Brandeis University

Brandeis University
Maurice and Marilyn Cohen Center for Modern Jewish Studies
Searching for the Study of Israel:
A Report on the Teaching of Israel on
U.S. College Campuses 2008-09
Annette Koren
Emily Einhorn
January 2010
Searching for the Study of Israel 2008‐09
© 2010 Brandeis University
Maurice and Marilyn Cohen Center for Modern Jewish Studies
Additional copies of this publication are available from:
Maurice and Marilyn Cohen Center for Modern Jewish Studies
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Searching for the Study of Israel 2008‐09
Acknowledgments Support for this study was provided by the Charles and Lynn Schusterman Family Foundation. The
authors wish to thank the student research assistants of the Cohen Center for Modern Jewish
Studies for their contributions: Adra Horn, Shira Androphy, Hillary Nelson, Rebecca Blady, Daniel
Shain, Yulia Tolskaya, and Sara Brandenburg. We also thank associate research scientist of the
Cohen Center for Modern Jewish Studies, Benjamin Phillips, for his critical feedback and managing
editor, Deborah Grant, for her assistance in preparing the document for publication. We appreciate
the work of Aaron Goldberg, the lead researcher on In Search of Israel Studies (2006), and are grateful
for the time he took to explain his methodology. We also thank Raina Goldberg for locating the
original databases and sharing them with us.
Searching for the Study of Israel 2008‐09
Searching for the Study of Israel 2008‐09
Table of Contents Report
List of Tables and Figures .....................................................................................................................iv
Executive Summary................................................................................................................................1
Discussion of Findings...........................................................................................................................5
2008-09 Sample Characteristics........................................................................................................5
Regional Distribution....................................................................................................................5
Size and Jewish Populations.........................................................................................................6
Israel Course Offerings .....................................................................................................................7
Courses about Israel 2008-09.......................................................................................................8
Departments Offering Israel Courses.........................................................................................12
Hebrew and Arabic Language Instruction.................................................................................13
Comparison of 2005-06 and 2008-09 Course Listings .................................................................15
Israel-Focused Courses .................................................................................................................15
Top-Ranked Schools .....................................................................................................................17
Implications .............................................................................................................................................19
Notes ........................................................................................................................................................21
Appendix A: Methodology....................................................................................................................25
School Selection Criteria ...................................................................................................................25
Courses Search....................................................................................................................................25
Appendix B: Increases in Israel-Focused Courses.............................................................................27
Appendix C: Opportunity Schools.......................................................................................................29
Directory of U.S. Colleges and Universities 2008-09 ........................................................................33
Searching for the Study of Israel 2008‐09
List of Tables and Figures Table 1: Courses at U.S. News Top 20 National Universities...................................................... 17
Table 2: Courses at Ivy League and Big Ten Schools .................................................................. 18
Figure 1: Directory of Colleges and Universities: Regional Distribution Compared to All ..... 5
Figure 2: Directory of Colleges and Universities: Size of Undergraduate Population .............. 6
Figure 3: Distribution of Colleges and Universities: Percentage of Jewish Undergraduates.... 6
Figure 4: Number of Courses Offered 2008-09.............................................................................. 8
Figure 5: Number of Israel-content Courses by Undergraduate Enrollment............................. 9
Figure 6: Number of Israel-content Courses by Percentage of Jewish Undergraduates......... 10
Figure 7: Number of Israel-content Courses by Absolute Number of Jewish
Undergraduates..................................................................................................................... 10
Figure 8: Percentage of Schools with Four or More Courses by U.S. News Ranking.............. 11
Figure 9: Israel Courses by Department......................................................................................... 12
Figure 10: Hebrew and Arabic Language Instruction .................................................................. 13
Figure 11: Course Offerings by Hebrew Language Availability ................................................. 14
Figure 12: Course Offerings by Arabic Language Availability.................................................... 14
Figure 13: Number of Israel-focused Courses 2005-06 and 2008-09 ........................................ 15
Figure 14: Number of Schools with Israel-focused Courses 2005-06 and 2008-09 ................ 16
Figure 15: Change in Number of Israel-focused Courses 2005-06 to 2008-09........................ 16
Table A- 1: School Selection 2008-09............................................................................................. 25
Table A- 2: Comparative Methodology.......................................................................................... 26
Table B-1: Schools with the Largest Increase in Israel-focused Courses .................................. 27
Table C-1: Schools in U.S. News Top 1-50* with no Israel-focused Courses in 2008-09....... 29
Table C-2: Schools with Undergraduate Populations Greater than 15,000 with no
Israel-focused Courses in 2008-09..................................................................................... 30
Table C-3: Schools with 500 or more Jewish Students and no Israel-focused
Courses in 2008-09............................................................................................................... 31
Searching for the Study of Israel 2008‐09
Executive Summary This report and directory finds the state of
education about Israel greatly improved since
the original study in 2006. The data suggest
that many more opportunities to study Israel
on college campuses are available now as
compared to three years ago. More colleges
and universities offer courses focused on
Israel, and those that offered courses in 200506 are offering a greater number of courses
today. More than that, the study finds a
“normalization” of Israel study within the
university curriculum. From course titles and
descriptions, we see a move toward viewing
Israel as a culture, society, political system,
and historical entity rather than solely as a
locus for international conflict. Although
many decry a perceived anti-Israel sentiment
on campus, education rather than
demonstration is the core mission of the
university, and in that arena, we see an
impressive increase in the study of Israel.
The directory includes 316 four-year colleges
and universities: top-ranked national
universities and liberal arts colleges, state
universities, and schools with large Jewish
populations. The list also includes secular,
Christian, and Jewish sectarian institutions.
Although the directory draws heavily from
areas with large Jewish populations, it
represents all parts of the country and
includes schools with very few or no Jewish
In contrast with the 2006 study, this directory
extends beyond courses specifically focused
on Israel to include those that address modern
Israel in other less central but nonetheless
substantive ways, for example, courses on the
politics of the Middle East or modern Jewish
history. The directory includes those that
specifically focus on Israel and those that
include Israel as a unit or important element
in their syllabi.¹ Courses specifically focused
on Israel have been counted separately for
comparison purposes.
We distinguish courses in the directory and in
this report as:
 Israel-focused—courses devoting
almost all of their content to Israel
 Israel-related—those that deal with
Israel less centrally
 Israel-content—the total of Israelfocused and Israel-related courses,
those that can be said to contain any
information about modern Israel
An analysis of the directory led to several
specific and important findings:
Compared to 2005-6
 There has been a dramatic 69%
increase in the number of Israelfocused courses. The 246 institutions
included in both studies increased
Israel-focused courses from 325 in
2006 to 548 in 2008-09
 Of the top 20 national universities in
U.S. News and World Report rankings in
2008-09, all but one offered Israelfocused courses in 2008-09 and 12,
more than half, offered four or more.
In 2006 five offered no Israel-focused
courses, and only three offered four or
Searching for the Study of Israel 2008‐09
Courses in 2008-09
 90% of the 316 schools in the 2008-09
directory offer at least one Israelrelated course, and 58% offer at least
one Israel-focused course
 Almost half of the schools (48%)
offered four or more Israel-content
courses, and 17% offered four or
more courses specifically focused on Israel
 A total of 1401 courses with Israelcontent were offered by the 316
schools, with 579 specifically focused
on Israel
Factors related to the number of Israel-content courses
 Schools with large undergraduate
populations, and those with a high
percentage of Jewish students,
typically offered more courses about
Israel, but schools with small
undergraduate populations and small
percentages of Jewish students also
offered courses with Israel content  The top-ranked schools, as designated
by U.S. News and World Report, typically
offered more Israel-related and Israelfocused courses than those with lower
A broad base of Israel courses
 A variety of departments offered
courses about Israel in 2008-09. The
majority of Israel-content courses
came from history and political
science, not from Jewish or Middle
East Studies, and most courses went
well beyond the Arab-Israeli conflict.
This suggests a normalization of Israel
as a subject within established
disciplines The study’s authors hope these findings and
others in this report will serve as a guide to
understanding the state of Israel education
and the challenges and opportunities that lie
Searching for the Study of Israel 2008‐09
Introduction In 2006, the Israel on Campus Coalition
(ICC), in partnership with the Charles and
Lynn Schusterman Family Foundation
(CLSFF), Hillel: the Foundation for Campus
life, and a network of national organizations
committed to promoting Israel education and
advocacy on campus, compiled a directory of
opportunities to study about Israel on
campuses across the United States. Interest in
the topic was spurred by concern that
academic scholarship and the information
flow about Israel had been scarce. Students on
most campuses, the ICC believed, had little
opportunity to learn about Israel, a country
much in the news and subject of extensive
debate. The ICC also believed that much of
the teaching that was available was biased and
ill-informed and largely originated from
hostile groups on campus aiming to
delegitimize the Jewish state (In Search of Israel
Studies, 2006). In that study, researchers for
the ICC searched online course listings and
catalogs in order to document the Israelfocused course offerings of approximately 400
colleges and universities in North America.
The report found that 53% of these
institutions offered no Israel Studies courses
and that most of the remainder offered no
more than one. Nine universities had Israel
Studies centers, but very few other institutions
offered more than minimal substantive
teaching about Israel.
In the same year, the American Israeli
Cooperative Enterprise (AICE), with funding
from CLSFF, undertook an ambitious
program to help address these concerns.²
AICE and CLSFF designed a program to seed
Israel Studies on college and university
campuses across the United States by
providing the campuses with visiting Israeli
professors (VIPs) who could teach balanced
and academically rigorous courses about
Israel. The VIPs, senior scholars from a
variety of fields, come to their host campuses
to teach four courses a year (at least two of
these courses specifically focused on Israel).
CLSFF, along with several other individuals
and foundations, provides 50% of the salary
requirements for up to two years—a period
they consider adequate to stimulate interest in
the subject and prove the attractiveness of the
topic to university decision-makers. AICE and
its funders hope that by the end of the
appointment, the host university will have
developed internal sources to fund permanent
appointments or ongoing visiting positions in
Israel Studies. Through 2008-09, a total of 52
VIPs at 40 universities offered almost 200
Israel-related courses on campus. In
2009-10 alone, 26 VIPs are teaching on 26
campuses. In addition to teaching courses,
VIPs provide on- and off-campus lectures and
participate in panel discussions and
conferences. They consult with students,
appear in the media, and serve as a presence
for Israel and its scholarship on campus.
A second element of the AICE program—the
Schusterman Israel Scholars Awards (SISA)—
provides graduate fellows with $15,000 per
year stipends to pursue Israel Studies. The
belief underlying the program is that the
demand for Israel-related courses on campus
created by the VIPs will facilitate the creation
of tenure-track positions for the SISA fellows.
To date, three former fellows have tenure
track positions in the academy, and two other
Searching for the Study of Israel 2008‐09
former fellows have temporary teaching
positions as well.
In 2004, Brandeis University’s Summer
Institute for Israel Studies (SIIS), also made
possible through funding from CLSFF and
others,³ initiated an effort to create capacity
for teaching about Israel from within existing
college and university faculties. Targeting
institutions globally (in Brazil, China, Great
Britain, Turkey, and Australia, as well as the
United States and Canada), SIIS provides a
two-week, fully-funded seminar on all aspects
of Israeli society, culture, politics, and history
taught by senior academics from Israel and
elsewhere. This intensive program is followed
by a ten-day study tour of Israel during which
SIIS fellows meet with Israeli political and
cultural leaders in a variety of settings.
Following the seminar and the study tour,
SIIS provides the fellows with online
resources and workshops to enrich their
understanding of Israel. Since their
participation in the program, SIIS 2004-08
fellows, coming from over 100 different
institutions, have offered more than 150
courses about Israel.
A third program designed to seed Israel
Studies on university campuses, the Israel
Studies Project of the Jewish Federation of
Metropolitan Chicago, has enabled the
appointment of Israeli visiting scholars at
Chicago area universities. Since 2005, the
program has helped to expand education
about Israel at Northwestern University;
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign;
University of Chicago; and University of
Illinois, Chicago.
CLSFF, which together with other donors
funds both the AICE program and SIIS,
asked the Cohen Center for Modern Jewish
Studies at Brandeis University (CMJS) to
revisit the ICC directory, In Search of Israel
Studies, and update it with data from 2008-09.
The CMJS research team developed a list of
over 300 colleges and universities—most, but
not all, overlapping with the 2006 study (see
Appendix A, Methodology)—and has
included in its listing:
Israel-focused courses such as History of
Modern Israel, and Film, Fiction, and the
Construction of Identity— Israeli and
Palestinian Voices Israel-related courses defined broadly
(those with Israel in their course
descriptions but not the principal focus of
the course), e.g., Culture & Society of the
Middle East and North Africa, and Modern
Judaism This report uses the term Israel-content
courses to refer to the combination of Israelrelated and Israel-focused courses.
The research explores changes in the
landscape of Israel Studies since 2006 and
provides a point of comparison for future
studies. The report is presented as a directory
so that users can find schools and identify
areas of strength and weakness. Funders have
given generously to the task of making
academically sound education about Israel
available in colleges and universities in the
United States. The following study
documents, in one way, the extent of their
Searching for the Study of Israel 2008‐09
Discussion of Findings 2008-09 Sample Characteristics
Regional Distribution
The 2008-09 directory lists Israel-content
course offerings at 316 colleges and
universities across the United States. The
sample was designed to represent a variety of
institutions of higher learning, with heavier
weight given to leading research universities
and highly ranked liberal arts colleges. All toptier national universities and liberal arts
colleges based on U.S. News and World Report
rankings are included in the directory.5 Fouryear institutions with large Jewish
undergraduate populations (20% or more of
their undergraduate enrollment) based on
estimates from Hillel are also included, as are
public, private non-sectarian, Christian, and
Jewish institutions from all regions of the
United States.
The distribution of institutions by region is
roughly proportional to the distribution of all
institutions of higher learning with a heavier
representation of the East Coast. Colleges and
universities in New England and the Middle
Atlantic account for over a third (37%) of all
schools in the sample. The directory drew
slightly more heavily from these regions
because they are home to the greatest
concentrations of Jews and institutions with
large Jewish populations. The Midwest is
somewhat underrepresented. Figure 1
illustrates the sampling by region, comparing
the distribution of four-year institutions in the
College Board College Search website (http://
index.jsp) to those listed in this directory.
Figure 1: Directory of Colleges and Universities: Regional Distribution Compared to All
Percentage of Schools
17% 17%
In Search of Israel
Studies, 2008-09
College Board
Searching for the Study of Israel 2008‐09
Size and Jewish Populations
The directory includes a range of schools by
size and affiliation. Figure 2 shows that almost
half the schools (48%) have fewer than 5000
undergraduates. Institutions with 20,000 or
more undergraduates comprise 19% of the
sample. This distribution does not reflect the
overall distribution of colleges and universities
by size6 but, rather, those institutions with
larger Jewish populations and higher rankings
in U.S. News and World Report.
Most, but not all, institutions in the sample
had significant Jewish populations according
to the Hillel website (Figure 3). Jewish
students comprise more than 11% of
undergraduate enrollment at more than a
quarter of the schools. Four institutions have
mostly or completely Jewish enrollments:
Yeshiva University, the Jewish Theological
Seminary, Touro College, and American
Jewish University. Schools classified as
“unknown” have no count available (18%)
and are assumed to have only a few or no
Jewish students. Figure 3 shows the
distribution of schools by size of Jewish
population. The schools with the largest
absolute number of Jewish undergraduates
have between 1000 and 6500.
Figure 2: Directory of Colleges and Universities: Size of Undergraduate Population
<2 000
20 %
10,00 0-19,999
Figure 3: Distribution of Colleges and Universities: Percentage of Jewish Undergraduates
None or
Searching for the Study of Israel 2008‐09
The colleges and universities in the directory
represent over three million undergraduates
including over 250,000 Jewish undergraduates.
The vast majority of colleges and universities
included in the directory are secular
institutions: 124 public and 134 private
institutions account for 82% of the directory’s
institutions. These secular universities and
colleges comprise an even greater majority of
the undergraduate population (92%).
Israel Course Offerings
The directory lists all courses which address
Israel, Israeli culture, politics, or society as the
whole content or any part of their subject area
(Israel-content courses). These courses can be
divided into those that are specifically about
Israel (Israel-focused courses), and those that
deal with Israel more tangentially (Israelrelated courses).
The 316 schools in the directory offered 1401
Israel-content courses in 2008-09. Of those,
579 were Israel-focused and 822 were Israelrelated. Issues in Israeli Politics, a course offered
in the history department at Stony Brook
University, The Arab-Israeli Conflict, offered by
the government department at Dartmouth
College, and Mizrahi Music and the Construction
of Israeli National Culture, offered by Middle
Eastern Studies at UC Berkeley are examples
of Israel-focused courses.
The Middle East in World Affairs Since 1945
(offered at Lehigh University) is categorized as
Israel-related rather than Israel-focused even
through its description states it devotes one
half to two-thirds of the semester to the ArabIsraeli conflict. Modern Jewry: Upheaval and
Response at Kalamazoo College is considered
Israel-related as is Conflict and Peacemaking in the
Middle East.
Boston College provides an example of how
the study classifies Israel-content courses. The
college offered three Israel-focused courses in
2008-09: Israelis & Palestinians: Two Peoples,
Three Faiths (Theology), Social Justice in Israel/
Palestine (Sociology), and History and
Historiography of the Arab-Israeli Conflict
(History). The college also offered three
courses we consider Israel-related: Language,
Memory, and Identity in the Middle East
(Sociology), Modern Middle Eastern and Arabic
Literature (Slavic Studies & Linguistics), and
Middle East on Film: Anthropological Perspectives
In most cases, course descriptions do not
allow for an assessment of the proportion of
the content concerning Israel and, in some
cases, course descriptions were not available.
We do assume, however, based on many
accessed course descriptions, that the
presence of courses about the modern Middle
East represents interest in the culture, society,
and politics of the region of which Israel is
part, that faculty members have knowledge
and the desire to teach such courses, and that
students enroll because they find the topics
interesting or relevant to their fields of study.
Likewise, we assume that Israel is part of any
course on modern Jewish history or culture.
Searching for the Study of Israel 2008‐09
Courses about Israel in 2008-09
Of the 316 schools in the directory, 12 have
Israel Studies programs and 17 have chairs
(although they may not all be filled), but most
(62%) offer three or more Israel-content
courses. Figure 4 shows that almost half
(49%) offered four or more Israel-content
courses, and only 10% had no such courses at
all. Over half the schools in the directory
(58%) offered at least one course specifically
focused on Israel, and 17% (54 schools)
offered four or more.
Not surprisingly, the size of the institution—
the number of undergraduates—appears to be
related to the number of Israel-content
courses offered (Figure 5). Of the colleges and
universities with fewer than 2000
undergraduates, only 19% offered four or
more courses with Israel content. Of the
medium-sized schools with 5000-9999
undergraduates, 75% offered four or more
courses. The largest schools, those with
10,000 or more undergraduates, have a
somewhat smaller but still large percentage of
schools offering four or more courses (59%).
Some small schools do offer a variety of
Israel-content courses. For example,
Haverford College, Drew University, Bryn
Mawr, Goucher, Amherst, and Claremont
McKenna all offer six or more courses with
some Israel content, and all but one of these
(Drew University) offer at least one course
specifically focused on Israel. On the other
hand, there are 38 large schools—those with
15,000 or more undergraduates—that offer
six or more courses about Israel, and all but
four of those offer at least three courses that
focus specifically on Israel.
Percentage of Schools
Figure 4: Number of Courses Offered 2008-09
Number of Courses 7+
Israel-related only
All Israel-content courses
Searching for the Study of Israel 2008‐09
The percentage and the absolute number of
Jewish undergraduates also appear related to
the number of courses with Israel content,
and this holds true for Israel-related as well as
Israel-focused courses. Schools with very few
or an unknown number of Jewish students
offer relatively few courses about Israel
(Figures 6-7).
Figure 5: Number of Israel-content Courses by Undergraduate Enrollment
Percentage of Schools
Number of Courses 37%
10,000 -19,000
(n= 54)
Less than 2000
Undergraduate Enrollment
Searching for the Study of Israel 2008‐09
Figure 6: Number of Israel-content Courses by Percentage of Jewish Undergraduates
Percentage of Schools
Number of Courses 4+
unknown (n=57)
0-4% (n=73)
5-10% (n=102)
11%+ (n=84)
% Jewish Undergraduates
Figure 7: Number of Israel-content Courses by Absolute Number of Jewish Undergraduates
Percentage of Schools
Number of Courses 4+
unknown (n=58)
0-200 (n= 86)
201-999 (n=84)
1000+ (n=88)
Numb er of Jewish Undergraduates
Searching for the Study of Israel 2008‐09
Perhaps surprisingly, however, having a very
small or unreported Jewish population does
not mean the complete absence of Israelcontent or even Israel-focused courses.
