Yeh and Associates, Inc. Consulting Engineers & Scientists FINAL GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING REPORT EVERGREEN GOLF COURSE BRIDGES EVERGREEN, CO July 30, 2012 YEH Project Nos. 211-200 & 211-201 Prepared For: Felsburg Holt & Ullevig 6300 S. Syracuse Way, Suite 600 Centennial, CO 80111 Attn: Brian D. Wiltshire, P.E. City and County of Denver Parks and Recreation 201 West Colfax Ave., Dept. 605 Denver, CO 80202 Attn: Greg Cieciek Prepared By: Yeh and Associates, Inc. 5700 E. Evans Ave. Denver, CO 80222 Phone (303) 781-9590 Fax (303) 781-9583 Final Geotechnical Report Evergreen Golf Course Bridges, Evergreen, Colorado YA Project Nos. 211-200 & 211-201 July 30, 2012 TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE 1.0 PURPOSE AND SCOPE ....................................................................................................... 1 2.0 PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION............................................................................................. 1 3.0 SUBSURFACE INVESTIGATION ......................................................................................... 3 4.0 LABORATORY TESTING ..................................................................................................... 4 5.0 SITE CONDITIONS ............................................................................................................... 4 6.0 REGIONAL GEOLOGY ......................................................................................................... 6 7.0 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS .............................................................................................. 6 8.0 GEOLOGIC RELATED ENGINEERING CONSTRAINTS .................................................... 7 8.1 Seismicity ........................................................................................................................ 7 8.2 Groundwater ................................................................................................................... 8 8.3 Water-Soluble Sulfates ................................................................................................... 8 8.4 Corrosion ........................................................................................................................ 8 9.0 BRIDGE FOUNDATION RECOMMENDATIONS ................................................................. 9 9.1 Shallow GRS Footing Foundations ................................................................................. 9 9.2 Spread Footing Foundations ........................................................................................ 10 9.3 Driven Pile Foundations ................................................................................................ 11 10.0 DRILLED SHAFT FOUNDATIONS ..................................................................................... 13 11.0 Earthwork ........................................................................................................................... 14 11.1 General Considerations ................................................................................................ 14 11.2 Site Preparation ............................................................................................................ 15 12.0 LIMITATIONS ...................................................................................................................... 16 13.0 references ........................................................................................................................... 17 LIST OF FIGURES PAGE Figure 1 – Project location map. ................................................................................................... 2 Figure 2 – Approximate boring location map. ............................................................................... 3 Figure 3 – The existing south abutment at the upstream (vehicle) bridge is overturned. ............. 5 Figure 4 – The existing concrete shaft at the north abutment of the downstream (golf cart) bridge has deteriorated and is slightly overturned. ....................................................... 5 Figure 5 – Schematic drawing of a GRS-Integrated Bridge System foundation. ........................ 10 LIST OF TABLES PAGE Table 1 – Approximate Bedrock Elevations at the Proposed Bridge Abutments .......................... 7 Table 2 – Estimated Pile Tip Elevations ..................................................................................... 12 Table 3 – LPILE Parameters ....................................................................................................... 