmum. AuI.tant Pubb.het
. , ~........ '" ..... ta II
t.·1iI:IazR or no: AIISOCIATID ..... ~-:-..c"o-:~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I
EcUlon ....... K'tharlne Harru
" . -'-«lIItM PrftI II entitled '. ..
nd Sarah Adams
•dllltYeI,. to Ibe _ ,... rep,~ ~.,. WI .... .. ..........
Soc:lety Editor ... .
Johnslne Muhl
... all Ibe ~-I
JAI. Ik_
IIporta l£djlor ., ....... .. I"rM Thomas
-- .~ .... - u,..... Of' . . . . . . . .
n. Dd, ......
New. Eclllllr •... Jack Bunow.
II w~u .. .u AP oe".
~.,.... _ I. . . .
Aall. Cit,. F.dltor .,.
Phll O'Connor
,._ft "1.' .
'. .
(Cedar RapIds Gazette EdJtorUll)
·t·' t
1 g ".
~ ~J'" ,t$e Ji!JetiuJ•• .ee HsenatioDl In the office of the preslden.. gIven ~ue.
~~:.I les soc Ie yare spons l' n ...,
I '01' C"'&ol)
MulJd Is considered frien(ily to
M6re than a quarter of a centul)"a!Yo the idea grew on the
Britain, but he knows his goverl~
ment will mall if he openly com- University of Iowa campus for a school of religion wherein tl1e
promises with Britain on a major three-major ffliths would cooperate to offer courses on their own
bl'ate the Feast of the Kings JIL
issue. Any appearance of eompto- crecd!t
Abolition of the public school 6 at the home of Prof. and . ~,
mise On the Palestine question. for
' t1.. ,
. .
,system with state subsidies to in- Teste.r. 228 Woolf , a~e., 7:30 pm.,'
instance, would bring his cabinet
After a few years lLl 1e pl.mumg stago, when obstacles welO dividual stUdents would lead to all It wIH be an even10g of galllG
overcome that Some said never could be overcome, tJle school sorts of "education quackery and and relaxation.
(We.der. are I••ft,. to rsprell 0, ••• crashing down.
I.... ID lolle,. to t... Bill••• All I.Ut ro
Desote this opposition, the BI'i- was -:ready to open. But it was decided OJ] all sides, in this inter- racketeering;" Walter White, ex~D,~~~:: ~~;::~~~~: ::!:::!:~:: tlsh l.,ing to their position as No. -fa ·th nt
0 tl cam s f
tate s p 0 ted
.ty tl t ecutlve secretary of the National THE UNIVERSJTY COOPEIlA·
' " .. 01 .... ,tabl •. Lollen b •• amo the 1 foreign power here mainly b _ i. ' I
ve ure n le
pu 0 a sl:.,. - u p
~llllVerSl . 1U Associa tion for the Advancement tive Baby-Sitting league bqok Viill
,t.,.,t, af n. D.n, Iowan. Th. cause Jorda n has not figured out (he school could never be stlccesslUl unless the nght man were of Colored People. warned in a be in charge 01 Mrs. Ba~bara 1.n.
..•• a Iturve. tbe rJ,b' to .b.de..
.. led re' ...... tau,.. lellers W"~D ...an1 . any way to do wit~out economic chosen to be its d~ector.
report delivered at the associ- ning from Jan . 4 to 11. Telepholl!
:'~t~::I"''':.I::~t.°·' ~::t."-::~~::·· .:~ aid and remain sol l!nt.
After a jong quest a man bv the name of ~I. Willard Lampe ation's 45th annual meeting in her at 7693 if a sitter or Infor·
limite. , . . ., m.r. Illan two 1001er. In
Britain Gives Subsidy
New York Monday.
mation about joining the groy~
,.tla' ......ba.l. 11 ...,1
The British su bsidu for the was selected. hat was 2:7 years ago.
In South CarolIna. Georgia and is d~ired.
tIIelr Iollen
•• Me .. or.. ar Ie...
J "
Th a t the b.-l
~ •. II b k tl
de .... neell.tll, I\rab Legion alone amounts to
oar", mem b ers . ~h03e
lere was eVlden t Mississippi, hI! pointed out, threats
",....... t......r n. ».11, ' ...ea.)
rou~~ly $24, n;ill~on annually. ' in. the othtl'r day 'when the' head o~ toe scl1001 o~ reHgiol! retiJ·ed. H e have. been mI~de to shu~ down the TilE NEWMAN CLUB GRAD·
1Iddi~,. Brlta!n 15 PJ'cmltmT1C9; ' wa9- th same M, I.Willara Lam\) who has prCliid~d over the publlc schoo santi substltute per- uate Faculty discussion group .ill
nomic ald.
. '
'.. 1
• • •
sonal subsidies if the supreme meet Jan. 10 <:\t 2:30 p.m. in the
A nationa sUlay recently come: L ast year member states of~the . UL1usj]~l venture ever slJlce It s~m-ted: ...... '
cour~ rules tha~ segregation. in Cath olic Stl.ldent center. Miss Sa·
tionol program of its kiDd. ~"
, .
pleted by Elmo Roper indicates Arab LeagfJc contrtbu~ed $1 , 8~0,"
'HIS 27 years were not Without theIr heartaches but thes public education IS unconstltutlOn- bi?e Arlaud of Marseille, Franre
I th
f h 000 as aid to Jordan In defense of were not insurmountable and ill the final analysis they h e lped to al as contended by the NAACP. Will be the guest speaker. ReProf. Marcus
u!- the :)'01 IthOC?I of. re~ion has aptly at ne~r y ree-.quarters 0 t e her frontiers against lsrael. The b .Id
., d
. . , ' .'
, .
':Unconscionable quacks . and !reshments and an important bill· I
d ' bed 1 \... b · CO
'Jit1&f " SUl
people m the Ulllted States feel United States will spend $5600 - 11l a strot1~ej, sOun er plOgram. It IS such <1 sound prograll1 racketeers W04ld movc in setting iness meeting will follow. All in·
. W lat IIII~ ten Q ,- ~p ~ " Ii , ~ .
~ said, TI~ey that the surest and wisest way to 000 this year under Q n~w Ppiht that many state ~lIliversities throug~out the land have studied it, up their own deb"ased standardS," te res.ted s~udents and faculty are
bav6 instituted a plan of repgtow. ' ~u~tiot\ III which C.thohcs, strive tor world peace Is either to Four ag~eemcnt. The Umted Nn- approved it and adopted it almost in toto. for it was the first the NAACP executive said. "The cordially mVlted.
Protestants and JCWlI teach their indtVidual faiths, DOt as "litera- work along with the United Na- tpIon] s t~'elief [and woirks a~~~cy ~olr ventl1te of its kind anCl up to now it has been the rndst successful state .would be helpless to regu--;
. ,.
a es me re ugees s speuumg .. )
, ate these private schools or to es- ALPIIA DELTA SIGMA AND '
ture," or as " hiStorical pa",~
f~tts and figures, but as a tons or to strengthen It.
most $14 million on ~e'lIgee9 ih
The full story of the school and ot Dr. Lampe's part in buiJd- tablish any standards to protect Gamma Alpha Chi will have I
, )j in , vital bcl~f ~. rdigion llild
~(. · the have made
The surve.y • thought to be the Jordan',
::~ mg it call be found in a book by one of jts faculty members, the state's investment and the joint meeting at 7 p.m. Wednes·
, .. 'j g
. .' .',,'
most extensive eUort yet under- These new-found sources,d~l n9t Dr. Marcus Bach, entitled "Of Faith and Learning." It is a well school children, becausc to do so day, Jan. 6, in th~ senate chamber,
, cooperation WIt/lOUt comptOfttiSe '\Vor\(. '.
taken to determine U.S. attitud~ mean that Jordan can dISpense d
f tu I
t f th t ' I
f I would be to exert state action All members arC requll'ed to 'al·
• .'
Wl·th Bit· h
BlJt th
one ac a rcpor 0
e ria s tn uatlolls an slIccess 0 t le hi
b' t t
(pach h"s written an absorbing .od ~eEil\1tive 'history of toward the great Issues of U.S.
r IS .. mon y.
hI '
w ch wou
be su Jec 0 t e tend.
" .
rt·· t·
' . te
r I
change the picture from the day sc 00.
jurisdiction of the federal courts.
the fint 25 years Of , SUt'~ $bhOlO~ 01 ~l~ort ,enti,tled "Of Faith pa .lcI~a Ion m m rna lona or- when Britain was Jordan's .sole
We rowans are proud of Dr. Lam[Je IJroud of him for what
Cites Legal Attack
. I ",\
J' ,
gaOlzatlOns, also shows that only source of external monetary ald.
. ' .
. . ,.
- A
and LcaIllmg, published w"t952.) . "
ninc per cent of Americans be,. ~e has done and proud of hllll for tho role he played III helpll1 g
Reportl~g , on the, actl~ltles of fee h?ur Tue~day, Jan. 12, at ,4.
At a program ce1ebratinrr the '2iSthahnNersary of SeJI's lieve wc should pursue
st ·' .t
to create the c1fmatc that makes it possible for Iowa to be the the aSSOCIatIon, White clt~d the p.m. 10 the Ilbrary lounge, WIU
. .
. . , . \ ..
.. .
a llC
U h f h' . ' h '
. . .. .
legal attack upon scgregatlon as honor faculty members of the de·
school of rcllgi.on In May,.l l~;J2, Profe~ ~pe. and the school IsolatIOnISt c~ursc.
ome ,0 t. IS SC. 001, . wlu~h ~s hvmg plOof that Illtcrfalth C?- the most important project of the partments of sociOlogy" psychol.
of r\::,:.won TL'Ceived big h 'rltaise froth a nWnI1 6f the' nation's
T.hC .Amerlca.n ,~soclatIOI1 ~or
operation IS pOSSIble m tlus land whcre we are free to worshIp ass?ciation d.u ring 1953. But Icgal ogy and education.
' ~
.... •
•. I
. l" •
-, .'. ,
the Umted Nations, engaged in a
as we please.
actIOn, he saId, needs to be backed
outstandmg ed~ca~~ &nd.~
naiion-wide e!tort to inform the
up by. a "c?ordinate,d p~ogram of ERNST WIECHERT'S "MlSSA
OaanceUor .11. Fitzg~' ~f ~he t:J~sity. of PittsbQrgh people about the UN and Its work,
admln~tratIve,. ~~glslatlve a n (i sine Nomine" will be discussed ,bY I.
.. .
ba ' ".-,-.'1 ' ; 'l!_
is most encOUraged by Rope~·'s Secretary of Detense Charles,E.
educatIonal a C~lvlbes at ~1e grass Prof. Fred Fehling at a meeting
said. For some years we
vee UIIIU to .I¥Id a 101utioD to the
Wilson will lead the nation's mi1lroots level WIthout which eourt of Delta Phi Alpha honor,a11
pi'Oblein of lin adequtlte relIgious P,tdgratn fD ~iate universities,
tary leade" today in calling for
decrees ma~ b~. ineffectivc."
Gcrman fraternity, T~esday, ~an,
• • •
" '• • '
We feel prompted, therefore,. to support of the 1954 Marc'h of
A.mong slgmflcant gams made 19. 7:30 p.m., room 112 Schaeffer,
, ~.ne ~l1verslty of Iowa, through it5 forward-looking ex- ask whether you as an editor Dimes campaign for polio funds '
dUring the .year, t~e NAACP hall. Public invit ed.
periment in the school Of-Teligfon, ba$ fOund an answer which think these indications of in- needed by the National Founda- " "
spokesman Cited rcvlval of. the
, .
t f th lion for Infantile Paralysis
Crusade for Freedom, an adGovernment Contract commIttee
ptJlCr state Wliversitics Jl1tght well' stvdy.
Lampe has Leen a creas
popu ar sUllpor 0
vertising campaign conducted by tries.
to aSSU1'e job equality in fe(ierally
in h
tri · 1 realm"
UN are ~flecte~ gencrally He wt? sa~, m part. that rece~t U.S. newspapers, has set a $10 DurinS the call1paign, Am er i~ fin anced work; the progressive exam WIll be given Tuesday, Jon,.
,cat pIOneer
t e sp tua .
throughout your community _ 1iiscovel'1es give rea.son lor opt!- million goal {or a counter':propa- cans will be asked to contribute elimination of segregation in all 19, 3:30 to 5":30 p.m., roo~ ~04,
Prof. Clarence J'. Shecld of Yale qniveAity said, "The im- whether you believe they arc re- mthism tht at andeuecttve . meatns l]?f ganda war oh communism In EI,I- whatever possi.ble. Signatures will phases of the m
. ilitary establish- St Ckhaefhfel' hall. ThOSdC WiB~ltn, bt\
, ,. ,
. ,
- .• . , .. ' ,
e con 1'0 l an preven t Ion 0 po 10
b· d b
. h
. a e t e exam shoul regIs er, Y
inative and daring initia~ taJCt&1>v tho
Jig ....ionee eCl th
presentative of the attitude of
b f
a so e 0 tamc
y a contrJbut~ ment, t e expan ed
egro vote.
M d
', ' ~
. \ '..
our readers
may soon e oun .
' The money will be Wled to aid Ors to be sent microfilmed to Mu~ particl,llarly in the South; the de- noon, , on ay, an.
, room ,
]owa Plan a 'luarter of a ~D~ af',
!)e'en 11 'w!teuge to Y
, . .
.Endorsements of the ~ampalgn Radio Free Europc. Tltis is a pri- nich, Germany. ~t Munich they velopment of a climate of opinion Schaeffer hall.
1 d
. "-tbr h· ...her edUC'a~ '! . •
The a,ssociahon. would .be most Will. also come irom officers and vately operated group of six long- will be placed in the cornerstone in the South more receptive to the,
ea ers In 1" lC II!
r~' ,_ ,
; '. .
grateful to ·.know ~9fl' vlewpolrlt servIcemen who, with veterans 'range radio stations ' in Weste{h of the next Radio Free Europe passing segregation; and the UW A HIGH SCHOOL COli· ~
Professor La11lpe, ~, ~ n~.
?De to test upon on this matter.
. and dependents, make ,up ov~r 15 Europe which b,oadcast news, en7 8~ation to be constructed..
launching oC thc N~ACP Figh t for tact represenla~ives shoul.d turp III ,
h· la Is J hi hi itO"' oJ die ' 'boOl ~ I J" I. .
Clark M. Elbhelberger
per cent of the. poho pahents tertainme"t and messages of hope Donors will-be urged, to gIve $1, Freedom t9 achieve complete reports and filled-out mtertiew
15 ore. n s s -.;
• 50 , ' ..re 'g10D, ,. e ory 0 ,
Executive Diredor
helped by the natIOnal foundation. to the people of CZechoslovakia a "truth dollar which will buy 100 emancipation by Jan. 1, 1963, the cards at tbe office of student .f·
An Idea," he wrote, "PriaEltiJn;ce '~-:tMt \toe;~hould bdt look
Army Secretary Robert 'l'. PollI,nd, .Hungary. Rumania, Bul~ ""ords of truth ' to broadcast c~ntennial of Lincoln's proclama- fairs by 5 p.m. Thursday-,· Ja~. 7,
upon lhe -id~a as iflevir..blt lit ~ ~. Af(- . e............. atfn '
,(EdJ. tor'a Note: O~ ant,ver _ Stevens wUl urge utmost support garia and Albania. Twenty-one through the Iron Curtain." An- tlOn.
' . .. .... ,.
. p. ~r'U g... '
from all army personnel tor the transmitters. broadcast the mes- other campaign slogan is "Let
Gains In Housla,
"It will always have 10 fi~t ff5 way ' against prejudice, "bla" ,est)
March of Dimes, "not only because sages daily through the Iron Cur- George Do It." This ,refers to MUflh reffi#iins to be donc, White diVISion of the F~r? Foun~'1:~
8 ainn mis-entation '
. 'st
• d I diU ..
of the great good the natronal taln. The radio is American-owned Washington's picture on the dol- told the NAACP members . "Vic- an nounces compcbt.lOn -lor
g .
·~t... ~~
• aplD ern! ~1!! ~ , .0, " eren"ce, .even
foundation do~ for army members and supervised, and employs lat bill. Campaign chairman Hen- tot"y in the public school segrega- year fello wships. Stipends .0(:.1,: ~
agamst a fa~se sense o£.security 00 the part «lts friends.
and their dependents, but also. be- many persons who have escaped ry Ford It heads the drive which tiOI1 ca~es, e~en if it be al,1 ~hat 800 are awarded for study III o~.
