Dartmouth Academy English Department – Persuasive Speech Writing Lesson Learning outcome (to include a PLT objective) Students will improve their ability to_______________ as they: Levelled Learning Outcomes (referenced to specific grade criteria) Reading & Writing Assessment Objectives Speaking & Listening Assessment Objectives Differentiated Learning Activities (to include tasks that develop students’ independent learning skills (Kagan structure, peer- and self-assessment activities and timed tasks) resources 1 How essential is the art of rhetoric? As a team worker, you: WILL explain ideas/opinions to others SHOULD emphasise important points COULD highlight essential details AO1i-iii – communicate clearly; listen and respond; interact with others Starter: Persuade me not to set home learning in this lesson Main Activity: What makes a great persuasive speech/Rhetorical devices in Braveheart clip Reflection: How essential is the art of rhetoric? Home learning: PowerPoint - Lesson 1 Rally Table sheets Rhetorical devices cards Braveheart battle speech 2 What makes a great persuasive speech? As an effective participator, you: WILL identify some rhetorical devices SHOULD explain how they are used COULD evaluate their effectiveness AO1i-iii – communicate clearly; listen and respond; interact with others Starter: Revisit last lesson – Timed Pair Share*: What makes a great persuasive speech? Main Activity: Student-led lists of rhetorical devices for wall poster/revisit ‘No H/L’ task Reflection: Verbal peer-evaluation of groups’ ‘No H/L’ presentations Home learning: (For unpersuasive students) Write a persuasive speech about H/L PowerPoint - Lesson 2 *Click here for link to Kagan’s Co-operative learning tasks 3 Rhetorical devices in the movies As an effective participator, you: WILL identify some rhetorical devices SHOULD explain how they are used COULD evaluate their effectiveness AO2i-iii select material and make comparisons; develop and sustain interpretations; explain and evaluate effectiveness of language AO1i-iii – communicate clearly; listen and respond; interact with others Starter: Identify rhetorical devices in film clips Main Activity: Use transcripts to compare/contrast the speeches – which is/are the most effective? Reflection: Groups feedback on most/least effective speeches Home learning: PowerPoint - Lesson 3 http://www.americanrhetori c.com/moviespeeches.htm Rhetorical devices cards Speech transcripts 4 How do rhetorical devices help the speaker achieve the purpose of his/her speech? As a team worker, you: WILL identify some rhetorical devices SHOULD explain how they are used COULD evaluate their effectiveness AO2i-iii select material and make comparisons; develop and sustain interpretations; explain and evaluate effectiveness of language AO1i-iii – communicate clearly; listen and respond; interact with others Starter: Card-match: rhetorical device + explanation + example. Main Activity: Listen to MLK’s speech/identify rhet.devices and explain effect on audience Reflection: Ask or Add student questioning re. how rhet. devices are used to manipulate Home learning: Three PEE+E paragraphs on how effective the rhetorical devices were in fulfilling the purpose of MLK’s speech PowerPoint - Lesson 4 Rhetorical Devices cards Ask/Add cards 5 What makes some speeches good and others bad? As an independent enquirer, you: WILL explain which speech is most and least effective SHOULD refer to features of speeches COULD make comparisons between speeches AO2iii – explain and evaluate effectiveness of language Starter: What is the difference between a good speech and a bad one? (A good speech will…; A bad speech will…) Main Activity: Listen to a selection of speeches from The Guardian’s Greatest Speeches of the 20th Century – which are the most/least effective and why Reflection: RALLY ROBIN: Discuss what makes the speeches (in)effective? Home learning: PowerPoint - Lesson 5 Link to speeches: (http://www.guardian.co.uk/ theguardian/series/greatspee ches) 6 Which topic will you speak about? As an effective participator, you: WILL explain ideas/opinions to others SHOULD identify potential problems COULD suggest good research tips Starter: Students given task sheet to choose topic for their individual speeches Main Activity: Teacher one-to-one to discuss/’Round table’ discussion of students’ choices (e.g. reasons for choosing topic, possible drawbacks, etc.) Reflection: How will you research your chosen topic? Home learning: Research and collate material for speech for next lesson PowerPoint - Lesson 6 Speech task/topics sheet 7 Researching