LITERACY Non fiction : Researching weather/climate and writing our own information books. Poetry: Weather poems, poems about senses linked to weather. Narrative: Writing story about a fictional town with strange weather e.g. raining food! ART/DESIGN TECHNOLOGY Make and use weather instruments Study famous artworks set at different times of the year Create collages, drawings and paintings representing seasonal weather using different techniques including: brushstrokes, texture, colour, line, pattern and shape Design and build a flood- resistant house - linked to Science work on materials ROLE PLAY AREA: Weather centre Select and use materials to make dens and models based on their properties RE Cloudy with a chance of meatballs – weather experts Participate in presentations and role play What does it mean to belong to a faith community? Learning Opportunities Year 1 – Spring Term 2014 MUSIC HISTORY/GEOGRAPHY Identify daily & seasonal weather patterns and begin to understand causes Locate UK on a world map/globe Find & name countries in the UK Locate London & know it’s a capital city Use simple compass directions Gather weather data and perform simple tests Locate the world’s seven continents and understand that climates vary in different parts of the world These ideas may alter as the topic develops to ensure the curriculum follows children’s interests PHYSICAL EDUCATION Multi-skills/Cricket – Chance to Shine coaching Games SCIENCE Find out the meaning of ‘material’ used in scientific sense Understand that the words used to describe the materials that objects are made from are called ‘properties’. Identify objects that are made from materials that are man-made & others which are made from naturally occurring materials. Chn carry out simple tests to answer questions like: What is the best material for an umbrella? They report on their findings & discuss how they could make their investigation better. Feel the Pulse - Exploring Pulse and Rhythm ICT ICT skills will be embedded within all subject areas MATHEMATICS Collect, analyse and report data linked to weather.