13 APPENDICES ii Final Geotechnical Report Evergreen Golf Course Bridges, Evergreen, Colorado YA Project Nos. 211-200 & 211-201 July 30, 2012 APPENDIX Boring Logs ................................................................................................................................ A Laboratory Test Results ............................................................................................................ B Boring Location/Engineering Geology Sheets ....................................................................... C iii Final Geotechnical Report Evergreen Golf Course Bridges, Evergreen, Colorado 1.0 YA Project Nos. 211-200 & 211-201 July 30, 2012 PURPOSE AND SCOPE This report presents the results of our geotechnical study for two proposed bridges at the Evergreen Golf Course in Evergreen, Colorado. The project location is shown in Figure 1. The purpose of our study includes: Evaluating the general geotechnical characteristics of the subsurface soils and bedrock at the bridge locations, and Providing geotechnical recommendations and parameters for the design and construction of the proposed bridges. A field exploration program consisting of geologic reconnaissance and exploratory drilling was conducted to obtain information on subsurface conditions. Yeh and Associates, Inc., through the use of a private drilling subcontractor, drilled and logged exploratory borings. Soil samples were obtained during the field explorations and examined by the project personnel. Representative samples were tested to determine the classification and engineering characteristics of the on-site soil and rock materials. Based on the information obtained, Yeh and Associates has completed an evaluation of subsurface conditions. This report summarizes the data gathered, the results of our analysis, and our recommendations based on the proposed construction, site reconnaissance, geotechnical subsurface investigation, and results of laboratory testing in accordance with our scope of work. General bridge foundation recommendations and a discussion of geotechnical engineering considerations are included in this report. 2.0 PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION The Evergreen Golf Course is part of the Golf division within the City of Denver Parks and Recreation department. This project involves entirely replacing the upstream bridge, and completing major improvements to the downstream existing bridge; both bridges are near the golf clubhouse and restaurant. At present, the upstream bridge carries vehicle traffic over Bear Creek to an overflow parking area, and is also used for golf cart and pedestrian traffic between the clubhouse and Tee 1. The downstream bridge currently carries golf cart and pedestrian traffic over Bear Creek, between Tee 9 and Tee 10. 1 Final Geotechnical Report Evergreen Golf Course Bridges, Evergreen, Colorado YA Project Nos. 211-200 & 211-201 July 30, 2012 Location of bridges Evergreen Golf Course Figure 1 – Project location map. Proposed construction includes replacement of the entire upstream bridge, including new foundations, and replacement of the abutment foundations at the downstream bridge (the girders and bridge deck of the downstream bridge will be removed during construction and reset on the new foundations). The proposed bridge locations are the same as the existing bridge locations at both sites. Based on information provided to Yeh by FHU, the proposed upstream bridge will have a single span of approximately 30 feet, and a total deck width of 15.5 feet. The proposed downstream bridge will have a single span of approximately 42 feet, and a total deck width of approximately 10 feet. The structure types have not yet been determined; both bridges may be constructed using steel girders with a concrete deck, a pre-fabricated bridge structure, or possibly a box culvert structure. Both bridges will be used for the same purposes as at present. 2 Final Geotechnical Report Evergreen Golf Course Bridges, Evergreen, Colorado 3.0 YA Project Nos. 211-200 & 211-201 July 30, 2012 SUBSURFACE INVESTIGATION The subsurface conditions were explored between October 31 and November 3, 2011. The subsurface investigation utilized a Central Mine Equipment (CME) 55 truck-mounted drill rig owned and operated by a private subcontractor. A total of 4 borings were drilled to depths ranging from 17 to 35 feet below existing grade (One boring at each of the four proposed bridge foundation locations). The borings were vertically advanced using 4-inch diameter solid-stem continuous flight augers and NQ-sized wireline coring methods. Figure 2 shows the approximate boring locations. YA-PG-1 YA-V-1 YA-PG-2 YA-V-2 Figure 2 – Approximate boring location map. Soil samples were collected typically at five-foot intervals in the overburden soils in each boring, utilizing standard split spoon and modified California samplers (sampler type was chosen based on material type), driven by a 140-pound hammer with a 30-inch stroke. This procedure is similar to the Standard Penetration Test (ASTM D1586). The number of blows required to drive the sampler 12 inches, or a fraction thereof, constituted the N-value as shown on the boring logs (Appendix A). 3 Final Geotechnical Report Evergreen Golf Course Bridges, Evergreen, Colorado 4.0 YA Project Nos. 211-200 & 211-201 July 30, 2012 LABORATORY TESTING Selected soil samples collected during the site investigation were tested to determine the classification and engineering characteristics. Laboratory tests performed included natural density, natural moisture content, gradation analysis, Atterberg limits, swell/consolidation, pH, water-soluble sulfate content, and resistivity. The soil samples were classified according to both AASHTO and USCS classification systems. The laboratory test results are presented in Appendix B. 5.0 SITE CONDITIONS The two existing bridges are located across Bear Creek at the Evergreen Golf Course, near the clubhouse and parking lot. The existing upstream bridge is a steel girder structure with a wood and asphalt deck and steel handrails, supported on shallow concrete abutments. The bridge was