Almost a third of schools with no reported
Jewish population offered one or more Israelfocused courses, although most of these
offered only one.
students, offered a course entitled Modern
Israel, and Stonehill College, a Roman Catholic
women’s college outside of Boston, offered a
course in Religious Studies entitled Hard
Rockin’ Jews: Judaism and Pop Culture in Israel.
Notably, both Sweet Briar and Stonehill
colleges have fellows from SIIS on their
The following schools, for example, with
enrollments under 2000 students and no
identified Jewish population according to the
Hillel website, offered courses specifically
about Israel. Fairfield University, a small Jesuit
college in Connecticut; the Citadel, an elite
military college in South Carolina; and
Gonzaga University, a Roman Catholic
college in Washington State all offered
courses on the Arab-Israeli conflict. Sweet
Briar College, a women’s college with 800
School ranking also appears to be related to
the number of Israel-content courses offered
(Figure 8). Almost all of the top-ranked
national universities (96% of those ranked
1-25 and 88% of those ranked 26-50) offered
four or more Israel-content courses. The same
relationship holds for liberal arts colleges,
although the overall percentage of schools
with four or more Israel-content courses is
Figure 8: Percentage of Schools with Four or More Courses by U.S. News Ranking
Percentage of Schools
Liberal Arts Colleges
National Universities
50 %
Ranked 1-25
Ranked 26-5 0
Ranked 51-75
U.S. News Ranking
Ranked 76+
Searching for the Study of Israel 2008‐09
Departments Offering Israel Courses
the majority (60%) of Israel-focused courses
were offered by other departments.
Most Israel-content courses were not offered
in Jewish Studies or Israel Studies programs
but rather in traditional departments such as
history or political science. Of the 1401 Israelcontent courses offered in 2008-09, 28% were
listed by a history department, and 25% by
political science or international relations.
Indeed many were offered by Jewish Studies
or Hebrew departments (22%) or religious
studies departments (6%), but other
departments (anthropology, comparative
literature, and Middle East Studies, etc.) also
offered courses about Israel (Figure 9). For
example, Geography of the Middle East and Africa
was offered in the Geography Department of
the United States Air Force Academy.
Of the Israel-focused courses, 40% originated
in Jewish Studies or Hebrew departments
(Figure 9, first bar). Perhaps some of these
can be thought of as “heritage” courses, but
At Truman State University in Missouri, a
course entitled Cultural Crossroads, offered as a
Junior Interdisciplinary Seminar, included
“Jerusalem/Al Quds - An interdisciplinary
approach to understanding the 4000-year-old
city, a center of strife for much of its history,
and essential to the political and religious
aspirations of many groups with apparently
conflicting goals.” Northwestern University
offers Modern Hebrew Literature in Translation in
its Comparative Literature Department, and
the University of Miami in Florida offers
Music in Hebrew Culture in its Department of
Musicology. The fact that 91% of all Israelrelated courses, and 60% of all Israel-focused
courses, were offered by disciplines outside of
specific area studies or “heritage” programs
suggests not only a broader focus but a
broader audience as well.
Figure 9: Israel Courses by Department
Percentage of Schools
Jewish Studies &
Middle East
Political Science
& International
Israel-focused (n=572) Israel-related (n=822)
All Israel-content
courses (n=1394)
Searching for the Study of Israel 2008‐09
Approximately 28% of the Israel-focused
courses (slightly more than 11% of all Israelcontent courses) center on the Arab-Israeli
conflict, i.e., over 150 have in their titles the
word “conflict,” Arab-Israel(i), or “Palestine”
or “Palestinians” in a contemporary context.
But neither title nor course description allow
for neat categorization. The Middle East in the
20th Century, a course offered by Wesleyan’s
history department surveys
the history, culture, and religion of
the contemporary Middle East.
Emphasis is on the historical roots
of current problems. These include
the Arab-Israeli conflict,
Westernization versus Islam, U.S.
involvement in the region, and the
Sunni-Shia divide within Islam.
Likewise, the course description for Modern
Israel: Culture and Identity at the University of
Figure 10: Hebrew and Arabic Language Instruction
Hebrew only
Arabic only
Both Hebrew
and Arabic
Delaware includes the conflict as a topic
among other elements of Israeli society, but
would not be categorized as a course on the
Many factors contribute to a diverse
and intriguing Israeli society. Topics
include the roots of Zionism, the
concept of the Israeli Sabra, the
effects of the Holocaust, ethnic
groups and the Arab-Israeli conflict
through history, film, literature and
Hebrew and Arabic Language Instruction
More than half of the schools in the directory
(51%) offer Hebrew and Arabic language
instruction; another 16% offer only Arabic,
and 10% offer only Hebrew (Figure 10).
Schools that offer these languages of Israel are
more likely to offer additional courses about
Israel (Figure 11-12).
Searching for the Study of Israel 2008‐09
Figure 11: Course Offerings by Hebrew Language Availability
Average Number of Courses
Israel-related only
Number of Hebrew Language Courses
Figure 12: Course Offerings by Arabic Language Availability
Average Number of Courses
Israel-related only
Number of Arabic Language Courses
Searching for the Study of Israel 2008‐09
Although the directory notes very few
universities with Israel Studies programs,
there exists a relatively wide variety of colleges
and universities with opportunities to study
about Israel. Research conducted separately
(Koren & Einhorn, 2010) suggests that
demand for courses about Israel is strong.
Department chairs at most of the colleges and
universities with Schusterman and other
AICE visiting Israeli professors described
fully-enrolled Israel-related courses and
substantial student interest—not only in
courses centered on the conflict, but those
about Israeli culture and internal politics as
well. More research needs to be done,
however, before the observations of these
department chairs can be generalized to the
larger number of institutions in this directory.
Comparison of 2005-06 and 2008-09
Course Listings
The 2008-09 directory contains information
on 316 institutions, 246 of which overlap with
the 2006 directory. The strongest finding from
a comparison of the two is the significantly
greater number of schools in 2008-09 than in
2005-06. It is possible that the 2006 directory
likely overestimated the number of Israel-
focused courses because the directory drew
from both course listings and course catalogs.
The latter usually contain all courses taught as
part of the regular curriculum regardless of
the year. The 2008-09 report’s estimate for
Israel-focused courses is necessarily
conservative in order to best compare to
2006; the authors classify as Israel-focused
only courses with Israel in the title, an obvious
Israel concentration in the course description,
or those dealing with modern Hebrew
literature and culture. Because the 2006
directory included only Israel-focused courses,
the discussion which follows is restricted to
such courses.7
Israel-Focused Courses
In 2005-06, 325 courses were offered in the
246 institutions included in both directories;
in 2008-09, 548 courses were offered—a 69%
increase (Figure 13). We do not have direct
evidence about the reasons for this dramatic
expansion in course offerings, but two
possibilities are that (a) faculty are responding
to increased interest in the study of Israel
among students, in particular the more than
100,000 students who have participated in
Taglit-Birthright Israel (Saxe & Chazan, 2008),
Figure 13: Number of Israel-focused Courses 2005-06 and 2008-09
Number of Courses
Searching for the Study of Israel 2008‐09
and (b) an increase in philanthropic support
for visiting professors, new faculty positions,
and development of existing faculty (SIIS).
Of the colleges and universities included in
both directories, 99 (40%) offered no Israelfocused courses in 2005-06; 84 (34%) offered
no such courses in 2008-09. In 2005-06, 24
institutions (10%) offered four or more Israelfocused courses; in 2008-09, 54 institutions
(22%) offered four or more Israel-focused
courses—a 125% increase over 2005-06
(Figure 14).
Efforts to increase the availability of Israel
courses on campus are not diffused equally
around the academy. Some institutions (15%)
actually offered fewer courses in 2008-09 than
in 2005-06 and 104 (42%) remained the same.
The remaining 41%, however, increased
course offerings specifically about Israel
(Figure 15) with 15% (38 institutions)
increasing offerings by three or more courses
(Appendix B, Table B-1).
Percentage of Schools
Figure 14: Number of Schools with Israel-focused Courses 2005-06 and 2008-09
Number of Courses 10%
2008 -09
Figure 15: Change in Number of Israel-focused Courses 2005-06 to 2008-09
+3 thru Decrease
Searching for the Study of Israel 2008‐09
Top-Ranked Schools
The 2006 directory listed the number of
Israel-focused courses for the U.S. News and
World Report top 20 schools and the Ivy
League. In 2005-06, four of the current top 20
U.S. News and World Report national
universities offered four or more courses
specifically focused on Israel. In 2008-09, 12
of the top 20 national universities—more than
half—offered four or more courses (Table 1).
The top liberal arts colleges experienced a less
noticeable increase in Israel-focused courses.
Of the top 100 included in both 2005-06 and
2008-09 (48 schools), 30 had no change, seven
decreased the number of courses offered, and
11 increased course offerings about Israel.
The small increase is probably attributable to
constraints of size. Liberal arts colleges have
smaller undergraduate populations and fewer
faculty members to draw from.
The 2006 report also listed Ivy League and
Big Ten schools and the number of Israelfocused courses they offered that year. These
numbers can be compared to the numbers in
2008-09 (Table 2). The Ivy League schools
increased Israel-focused offerings almost
across the board. The only exception was
Brown University which offered seven
courses in 2005-06 and again offered seven in
2008-09. The Big Ten schools also increased
Israel-focused course offerings overall, but the
results were more disparate. The University of
Michigan decreased its offerings from 10
courses to five (although two courses in 2006
may have been double counted or may have
been two sections of the same course). All
eleven Big Ten schools offered Israel-focused
courses in 2008-09, up from eight in 2005-06.
Table 1: Courses at U.S. News 2008-09 Top 20 National Universities
Number of Courses
Number of Universities
No courses
*This table includes schools that were ranked in the top 20 in 2008-09 and
compares the number of courses these schools offered in 2005-06 to the
number offered in 2008-09.
Searching for the Study of Israel 2008‐09
Table 2: Courses at Ivy League and Big Ten Schools
School Name
Number of Courses
Brown University
Columbia University
Cornell University
Dartmouth College
Harvard University
Princeton University
University of Pennsylvania
Yale University
Indiana University
Michigan State University
Northwestern University
Ohio State University
Pennsylvania State University,
University Park
Purdue University
University of Illinois,
University of Iowa
University of Michigan
University of Minnesota
University of Wisconsin, Madison
Searching for the Study of Israel 2008‐09
Implications This report and directory reveal a considerable
increase in the number of courses specifically
focused on Israel. The numbers and patterns
of such course offerings should be followed
into the future to see whether the increase
continues. Schools have different “lag times”
for the introduction of new courses, and the
presence of Israel in the media from one year
to the next can contribute to the number of
course offerings. Future research should also
track the broadening scope of Israel-content
courses beyond the conflict to areas of Israeli
culture and society.
Most salient for foundation and community
policy making, this research suggests that it is
possible to increase the number and breadth
of courses about Israel on campus. That a
number of large schools, and schools that are
prestigious or have large Jewish populations,
still have no Israel-focused courses in their
curriculum, represents an opportunity for
both the AICE VIP and SIIS programs to
expand their reach and create synergies in
their work. (Appendix C).
Also relevant for policy making is the evident
interest in teaching and learning about Israel
within a variety of departments and disciplines
in many different types of schools. The
challenge of 2005-06—to increase the capacity
to teach about Israel by seeding visiting Israeli
professor positions and developing staff who
might otherwise not have been able to teach
the subject—remains paramount, but the
challenge going forward may lie in increasing
the capacity to teach effectively, and this will
require a much more complex piece of
research. Over 1400 Israel-content courses
were taught in the 316 school sample in 200809, but these numbers provide no information
about the teaching ability of the instructors or
the breadth and depth of individual courses.
Such an assessment would require a large
qualitative component— sampling syllabi and
talking to students about their experiences and
the knowledge they have gained. In Search of
Israel Studies has become the search for the
study of Israel. Now the research needs to
assess the extent to which these courses are
grounded in serious scholarship. A sample of
the faculty teaching the courses listed in this
directory could be interviewed to discover
how they approach their topics and the
assistance they might need to develop their
syllabi. Perhaps department chairs and
university administrators, including but not
limited to Jewish Studies chairs, could be
surveyed about their awareness of the courses
offered on campus and their knowledge of
their content.
These questions about the content and quality
of courses on Israel are vitally important for
the teaching of Israel in the academy—to
assure that students are exposed to the finest
standards of scholarship and the greatest
depth of analysis.
Searching for the Study of Israel 2008‐09
Searching for the Study of Israel 2008‐09
Notes ¹Some of the Middle East Studies courses and modern Jewish history courses may deal only very tangentially
with Israel, but for our purpose here, we assume that all include some content about Israel or at least include
topics relevant to Israel and represent an interest that could be expanded to include Israel. More study is
required to learn more about how these courses are taught and the extent to which they discuss Israel.
²The AICE Israel Scholar Development Fund has been made possible through a major grant from the
Charles and Lynn Schusterman Family Foundation and support from the Ben and Esther Rosenbloom
Foundation; the Joseph and Harvey Meyerhoff Family Charitable Funds; the Richard and Rhoda Goldman
Fund; the Jacob and Hilda Blaustein Fund; the Feldman Foundation; the Endowment Fund of the Jewish
Federation of Greater Washington; the Alan B. Slifka Foundation; Joyce Saffir; the Dollye and I Wolford
Berman Foundation Inc., Natan, the Herbert Bearman Foundation, and Jack and Ellen Zager.
³Brandeis University’s Summer Institute for Israel Studies is funded through the generosity of Dorothy and
Julius Koppelman Institute on American Jewish-Israeli Relations of the American Jewish Committee;
Eugene Applebaum Family Foundation; Sanford M. Baklor and Arlene Zimmerman Kaufman; Ronald
Stephen Baron; Irwin and Roberta Chafetz; Frankel Foundation, Samuel and Jean Frankel Jewish Heritage
Foundation, Linda and Michael Frieze; Susan R. and Michael C. Gelman and the Morningstar Foundation;
Guilford and Diane Glazer; Harvey and Roberta Golub; Shirley and Milton Gralla; Alan C. Greenberg;
Phyllis and Joseph Gurwin; Roger and Susan Hertog; Joanna and Jonathon S. Jacobson and the Jacobson
Family Foundation; Jim Joseph Foundation; Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago; Kenneth
Kaiserman; Ronald Kaiserman; Joseph Kerzner; Beth Schultz Klarman and Seth Klarman; Koret
Foundation; Legacy Heritage Fund, Ltd.; Stephen A. Levin; Edward C. Levy; Roland Lorie; Joseph Low;
Judd D. Malkin; Y&S Nazarian Family Foundation; Eda and Joseph Pell; Michael J. Sacks; San Francisco
Federation’s Jewish Community Endowment Fund; Morty Schaja and Rebecca Amitai; Charles and Lynn
Schusterman Family Foundation; Victoria Mann Simms, PhD and Ronald A. Simms; Solelim Fund of UJA
Federation of New York; Louise and Michael Stein; Scott R. Tobin and Jennifer Wilen Tobin; and an
anonymous donor.
4 For
more about the AICE program, see Koren, A. Advancing Israel Studies in U.S. Universities 2005-2008: The
American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise and Koren, A. and Einhorn, E. Expanding the study of Israel on campus:
The American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise 2005-2009. For more about the Summer Institute for Israel
Studies see Koren, A., and Boxer, M. Building Capacity from Within: The Summer Institute for Israel Studies.
5 The
US News and World Report rankings are controversial partly because they overemphasize selective
admissions data like low acceptance rates and high SAT scores for incoming freshmen and pay less attention
to the education students receive once they get on campus. Still, we believe that the reputation rating (at the
heart of the rankings) is the best available means to categorize the schools we are discussing here.
6 According
to a search of colleges and universities on the College Boards website,
(, small schools with fewer than 2000 students
represent over half of the four-year institutions of higher learning in the country. Large schools with 15,000
students or more represent just 6%.
7 It is also possible that the increase in Israel courses may be part of an overall increase in course offerings
over the three-year period, but we have no data on a change in total course offerings. We consider it unlikely
that colleges and universities would have increased all course offerings by 66% over the three-year period
when the number of faculty positions has been relatively flat.
Searching for the Study of Israel 2008‐09
Searching for the Study of Israel 2008‐09
References Israel on Campus Coalition. (2006). In search of Israel studies: A survey of Israel Studies on American college
campuses. Retrieved from
Koren, A. Advancing Israel Studies in U.S. Universities 2005-2008: The American-Israeli Cooperative
Enterprise. (2008). Waltham, MA: Cohen Center for Modern Jewish Studies, Brandeis
Koren, A., & Boxer, M. (2009). Building capacity from within: The Summer Institute for Israel Studies.
(Unpublished manuscript).
Koren, A. & Einhorn, E. (2010). Expanding the study of Israel on campus: The American-Israeli Cooperative
Enterprise 2005-2009. Waltham, MA: Cohen Center for Modern Jewish Studies, Brandeis
Saxe, L., & Chazan, B. I. (2008). Ten days of Birthright Israel: A journey in young adult identity.
Lebanon, NH: University Press of New England.
Searching for the Study of Israel 2008‐09
Searching for the Study of Israel 2008‐09
Appendix A: Methodology School Selection Criteria
The 2006 report contained 386 schools
selected from around the United States. It
included the top 120 U.S. News and World
Report’s universities and colleges and those
which had ICC member organizations at the
time. It included junior colleges, art schools,
and music conservatories; public, private and
sectarian institutions; universities with large
Jewish populations (as counted by Hillel) and
some with none.
CMJS began the process of this study by
defining its own purposive sample of schools
(Table A-1). CLSFF reviewed the original list
and requested that another 26 schools be
added. Of the 316 schools in the 2008-09
study, 246 were included in the 2006 study.
All comparisons between the two studies rely
on those 246 institutions.
Courses Search
The 2005-06 research team searched online
course listings and/or course catalogs. Course
catalogs often include all courses in the
university curriculum, while listings contain
only those offered during specific time
periods. The CMJS research team selected
only undergraduate courses included in course
listings for the fall, spring, and summer of the
2008-09 academic year. If a school did not
have online course listings or did not allow
outside access, the research team contacted
the registrar’s office and obtained a list and a
catalog. Catalogs were used to obtain more
information on courses that could be
documented as having been offered during
the 2008-09 calendar year. Israel-related or
Israel-focused courses in the catalog that were
not listed in 2008-09 course listings are not
included in the directory. At some universities,
newly introduced courses or one-time
offerings are titled as special topics. Some of
these courses may concern Israel but cannot
be identified as such without further research.
The Summer Institute for Israel Studies, the
AICE Visiting Israeli Professors program, and
the Jewish Studies Project of the Jewish
United Fund/Jewish Federation of
Metropolitan Chicago help sponsor courses
related to Israel at various colleges and
university, and those courses have been
included. However, other special topic
courses focusing on Israel may have been
overlooked and inadvertently omitted from
the directory.
Table A- 1: School Selection 2008-09
All ranked national universities
All ranked liberal arts colleges
Top 10 regional universities and MA universities
Unranked tier 3 and 4 colleges and universities*
Lower ranking regional and MA universities and Unlisted schools*
* Colleges and universities in the last two categories were included on the
basis of Jewish populations of 5% or more of the undergraduate population or
at the request of the CLSFF. Jewish institutions such as the Jewish Theological
Seminary or Touro College are unranked. Canada was again excluded.
Searching for the Study of Israel 2008‐09
The entry for each school was created by a
researcher and then checked by another
researcher later in the year.
All courses were categorized by department in
which they were offered. While the directory
listings include departments in which the
course was cross-listed, the count of courses
by departments uses only the home
department. The courses were further
categorized as Israel-focused or not.
This categorization was reviewed by a second
member of the research team. Care was taken
to be as conservative as possible in classifying
a course as Israel-focused. Courses on
modern Jewish history or literature,
contemporary Middle East politics, and
International relations in the Middle East were
excluded and listed only as Israel-related.
Entries were collected in Access forms, and
exported from Access data tables to Excel for
merging into the directory. SPSS was used for
data analysis.