\Ve are glad that'P.l.reuint' ods .... ' . ~..
c.ause of the Important contr1llu- from Communist dominated coun- b~an Jan. 1 Bnd will end Feb. 22. we deSire, Will have but lImited chology, sociology and anthl' I
"Il' .-v.
nJ remalD aL"1IVe
Hon that it Is making to the
value at the el~mentary and ogy to those who dId not con~n . •
io t. he 5chool of reU~·on Oil a part-'tame _. 'Sa~is
health and welfare of the entire [
secondary school levels as long as trate in th~ areas as underd
J .. _ 11.. ,
resIdential segregation remains uates. Appllcation forms ao \D.
emen.tus: And 1n the free nme ~ ..., gailled in which "to travel,
N . .
In the field of hous'ing 'V~ have· formation I are avatl~ble at the
. k .. .
-' ,,_
• . .1ko
w.....! •• y. , .....7, ' : I~M ,
avy Secretary Robert B. Aft·
I. .
graduate office, room 4, Old CaPspea ana Write, we are ooufident lUitt b~ W1U a~vlincc the cause 8:00 Momml Cbape
derson and air force Seeretllfy
made the lease gams ?eca~se o~r ito!. The deadline Is APril!.
of illter~faith rooperation aDd~teJigious edualti
~= net Roman "Literature
Harold E. Talbott w!11 also ur;&e
national gove:nment IS us10g Its
: _1~
':20 KItchen Conce,t
participation in the drIve. They
funds, to which we a 1so contriLYDIA' C. ROBERTS oKADV,
, followm~ pray~~, wtltfi!O' 'by Prbff!ssor La~PC
}r:en·. t:~at\ft'e
w!11 polot out that enCQUral~
Dean ' Norman B. Nelson of SUI's college of medi"cine points out :~t~~n~o expanq a~d freeze segre- at\) fellowships ot. $1,250.~-:
seems to exprets his phd~y . So
that we are re-printing
progres~ has been made and t~t errors In a nationalt magazlnc'~ ' article on I'How Y04 Can Double
White noted '.With gratification awarded to caucaSLOns bar ....
. ' on• tb'IS occasion:
CDoMl'III ..... I HII k
La d
;IS If
S.ya vH:"';' n
W oye
ht IS . needed
t r now to press tile Y our Ch ances Aga Ins· t Cancer... It I00 ks nk
I .e you can 't db
ou e your that the board of educa.t1on
In Iowa whoI Have been
.• "
11 :.
1 Hear the &OUt~. SIn.lna
g aga~s po 10.
chanccs of getting accurate i11formatiOll by reading that publication. Washin ·ton has dedicated a high from an .Ow~ uOlvers Y Of
(To , be a...... ~ &11M .,
• F4Itller; we May.
11:4& ~eillP"fII N~. R,,-wr
Top military officers Joinmg In
school I~ honor of the late Joel E lege. Application forms s.re,.
, "-t'lei)
I '
11 :$1 Prayer for PQce
the appeaJ will be Vice-Ad~
. .
. able at the Gradua te o!!l<;e,
~ r.
... .
~~~ lIamble* •
Merlin O'Neill coast guard com:
Police and secret service meh tecover "the bulk'! of $160,000 Spmgal'O, donor of the Spmgarn 4, Old Capitol. The dead
. •
.J11en4 Th.u~our liberty
. 11:41 Sinttna Americans
taken frotn the bureau of enar8vlng 'and aFTest a former employe m~da] and preSIdent· of our or .. Feb 20
God or our hiStofY'
..:..J '
~'. ~- tr ~ty
1M MuaIaol Cba~
mandant; Gen: Lemuel O. Shep- and his wite as sus........ Th t's '
j b
h· h
n j t
't ganizaUon from 1930 to 1939. Pre.'
Our fathers worsh1nped ·I·nee
'Aile world around
1:5& Land of Ibe Hawkeye.
heril Jr., marine corps comman.
one , 0 .on w IC a ma us can
With .
~ r.
'"'I" -.....r... lan" ..;,.' f·r....
1:10 Etllhleelllb Centur7 Mu.lc
d '1t · G
M tth L B Rid
take home samples ot his work to show to 'his admiring family and vlously he had served thc aSSOClDR. CHm 1'F. CIIANu (Jf: ,
one acCQI'U.
~ ... ..... ...r
.. _ . . . .
1/tO W..layan v ..pen
an, en. a ew.
gway, . d
ation with d'stinction as treasurer
They ...e~ tiota ~ l~ftda
' -To tqst not ' on'- Thee
UO News
amiy chIef of staff' Adm. R. B frlen s.
d h · 1
f th b d" AI zoology department ,·wI \ 'E!!'
Of ' ':''1._L' ..l......_':' ........
• l'
ftu,t 'atl '-...... ft"I~,
l:tI "ran W.rren 8fn,_
h· f f
an c aIrman 0
e oar .
- 'Hormone-Induced ' Modinc
IIUUIT ~5 anu .,.afti, .
II ..........,...
4:110 l'Jo\ldly w. Hall
mey, c Ie 0 nava opera IOns.
though the Spinga'n school
S '
the .G
1M ~' with lit(6d blhaa, .' ~a '
4:10 Ttla 'time
and Gen. Nathan F. TWIning, lil
Forwards "Deacon" Davia....aOd "Cool" 'Carl Cain lead Iowa to a
wa 10
e ~eve opmen~. of
. IoIY
'I'ftey J 1l&rM!
:;: ~ .• Hour _I
force chief 01 staff.
~3-63 victory over Michi,an S~~te . 'Y~th 17 poin.ts apiece. Th~se :;i~~ e:~~e~:~roths:U~~~~e ~~~. ?e~f~:/~r~~:y~~~n, :~
p.ta" ~
~ "
Ci94 of .out datiny.
Typical ' reports trom officer, .D?mies and old buddies from ~~port, JII. ~eally believe in sharln/J before the end of 1954 this fine rcom'"'204 Zo 1
b ·Idi .
,God of the ~1!t h~. , '.
t 'Bi 1hJa bUS Ptany
.:. liew, •
and servicemen will tell of qUf~k :hlDll equally-they even dUJ/hcated their field ,oar and Iree throw new school will serve the youth
,o~!:_ UI ~i
~thfjrvrtb dtt ,.~~
~ I~t d4t rod;
~: ~~.'!~~Of\un
asslstapce to ~oUo sufferers 'froD't ,corinc .,..,Uh &even fielders and tJ:tr~ free tosses ·each,.
ot all ~ces in the nation's capi- STUDENT COUNCIL WU~
t ~ y.
Jo' - - .• _:.~J~j~;iym:!~, :;;
the national foundation. They wb
tal. Tliis is as Joel Springarn meet Thursday Jan 7 at 7 p.lIIInra:Ur U:jV~·c:e
~utnbJy" An lbl! way :;:~!'" the H_lInH
tell how the . March ot Dimef . british scientists plan \0 send a 'tocket to the moon and back. If would have had it-a democratiC In the house Ch~mbe~ of Old C4P"
\ Th,.. bOnd 'of Uhat- '
With Thee, oor 0011.
IJSS S\IPI"ta. lIllhl1n
helped .th~lr chlld~·en In their re- the~ eNe~ start droJ)p~ng those 1;I-~mbs, l~ose scientists c9uld sure sMool In 811 inte:grctted sysl<!m or itol. All st U{kllt.~ re Invited 10
.1014 on
1.9 .
~ ,- ' cov\}ry irom polio. • .. '
• 3ell a lot of Gtle--way4le~s. •
- . _
OOP public education."
pal,' Uclpate.
H ..ardiDa'
••, It-"',
,i . '..
. T
.. .
u:aqets..'.' :. ,.',
Support. of .1954
March of Dimes
R0' el,· 0 Fr e' e" 11 r 0 p' .e
S'e:e ks ·$' 1 AM,·
t I· o' n
.V ,
u .......
The .' .
- ....
ll .
. '
. p" e e C e
", . -.
' Il
1-' '
Coeds Inspect
Recreation Group "Pla·n·s
Wi nter Crafts Classes
leEl 1
"Candy Capers" will be the
the~~ fo~ Pi Beta Phi ~ocial sororlty s wmter formal Friday fro~
9 p. m. to 1 a. m. at the Elks
club. The dance will be Preceded
by a dinner
Chaperon~ will Include Mr.
and Mrs. Wililam Tucker, Prof.
Gilbert P. Maynard of the accounting department, aod Mrs.
Maynard; Mrs. Harriette Evans,
and Mrs. Lida Filkins. Nancy
Sadler, 2, Moline, social chairman, is lD cbarge of the dance,
and Norma Jean Sippel, A2, Carthage, Ill., is chairman of the
decoration committee.
The Skating elub will meet at
7 o'clock tonight lor
me~Ung at the Iowa Memorial
Umon. Following the meeting the
members will go to the Melr~se
Pond for ice s~a~ing. Anyone 1~terested In jOlnlDi tlile club IS
asked to attend the m eUng.
Delta Delta Delta, to Dick BrlceCarolyn. Johnson, A4, Laurens, land, Et, Iowa City, Phi Gamma
The winter series of arts and - _._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Kappa Alpha Theta, to Bernard Delta.
craIts classes at the Iowa City will be taught Thursdays from
S· fk'
M2 G'lm
C·t Al h
M '
11 A4 R ck r
Ie In,
lore 1 y,
P a
. arUlDlle usse, . ' 0
5- recreation center will begin Tues- ~:30 to 3:30 p.m., with a' cia"
Kappa Kappa.
land, Ill, Delta Delta Delta, . to day. Jan. 12.
limit of 12. No beginners may enJone ToOhey, A4, storm Lake, Bi~ Nelson, C4 Palos Heights, m.,
AU classes are open to the pub. roll for. Ws class. Members will
Kappa Alpha Theta. to Bill Sloan, Phi Gamma Delta.
lic. There is a registration fee of be !'CQutred to buy the book 011
U.S. Naval Academ.y, Annapolis, Cynthia Pryor AS, Des MOines, $2 for each class, and registration tbe Duncan method. The reiisttnMd.
Delta Delta Delta. to Tom Coacf, must be made in advance of the tlon fee for this ciass will be' $3.
Dolores Porter, Al. Ft. Dodge, M2. Des Moines, Phi Beta Pi.
class. Registration may be made Mrs. Grace Hochber_g will ~ct
Kappa Alpha Theta. to Peter 'Betsy Crusinberry. A4, Des at the recreation office io the th,e IITOUP·
Buckleman, G, Gilmore City, Beta Moines, Alpha Chi Omega, to Community bulldin,.
The beginning knitting Clasl
Theta PL
Bob McCarville, Jefferson, sur
Mrs. Jean SoudeAl, office secre- will be held Friday from 1:30 to
Harriet Brody, N1, Ottumwa, graduate, Sigma Alpha Epsilon. tary and crafts director for the 3:30 p.m., with Mrs. Grace R~h­
Kappa Kappa Gamma, to Don Marilyn Sires} A2, Tama. Alpha recreation commission, will head berg as instructor.
Verhille, C2. Ottumwa, Sigma Phi Chi Omega, to Dave Carson, E4, the, program.
Mrs. Souder~ will instruet \he
Iowa City Alpha Tau Omega.
There are seven classes offered leather tooling and carvinl class
Ann Summerwill. A2, Iowa June Meyer, Ft. Dodge, to Joe in the series; each will include Thursday from 7:30 to 9:30. ~
City, Kappa Kappa Gamma, to Bartolme, A4, Ft. Dodge.
eight lessons.
Rex Jamison, AJ, Story City, Phi Clarann Bekman, A2, Ida Grove,
The textile pamting class will
Gamma Delta.
Chi Omega, to Wayne Winslow, meet Tuesday {rom 2 to 4 ·p.m., , r~
Lee Miller, A4, Clarkson. Neb., E4, Iowa City, Theta Xl.
with Mrs. Souders as Instructor.
Alpha Delta Pi 0(0 James Cooney
Barb Nicholl A2 Des Moines The class will handle all forms of
, textile painting aDd also block
A3, San Antonio, Tex .• Phi Kappa. Chi Omega, to Marvin Hartz. Iowa
. U
Harriet Greenleaf. AI, Elkhart, State college, Ames, Alpha Gam- prm ng.
Delta Chi soclllifraternlty wUl
Ind., Alpha Chi Omega. to Gene ma Rho.
The peasant pamting class will hold its annual winter formal S,tThe foreign relations discussion DunwOody Jr. Georgia Tech At- Sarah O'Brien A4 La Grange meet Tuesday from 7:30 to 9:30 urday from 9 p. m. to midnl&bt
class of the Iowa City Women's lanta, Ga., K.n~pa Alpha.
m.. Chi Omega, 'to David Meiers: p.m., and will Include early at the chapter house, 309 N. B,lvclub wJll meet hursday at 2 p. Do th N
to Pot Kewanee JU
AmerIcan designs, Norwegian and erslde drive. Bobble Cotter. orm. in the Community building to
ro y
ovy, owa. I ~.
Swedish painting. Mrs. Souders chestra wJll play for dancln£
discuss "Southeast Asia." Mrs. John iNunn, A3. Iowa City. Sigma Jo Ann Zimmerman, ~, Wat- will Instruct the class.
Chaperones will Include Mrs.
• .to.
William Porter, Mrs. Arthur Kern Nu.
erloo. Delta Gamma, to Jim Walk- Mrs. Souders will also instruct tah Pfeiffer, Mr. Charle. Bar,,:
• .'
.~ •••• , .l,~'::'.~ .
. '.
and Miss Gertrude Dennis will Na.nCy. Schneider. A4, Ottawa, er. A4. Waterloo. Phi Kappa Psi. the leather and metal tooling class ?um. l~tructor in tre . school ~
. •
(DaUy ..... a' .. ~.tI;~
present papers. A group' discussion Ill., to Richard Albreeht. A4, Hart- . Nancy Jensen. A4, Cedar Rap- Wednesday from I :30 to 3:3() p.m. )ournnhsr.n, and lUI. Barnum,
COEDS STOP to jQlped a eampus landmark. The _dl are Carolyn Crow. Nt. Iowa Cli)'o wm tollow.
ley, SIgma Nu.
Ids, Delta Gamma, to Richard The class wlll Include carvint and Mr. Edwm HuntIng, graduate as·
WeJJs. A2. Sioux City. The boulder, wbleh wel,hs 6.650 DODnds, was dven &0 tbe
Lou Marie Hruska, A4, Du- Thompson, Des Moines. '53 SUI tooling leather designing leather slstant in the department ~t marby tbe class of 1870.
buque, Delta Gamma, to Don lliu. graduate, Sigma ChI.
articles, metal' tooHng and tray keling. and Mrs. Hunting, and Mr,
•Alpha Phi. 'Umega, national ser- bucek M4 Cedar Rapids Nu Sig.
Barbara Hughes A4 BIggsvllle etching.
Warren Etcbeson, instructor in
vice fraternity, will hold a meet'"
the depariment of marketinl, lind.
' ..
t . e uruverslty. so
ey, 00, e·
Ing Sunday In Conference Room rna Nu.
m.. Zeta Ta~ Alpha, to Lee Max- Mrs. Naomi Schedl will Instruct Mrs. Etcheson. Mr. and Mrs. E.
cJded io leave. a large boulder. It
one ot the Iowa Memorial Union. Martha Porler, A3, Oskaloosa, well, U.S. air force Langley air Q sketching and ~ainting closs K. Jones Jr. and 1-11'. and Mr•.
'1 D
was reported m the May, 18?,0 I~_
The offl9ial membership roll for to Frank Schweng~l, C3, Daven- force base •.Hampton. Va., Unlver- W!!dn.esday from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. John Hogeland will be special
sue of the same pap,er: that It IS
the year will be rOl'm~d by both port, Beta Theta PI.
sl~y ot Ilhnols graduate, .Kappa
Duncan method of knittinggilests.
, T,
ptobable that Class 80 wlJl get a
active members and pledges who
Sigma Kappa.
large boul~er .and place op~site
are in attendance at the meeting.
Jane Gllge, A~. Cedar Rapids,
1 "1 •
to that of 70, 1O ' ~e campus.
A special report will be made Nancy Bresnahan N2 Iowa Delta Gamma, t6 Joe Chadema,
• , .. <
However there JS no record of
Hpw Ipan;.- SUI students have h
• by members atten
g t e re- City Delta Gamma, to Walt Doyle A3, edat' RapI 5, SIgma Alpha
w~llted past the two big boulders. ow l~ wthas one 10 su S;dQuetnl
William Primrose, acclaimed the gional convention of the rrater- A2, Mason City. Delta Upsilon. 'Epsilon.