constructed approximately 1965, and its foundations have both experienced significant overturning and erosion (Figure 3). Small plants have taken root in the deteriorated wooden decking material on the east side of the bridge. Asphalt paving extends from the bridge abutments into the parking areas on both sides. The existing downstream bridge is a pre-fabricated steel structure with a wood deck and wood handrails, with abutments supported on shallow 18-inch diameter concrete shafts. The existing span is approximately 42 feet. The date of construction for this bridge is unknown, and the foundations have experienced significant overturning and erosion damage to the concrete shafts and the soils around them (Figure 4). We did not determine how deep the concrete shafts extend, which could be shallow or deep. Asphalt paving extends for a few feet behind the abutments, where the golf cart path on both sides becomes a dirt path. The banks of the creek around both bridges are covered in cobbles and boulders in some places, with other places simply soil covered with grasses and shrubs. These banks are sloping at approximately 1:1, and are about 5 feet high. The surrounding terrain is fairly flat around the creek for a few hundred feet, and then steeper slopes begin on both sides of Bear Creek. Surrounding vegetation consists of cultivated vegetation on the golf course fairways and natural trees and grasses in other areas. The City of Evergreen is generally located in a narrow river valley and the surrounding mountainous terrain of the Front Range. 4 Final Geotechnical Report Evergreen Golf Course Bridges, Evergreen, Colorado YA Project Nos. 211-200 & 211-201 July 30, 2012 Figure 3 – The existing south abutment at the upstream (vehicle) bridge is overturned. Figure 4 – The existing concrete shaft at the north abutment of the downstream (golf cart) bridge has deteriorated and is slightly overturned. 5 Final Geotechnical Report Evergreen Golf Course Bridges, Evergreen, Colorado 6.0 YA Project Nos. 211-200 & 211-201 July 30, 2012 REGIONAL GEOLOGY The United States Geological Survey (USGS) has mapped the bedrock at the subject site as being fine- to medium-grained Precambrian (older than 590 million years) biotite gneiss with areas of small intrusive (e.g. granite) bodies scattered throughout (Sheridan et al, 1972). The gneiss bedrock is described as generally strongly foliated, with 10-50 percent or more of biotite and muscovite, which are soft minerals. Other bedrock types consisting of the intrusive Silver Plume quartz monzonite may also exist at depth at this location; quartz monzonite is generally a harder rock than biotite gneiss. More recent deposits of alluvial material overlie the bedrock. These deposits are mapped as Upper Holocene (within the last 10,000 years) Post-Piney Creek Alluvium and Piney Creek Alluvium, consisting of unconsolidated sediments of silt, sand, and gravel, commonly reworked every few years by floods. This material generally makes up the stream deposits in the vicinity of Bear Lake, including at the proposed bridge locations. 7.0 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS Based on our subsurface investigation and published geologic maps, the subsurface materials at the subject site are relatively consistent, with naturally occurring unconsolidated sediments overlying medium hard metamorphic and igneous bedrock. At the upstream bridge, the thickness of the overburden soils at the boring locations ranged from 15.5 to 16 feet below existing grade. At the downstream bridge, the thickness of overburden soils at the boring locations ranged from 11 to 12 feet below existing grade. Overburden materials encountered in borings at both bridge sites generally consist of gravelly sand, with some cobbles and silt. These soils are generally medium dense to very dense, with blow counts ranging from 20 to 71 blows per foot. The bedrock encountered in the borings consists of extremely weathered to moderately weathered, extremely soft to hard gneiss, with intrusive layers of fresh to moderately weathered, very hard granite. Bedrock was encountered in all four borings. Groundwater was encountered in all four borings, at depths between 4.5 and 5.6 feet below existing grade. Boring logs are provided in Appendix A. An engineering geology sheet at the proposed bridge location is presented in Appendix C. The boring locations have not been surveyed at this time. 6 Final Geotechnical Report Evergreen Golf Course Bridges, Evergreen, Colorado YA Project Nos. 211-200 & 211-201 July 30, 2012 The approximate existing ground surface elevation, the approximate depth (below existing grade) to bedrock, and the approximate elevation of the top of bedrock at each boring location is presented in Table 1. Table 1 – Approximate Bedrock Elevations at the Proposed Bridge Abutments Boring No. YA-V-1 YA-V-2 YA-PG-1 YA-PG-2 8.0 Location Upstream (vehicle) bridge, north abutment Upstream (vehicle) bridge, south abutment Downstream (ped/golf) bridge, north abutment Downstream (ped/golf) bridge, south abutment Approx. Existing Ground Surface Elev. (ft.) Approximate Depth to Bedrock (ft.) Approximate Bedrock Elevation (ft.) 7087.5 16.0 7071.5 7087.5 15.5 7072 7085 12.0 7073 7085 11.0 7074 GEOLOGIC RELATED ENGINEERING CONSTRAINTS Based on our review of the project site, it appears that the geologic-related engineering constraints for the design and construction