Table A-2: Comparative Methodology
Used current course listings to identify and classify
Used course catalogs to identify and classify
Included Israel-focused courses
Used current course listings to identify and classify
Used course catalogs only to classify
Included Israel-focused and Israel-related courses
Searching for the Study of Israel 2008‐09
Appendix B: Increases in Israel‐Focused Courses Table B-1: Schools with the Largest Increase in Israel-focused Courses
Number of Israel-focused Courses
New York University
Brandeis University
University of Denver
University of Texas, Austin
Emory University
Georgetown University
CUNY, Hunter College
American Jewish University
University of California, Los Angeles
University of North Texas
Northwestern University
CUNY, Queens College
American University
University of Florida
University of Wisconsin, Madison
Touro College
University of Virginia
Boston University
CUNY, Brooklyn College
Princeton University
Carleton College
Stanford University
University of California, Berkeley
George Washington University
Yeshiva University
Harvard University
University of California, San Diego
Wellesley College
Yale University
University of Minnesota
Vanderbilt University
CUNY, City College
Goucher College
Hofstra University
University of Pennsylvania
Cornell University
SUNY Stony Brook University
University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Searching for the Study of Israel 2008‐09
Searching for the Study of Israel 2008‐09
Appendix C: Opportunity Schools Table C-1: Schools in U.S. News Top 1-50* with no Israel-focused Courses in 2008-09
College or University
Swarthmore College
Middlebury College
California Institute of Technology
Davidson College
Grinnell College
Harvey Mudd College
Washington and Lee University
Bates College
Macalester College
Colorado College
Kenyon College
College of William and Mary
College of the Holy Cross
Georgia Institute of Technology
Furman University
Occidental College
Sewanee, University of the South
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Connecticut College
Franklin and Marshall College
Centre College
Skidmore College
St. Olaf College
DePauw University
Gettysburg College
Pitzer College
Rhodes College
* California Institute of Technology, the College of William and Mary, Georgia Institute of Technology,
and Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute are national universities. The others are liberal arts colleges.
Searching for the Study of Israel 2008‐09
Table C-2: Schools with Undergraduate Populations Greater than 15,000 with no
Israel-focused Courses in 2008-09
University of South Florida
California State University, Fullerton
Florida State University
California State University, Northridge
University of Houston
University of Georgia
University of Texas, San Antonio
California State University, Sacramento
Louisiana State University - Baton Rouge
University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Colorado State University
West Virginia University
University of Alabama
Iowa State University
Grand Valley State University
Western Michigan University
California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
University of Kentucky
Illinois State University
University of Pittsburgh
James Madison University
DePaul University
Texas A&M University
Searching for the Study of Israel 2008‐09
Table C-3: Schools with 500 or more Jewish Students and no Israel-focused
Courses in 2008-09
2008-09 Jewish
University of South Florida
Florida State University
California State University, Northridge
University of Georgia
University of Pittsburgh
University of Vermont
James Madison University
Long Island University, Brooklyn Campus
SUNY College at Oswego
Texas A&M University
California State University, Fullerton
University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Miami University of Ohio
College of Staten Island
Pratt Institute (School of Art)
SUNY Fashion Institute of Technology
University of Houston
California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
West Virginia University
Drexel University
Western Michigan University
University of Texas, San Antonio
Colorado State University
California State University, Sacramento
Georgia Institute of Technology
Illinois State University
Searching for the Study of Israel 2008‐09
Searching for the Study of Israel 2008‐09
DIRECTORY OF U.S. COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES: 2008‐09 ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ADELPHI UNIVERSITY ALBRIGHT COLLEGE NY, Private Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 4930 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 5‐10% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: n/a Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 1 ______________________________________ PA, Private, United Methodist Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 2176 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: >0‐4% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 0 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 1 Judaism: Religion and Culture (Religion) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 ______________________________________ AGNES SCOTT COLLEGE GA, Private, Women Only Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 885 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: >0‐4% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: n/a Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 2 Economics of the Middle East and North Africa (Economics) Religion and Politics in the Middle East (Religious Studies) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 ______________________________________
______________________________________ ALBION COLLEGE MI, Private, Methodist Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 1938 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: >0‐4% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 0 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 ALFRED UNIVERSITY NY, Private Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 2030 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 5‐10% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 0 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 A 34
A Searching for the Study of Israel 2008‐09
______________________________________ ______________________________________ AMERICAN JEWISH UNIVERSITY AMERICAN UNIVERSITY CA, Private, Jewish Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 102 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: >20% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 7 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 13 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 14 Hebrew Literature By Israeli Women Writers (Hebrew)* The Hebrew Media In Israel (Hebrew)* Twentieth Century Hebrew Poetry (Hebrew)* Modern Hebrew Essay (Hebrew)* The Modern Hebrew Short Story (Hebrew)* Holocaust in Modern Hebrew Literature (Hebrew)* History of Zionism and Modern Israel: 1881‐
Present (Jewish Studies) Jewish Political Thought (Jewish Studies) Israel's Foreign Relations (Jewish and World Civilizations, Political Science) Israeli Politics (Jewish and World Civilizations,Political Science) The Modern Hebrew Short Story In Translation (Jewish and World Civilizations) Modern Israel (Jewish Studies and Sociology) Modern Jewish History (History) Israel: Politics, Religion, and Spirit (Philosophy) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 19 Institution offers: Jewish Studies DC, Private, United Methodist Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 6042 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: >20% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 6 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 10 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 19 Israeli Politics (Government, Sociology) History of Israel (History) Contemporary Middle East (International Service) Middle East International Relations (International Service) American Task Force on Palestine (Philosophy) Modern Jewish Politics (History) Israel and Europe (Jewish Studies, Religion) Israeli Society (International Service, Sociology) Democracy in the Middle East (International Service) Christian Zionists and Israel (International Service) Identity Politics: Middle East (International Service) International Security: Middle East (International Service) United States foreign policy towards the Middle East (International Service) Comparative Politics of Middle East (Government) Building Palestinian Awareness (Anthropology) Arab‐Israeli Relations (International Service) Introduction to Middle Eastern History (History) Exile, Diaspora and Middle East (Anthropology) Comparing Media Systems, Europe and Israel (Communications) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 6 Institution offers: Jewish Studies Israel Studies Israel Studies Chair Visiting Israeli Professor Searching for the Study of Israel 2008‐09
______________________________________ ______________________________________ AMHERST COLLEGE ARIZONA STATE UNIVERSITY MA, Private Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 1685 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 11‐20% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 0 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 1 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 6 The History of Israel (History) The Modern Middle East: 1800‐Present (History) Citizenship and National Identity (First‐Year Seminar) American Diplomacy in the Middle East from the Second World War to the Iraq War (Colloquia) Anthropology of the Middle East (Anthropology, Asian Studies) The Making of the Modern Middle East (History) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Institution offers: Israel Study Abroad Scholarship ______________________________________ AZ, Public Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 51311 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 5‐10% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 4 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 2 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 5 Modern Middle East (History) War and Peace in the Middle East (History, Political Science, Hebrew, Religion) The Arab‐Israeli Conflict (Political Science) Middle East Politics (Political Science) Current Issues: Police and International Terrorism in Israel (Criminal Justice and Criminology) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 9 Institution offers: Jewish Studies APPALACHIAN STATE UNIVERSITY NC, Public Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 13997 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: >0‐4% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 0 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 2 Modernization in the Middle East (History) Middle East Politics (Political Science) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 8 Institution offers: Jewish Studies 35
A 36
Searching for the Study of Israel 2008‐09
______________________________________ ______________________________________ BABSON COLLEGE BARNARD COLLEGE MA, Private Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 1869 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: unknown Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 0 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 1 The Middle East: People and Culture (History) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 ______________________________________ NY, Private, Women Only Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 2346 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: >20% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 7 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 8 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 13 Judaism (Religion) Politics of the Middle East and North Africa (Political Science) Women in Israel: An Introduction (Women and Gender Studies) History of the Modern Middle East (History) Zionism and the State of Israel (History) Reacting to the Past II (History) Palestinian and Israeli Politics and Society (Comparative Literature) Zionism: A Cultural Perspective (East Asian Languages and Cultures) History of the State of Israel (Jewish Studies) Themes in the Novels of the Middle East, Africa and South Asia (Comparative Literature Middle East) Introduction to Israeli Literature (East Asian Languages and Cultures) New Israeli Writing (Comparative Literature, New Asian and Middle Eastern Cultures) Introduction to Israeli Culture (Middle Eastern Studies) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 BARD COLLEGE B NY, Private Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 1801 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 5‐10% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 6 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 2 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 4 The Arab‐Israel Conflict (History) Zionism and its Discontents (Social Studies) Collective Memory: A Social Process Perspective (Sociology) Modern Arabic Literature: Changing Places in the Arab World (Literature) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 4 Institution offers: Jewish Studies Searching for the Study of Israel 2008‐09
______________________________________ ______________________________________ BATES COLLEGE BELOIT COLLEGE ME, Private Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 1660 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: unknown Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 0 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 2 U.S. Foreign Policy in the Middle East (Politics) Modern Jewish Thought: From Spinoza to Levinas (Religious Studies) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 ______________________________________ WI, Private Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 1352 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 5‐10% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 0 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 ______________________________________ BAYLOR UNIVERSITY TX, Private, Baptist Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 11902 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: unknown Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 0 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 1 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 5 Governments and Politics of the Middle East (Comparative Politics) Modern Judaism (Religion) Biblical Heritage and Contemporary Society in the Holy Land (Middle East Studies, Religion) Modern Middle East History (History) War and Peace in the Middle East (History) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 4 Institution offers: Jewish Studies 37
BENTLEY UNIVERSITY MA, Private Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 4200 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 5‐10% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: n/a Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 1 Middle East: Islamic and Contemporary (History) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 ______________________________________ BERRY COLLEGE GA, Private Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 1737 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: unknown Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: n/a Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 1 History of the Modern Middle East (History) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 B 38
Searching for the Study of Israel 2008‐09
______________________________________ BIRMINGHAM‐SOUTHERN COLLEGE BOSTON UNIVERSITY AL, Private Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 1339 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: unknown Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 0 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 2 The Middle East in the Twentieth Century (History) The History of Terrorism (History) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 ______________________________________ MA, Private Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 18733 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 11‐20% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 1 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 5 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 13 The Birth of a State, Israel 1945‐1955 (History) Political Economy of the Middle East (International Relations) Holy City: Jerusalem in Time, Space, and the Imagination (Religion) Politics and Society in North Africa and the Middle East (Political Science) History of Judaism (Religion) Youth on the Agenda: Roles and Images of Young People in the Jewish Nation (History) History of Israel (History) Introduction to the Middle East (History) Understanding the Middle East (International Relations, Geography and Environment) The Making of the Modern Middle East (History) Nationalism in the 19th and 20th Centuries (History) Judaism in the Modern Period (Religion) The History of Zionism: An Introduction (Religion) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 10 Institution offers: Jewish Studies Visiting Israeli Professor BOSTON COLLEGE B MA, Private, Jesuit Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 9018 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: >0‐4% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 1 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 3 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 6 Israelis and Palestinians: Two Peoples, Three Faiths (Theology) Language, Memory, and Identity in the Middle East (Sociology) Modern Middle Eastern and Arabic Literature (Slavic Studies and Linguistics, English) Social Justice in Israel/Palestine (Sociology) Middle East on Film: Anthropological Perspectives (Sociology) History and Historiography of Arab‐Israeli Conflict (History) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 8 Searching for the Study of Israel 2008‐09
______________________________________ BOWDOIN COLLEGE ME, Private Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 1761 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 5‐10% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 2 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 1 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 2 Comparative Constitutional Law (Government and Legal Studies) Arab and Jew in Literature and Film (English) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 ______________________________________ BRADLEY UNIVERSITY IL, Private Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 5216 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 5‐10% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 0 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 1 Middle East Nations in International Affairs (International Studies) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 4 ______________________________________ BRANDEIS UNIVERSITY MA, Private Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 3233 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: >20% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 4 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 17 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 23 Israeli Cinema (Hebrew)* Portrait of the Israeli Woman (Hebrew)* Line of Resistance: Israeli Women Writers on War and Peace (Near Eastern and Judaic Studies)* (Re) Imagining Israel: Narrative, Identity, and Zionism in Hebrew Literature (Near Eastern and ___________ Judaic Studies) Topics in Israeli Social and Political History (Near Eastern and Judaic Studies) Political Cultures of the Middle East (Near Eastern and Judaic Studies) Contemporary Politics in the Middle East (Politics) National Security Strategy: The Case of Israel (Politics) The Howl of Simple Words: Reading Gender in Israeli Literature and Cinema (First‐Year Seminar) History of the State of Israel: Zionism to the Present (Near Eastern and Judaic Studies) Reading Israel from the Margins: An Exploration of the Self in Modern Hebrew Literature (Near Eastern and Judaic Studies)* Anti‐Judaism, Anti‐Semitism, and Anti‐Zionism (Near Eastern and Judaic Studies) Messianism and the State of Israel (Near Eastern and Judaic Studies) History of the Modern Middle East (History) Israeli Art (Fine Art) Israeli Culture and Media (Hebrew) War and Revolution in the Middle East (First‐Year Seminar) Israeli Theater (Hebrew)* The Economics of the Middle East (Economics) Conflict and Peacemaking in the Middle East (Politics) Intermediate Hebrew II: Aspects of Israeli Culture (Hebrew) Sociology of the Israeli‐Palestinian Confrontation (Sociology) Art and Trauma: Israeli, Palestinian, Latin American and United States Art (Fine Art) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 26 Institution offers: Jewish Studies Israel Studies Israel Studies Chair Visiting Israeli Professor *Indicates also counted among Hebrew language courses. 39
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B Searching for the Study of Israel 2008‐09
______________________________________ BROWN UNIVERSITY BRYN MAWR COLLEGE RI, Private Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 6008 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: >20% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 7 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 7 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 9 Israeli Society (Judaic Studies) The Arab Israel Conflict (Judaic Studies) Global Culture: Religion, Migration, and Diaspora (Judaic Studies) Zionism, Anti‐Zionism and Post‐Zionism: Israel ‐ Past, Present, Future (Judaic Studies) Current Issues in Israel in Hebrew (Judaic Studies)* Politics in Israel (Political Science) Muslims and Jews (History) Hannah Arendt and the Jewish Condition (Judaic Studies) Power and Powerlessness in the Jewish Tradition (Judaic Studies) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 8 Institution offers: Jewish Studies Visiting Israeli Professor PA, Private, Women Only Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 1287 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 11‐20% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 1 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 1 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 7 Modern Middle East Cities (Political Science, Growth and Structure of Cities, Hebrew and Judaic Studies) Jerusalem: City, History and Representation (Religion) Cultural Diversity and Its Representations (Comparative Literature) Middle Eastern Political Fiction (Political Science) Issues in U.S. Foreign Policy (Political Science) Gender and Power in Comparative Context: Patriarchy Across Cultures (Political Science) Reading in the Middle East (Comparative Literature) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 2 Institution offers: Jewish Studies Searching for the Study of Israel 2008‐09
______________________________________ BUCKNELL UNIVERSITY PA, Private Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 3520 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 5‐10% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: n/a Israel‐related course(s) in 2008‐09: 3 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 5 Arab‐Israeli Conflict (Political Science, International Relations) Government and Politics of the Middle East (Political Science) United States and the Middle East (Political Science) Israel: Land, People, and Tradition (Religion) Nationalism East and West (Political Science) Jerusalem (Religion) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 ______________________________________ BUTLER UNIVERSITY IN, Private Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 3617 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: >0‐4% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 1 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 1 Modern Middle Eastern History (History, International Studies) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 B 42
Searching for the Study of Israel 2008‐09
________________________________________ ______________________________________ CALIFORNIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, CHICO CA, Private Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 913 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 5‐10% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 0 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 ______________________________________ CA, Public Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 15645 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: >0‐4% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 1 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 3 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 6 Middle East: Society/Culture (Middle Eastern Studies) Water Resources Management (Geography) The Arab‐Israeli Conflict (History) Government and Politics of Israel (Modern Judaic Studies) Jewish Rhetoric (Modern Judaic Studies) Israeli Public Address (Modern Judaic Studies) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 3 Institution offers: Jewish Studies Israel Studies ______________________________________ CALIFORNIA POLYTECHNIC STATE UNIVERSITY, SAN LUIS OBISPO C CA, Public Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 18842 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: >0‐4% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 0 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 2 The Middle East (History) Judaism (Religion) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, FULLERTON CA, Public Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 31750 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: >0‐4% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 0 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 2 Middle East in the 20th Century (History) History and Development of Jewish Thought: Medieval and Modern Eras (Comparative Religion) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Searching for the Study of Israel 2008‐09
______________________________________ ______________________________________ CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, NORTHRIDGE CALVIN COLLEGE CA, Public Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 29484 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 5‐10% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 0 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 3 History of the Jewish People (Jewish Studies, History) History of the Jews in the Modern Era (Jewish Studies, History) Governments and Politics of the Middle East (Political Science) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 3 Institution offers: Jewish Studies ______________________________________ CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, SACRAMENTO CA, Public Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 23724 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: >0‐4% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 0 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 1 The Modern Middle East (History) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 43
MI, Private, Christian Reformed Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 4104 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: unknown Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: n/a Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 2 Modern Middle East (History) Religion and Politics in Comparative Perspective (Political Science) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 ______________________________________ CARLETON COLLEGE MN, Private Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 2005 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 5‐10% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 0 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 4 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 5 Personal and National Identity in Israeli and Palestinian Literature (Hebrew) * Palestinian‐Israeli Conflict, 1881 to Present (History) Jewish History and Israeli Society (Hebrew) Israeli Literature in the Middle East (Hebrew)* Modern Middle East 1939‐Present (History) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 4 Institution offers: Israel Study Abroad Scholarship Jewish Studies C 44
C Searching for the Study of Israel 2008‐09
______________________________________ ______________________________________ CARNEGIE MELLON CASE WESTERN RESERVE UNIVERSITY PA, Private Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 5849 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 5‐10% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 3 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 1 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 5 The United States and the Middle East since 1945 (History) The Arab‐Israeli Condition: War and Peace (History) Contemporary Middle Eastern Cities (Architecture) Religion and Politics in the Middle East (History) Conflict and Conflict Resolution in International Relations (Social and Decision Sciences) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 OH, Private Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 4207 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 5‐10% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 1 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 3 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 8 Jewish Tradition in Art and Architecture (Jewish Studies, Art History) Religion and Politics in the Middle East (Jewish Studies, Religion) Nationalism, Ethnicity, and Religion in World Politics (Political Science) Middle East: Politics, Economics, and American Policy (Political Science) Religious Roots of Conflict in the Middle East (Religion) Jerusalem Perspectives (Religion) Middle East Conflict (Religion, Judaic Studies) Aspects of Jewish and Middle Eastern Religions and Cultures (Religion) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 6 Institution offers: Jewish Studies ______________________________________ CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY OF AMERICA DC, Private, Catholic Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 3326 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: unknown Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 0 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Searching for the Study of Israel 2008‐09
______________________________________ ______________________________________ CENTRAL MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY CHAPMAN UNIVERSITY MI, Public Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 20078 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: >0‐4% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 1 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 1 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 3 History of Israel (History, Religion) Middle Eastern Political Systems (Political Science) The Middle East in the Modern Era (History) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 ______________________________________ CA, Private, Disciples of Christ Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 4193 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 5‐10% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 0 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 1 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 3 The History of Judaism: From the Medieval Period to Modernity (Religious Studies, History) Politics of the Contemporary Middle East (Political Science) Peace and Conflict in the Middle East (Political Science, Peace Studies) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 ______________________________________ CENTRE COLLEGE KY, Private Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 1189 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: unknown Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: n/a Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 2 Politics of the Middle East (Government) Middle Eastern Civilization (History) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 2 CLAREMONT MCKENNA COLLEGE CA, Private Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 1135 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 5‐10% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: n/a Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 1 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 6 The United States, Israel, and the Arabs (Government) Modern Judaism (Religious Studies) The Middle East in Modern Times (History) Religion, Politics and Global Violence (Religious Studies) Foreign Relations of the United States (Government) The Modern Jewish Experience (Religious Studies) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 45
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C Searching for the Study of Israel 2008‐09
______________________________________ _____________________________________ CLARK UNIVERSITY COLBY COLLEGE MA, Private Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 2320 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 11‐20% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 5 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 2 Modern Middle East (Holocaust and Genocide Studies, History) U.S. Foreign Policy in the Middle East (History) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 7 Institution offers: Jewish Studies ______________________________________ ME, Private Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 1867 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 5‐10% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 1 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 1 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 3 Israelis and Palestinians: Conflict and Accommodation (Government) Judaism and Its History II (Religious Studies) History of the Modern Middle East (History) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 3 Institution offers: Jewish Studies CLEMSON UNIVERSITY SC, Public Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 14270 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: >0‐4% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 0 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Searching for the Study of Israel 2008‐09
______________________________________ ______________________________________ COLGATE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF CHARLESTON NY, Private Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 2831 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 11‐20% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 1 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 3 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 8 Introduction to the Modern Middle East (History) Jewish Fiction since the Holocaust (Humanities, Jewish Studies) Religion, War, Peace, and Reconciliation (Religious Studies) Comparative Politics: Middle East (Middle Eastern/
Islamic Studies, Political Sceince) International Relations of the Middle East (Middle Eastern/Islamic Studies, Political Science) Seminar: Secular and Religious Wars: The Challenge of Nationalism (Political Science) The State of Israel (Jewish Studies) Region Conflict ‐ Israel/Palestine (Middle Eastern/
Islamic Studies, Peace and Conflict Studies) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 4 Institution offers: Jewish Studies SC, Public Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 9923 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 5‐10% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 0 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 1 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 5 Modern Middle East (History) Modern Jewish History: French Revolution to Present (History) The Jewish Tradition (Jewish Studies, Religious Studies) Hebrew Literature in English Translation: A Foreign Author (Hebrew) Politics of the Middle East (Political Science) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 4 Institution offers: Jewish Studies ______________________________________ COLLEGE OF NEW JERSEY NJ, Public Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 6205 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 5‐10% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: n/a Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 2 Modern Middle East (History) Middle East Politics (Political Science) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 47