Issues OL
e paper so eVl en y
. nlty held Dec 28 30 at Otfut
L ill M Ki t . k A4 B
8ittillg on the campus 'between Old their method of getting their boul world's finest viOla player. will be . I
l! b
N b
Shirley Grant, A2, Boone, AI.
uc e
c t eriC,
, urWITH
c4Pl!01 jin? Clinton st. and have der was not so unique.
- featured by the university concert Sir orc
ase~ a, e.
pha Chi Omega, to JIm Prather, lington. Delta Gamma, to Don
ne\'er nohced that they were So for about 80 years SUI stuTO HOLD -MEETING
Iowa State college Ames Delta Rosche, SUI graduate, Delta Tau
dent.-: have been walking past course Jan. .13 at 8 p.m. in the The Iowa City stamp club will Upsilon.
W~en stu~eots are asked if they these boulders, many noticing Iowa MemOrial Union lounge.
hold Its regul~r meeting Thurs- Lynn Roberts. N2. Spencer, Fran Miller, A4, Washipgt?n,
\ kl\o..w anythmg about them, ~ey them and that they say "Class In the past six years Primrose day ~t 8 p. m. In the Community Kappa Alpha Theta, to Otto Broe- Delta Ga1lUTla, to Chuck BrummItt,
S.D.Y: ':~o\!lders? \Yhere?"
1870" and ,11880" 00 them and has been In world demand. Sold- buiJdmg,
der, St. Louis, Mo., SUI graduate, M3, CentervlUe, Nu Sigma Nu.
RepreJenlatives will be on campus on JonlJary 14 ' /0
, B}l~ had students of SUI been many never noticing them at all. out tours have taken him not only
Beta Theta PI.
Gretchen Kinter, N2. Boone,
graduates for employment in:
a~f!d, tile s~me guestion in 1881. For those who have seen them, throughout the United States and
Peg MJlota. A3. Davenport, Kappa Alpha Theta, to Paul Stark,
J?llQbably most of them would not you now know how they got there C
b t Lat. Am I
Kappa Alpha Theta, to Dick Wells A4, Boone.
. ~1. ave kn
't ta
ke a ana
10er ca a
LI, Davenport, Phi Kappa PSI.. ' Dorothy Korschgcn, A2. Unlver- j
own that they were an d f or th ose w h 0 h aven,
tlIer!lJ !Jut al~o they could have look sometime.
Europe. He has been soloist WIth
sity City, Mo .. Kappa Alpha Theta, I
... ": \
roJd you how they got there.
over 20 of the principal orches· F'
f th j sut"
to Jeb Baker St Louis Mo Bela I
' r.;
,. .
I '.
. .~ot tnat was tlie year after the
tras in the U.S.
department taculty will partlci- Patricia Wiest, A4, Mason City. Theta Pi.
Arch itectura I
second of the two boulders was
His orchestral repertoire rang- pate in the Wednesday even
Alpha Delta Pi, to Donald. Gyorog, LauraJle Plloher. A3. Daven.
IIllt on the campus. This boulder
atur a Y es from old numbers as Handel's musjc hour program tonight
Marysville, Wash., PhI Kappa. port, Kappa Alpha Theta. to Petleft .by the class of 1880,
. '
, 8 over radio station WSUI.
Holmes, C4. Waterloo, er Sal.ter, \G, Davt!nport. Iowa
Whloh followed in the footsteps of The Child Study ~lub WIll hold B nunor Concerto and Berlioz
Participating in the progral11
Kappa Gamma to Bob Wal. st~te college Ames, Phi Gamma
the~Qlal\s of 1870 by leaving to SUI a luncheo~ meeting at ]2:30 P·~·I"Harold In.. Italy" (which he re- are Prof. Stuart Canin, violin;
C4, Waterloo, Sigma Alpha Delta.
1I'.:.t!oulder to help decorate the Sat.urda~, m the Iowa Memorial corded with Koussevitzky and the Betty Bang, flute; William T.
Jane Blake, A4, Cedar Rapids,
U~IO~. ~ur Children ~nd Re- Boston Symphony) to such. mod- Gower, oboe; Paul Anderson,
t Caldwell, A3, Iowa City. Pi Beta Phi. to Jack Beckstrom,
~rThe class of 1870 obtained and Iigl?n' WIll be the dIscussion ern works as the Walton Viola French horn. and Prof.
Kappa Gamma, to Jim A4, Rockford , Ill., Pbi Delta Theta.
tht> boulder in a very unusual tOPlC.
. Concerto, the Concertlno of Jean Simms, piano.
D4, Ft. Madison, Delta Sig- Jean Ewers, A3, Iowa City. Pi
i W~~: Tllis event was reported in A: panel o! clu? inen1b~rs WIll ruvier, and Leo Sowerby's "Poem Canin, Gower and Simms w
Beta ~hi to Dwane Moscr C4, BetOFFICE ADMINIST~TIQN
, "
~~ -'J uly issue .of the university 'I review ~ese artlcle~ which ap- for Viola."
play "Concerto in C minor"
Viv Netsoll, A4, Princeton, Ill., tendorf, Delta Upsilon.
~.s a ' r of that time the Uni- peared In the fall ISsue ot tbe
' .
J. S. Bach; Miss Bang. CaIfin a~~lj______iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_iiiiiii_iiiiii_iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_iiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~iii ll
~S\h. ~eporter The un'usual way Child Study Association 01 Ameti- Pnmrose IS conSldere~ by Serge Simms will play "Madrlial <:
• u : :
ca quarterly. The articles to be Koussevitzl<y to be an Ulcompat- nata" b B I.~'
Wlwbrcn the umque event was re- dl us ed a e "The Case f Rn- able artist whose name will 're- ..... j. ~, .. .01"1 il.y... J.YlI'lr.'JI!I!J ,...
, rl d Ph t 1I h th e b ld
se s
~Caum Anderson
Ba~helor's and advanced degrees In Animal and .
,po eJ : a . Y e s.bed°w"Cl . 0~870e~; ligious Education." "The Religious main as the greatest viola virtuoso play ':Trio, opus 40" by
h \S 1nscn . . ass
on 4VntC
, IRoots of Western Culture " and of our time.
Science, Bacteriology: "iQlp~i c:'!,d · ~pOto-,.'
'placed where It IS today.
. .
Id ReligIOn and Psychiatry.
In 1942 Ptlmr9se lett the Qr· The program Is the fifth in
gy, Chemistry and Chemch:~lln~ineer;~I '~b~ , :,.•
.. "e emors rea mg
e 0
D M Will d L p d' t
William Primrose
Technology, and Physks.
• '. ~'.
'p~erQ 'Loin des yeus loin du
r·. · f tha~ SU;m ;, llf~c or chestra to d~vote all ~is tune to series during the 195~-195~
coet/'have tumbled into the cam- li~mlen us il\ ed t scthoo d? re- solo work, Smce th~t bme, he .hilS son.
. .
g on, w
mo era e
e \Scus· received great public response by
an' Qld boulder welghmg 6,650 I' sion
All interested
women. are in- A
. I overs.
~~ .....s " .
. vlted to attend. Reservations lor
. .'
Mr. and Mrs. Charles 'Phelps,
, It .was dIscovered . by Mal · the meeting may be made · by ThIS will be hiS second viSit to Sigourney, announce the opgagtr
J>.iG1ile,r" .located on the SIde of the , calling Mrs. D. B. Johnson at the SUI campus. He petiormEld ment ot their dauihter, Nary
Full line
~,Iutt!l 'couple of miles from town. 8-1688 by Thursday.
here in Oct., 1945.
Lou, to Pvt. Lee McClenah~n, sqn
Specialty (Plant Food, Animal F,e~; Ic~ Cr~om" •. ..:,
bei-ng dug up it turned out j
The appearance of Prjnu:ose of Mrs. Mervin
Iowa Union
to .Pe'1arger than the jolly seniors
will mark th'e second of five con- Sigourney. The
~~ted, and could take charge l
certs during the school year spon- married Feb. 13 at the M~tbQdist
Student Tickets Free on Identification Cords
For additional information ~r4in, ;.,,"',.,. " .
Qtt.,with their present stock . of
sored by the university concert ~hurch in Sigourney. l\iJcCI(1nahan
Available January 11
POlcertunltle., see bookie.. and ~~,II. u~ I.. th," " •.'~'.~, •. ~~.~.
IS stationed with the 11. S. arm.y
fici ,
~.' l.' ., ..,
' 13
b ·'"
Ft L
d W d ~
Non·Student Tickets Availahle January 12
, ; , )It remem erln.g vlt.a sl~el A recital will be mven by W·lTickets for Primrose's concert a·t ,eonar
VI ~r~
Campul Interviewl may .... ar!.n~,· ~~ ~*'
.' ·I'-b.·~ ..r....
· ,."r
Il1.llino labore mortahbus ml dedIt ,'
the couple will make helr 40me
Reserved Seats 1.50
.... 1(11 ~ .:1/ .~ - Jp'
~'a»out the work with a will and liam Cofer, G, Io~a City, teno;, Will be ?lSt~lbuted at the mon after June. Miss Phelps is a treshPlacement Director,
• .'.: ' ...
'. short time an excavlltion Sunday, at 4 p.m. 10 North M~slc desk begmnmg MOJ?da,y at 8 a.m. man liberal arts studeqt an9 McAll Tickets Iowa Union Lobby
~ ,.. .. _'.
DAlia .,
Chi' leormal
T0 BeHeId r "'furday
Gra,dS LeIf
FamouSVI"O'la Player
T0 Perform Jan 13
At Concerf CDurse
ers to
E~ployine"J ·ep,APrtu.~,iiieJ~
MUSIC Hour Program
T0 Fea ture Facu ItY
5tu y
To Meet
Uniyersitv Concert .(ou·rse
Wednesday, January 13
Gtad ua t e Sf ud en t
To Pres....lnt Re ,"tal
· ~d~m~t~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~======~====~~~=~~=~~~.~~~~~~.~~
f t bel
. to Will be ac;companl.9t.
by presentmg their 1.D. cards. Stu- -
a ewiledee d tOhV( 10
Cofer will present the recital dents must also present their 1.0.
·w as ro 'I' ·tan
e I pro-d lD
. f our par t s. Th e f lrst
. cards at the door the night of the
will tnun t 1 I was p ace elude "Gesang Weyla's" by Hugo
w~th the lumber wagon, Wolt. "Allersoelen" and Zueig- concer ' .
It was soon rested nung" by Richard Strauss and
Tickets will go on sale to the
~"'IIl~·,·.•ma was hauled ho~e. It "Erhebung" by Schoenberg.
general public next Tuesday and
10. a.m. when It 8r- The program includes "Air Wednesday at the Union desk.
the campus attended by Chantes" by' Poulenc and "VInof town boys flocked by vitation au voyage" by Duparc, RESERVE SQuADaoN TO MEET
~lljurDl~d seniors, The American ";:;alut demeure chaste et pure"
over all, bells were (Faust) by Gounod. "Evening" Flight "B", 9688 v~lunteer ~Ir
"'''''''Jur", were suspended, by Hageman, "In the Siler:tce of reserve squ~dron wlll hold Its
to see the thing done." Night" by Rachmaninoff, "The ~eeklY meetmg tonight at 7 p.m.
evening the seniors had a Distracted Maid," "The Shoemak- 10 the fleldhouse armory.
dtlpce around the boulder, er," and "Burd Ellen and Young Lt. ~lbert Frenc~ will le?d the
II large crowd watchjng. They Tamlane" and "Rantum Tantus" disCUSSIon and films will
1!t'~9lin~d the "funeral obsequies" by Warlock.
, . .' • .
leaden of America's ~at excitiflg1y.
some bookS.. papers, ~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_iiiiiiii_iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_ _iiiii_iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!i'ii;!iiiiii~1
¥Io,Hl1le Paper reported that this
di1ferent dance band, anet in 1939
lf8l!', ,llIle first class ,day ever obCU~T YOCUM RESTAURANT features
the ).lIliversity.
la ter the class of 1
to leave some
drum at college, worklld
of their class to
up to arranging for
- Choice of Th .... Meal. "name" bands; Bill
had studied in Paris,
won a spot with Tommy
Dorsey. After 13 years
Asso ....d Relish..
of pooling new ideas,
they formed their
How tne stars got started ...
YOURSELF! Smoke only' c,meJ41
for SO days and
Ii~d out wily t::
''- .;"
Came~ ~fe first in mildae88,~.ifor••. '
md Pop~ilyl ~,bow iuP9Ji,. •
pUre pleasure a cl,arette Cilia i. • •
gi~e yout
FiUet of Perch
All You Can Eat , .
.. . .
own band, It clicked I
Every Th~rsday and Sunday
Eveni~g 5:00 to 8:00
.. Cur.t. Yocum's
513 So. Riverside Drive
." .
01M~' ~~~ :.:
. .' ..... -, .....
'umbler ·Soars 8 Feet Ba(~wards, Kentucky Tops
AP Cage Pol'l
To Try for or S Ig ump ar
The Dail Iowan
rlans .Rebound Fro~ lo~~; .
To Dump·Kansas State
NEW YORK (Jl»-KentuckystlU
leads the pack in this week's AsMANHATTAN, Kan . (JP)- Mtsociated Press basketball poll but
Igan State's scrappy Spartans lihe free throw line, K-State man,
coach Dudey Moore's sky-scrapin
d d f
73 63 d f t t aged 21 of 58 field shots tor 3C
re oun e rom a e ea a per cen t ,
Duquesoe team is closing in fast.
A week ago Kentucky enjoyed
the hands of Iowa Monday to blast
a ISO-point lead. Now the margin
Kansas State here Tuesday Dight
is 81 points. Duquesne's weep of Page 4-THE DAILY IOWAN-Iowa Cit.. , la.-Wed., Jan. 6, 1954 78-63.
the Garden Holiday Festival
boosted its stock.
- -.......------'~--;:------------------I The Spartans were never headT~tl
Of the 99 sports writers and raafter the ,openi~g seconds as I
· 36
cut thelr 10SlOg streak at
d io spor ts cas t ers vo t'109,
ree and boosted Michigan State's
NEW, YORK(.4")-Hea, vyweight
Kentucky first and 19 picked Du.
season record to five wins and champion Rocky
arclano mQ
quesne. The point score is tabud h' I'll ' M
lated on a 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1
three losses.
not defen
IS I e ill
Th h d h'tt'
next month.
e ar - I illg Ig Ten club
Jim Norris, president of Ibt
Kentucky rolled to its eighth
outclassed Kansas State before International Boxing club ~
straight Monday night, defeating
10,000 f~ns ~ho saw t~e Wildcats Tuesday he had two tal~ w~
Xavier of Cincinnati, 77-71 , while
lose t~elr thlr~ game m 33 statts AI Weill, Marciano's mana.
Duquesne downed Dayton, 70-S2,
their new.fleld house.
"and I got the impression t'-:
tor its 12th straight. The two
Spartan center Bob Armstrong, 'AI wasn't too anxious to 1101
leaders are undefeated.
normally starts, came off the until June.
Indiana, squeaking past Michibench i~ the second quarter and
Norris said Ezzard Char_
gan aod Wisconsin in Big Ten
m 18 pomts to take scor- Nino Valdes, Dan Bucceroni alllli
compelition, held third place and
ing honors. The_6-8 pivot man hit England's Don Cockelt wcre lllel!.
Minnesota remained in sixth place
six field goals in the second qual'- tioned as possible opponents fQI
but the rest of the standings were
as he sparked the visitov to a the champion.
sh uftled . [ndiana and Minnesota
42-34 halftime margin,
"I'd like to have Rocky fi&ll,
meet Saturday in one of the big
K-State stiU was plagued by a in Miami, New York, or any ()t~
games of the week.
leaky center position. Coach Fred place on either Feb. 24 or
Oklahoma A and M moved up a
Winter moved forward Jesse Pri- 26, the IBC's Wednesday and
peg to fourth and Western Kensock into the post ip the second day television dates," said
tucky, unbeaten in 12 games, took
hall but Prisock's 10 points were I"iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'
over fifth. •
not enough to stop the tide.
Holy Cross, Duke and Oklahoma
K-State's only lead came after
City all moved into the top 10
20 seconds when Prisock droPlJed
ousting lIIinois, North Carolina
in two free throws.
State and Fordham.