of the proposed bridge crossings include: 8.1 Seismicity This area, like most of central Colorado, is subject to a low degree of seismic activity. No active faults are known to exist in the immediate site area, and fault rupture is not a plausible hazard at the site. Based on the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications (2009 Interims), the site classifies as Site Class D for seismic loading (Table According to the USGS Seismic Design Parameters software (Version 2.10), using 2007 AASHTO guidelines, a factored peak ground acceleration (Fpga*PGA) of 0.105g (g = gravity) may be used for this site, with a 7% probability of exceedance in 75 years (equal to an approximate 1000-year return period, as outlined by AASHTO). The horizontal response spectral acceleration coefficients at a 0.2-sec period (SS) and 1.0-sec period (S1) are 0.138g and 0.036g, respectively, for the same return period. These values may be used to construct the Design Response Spectrum for use in seismic design of the bridge structures. 7 Final Geotechnical Report Evergreen Golf Course Bridges, Evergreen, Colorado 8.2 YA Project Nos. 211-200 & 211-201 July 30, 2012 Groundwater Water levels were recorded during drilling at depths between 4.5 and 5.6 feet below current grade. This roughly corresponds with the water level in the creek immediately adjacent. Groundwater conditions in the area will likely vary considerably throughout the year. Variations can occur during different seasons, following precipitation events, irrigation, after construction and site grading, and due to changes in surface and subsurface drainage characteristics of the surrounding area. Depending upon the depth of excavation, location of the bedrock surface and seasonal conditions, groundwater is likely to be encountered in excavations on the site deeper than 4 feet. 8.3 Water-Soluble Sulfates The concentrations of water-soluble sulfates measured in two samples obtained from the exploratory borings were 0.001 percent in both samples. This concentration of water-soluble sulfates represents a Class 0 degree of sulfate attack on concrete exposed to these geologic materials. The degree of attack is based on a range of Class 0 (negligible) to Class 3 (very severe) as described in the American Concrete Institute (ACI) Standard 201.2R, “Guide to Durable Concrete” and a Class 0 as presented in the CDOT Section 601, Structural Concrete, of the Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction, 2011 edition. Based on these sulfate tests, the soils along both the bridge alignments present a very low potential for sulfate attack on concrete. Therefore, sulfate resistant concrete mix designs are not required, per ACI and AASHTO. 8.4 Corrosion pH and electrical resistivity tests were performed to evaluate the potential attack on concrete and buried metal at the site. The chemical analyses results for two samples indicated pH values of 7.5 and 7.7. These values are slightly basic and should represent a negligible degree of pH attack on concrete and metal exposed to these materials. Electrical resistivity measurements conducted on two samples indicated resistivity values of 6878 and 12610 ohmcm. The laboratory soil resistivity value indicates the soils have a mild to moderate degree of corrosiveness to uncoated steel when subjected to ambient stray currents. These corrosion potential measurements can be used to determine the type or thickness of metallic materials to be specified on this project in accordance with the CDOT Specifications. 8 Final Geotechnical Report Evergreen Golf Course Bridges, Evergreen, Colorado 9.0 YA Project Nos. 211-200 & 211-201 July 30, 2012 BRIDGE FOUNDATION RECOMMENDATIONS Our subsurface investigation involved advancing borings at each of the proposed bridge abutment locations. Based on the information provided by FHU and our site investigation, both deep and shallow foundations are geotechnically viable options. However, with shallow foundations there is a possibility of undermining due to scour. The depth of scour should be determined for a major flooding event and the elevation of the base of foundation should be set a minimum of 24 inches below this depth. Additional slope armoring such as rip-rap or sheetpiles should be placed along the channel to protect the bridge foundations. At this time, scour analysis (by others) has not been performed, and FHU has informed us that shallow foundations are not preferred for this project; however, we have included preliminary recommendations for this option. Design parameters for the foundation systems are presented below. 9.1 Shallow GRS Footing Foundations Depending on the scour potential (yet to be determined by others), the site may be suitable for the use of a Geosynthetic Reinforced Soil (GRS) Integrated Bridge System foundation. This is a fairly new technology currently being promoted by the Federal Highways Administration for accelerated bridge construction. The method uses closely-spaced layers of geosynthetic reinforcement and compacted granular fill material to build up a reinforced soil foundation, a GRS abutment, and a GRS- integrated approach (Figure 5). Bridge girders are placed directly onto the GRS abutment. This type of foundation is ideal for single-span structures over small creeks with low scour potential. The advantages over a traditional shallow foundation usually include speed of construction, cost effectiveness, and alleviating the frequent problem of the “bump at the bridge” due to the integrated approach. Based on the scour analysis, we can provide more detailed recommendations for this option as requested. 