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______________________________________ ______________________________________
COLLEGE OF STATEN ISLAND COLLEGE OF WILLIAM AND MARY NY, Public Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 11588 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 5‐10% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 0 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 4 Jewish History (History) Comparative Human Rights (Political Science) International Folk Dance (Dance) The Modern Middle East (History) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 ______________________________________ VA, Public Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 5792 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 5‐10% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 0 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 4 Middle Eastern Political Systems (Government) The Modern Middle East (History) Culture and Society of the Middle East and North Africa (Anthropology) Mediterranean Musical Mosaic (Music) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 8 ______________________________________ COLLEGE OF THE HOLY CROSS OH, Private Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 1777 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 5‐10% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 0 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 1 Comparative Foreign Policy (International Relations) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 MA, Private, Jesuit Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 2847 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: unknown Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: n/a Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 2 Making of the Modern Middle East (History) Politics of the Middle East (Political Science) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 COLLEGE OF WOOSTER Searching for the Study of Israel 2008‐09
______________________________________ ______________________________________ COLORADO COLLEGE COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY CO, Private Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 2053 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 5‐10% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 0 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 2 International Politics of the Middle East and North Africa (Political Science) The Middle East and North Africa (Political Science) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 6 ______________________________________ NY, Private Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 7285 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: >20% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 2 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 4 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 9 Hebrew Love (Middle East) Zionism and the State of Israel (History) Jewish Writing and Modernism (Middle East) Modern Jewish Literary Complex (Middle East) History of the Modern Middle East (History) Zionism: A Cultural Perspective (Middle East) Introduction to Hebrew Literature (Middle East) Introduction to Modern Jewish Literature (Middle East) Israeli Society (Sociology) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 11 Institution offers: Jewish Studies Israel Studies Israel Studies Chair Visiting Israeli Professor COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY CO, Public Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 21679 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: >0‐4% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 0 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 2 The Modern Middle East (History) Middle East Politics (Political Science) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 49
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______________________________________ ______________________________________ CONNECTICUT COLLEGE CORNELL UNIVERSITY CT, Private Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 1857 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 5‐10% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 0 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 3 Understanding the Contemporary Middle East (Anthropology) Middle East Politics (Government) Jews in Contemporary American Society (Religious Studies) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 4 ______________________________________ NY, Private Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 13510 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: >20% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 0 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 3 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 4 Latin‐Israeli Dance (Physical Education) Israeli‐Palestinian Conflict (Jewish Studies, History, Sociology, Near Eastern Studies) Hebrew Literature (Jewish Studies, Near Eastern Studies) History of Modern Middle East in the 19th–20th Century (Government, Jewish Studies, Near Eastern Studies, History) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 7 Institution offers: Jewish Studies ______________________________________ CORNELL COLLEGE IA, Private Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 1083 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 5‐10% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: n/a Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 1 Holocaust and Response (Religion) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 1 CREIGHTON UNIVERSITY NE, Private, Roman Catholic Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 4104 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: >0‐4% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: n/a Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 2 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 4 The Arab‐Israeli Conflict: Struggle For The Holy Land (History) United States and the Middle East since World War II (History) Jerusalem in History (History) Politics of the Middle East (Political Science) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 3 Searching for the Study of Israel 2008‐09
______________________________________ ______________________________________ CUNY, BARUCH COLLEGE CUNY, BROOKLYN COLLEGE NY, Public Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 12863 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 11‐20% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 2 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 2 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 5 The Modern Middle East and North Africa (History, Political Science) International Relations in the Middle East (Political Science) Contemporary Islamic World (History) Poetry of Modern Israel (Department of Modern Languages and Comparative Literature) * Prose of Modern Israel (Department of Modern Languages and Comparative Literature) * Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 20 NY, Public Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 12495 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: >20% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 1 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 5 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 11 History of Zionism (Judaic Studies) History of the Middle East in the Twentieth Century (History) Land and Cultures of Israel (Judaic Studies) Politics of the Middle East (Political Science) The Jews in Modern Europe (History) The Sephardic Heritage (History) The Hasidic Movement: Its History and Literature (Judaic Studies) The Shtetl in History and Literature (Judaic Studies) Prose of Modern Israel (Judaic Studies)* Poetry of Modern Israel (Judaic Studies)* Agnon and Hazaz (Judaic Studies)* Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 7 Institution offers: Jewish Studies Israel Studies Chair Visiting Israeli Professor 51
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______________________________________ ______________________________________ CUNY, CITY COLLEGE CUNY, HUNTER COLLEGE NY, Public Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 11315 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: >0‐4% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 1 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 4 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 7 Modern Israeli Culture (Jewish Studies) US and the Middle East (History) The Modern Middle East (History) Peoples of the Middle East (Anthropology) Arab‐Israeli Conflict (History) Contemporary Israel and Palestine in Cinema (Jewish Studies) Israel/Palestine: Narratives, Identity and War in Literature, Ethnography and Film (Freshman Writing Seminar) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 3 Institution offers: Jewish Studies NY, Public Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 15718 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: unknown Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 1 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 8 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 9 Contemporary Hebrew Prose* (Hebrew) The Modern Hebrew Novel* (Hebrew) History of Modern Hebrew Literature* (Hebrew) Selected Studies in Hebrew Literature in Translation (Hebrew) Readings in Modern Hebrew Literature in Translation (Hebrew) Government and Politics of Israel (Political Science) The Modern Hebrew Essay* (Hebrew) Hebrew Poetry Between the Two World Wars * (Hebrew) Jewish History in the Modern World (History) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 23 Institution offers: Jewish Studies Searching for the Study of Israel 2008‐09
______________________________________ CUNY, QUEENS COLLEGE NY, Public Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 14618 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: >20% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 1 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 6 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 9 Contemporary Israeli Literature (Hebrew)* Modern Hebrew Literature in Translation (Hebrew) History of Zionism (History) History of Jerusalem (Special Studies) Contemporary Middle East (Political Science) 1947 U.N. Partition of Palestine (History) Colloquium in International Politics: Middle East Through Film (Political Science) History of Modern Israel (History) History of the Modern Middle East (History) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 10 Institution offers: Jewish Studies C 54
D Searching for the Study of Israel 2008‐09
______________________________________ DARTMOUTH COLLEGE DAVIDSON COLLEGE NH, Private Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 4164 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 11‐20% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 5 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 6 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 10 The Arab‐Israeli Conflict in Middle Eastern Literature and Film (Arabic, Comparative Language and Literate, Jewish Studies) Introduction to Hebrew and Israeli Culture (Hebrew, Jewish Studies) Film, Fiction and the Arab‐Israeli Conflict (Hebrew, Jewish Studies) Middle Eastern Memoirs/Autobiographies and the Construction of Collective Memory: Arabs and Jews Narrate Life Stories (Comparative Literature, English, Jewish Studies) European Jewish Intellectuals (Comparative Literature) The Arab World in the Twentieth Century (History) Nationalism, Religion, and Identity in the Contemporary Middle East (History) History and Culture of the Jews II: The Modern Period (Jewish Studies, History) The Arab‐Israeli Conflict (Government) Social History of the Contemporary Middle East (History) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 3 Institution offers: Jewish Studies NC, Private, Presbyterian Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 1674 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: >0‐4% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: n/a Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 1 Modern Jewish Literature (Religion) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 ______________________________________ DENISON UNIVERSITY OH, Private Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 2242 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: >0‐4% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 0 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 2 The Modern Middle East (History) The Middle East in World Affairs (Political Science) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 ______________________________________ DEPAUL UNIVERSITY IL, Private, Roman Catholic Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 15024 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: >0‐4% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 1 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 3 Middle East Politics (Political Science) Modern Judaism (Religion) Reporting the Arab and Muslim Worlds (Islamic World Studies) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 7 Searching for the Study of Israel 2008‐09
______________________________________ ______________________________________ DEPAUW UNIVERSITY DRAKE UNIVERSITY IN, Private, United Methodist Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 2398 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: >0‐4% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 0 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 2 Modern Middle East (History) Introduction to the Middle East (History) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Institution offers: Jewish Studies ______________________________________ IA, Private Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 3441 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: >0‐4% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 0 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 1 Politics in the Middle East (Politics) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 ______________________________________ DICKINSON COLLEGE PA, Private Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 2381 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 5‐10% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 2 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 1 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 3 International Politics of the Middle East (Political Science) Politics, Society and Culture in Israel (Judaic Studies) Comparative Political Corruption (Political Science) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 4 Institution offers: Jewish Studies 55
DREW UNIVERSITY NJ, Private Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 1666 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 5‐10% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 0 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 9 History of the Modern Middle East (History) Modern Jewish History (History) War and Peace in the Middle East (Political Science) Strategies of War and Peace (Political Science) Sects and Cults in Modern Judaism (Religious Studies, Sociology) Middle East Literatures in Translation (Midlde Eastern Studies) Middle East Politics (Political Science) Political Change and Development (Political Science) Christian‐Jewish Dialogue after World War II (Religious Studies) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 5 Institution offers: Jewish Studies D 56
Searching for the Study of Israel 2008‐09
______________________________________ DREXEL UNIVERSITY D PA, Private Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 10794 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 5‐10% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 0 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 3 Modern Jewish History (Judaic Studies, History) Comparative Politics of the Middle East (Political Science) Introduction to the 20th Century Middle East (Political Science) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 3 Institution offers: Jewish Studies ______________________________________ DUKE UNIVERSITY NC, Private, Methodist Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 6394 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 11‐20% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 2 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 3 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 5 Arab‐Israeli Conflicts (Jewish Studies, Asian and Middle Eastern Studies) Introduction to Middle East Politics (Political Science) Zionism and Israel (History) Palestinian‐Israeli Conflict (Jewish Studies, Asian and Middle Eastern Studies) The Modern Middle East (History, Jewish Studies) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 10 Institution offers: Jewish Studies Searching for the Study of Israel 2008‐09
______________________________________ ______________________________________ EARLHAM COLLEGE ELIZABETHTOWN COLLEGE IN, Private, Quaker Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 1194 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 11‐20% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: n/a Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 2 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 2 Jews Since 1945 (History) Zionism and Modern Israel (History) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Institution offers: Jewish Studies ______________________________________ PA, Private, Church of the Brethren Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 2322 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: >0‐4% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 0 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 3 ______________________________________ EASTERN MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY MI, Public Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 17808 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 5‐10% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 1 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 2 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 4 Arab‐Israeli Conflict (History) The Middle East, 1798 to the Present (History) Nationalism and Modernization in the Middle East and North Africa (History) Government and Politics of the Middle East (Political Science) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 57
ELON UNIVERSITY NC, Private, United Church of Christ Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 4939 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 5‐10% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 0 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 2 Middle East Politics (Political Science) Media and the Middle East (General Studies) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 ______________________________________ EMERSON COLLEGE MA, Private Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 3476 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 5‐10% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 0 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 E 58
Searching for the Study of Israel 2008‐09
______________________________________ EMORY UNIVERSITY E GA, Private Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 6719 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: >20% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 2 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 10 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 15 Modern Jewish History (History, Jewish Studies) Modern Israel (Jewish Studies, History, Poltical Science) History of Modern Israel (History, Jewish Studies) Contemporary Issues in Israeli Politics (Political Science, History, Jewish Studies) History of Israeli Foreign Policy (History, Jewish Studies, Political Science) Hebrew of the Israeli Media (Hebrew, Jewish Studies) Politics of the Middle East (Political Science) Viewing Israeli Culture and Society (Middle Eastern and South Asian Studies) History of the Near East, 1914 to Present (History) Viewing the Middle East and India (Middle Eastern and South Asian Studies) Modern Jewish Literature (Jewish Studies) Israel: Culture and Society (Jewish Studies, Israel Studies) Jewish Culture and Society in the Middle East (Middle Eastern and South Asian Studies, Religion) Religion in the Holy Land on Location (Religion, Middle Eastern and South Asian Studies) The Arab‐Israeli Conflict (Political Science, Jewish Studies) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 8 Institution offers: Jewish Studies Israel Studies Israel Studies Chair Visiting Israeli Professor Searching for the Study of Israel 2008‐09
______________________________________ ______________________________________ FAIRFIELD UNIVERSITY FLORIDA ATLANTIC UNIVERSITY CT, Private, Jesuit Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 4030 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: unknown Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 1 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 2 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 4 Arab‐Israeli Conflict (History) Jewish Literature (English) The West and the Middle East (History) Middle Eastern Politics (Political Science) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 4 Institution offers: Jewish Studies ______________________________________ FL, Public Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 21582 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: unknown Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 1 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 1 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 3 History of Zionism and the State of Israel, 1880‐
1990 (Jewish Studies) The Modern Middle East (History) Modern Jewish Civilization (Jewish Studies) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 4 Institution offers: Jewish Studies ______________________________________ FAIRLEIGH DICKENSON UNIVERSITY NJ, Private Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 8569 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: >0‐4% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: n/a Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 2 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 6 Israeli Society and Culture (Anthropology) Modern Middle East (History) Middle East II (History) Judaism and Modernity (Philosophy) Fundamentalism in Religious Practice (Philosophy) Terrorism and the Middle East: Cultural Perspectives (Anthropology) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Institution offers: Jewish Studies FLORIDA INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY FL, Public Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 31345 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 11‐20% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 2 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 3 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 7 Religion and Society in Israel (Religion) Religion, Violence, and Conflict (Religion) Religion, Culture and Politics in Israel (Religion) Modern Jewish History (World History) The Arab‐Israeli Conflict (Comparative Politics) International Relations of the Middle East (International Relations) Politics of the Middle East (Comparative Politics) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 5 59
F 60
F Searching for the Study of Israel 2008‐09
______________________________________ ______________________________________ FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY FRANKLIN AND MARSHALL COLLEGE FL, Public Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 31595 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 5‐10% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 0 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 5 Studies in International Politics: The Middle East (International Relations) Modern Middle East (Asian Studies) Comparative Government and Politics: The Middle East (Comparative Politics) Modern Judaism (Religion) Middle East Survey: An Interdisciplinary and Introductory Course (Asian Studies) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 4 ______________________________________ PA, Private Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 2104 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 11‐20% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 0 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 2 Jewish History II: Jews in the Modern World (History, Judaic Studies, Religious Studies) Cultures of the Middle East (Anthropology) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 4 Institution offers: Jewish Studies ______________________________________ FORDHAM UNIVERSITY NY, Private, Jesuit Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 7652 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: >0‐4% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 0 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 1 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 5 The Modern Middle East (History) History of Modern Israel (History) Seminar: United States and the Middle East: 1945‐
Gulf War (History) Middle East and the World (Political Science) Political Economy of the Middle East (Economics) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 5 FURMAN UNIVERSITY SC, Private Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 2774 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: unknown Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: n/a Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Searching for the Study of Israel 2008‐09
______________________________________ _______________________________________ GEORGE MASON UNIVERSITY GEORGE WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY VA, Public Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 18589 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 5‐10% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 1 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 1 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 2 Arab‐Israeli Conflict (History) The Middle East in the 20th Century (History) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 6 DC, Private Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 10701 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: >20% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 5 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 8 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 13 Modern Jewish History (History) History of the Modern Middle East (History) Israeli‐Palestinian Conflict (International Affairs) Arab/Israeli Conflict (History, Judaic Studies, Political Science, International Affairs) Israeli Politics and Foreign Policy (Political Science, Judaic Studies) The History of Israel (History, Judaic Studies) Comparative Politics of the Middle East (Political Science) Advanced Israeli Politics (Political Science) Israel‐Palestinian Conflict (International Affairs) International Relations of the Middle East (Political Science) The Israeli Media (Hebrew, Judaic Studies)* Gender and Terrorism (Political Science) Terrorism and Counterterrorism (Political Science) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 9 Institution offers: Jewish Studies 61
G 62
Searching for the Study of Israel 2008‐09
______________________________________ GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY G DC, Private, Roman Catholic and Jesuit Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 7038 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 5‐10% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 3 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 10 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 18 Arab‐Israeli Conflict and the Peace Process (Government, Jewish Civilization) Israeli Society and Politics (Government, International Affairs, Jewish Civilization) Introduction to Israeli Culture I (Hebrew) Introduction to Israeli Culture II (Hebrew) Hebrew Literature (Hebrew) Religious Sources of American Foreign Policy (International Affairs) History of the Arab‐Israeli Conflict (History) Seeking Justice in the Middle East (History) Security Problems in the Middle East and the Persian Gulf (Security Studies) Natural Resources and Security: Africa and Middle East (Science, Technology, and International Affairs) Judaism: Ancient Tradition and Contemporary Practice (Theology) Arab and Middle East International Politics (International Affairs) Palestinian Culture and Society (Arab Studies) Palestinian Politics (Arab Studies) Modern France, French Jews, and the State of Israel (International Affairs) The U.S. and the Middle East (International Affairs) Politics of Nationalism in the Arab World (Arab Studies) Military History of the Modern Middle East (International Affairs, Jewish Civilization) International Relations: Middle East (International Affairs) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 6 Institution offers: Jewish Studies Israel Studies Chair Visiting Israeli Professor ___________________________________ GEORGIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY GA, Public Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 12565 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: >0‐4% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 0 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Searching for the Study of Israel 2008‐09
______________________________________ GETTYSBURG COLLEGE PA, Private, Lutheran Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 2497 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: >0‐4% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: n/a Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 2 History of Middle East Technology (History) U.S. and the Middle East (History) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 ______________________________________ Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 6 The Jews in Medieval and Modern Times (History) Women in the Middle East (History) A Survey of Modern Hebrew Literature (Jewish Studies) The Israeli Media* (Jewish Studies) Israeli Film and TV* (Jewish Studies) The Dynamics of Israeli Politics (Jewish Studies) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 6 Institution offers: Jewish Studies ______________________________________ GRAND VALLEY STATE UNIVERSITY MI, Public WA, Private, Roman Catholic Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 19806 Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 4385 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: >0‐4% Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: unknown Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 0 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: n/a Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 1 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 2 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 3 Modern Middle East (History) Arab‐Israeli Conflict (International Studies, Political The Middle East in the Twentieth Century (History) Science) Comparative Middle East Politics (International Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 4 Studies, Political Science) Democracy in the Middle East (Political Science) ______________________________________
GRINNELL COLLEGE Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 1 IA, Private ______________________________________ GOUCHER COLLEGE Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 1654 MD, Private Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 5‐10% Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 1472 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: n/a Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: >20% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 1 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 4 Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 GONZAGA UNIVERSITY 63
G 64
H Searching for the Study of Israel 2008‐09
______________________________________ HAMILTON COLLEGE HARVARD UNIVERSITY NY, Private Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 1842 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 5‐10% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: n/a Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 2 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 5 Contemporary Israeli Society: Religion and Politics (Comparative Literature, Religious Studies) Negotiating Peace in the Middle East (Government) Modern Middle Eastern History (History) Confronting Crises: Case Studies from 40 years of Coping with Middle East Turbulence (Government) American Policy in the Middle East (Government) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 4 ______________________________________ MA, Private Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 6648 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: >20% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 3 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 6 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 8 The Economic History of the Middle East Since World War II (History) The Arab‐Israeli Conflict Today: A Contemporary Policy Perspective (Government) Jews in Modern Times: From the French Revolution to the Emergence of Israel (Near Eastern Cultures and Languages) Seminar in Advanced Modern Hebrew: A Cultural History of Israel (Hebrew)* Seminar in Advanced Modern Hebrew: Israeli Humor and Satire (Hebrew)* State and Society in the Middle East (Near Eastern Cultures and Languages) Agnon’s Art of the Jewish Novel (Near Eastern Cultures and Languages) Hebrew City (Hebrew) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 14 Institution offers: Jewish Studies Israel Studies Chair Visiting Israeli Professor HAMPSHIRE COLLEGE MA, Private Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 1431 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: >20% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 1 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 1 Political Sociology of the Middle East: Rethinking Reform and Democracy (Social Science) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Institution offers: Jewish Studies Searching for the Study of Israel 2008‐09
______________________________________ HARVEY MUDD COLLEGE CA, Private Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 732 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 5‐10% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: n/a Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 ______________________________________ HAVERFORD COLLEGE PA, Private Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 1169 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: >20% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 4 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 4 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 9 International Relations Theory: Conflict and the Middle East (Political Science) American Foreign Policy Since 9/11 (Political Science) Jerusalem: City, History and Representation (Religion) Anthropology of the Mediterranean (Anthropology) Middle Eastern Diasporas (Anthropology, Gender Studies) Palestine and Israeli Society: Cultural and Historical Perspectives (Anthropology, Gender Studies, History) Modern Middle East Cities (City Studies, Political Science) Israel and the Palestinians (History, Political Science) Introduction to the Politics of the Modern Middle East and North Africa (Political Science, History) 65
Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 2 Institution offers: Jewish Studies ______________________________________ HOFSTRA UNIVERSITY NY, Private Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 8444 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 11‐20% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 1 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 4 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 6 Peoples and Cultures of the Middle East and North Africa (Anthropology) The Government and Politics of Israel (Political Science) The Modern Middle East (History) Judaism and Islam: Jews and Arabs (Jewish Studies) The Arab‐Israeli Conflict (Political Science) Israeli Literature (Literature) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 11 Institution offers: Jewish Studies H 66