Forward JUlius McCoy spearheaded Micl1igan State's efforts
wtih three straight layups in the
IOWA'S BASKETBALL SQUAD TOOK plenty of time outs from first period to give them a 18-17
the cage noor during Its recent holiday trip to the wkt coast tor advantage.
1. Xontueky ·cR.b)
..... -,, ' lUIG
Michigan State hit 23 of 48 field
two games with UCLA and Southern California. Here three Hawk!!. Duquel ne (I '!_IH
.' .. "4:'.
S. Indlon. 18-1)
.. 1\.;8
eyes, centers BID Schoof and Bob George and guard Roy JohJJson, goal tries for 48 per cent and out~. Okloboma A & M C I ~· I )
, 413
". Wetter" Kenluck y ( I '!·cn I..
exchange greetings with Elaine Stewart, Hollywood actress, at scored the Wildcats 32 to 21 from
An Associated Press story from
Champaign. UL, Tuesday said
that Illlnots may produce the
track sensation of the century- I
a high jumper wbo can clear
eiaht feet and go over the bar
He's Dickie Brownin(, illinoIS I
junior from DaUas, Tex., Cor two
years the national Amateur Athletic Union tumbling champion.
Browning has, according to
hi4 coach Charley Pond, reached
eIght feet a number of times
with a double backward summersault in IUs gymnastics routinc.
Iowan'. o-btfDl
But many in the track and gymn tIcs fields inc:ludinl Iowa's
,ymnasUes coach, Dick Holzaepfel, and
rack coach, Francis
Cretzmeyer, feel that U's highly
unlikely that the IUinl star will
be able to accomplish the feat
over a high jump bar.
A technical point Corcing the
5-9 Browning to take of! on hi!
double somersault on one foot
appears to be the biggest obstacle
In any attempt to break the
world's high jump record of
6-11 ~~ set la t June by Walt
Davis, 6-8 former Texas A. and
M . basketball star, in the NAAU
The high jumping rule stipulates: "A talr jump is one in
which the competitor jumps from
one toot."
Bi&" Oba&acle
And In HolzaepCel's eyes the
one toot take oft Is a mighty big
obslacfe. t;on ae
Tuesday night
he said, "I've seen this boy do
this triclc He attains a lot of
6. Mli,,\C~s ola. fK-1) . ..
7. 1I0Jy Cro .. C~·U)
2 18
height. But If he has to take oft
M-G-M stUdios in Hollywood. The Iowans came home with a win
R, Duke (U.li)
. . . . . . . . . .. 1lS4l
on one Coot to make the high
lJ. Oklaboma. Cit~' O~ - I) •. 1.~..
over UCLA, 65-60, and a 70-60 loss to USC on their record.
l\IILWA KEE (.4") - PhJladel10. Or.~o. Slale (7-S)
." \0:;
jump, I would say the double
1I . RIce (lp.(\) ..
.. lUI
- - - - - - - - - - ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - phia's Dan Buccerolll, givin g 1\1_ 1
somersault would then be almost
12. Ge&. Wa shlnrton (fieO) and
NLa,ar. (8-:!,
... 10:1
(Ai' Wirephoto) 14. noylon
(n.~) ..
"Thc only one-Cooted take olf DICKIE BROWNING, ILLINOI TUMBLER, soars more than ev- 1!t lltlnols (i-t) . .
.. . . . . , 88
I've seen is in a forward somer- en feet Into the all' as he completes a double backward somersault. 1(1, StatU. (0-1) And
K.n .... (,;·Z)
.. .• 7ft
mous 10-round heavyweight desa ul t and ['m certain no one can Hla coach, Charley Pond, holds a tape se,'en, feet, three Inches In- 13. Navy O-:.! )
. 74
MOBILE, Ala. (JP)-Tommy Lewis wearily concluded
obtain the needed height in that to ihe air as the junior from Dallas, Tex., goes through the maneu - 10, VanderblU (7 _1) ..
cision over Germany's Hcin Ten
, no
20. Nor th Carolina. State (lI.li)
that· nothing fires up the folks like the fellow who does the
way, he added.
ver. Pond Is croomill&' the 5-9 Browning for an a ault on the
Tickets to Stan K enton's
Tuesday night.
thing at the wrong time.
cert, that is. Don't miss
" However," Holzaepfel quickly world hJ&'h Jump record ot '-l1~, set last June by Walt Davis In
this great concert in the M.a'bl
Literally overwhelmed by the storm of publicity sUrred up by
added, "If be does II then I'm the NAAU med. Only catch Is Diokle will have to learn to take
Lounge at the luon tomom1\'
wrong. Gymnasts have a habit off Oft one toot IllItead 'Of two, In accordance with the current hlgh
his 12th man act in the Cotton Bowl New Year's day, tbe
night, January 7, at 8 P.rII.
of doing the impossible. 1 once jumplll&' rules.
of Alabama fullback said he'd like nothing better than to turn every- l>lIebl,on tal. 7>. Kon.. Slot. oa
thought the double somersault
Cenlral 16, Prnn 46
impossible; now I have boys
thing oft.
SI. Ambrose 9K. Par •• ns .0
He was out on the football practice field here Tuesday in prepa- 8yraeu
.. a tl'iplc somersault on the
g 1
d 11Calif.
ht d (.4")t h Casey
th t
e 12, Fort 'Vay-nl' 00
e was
g e 0hadearswepa Tlition for Saturday's Senior Bowl football game.
e l:Ph:l~a~lI~p.~M~I;I":.a;Q;";ee=8K~::;=;;;;=:;=~:::~
Check Marks Are Problem
Yorke Yankees
lh [
th tr· ht
Lewis said the toughest part of the whole thing about his
· ld f
tlle f Ie
• Cretzmeyer pointed to other
e our
s a~
dlfticultlea In the jump saying,
Bitter Opponent Of Televised Boxing Joins
year as the naUon's finest team in, the-bench tackle of Rice back Dick Moegll! was that "people are
~. '
" It's rather dubious whether he
Nationwide Network T. Stay In Business
1953, as voted in .t he 23d ~nnual nice." He said he had received numerous sympathetic telegrams and
can make the jump. Even If
poll by The ASSOCiated Press.
lette s from Dallas and many other cities.
Browning can clear eight feet he PHILADELPHIA (.4") - I r
The poll gave the Yankees 79
ld 't b I'
, t lk '
b t
ers, or a title light. You can't ·first place votes for 289 porn
' ts' I"
cou n
elev.e ey were :l JOg a o.u me,
ewlS sal.
will have trouble judging his dls- can't lick 'em, join 'em,
tance and cstabUshing check Taylor asserted Tuesday.
buck that Monday, Wednesday ext was Maryland's college foo(- They were so comphmental'Y· They were saywg what a great commarks from which to start hLt did the Philadelphia
Thursday, Friday, Saturday
ball team, 10 firsts for 109, fol- I petitor I was-and I was sure I had dtsgraced myself, my team ~nd
routine to gain momentum."
finally let it out that he had
boxi~g w.ith run oC the mill
lowed by the Cleveland Browns 1 my school."
ON 2-D\
However, Pond, the mini coach braced television for his boxi
professional football team, 13 and
He said his sole objective was to get out on the footbaJl field
believes that Browning can, with shows.
, "I'm ,force,d, to accept TV to stay 106 points. Notre Dame football,
ith the South team here and prove he's as dangerous a player off
training, take otf on one. fobt in Actually, the graying promoter m b usmess.
Indiana baslteJball,_
the bertclr as well as' on it.
accordance with the current high gave a luncheon to announce a
baseball, Detroit
"Maybe [ can run itl out of my sy.stem," he said. "I lust wish I
jump rule to satls!y judges.
pretty good middleweight fight
"It will be easy lor him lo get between PhiladelPhia's Gill Tul'I.
Academy rowing
hadn't done it."
his timing down, like regular ner and France's Pierre LanglOis.
rooklyn basebalI rounded out Lnt~ I;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 1
high jumpers, to hit h Cs peak The two 160-pound title aspirants
10 teams.
height at the right place, abOve are scheduled for a
feel wonderful to be the man~ '.~==~=~=~II!'.:'~~i~
s.....~ M~IK:,M,~lL
the bar."
at the Arena Jan . 26.
of a baseball club that can
IlIini track Coach Leo Johnson
Taylor, long a bitter opponent
this honor four times in a
and the American league
was 8 bit dubious about Brown- of TV in boxing, said the Turoel'- "
ing's high jumping aspirations Langlois go would Qot be teleand the \.vorld championTODAY and
RrCHARD ROBERat firsL but now has fallen in vised 01' broadcast, but after that
ve straight times," said 11',;;;_T_HU
n_ID_A_Y_!____________- .______
ROCkYMay Pass•Up ,
e ruary I e BOUt
Haw Stars Meet Hollywood Star
he w
* * *
The Top 20
Alaba rna's\12th Ma nAwed by Publicity
z:t :~:::~a:;:;::l:d u~::~:
Yankees Name"d
--------:---:-;:--------------------1 Top 1953 Tea m
Cage Scores
moter Accepts TV
I [ I"
-A ,A Z
0 n 0 ur W"d
I e M"Irae Ie C
with the loea an.d Is. ready 'to 'PhHadelphia would join the Wed~
combine with Coach Pond in ncsday njght TV network CBS.
grooming th~ champion tumbler.
Why the sudden change of
"I haven't had a change of
heart," Taylor said, "I'm s till
not in favor. of television box i
shows even with the local area
blacked out. But, like all Independent promoters I feel it is
absolutely necessary to accept
television in boxing."
Taylor said it was simply a
CINCINNATI (JP)-The Ameri- maLter of arithmetic. "I'd rather
can Football Coaches associallon be sure of a small profit than a
(onvlnced there is no chance to; big loss. Tel evision will help me
an early return to the two-platoon out of the woods financially.
system, urged Tuesday a Iiberall- only time you can draw a
zatlon in substitution rules.
house in boxing these days
The coaches recommended the when you prestlnt two to p notchCollegiate Rules committee, which
meets Jan. 11 in Sarasota, Fla., Boston Red Sox Allign
enact a rule which would permit
a player to re-enh!r once in each Kennedy To Louisville
quarter and to eliminate the pres- BOSTON (JP) - The Boston Red
ent four-minute rule.
Sox Tuesday assigned lefthanded GORDON PIRIE,
The four-minute rule applies pitcher BiU Kennedy to their lanky distaDce star, won'~ be a
only to the second and 10urth Louisville farm on an outright Bri~sh exPOri Item if a Loadon
quarter.:; and allows players to re- basls.
tabloid CILIl help It. The Dally
turn durin. that period.
Kennedy came t6 Boston last • Sketch launched a campail11 to
A year ago the college coaches wliiter with Marv Grissom and pro.vlde home-made attractions
voted by a 8-1 margin for two- Skinny Brown from Chica'go in a ~o keep the 22-year-old bank
platodn »ta}" but the single pla- deal 'for Vern Stephens. In June elerk In Britain followlnc Pirie's
toon system was inaugurated by ~ Sox optioned Kennedy to disclosure ~ba' he "Is seriously
the intercolleJiate rules group. Louisville where he won nine conalderin&' several scholarship
This year in a poU conducjed by games and lost five .
offers .. American coUeces." A
101Irce .,lcae to the athlete laid
coach Lou Little of Oohtmbla, 319 '
coaches voted to ret.aln the 1"3 BABYSITTERS CAUSE CHANGE tbe sehools are Oklahoma,
setup, 189 urged a return to the CLEVELAND (A") Because Georcetown and a west eoast
Football . Coaches
Urge Liberalized
Subsfitufion Rules
play of the
voted open
to liberalize
lations but npt make them as
liberal 88 under the two-platoon
are scarceIndians
on Saturdays,
the Cleveland
hold their LjdJes' Day games on
Thursdays this year instead of
he guys that play with the basebaU, and the coaches and Del
Webb and Topping, ban, the owners, and me being manager, 1
feel wopderful about this ilonor."
~~~8I,,~ .
~ 1
LOOk AT ME •••
Perte~t Fit It Vilion . ..
Art. Guild Film
presents Jean Renoir's
!'ft {...,
Regie :du ·Jeu
[the Rules of the Game]
and Two Short Subjects
of the
now open at .
4 p.m: in the 'afternoOn
Drop out aftCI warm up for the
Friday, ilanuary
Shambaugh Auditorium
"Doors Open
1:15 10:1)1) P .M."
"Doors Open J:15-9:<I6"
ie~o~I~le~l'~e~.::~iiiiii• •~;~~ij~iiiiijF::~::~111
Coral Lanes
"I am indebted to the organ!zaion and the plAyel'1;, they being
-- STARTS --
lit SUI Professor T9 Aid Philip' ine Engineers~~u8~'J;h::I~chC?~1
Bu~d;y~ow;';~;: h(;tOL~;;~
53 Cit
The Iowa Institute of Hydraulic
Resear«h wIII PIay an Impdrtant
tor 3C role this year in the reorganization of engineering education and
t. research at the University of the
Director Hunter Rouse of the
SUI center of research ' on fiuld
III board
ir I
mo Jon w
an a pane 0da.1!I for Que.zon City, P.I., where
he will conler with island unlversily authorities on the general
layout design for a modern hydl'aulics laboratory.
Following this conference, the
Iowa institute staff will prepare
a.set of detailed designs and spec 1fications as the . second stage of
SUI's partioipation in Operation
PhilCUSA-FOA, or tl'le Philippine
Council for United States AldUnited States Foreign Operations
" Desirned Colombia Lab
Rouse, SUI professor ot, hydraulics and mechanics, says that the
Philippine laboratory will follow
the general pattern of that of the
NationI'I University of Colombia
whioh was d~slgned by the Iowa
staff for the South American
country and formally opened in
111gust, 1952. One result of the
cr>perative effort between Iowa
lfId Colombia, he observes, is that
f~ur engineering graduates of the
~olotnbian unIversity have cOllie
t, the SUI department of meanies and itydraul.ics lor their
vanced training.
DUt )
laboratory for
the Central Univer-
~trYucOtfl'oVnenanedzueexlape'nCted°w UtondbeereeoOmn:
y Co"structlon l~~----'--~
When Johnson county property I
Owners pay their 1953 real estate The Iowa City school eonstruc- - - - - - - -- ---'--'-an~ personal. property tax~s, tion program made 1953 a bump"r expected in the 1957-1958 school Janette ?strand~r, 51, Water}oo,
whIch are .due tn 1954, they Will year for construction here. The
probably fmd these taxes somc- I
I6t UniverSIty hospItals Tuesday.
h t hi h th th
t h d arge amount of u.a mg was The post-war construction pro- Richard Zortman, 9, Smithland,
g er an ose ey pal made possible by the $795,000 gram of SUI also continued with at University hospitals Tuesday.
aSThY.,~aisr. bee
t ·
b d'
bond issue ever approved in Iowa two major projects Parklawn anu Albe t T l
63 W h' t
ause aXlng 0 lei, City
. .
ay Dr,
as lng on,
those "overnmental agencies em.
the addltlon to the Iowa Memo- t U ·
lty h
'tais T d
• to llx leVIes
being .
ues ay.
to support I The building of I-,'wo• new ele- Irial Union'
their operations, decided last sum - I mentary school . bu~ldtngs heads Church const~uc\Jon, which had Mrs. Stella Schumacher, 73 ,
mer that they would require more Ihe school construction. They arc been strong smce the end of Gamavillo at Mercy hospital
funds to operate In the next elscal the Herbert Hoover elementary World War II, fell off in 1953.
school at First avenue and Cou.rt Privat~. construction remained
The agencies making this de- st., and Mark Twain school al high WIth 88 new homes, ohe
cislon in Iowa City are the count v the south end of Yewell st.
supermarket and one lumber Mr. and Mrs. Russell Zahner,
board of supervisors the board of
The new schools are nearly compafly started during the year. R.R. 4, Iowa City, a girl at Mercy
directors of the' independent identical and contain 10 rooms
hospital Tuesday.
school district of Iowa City and each. Com.blned cost ot b?th
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Poggee,
tpe city counc;il or Iowa City. structures I $476,389, accordtn~I Cn,' ren s
Property taxes, which support to the low bids submitted.
