International Vendor Standards Manual SAKS FIFTH AVENUE SAKS OFF 5TH SAKS DIRECT April 17th, 2015 APRIL 2015 To Our Valued Business Partners, W elc om e to t h e n e w S ak s In co rpo r at ed Int e rn at i ona l V end o r St a nda rd s M anu al , wh ic h th i nc l u des t h e i nt er na t io na l r e q u ir em e nts f or S ak s Fif t h A v e nu e , S ak s F if th A ve n ue O f f 5 A v en u e a nd Sak s D ir e c t v en d or s . T he r e qu ir em ents f or i nt er na t io n a l bus i n es s tr a ns ac t i ons c an b e c o nf us in g a n d c om pl ex . Ha v i ng an ef f ic i en t i nf r as tr uc tur e i n wh i c h t o c om m unic at e a nd s h a r e i nf or m at i on is es s e nt i a l f or s uc c es s . I t is o ur go a l t o pr o vi d e yo u wi t h b es t- i n- c las s s u p p or t, s im p lif yi n g t h e pr oc es s f or in te r n at i o na l p ur c h as es . S ak s pr o vi d es d ir ec t s up p or t f r om i ts In te r n a ti o na l Ser v ic es D ep ar t m ent l oc a te d in Ab er d ee n , Ma r yl a nd U S A t o b us i nes s par tn er s wi th “ f or e ig n” t er m s . Yo u wi l l a ls o b e i n tr o d uc e d t o our i nt er n a ti o n al of f ic es l o c at e d i n s tr a te g ic f or e i gn loc a ti o ns . W e hop e th a t b y us in g t hes e r es o ur c es yo u wi l l be ab l e t o ans we r q ues t io ns i n yo u r l oc a l la n gu a ge an d t im e zo n e. In t h is In t er n at i o na l V en d or S ta n da r ds M a n u a l yo u wi l l f in d i nf or m a ti o n r e la t ed t o f l oor r e ad y s ta n dar ds , wh ic h ar e t he s am e f or a l l V en d or s ( d om es t ic a nd f or e ig n) as we l l as s pec if ic i ns tr uc t i o ns wh ic h ar e on l y r e l a ti v e t o th e i n t er n a ti o n al or d er s . A l l v en d or s ar e r es p on s i bl e t o u nd er s ta n d an d c om pl y wi t h U . S. r e g u la t io ns K i n dl y n o te t h at th is m anu a l is f or i nf or m atio n a l p ur p os es o nl y a n d s ho u l d no t b e c o ns tr u ed as a d et a il e d l is t of a l l r e q u ir em en ts or as l eg a l a d v ic e o n a n y s p ec if ic r e q u ir em en t. P le as e c o nt ac t yo ur le ga l c ou ns e l f or s pec if ic in s tr uc t io n. In t h e e ve n t th at yo u h a ve an y q u es t i ons , c o m m ents or c onc er ns p l eas e f ee l f r e e to c on ta c t m e di r ec t l y or to r eac h o ut t o s t af f m em ber s l is t e d i n th e d ir ec t or y o n th e n ex t pa g e. W e s inc er e l y h o pe t h a t yo u f i n d th is I nt er na t i on a l V e nd or S t an d ar d s M a nu a l h e lpf u l a n d l ook f or wa r d t o b u il d i ng a l on g- l as t i ng r el a t io ns hi p. 2 APRIL 2015 To Our Valued Business Partners ..........................................................................................................................2 SAKS FIFTH AVENUE INTERNATIONAL DIRECTORY & FAQ’s ..........................................................................8 SAKS FIFTH AVENUE CONTACTS ..................................................................................................................8 SAKS FIFTH AVENUE GENERAL MAILBOX ADDRESSES ...........................................................................9 Frequently Asked Questions ........................................................................................................................... 11 PURCHASE ORDER TERMS & BUSINESS PRACTICES .................................................................................... 12 Purchase Orders – Legal Terms & Conditions .................................................................................................... 13 INVOICING INSTRUCTIONS........................................................................................................................... 15 RETURN AND CANCELLATION POLICIES .................................................................................................. 15 CUSTOMS........................................................................................................................................................ 16 ENVIRONMENTAL STEWARDSHIP PROGRAMS ........................................................................................ 17 DATING, TERMS AND INSTRUCTIONS ........................................................................................................ 17 VENDOR STANDARDS .................................................................................................................................. 17 ADMINISTRATIVE FEES / EXPENSE OFFSET FEES................................................................................... 17 BACK ORDERS ............................................................................................................................................... 17 CONFIDENTIALITY ......................................................................................................................................... 18 LIMITATION OF LIABILITY AND STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS .................................................................... 18 ASSIGNMENT.................................................................................................................................................. 18 REMEDIES AND NO WAIVER ........................................................................................................................ 18 SEVERABILITY ............................................................................................................................................... 18 FORCE MAJEURE .......................................................................................................................................... 19 GOVERNING LAW AND JURISDICTION ....................................................................................................... 19 Contacting Us ....................................................................................................................................................... 19 Business Practice Standards for All Vendors, Suppliers and Contractor’s.......................................................... 19 OVERVIEW ...................................................................................................................................................... 19 CHILD LABOR / SWEATSHOPS .................................................................................................................... 19 CONFLICTS OF INTEREST ............................................................................................................................ 19 BRIBES AND KICKBACKS ............................................................................................................................ 20 ANTITRUST ..................................................................................................................................................... 20 GIFTS AND ENTERTAINMENT ...................................................................................................................... 20 CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION, TRADE SECRETS, AND INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY ........................ 21 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH AND SAFETY .................................................................................................. 21 COMPLIANCE WITH PRIVACY AND ANTI-MONEY LAUNDERING LAWS ................................................ 21 RESOURCES ................................................................................................................................................... 21 Environmental Health and Safety ........................................................................................................................ 22 Compliance with Privacy and Anti-Money Laundering Laws ............................................................................... 22 Resources ............................................................................................................................................................ 22 INTERNATIONAL PURCHASE ORDER DETAILING – ........................................................................................ 23 PRE-SHIPMENT STAGE ........................................................................................................................................ 23 Required Pre-Work in Preparation for Order Confirmation .................................................................................. 24 New Vendor Set-Up Requirements...................................................................................................................... 24 Completing the New Vendor Set-Up Form ....................................................................................................... 24 Submitting the New Vendor Set-Up Form & Payment Instructions .................................................................. 24 Social Compliance Audits .................................................................................................................................... 25 Purpose for Social Compliance Audits ............................................................................................................. 25 Requirements for Production Facilities ............................................................................................................ 25 Factory Inspection Procedure .......................................................................................................................... 26 Collection of Merchandise Details ........................................................................................................................ 26 Verification of Terms of Sale ............................................................................................................................ 