Searching for the Study of Israel 2008‐09
______________________________________ ILLINOIS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY INDIANA UNIVERSITY IL, Private Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 2576 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 5‐10% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 0 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 ______________________________________ IN, Public Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 30394 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 11‐20% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 3 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 5 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 9 Israeli Film and Fiction (Jewish Studies) Introduction to Jewish History: From Spanish Expulsion to the Present (History, Jewish Studies) History of Jerusalem‐3 Faiths, 3000 Years (History, Jewish Studies) Recent Hebrew Literature in English (Jewish Studies) The Kibbutz in Fact and Fiction (Jewish Studies) Contemporary Literatures of the Middle East in Translation (Near Eastern Languages and Cultures) S. Y. Agnon and the Jewish Experience (Jewish Studies) The Making of the Modern Middle East (Near Eastern Languages and Cultures, History) Contemporary Middle East in World Politics (Political Science) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 10 Institution offers: Jewish Studies Israel Studies Chair Visiting Israeli Professor ILLINOIS STATE UNIVERSITY I IL, Public Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 17703 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: >0‐4% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 1 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 2 Modern Middle East (History) Middle Eastern Politics (Politics and Government) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 ______________________________________ ILLINOIS WESLEYAN UNIVERSITY IL, Private Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 2094 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: >0‐4% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: n/a Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Searching for the Study of Israel 2008‐09
______________________________________ IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY IA, Public Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 21004 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: >0‐4% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 1 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 3 Politics of the Middle East (Political Science) Current Issues in American Foreign Policy (Political Science) Peoples and Cultures of the Middle East (Anthropology) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 ______________________________________ ITHACA COLLEGE NY, Private Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 6260 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 5‐10% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 1 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 1 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 5 Jewish Cultures: A Worldwide View (Anthropology) Israel: Ethnicity, Politics, and Culture (Anthropology) Islam in the Modern World (History) Political Economy of the Middle East (Political Science) Jews in the Modern World (Jewish Studies) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 4 Institution offers: Jewish Studies I 68
J Searching for the Study of Israel 2008‐09
______________________________________ ______________________________________ JAMES MADISON UNIVERSITY JOHN CARROLL UNIVERSITY VA, Public Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 16414 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 5‐10% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 0 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 3 Modern Middle East (History) Colonialism in the Greater Middle East (History) Politics of the Middle East (Political Science) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 4 ______________________________________ OH, Private, Jesuit Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 3075 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: >0‐4% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: n/a Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 1 Modern Trends in Judaism (Religious Studies) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 ______________________________________ JEWISH THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY NY, Private, Jewish Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 190 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: >20% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 5 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 1 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 1 Gender and Family in Israel (Modern Jewish Studies) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 14 Institution offers: Jewish Studies JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY MD, Private Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 5705 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 5‐10% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 1 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 2 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 4 Israeli "Exceptionalism:" Israeli Politics in Comparative Perspective (Political Science) Arab‐Israeli Conflict (Political Science) Advanced Readings in Middle East Politics (Political Science, Jewish Studies) Introduction to Modern Jewish History, 1789‐2000 (History ) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 11 Institution offers: Jewish Studies Searching for the Study of Israel 2008‐09
______________________________________ ______________________________________ KALAMAZOO COLLEGE KENT STATE UNIVERSITY MI, Private Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 1340 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 5‐10% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 1 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 2 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 3 Zionism: From Idea to State (History, Religion) Israeli Politics in the Middle East (Political Science) Modern Jewry: Upheaval and Response (History, Religion) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 ______________________________________ OH, Public Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 18090 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 5‐10% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 1 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 1 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 3 Zionism and Israel (History) History of the Middle East (History) Modern Jewish History II (History) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 4 Institution offers: Jewish Studies ______________________________________ KEAN UNIVERSITY NJ, Public Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 10441 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 5‐10% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 1 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 2 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 3 Modern Israel (History) Modern Jewish History (History) Arab‐Israeli Conflict (Political Science) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 2 Institution offers: Jewish Studies KENYON COLLEGE OH, Private Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 1663 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 5‐10% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 0 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 3 Middle East through Film and Fiction (History) Middle East (History) Modern Judaism (Religious Studies) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 69
K 70
Searching for the Study of Israel 2008‐09
______________________________________ KNOX COLLEGE K IL, Private Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 1371 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 5‐10% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 0 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 1 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 4 Topics in Jewish History (History, Religious Studies) Introduction to Middle Eastern History (History) Comparative Politics of the Middle East (Political Science) Modern Hebrew Literature (English) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Institution offers: Visiting Israeli Professor Searching for the Study of Israel 2008‐09
______________________________________ ______________________________________ LAFAYETTE COLLEGE LEHIGH UNIVERSITY PA, Private, Presbyterian Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 2403 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 5‐10% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 1 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 1 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 6 Jewish Humor (First‐Year Seminar) International Politics of the Middle East and Persian Gulf (Government) Modern Jewish History (History) Seminar in Middle East and North African History (History) Judaism: Faith, Communities, Identity (Religion) The History and Politics of Israel: The Peace Process and Internal Cleavages (Interdisciplinary Studies) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 4 Institution offers: Jewish Studies ______________________________________ PA, Private Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 4756 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 11‐20% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 1 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 2 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 6 Middle East in World Affairs Since 1945 (International Relations) Nationalism and Ethnic Conflict (International Relations) Israel, Zionism, and the Renewal of Judaism (Religion) Judaism in Israel and the United States (Religion) Judaism in the Modern World (Religion) International Relations of the Middle East (International Relations) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 6 Institution offers: Jewish Studies ______________________________________ LAWRENCE UNIVERSITY LESLEY UNIVERSITY WI, Private Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 1451 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: unknown Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 0 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 1 History of the Middle East (History) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 MA, Private Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 1229 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 11‐20% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: n/a Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 71
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Searching for the Study of Israel 2008‐09
______________________________________ ______________________________________ LEWIS AND CLARK COLLEGE LONG ISLAND UNIVERSITY, BROOKLYN CAMPUS OR, Private Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 1964 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: >0‐4% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 0 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 3 Middle East in Modern Times (History) Middle East Politics (International Affairs) Culture And Power in The Middle East (Sociology, Anthropology) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 ______________________________________ L LINFIELD COLLEGE OR, Private Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 1693 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: unknown Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: n/a Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 1 History of Religion of the Middle East (Religious Studies, History) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 2 NY, Private Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 5142 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: >20% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 0 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 ______________________________________ LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY, BATON ROUGE LA, Public Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 23393 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: unknown Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 1 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 2 North Africa and the Middle East (International Studies) Comparative Politics of the Middle East (Political Science) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 2 ______________________________________ LOYOLA COLLEGE IN MARYLAND MD, Private, Catholic Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 3580 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: unknown Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: n/a Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 1 The Middle East Today (Political Science) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Searching for the Study of Israel 2008‐09
______________________________________ ______________________________________ LOYOLA MARYMOUNT UNIVERSITY LYON COLLEGE CA, Private, Roman Catholic Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 5766 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: >0‐4% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 1 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 1 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 3 Modern Middle East (History) Modern Jewish History (Jewish Studies) The Palestine/Israel Conflict (History) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 2 Institution offers: Jewish Studies ______________________________________ AR, Private, Presbyterian Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 458 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: unknown Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: n/a Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 1 The Middle East (History, Politics) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 LOYOLA UNIVERSITY NEW ORLEANS LA, Private, Jesuit Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 2645 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: >0‐4% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: n/a Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 1 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 3 History of the Middle East II (History) Seminar on Violence in the Middle East: Political or Religious? (History) Palestinians and Israelis (History) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 1 73
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______________________________________ ______________________________________ MACALESTER COLLEGE MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY MN, Private Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 1920 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 5‐10% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: n/a Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 2 Jewish History (History, Religious Studies) Partition Societies (International Studies) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 4 ______________________________________ MARQUETTE UNIVERSITY M WI, Private, Jesuit Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 7995 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: >0‐4% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 0 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 2 Modern Middle East Since 1500 (History) International Politics of the Middle East (Political Science) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 MA, Private Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 4172 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 5‐10% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 1 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 1 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 6 Causes and Prevention of War (Political Science) Nation, Faith, and Gender in the Modern Middle East (History) Political Economy and Technological Change in the Middle East (Political Science) Seminar on Politics and Conflicts in the Middle East (Political Science) The Middle East in the Twentieth Century (History) Palestine and the Arab‐Israeli Conflict (History) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 ______________________________________ MIAMI UNIVERSITY OF OHIO OH, Public Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 14555 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 5‐10% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 1 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 1 The History of the Modern Middle East (History) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 4 Institution offers: Jewish Studies Searching for the Study of Israel 2008‐09
_____________________________________ ______________________________________ MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY MILLS COLLEGE MI, Public Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 36072 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 5‐10% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 1 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 2 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 5 Topics in National Cinemas: Israeli Cinema (Linguistics) Regional Politics, Cooperation, and Conflict in the Middle East (Comparative Cultures and Politics) Judaism (Religion) The Modern Middle East: From Empires to Nation States (History) Geography of the Middle East and North Africa (Geography) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 5 Institution offers: Jewish Studies Israel Studies Chair ______________________________________ CA, Private Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 948 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 5‐10% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: n/a Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 2 Comparative Politics of the Middle East and North Africa (Government) International Relations of the Middle East (Government) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 ______________________________________ MIDDLEBURY COLLEGE VT, Private Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 2500 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 11‐20% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 0 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 2 The Jewish Tradition (Religion) Politics of the Middle East and North Africa (Political Science) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 2 MISSOURI UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY (ROLLA) MO, Public Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 4753 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: unknown Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 0 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 75
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M Searching for the Study of Israel 2008‐09
______________________________________ ______________________________________ MONTCLAIR STATE UNIVERSITY MUHLENBERG COLLEGE NJ, Public Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 13017 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: unknown Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 0 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 1 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 3 Introduction to the Modern Middle East (History) Government and Politics of the Middle East (Political Science) Comparative Legal Perspectives: Israel and the United States (Political Science) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 4 ______________________________________ PA, Private Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 2457 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: >20% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 1 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 1 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 5 Modern Middle Eastern History (History) The Arab‐Israeli Conflict (History) Jews and Christians in the 21st Century (Religion Studies) Governments and Politics of the Middle East (Political Science) Film Cultures of the Middle East (Film Studies) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 4 Institution offers: Jewish Studies MOUNT HOLYOKE COLLEGE MA, Private, Women Only Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 2201 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 5‐10% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 2 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 1 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 4 The United States, Israel, and the Arabs (International Relations) The Making of the Modern Middle East (History) Middle East Politics (International Relations) Comparative Politics of the Middle East (International Relations) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 3 Institution offers: Jewish Studies Searching for the Study of Israel 2008‐09
______________________________________ NEW YORK UNIVERSITY NY, Private Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 21327 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: >20% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 4 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 19 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 27 World Cultures: Modern Israel (Contemporary Culture) Hebrew of the Israeli Communications Media (Hebrew and Judaic Studies)* Women in Israeli Society (Hebrew and Judaic Studies) Jews in the Islamic World in the Modern Period (Hebrew and Judaic Studies) Zionism and the State of Israel (Hebrew and Judaic Studies) International Politics of the Middle East (Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies) Palestine, Zionism, Israel (Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies) Self and Other in the Israeli Short Story (Hebrew and Judaic Studies)* International Politics of the Middle East (Politics, Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies) Politics of the Near and Middle East (Politics, Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies) Modern Jewish Thought (Hebrew and Judaic Studies) The Emergence of the Modern Middle East (History) Terrorism (Politics) Literature of the Holocaust (Hebrew and Judaic Studies)* Left, Right, and the End of Politics in Israel (Hebrew and Judaic Studies) Modern Jewish Philosophy (Hebrew and Judaic Studies) Ethnicity in the Jewish People in the State of Israel (Hebrew and Judaic Studies) Seminar: Colonialism, Imperialism, and Nationalism in the Middle East (Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies) Israel and American Jewry (Hebrew and Judaic Studies) Jewish Migrations in the Modern Era (Hebrew and Judaic Studies) Immigration in Israeli Society (Hebrew and Judaic Studies) Israeli Women Writers: The Second Wave (Hebrew and Judaic Studies)* From Hebrew to Israeli Literature (Hebrew and Judaic Studies) Israel: Fact Through Fiction (Hebrew and Judaic Studies) Collective Memory in Israel (Hebrew and Judaic Studies) Modern Israeli Society (Hebrew and Judaic Studies) From Zionist‐Sabra to Cosmopolitan Israel (Hebrew and Judaic Studies) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 13 Institution offers: Jewish Studies Israel Studies Israel Studies Chair Visiting Israeli Professor 77
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N Searching for the Study of Israel 2008‐09
______________________________________ ________________________________ NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIVERSITY, RALEIGH NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY NC, Public Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 24145 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: >0‐4% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 1 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 1 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 3 History of the Palestinian‐Israeli Conflict (History) Modern Middle East (History) Governments and Politics in the Middle East (Political Science) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 4 ______________________________________ NORTHEASTERN UNIVERSITY MA, Private Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 12387 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 5‐10% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 1 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 3 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 9 Middle East Studies (History, International Affairs) World History since 1945 (History) Jerusalem: Narratives and Visions (History) Middle East in the Twentieth Century (History) Religion and Politics (Political Science) Government and Politics in the Middle East (Political Science) Arab‐Israeli Conflict (Political Science) Topics in Jewish Studies: The Evolution of Modern Israel (Interdisciplinary Studies) Modern Middle East (History) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 4 Institution offers: Jewish Studies IL, Private Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 8284 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 11‐20% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 0 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 6 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 10 Modern Hebrew Literature in Translation (Comparative Literature) Modern Jewish Literature (Comparative Literature) The Middle East in International Politics (Political Science) U.S. Foreign Policy (Political Science) History of the Islamic Middle East (History) Israeli Foreign Policy, 1948 to the Present (History) Arab‐Jewish Conflict in Palestine, 1881‐1948 (History) Palestinian‐Israeli Conflict (Political Science) Gender and Society in Israel (Sociology) The Israel‐Palestinian Conflict (Sociology) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 3 Institution offers: Jewish Studies Searching for the Study of Israel 2008‐09
______________________________________ OBERLIN COLLEGE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY OH, Private Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 2762 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: >20% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 1 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 1 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 5 Who Was a Jew: Boundaries of Identity (First‐Year Seminar) Modern History of the Middle East and North Africa, 1800 to Present (History) Jewish History from the Spanish Expulsion to the Present (Jewish Studies, History) Colloquium: Israel‐Palestine Conflict (Political Science) Religion and Politics in the Modern Middle East (Religion) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 2 Institution offers: Jewish Studies ______________________________________ OH, Public Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 39209 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 5‐10% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 5 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 5 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 7 Culture of Contemporary Israel (Hebrew) Politics in the Middle East (Political Science) Modern Hebrew Literature in Translation (Hebrew) Modern Hebrew Short Story (Hebrew) Introduction to Hebrew Literary and Cultural Texts (Hebrew) Contemporary Issues in the Middle East (International Studies) Modern Hebrew Poetry (Hebrew) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 13 Institution offers: Jewish Studies ______________________________________ OCCIDENTAL COLLEGE OHIO UNIVERSITY CA, Private Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 1863 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 5‐10% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: n/a Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 3 International Relations of the Middle East (Diplomacy and World Affairs) Modern and Post‐Modern Jewish Thought (Religious Studies) Movements in Judaism (Religious Studies) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 OH, Public Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 17384 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 5‐10% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 1 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 2 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 5 Jewish History Since 1500 (History) The Arab‐Israeli Dispute (History) Zionism and Modern Israel (History) Middle East Politics (Political Science) Survey of Middle East History Since 1800 (History) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 0
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P Searching for the Study of Israel 2008‐09
______________________________________ ______________________________________ PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY, UNIVERSITY PARK PITZER COLLEGE PA, Public Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 36815 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 11‐20% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 1 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 2 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 5 Society and Cultures in Modern Israel (Sociology, Anthropology, Jewish Studies, Political Science) Zionist History 1890‐1948 (Jewish Studies) The Contemporary Middle East (History) Jewish Literature: An International Perspective (Comparative Literature) International Relations of the Middle East (Political Science) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 12 Institution offers: Jewish Studies ______________________________________ PEPPERDINE UNIVERSITY CA, Private, Church of Christ Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 3398 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: unknown Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 1 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 1 Modern History of the Middle East (History) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 4 CA, Private Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 999 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 11‐20% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: n/a Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 ______________________________________ POMONA COLLEGE CA, Private Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 1547 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 11‐20% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 1 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 1 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 2 Contemporary Israeli Film and Fiction (Critical Inquiry) Modern Judaism (Religious Studies) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 ______________________________________ PRATT INSTITUTE (SCHOOL OF ART) NY, Private Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 3065 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: >20% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: n/a Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 1 Middle East Society and Culture (Social Science) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Searching for the Study of Israel 2008‐09
______________________________________ ______________________________________ PRESBYTERIAN COLLEGE PRINCETON UNIVERSITY SC, Private, Presbyterian Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 1180 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: unknown Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: n/a Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 1 Middle East Politics (International Relations, Comparative Politics) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 2 NJ, Private Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 4918 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 11‐20% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 1 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 5 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 9 Space and Place in Modern Hebrew and Arabic Literature (Judaic Studies) Modern Jewish History: 1750‐Present (History) Israeli History through Film (Judaic Studies) History of Zionism (Judaic Studies) Topics in Judaic Studies ‐ The Art of Jewish Story Telling From the Bible to the Modern Period (Judaic Studies) The Arab‐Israeli Conflict (Judaic Studies) Modern Israel (Judaic Studies) Political Theory and Middle Eastern Practice (Woodrow Wilson School) Ethno‐national Communities and Conflicts (Near Eastern Studies) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 10 Institution offers: Jewish Studies Visiting Israeli Professor 81
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______________________________________ PROVIDENCE COLLEGE RI, Private, Catholic Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 4505 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: unknown Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: n/a Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 3 History of the Modern Middle East (History) International Politics of the Middle East (Political Science) Middle Eastern Politics (Political Science) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 ______________________________________ P PURDUE UNIVERSITY, WEST LAFAYETTE IN, Public Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 31186 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: >0‐4% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 0 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 2 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 8 Israeli Culture (Hebrew) Modern Middle East and North Africa (History) The Middle East (History, Political Science) The Middle East in the Twentieth Century (History) The Modernization of the Middle East (History) Introducation to Jewish Studies (History) Topics in Middle Eastern History (History) The History of Modern Israel (History) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 8 Institution offers: Jewish Studies Searching for the Study of Israel 2008‐09
______________________________________ QUINNIPIAC UNIVERSITY CT, Private Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 5765 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 5‐10% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 0 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 1 Middle Eastern History and Politics (Political Science) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 1 Q 84
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______________________________________ ______________________________________ RAMAPO COLLEGE REED COLLEGE NJ, Public Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 5393 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 5‐10% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 0 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 1 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 6 Israeli and Palestinian Cinema (Contemporary Arts) Arabic History (History) Contemporary Middle East (History) Military, Politics, and Society (Political Science) Jews in Twentieth Century Europe (History) International Politics (Political Science) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 6 Institution offers: Jewish Studies ______________________________________ OR, Private Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 1464 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: unknown Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 0 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 3 The Middle East: Culture and Politics (Anthropology) Modern Jewish History (History) Introduction to Judaism (Religion) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 ______________________________________ RANDOLPH COLLEGE VA, Private, United Methodist Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 649 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: unknown Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: n/a Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 2 History of the Middle East (History) Politics of the Middle East: Contemporary Issues (Political Science) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 RENSSELAER POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE NY, Private Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 5167 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 5‐10% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 0 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Searching for the Study of Israel 2008‐09