9 Final Geotechnical Report Evergreen Golf Course Bridges, Evergreen, Colorado YA Project Nos. 211-200 & 211-201 July 30, 2012 Figure 5 – Schematic drawing of a GRS-Integrated Bridge System foundation. 9.2 Spread Footing Foundations The following design and construction details should be observed for shallow conventional spread foundations placed on the medium dense to very dense gravelly sand encountered at the site. Generally, the soil and bedrock properties are estimated from uncorrected blow count data and material descriptions contained in the Yeh boring logs presented in Appendix A. 1. For foundations constructed on the native alluvial sand materials, we recommend a nominal bearing resistance of 6 ksf for shallow foundations 3 feet wide or larger, with a resistance factor of 0.45. We estimate total settlement of less than 1 inch if the above bearing resistance is used. 2. Footings should be placed a minimum of 3 feet below the lowest adjacent grade to provide adequate cover for frost protection. 3. Resistance to sliding at the bottom of the footing can be calculated based on a coefficient of friction of 0.47 for the silty sand soils. For LRFD design a resistance factor of 0.85 should be applied to the nominal sliding resistance value for cast-inplace (CIP) concrete. 4. All footing excavations should be observed by an experienced engineering geologist or geotechnical engineer prior to placement of concrete. 5. Areas of loose soils may be encountered at foundation bearing depth after excavation is completed for footings. When such conditions exist beneath planned 10 Final Geotechnical Report Evergreen Golf Course Bridges, Evergreen, Colorado YA Project Nos. 211-200 & 211-201 July 30, 2012 footing areas, the subgrade soils should be compacted prior to placement of the foundation system. 6. In addition, large cobble material may be encountered beneath footing areas. Such conditions could create point loads on the bottom of footings, increasing the potential for differential foundation movement. If cobbles are encountered in the footing excavations, they should be removed and replaced with engineered fill, placed and compacted as discussed in the Earthwork section 7. Backfill adjacent to the abutments should be compacted with moisture density control. 9.3 Driven Pile Foundations Driven H-piles should be installed per Section 502 of the CDOT Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction, 2011 edition. 1. For LRFD axial compression design and Grade 50 steel, a maximum combined end bearing and skin friction nominal bearing capacity equal to 30 kips per square inch (ksi) multiplied by the cross sectional area of the pile can be used for H-piles driven to virtual refusal into bedrock. The “factored” bearing resistance is the product of the nominal bearing capacity and a resistance factor. Per AASHTO, a resistance factor of 0.65 may be used provided that a minimum number of piles are dynamically monitored with subsequent signal matching analyses as described in CDOT Standard Specification Section Section 502.05. If dynamic monitoring is not performed, a resistance factor of 0.30 should be used. 2. After selection of the pile size and type, a wave equation analysis should be performed for the anticipated subsurface conditions using a computer program for the analysis of pile driving (WEAP). The WEAP analysis will indicate the minimum size of hammer in terms of energy rating that the contractor should provide to successfully install the foundation piles to the required penetration into bedrock. The Special Provisions to the construction contract should define the minimum hammer size as well as the Contractor’s quality control monitoring requirements. The WEAP analysis will also estimate both compressive and tensile driving stresses and the pile penetration resistance at the end-of-driving. The piles should be installed to a driving resistance determined by the wave equation analysis. 11 Final Geotechnical Report Evergreen Golf Course Bridges, Evergreen, Colorado YA Project Nos. 211-200 & 211-201 July 30, 2012 H-piles should be driven to virtual refusal (10 blows per inch) into the underlying bedrock unless indicated otherwise by the WEAP analyses. The estimated pile tip elevations are presented in 3. Table 2. Actual depth of driving refusal may vary from the estimated tip elevations. 4. The pile-driving hammer shall be configured to deliver maximum energy at the end-ofdriving unless directed otherwise by the engineer. Table 2 – Estimated Pile Tip Elevations Boring No. YA-V-1 YA-V-2 YA-PG-1 YA-PG-2 Location Upstream (vehicle) bridge, north abutment Upstream (vehicle) bridge, south abutment Downstream (ped/golf) bridge, north abutment Downstream (ped/golf) bridge, south abutment Approximate Elevation Top of Bedrock (ft.) Estimated Pile Tip Elevation (ft.) 7071.5 7069.5 7072 7070.5 7073 7069 7074 7070 5. A nominal uplift capacity of single H-piles of 12 psi may be used, with a resistance factor of 0.25. If the H-piles penetrate at least 5 feet into bedrock, uplift capacity may be assumed to be 20 percent of the downward pile capacity. 