The University of the Incarnate Word

The University of the Incarnate Word
Computer Literacy Competency/Challenge Exam Guidelines
Students at the University of the Incarnate Word must complete a Computer Literacy course by the second semester of
enrollment or prove computer competence.
The computer literacy course is an introduction to basic microcomputer terminology and concepts. It involves hands-on
experience using file management techniques, word-processing software, presentation software, spreadsheet software, and
database management software with an emphasis in business applications.
Computer Literacy Competency Exam
A student who feels they are able to meet the above requirements may request to take the Computer Literacy Competency
Exam. Upon successful completion of the exam, they will be considered "competent in computer literacy." You do not
receive credit for the course but the requirement of a Computer Literacy course is waived.
Computer Literacy Challenge Exam
Students wishing to challenge the Computer Literacy course for credit must complete the registration form and an
“Application for Challenge Exam” form found at the UIW Registrars Office or any ADCaP learning center office. This is
an agreement stating the student will pay the appropriate fees for challenging a course at UIW (40% of the program’s
tuition rate). Students who register for and complete the Computer Competency Exam (described above) are not allowed
to then Challenge the Computer Literacy course for credit.
Study sheets for the exams are available at the Corpus Christi ADCaP office.
Steps for ADCaP students taking the Computer Literacy Competency/Challenge Exam are as follows:
Submit a completed Credit by Exam request form to the ADCaP Center office. Students wishing to take the
exam for hours must also complete the Application for Challenge Exam and pay in advance. These forms are
available in the office or on the UIW Registrar’s website,
Students have only one chance to request the exam, so if not taken at the requested time, then the student will
be required to take the class on the upcoming term.
Once the request form is returned approved through email, go to the bookstore website, The Access card must be purchased online under Books, Textbooks & Course
Materials, UIW Bookstore #236, use the current semester, ADCaP, COMP 1301, and the section
selected for the date of the exam (see exam dates). Select Store Pickup for the Delivery Method and in the
Comments to Bookstore section, include that the exam is for Corpus Christi and you want to test out of the
class. The information will be mailed to the ADCaP Corpus Christi office. It is called Sam 2010 Challenge
for Microsoft Office.
Email the Center office to register no later than one week before the upcoming exam. The exam is given
once a month.
Students will arrive at the testing center at the time arranged with the necessary paperwork completed and pay
the appropriate fee for the exam, paid by check or money order made out to UIW or University of the
Incarnate Word. Students taking the Computer Literacy Competency Exam pay $15.00. Students
challenging the exam for credit do not pay the $15.00 exam fee. The approved forms must be presented on
the day of the exam.
Upon completion of and having passed the Competency/Challenge Exam, a student is considered to have
satisfied the University of the Incarnate Word guidelines for computer literacy and will be allowed to waive
the requirement only if taken for literacy or receive 3 credit hours for the Computer Literacy course.