Riverside, a girl at Mercy hospita~
a state servicemen's bonl1!! ,s
Other phases of the school COIl- Classes
Mr. and M~ Ray Mitchell, Lis-,
well as the city and county gov- structlon program started during
ernment lInd s¢ool districts, are the past year and now underway Cract classes for children from bon a girl at Mercy hospital Tuescollected in the otflce of county include:
7 to 12 years old will begin Jan.
treasurer Lumir W, Jansa. They
Building of three classl'00ms l 16 at ... the Iowa City Recreation day.
may be paid In two Installments and a kindergarten room at Lin- center. Mrs. Jean Souders, ottlC'e Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Large,
with the p~naIty being added to coIn school; five classrooms atisecretary and crafts' director fQ~ Marengo, a boy at Mercy hospital
the first halt amount April 1 Roosevelt school; an all-purpose l the r creation commission, wl1l Tuesday.
aod to the second half sum Oct. 1. room and conversion of the pres- teach the classes.
Iowa City property owners will ent all-purpose room into four
Registration will be from 9
pa>: on a levy of 85.762 mills, cla§Srooms at Horace Man nl ~.m. to 12 noo~ Saturday. There liarlan N. Miller, 504 ' , E. Bur'"
whIch is about $6~.76 on each school; ~n aU-}lurpose room with IS no registration fee but there lington st., lined $30 on a charge
PROF. HUNTER ROUSE, director of the Jowa Institute of Hydraulics, is sbown cbe~kr:;leo::~·lth~ $.1,000 worth of assessed. valua- converSlon ot .t he present an- l will be a fee for materials used of speeding and increasing his.
hon. Although this levy IS lower purpose room IDtO three class- in each class.
ed wh en f1 agge d d own by poblueprints he wlJl show officials at tbe University of tbe Pblllppines wben be visits them. Rouse wtIl than last ,Year's, property ownert rooms at Henry Sabin schonl.
The classes will include textile
leave for tbe Islands today to IlIsculS reorranlutlon of tbe Philippine's eulineerinr educdlon. The will probably pay more taxes The school additions are made painting, metal tooling, leather- ceo
blueprints are for a new hydraulics laboratory to be erectN soon under the 'SIIOJlsersbtp or the U. . because or a probable Increase in nee e s a r y by the Incrt:a.. •. craft, tinger and tempera palnt- Ja!11es F. Schall, Cedar Rapids,
Forelcn Operations administration.
assessments as a result of the school attendance in Iowa City. lng, clay work, weaving and\fined $12.50 on a charge pi prostate tax commission hike.
The peak of the enrollmel'jt is plastic work.
hlblted passing on a yellow zone.
To Start
3 Hitchhikers H'ald
For Illinois Police,Adm·lt Theft of Auto
(Continued frol/l l'(/ge 1)
found hidden under a platform
Swami Nikhilananda
To Speak on Hindu
Iglon Ph·1I OSOp hY
I#eted this year. Two Venezuelan
truck in a dark corner of the
gtadl,late students are now among
e hydraulics engineering stubuilding's fifth floor.
T d
With the $95,000 lound in Virnts of 12 nations present,. en- P 11
0 ce ues ay were a emp - .
Swami Nikhllananda. founder
II ed a
Ing to contact Illinois authorities gmia, that made f127,OOO of the and leader of ~he RamakrlshnllDirectort ReOtulsef~bnoitesti thafir~ a about the return of three teen-age $160,000 recovered. Baughman Vlvekananda center of New York
Davenpot m a .. ~ ea on m, b
' k d
T d
. g
"The B .
tfie Hawkeye COl)1pany, h"s built OYSt Plfc Ie uPC'tue~ ay mOrntlin said an additional $1,300-presum- ICdl y, wf H·sPdeaR 10jnl
d Pha~llcl';:::;:;::;:;;:;;;;::~:;:=;:;::;;;;::=;:j===:;:==========T=============:j:============:::.
I -1'1 W
' at y a
e y rau cs eqUlp- with the theft of a car from Lay
osophy" Jan. 12 at 8 p.m. in Mac- .
Miscellaneous For Sale
e\')t tor the Col~mbian and yene- Salle Ill.
cashed $20 bills-was found in the bride hall auditorium as part 01
eldanC~at~oralt?rles·h He said thte Th~ youths were picked up Landis apartment in northeast the annual Sudhindra Bose mc- One DY ....... _... Ie per word TYPING. The.l. and manu crlpl. Work LET US Transfer your furnllure nfely S,eelal 8' __ e.1 Oil,,: TIME magozlno;.
U" _ lIeS
Irm as come 0 . , . .
.' I I t .
T~ daYI
120 - r word
~lIaranlC d.
EX'commerclal lencner. wIth our modern equlpment 10 your onJy 8c per CODY. Publisher bl111 you
~ "'. ].
thl t
. hItchhiking by highway patrol- WashmgtoJ},
mOlln ec Ul e senes.
Ilew home. Maher Bro•. Tran.fer. Dlul .tter .u1>l~rIDtion _tarts. Call Nick Nlcho·
qvecla IZe n
s ype of equlp. t
t fT'''' Th
A former journalist Nikhila- rive daYI ..........150 per word _ _ _ _ _ .
l~., ekl. 4369 arter 8 P.M.
h' h th
IS the aulhor of a number
Dial 2862.- - - - - - - a mdl. e a da.tlh 'bw t ledge of the theft, though pollce Of books, some of them transla- Olle MOllth ........390 per word 'l'YPINO. 8.2498.
work for . the Iowa hydraullc~ w
800<1 u.ad r-'~. ~nr.to- wIth 9O.do'"
d a an one m
I c a ou said there is no doubt she accoln- tlons
. He was
~ ~".'Rerrllleration Serv':
whIch was established in ft.oun
0 and one half miles west of
from the Sanskrit.
JACK and Jill Playschool 0101 8-3890
warrllnly. Connor's
bring to pear upon hy- w
- .
panied her husband and Giles to ordained a monk of the PamaTH!;SIS I)'pln" experienced. ' · 2106.
' - Ice. Phone s003.
tpe Cull scIentific power Iowa CIty on hIghway 6.
. the farm near Middleburgh. Va., krishna order and later at a Hima:LASSIFIElD DISPLA Y
roHW~Tt~~rV!~. :g~~~ ~f:8:r~Oy~~h4~~ ALL ~OOL tuxedo. Lang-8 .. 2310.
.the univcrslty. Forerunner or Highway patrolmen J. L. SmIth Monday night.
layan mOhastery
of the v~rder On
. e .msertion
.............. 98c hper inch
Who Does It
JENNY Lind be<! and davenport lI\ gOOd'
the ~oY{a in,Stitutc . was a tiny an d CI arence Wagner f o.un d th e
Held In $50,000 Ball
and studied Hinduism and other Ive Inse,rt ons per mont ,
A.M. baby , llllnl( In my honle. Phone tondlUoll. DIal 3900.
laboraior,y 22 feet square below car late Tuesday mornmg and
. .
svstems Of philosophy and religper IOsertlon ........ 88e per Inch SKATES , harpened - Ho<:k·Eyc"LOlin 8·1707.
' l a t e r picked up the boys on the US. commIssIoner Cyril Law- o!
Ten inse tions
128'" S. Dubuque.
SPEED Queen washln, machine. Dial
thc .,ur1lngton sl. dam in Iowa h'
ren~e held Landis in $50000 pail ion.
per mon ,
BAQY 111111111. DIal 'S82. A-I< lor Arlene.
. ,
Arter touring India and ledurper inscrt.loo,....... 80e per inch ELECTROLUX c1 •• nor Illlel and ..,rvlce. I___-=__--::---:::--____ -~------------AId 'Htrhway Eolioeers
At the police station the boys and .hlS wife in $10,000 ball. Giles ing in the United States Swami Dally insertions during month,
L . H . Ebcl. bonded repr.scnI8Uvo.
Room s For Rent
to its basic lnstruc- admitted taking the car from a arraIgnment
~Tikhl' lananda founded the' Ra· mnper Insertion ........ 70c per inch Phone
7BS9 •
In adMition
t o was
a until
--- - - - - - - - - - ROOMS for men students. Call &892 or PARAKEETS. DIal 8·0243.
~Omll functions and assistance to LaSalle used car lot Monday evey.
krishna-Vivekananda center. HIs
Btl., ...
WIRING. appliance repalrln,. lelevl'llon 5417 .
hydx:nullc eJIIineers ' of othj!r coun- nin~. The keys to ~e abandoned
Of th~ $95,~00 found in the tool congregation like those of the
TIlo Dall1 I .... D B••lntl Ortl..
and radIo service. Jackson Electric.
SLEEPINO room. ror two mol. students.
Work Wanted
tnes, the Iowa Institute of Hy- vehIcle were round 111 thc pocket box, pohce said, some $7,000 was other branches of the order in
Ba ......., East nail 0'
Close In. 5426.
dralllic Research. performs a va- of one of the youths.
in $1, $5 and Ip bills, indicating the U. S. conSists entirely of
AulOS For 'Sale - Used
ROOMS lor men: -cl-oa-e-In-.-I-IS- N. ClInl.n WASHINGS and Itonln,•. DIal ~545.
riety of studies on -the :flow of air, One of the boys was armed large numbers of 20's had been Americans .
_._ _ _ _ _ __
water and other tlui!;!s. These in- with an unloaded pistol, police spent and "good" money received It is not nooessary to obtain
w:.~~~: New wr!!"cks and junk•. Phone ROOM for t en.l. 113 'N . OubuC\ue. a.W$. F~~~~~;r~~~k J~~s.he~f>.emJ'~"::~J.':.~
elude wind ]oad~ on huildings, said. Two of the youths are l6 ,as change.
tickets for the lecture. stau and
IIraduat. , ludent" Phone And ekpcrlen,ce. CorTIe R. McKoy. 325
ship rcslstance and . various as- years of age and the other is 17.1 What happened to the $3J , 700 faculty members, students and f
los! and Found
1 19!::~~~: :: door. Good condlIIon. Call '~74.
WtlCh ave., Ame., lows,
peets of river control, conducted .T hey also carried a suitcase con- , still missing from the $160,0001
the general public are invited to
blue ,parI coat New Year', eve.
in the prcsent 'five-story labora- taining clothing, magazines and
Discusses Case
caU 5200 .rter 5 p.m. Reword .
Furn;$hed Apartment.
t' I
tory'..completed in 193~ on the varIous ot er ar IC CS.
Baughman, who discussed the
Sewln,. DIal 8.248U.
THREE room aporlln"n!. prIva te entrance.
'wcst ban'k ot \.he Iowa rIver.
The boys are being held In case at length in a late afternoon
- BALLROOM DANCE lesson•. MImI Youde
prIvate bollI, lully lurnlshed. heOled
Research projects have been Johnson county jail until contact news conference said he isn't rulWur lu. DIBI 9485.
SEWING . Dial 8·(289.
loundty. DIal t~5. art.r 5 P .~.~._.
s\JI>ported 'finanCially by I s U chis made with Illinois authorities. ing out the po~sibi1ity ot a still
agencies as the Iowa highway and They will then probably be re- unapprehended accomplice who
c?nservalion commissions, U.S. 01- turned to Illinois, olfiC'ers said. might have got a large part of
11ce of naval rese/lrch, army corp~ Police said the boys abandoned that as his share.
of engineers and public utility the car after jt skidded on an Icy But the secret service chief said
companies. Currently Io'wa hy- patch of highway west of Iowa Landis' story of an outside-thedr!lulics specialists are helping A City and slid into a ditch.
bureau mastermind proposing the
Full time, must be accurate and
rapid typist. Experience in
St.. Louis firm with problems , of
The youths' destination was theft and actually removing the
transcription deslred but not
maintenance Of. th.e new . Keo~~K not known.
money just doesn't add up. For
necessary. Group Insurancedam and an IllmOls public ullhty
one thing he said no non-employe .
perwith techniques of obtaining coolwould J1~ve enO~gh freedom of
manent position.
ing wator for Chicago power
moverwent in the bureau which
pIan(.5 from the city's drainage
keeps a record of visit~rs and
watches them constantly while
Iowa City , Iowa
A,n Iowa higl1~aycOmmiss~on
they're on the premises.
project .~ow upder ':Nay in the 10The offense charged against
~ltllte ~s concerned with improv- The second annual University of Landis and his wife Is ullauthorI~g the entrance shape o( under- Scouting will continue today at ized relnoval of currency materials
hllhway culverts ~o they can more 7:45 p.m. in Macbride hall with from a gove rnment-designated
efficientlY carry water ~om one meetings ot three groups of Boy place of safekeeping. The maxl,
side to another. Faced WIth prob- Scout and Cub Scout leaders from mum penalty Is $10,000 fine, 10
Swami Nikhilananda
llch th I
lema of predicting how
C·t area.
years' imprisonment or both.
water may approach Iowa hlgh- e owa I y
SudhindTCI Bose Lecturer
\Yays~from normal rainfall to Men leaders of cub packs will
. . . the quick result. you ' can
tMah floods-anq then with plan- hear a dIscussion of the "Pack
n~~ how to get ~h.e water into Meeting" led b{' ~rof. Sherwood
Sets New
get by advertiling in "'e DAilY
and through the culv~ .. ts the Tuttle, a committeeman for the
hllhway engineer~ came .. to the Henry Sabin school Cub pack and
D '
Speed Record.
Iowa: laboratory .for help. The of the S~JI g~ology dep~rtment.
ss.stant WASHINGTON (JP) _ Col. WiIcash for unwanted po....llons.
vear ' culvert - experiment
The meetmg WIll be held 1D room
The "Role of the Dental Assls- I'd
al W . Mill I'k an, Nationa I Guar d
. . r.
Call 4191 and let "'e DAilY
PrD)ect IS under 'the, dlrcctlOll of
t ' th P
! De 'i tr It flier who set an unoIficial lrans·
M ~,
J d
'11 I d an m
e rac Ice 0
n, s y
"Still tingt'ing with the spirit of tbe open road?"
of . 00
. nald E,
et",er, of the Mrs. J ames .01' an. WI . ea will be discussed and illustrated continentAl air s peed record on
Ydrauhcs departn\el\t.
women leaders m a dISCUSSIon of t
I' I
d b th SUI Saturday duplicated his feat for
d' R
a a C In C sponsore
do the rest.
Hu, WrItten e"tboo.k
' D~n MO,ther an Den Chl~f e- student chapter of the American a New York-to-Washington flight
J;lirector of the Iowa Inshtut~ of latIons" tn room 105. She 1S den Dental associat'on Thu sda at Tuesday.
!fJ;4ra,ulle ~esearch since 1944, mother for the Lincoln school 7'30 m i th I II
rf d!ntl _ National Guard olficials
ROUse ~as ~o-au~?r in 19~3 with pack,
t~y. p. . n e co ege 0
s Millikan . flew t~e 210 miles .
Prot. J.. W. Hovye, "lechaDl~s and Troop leaders will hear an IId- Dr. Charles J. Gillooly, Kansas ~ween MItchel Fle.ld, Long bland,
~ydraullcs dep~rtment h~a~,,, of qress on "Helping the Boy Grow" City. Mo., regional dental consul- and .An'drew~ air force base,
Basic MechaniCS of FlUIds, a by Prof. Frank Sills, professor of tant for the U.S. public health M?, In 24 ml.nutes Tuesd ay, live
S\ljl)dard textbo.ok. In 1950, Rouse physical education at SUI and
'11 h
i\: mmutes and fifteen seconds below
ecUted the 1,039 page manual "En- head of the Wahawk district com- SterVlee'dwl Sk ow athmot 10~ P
the official record established in
ori~ In ""d
ute an spea on
e OpIC.
. 1\146
....-o",r g ~ . [au
. .
mtitee for Boy Scout leadership Gillooly is a graduate of John
While holdinl! a Fulbright re- training The meeting will be held H k'
d th U·
Mllllkan, a nallv!! 01 Malvern,
search scholarshi., at the Univer- In room' 204
oP. lOS t ~~J1ve~sl y an
e 01- Iowa, flew the same F-86 Sabre
llty ot Crenoble, France, In 1952,.
verslty 0
Jet he used last week in his flight
i9~3, he wrote a book, "History Thursdays.sesslon 9f ;he ~outStudents" faculty me .m.bers, trom Los J\ngeles, Calif., to Floyd
,ot Hydraulics," 800n to be pub- Ing school w~ pe the fIfth m the Iowa d~ntlsts, den~al. aSSIstants, Bennett Field, BrO<lklyh, in fowl'
llshed' Fr
d Engl' h I n- 1953-1954 senes designed to give and hygIenists a~ mVlted to at- hours, eight mInutes and live
iUages mWlt:n~i:O~ Inee I~or!er leaders training in administration, ten? the clinic, one of a monthly seconds.
SUI , .
'. " I pro,ramming advancement and senes sponsored by the student
research assocIate now ID s- handicralt8. '
A.D.A. The college of dentistry
.started its first . class for women
tanbul, Turkey, 8S co-author.