6. Based on the results of our field exploration, laboratory testing and our experience with similar properly constructed pile foundations, we estimate individual pile settlement will be less than ½ inch when designed according to the criteria presented in this report. 7. Piles may be designed to resist lateral loads using the recommendations in Table 3 below. The upper 3 feet of the pile should be neglected in lateral load resistance calculations. 8. It is anticipated that negative skin friction on H-piles will be minimal. 9. To eliminate axial and lateral reduction factors, a minimum spacing requirement for the piles should be three diameters (equivalent) center to center. 10. A qualified representative of a registered Professional Engineer should observe piledriving activities on a full-time basis. Piles should be observed and checked for 12 Final Geotechnical Report Evergreen Golf Course Bridges, Evergreen, Colorado YA Project Nos. 211-200 & 211-201 July 30, 2012 crimping, buckling and alignment. Also, a record should be kept of embedment depths and penetration resistances for each pile. For lateral resistance of deep foundations, the input parameters provided in Table 3 are recommended. These input parameters are for use with the computer program LPILE 6.0 and the associated LPILE technical manual to develop the soil models used to determine the Hpiles’ and drilled shafts’ response to lateral loading. The table describes the values associated with the soil types encountered in the borings. Individual soil layers and their extent can be averaged or distinguished by referring to the boring logs. The soils and/or bedrock materials prone to future disturbance, such as from scour, utility excavations or frost heave, should be neglected in the lateral pile analyses. Material Type Soil Type Code Number* Unit Weight, (pci) Table 3 – LPILE Parameters Horizontal Friction Cohesion, Subgrade Angle, Reaction, c (psi) Ks (pci) Uniaxial Comp. Strength (psi) Modulus of RQD Elasticit (%) y (psi) krm 4 Granular Soil 0.0781 34° 0 90 ---- ---- ---- ---- 0.081 ---- ---- ---- 500 5.8x105 0 5x10-5 0.081 ---- ---- ---- 750 5.8x105 15 5x10-5 Sand 9 Bedrock (Upper 3 ft) Weak Rock 9 Bedrock (Below 3 ft) 10.0 Weak Rock DRILLED SHAFT FOUNDATIONS The following preliminary design and construction details should be considered for drilled shafts extended into bedrock for preliminary design estimate purposes. 1. Using Load Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) criteria, assuming the drilled shaft is drilled and embedded into competent igneous or metamorphic bedrock, a nominal (unfactored) tip resistance of 120 ksf and a nominal (unfactored) side resistance of 12 ksf may be used. Due to the brittle nature of the rock, the design of the shaft should be either end bearing or side shear but not both, per AASHTO. 13 Final Geotechnical Report Evergreen Golf Course Bridges, Evergreen, Colorado YA Project Nos. 211-200 & 211-201 July 30, 2012 2. We recommend a tip resistance factor of 0.50 and a side resistance factor of 0.55. Settlement of the structure using the LRFD method should be checked against loadings obtained based on service limit state. 3. Shafts should penetrate a minimum length of 10 feet below the crystalline bedrock surface, which includes weathered or unweathered bedrock surfaces. 4. For lateral loading analysis using LPILE, the parameters in Table 3 above may be used. 5. The minimum spacing requirements between shafts should be three diameters from center to center. For lateral loading, recommended P multipliers are 0.5 for tangent shafts, increasing linearly to 1.0 for shafts placed at 3 diameters or greater. Additional capacity reduction factors can be provided if required for conditions other than those anticipated. 6. The presence of cobbles and boulders may make drilling and setting casing difficult, and penetration into bedrock, particularly the hard granite bedrock, may require the use of a rock bucket. The granite bedrock is typically harder and less fractured. Bedrock may be very hard at various elevations. The contractor should mobilize equipment of sufficient size and operating condition to achieve the required design bedrock penetration. 7. The presence of water in all of the exploratory borings, and potentially caving soil in some borings, indicates casing and/or dewatering equipment may be required. In no case should concrete be placed in more than 3 inches of water unless the tremie method is used. If water cannot be removed or prevented with the use of casing and/or dewatering equipment prior to placement of concrete, the tremie method, as described in the CDOT Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction, should be used after the hole has been cleaned. Casing and/or slurry may also be needed where caving soils are encountered to maintain the hole for construction. 8. A representative of the geotechnical engineer should observe shaft drilling operations on a full-time basis. 11.0 EARTHWORK 11.1 General Considerations Based on the proposed construction, it is anticipated only limited site grading will be needed for the proposed bridges. The following presents recommendations for site preparation, excavation, subgrade preparation and placement of engineered fills on the project. 14 Final Geotechnical Report Evergreen Golf Course Bridges, Evergreen, Colorado YA Project Nos. 211-200 & 211-201 July 30, 2012 Earthwork on the project should be observed and evaluated by the geotechnical engineer. The evaluation of earthwork should include observation and testing of engineered fills, subgrade preparation, foundation bearing soils and other geotechnical conditions exposed during the construction of the project. 