TIV Exam CLC Format 20010

Form III CLC Latin Term IV 2010
Examination Format
Question 1: Prepared Translations.
ad urbem (stage 12)
finis (stage 12)
coniuratio (stage 13)
Rufilla cubiculum ornat (stage 14)
[15 marks]
p. 166
p. 168
p. 6
p. 28
Question 2: Unprepared Translation.
[25 marks]
You will have to translate a passage of Latin which you have not seen before. The passage
may include all the vocabulary which you have learned so far (up to Stage 14), as well as all the
grammar (from Stage 1 to Stage 14); any additional words will be given to you in the exam.
Question 3: Grammar.
[70 marks]
The grammar section covers:
Question A.
Question B.
declensions I–III, including second declension neuter nouns (the nominative,
accusative, dative and ablative cases and meanings, singular and plural; the genitive
case will not be tested; the vocative case should be known)
personal pronouns: ego, tu, se, nos, vos
adjectives of the first and second declension, and adjectives of the third declension
positives, comparatives and superlatives (regular and irregular forms) of adjectives
translating all conjugations in the present, imperfect and perfect tenses from Latin to
English and from English into Latin
positive and negative imperatives
translating the irregular verbs sum, possum, volo and nolo in the present, imperfect and
perfect tenses from Latin to English and from English into Latin
prepositional phrases
interrogative words
verbs taking a dative object
Find an example of a noun in a certain case, or a verb in a certain tense, etc. from
the Unprepared Translation.
(5 marks)
Write out tables of selected noun, pronoun & adjective declensions, including
agreement (nominative, accusative, dative and ablative cases only).
(10 marks)
Question C.
Write out tables of selected verb conjugations.
(10 marks)
All conjugations only in the present, imperfect and perfect, including irregular verbs.
Question D.
Translate miscellaneous verbs from Latin to English
and English to Latin (all conjugations).
Question E.
Chose a word from a selection to complete a Latin sentence.
Question F.
Circle one of two options given to form a Latin sentence.
(10 marks)
(5 marks)
(10 marks)
Question G.
Match Latin to English.
This question tests knowledge of vocabulary, noun endings and verb
endings. Simply match Latin words in one column with their correct
meaning in English in another column.
(10 marks)
Question H.
Theory questions.
(10 marks)
Question 4: Derivations.
[10 marks]
Give the derivation from a Latin word, or the Latin word when given the derivation.
Derivations are from stages 8, 10, and 12, as listed in bold on the vocabulary sheets.
Question 5: Life and Customs.
[10 marks]
Write a short, detailed paragraph about two topics. You must make at least five valid points
for each topic. The topics are:
" gladiators, p. 107 (stage 8)
" Roman education, p. 140 (stage 10)
" the destruction & excavation of Pompeii, p. 172 (stage 12)
The final mark out of 130 will be reduced to a percentage out of 90, to which your
mark for your Latin Project will be added.
Last year’s Exam.
It would be good practice to try last year’s exam. A copy of the last years’ exams can be
found on the School intranet: go to the Latin Department, then Kepheus, then Third Form Latin.
Work hard and good luck!