~Q\IIe is the author of numerdental .Jlygienists this year.
oas articles .and pamphlets ~n SDX Se'-rela,y.
Members of the .executive comp~ases 01 flUid t~rbulence, sedl...
mittee Which arranges for the
ntent transportatJon and wave
clinics are Harold Gannon, preslKnow
'ns and Out.
dent, D4, Spencer; Harry Monroe,
DaAfT lAW •••
i" t
D4 I
nit _ .........;........, ~, ..., lett_I
Victor Bluedorn, executive sec- vlce-gres ....en ,
I y;
..... "'..... , ... In •••
1 I4ATE 'lO ~
·.,ta"y of ,national S. lgm. a Delta James Dow,. sec. retary-treasurer,
''''' 10,/.,..."", ",'IIIIH~""" ••~
Accountants are ' needed by the I ,.. .
D4 Ft M d
J h
.i_i, ..
'~"'''nllll1 . reven\.le service to fiD Chi men's professional journalism
'. . a 1500, a,:"es 0 nson,
u....., ........ It lew. THlY MAY ""LY
of intemai 'revenuo fraternity , will visit the 'SUI fra- scrIbe, D4, Humboldt, James l3awl~ ~:~.~~, ~~~~k".,~':-;.';:'
agents and 'special agel1ts · (tax ternlty chapter Thursday night den: 04, Clear Lake, and Frank
"./octl, Wloa. "
fraud), .the United States civil a,t 7;30 In the lounge of ~e Com- ~uhffson, 04, Storm Lake, pr6- 1 ;'i.!::. ~n4n~~:•.!:~,~.
service commission service has munlc'a tions Center.
gram chairmen.
, ......",ito ..... ~.,..... .".~ ..11_,
--.-Mow I . . . . .I wltla l.e" "'''''.. AttaIllllluneeH. Men selected Jor these· Jack Burrows, A4, Belle Plaine,
p . .I•. Meclleal h •• I•• n, Lillie Iotrato
Poaitl~n.s' will examine tax re- acting chapter president, has exRAISE FOR JUDGES
,... _ b . oIill.....ce, Hew .. ,WI •
1o/riS imd recOrds of individuals, tended an invitation to all jour- ~ASHrNOTON (JP)- The com- ~~-:~f':: ,!~~ .::~:"".I".i:t~:
Jartn~rshi~s jlnd corpOrations In nalism faculty members and urges mission on judicial and congresti......il • .,I. ,. , ..I
G.rder to determine corr~ct tax adivcs and pledges to be ,.present. sional salaries met Tuesday to
U.a .11 ,.•• , "' .... ...wl
liability. Tho positions' pilY $4,205
An informal reception and cor- work on Its report, with the 18
Yow ....,. .... , ..... II)" ........
....R'lal Yc!ar, tire' pennaMlll, and ~ffct 1ee hour wilJ be ~eld In Blue- members reported agreed on a
ZOT: P~E ••
gOOd opPortunity 101' advance- dorn's honor follow~ng the meet- pay boos t, of af?ut $10,000 forl ...lUiiiic-..tir.IrI_"~:.!.III·IJ!l... ·.".A'J.~i·
the lawmak~ri and :federal jud,es'l"
1....-:------------.. . 1.-----....;...:.-....;..-----1-------------- --------------
""'.'1"'....."" I.
Part.Time Help
Area Scout Leaders
T0 H0Id M·
Paris Cleaners
Regional Adviser
Role Millilcan
" A.
".4., ...._
eI_.I" ..... ....., ......
'."'ll "
. Pat- a-mJ: DAILY IOWAN-le,,-:a City. b.-Wed .• AIL C, It5l&
Ready Wednesday at 8:30 sharp(
Including Color Print Portfolios. Publishers' original list prices-2.:00 to 1.5bi·· ..
t . Tn roaaE TAL DIAJIIEI. The confidential
p.pen ot 01lA! of !be moot Impottant l'nd mllc 11.urn In American history. dllclo. In, the secrel.
and beh!nd·the •..,.ne deta... of world·lhakln,
_nl. and declJIonJI. One of UIA mOlt vital d()('U·
mentl 01 Ikb crlUcal era. Pa~••1 'U' 8.le - U
2. T.OIIA • • AaDY ~ lleleelo. I .... 8tarl ••. The '
I~t'. flnHt wmr tlctlon, In 10
JuondlOme eclJUon. Palt•• ,
1.1. -
rtlz . OU. Prlcilcal IUlde t.o I.ttln. the maximum
belUt)' and comfort, wIth score. of
11110,01 of furnllure IrI'&lII ments•• ce_rlet. etc.
I'.~ • •• St ..... . .. ..................... 8al. ..
4. 8EODr"'lN0 P TCNOLOOY. by T. S. KrawIec.
('lear and lUumlnlUn, accounl of every ""peel of
toe aubjlcl - mind ..nd ~luIvlor •• djustment. etc.
alt • • , ...'1.......... ... ...... . .... 8101. - 'I
II. "001'.1 WaONO pAaTYI" By lIott. lila hiliI'·
.1 ....... ............... \......... ...
Ious c:ar1Oons by Ibe tn1rollable comic ,enhll . •• ~.
a.l. -
• . • 1JlftDrO 'IIALL OAIlI. by B<!rt PopoWlkl.
How 10 bO, rabllll •• lCIulrr II, etc .• wllb .xpert advic. em""n. and hound tralnln,: II»W .atne recl·
pes. 1II11.1. •••• It , • .t• ............... 8alo - U
7 At....lall.' TUI AIT . Alllorbln, accoun~ of
th~ .".,OC'ld·. arell palntln ... IfClUleclure. sculpture
and music. and their creator.. 111ua. ra~. .1
n ... ... ......................... S.I. - "
I . 1U 1I •• NDTBalrT8. by Peru Galdo •. Flctlon
JI1l1terpl_ b, the Splnllh Donoyev.ky - ..
• Inaun. ,aUery of eourU" ... Plr..lte, .nd kn.ve.
~.:e .~~~~u~.t ~~~~ . of ~~~e.~ . ~~~U:~I:"~
t . A••UID 1007'101110 ANALT IR. ed. by F. 1\1 ,
36. 1'.", Ara.·'JlZZLJNG PLATT lB. 6Id~lIt,
Unit coll..,Uon
hi. inimitable "New Yorker"
...rloona of IUYS and ~olll. P.II . • 1 n. 9~. SII .....1
38. l .. tr•• uU •• Ia 80 01.001'. by J . L. &< J. P .
Gillin. Abaorbln,. 806-l1li1. accoun\ 01 the orlcln.
and dev.topment of IOClely and culture, !MHlo.e
the lamll),. r.II,lon. ele. ".b. at U.l~ lIal. - ,i
311. TBE EXTaAOaDINAay " . 1II0Ut8. by 11.
Swllllelt. The Inc"",lble lIle and career of the
American patriot and Con.Ututlon-maker. Oouy·
eneur ¥orrll. conJlclanl 01 W••hlncton. JeUerson
and Lafayette. llIul . r.lI . • , "-.... ... a.le -
41. Great Lltera'ar. ., TnE EHOLISH LANO.
VAGI:, InformaU,'•• llIumlnollnl! account of the
outslandlnll POetry. prose nnd drama. I{om Chau~r to loyce ... T. S. Eliot. l1Ius. 01'1,. $2.00.
Sal. -
11. T.E eUAitla f ... a Way, b)' C. M . Wood·
man. In, plrlnc hUtory of the Frlentl s throullh 300
3 ta .. of end.avor theIr beller•• ach Ievements
and ~Y.MetI In practical IIvln •• Pab. al n .lIO.
45. TBI BOLJVA.t COUNTRIE8 - Colo"11I, ,, In-
';'0.,.11 '80'1'0
ALBUII. Hundreds of excltand acUon .bota of .lAr athlete. In
wllb facta on .... Db. 01'1,. 13....
,.1. - ,l
I•• Q98 W•• "'un .1 A.c" _ EIIIBATTI.ID
lK~lD'l'f, b)' O . Clletter. F.lClnatin. life o( Anna
DI""tnaon - a_Vl'er to Uncoln . fl,htlnl( femInist,
aC!lfm, Quaker. lIIus. Orl,......, .. .. S.I. - tl
P. Ha ..... n. EnC'JIcJopedlc au.... - \\>e. II'"'. au·
".w to a.lo" aD' EIIJ., Y._nolt
- Tat At...
OF OOMJOlt'l', by W, E.
Praetl¢jll JUlde 10
a' ...... .. .............
:~II)~.r. ~~.~ . ~~ . ~~~ .~~~~~~~:•..!'.,~
II. fti 0.1. W... - pATTlaN OF tUPONIII"'nT.
TIle cructal development of our be.lc
PIIlIeleo In NIIard ta the Korean War, NATO. ~tc ..
tIj .C).aAK DEHJII. Dd'O DtAWINOI - Enty
~ 811 Ie;.
E. Anthony" MorlAn DeIInI•• CUnnJnl nne and SIt beau,",,1 dr.wlnCl Of.
II different lxeed •••ullible lor tramln,. p.lt•• ,
II. . ... ... ..... ... . ... ~ . .. , ......... , .. ...I. - $l
108. 'XO",C B . . D8 .f A ••trall....
001'101. TIle. _tlat. , of
one 01 \lui Ct-
~.~":I.= ~..~~..~~~~~: ..~ . ~~~I: ~:i
cut-. frvm
n.... . ..... -
II. JlOI'llI' AND 1I~H1UN0. b:r "'. A. Bradlord.
ClMr, eqmpre!leftatve IIIO-pap IIU1'VlY of modem.
1Iaaa_ .anel aU of Ita ramwcaUona. lUus, p.~. a'
'!,..\ ......, ...... .... .................. a,Je
n : ,ulI:UClA I. WI.T. ed. by I.T.'FlaNIAn. 11'1- . . a1lUloloO of m1dweltem lore Ind J..-end. IeWcted from &be wrlltnp of lJnoeIn. SanelbUrl.
.......... I.ardMr. ete••••• at ",71. .. .. "I. - "
It. ~L 4. - .n. . _..... eI A........
W v.
AmaDna. amUlial deaCrlpUona 01
..... wllb ~ \beil' utourl4inC' ~II. .JI4aa. wtth WOIIdoIrfUl animal pbolOl.
. .~. . . , ..... ... ......... ........ ... .. 1I&Ie
- ' f'
1IJ1na... BUJIUl"t. or .0.AllllIID. by
J. C. ~. ln~ itlid)' of Mobanvne4an.... tea SUIt III 004 and the IuOlienct of 0lrII~ . Oft
IIl . . .lCllllNftt. •. , ... .. ... ~etal -
III.. no~AL .1II'Ja1 •• 0 .... .- 0 .... by C.
.... ~. -kellin&. blend 01 adftntun and tu..
to.,. - "'"' • U . .'. """'1*17 ~ a bInana
;:r.,~.~ j.~. ~••~ ••• ~. . .h~
ta . . . . __ BAal A UALrn aAIlT. b:r L. I .
lIalpern. IJ.D. ADaweft .u PI'OIIIemI of care. '-1froIn birth ta the IItrth
~. ~': at ....... ................. hi. - Il
_ . dJet.
ftc. -
'........ n ....n ••••.
b,. DorotIaJ' !lara..
..... tit - . - t u t home entel'tlllallll
N ...
h~ .
................ _
~t.~n~' .~~.~~.~~~. :~~.~~ e: ~
III. lilt...., . ., . _ - A .OUII PI OOICAGO.
b:r O. H. Dunblt. Tbe excilillll life 01 beauUful
KurIet Moocly. confldante of senciNflI. Ta,or••
Vaehel LIncIIoay and olber lamo ... wrttetl. .... a"
III •• I'AmI. D.AWDrO. (uta. .. Itta Ce.'vy).
• IHpillc II1III\1tp1ece1 by VeluCl~. Go),a, E1
Oreco and otlMn. beaulUu1I3 reilrocl\1Ce4 In. eI~.
tone . ttnta. hit.•• " .... ............. ....1. - P
P ...... . , . Oa••I1- OlaA&» D. /'rEln'AL.
B. A. Bhodea. The enn tIulllte, dJIIltrdUI lov..
and lIrtIItani work of Ute jp'eat IIlh aenlUr)'
J'J'endi poet a ..4 tr.w1er ••••• a' fUI. .... - U
... YOIC:!r OF
nDCII IUl\'OLtrnOJl _
Claude o. IIcr!ren. 1'be life
. , ,.. - - - Otrondbt ....Ior "'"" as tile fOc:ue
- ' III ....
IftIIIn/fIe8It hlotorlft of \be
:...... anoIuUoa ever written. 011.......
IaIe -II
.. ,
n ....1 aoala" BlIaN. _ .eee e# ake C••!
J. UndUy. A ,.,e. fIeIlI-aJIcI.."_
portreJl or Ihe m.n Illmat!If . . tne<>n&lnent lov••
UPPJe and IOdIl ''lliIILOTiuua. ..... at ~.'"
..... II}'
.... - f l
til. Let·. ilia. A..... C~JlADA • .,.
t.. Harrla.
,'.', •...
...... .. '
! . 8'1~
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. ".h
.a' ..... ... ..... .:.............. .•......8.~. - . 1 I
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.: i, . , ".1
esclttna trase10tr In to the. ....t nortJa countr:r.
""Ilb 100 wperb pboloa.and
RorIa and
facti lor ... 7\M11111 reacSsr. h •• • ' ...u.
.... - I l
.. \
",oUva~ona. eor1l1eclUen,CU, . Ue.ln ~wlth crlmL"iid ,
~rtmInaJa, etc. hit. a' ....... ......... , ......
' , .I
',. •
,; .!t-:c
II' PI·.TII& CIIDII.E. O~.D&'H •. b)' ".:L: .P,o-~t.':
tIorY ~;:r't:~~CIi~=:blW:;
Dleluollttn,· toUr of two fllmou .. Inecmlpata""
... · r.rt~t ....11. .
.... -11
pun.....r~.wju\ ptuttlMJ.......,..,. ~ ,l,'
, ~~...
', ' .. , • •
of &heir
~.bbull.-;"~ ' .
:iJ.r~oa!1~~IO". cil
....t.!rflll aeeount of 'tIIe ';;'at ft!8tecot=a
~t. lta ·...ekltourid -"A th. pb:releat ~h l
tbat IhOuenClljl hlm. h •. .. , ,"'I. .... ~ . - ..
.,. 1I.0W
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Ulnehfelcl TIle IllJan01&l In.\cje.tory of' 8r~Q" I :
'~HI'nAi{' ~
.,WJkiilj·' l'
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.........IU!. :...... ..~ ....... :......... ~I~., .- ~ ,
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···t:· ., ~a,.'t'NTI~:k:lti~
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ee:'\u~ ~bu=~~~ ,
. Durante. Ha,,~, I'emtr. Bc:bb)' Cla~. etC.
~I ........ .. ..; . .......; ... ............... 1101•
... ,,~. O"'r C~OVA. by Paul N ..U..
oilier celelH1Uee. lUuI.
".1 IIILLB&CK aOVNDI - I ...... .
A_..... 1Iut, by .Oordon qrand. ,I ~~
of ilia bun\lnt field anA raqe
eounc. ~I.
tr:v ....... _tew...................
'7 ~
~.1Il ".... TIIW •
trew\cIa 1A4t .!~D'. ' 'bf
.,Jtt..~.• H~~-,::.~t~alll r.
.Mel ,an d
~ ..,
\lie H6~. . . . , .t ' ...... ,-...' .... ,.
n. 81i1t •• a.e~
· , - '• •
bl Eo 'R: . . . . . ... lid
. eIorlel M Nul· ~rtoi') .. · •• Ioll·"'- ....
....-.... ............ ......
~OJ"" ~
t62 . JNTBOD1JCTION TO U:rlltA'IV .... ~. tri
L. G. ll>cj.c.e, el at A S12·paC_ antholo." of IfII#
~torle•. Plat"" and p~m. by HemlnBWay. 'aul~i!.I!I', .
Thurber. Ilot. Audel'l. Yea"', O'NoUl.