______________________________________ ______________________________________ RHODES COLLEGE RICHARD STOCKTON COLLEGE OF NEW JERSEY TN, Private Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 1685 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: >0‐4% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: n/a Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 3 Government and Politics of the Middle East (International Studies) Issues in Middle East Politics (International Studies) Foreign Policies of Middle Eastern States (International Studies) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 ______________________________________ RICE UNIVERSITY TX, Private Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 3051 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 5‐10% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 1 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 1 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 7 The Arab‐Israeli Conflict (History and Political Science) Jewish History, 1500‐1948 (History) America in the Middle East (History) Colonialism and Nationalism in the Modern Middle East (History) The Arab World in the 20th Century, 1918 to Present (History) Introduction to Judaism (Religion) Government and Politics of the Middle East (Political Science) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 6 Institution offers: Visiting Israeli Professor NJ, Public Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 6766 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 5‐10% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 1 Israel‐focusedcourse(s) in 2008‐09: 1 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 6 Current Issues in Judaism (Jewish Studies) Heritage: Civilization and the Jews (Jewish Studies) Introduction to the Middle East (Jewish Studies) The Arab‐Israeli Conflict (Jewish Studies) Nation, Democracy, Modernity (General Social Science) Modern Middle East History (History) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 8 Institution offers: Jewish Studies ______________________________________ ROCHESTER INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY NY, Private Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 13476 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: >0‐4% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 0 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 1 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 2 The Middle East Peace Process (Political Science) Political Ideologies (Political Science) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 85
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______________________________________ ROLLINS COLLEGE FL, Private Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 1778 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 5‐10% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: n/a Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Institution offers: Jewish Studies ______________________________________ R RUTGERS UNIVERSITY, NEW BRUNSWICK NJ, Public Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 26829 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 11‐20% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 10 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 9 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 13 Modern Middle Eastern Literature in Translation (Middle Eastern Studies, Jewish Studies) Arab‐Israeli Conflict (History, Middle Eastern Studies, Jewish Studies) Space in Modern Jewish Culture (History, Middle Eastern Studies, Jewish Studies) The Holocaust and Israel (History, Middle Eastern Studies, Jewish Studies) History of Zionism (History, Middle Eastern Studies, Jewish Studies) Introduction to the Modern Middle East (Middle Eastern Studies, Jewish Studies) Jewish Society and Culture II: The Modern Experience (History) Contemporary Politics in the Middle East (Political Science) Readings in Modern Hebrew Literature* (Jewish Studies, Middle Eastern Studies) Religion and Tradition in Contemporary Israel (Jewish Studies) Contemporary Hebrew Literature and Media (Jewish Studies, Middle Eastern Studies)* Israeli Politics (Political Science, Jewish Studies, Middle Eastern Studies) Modern Middle East (History) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 6 Institution offers: Jewish Studies Visiting Israeli Professor ______________________________________ RUTGERS UNIVERSITY, NEWARK NJ, Public Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 6685 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: unknown Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: n/a Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 3 International Relations of the Middle East (Political Science) The Modern Middle East (History) Governments and Politics of the Middle East (Political Science) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Searching for the Study of Israel 2008‐09
______________________________________ ______________________________________ SAINT JOHNS UNIVERSITY (MN) SAN FRANCISCO STATE UNIVERSITY MN, Private, Roman Catholic Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 1952 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: unknown Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 0 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 2 The Middle East (History) Politics of the Middle East (Political Science) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 2 _____________________________________ CA, Public Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 24376 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 5‐10% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 3 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 5 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 8 Middle East and North Africa in International Relations (International Relations) Israeli Cinema (Jewish Studies) Israeli Democracy: Politics, Institutions, and Society (Jewish Studies) Introduction to Israel Studies (Jewish Studies) The Arab‐Israeli Conflict (Jewish Studies) Jewish History II: 1650 to Present (Jewish Studies) Imagining Power in the Middle East (Political Science) Jerusalem (Jewish Studies) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 4 Institution offers: Jewish Studies Israel Studies Chair Visiting Israeli Professor SAN DIEGO STATE UNIVERSITY CA, Public Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 30460 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 5‐10% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 1 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 2 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 5 Modern Jewish History in Feature Films (History) Modern Jewish History (History) Arab‐Israeli Relations, Past and Present (History) Governments and Politics of the Middle East (Political Science) New Migration in Israel (Sociology) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 6 Institution offers: Jewish Studies Visiting Israeli Professor 87
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Searching for the Study of Israel 2008‐09
______________________________________ SANTA CLARA UNIVERSITY CA, Private, Roman Catholic Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 4824 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: >0‐4% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 0 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 1 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 2 Politics in the Middle East (Political Science) Modern Jews and Judaism: Text and Film (Religious Studies) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 6 ______________________________________ S SARAH LAWRENCE COLLEGE NY, Private Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 1309 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: >20% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 0 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 1 Empires to Nations: Inventing the Modern Middle East (First‐Year Studies) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 ______________________________________ SCRIPPS COLLEGE CA, Private , Women Only Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 899 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 11‐20% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: n/a Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 2 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 5 Modern Judaism (Religious Studies) The United States, Israel, and the Arabs (Government) Religion, Politics, and Global Violence (Religious Studies) The Modern Jewish Experience (Religious Studies)
Jerusalem (Religious Studies) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 3 Institution offers: Jewish Studies _____________________________________ SEATTLE UNIVERSITY WA, Private, Jesuit Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 4253 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: unknown Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: n/a Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 1 Jewish Faith and Life (Theology) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 ______________________________________ SEWANEE, UNIVERSITY OF THE SOUTH TN, Private, Episcopal Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 1475 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: unknown Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: n/a Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 2 History of the Middle East since 1914 (History, International and Global Studies) Comparative Politics of the Middle East (Political Science) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 1 Searching for the Study of Israel 2008‐09
______________________________________ ______________________________________ SIENA COLLEGE SKIDMORE COLLEGE NY, Private, Roman Catholic Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 3217 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: unknown Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: n/a Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 3 The Middle East in Modern Times (History) Judaism (Religion) Judaism and Modernity (Religion) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 ______________________________________ NY, Private Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 2809 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 11‐20% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: n/a Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 4 Nationalism and Politics in the Middle East (Government) Comparative Constitutional Systems (Government) Topics in Comparative Politics (Government) Non‐Western Literature: The Modern World (English) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 ______________________________________ SIMMONS COLLEGE MA, Private, Women Only Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 2072 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 5‐10% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: n/a Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 1 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 2 The Arab‐Israeli Conflict (Political Science) Middle Eastern Politics (Political Science) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 SMITH COLLEGE MA, Private, Women Only Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 2596 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 5‐10% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 2 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 3 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 4 The Arab‐Israeli Dispute (Government) Government and Politics of Israel (Government) The Making of the Modern Middle East (History) Seminar in Comparative Government and Political Theory: Warring for Heaven and Earth: Jewish and Muslim Political Activism in the Middle East (Government) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 2 Institution offers: Jewish Studies 89
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S Searching for the Study of Israel 2008‐09
______________________________________ ______________________________________ SOUTHERN METHODIST UNIVERSITY SPELMAN COLLEGE TX, Private, United Methodist Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 6176 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: >0‐4% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 2 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 1 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 7 Conflicts in the Modern Middle East (History) Problems in Middle Eastern History (History) Modern Middle East: 1914‐Present (History) Middle Eastern Economic History (History) Governments and Politics of the Middle East (Political Science) Religion and the Holocaust (Religious Studies) Biblical Interpretation and the State of Israel (Religious Studies) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 ______________________________________ GA, Private, Women Only Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 2343 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: unknown Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 0 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 ______________________________________ SOUTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY TX, Private, United Methodist Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 1294 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: unknown Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 0 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 2 Modern Jewish History (History) Middle East Politics (Political Science) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 ST. JOSEPH'S UNIVERSITY PA, Private, Jesuit Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 4998 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: unknown Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: n/a Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 4 Emerging Cinemas (Art) The Craft of Intelligence (Political Science) Seminar on Contemporary Peace Making and Peace Building (Political Science) Politics and Society of the Arab World (Political Science) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Searching for the Study of Israel 2008‐09
______________________________________ ______________________________________ ST. LAWRENCE UNIVERSITY ST. MICHAEL'S COLLEGE NY, Private Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 2198 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: >0‐4% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: n/a Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 1 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 4 Secrets and Lies: Nationalism, Violence and Memory (Global Studies) Palestinian Identities (Global Studies) History of the Middle East 1914‐1967 (History) The Religious Traditions of Judaism (Religious Studies) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 2 Institution offers: Israel Study Abroad Scholarship ______________________________________ VT, Private, Roman Catholic Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 2008 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: unknown Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: n/a Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 _____________________________________ ST. MARY'S COLLEGE (IN) IN, Private, Roman Catholic Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 1628 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: unknown Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: n/a Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 ______________________________________ ST. MARY'S COLLEGE OF MARYLAND MD, Public Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 2035 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: unknown Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 0 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 91
ST. OLAF COLLEGE MN, Private, Lutheran Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 3040 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: unknown Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: n/a Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 1 The Arab World (Sociology/Anthropology) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 S 92
S Searching for the Study of Israel 2008‐09
______________________________________ ______________________________________ STANFORD UNIVERSITY STETSON UNIVERSITY CA, Private Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 6584 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 5‐10% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 0 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 4 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 12 Middle Eastern Cities in Literature and Film (African and Middle East Langauges) Politics and Poetics in Israeli Literature: Amos Oz and Other Contemporary Hebrew Writers (African and Middle East Langauges) Coming of Age; Youth, Power, and Public Culture in the Middle East (Anthropology) The Middle East in the 20th Century (History) Women Activists' Response to War (History) The United States and the Middle East since 1945 (History) International Law and the Palestinian‐Israeli Conflict (History) Environmental History of the Middle East (History) Jews in The Modern World (History) Palestinian Nationalism, Past and Present (International Relations) The New Global Economy, Oil, and Islamic Movements in the Middle East (History) The Arab‐Palestinian Minority in Israeli Society (International Relations) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 11 Institution offers: Jewish Studies Visiting Israeli Professor FL, Private Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 2264 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: >0‐4% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: n/a Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 1 Modern Middle East (History) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 2 ______________________________________ STEVENS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY NJ, Private Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 2044 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 5‐10% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 0 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Searching for the Study of Israel 2008‐09
______________________________________ ______________________________________ STONEHILL COLLEGE SUNY BINGHAMTON UNIVERSITY MA, Private, Roman Catholic Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 2440 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: unknown Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: n/a Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 2 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 5 Middle East Today (Religious Studies) Hard Rockin Jews: Judaism and Pop Culture in Israel (Religious Studies) Religion and Culture of the Jewish People (Religious Studies) Jerusalem: The Holy City (Religious Studies) Writing Violence in God's Name (Writing) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 1 NY, Public Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 11515 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: >20% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 3 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 3 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 6 Rebirth of Israel (History, Judaic Studies) Modern Short Israeli Stories (Hebrew)* Modern Middle East in Film (History) Hebrew Literature: Secularism and Beyond (Judaic Studies) The Middle East Since 1700 (History) Modern Jewish History (Judaic Studies) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 5 Institution offers: Jewish Studies ______________________________________ SUNY COLLEGE AT ONEONTA NY, Public Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 5688 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 5‐10% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 1 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 1 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 3 Israel and the Politics of the Middle East Region (Political Science) Gender and Power in Africa (History) History of the Modern Middle East and North Africa (Africana and Latino Studies and History) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 2 93
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Searching for the Study of Israel 2008‐09
______________________________________ ______________________________________ SUNY FASHION INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY SUNY NEW PALTZ NY, Public Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 9736 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 5‐10% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 0 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 2 Politics in the Middle East (Social Studies) Introduction to World Affairs (Social Studies) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 ______________________________________ NY, Public Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 6224 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 11‐20% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 0 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 1 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 4 The Middle East in the 20th Century (History) Middle Eastern Politics and Institutions (Political Science) International Relations of the Middle East (Political Science) Israel in World Politics (Political Science) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 7 Institution offers: Jewish Studies ______________________________________ SUNY FREDONIA S NY, Public Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 5085 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: >0‐4% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 0 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 3 Politics of the Middle East (Political Science) Modern Middle East (History) U.S. and World Affairs (Political Science) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 SUNY OSWEGO NY, Public Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 7680 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 11‐20% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 0 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 1 Middle East Politics (Political Science) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Searching for the Study of Israel 2008‐09
______________________________________ ______________________________________ SUNY PLATTSBURGH SUNY STONY BROOK UNIVERSITY NY, Public Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 5634 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: >0‐4% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 1 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 1 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 4 Israeli Culture and Society (Anthropology) West Asia: Culture and Conflict (Anthropology) Topics: Exploring Jewish History (History) Introduction to Judaism (Interdisciplinary Studies) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Institution offers: Jewish Studies ______________________________________ NY, Public Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 15519 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 11‐20% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 0 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 3 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 6 Radical Right in Europe/Israel (Political Science) Zionism Before 1948 (History, Judaic Studies) State and Society in Middle East (Sociology) Issues in Israeli Politics (History, Political Science) The Shaping of Modern Judaism (History, Judaic Studies) Terrorism and Counterterrorism (History, Political Science) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 9 Institution offers: Jewish Studies Visiting Israeli Professor SUNY PURCHASE NY, Public Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 4106 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 5‐10% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 1 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 3 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 5 Middle Eastern Cultures: Texts and Films (Humanities) The Middle East (Political Science) The Arab‐Israeli Conflict (Jewish Studies, History) Israeli Literature (Jewish Studies) The Land of Israel: Ancient to Modern (Jewish Studies) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 7 Institution offers: Jewish Studies 95
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______________________________________ ______________________________________ SUNY UNIVERSITY AT ALBANY SUNY UNIVERSITY AT BUFFALO NY, Public Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 12748 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: >20% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 7 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 8 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 13 Zionism, Palestine, and Israel in Historical Perspective (History, Judaic Studies) The Jews in the Modern World (History, Judaic Studies) The Arab‐Israeli Conflict in Historical Perspective (History) History of the Middle East II (History) Contemporary Israeli Narrative (Hebrew)* Jerusalem: the City and the Idea (Religion, Judaic Studies) Jewish Civilization II: Medieval and Modern Periods (Judaic Studies) Secular Jewish Identity and Culture (Religion, Judaic Studies) Twentieth‐Century Hebrew Literature (Hebrew)* Imagining the Jewish Nation: Jews in the Modern World (Judaic Studies) Politics of the Middle East (Political Science) Modern Hebrew Literature in Translation (Judaic Studies) Israeli Politics (Judaic Studies, Politics) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 9 Institution offers: Jewish Studies NY, Public Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 18779 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 11‐20% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 1 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 3 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 9 History of Israel and Zionism (History, Judaic Studies) Mass Media and Foreign Policy (History) Great Decisions I (History) Modern Jewish Thought (Judaic Studies) Introduction to Jewish History (Judaic Studies) Anthropology of the Middle East (Anthropology) Hebrew Literature in Translation (Judaic Studies) Israel and Jewish Law (Judaic Studies) Middle Eastern Politics (Political Science) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 9 Institution offers: Jewish Studies Searching for the Study of Israel 2008‐09
______________________________________ ______________________________________ SWARTHMORE COLLEGE SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY PA, Private Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 1491 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 11‐20% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: n/a Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 1 Cultures of the Middle East (Sociology, Anthropology) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 2 ______________________________________ NY, Private Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 13203 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 11‐20% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 2 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 3 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 6 Religion, Literature, Film (Religion, Judaic Studies Program) Israeli Literature and Culture (Religion, Literature, Judaic Studies Program) Politics of the Middle East (Middle East Studies, Political Science) The Middle East in the 20th Century (History, Middle East Studies) Religion in Israel/Palestine Conflict (Judaic Studies Program, Middle East Studies, Political Science, Religion) Senior Seminar: Israel and Palestine ‐ A Historical Approach (Middle Eastern Studies) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 5 Institution offers: Jewish Studies SWEET BRIAR COLLEGE VA, Private, Women Only Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 800 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: unknown Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: n/a Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 1 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 2 Peoples and Cultures of the Middle East (Anthropology) Modern Israel (History) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 2 97
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______________________________________ ______________________________________ TEMPLE UNIVERSITY, MAIN AND AMBLER THE CITADEL, THE MILITARY COLLEGE OF SOUTH CAROLINA PA, Public Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 25505 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 5‐10% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 1 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 1 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 1 Jews and Film (Judaic Studies) Israel: History, Politics, Society (History) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 5 Institution offers: Jewish Studies ______________________________________ TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY TX, Public Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 37357 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: >0‐4% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 1 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 2 Modern Middle East (History) Extremism and Terrorism in the Contemporary World (History) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 SC, Public Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 2248 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: unknown Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: n/a Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 1 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 4 Modern Middle East History (History) Middle Eastern Affairs (Political Science) The Arab‐Israeli Conflict (History) Seminar: Special Topics on Historical Problems (History) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Searching for the Study of Israel 2008‐09
______________________________________ ______________________________________ TOURO COLLEGE TOWSON UNIVERSITY NY, Private, Jewish sponsored Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 8650 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: >20% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 2 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 6 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 9 Political Economy of Israel (Economics) History of the Jewish People (History) Jews and Arabs (History) The Rise of Modern Israel (History) The Land of Israel in Jewish Thought and Law (Jewish Law) Survey of Hebrew Literature after World War I (Hebrew)* The Literature of Modern Israel (Hebrew)* Government and Politics of Israel (Political Science) The Politics of the Middle East (Political Science) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 10 Institution offers: Jewish Studies Israel Studies MD, Public Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 16219 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 11‐20% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 1 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 3 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 4 Survey of Middle Eastern History: From the Ottomans to the Present (History) Israel/Palestine: Conflicting Past, Conflicting Present (History) Contemporary Hebrew Literature (Hebrew) Readings in Modern Hebrew Literature (Hebrew)* Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 7 Institution offers: Jewish Studies ______________________________________ TRINITY COLLEGE (CT) CT, Private Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 1950 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 5‐10% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: n/a Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 2 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 4 Arab/Israeli Conflict (International Studies) Modern Israeli Culture (Jewish Studies) Modern Jewish History (History) War and Peace in Middle East (Political Science) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 6 Institution offers: Jewish Studies 99
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T Searching for the Study of Israel 2008‐09
______________________________________ ______________________________________ TRINITY UNIVERSITY (TX) TUFTS UNIVERSITY TX, Private, Presbyterian Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 2477 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: unknown Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 0 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 3 The Modern Middle East (History) State, Society and Change in the Middle East (Political Science) The Middle East and the World (Political Science) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 ______________________________________ MA, Private Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 5035 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: >20% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 2 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 2 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 10 Middle East Since WWI (History) Ladino Language and Culture (Judaic Studies) Comparative Politics of the Middle East (Political Science) U.S. Foreign Policy in the Middle East (Political Science) Special Topics: Modern Middle East (History) Economics of the Middle East (Economics) Jewish Experience on Film (Judaic Studies, Religion) Conversation/Composition (Hebrew) Israeli Film (Judaic Studies) Sophomore Seminar: Israeli Foreign Policy (Political Science) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 8 Institution offers: Jewish Studies TRUMAN STATE UNIVERSITY MO, Public Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 5608 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: >0‐4% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: n/a Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 4 U.S. Relations with the Islamic World (History) Judaism (Philosophy, Religion) Middle Eastern Literature (English) Cultural Crossroads (Junior Interdisciplinary Seminar) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Searching for the Study of Israel 2008‐09
______________________________________ TULANE UNIVERSITY AND NEWCOMB COLLEGE LA, Private Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 6449 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: >20% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 2 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 4 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 8 The Arab‐Israeli Conflict (History, Jewish Studies) Jewish Music (Jewish Studies, Music) The Palestinian‐Israeli Conflict in Culture and Literature (Jewish Studies) Modern Jewish History (Jewish Studies) The Contemporary Middle East (History) Modern Middle East (History) Modern Hebrew Literature and the Bible (Jewish Studies, Comparative Literature) Origins of the State of Israel (Jewish Studies) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 8 Institution offers: Jewish Studies Visiting Israeli Professor T 102
U Searching for the Study of Israel 2008‐09