11.2 Site Preparation Strip and remove existing vegetation and other deleterious materials from proposed building areas. All exposed surfaces should be free of mounds and depressions, which could prevent uniform compaction. Stripped materials consisting of vegetation and organic materials should be wasted from the site or used to revegetate landscaped areas or exposed slopes after completion of grading operations. Demolition of the existing upstream bridge structure should include complete removal of all foundation systems within the proposed construction area. This includes removal of any loose backfill found adjacent to existing foundations. Demolition of the existing downstream bridge structure will only include removal (without dismantling) of the existing pre-fabricated bridge structure, and removal of existing foundations and abutments down to existing grade. If the existing foundations and abutments are shallow (as has been assumed based on field reconnaissance), then they should be entirely removed. Materials derived from the demolition of existing structures and pavements should be removed from the site and should not be allowed for use in any on-site engineered fills. It is anticipated that excavations for the proposed construction can be accomplished with conventional heavy-duty earthmoving equipment. Depending upon the depth of excavation, location of the bedrock surface and seasonal conditions, groundwater may likely be encountered in excavations on the site. Pumping from sumps may be utilized to control water within excavations. Well points may be required if significant groundwater flow is encountered or where excavations penetrate groundwater to a significant depth. 15 Final Geotechnical Report Evergreen Golf Course Bridges, Evergreen, Colorado 13.0 YA Project Nos. 211-200 & 211-201 July 30, 2012 REFERENCES Sheridan, D.M., Reed, J.C. Jr., and Bryant, B., 1972, Geologic Map of the Evergreen Quadrangle, Jefferson County, Colorado, USGS Map I-786-A, U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Washington, D.C. Adams, M., et al, 2011, Geosynthetic Reinforced Soil Integrated Bridge System, Interim Implementation Guide, FHWA Report No. FHWA-HRT-11-026, U.S. Dept. of Transportation, Washington, D.C. 17 DRAFT Geotechnical Report Evergreen Golf Course Bridges, Evergreen, Colorado YA Project Nos. 211-200 & 211-201 July 30, 2012 APPENDIX A Boring Logs YEH AND ASSOCIATES, INC. GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS Boring Began: 11/1/2011 Drilling Method: Solid-Stem Auger/Wireline Coring Drill: CME 55 Project: Evergreen Golf Course Bridges Boring: YA-PG-1 Project Number: 211-200/201Date: 11/7/11 Sheet 1 of 1 Completed: 11/1/2011 Drill Bit: Casing: Weather: M Cloudy / 33 F Total Depth: 30.0 ft Ground Elevation: 7085.0 ft Location: At NW Abut. Coordinates: N: E: Driller: Dakota Drilling Ground Water Notes: Rock RQD Recovery (%) Run / Sample Type Depth (feet) Inclination: Vertical Elevation (feet) 4.5 ft 11/1/11 - Depth Date Time Final By: S. Hansen - - - Soil Samples Blows per 6 in N Lithology Logged By: J. El-Hehiawy Material Description Field Notes and Lab Tests 0.0 - 0.3 ft. ASPHALT 4 inches. 0.3 - 12.0 ft. gravelly SAND with cobbles and silt, brown, no plasticity, wet, medium dense to dense, fine to coarse grained. 7080 7075 5 17/20/32 52 12/8/12 20 MC= 11.7 % #200= 7 % LL= NV PL= NP PI= NP AASHTO: A-1-a (0) USCS: SP-SM 10 12.0 - 17.8 ft. GNEISS, gray, decomposed, extremely soft, fine grained, foliation is very close at a moderate angle. BORING LOG 211-201_BORING LOGS.GPJ YEH ASSOCIATES.GDT 12/05/11 7070 7065 7060 7055 15 50:4" 92 0 34 0 40 0 50:4" 17.8 - 21.3 ft. GRANITE, pink with gray, moderately weathered, very hard, medium grained. 20 21.3 - 30.0 ft. GNEISS, dark gray, moderately weathered, hard, fine grained, foliation is very close at a moderate angle. With small intrusions (2-3 inches wide) of hard pink granite, similar to above.. 25 30 Bottom of Hole at 30.0 ft. MC= 8.9 % #200= 5 % LL= NV PL= NP PI= NP pH= 7.5 S= 0.001 % Re= 12610 ohms-cm AASHTO: A-1-b (0) USCS: SP-SM MC= 4.7 % #200= 17 % LL= NV PL= NP PI= NP AASHTO: A-1-b (0) USCS: SM YEH AND ASSOCIATES, INC. GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS Boring Began: 10/31/2011 Drilling Method: Solid-Stem Auger/Wireline Coring Drill: CME 55 Project: Evergreen Golf Course Bridges Boring: YA-PG-2 Project Number: 211-200/201Date: 11/7/11 Sheet 1 of 1 Completed: 10/31/2011 Drill Bit: Casing: Weather: Clear / 41 F Total Depth: 35.0 ft Ground Elevation: 7085.0 ft Location: At SE Abut. Coordinates: N: E: Driller: Dakota Drilling Ground Water Notes: Rock RQD Recovery (%) Run / Sample Type Depth (feet) Inclination: Vertical Elevation (feet) 5.0 ft 10/31/11 - Depth Date Time Final By: S. Hansen - - - Soil Samples Blows per 6 in N Lithology Logged By: J. El-Hehiawy Material Description Field Notes and Lab Tests 0.0 - 0.4 ft. ASPHALT 5 inches. 0.4 - 11.0 ft. gravelly SAND with cobbles, brown, no plasticity, wet, medium dense to very dense, fine to coarse grained. 