P.II • •• '8.00. .. ...... , ..... ,.. .. ..... 8.le - ~
175, TB~ !tnIODOM 01' JERV8, ~y ~.hn
Sloop,. ~ InlolrlllJ1 8nl/ lIIurolnaUn, Intel'!ire~l\qg
of the development l'ld moral POlller of lb~ .~
pel of Jesus., P.II, at p.'5 . .......... .. ljal• .,:",,"
176. PRISONER OF TBE Ll8BON' nrqmlmOIlrB1JOO GVltGI!NY, i!y M. 8tearJey. ra.ell'i8l1~
aceount of the InClItI~IUon and Its melbo4l. f~l.
ed.ln tt>e life of a man CDulht In I'" tonlt ' rea •
., ".IIG.. ............ .. ... . . . .. ........ . S.. le - SI
el .... B ....u ...... - Tal ~
OF JtAIIION l' (JA"~L, by D. ea""on.
life or lbe youn, heillon who lI'e~ up to ~
". ereat sclenUat. h) • • t It".... .... . B~~. - " :.
183. la,lo,.r
- ,,1
': .'
~.TUaN ~1t01ll
114. M••I. Le ... ti! 'lUI paa'rtcr
u.'" ..... .
r '
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O.A. No. ' ,
I lI~v••,U,,ed : '.,
. . ... . . . .. :. . . . . .. .;. . :.,. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .... . . . . . . . . ,. ... . . . .,
city ...................... :...................... :........ .......
Zone ........... Stu.... .. ,.. :.......... .. :.. .
PI.ea·" lend . me ~e book~.and; portfollol w.hol. numb.r,
. ... ... , .... .
, IOWA,SURPLY, 8 S. Clinton
'a~~.~ru"f~O~:. ~.6.~~~ .I~~~~., !,:. ~~~~~. ~~~;~.f!'.'
.... -
304. WILLY POO~Hy·8 . W.TU-OOr,OIl· LIIJ. .
80NS ra.I •• I., O~"e'.' Clear. expert, ~:~ ~
..... -
me ......;.. "'•• , ..... ... .......... ,.Ie ~ ~l
CO"'Dljct~ .
303. SPOIlTS FOa a.CBliATIOH ~;. ••!.'f ~
PI.., T~ .... ed. by t. D. MItchell.
of 'f.e :.:;;
h·eblthful and enjo,.ble 'POril. tullY delOft..-IIl.ld lIIuoirated. wllb poInte" on plliy alld ~r II,
plele rill ... 487 pile.. p ..lt . ••
8." ...
.. . .....
:f~~~.~~~~~.~~~~I. ~~~~~~~n~~~. }:i ~,
by F. Goldbeck. H~w to elljby mUlte wllb.
" . . .
.a,' -'! ••
,.1. - •
1~2. TBI I~.'CTAHT (lEADE.. ComJortlnl.
heart-....annln. oto.leo, .poems and arf,lcles - the
rf... t .lied-Ide a.lbolol/Y fori th~ lJI~lber.t;o-be.
llu~ •••~'" p ........ ...... " ...... _ Ial~- fl
.uli. l ••~_.".'
by I. 'II: Caldw.U.
ComP,let". up.ta-detej rePQrt oli our lAs' fron~eF ~
hlIIoTY. Uvln~ cond lions. bu.ln.e ll' oppo.rtunIU ....
"v~l, . ~~. II UI· ·'P~-· .. t
~I" '7 ,,~1
'" G • M . • I .. ' I •• J . ,.ra•••
II "
IIASMl/8. "YHDALI .... ·IIOBI. br vi &. C8nj11·
t l . 'the II)'~. porlOnaUtl ..1 and lbouJht of, IiIrie
n& of h.s",",. ' and the 'f ltelul I.auel of lbell'
" l '
teo. l"pl...lIon Tal
by Fred.rlck A. Cook. The lamou. ..1'1]1
story of hi. conq\ltlt 01 Ih* North Pole In ......
Full of halr.ral,ln. adventure arut ex~""j
brualles .... th death: ,811. I\~ ...... ....
··~lel\cIa~ \!! Saints' d&~'. "eic. Orl,.· P.M. ! .. ', .
lIale -
e_-· :
bellcaDy arran,t<!. wllb otl,ln. and meanln,".
Dr.,.-- .
117: THE API oj oua B01J81. by C, 1h1.'l!
WonderfUlly humol'Oua ,ccount of lllhal
when t,..o youn, /)Iychlatrlots rMr a baby'
ll'Inzee ... their OW11 da,u,nter. 11tuo. p.b , ~ ~
t· •• 1. YOVll B.BY(S HAIII. by Jof. ·NumbeP •.
··· :fhouulldl pf f~mUJar 81'1d; W\uaual name, all?h41-
~Iea~ ' h.,..
fl.'" =:''1.;
let. J,AW IN IT~ A• .,J.ICATIO'H TO BUlIN ....
b y W. , H. Schrjlmpfer. Clear aCCOllnt of ' laW
tu.ndAJ11en"'ls tl)8t ~overn bUllne.. ; ~ontracll.
perlOnal properly. I'Ii'tnersh\pl. bank~ptcy; CfII"
poratlons. real eltoite. etc. 1121 · paictl. .....W...
,S.60. .... .. .. ............ .............. 8..1e - "
IPlrlnlf 1Irolt. verlt and e"lerarna by famou~
authora •• Irelllni ceura,. and Jallh I!, t/l" lIr.ea.t
jhlv~ntu'" 9f UCe (rom .youtb to old ale. Orlr •
f8-" .. , .... , ..,.. .... .......... ,'" ../. Sal .... Ii
10ft..... . .... '
•. J. r:
~ .. ......) ·f'.;"", t • . . . :, .... ...;-:."'.1.· ;-: ~1
11•• ,... ·'401:' 0, jc"ItiI.At.' bY' T. H.'·, Wb~.
...... ~.UvIn•• . ItiI\JI!IIIU1\i ~. . . nt. ' lQlllliliit.
.. 8&1.. ' -
s.", - SI
160. TBI · AlIlEII,10AN liE.» oios~. by
Dillies. The "ntlr~ ~tl>ty of It.. loundlne:: strulf1!l!'
ploneeT day. un~.r Clar. Barton and heroic ~ '.
durtnll World War 11. S~ pages, 1'.11 . • \ .~.
Bal. - .11
~-. "I:~!!· IiJ;S,. OF UrI-A • .1~.".I.n. Mellow.
'''IVltl, .~
e .. iiee{\'.:'~.... pi!• ..
• ..
..wh), do.
. '.;
.+ '.
' • .'
ilt: .ADVUI'tU*1!111i ~a"
" t!I.
,J:/ccP.lnt . -thy.la · Ik1UI
. ..
fJ. •
..I 18.80• .. ~ .. .. . • .. .. . . . . . . .. .. .. .. .. ...
ci ....
.=~~ ~;,~~,,~~,!~~~t. ~t~l.
rJ "a'.", eI .GAJlllLII'/G• .by p. D. _ ." \:'/
1'lIneI:r t100cIlIPt on the problem ot Jal"bl!ioil. ta .
\.. ........
. '1
13•. •~r••el
to IlCANDDlAVtA. Tbe- fUnoits
Fodor aufcl'eboqlr; to Swellen. Norway and 'FIPlan d
~II. reliable InformaUon on .ccommQdal1ons.
.11b'" etc RoadrfiaP8. 11162 eel Orl, .. 75
."·ii. l· ." . ; . ' . ","'1\ . • lI· ,'·
U·· fI!I'
1St. 18 AN'YBOD'Y P~T~""""" ,"" W'''. "I
Whyte' IJr. & th~ Ildilors 0/ "F.,rtune." Deva.~\IItI
how a!)d why U.S. Bu, lneu fillr1 ....
when I~ .alks w jth l)umJln bcln ~R, And hilI" contael
must be Improved. )\lus. by P.obert O.bnr/l. ,,-,
t?~~~~a~~~ ~~:nMC;;~~.o~~I:.th'"it:.t6~r.doe.
. . -'
~,r.i:'-- ,tt
II~ ~I!~HIU. ..:W••t.... B........... (,e\pee. narKey. AulheriUc. unpolllil!ed Amerlcen,.hl,to.y In the raw ...: t~ue .torl•• of the
.: ~Da~Phlne,''' tlI~ . .9(I.l b IUporb pliotot, 1'.11. t .·
,'101. ~••••
iN A ~t;i
. I . . . . . . . . , . . . . . .. , •. ~ . . . . . .......... . . . , . .I.,...'
.. ·, I~WUI1'.. cIi!lll,.II\IT..'!(~l'!'t ,~W'It :.a el( ~"'1• .'
., . .
.soo:,~.~' 'old iJ:lr.allf 1II~ ~.iq* ' .n~ ]lIP tnS ,.
7l. THI "O"IN TN OANDIII'8 LI',&; 'iiio: E ••'M or
.- :
of f\~er.~r~. wtnl ~t ~l.'W'tt)' -11,. "11\ ....... Ill:
.tan'. The~IItUe-kno"'". s~ry of the extrao~mary
. ~utifu1l)' jU".~~ 't,~ .1 o.l.., .. .... _ ",
perlOnaU ... wllo Influenced hlm: Ma ....me P.BiI-·,,/' ...• , ,'''' ~< "
...,:... , " :.~.: ;: .•.•:: ~, ,\
dlt: Ita ~I. hlo chlld bride; Olive. ShreIner allel ' . lot. LOIID •• ~aON" · Lo.V" rOI., I, N"flml'll
. •
~ny ~I, ~. P'!IIt.; al ......... : ... ): .. .' ~I' -;-'. It { rI.. "P.oid't ' ....le . . . .:· \t,1""e ' edl!j~';! .~ ; r~~
1~. AI... tt ·aw.....•• Talo·.OtLD ~. r. •• , ,tr'
·~"!"':!.rlcI~:~:= :~~r: ~
A unlqUt ke)' ·10 jAe _nM' 'Of' \110 Crea~\ ""D'a " r '.
. '. :~. e ":..
\ I'."
. . r '.
~Ih\ n , ""... relif~on".{ ""UUcs, , econo~tI. .
10..18 9.J~ .pili... .(>.u ••~.1-pAutmd"}.~
etc. p.~. a' St.,...... . ~~ ............. , ... , .l.-Ie" -. r101 , .
1" ~ " .
ft. . .uiri'IALI Oil' CaIIll1l"aY. by 'B:8.."H I:, '~' .....co , .Id
' '' ; !''!'~ ' p!>rIf9u'l"t,." •
kina. sill
211 Uh..~atiotU _ "".1 Rrlnetp":;· Ii > ,I!O~" " ';' .t ~~ . r~ ·:· '.~'" .....,.. !'-~•.,. . . 1
and Uielr 'Pll/Ieauona In kle~e ani 'Ind"~, ,'
110. "~I ; I 8Jl"~t*,~ IN
".It. •, 14 .•• ' , . ... .......... : ..... " . / II~I.~
' .\~i,l i .tL'qUJI~ •.it.. s:~\ll 1h!fl.l1n,. IlII\or1',aNUe •
Rtarles. (II Halas.
Luckman , etc lIIus. P.b,
.... "., by
E .. .
i. .'
YO R 80UR 1f0US! - A 10;•• •" .._ , \
.. LlYln •• coinp. by M. J. Simon, The piau _
dtawln,l of ... 'IIn.capiurln, hou~ by Amerlea', •
leaelln, archltectlj. plus Invaluable' \lint. for ""
home builder. lIlus. In. color. 10" x \2 v.": ....
., p.o..... ...... .'. ..... . .. ...... . . , . . SII. - "
eo' lr\nnorllal m.IIe....Iet'M ·J)l' llfeul".t. ,oijtl:'V8!'
J: It
d th
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'C ,n to tI;"..,.
; ' '1 v,...)1 1tW
•• b~l "' . , .111;; ....: ., .... ..'; .. .. : ;.';., .. .' ... t . '.' ,1
. lQ5. , d l nav.el." f.oli rill ,Il,oit..o. ~l( •
Jam ... · Burnham. ~ t~kir,1I1)' tofen~.W cOIl'
tro'l'erslll .....ly~I.· ., tlnr,coM '!W.t enl! .rtuot ''''e ..
~oulCl: do \Q IIIIn t, ' I'll ••, . ' ~' . . .... lbol~- ,1.1 •
11.. 1. - "
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lD4.•~~.uIH DhW~Q"; uui'; ' I.~ ~t*:i...
!rjr~ .!.~i.
'....., ";<J~
156. WIAVING. by R. K. PolklnlbJ>rne. .cO~~1$
handbepk, wlth.53 , show,how llj,,.llr1otio'l' -'
'tlnotleal method.\ - ba~ketry, be.dwork. ' ..~
In. wIth raffia and phper, etc. t.:ah.
B'~&f, '"y 'U. il.;berts .. All
ti~n-packed drama of ~' Y"TB o! t'luItnp·
:r~;.~:: ~~r .~~~.~~~~~~~.~: ~~~~~~IG!~~~~
ale·.,I·. 1'1 ......... _ ROB"·" .. ,DOGS
p L"
qF oaEAT MtN. by M. Reid. EXc!lUh, stot(e.
$1I Je,eru\I; of th~ lovable and ~mbul .anlm.ls
who ~~e4' Ulustrlol\' Illtlster •. from Alexand.r
tb. Or at ~nd 'lfapol",,/o 10 the BroWnln,s and
i~D:R. lJIlI4. ,.11. 'al '7'~
8~le "'" ,1
' tr1
CH ilL" . WAT-a
. ."T"
. , La,
'" I eem
." A
.. II
'" •
ON. by R. Aldlnilon. The lamou. IlItb..ce.njury
aqulte Wb~ Ihocke\l En'llUsh aoctety lolk- A vasUy
~n'"ttalnlnl! , account of hll blzarre pe~lOnaUty
and conducl. lUus. P.b. "' p.et •. . .. S.I. - 'I
134: L.ll.,"l:f Idw. •
Arl.. ·, ... a •• lnl68 _ u~
TJ!.IAlfGUL.1!D .8:r A1l8. InUmatc lolleTS at t I'
«rent Amt!rfcnl) poet. In¢ludln, hitherto un611
U,hell poem• . feb ... t ,I UO.. . . .... ... S.lIe - It
135. I'lell ,. ••• an. SIr.a... - BLOOQ ' LlNEI!,
by N ••h lIucldncham. Thrllllna · ac~ventu,es of
fish In., hllriUna and outdoor Ilf". Buperbly reo
creattel, by a- ,r.al slorytell.r. lIIu •.· .0'", P ....
t .... Gtelf I ..a)'.' .a ~B. PO.ITI0~. ' 01" .~-t~
CA, ' by A. Reyea. navorllOm~. deeply.perceptlve
9.>rlttna. on the ancIent clvlllzaUool, flmous' ~x:.
plor.". .nd men of lett~" of lbe conti..ent. by
Mext~o'f p~atesl 1M"' . author. P.II. · a' l&.oo.
. •
..I. - U
155. FlOUlLE DaAWlNG tor F•• bloa ..... C.'la"
:.. '11
A.~Plea·; ·AItTI'CUlIA·b
C. B. Cobb. From lbe Elffel Tower 10 tM ~.
mid. - In a small, open .port. c8r l Gay 111111trated lIcCollnt of a va,abond journey. lUll "
1un and advenlure. P.,. '" ".60• ...... SIlt -;-"
157. FABI,~S ANB ••aABL_S. by ~y-m Wat-.
Highly' or,.lnal ond.. amuslnjt fables for !.be ItII!n¥
ale on Freud. th41 machine. tIoe "<1.1' between 'tIIo
..xes. etc.•• ". It ",75. .......... .... sa'. ·- "
.~pI'!.~~:~c.t~fl..~~~. . ~~.. ~.)'l'1
. , .' ,
I. f
..., '
• or.
103. ' Tat! LAI(D ~V_1l8 -LOy&1t _ t~
• Itl~~-::!.•~pll:'a!~ ~.!~l.~~~,~.:.-.·ot
.• •,
Pore .... B.U ... ...: LANDS OF Tln ANDIS.
by T . R. Ybarra. Full tourllt Infor,maUon On the...
7BI" INQ; .1&':: ~
~;~~• .. rn.a~8'~.
, ...'
...... . I
- - " " " '"" . 'i:
"'et. , ..!'t•• ))y !lor.' ' w .. ·.,AJI ""P... ~. Sl)CI~1
• ..and econClrt\Jc nIIUr.Y, . II.P' to an!! 'Il\clllJl\ft .\hf ·re..cent. Ubo~ . a\imlnist,r.{jon. , P.~ • .al ". I\.
J'rei. . ".. ,., iJ;,
". . ,,' . ' ftl\\i.ib11'D..
. . ~, ........ !'I-.... ell. by W. Bume"-
fteIft " ........