______________________________________ ______________________________________ UNION COLLEGE UNITED STATES MILITARY ACADEMY NY, Private Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 2177 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: unknown Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: n/a Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 1 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 3 Middle East Politics (Political Science) Politics of the Arab‐Israeli Conflict (Political Science) U.S. Empire in Crisis (Political Science) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 3 ______________________________________ NY, Public Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 4487 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: >0‐4% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 0 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 1 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 4 Politics and Government in the Middle East (Social Science) History of Middle Eastern Warfare (History) History of the Middle East (History) Arab‐Israeli Conflict (Social Sciences) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 1 ______________________________________ UNITED STATES AIR FORCE ACADEMY CO, Public Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 4467 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: unknown Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 1 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 1 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 5 Politics of the Middle East (Political Science) Modern Middle Eastern History (History) Geography of the Middle East and Africa (Geography) Topics in Middle Eastern Military History (History) Arab‐Israeli Wars (Military Strategic Studies, Foreign Area Studies) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 UNITED STATES NAVAL ACADEMY MD, Public Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 4441 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: >0‐4% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: n/a Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 1 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 4 Middle East International Politics (Political Science) Middle Eastern Politics (Political Science) History of America in the Middle East (History) Palestinian‐Israeli Conflict (Political Science) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Searching for the Study of Israel 2008‐09
______________________________________ UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA AL, Public Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 21081 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: >0‐4% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 1 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 1 Religion, Politics, and Cultures of the Middle East (Religious Studies) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 2 ______________________________________ UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA AZ, Public Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 29070 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 11‐20% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 6 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 5 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 9 The Middle East in the Twentieth Century (History, Near Eastern Studies) Modern Israel (Near Eastern Studies, History, Judaic Studies, Political Science) History of the Arab‐Israeli Conflict, 1800‐Present (History, Political Science, Near Eastern Studies) Ethnography of the Middle East (Anthropology, Near Eastern Studies) Israeli Women (Judaic Studies, Near Eastern Studies) Arab‐Israeli Conflict (Near Eastern Studies, Political Science) History of the Middle East: Modern Middle East (History, Near Eastern Studies) International Politics of the Middle East (Political Science, Near Eastern Studies) Modern Israel and the Politics of Genocide (Judaic Studies) 103
Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 6 Institution offers: Israel Study Abroad Scholarship Jewish Studies Visiting Israeli Professor ______________________________________ UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY CA, Public Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 24636 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 5‐10% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 0 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 4 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 7 Mizrahi Music and the Construction of Israeli National Culture (Middle Eastern Studies) An American Imperium?: The U.S. and The Middle East, 1866‐Present (History) The Palestinians (Freshman Seminar) Jews and Muslims (Middle Eastern Studies, History) Perspectives on the Middle East (Middle Eastern Studies) Modern Hebrew Literature and Culture (Hebrew)* The Middle East From the 18th Century to the Present (History) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 11 Institution offers: Jewish Studies Israel Studies Chair Visiting Israeli Professor U 104
U Searching for the Study of Israel 2008‐09
______________________________________ ______________________________________ UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, IRVINE CA, Public Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 23499 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 5‐10% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 2 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 3 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 10 History of Modern Israel (History) International Politics of the Middle East (Political Science) The Arab‐Israeli Conflict (Political Science) History of the Modern Middle East from 1914 (History) Topics in Modern Jewish History (History) Middle East Politics (Political Science) Israeli Writing Since 1960 (Jewish Studies) Peoples of the Middle East (Anthropology) Literatures of the Modern Middle East (Comparative Literature) Introduction to the Middle East (History) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 9 Institution offers: Jewish Studies Visiting Israeli Professor CA, Public Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 21696 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: >0‐4% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 1 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 3 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 8 Modern Jewish History (History) Israel and Palestine (History) Introduction to Contemporary Middle East Politics (International Studies, Social Science) Israel and the World: An Introduction (International Studies, Social Science) Middle East Security (International Studies, Social Science) War and Peace in the Middle East (Social Science) The Emergence of the Modern Middle East (History) Psychology of the Middle East Conflict (Social Science) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 6 Institution offers: Jewish Studies Searching for the Study of Israel 2008‐09
______________________________________ UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, LOS ANGELES CA, Public Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 25928 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 11‐20% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 3 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 9 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 18 Palestine, Zionism, and Evolution of Israeli‐
Palestinian Conflict (History) History of State of Israel from 1948 to the Present (History, Jewish Studies) American Jews and Israel in Mutual Perspective (Honors Collegium) International Flash Points (Honors Collegium) Modern Hebrew Literature Made into Films (Jewish Studies) History and Institutions of State of Israel (Jewish Studies) Modern Jewish Literature in English (Jewish Studies) Modern Middle Eastern Cultures (Near Eastern Languages and Cultures) Israel's Identity: Conflict Peace and Neo‐liberalism (Political Science) Beginning World Arts Practices in Middle East/
North Africa and Diaspora (World Arts and Culture) Comparative Studies of Jewish Communities in the U.S. and Abroad (Sociology) Religion and Violence (Religion) Government and Politics in the Middle East (Political Science) World Politics and U.S. Foreign Policy after September 11 (Political Science) International Relations of Middle East (Political Science) Israeli and Palestinian Theatre and Performance Art (Theatre and Performance Art, Center for Jewish Studies) Liberal Nationalism and Zionism (Political Science) Democracy and Human Rights in Israel (Political Science) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 24 Institution offers: Jewish Studies Israel Studies Israel Studies Chair Visiting Israeli Professor ______________________________________ UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, RIVERSIDE CA, Public Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 14973 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 5‐10% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 0 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 1 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 4 Religion and Violence (Religious Studies) Zionism and Holocaust (Religious Studies) Palestine/Algeria (Arabic Language and Culture) Politics of the Middle East (Political Science) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 105
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______________________________________ ______________________________________ UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SANTA BARBARA CA, Public Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 22048 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 5‐10% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 3 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 6 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 15 Three Centuries of Zionism, 1648‐1948 (History) Contemporary Middle East Conflicts (History) The Jews and Judaism in the Modern World (History) Love and Family in the Jewish Past (History) Modern Jewish Societies and Israeli Society (Sociology) Politics in Israel (Political Science) Middle East Economics (Economics) Topics in Zionism: Israelis and Palestinians: Two Cultures in Conflict (Judaic Studies) The Arab‐Israeli Conflict (Political Science) Contemporary Middle East Conflicts (History) Government and Politics of the Middle East (Political Science) The Middle East in the Twentieth Century (History) Peoples and Cultures of the Middle East (Anthropology) Law, Religion, and Politics in Israel (Anthropology) Nationalism in the Middle East (History) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 9 Institution offers: Jewish Studies CA, Public Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 18415 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 11‐20% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 1 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 3 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 8 War and Diplomacy in the Middle East: 1876‐
Present (History) History of the Israeli‐Palestinian Conflict (History) Israeli Politics (Political Science) Politics and Religion in the City: The Case of Jerusalem (Religious Studies) Religion and Violence (Religious Studies) Food, Religion, and Culture in the Middle East (Religious Studies) Religious Nationalism (Religious Studies) Politics of the Middle East (Political Science) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 16 Institution offers: Jewish Studies Searching for the Study of Israel 2008‐09
______________________________________ ______________________________________ UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SANTA CRUZ UNIVERSITY OF CENTRAL FLORIDA CA, Public Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 14403 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 11‐20% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 2 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 3 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 5 Israeli Cinema (Hebrew)* Music of Modern Israel (Music) The Social World of Palestine (History) Hebrew Poetry (Literature) Folk Dance International (Phyiscal Education) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 6 Institution offers: Jewish Studies Israel Studies Chair Visiting Israeli Professor FL, Public Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 41320 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 11‐20% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 1 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 3 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 6 The Arab‐Israeli Conflict (Asian History) Modern Jewish Experience (Judaic Studies) Modern Hebrew Culture (Judaic Studies) The Jewish National Movement and Roots of Zionism (Judaic Studies) Politics of the Middle East (Comparative Politics) Religion and Politics (Political Science) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 6 Institution offers: Jewish Studies 107
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______________________________________ ______________________________________ UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI IL, Private Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 4926 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 11‐20% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 1 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 3 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 6 Jewish History and Society III: European Judaism as Minority Diasporic Culture (History, Jewish History) Islamic History and Society III: The Modern Middle East (History) Contemporary Hebrew Poetry (Jewish Studies)* Realism and Anti‐Realism in Post‐Holocaust Hebrew Literature (Jewish Studies) Jewish Political Thought (Political Science) Religion, Culture, and Politics in Israel (Divinity School, Political Science, and Jewish Studies) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 9 Institution offers: Jewish Studies OH, Public Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 20501 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 5‐10% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 7 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 7 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 13 History of Jewish Civilization III (History) History of the Arab‐Israeli Conflict (History) Jewish Nationalism (Judaic Studies) Modern Israel (Judaic Studies) Israeli Literature in Translation (Judaic Studies) Israeli Cinema (Judaic Studies) Government and Politics of Middle East II (Political Science) Middle East Conflict II (Political Science) Film and Middle East History (History) Media and Middle East History (History) Modern Hebrew Literature (Judaic Studies) The Making of the Modern Middle East (History) Middle East Conflict II (Political Science) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 19 Institution offers: Jewish Studies Searching for the Study of Israel 2008‐09
______________________________________ ______________________________________ UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO, BOULDER UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO, DENVER CO, Public Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 26155 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 5‐10% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 0 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 2 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 7 Introduction to Jewish History (History, Jewish Studies) Borderlands of Empire (History) The Modern Middle East, 1600 to the Present (History) History of Israel (History) Gender in the Middle East (Anthropology) Introduction to Jewish Cultures (Jewish Studies) Cultures of Israel in the Middle East (Anthropology) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 4 Institution offers: Jewish Studies Visiting Israeli Professor CO, Public Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 11702 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: unknown Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: n/a Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 1 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 4 The Arab‐Israeli Peace Process (Political Science, Ethnic Studies) The Modern Middle East (History) The Middle East in World Affairs (Political Science) The Middle East at Hand (Political Science) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 109
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Searching for the Study of Israel 2008‐09
______________________________________ UNIVERSITY OF CONNECTICUT U CT, Public Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 16348 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 5‐10% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 2 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 1 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 6 The Modern Middle East from 1700 to the Present (History) Arab‐Israeli Conflict (Political Science) The Middle East Crucible (History) Peoples and Cultures of the Middle East (Anthropology) U.S. Foreign Policy in the Middle East (Political Science) American Diplomacy in the Middle East (Political Science) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 6 Institution offers: Jewish Studies ______________________________________ UNIVERSITY OF DELAWARE DE, Public Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 16272 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 5‐10% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 2 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 4 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 6 History of the Arab‐Israeli Conflict (History, Jewish Studies) Contemporary Israel through Film (Hebrew, Jewish Studies)* Arab‐Israeli Politics (Political Science, Jewish Studies) Modern Israel: Culture and Identity (Foreign Language and Literature, Jewish Studies) Nationalism in the Modern Middle East (History) Peoples and Cultures of the Middle East (Jewish Studies, Anthropology) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 5 Institution offers: Jewish Studies Searching for the Study of Israel 2008‐09
______________________________________ ______________________________________ UNIVERSITY OF DENVER UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA CO, Private Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 5285 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 11‐20% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 1 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 11 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 15 Israel Through Film (Core) Jewish Homelands and Diasporas (Core) Israel (International Studies) Arab/Israeli Peace and Conflict (International Studies) Crisis, Conflict and Terror in the Middle East (International Studies) Contemporary Israel (Judaic Studies) History of Zionism and Israel (Judaic Studies) Nationalism and Zionism (Core) The Modern Jewish Revolution (Judaic Studies, Core) Politics of the Middle East (Politlcal Science) Israel History and Theology (Judaic Studies) Israel, Gender, and Culture (Core) Introduction to Middle East/Islamic Politics (International Studies) Modern Hebrew Literature in Translation: Against All Odds (English) Jewish‐Muslim Encounters (Judaic Studies) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 9 Institution offers: Jewish Studies Israel Studies FL, Public Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 35189 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 11‐20% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 3 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 7 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 9 Identity and Dissent in the Hebrew Short Story (Hebrew) Israeli History and the Contemporary Novel (Hebrew) Jews and Arabs in Modern Hebrew Fiction (Hebrew) Women in Modern Hebrew Fiction (Hebrew) Motherhood in Modern Hebrew Literature (Hebrew) Politics of the Middle East (Political Science) Women and Politics in the Modern Middle East (Political Science) Arab‐Israeli Conflict (Political Science) Religion, Law and Politics: Israel in Comparative Perspective (Political Science) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 11 Institution offers: Jewish Studies ______________________________________ UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA GA, Public Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 25335 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 5‐10% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 0 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 4 111
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U Searching for the Study of Israel 2008‐09
______________________________________ ______________________________________ UNIVERSITY OF HARTFORD UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS, CHICAGO CT, Private Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 5637 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: >20% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 1 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 2 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 4 Modern Jewish History (History, Judiac Studies, Religion) Israel: History and Society (History, Judiac Studies, Sociology, Religion) The Arabs and Israel (History, Judaic Studies) The Modern Middle East (History) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 8 Institution offers: Jewish Studies ______________________________________ IL, Public Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 15669 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 5‐10% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 0 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 3 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 4 The Middle East Since 1258 (History) Israel Film: Aspects of History, Life, and Culture (Jewish Studies) Israel Studies: Narratives of a Complex Society (Jewish Studies) Israel as a Multi‐cultural Society (Jewish Studies) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 4 Institution offers: Jewish Studies Visiting Israeli Professor ______________________________________ UNIVERSITY OF HOUSTON TX, Public Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 27572 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: >0‐4% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 0 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 4 The Modern Middle East (History) Government and Politics in the Middle East (Political Science) Judaism (Religious Studies) The Middle East from 1300 to the Present (History) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS, URBANA‐CHAMPAIGN IL, Public Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 30895 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 5‐10% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 0 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 3 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 5 The Middle East in the 20th Century (History) The Middle East, 1566‐1914 (History) Israeli Cinema (General Literature Department) Advanced Modern Hebrew Literature and Culture I (General Literature Department) Advanced Modern Hebrew Literature and Culture II (General Literature Department) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 9 Searching for the Study of Israel 2008‐09
______________________________________ ______________________________________ UNIVERSITY OF IOWA UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY IA, Public Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 20907 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: >0‐4% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 2 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 2 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 4 Palestine, Israel, and the World Since 1890 (History) History of the Modern Middle East (History) Readings in the Arab‐Israeli Conflict (History) Judaism in the Modern World (Religious Studies) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 3 ______________________________________ KY, Public Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 18770 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: >0‐4% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 2 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 3 History of the Middle East: 1952 to the Present (History) Foreign Politicies of Middle East States (History) Jewish Thought and Culture II: From the Expulsion from Spain to the Present (Judaic Studies) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 4 Institution offers: Jewish Studies ______________________________________ UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS KS, Public Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 20828 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 5‐10% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 3 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 1 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 3 Politics of the Middle East (Political Science) Sociology of the Middle East (Sociology) Israeli Cinema (Theatre and Film) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 10 Institution offers: Jewish Studies UNIVERSITY OF MARY WASHINGTON VA, Public Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 4271 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 5‐10% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 0 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 1 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 3 The Arab‐Israeli Conflict (History) Politics of the Middle East and North Africa (Political Science) Geography of the Middle East (Geography) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 113
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Searching for the Study of Israel 2008‐09
______________________________________ UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND, BALTIMORE COUNTY U MD, Public Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 9464 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 11‐20% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 3 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 2 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 4 Dynamics of the Arab‐Israeli Conflict (Judaic Studies, Political Science) Contemporary Jewish History: 1917 to the Present (Judaic Studies, History) Modern Israel: The Land and Its People, Culture, and Society (Judaic Studies) Middle East International Relations (Political Science) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 7 Institution offers: Jewish Studies ______________________________________ UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND, COLLEGE PARK MD, Public Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 25813 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: >20% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 4 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 6 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 11 Israeli Media (Hebrew, Jewish Studies)* History of the Jewish People II (History, Jewish Studies) The Jew and the City through the Centuries (History, Jewish Studies) Modern Jewish History II: World Jewry Since 1870 (History, Jewish Studies) History of Zionism and the State of Israel (History, Jewish Studies) History of the Contemporary Middle East (History) Critical Approaches to Israeli Culture (Jewish Studies, Hebrew) Contemporary Middle Eastern Politics (Government, Politics) Introduction to Hebrew Cultural Studies (Jewish Studies) The Arab‐Israeli Conflict through Readings in Translation (Arabic Studies) Modern Hebrew Literature in Translation (Jewish Studies) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 10 Institution offers: Jewish Studies Israel Studies Israel Studies Chair Searching for the Study of Israel 2008‐09
______________________________________ ______________________________________ UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS, AMHERST UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI MA, Public Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 20114 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 11‐20% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 3 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 3 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 6 Seminar: Popular Culture in Israel and Palestine (Judaic Studies) Culture and Immigration in Israel (Judaic Studies) Modern Middle East (History) Middle East History II (History) Government and Politics of the Middle East (Political Science) Modern Israel: History, Society, and Culture (Judaic Studies) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 11 Institution offers: Jewish Studies FL, Private Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 10379 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 11‐20% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 2 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 2 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 10 Jewish Literature (English) The Modern Near East (History) Religion and Democracy in Israel (Religion, Judaic Studies) Politics of Israel (Political Science) Comparative Legal Systems (Political Science) Panoramic View of the Middle East (Judaic Studies) Modern European Jewish History (History) Music in Hebrew Culture (Musicology) United States Relations with the Middle East (International Relations, Politics) Conflict in the Middle East and Africa (International Relations, Politics) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 5 Institution offers: Jewish Studies 115
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U Searching for the Study of Israel 2008‐09
______________________________________ ______________________________________ UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, ANN ARBOR UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA MI, Public Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 26083 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 11‐20% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 11 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 5 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 9 The Arab‐Israeli Conflict in Middle Eastern Literature (Arabic and Islamic Studies) Topics in Hebrew and Jewish Cultural Studies: Exile and Homecoming in Modern Hebrew and Jewish Literature (Hebrew and Jewish Cultural Studies) Topics in Judaic Studies: The Alternative Jewish Bookshelf (Judaic Studies) Modern Jewish History 1880‐1948 (Judaic Studies, History) Interdisciplinary Middle East Topics Seminar: Arab‐
Israel Conflict (Middle Eastern and North African Studies) The Arab‐Israeli Conflict (Political Science) Modern Middle East History (Arabic and Islamic Studies, History) Introduction to Israeli Literature and Culture (Hebrew and Jewish Cultural Studies) Topics in Hebrew and Jewish Cultural Studies: Advanced Reading and Writing in Hebrew and Jewish Literature (Hebrew and Jewish Cultural Studies) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 6 Institution offers: Jewish Studies MN, Public Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 32294 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: >0‐4% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 2 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 5 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 11 Arab World 1920 to the Present (History, Arabic, Middle Eastern Studies) Cinema and Society in the Arab World (Cultural Studies, Comparative Literature) Contemporary Israeli Literature in English (Jewish Studies) History of the Arab‐Israeli Conflict (Jewish Studies) Struggles and Issues in the Middle East (Political Science) United States Foreign Policy Toward the Middle East (Political Science) Judaism in the Modern World (Religious Studies) History of the European Jews from the Middle Ages to the Present (History) Holy Places and Conflict in Israel and Polestine (Political Science) Middle Eastern Politics: the Role of Islam (Political Science) Israel and Its Arab Minority (Political Science) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 12 Institution offers: Jewish Studies Visiting Israeli Professor Searching for the Study of Israel 2008‐09
______________________________________ ______________________________________ UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI, COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS MO, Public Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 21654 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: >0‐4% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 1 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 1 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 2 Introduction to Israeli Culture (Hebrew)* Terrorism: Religious, Ethnic and Ideological Politics (Political Science) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 6 ______________________________________ NV, Public Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 21962 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 5‐10% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 0 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 3 Middle Eastern History (History) Islamic and Middle Eastern History Since 1750 (History) International Relations of the Middle East and North Africa (Political Science) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 8 UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN NE, Public Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 18053 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: >0‐4% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 1 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 2 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 4 Israel: The Holy Land (History, Judaic Studies, Religion) Introduction to Jewish History (History, Judaic Studies, Religion) Israel and the Middle East (Judaic Studies, Political Science) Jews in the Modern World (History, Judcaic Studies) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 4 Institution offers: Jewish Studies 117
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______________________________________ ______________________________________ UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA, CHAPEL HILL UNIVERSITY OF NORTH TEXAS NC, Public Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 17628 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 5‐10% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 2 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 4 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 8 The Conflict over Israel/Palestine (Asian Studies, History, Peace, War, and Defense) Imagining Palestine (Asian Studies, Peace, War, and Defense) Religion in Modern Israel (Religious Studies, Jewish Studies) Contemporary Middle East (International Studies, Religious Studies, Asian Studies) First‐Year Seminar: Conflicts over Israel/Palestine (History) The Modern Middle East (Asian Studies) Revolution in the Modern Middle East (Asian Studies) The Middle East and the West (Asian Studies) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 11 Institution offers: Jewish Studies Israel Studies Chair Visiting Israeli Professor TX, Public Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 27242 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: >0‐4% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 1 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 7 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 9 Nationalism, Zionism and Islamism in Modern Middle Eastern History (History) The State of Israel (History) Middle East Politics: Critical Issues (Political Science) Conflict and Peacemaking in the Middle East (Political Science) The Image and Marketing of Israel Around the World (Journalism) Israel and Documentary Film (Radio,Television, and Film) U.S./Israeli Relations (Political Science) The Middle East Conflict and the International Media (Journalism) Media, Politics, and Society in Israel (Journalism) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 4 Institution offers: Israel Study Abroad Scholarship Jewish Studies Visiting Israeli Professor Searching for the Study of Israel 2008‐09