information for your speech As an independent enquirer, you: WILL find information from a range of sources SHOULD summarise best information COULD synthesise and compare information AO2i, iv - select material and make comparisons; understand social and cultural context Starter: Timed Pair Share* – the topic you have chosen, why, and what research you will do Main Activity: Research lesson in library or ICT; alternatively, plan speeches using material from last H/L Reflection: Share good websites/written literature for research; raise problems & provide solutions Home learning: Mind-map and categorise research for first draft of speech in next lesson *Click here for link to Kagan’s Co-operative learning tasks 8 How to write an effective opening to your speech As a self-manager, you: WILL write an effective opening fit for audience and purpose SHOULD vary sentences to engage the audience COULD develop your opening using imaginative language AO3i, iii –task & purpose; sentence structures for clarity and effect AO1ii-iii – listen and respond; interact with others Starter: Rhetorical devices Diamond 9 Main Activity: Use success criteria to help write and then assess opening paragraph Reflection: Peer-assessment of opening paragraphs Home learning: PowerPoint - Lesson 8 Rhetorical devices Diamond 9 Success criteria (4-6; 5-7) 9 First draft of persuasive speech As a self-manager, you: WILL write an interesting speech fit for AO3i-iii – task & purpose; language; AO1ii-iii – listen and respond; interact with Starter: Punctuation practice Main Activity: Write the first draft of the speeches; refer to success criteria when doing so PowerPoint - Lesson 9 Punctuation practice sheet AO1i-iii – communicate clearly; listen and respond; interact with others Dartmouth Academy English Department – Persuasive Speech Writing Lesson Learning outcome (to include a PLT objective) Students will improve their ability to_______________ as they: audience and purpose SHOULD vary sentences and use several rhetorical devices COULD use imaginative language and a range of rhetorical devices Levelled Learning Outcomes (referenced to specific grade criteria) Differentiated Learning Activities (to include tasks that develop students’ independent learning skills (Kagan structure, peer- and self-assessment activities and timed tasks) resources Reading & Writing Assessment Objectives Speaking & Listening Assessment Objectives sentence structures for clarity and effect others Reflection: Peer-assessment of first drafts; amend speeches as appropriate in light of peercomments Home learning: Success criteria (4-6; 5-7) AO3i-iii –task & purpose; language; sentence structures for clarity and effect AO1ii-iii – listen and respond; interact with others Starter: Centre of the Universe – statements about rhetorical devices Main Activity: Finish first draft of speech/refine it using rhet. devices effectively/practise reading aloud Reflection: Peer-assessment of first drafts; amend speeches as appropriate in light of peercomments Home learning: Prepare your final draft and practise your delivery PowerPoint - Lesson 10 Centre of the Universe statements Rhetorical devices sheet Success criteria (4-6; 5-7) 10 Refine your speech with rhetorical devices As a self-manager, you: WILL write an effective opening fit for audience and purpose SHOULD vary sentences to engage the audience COULD develop your opening using imaginative language 11 Assessed Speaking and Listening (Pt 1) As an effective participator, you: WILL vary your expression/vocabulary SHOULD use some rhetorical devices COULD a range of rhetorical devices to make a compelling case AO1i-iii – communicate clearly; listen and respond; interact with others Starter: Main Activity: Student-speeches (min.4 minutes each) Reflection: Peer- and self-assessment of students’ speeches Home learning: Students’ own prompt cards or sheets (remember: they’re not allowed to simply read from a preprepared speech) 12 Assessed Speaking and Listening (Pt 2) As an effective participator, you: WILL vary your expression/vocabulary SHOULD use some rhetorical devices COULD a range of rhetorical devices to make a compelling case AO1i-iii – communicate clearly; listen and respond; interact with others Starter: Main Activity: Student-speeches (min.4 minutes each) Reflection: Peer- and self-assessment of students’ speeches and class-feedback of their assessments Home learning: (Use as baseline; prep for next SoL) Write a short story (2 sides of A4) Students’ own prompt cards or sheets (remember: they’re not allowed to simply read from a preprepared speech)