154. 1II0000a 01)TSSEY In I.rete .n. "ttl .... by
slITla!!. No~
~II~. ·.eU,l'iit\ll, p(CtUre of' eBl'I)" ,New ' l'IifI4 I\d
,\.II life, trom ~e 19urnals' .nd' J~teJio 0 the
Incy .I.~ts of lJps'(i;n. ",b, It ..,.110. Io!le .... 'tt
~ ~ 101 ' ' '''b~ _ 1.l r Il!lA~~"'''' ~Il. ",,,.
••It." lUll... ........... " ........ :. 8&1...... ,l
' . 'Cbtfri,'TIIC 'Pi:'r(ec:~ tt4"'1.
" '1- ' lr~tI,f. ,
, . I,
liI.or....Uon •. lasel .\\n~ b\.\oi :CCI~ . llAnal
.76. CII_II.I.c ak. ~I,. - BIGO HEAVEN. I Brili~- .
lI'I.4s ;,.te;'P.b.•, ",~" , .. :,. :.~1\ : ,to
111fln. mOllntaln.qlmblnar adven(ure. In i:he
~.~ ~l '
... QaAWlXQ aooll OHLY. _ . ~~ yPllloe,,
' •
o.er lao hl1U1ou. cart.oona from U* "elll oru" .nd "Cow.n." 1'.'. a' ........... 1IoIe - " I
..... 14 ........ ........... ......... ......... - p
yeu •••,
,gn.hip fQOt&all, WIth In~de
1 ..
'14, F ...... II .. B.IO JIIDrI, by H, 'Roberti. 50 t!xdt~
In, ,....... of tlabttn. football .....Ih actlon-DacJcecl
,torI.. of Zuppke, GOI!nl", Nleurakl, .1i.aN'0n.
.. tc, 'IOUI••• It..., ...... . ,' .. ... ... ... ........' .... .,.
75 . aAIIUALL pEaIfOHALmE8; b)' ,/ 1rh/ni ,P!lI~.
~. " Penonalttv· portrelts Illd ~-· .\IOOlt
Bulb. Dean. DIMauro and 50 other '.',realf.:· lUllS<
III. I RA VII TWO COUNTall.. b:v M: Ojlk~.
Amualna. tII~htfu1 vlewe of Amer\caJl CUltOlU
,a I..
'b "
tiri;ai~.,' t:'3f
;~~. ::Jt~'tt~L:r,r.,... '~ij['~
•~se.e~;-: .•8'n",}II!"-"16"C()-;:;UdtS~1
~~ ·::;;... ~ . . . .sa~ _ 'I
1'." ,.,.
~. ::ati~ .~~.. ::: .~ :.~~,
- - .....,.. ~:r probe Into ilia Plnbotott.
ea1 . aDd ~I III'1IbIems oC- modwn love.
IWO colorful countrlet; what 10 s~ and' do, ... her~
to .IIY. etc. r.b ••1 , •.•; . . : . •... .• . ... 8.1• .!... Il
51 • ...,. . . . . Alto •• CllPlA. by C. Spencer. Tbla
.... . . . .. .. ......................... . .. . ~I. -
ake .,.·..
beautlAally·prOCIuced book IntrodU(!lt' the )louri.
reader to Ita hlltory, .....pl11 IUld wonden In ~OO
marvelloul pItoloa anel abaClrbln, text. r.lt. ,a '
p.tI. ...... .. .. .. : _ ...: .. .................. -
):jG, EIi·r ,,.
La""' -....... • • _.~~i..or.
fqrCet which have sha~ the modern nftlJon. P.b.
4•. H.' ••• ••• Peeky - OH '1,,& O.I'N cAa.pH. by Robeh P . Tn.tram Cofiln. A vivid ~voca, tion 01 Ibe beauU.. of nllure and thl tole lbey
plaT In ..... t poetry.
~8.~i "y:~fl' s~cik;:- 7~'!I.m~~p'
8aIe -
l: '.
O"?iI"n~'L. by .~. f4ann. 't'he lneler.. lito", of . Ill.
D.~r..qw;.ll • ..RJc:ltv·\If'lep~Jl $u.~US .•b'aIlC:-
DlDIA ,Fro ..
n. by M. lIuthnaaj!a·my .
VIvId portrait of tbe land, Ita people abet al~' ';>.
2JO. E~.LT AlilalOAN Ta.,t:LIY CAKS
la Cel... 11.1 eI • ready-to-(rame prints.
'~"x5\1a" boxed. of the 01 .. dlluble decker.
eab" car, bone eu. elie . ..,b•• t U.M.
All • ,...t. f.r n
tn~....,. ~.~I~.~ ~~ . ~~ ~~ee~ri
,~~ll••: bl""I .. :-andal
cllarmln, 8~"xll" color prlnta of BrOld·
lIIay. W.II Btreel. etc., a, they lookett- 100
ye.... a,o an4 1I10ft. h~ . • , .....
All ~ ... f.r St
...-ftI' ..AHDII'I••aO 'AI'I." The prlvll\e pa" " ' of Senatar Arthur Vandenbere - 8rchltect of
oW III-pertlull .orellD POllcy and one of Ame,;n.teat lllteamen - crammed with intimate
~,.' "'l~ .
209. LITTLI OLD NEW ToaI[. ,., ., •
M. ",.r.. .lIJIII'er •••
by S . '" I.
.........,. A I~.... of 1110 hlllrloUi "Sliter"
128. Ta, ar;QEHCY 8'rY,"I. I>y D. rlleher. BeauttM
sliNey 1"1\h 130 l1\IIJr(ll1tcent 'llIultraUllnl at
10\'ely' "lila, ~"ac". I8r<1tnS a"eI public:' build"
.lblS . . .~ • • 1 f3.'5. .. . ·'i· ··· ...... ..:.. ... Stl· .7"1
j 2l. 'T•• Bi. it".~'b - "ASlt8Ai.i:· l;ONl't-
'If,•. . ': .
2011. I'AllalON AHD COSTUII, palNT8 I.
Cel•. 'e' ., • IIY. colorlul Parlll.n modes
01 the lilt" cenlury. Ideal lor trDrtilnll. 10"
xU'" portfoliO. I'.It.•, St.III.
All. ,rt... fer ;St
the pIIlloeopb)' of life and .rt of
Ill . Tar; .~TEB"""'l"''' LADY, ..... V. ' <l>L.!_ _ •
... ,.
Oulli' to p. tY-lll'i'hl,. iIO!Hi e(iI\ve~ 01) 1,114 let-
Sprngue. From ..nclent Rom~ to Dun and find.
R\reet - ",lth choice aneedO. tes of mOlleylenilerl,
b.lnkers and creclJl Weves. 1',,1>. '" It.50. S.I. ~
•••. a' ...... .. :. ....
a' U... .. ..
117GOl(I PLl!A8Uan OF LONDON. by W.
S. Scott. BelUtlln,. romantic slorl"" 01 old
tIIealres. spas, parke and tavernl. wIth 9Cores of
elulrmlnl 18th c~ntury prints. several In eolo~.
P ....., U .•. ......... , ................ 8ale - n
, is: ECONOMJC; l'a~"r.I. ,(tt·t"".fI:i, 'y ,Jlrllce
'. W Xn.I'Jil Fully.iI.~il0i4' _llY"\II'1',r~ ..."
. plalUlUOl\ ,0l ,;"11, bI~Il!~d i!1P.~, prJeel, ali-'
• Irl*,utloo. III'OIlIs',' ~. tI!e; ••lI!n .... e6c. BM ,~, .
. ,~'
ea. 8TOitY _ An ·AnlltolelY. ed . . b; W. Butri'en. ? " . :' . • r.~ ....: •••••~ .... " ••/ . ' • •• , . . . . . ., ' . r , . 20 prIze ,horl sto,rlcs - all n/lW. "blorbln, IlIId '. c.. 89. T'' '••W.JI.i .,." .... JUL,; "ti\""r~"'7 ~
"dll1tr~nt," ..Iected from the lamous "SI!ory Mp- !
. YltAa8 01" A rlOC't()!J'S'_t'Jr.lIi " cf.· .~. "cI8~n.
,aune. r,.b.", U-Ot............ , .... '!'I. - 'I.,
t IftUIJ\QIj! reve!lUn, ~1,"~.·lfI lIy
Ij~. II,,/t·
,., .
.weltur, Hollnell'. · Zlp,set. Dtake lInl! If '~ttMt
lit. COLLECTED WOakS OF 1'IEa.s. · LOU:IUI ••• , . '. d",,1;9" . • 2. pa.e • .'p,ltf ..1
~ ~ : lIa", ...,. ~l
US·pa.e tr",,"Ury of exotic .storlh. \ncludloli ' hIs ..
• I.
. '
lamoUl "Aphrodite." Deluxe b~d/n •••
100. CmOAGO - ....4.ll1Wil aA.K. \I $011 ~&ey.
'Ilk bookmark. . ... ... ....... . ........ Only ...,.. fl
~.rved up with "",I\IODI' ~t!o-o... ",,1&,. noelll.
' . .
IIa blUrre $aracl.... '-'1" "' th~ ' aw!'¥ lot :vitmt
10. WI.LLIAM IlANDOLPB UEiRIiT. ed. by ~. D. '
chlca10 life was. Uk~ )tf'ih. lurn of .thiI ClIfI\unr:
Coblentz. TIle le,endary flaurt belllnd ~e mo.st
llIUs. p.lt .•• t3.1!'- , .•. .. ••.... .. .. .....". _ 'I
aenoatlonal n.wspaper empire In Iliatory _ ro,o
" •:
vealed In his retten. ~rson"l. wrlllnc••. edll,!rllols.
101. V~CP&L LIl'fD8,t.Y II' ~T_, ·1 l,tf" M
etc. p.b... t ".110... .., .. .. . ..... .. .... !lal. - ,l ,.
.....1... Ill' M; ,.H'Irl'\It\ ~Th. s'trl\ll'~; ' ..,. . .~ We
/',.. • and ~ork of the
¢~\hor Cl1 ~l'; C1!IIIo!"
n. IIlbl • . 810rl•• ·by " .. mo •• A~t"'n - TB
. olber tamoWl ~NU.. ...., it:'U. ••. • : ..... ...;
0 .. aOD ANQ .MAN. T\OIaln. Mann •.OI"ran.
. ' . _'
.... , ',:: 1 ~
..-,..,h and 20 olbet master .torYleller4 rec!,ea~' t/le
102. 111... 1';11 ,lIf.r ••
Jll1lii .Q~ .. . .
.drama of lbe sac~eet th~mH. p.b.· .1 ".111. ' . .
by P. PInney. !lxfetql& tIIJ"
. 61~~.,t ~4 atvetL,
late - ,I
. turel b]I a youn .....~Ji4ltfet .....11ll 1& Qa!r ~., .fIh~1
207. roua IIAIONB. 8d .1 • lar.. (l4'!x •
.... ) print. In lull color. depleUn, the beau·
ties 01 aumrner. sprlll', winter and fall.
AII 4 ,.la1o I.r ,1
II.............._TBI tOIl.urTIC tOou,:.
bl: J. CanweiL TM rlolous, true-Ufe adventurea
C!I Rll4elpb ~.pe cre.tar of the mool flbuloUl
t'Ul'leter In u• •lur.....It.
I. - ,1
G.I...... , ., • prints In brllU8nt filII eolor from lambu.t pilnUn~ by John Gould.
HI,hly decor~tlve, "'x~". really lor tranlIna. P ••••, p .... . .. .... AU • ,tlala f •• n
~1 • • VB"IY"T Oil' OIlAa K"AY~~II. Beautlfulb IlIwtrated edJUon of the Oriental ma.terPIeee. Ddwre bIn4llll'. ,lit ....... IIIlk bookmark.
O.ly - U
STI'I:OBING 1I'0.Sf1'li1:. Ily N. W. ,,~~. »~
Uuo~ pratea&/6nal look .t ho,mo
'practlcal .. easy-to·tollow ci!r.ctt.ol'\l ,nd !tla,..a~ 'Ih\lW
to'u haw to ,mot•• tuck •• hIr. Mm. e'''' WI!II30
elI.tlnclive patterRl... ati. '" 8S.•• ...• 1I01e - II
o( Wiln •• ~etnd.oll" """ taril.lb
.11.1<. 9~'9 n
'."". ,\>f •
L!hcoltl i I¥, ....11 • "IJ:t
.. 1 8.l~: ".
' I ' : . '. . . ..' ..... ".. . -;'
81t. J . . . Di.. ... i •••• CH08EN' ClQ1JNtn. Th~~=
bulo... ttory and .rom~n('l! pt ArrI~tlca'. ~th
over 180 years It VIVldl~utolli In, lbl",· panor;atn\c ..
,~I" •SA""
I> " . 00
IioveI b y th e all,,,,,r
••. ". ••
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/1.1" - ,l.
87. 'tH' IIIBING OF TilE TIAR, by Rlclulrci Jef:
lerle.. Inspired InlerpretatJon of the lIte. ourlo.Itlel, and Illcomoarabl• •IQr4e1 of nature'", firSt
awakenIng, UlUl. p.b . ... P.IIO•. " ..... 8al,. - ' ,1
\I he ... "",ealed In Dean AChtlOn', oWelal papen.
a .... •
bookn'lark" ........ " ... , ............. ~. ~!'!, ~ l
lar,e (lI"xI8") print. In fresh, aparkllrl"
color, really lor tram In". 1',,'. II U ... ·
All • ,rlnl, fO' $I
202. DIGAI )(1JDI IlTUDIE,8. 80\ .t • rna.·
nllleent 10"x13" reprodUctions 01 bl. "' ....
terplecu of II.ure drawln, In decor. Uv.
Unta. lmlllently .ultable for $.ramI",.
.pulal - All 8 ,rlQh for '1
2Qf. CV.tlli .. [yE! COLOR P.INT8.
lid ., • ready·to-(rame l1'xI4" IItbo~aph.,
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Col ...... • , • re.dy-to-1ram. prlntl, $'10"
x5\1a". boiled. BeauUfully decorative old
coach,", el\rrll.e. and Burre".. 1'.6. .t
13.111. .. .. ...... " ...... .... All ,rlnt. for h
lt C.rl.1 - "HI LONG LAND. by C. B<!als. J'ull
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a ,,.., ,rOIl•• or
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''' '_$111.,.
lIIAN 00al0.. , ed . by 'fl. ,
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,~ : ....urQJ)L1'i~k':·~~~ot!'!'!t~i ~.if6,
.::' '~,_
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Slul~.,.,rf! (I~. ~
~~~~i~Yt'ICtl~~::a, tg'-elneyd~~~:dia:.".~~,,,"""~
150. L_I'8 B.ad A"•• I AtlSTIlALIA. by L : HlIIJII.
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Full of lauchter, pasllon and wit. lbele 11.... 1
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elc. I'llb. al ".00. ....... ........ ... I ... S.I..... I\
a' ....
'i I C~ ,.•
eamOl'll, "wrti! .
149. Bla08 - WILl) A~D FBIE. by A. W. ~ I
,ertaon. RemarkDble cro....ection of seabl!*\
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valuable chapter on bird Idt!rotlflcaUon lind 40 ~
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~, 0 .."", . "i~'~
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B"n... 'b ... ,, '1:BE CJtI¥1
pa.IOIIrIIEN'l'. Flhl' pubilciilCll'l In boOII for",· '!)f
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• • .. .~
liN. A S....O,.SHI.£ LAP, by :A. ». -Hqu •
lOt. NI."
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III. ~ U
In. TIU KASIDAJI 01' BAJI ABDU, b~ Sir Bleil.
ard Butlon. Gilt edltlQn of the 'f amous 0Jl_
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i24 AIIlII,IOA PI OUB TIME, by D. t.. Dumond.
7l2.pa,e hlslory 01 the mo.. excltlnl fitly years In
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8101. - It
to aclUe ..e
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.,. Flettn P~kl'r BQLP' •••CJ\: 'I.E
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123, aVlllo. JAOI[pOTI Each book Is a !aft
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Prlae poses of non-Shaven. JIaua, D.talli.
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iI3. GOOD ~IALT1I. fer Y..........u,.... '-Y Z.
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la. T~a.oa JlIl TBI nRIITI , R . Whllman.
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8e. T~. 0 .... GAaaIOK. by M. Barton. Ensa.ln,
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actor of
hIe time - a rtch panorama of 18th Cenl\Jry
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16.00• .• Sale -
OSOAR WILDE, by Andre Olcle. Brilliant erjtlque of Wilde" f.lclnatln, and erratic ,eru'l".
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The Mor~ You S,ave1. .....,........~
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