______________________________________ ______________________________________ UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA IN, Private, Roman Catholic Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 8371 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: unknown Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 4 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 1 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 4 Middle East and the West (History, Institute for International Peace Studies, Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures) Borders, Boundaries, Frontiers (History, Institute for International Peace Studies) Diplomatic History of the Middle East (Political Science) Arab‐Israeli Relations: From Confrontation to Coexistence (Institute for International Peace Studies) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 8 Institution offers: Visiting Israeli Professor OK, Public Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 20915 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: >0‐4% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 2 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 4 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 9 International Relations in the Middle East (History) Culture and Society in the Middle East (History) The Modern Middle East (History) Israeli Culture through Film (History) Rebirth of Israel (History) Politics of the Middle East (Political Science) The Arab‐Israeli Conflict: Its Roots and Attempted Solutions (International and Area Studies) Contemporary Israeli Society and Politics (History) Religion, Politics and Society in the Middle East (History) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 6 Institution offers: Visiting Israeli Professor 119
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U Searching for the Study of Israel 2008‐09
______________________________________ ______________________________________ UNIVERSITY OF OREGON UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA OR, Public Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 16674 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 5‐10% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 0 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 2 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 2 Israelis and Palestinians (Judaic Studies) Palestine/Israel (Political Science) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 6 Institution offers: Jewish Studies PA, Private Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 9687 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: >20% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 1 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 4 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 6 Seminar in Modern Hebrew Literature: Giants of Hebrew Literature (Hebrew) Modern Hebrew Literature and Culture in Translation: Israeli Film and Literature: Love and War (Jewish Studies) Modern Middle East Literature in Translation (Near Eastern Languages and Cultures) Nationalism in the Middle East (Near Eastern Languages and Cultures) The Image of Childhood in Israeli Literature and Film (Jewish Studies) Songs, Poems and National Identity (Jewish Studies) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 15 Institution offers: Israel Study Abroad Scholarship Jewish Studies Searching for the Study of Israel 2008‐09
______________________________________ ______________________________________ UNIVERSITY OF PITTSBURGH UNIVERSITY OF REDLANDS PA, Public Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 17208 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 5‐10% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 1 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 1 Government and Politics in the Middle East (Political Science) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 5 Institution offers: Jewish Studies ______________________________________ CA, Private Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 2757 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: unknown Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 0 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 1 The Middle East (Sociology) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 2 ______________________________________ UNIVERSITY OF PUGET SOUND WA, Private Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 2539 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: >0‐4% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 1 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 1 War and Peace in the Middle East (International Political Economy) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 121
UNIVERSITY OF RHODE ISLAND RI, Public Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 12516 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 5‐10% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 0 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 2 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 3 The Islamic Middle East: From the Mongols to Modern Times (History) Arab‐Israeli Conflict (History) Politics and Problems of Israel (Political Science) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 4 U 122
U Searching for the Study of Israel 2008‐09
______________________________________ ______________________________________ UNIVERSITY OF RICHMOND UNIVERSITY OF SAN DIEGO VA, Private Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 2794 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 5‐10% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: n/a Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 1 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 3 The Modern Middle East (History) Middle East Security (Political Science) The History of Israel (Jewish Studies) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Institution offers: Jewish Studies ______________________________________ CA, Private, Roman Catholic Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 4932 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: >0‐4% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 0 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 2 Modern Middle East (History) Politics in the Middle East (Political Science) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 ______________________________________ UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER NY, Private Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 5131 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 11‐20% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 2 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 1 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 5 The Making of the Modern Middle East (History) Modern Jewish History (History) Arab‐Israeli Conflict (Jewish Studies) Politics of the Middle East (Political Science) Conflict and Conflict Resolution (Political Science) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 6 Institution offers: Jewish Studies UNIVERSITY OF SAN FRANCISCO CA, Private, Roman Catholic Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 5399 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: >0‐4% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 0 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 1 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 4 The Modern Middle East (History) International Relations of the Middle East (Politics) United States Middle East Policy (Politics) Religious Nonviolence and the Politics of Interpretation: The Case of Israel and Palestine (Theology and Religious Studies) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 2 Institution offers: Jewish Studies Searching for the Study of Israel 2008‐09
______________________________________ ______________________________________ UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SC, Public Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 18827 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: >0‐4% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 0 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 1 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 7 Middle Eastern Cultures (Anthropology) The Middle East in Modern Times (History) History of Judaism: The Middle and Modern Periods (History) The Middle East and the United States: 1800 to the Present (History) Controversies in Politics of Global Regions: Middle East (Political Science) International Relations of the Middle East (Political Science) Middle East Politics (Political Science) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 ______________________________________ UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH FLORIDA FL, Public Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 34898 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 5‐10% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 1 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 8 CA, Private Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 16384 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 11‐20% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 2 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 1 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 4 U.S. Policy Towards the Middle East: 1950 to the Present (International Relations) Zionism, Israel, and the Modern World (Judaic Studies) Middle East Politics (Political Science) Economic Development of the Middle East (Economics) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 4 Institution offers: Jewish Studies Visiting Israeli Professor 123
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U Searching for the Study of Israel 2008‐09
______________________________________ ______________________________________ UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE, KNOXVILLE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS, AUSTIN TN, Public Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 21369 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: >0‐4% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 0 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 3 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 7 History of Jewish Civilization II (History, Judaic Studies) Modern Jewish Thought (Religious Studies, Judaic Studies) Contemporary Middle East Politics (Political Science) Israeli Media Studies: Cultural Approaches (Religious Studies) Israeli Filmmakers: Israel in Documentary Film (Religious Studies) Israeli Filmmakers: Cinema and Society (Religious Studies) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 8 Institution offers: Jewish Studies Visiting Israeli Professor TX, Public Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 37459 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 11‐20% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 1 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 11 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 12 Arab‐Israeli Politics (Government, Middle Eastern Studies) Israel: Society and Politics (Government, Middle Eastern Studies) Israelis Look at Israel (Middle Eastern Studies) Introduction to the Middle East: Adjustments/
Changes in Modern Times (Middle Eastern Studies, History) Israeli Defense Forces and Israeli Society (Jewish Studies) Religion and Military in Israel (Jewish Studies) Key Issues in Israeli Politics (Middle Eastern Studies) Politics of Health and Healthcare in Israeli Society (Middle Eastern Studies) Postmodernist Israeli Literature (Jewish Studies) Women and Jewish Law in Israel (Jewish Studies) Israeli/Palestinian Conflict in Literature/Film (Jewish Studies, Middle Eastern Studies) Israel and the Gulf States (Middle Eastern Studies) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 12 Institution offers: Jewish Studies Visiting Israeli Professor Searching for the Study of Israel 2008‐09
______________________________________ ______________________________________ UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS, DALLAS UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT TX, Public Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 9266 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: >0‐4% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: n/a Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 ______________________________________ VT, Public Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 10504 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 11‐20% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 0 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 3 International Politics of the Middle East (Political Science) Middle East Politics (Political Science) History of the Modern Middle East (History) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 4 UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS, SAN ANTONIO TX, Public Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 24705 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: >0‐4% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 0 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 1 Politics of the Middle East (Political Science) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 ______________________________________ UNIVERSITY OF TULSA OK, Private, Presbyterian Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 2987 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: >0‐4% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 0 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 2 World Politics in the 21st Century (Political Science) International Politics in the Middle East and West Asia (Political Science) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 2 125
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U Searching for the Study of Israel 2008‐09
______________________________________ ______________________________________ UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON VA, Public Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 15078 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 5‐10% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 2 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 6 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 13 Language and Culture in the Middle East (Anthropology, Middle Eastern Studies) Modern Jewish History (History) Zionism and the Creation of the State of Israel (History) International Relations of the Middle East (International Relations, Politics) History of the Middle East and North Africa, ca. 1500‐Present (History, Middle Eastern Studies) Israeli Fiction in Translation (Religion) Judaism and Zionism (Jewish Studies) Modern Movements in Judaism (Jewish Studies) Politics of the Middle East and North Africa (Comparative Politics) Economics of the Middle East (Economics) Zionism: Ideas and Realities (Religious Studies) The State of Israel: The First Decade, 1948‐1958 (History) The Creation of a New National Culture in Jewish Palestine (History) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 12 Institution offers: Jewish Studies Visiting Israeli Professor WA, Public Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 28570 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 5‐10% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 2 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 2 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 7 Modern Middle East (History) International Humanitarian Law (International Studies Middle East) Israel: Dynamic Society and Global Flashpoint (International Studies, Near Eastern Studies) Modern Jewish Thought (Religion) The Arab‐Israeli Conflict (Political Science) International Relations in the Middle East (Political Science) Government and Politics in the Middle East and North Africa (Political Science) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 12 Institution offers: Jewish Studies Israel Studies Searching for the Study of Israel 2008‐09
______________________________________ UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN, MADISON WI, Public Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 30618 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 11‐20% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 3 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 7 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 15 Israeli Fiction in Translation (Hebrew and Jewish Studies) Comparative Politics of the Middle East (Political Science) Israeli Politics and Society (Jewish Studies and Political Science) Modern Political History of the Jews: Era of Mass Movements, 1870‐1970 (History and Jewish Studies) The Middle East in the 20th Century (History) The Middle East in World Affairs Since 1900 (History) Zionism in Thought, Culture and Literature: From Inception to the State (Hebrew, Jewish Studies) International Politics in the Middle‐East (Political Science) Nationalism and Ethnic Conflict (Political Science) Topics in Jewish Civilization (Hebrew, Jewish Studies) Israeli Culture: Gender, Nationality, and Ethnicity (Hebrew and Semitic Studies) Israeli History Through Film (Hebrew and Semitic Studies) Introduction to Modern Hebrew Literature (Hebrew and Semitic Studies) The Israeli Welfare State in a Comparative Persepctive (Political Science) Immigration Politics in Comparative Perspective (Political Science) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 20 Institution offers: Israel Study Abroad Scholarship 127
Jewish Studies Israel Studies Chair Visiting Israeli Professor ______________________________________ UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN, MILWAUKEE WI, Public Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 24395 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: >0‐4% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 2 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 3 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 4 U.S.‐Israel Relations (Jewish Studies) The Arab‐Israeli Conflict (Hebrew Studies) The Holocaust and the Politics of Memory (Hebrew Studies, History and Jewish Studies) Topics in Hebrew: Jewish Literature, Art, and Culture (Hebrew Studies) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 6 Institution offers: Jewish Studies ______________________________________ URSINUS COLLEGE PA, Private Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 1583 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 5‐10% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 1 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 1 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 3 The Arab‐Israeli Conflict (History) The Middle East (History) Warfare and Society (History) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 U 128
V Searching for the Study of Israel 2008‐09
_______________________________________ ______________________________________ VALPARAISO UNIVERSITY VANDERBILT UNIVERSITY IN, Private, Lutheran Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 2915 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: unknown Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: n/a Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 1 Modern Middle Eastern History (History) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 4 TN, Private Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 6532 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 11‐20% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 2 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 5 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 11 The Struggle of Encounter: The Israeli‐Palestinian Conflict in Literature (Jewish Studies) Comparative Religion and State: Israel and the United States (Jewish Studies) Introduction to Jewish History (Jewish Studies) Introduction to Hebrew Literature (Jewish Studies) Power and Diplomacy in the Modern Middle East (Jewish Studies) Zionism: Politics, Religion, and Ethnicity (Jewish Studies) Introduction to Judaism (Jewish Studies) History and Memory in Modern Judaism (Jewish Studies) Middle East Politics (Political Science) Women and Jewish Law in Israel (Jewish Studies) Constructions of Jewish Identity in the Modern World (Religious Studies) Hebrew Literature in Translation (Jewish Studies) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 4 Institution offers: Jewish Studies Searching for the Study of Israel 2008‐09
______________________________________ ______________________________________ VASSAR COLLEGE VIRGINIA COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY NY, Private Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 2450 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 11‐20% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 2 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 3 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 3 The Roots of the Palestine‐Israel Conflict (History) Voices from Modern Israel (Jewish Studies) Film, Fiction and the Construction of Identity ‐ Israeli and Palestinian Voices (Jewish Studies) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 4 Institution offers: Jewish Studies ______________________________________ VA, Public Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 22163 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: unknown Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 0 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 1 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 5 History of the Jewish People (History, Religious Studies) Modern Jewish Thought (Religious Studies) Modern Middle East (History) Governments and Politics of the Middle East (Politics and International Studies) International Media Coverage: The Middle East (Mass Communication, World Studies) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 2 Institution offers: Jewish Studies ______________________________________ VILLANOVA UNIVERSITY PA, Private, Roman Catholic Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 7350 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: unknown Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: n/a Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 1 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 8 Modern Arab World and Israel (History) Jewish History (History) Middle East International Relations (Political Science) Middle East Politics (Political Science) American Foreign Policy Middle East (Political Science) History of the Modern Middle East (History) Imperialism and Nationalism in the Middle East (History) Pagans, Jews, and Christians (History) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 VIRGINIA MILITARY INSTITUTE VA, Public Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 1378 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: unknown Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: n/a Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 3 History of the Middle East II (History) Literary Theory: Ways of Reading Texts‐World Literature (English) Insurgency and Terrorism (History) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 129
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Searching for the Study of Israel 2008‐09
______________________________________ VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE AND STATE UNIVERSITY V VA, Public Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 23041 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 5‐10% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 2 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 2 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 2 The Arab‐Israeli Dispute (History) The State of Israel: A Political History (Judaic Studies, Political Science) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 2 Institution offers: Jewish Studies Searching for the Study of Israel 2008‐09
______________________________________ ______________________________________ WABASH COLLEGE WASHINGTON AND LEE UNIVERSITY IN, Private Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 917 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: unknown Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: n/a Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 1 Politics of the Middle East (Political Science) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 ______________________________________ VA, Private Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 1778 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: >0‐4% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 1 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 1 Introduction to Judaism (Religion) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 ______________________________________ WAKE FOREST UNIVERSITY MD, Private Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 1222 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 5‐10% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: n/a Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 1 U.S. Foreign Policy in the Middle East (Political Science) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 NC, Private Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 4412 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: >0‐4% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 2 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 2 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 7 The Arab‐Israeli Conflict (Political Science) Nation, Faith, and Gender in the Middle East (History) Contemporary Judaism (Religion) The Middle East and the World (History) The Middle East since 1500 (History) U.S. Foreign Policy in the Middle East (Political Science) Jerusalem in History and Tradition (Religion) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 5 131
W Searching for the Study of Israel 2008‐09
______________________________________ ______________________________________ WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY IN ST. LOUIS WELLESLEY COLLEGE MO, Private Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 7253 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: >20% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 6 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 4 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 6 The Jews in the Modern World (Jewish Studies) Contemporary Jewish Thought (Jewish Studies) Israeli Women Writers (Modern Hebrew) Israeli Politics (Jewish Studies) Freshman Seminar: A Nation Apart? Jewish Identity in an Age of Nationalism (Jewish Studies) Topics in Politics: Israeli Politics (International and Area Studies) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 10 Institution offers: Israel Study Abroad Scholarship Jewish Studies ______________________________________ MA, Private, Women Only Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 2380 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 5‐10% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 3 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 6 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 9 Zionism and Irish Nationalism: A Comparative Perspective (History) The Middle East in Modern History (History) History of Israel (History, Jewish Studies) The Middle East: Anthropological Perspectives (Anthropology) Jewish Fiction Around the Globe: Homeland and the Diaspora (Jewish Studies) Contemporary Israeli Culture through Literature, Music, and Film (Jewish Studies) The United States and the Middle East Since World War II (History) From Ghettos to Nation‐States: Jews in the Modern World (History) Jerusalem: The Holy City (Religion) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 4 Institution offers: Jewish Studies WAYNE STATE UNIVERSITY MI, Public Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 21145 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: unknown Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 2 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 1 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 3 Modern Israeli Culture: A Pluralistic Perspective (Near Eastern Studies) Middle East Conflict (Political Science) The Modern Middle East (History and Near Eastern Studies) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 2 Institution offers: Jewish Studies Searching for the Study of Israel 2008‐09
______________________________________ ______________________________________ WESLEYAN UNIVERSITY WESTERN MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY CT, Private Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 2817 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: >20% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 2 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 2 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 5 American Jewish History (History) The Middle East in the 20th Century (History) Israel in Therapy: Society under the Influence of TV Series (Hebrew Studies)* Judaism and Story (Religion) Hebrew Literature (Hebrew)* Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 10 Institution offers: Jewish Studies Israel Studies ______________________________________ MI, Public Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 19718 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: >0‐4% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 0 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 1 Modern Middle East (History) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 ______________________________________ WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV, Public Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 21145 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: >0‐4% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 0 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 2 The Middle East (History) Politics of the Middle East (Political Science) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 133
WESTMONT COLLEGE CA, Private, Christian Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 1336 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: unknown Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: n/a Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 1 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 1 History of the Arab‐Israeli Conflict (History) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 ______________________________________ WHEATON COLLEGE (IL) IL, Private, Christian Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 2381 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: unknown Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: n/a Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 1 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 1 Jerusalem, the Holy City (Biblical and Theological Studies) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 3 W 134
W Searching for the Study of Israel 2008‐09
______________________________________ ______________________________________ WHEATON COLLEGE (MA) WHITWORTH UNIVERSITY MA, Private, Christian Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 2381 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: >0‐4% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 4 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 2 Politics of the Middle East (Political Science, International Relations) The Modern Middle East 1800‐1992 (History, International Relations) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 ______________________________________ WA, Private, Presbyterian Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 2331 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: unknown Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 0 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 1 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 2 Sociology of Middle Eastern Society (Sociology) Peoples and Cultures of the Holy Land: Past and Present (Sociology) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 4 ______________________________________ WHITMAN COLLEGE WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY WA, Private Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 1489 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 5‐10% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 1 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 1 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 2 International Relations of the Middle East (History) History of the Palestinian‐Israeli Conflict (History) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 OR, Private Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 1919 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: unknown Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: n/a Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 4 Searching for the Study of Israel 2008‐09
______________________________________ WILLIAMS COLLEGE MA, Private Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 2400 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: 5‐10% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 0 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 1 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 5 The Modern Middle East (History) Insurgencies: Revolts, Revolutions, Wars of National Liberation, and Jihads (History, Anthropology) Judaism: Innovation and Tradition (Religion, Jewish Studies) Jerusalem: One City, Three Faiths, Many Narratives (Religion) Topics in Modern Arab Culture: Twentieth‐Century Debates (Arabic) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 2 Institution offers: Jewish Studies W 136
Searching for the Study of Israel 2008‐09
______________________________________ XAVIER UNIVERSITY OH, Private, Roman Catholic Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 3961 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: >0‐4% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: n/a Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 1 Middle East Politics (Political Science) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 0 X Searching for the Study of Israel 2008‐09
______________________________________ YALE UNIVERSITY YESHIVA UNIVERSITY CT, Private Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 5311 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: >20% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 3 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 6 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 8 Advanced Modern Hebrew: Israeli Society (Hebrew)* Dynamics of Israeli Culture (Hebrew)* Formation of New Hebrew Cultures (Judiac Studies) Health in Conflict: Palestine (Modern Middle East) Contemporary Israeli Society in Film (Hebrew)* Tel Aviv: Between Image and Reality (Judaic Studies) Introduction to the Middle East (Modern Middle East) Introduction to Middle East Politics (Political Science) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 15 Institution offers: Jewish Studies Visiting Israeli Professor NY, Private, Jewish Estimated 2008‐09 undergraduate enrollment: 3017 Estimated 2008‐09 Jewish undergraduates: >20% Israel‐focused course(s) in 2005‐06: 4 Israel‐focused course(s) in 2008‐09: 7 Israel‐content course(s) in 2008‐09: 13 Jews and Others in Film (English) The Middle East (History) Modern Jewish History II (Jewish History) Israeli Politics (Political Science) History of Zionism (Jewish History) Modern Israel (Jewish History) Contemporary Israeli Society (Sociology) Zionism in Hebrew Literature (Hebrew) Seminar: Nation and State Building in the Post Cold War Era (Political Science) Israel since 1942 (Jewish History) International Relations of the Middle East (International Relations) Middle East Politics (Political Science) Sociology of Israeli Identities (Sociology) Hebrew language course(s) in 2008‐09: 17 Institution offers: Jewish Studies 137
Y 138
Searching for the Study of Israel 2008‐09
The Maurice and Marilyn Cohen Center for Modern Jewish Studies at Brandeis University is a
multi-disciplinary research institute dedicated to the study of American Jewry and the development
of religious and cultural identity.
Brandeis University