7080 10 42/29 71 MC= 7.9 % #200= 4 % LL= NV PL= NP PI= NP AASHTO: A-1-a (0) USCS: GW 12/14 26 MC= 7 % #200= 4 % LL= NV PL= NP PI= NP AASHTO: A-1-a (0) USCS: GP-GM 11.0 - 35.0 ft. GNEISS, gray, decomposed to moderately weathered, extremely soft to hard, fine-grained, foliation is very close at a moderate angle. BORING LOG 211-201_BORING LOGS.GPJ YEH ASSOCIATES.GDT 12/05/11 7070 20 7060 30 7050 46 50:1" 50:1" 50:0" 50:0" 50:0" 50:0" 8 Bottom of Hole at 35.0 ft. YEH AND ASSOCIATES, INC. GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS Boring Began: 11/3/2011 Drilling Method: Solid-Stem Auger/Wireline Coring Drill: CME 55 Project: Evergreen Golf Course Bridges Boring: YA-V-1 Project Number: 211-200/201Date: 11/7/11 Sheet 1 of 1 Completed: 11/3/2011 Drill Bit: Casing: Weather: Clear / 25 F Total Depth: 29.5 ft Ground Elevation: 7087.5 ft Location: Approx 15' NW of N Abut. Coordinates: N: E: Driller: Dakota Drilling Ground Water Notes: Rock RQD Recovery (%) Run / Sample Type Depth (feet) Inclination: Vertical Elevation (feet) 5.0 ft 11/3/11 - Depth Date Time Final By: S. Hansen - - - Soil Samples Blows per 6 in N Lithology Logged By: J. El-Hehiawy Material Description Field Notes and Lab Tests 0.0 - 0.4 ft. ASPHALT 5 inches. 0.4 - 16.0 ft. gravelly SAND with cobbles and silt, brown, no plasticity, wet, medium dense to dense, fine to coarse grained. 7085 5 12/15/29 44 13/12/12 24 MC= 10.7 % #200= 7 % LL= NV PL= NP PI= NP AASHTO: A-1-a (0) USCS: SP-SM 7080 10 MC= 12.7 % #200= 11 % LL= NV PL= NP PI= NP pH= 7.7 S= 0.001 % Re= 6878 ohms-cm AASHTO: A-1-b (0) USCS: SW-SM 7075 BORING LOG 211-201_BORING LOGS.GPJ YEH ASSOCIATES.GDT 12/05/11 15 7070 76 18 100 46 76 30 16.0 - 17.5 ft. GNEISS, dark gray, moderately weathered, hard, fine-grained, foliation is very close at a moderate angle. 17.5 - 28.2 ft. GRANITE, pink, slightly weathered, very hard, medium-grained. 20 7065 25 7060 30 28.2 - 29.5 ft. GNEISS, dark gray, moderately weathered, medium hard to very hard, fine-grained, foliation is very close at a moderate angle. Bottom of Hole at 29.5 ft. YEH AND ASSOCIATES, INC. GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS Boring Began: 10/31/2011 Drilling Method: Solid-Stem Auger/Wireline Coring Drill: CME 55 Project: Evergreen Golf Course Bridges Boring: YA-V-2 Project Number: 211-200/201Date: 11/7/11 Sheet 1 of 1 Completed: 10/31/2011 Drill Bit: Casing: Weather: Clear / 50 F Total Depth: 17.0 ft Ground Elevation: 7087.5 ft Location: Approx 8' W of S Abut. Coordinates: N: E: Driller: Dakota Drilling Ground Water Notes: Rock RQD Recovery (%) Run / Sample Type Depth (feet) Inclination: Vertical Elevation (feet) 5.6 ft 10/31/11 - Depth Date Time Final By: S. Hansen - - - Soil Samples Blows per 6 in N Lithology Logged By: J. El-Hehiawy Material Description Field Notes and Lab Tests 0.0 - 15.5 ft. gravelly SAND with cobbles and silt, brown and gray, no plasticity, wet, medium dense, fine to coarse grained. 7085 5 13/21 34 15/14 29 MC= 9.3 % DD= 125.6 pcf #200= 5 % LL= NV PL= NP PI= NP AASHTO: A-1-a (0) USCS: SW-SM 7080 10 MC= 8.3 % DD= 129.5 pcf #200= 7 % LL= NV PL= NP PI= NP S/C= -0.2 % AASHTO: A-1-a (0) USCS: SP-SM 7075 15 BORING LOG 211-201_BORING LOGS.GPJ YEH ASSOCIATES.GDT 12/05/11 88 15.5 - 17.0 ft. GRANITE, pink and gray, fresh, very hard, fine to medium grained. Bottom of Hole at 17.0 ft. 7070 20 7065 25 7060 44 Difficulty drilling this very hard granite material. DRAFT Geotechnical Report Evergreen Golf Course Bridges, Evergreen, Colorado YA Project Nos. 211-200 & 211-201 July 30, 2012 APPENDIX B Laboratory Test Results YEH & ASSOCIATES, INC Summary of Laboratory Test Results 211 - 200 Project No: Sample Location Boring NO. Sample Depth (ft) Type Natural Moisture M i t Content (%) Project Name: Natural Dry Gravell G Density > #4 (pcf) (%) _ CCD Evergreen Vehicle Bridge Gradation Atterberg Sand (%) Fines < Fi #200 (%) LL PL PI 39 54 7 NV NP NP 29 60 11 NV NP NP V-1 5-6.5 Baggie 10.7 V-1 V1 10-11 5 10 11.5 Baggie 12 7 12.7 V-2 5-6 CA 9.3 125.6 40 55 5 NV NP NP V-2 10-11 CA 8.3 129.5 35 58 7 NV NP NP Scour 0-2 0 Bulk u 3.3 3 3 74 26 6 0.4 0 NV NP NP Rev 2 - 8/02 _ _ Page 1 of 1 pH _ Unconf. Comp. C Strength (psf) _ _ _ _ _ Water ( )/ % Swell (+) Soluble S l bl Resistivity R i ti it ConsoliSulfate dation (-) % _ _ _ 77 7.7 0 001 0.001 6878 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 11/16/2011 Date: -0.2 _ _ _ CLASSIFICATION AASHTO USCS A-1-a ( 0 ) SP - SM A-1-b A 1b ( 0 ) SW - SM A-1-a ( 0 ) SW - SM A-1-a ( 0 ) SP - SM A-1-a a ( 0 ) GW G YEH & ASSOCIATES, INC Summary of Laboratory Test Results 211 - 201 Project No: Sample Location Boring NO. Sample Depth (ft) Type Natural Moisture M i t Content (%) PG-1 5-6.5 Baggie 11.7 PG-1 PG 1 10-11 5 10 11.5 Baggie 89 8.9 PG-1 15-16 Baggie 4.7 PG-2 5-6 CA 7.9 PG-2 PG 2 10-11 0 CA C 7.0 0 Rev 2 - 8/02 Project Name: Natural Dry Gravell G Density > #4 (pcf) (%) _ _ _ _ _ CCD Evergreen Ped Bridge Gradation Atterberg Sand (%) Fines < Fi #200 (%) LL PL PI 39 54 7 NV NP NP 30 65 5 NV NP NP 13 71 17 NV NP NP 62 34 4 NV NP NP 57 5 38 4 NV NP NP Page 1 of 1 pH _ Unconf. Comp. C Strength (psf) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Water ( ) % Swell (+) Soluble S l bl Resistivity R i ti it / ConsoliSulfate dation (-) % _ _ _ 75 7.5 0 001 0.001 12610 _ _ _ _ 11/16/2011 Date: CLASSIFICATION AASHTO USCS A-1-a ( 0 ) SP - SM A-1-b A 1b ( 0 ) SP - SM A-1-b ( 0 ) SM A-1-a ( 0 ) GW A-1-a a ( 0 ) GP - GM G G DRAFT Geotechnical Report Evergreen Golf Course Bridges, Evergreen, Colorado YA Project Nos. 211-200 & 211-201 July 30, 2012 APPENDIX C Boring Location/Engineering Geology Sheets