26 Product Specifications for Classification .......................................................................................................... 27 Line Release Details ........................................................................................................................................ 28 Saks Direct – Photo Samples Matching Merchandise Shipped ....................................................................... 28 INTERNATIONAL FLOOR READY REQUIREMENTS .......................................................................................... 29 Floor Ready Requirements .................................................................................................................................. 30 3 APRIL 2015 Frequently Asked Questions: ............................................................................................................................... 30 Pre-ticketing Format & Placement ....................................................................................................................... 31 Ticketing Outsource Services & Procedure ..................................................................................................... 32 Hangers ............................................................................................................................................................ 33 Garment Labeling................................................................................................................................................. 33 Saks Fifth Avenue Sewn in Woven Labels ...................................................................................................... 33 Fur Labeling Act ............................................................................................................................................... 33 INTERNATIONAL PACKING, MARKING & LABELING ....................................................................................... 35 International Packing, Marking & Labeling .......................................................................................................... 36 Packing Instructions ............................................................................................................................................. 36 Packing Merchandise Requiring Other Government Agency Clearances ....................................................... 36 Packing Merchandise in Accordance with the Store Allocation on the Purchase Order.................................. 37 Packing List Distribution ................................................................................................................................... 37 Carton Specifications ....................................................................................................................................... 37 Wrinkle Prevention ........................................................................................................................................... 37 Shipping on Pallets ........................................................................................................................................... 38 International Carton Labeling (Not EDI) ........................................................................................................... 38 Marking Instructions ............................................................................................................................................. 41 INTERNATIONAL COMMERCIAL DOCUMENTATION & SPECIAL HANDLING ................................................ 44 International Commercial Documentation & Special Handling Requirements..................................................... 45 Commercial Document Format ............................................................................................................................ 45 Commercial Invoice for Merchandise Offered for Re-Sale .............................................................................. 45 Commercial Invoices & Requirements for Samples ......................................................................................... 47 Commercial Invoices & Requirements for Direct-To-Store Shipments ............................................................ 48 Commercial Invoices for Trunk Shows, Special Orders and Store Events ...................................................... 48 Commercial Invoices for Other Government Agency Clearances ................................................................... 49 Other Commercial Documents ............................................................................................................................. 53 Packing Lists .................................................................................................................................................... 53 Additional Documents ...................................................................................................................................... 54 Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) and other preferential duty programs Documentation ................ 54 Government Agency Websites ......................................................................................................................... 54 Dispensation of Commercial Documents ......................................................................................................... 55 INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING & DELIVERY .......................................................................................................... 56 Shipping & Delivery .............................................................................................................................................. 56 General Shipping Requirements .......................................................................................................................... 56 Concealed Shortages .......................................................................................................................................... 57 Shipping Windows................................................................................................................................................ 57 Delayed and/or Early Cargo ............................................................................................................................. 57 Direct to Store / Direct Door Shipments ............................................................................................................... 58 Saks Direct – Direct to Store Shipments.............................................................................................................. 58 Procedure for Obtaining Direct to Store Authorization Numbers ..................................................................... 58 INTERNATIONAL PAYMENT PROCESS ........................................................................................................... 59 Terms, Payment Information & Returns............................................................................................................... 60 Terms for Payment............................................................................................................................................... 60 Received Not Ordered ......................................................................................................................................... 62 Return to Vendor Requests ................................................................................................................................. 62 Return Procedures ........................................................................................................................................... 62 PRIVATE LABEL PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS .................................................................................................. 63 TH SAKS FIFTH AVENUE OFF 5 PRIVATE LABEL PROGRAM (Women’s Merchandise only) ........................ 64 th SFA OFF 5 Private Label Program Goals ...................................................................................................... 64 Purchase Orders .................................................................................................................................................. 64 Specifications, Samples and Approvals ............................................................................................................... 65 Specification Approval ...................................................................................................................................... 65 Strike-Offs, Pattern Submissions, Lab Dips and Trims .................................................................................... 65 4 APRIL 2015 Sample Submission & Approval ....................................................................................................................... 65 Product Testing .................................................................................................................................................... 67 APPENDIX SECTION ............................................................................................................................................. 67 FULL LINE TICKET FORMATS ........................................................................................................................... 68 VERTICAL TICKET ......................................................................................................................................... 68 HORIZONTAL TICKET .................................................................................................................................... 68 OFF5 5TH TICKET FORMATS............................................................................................................................ 69 TICKET FORMAT BY CATEGORY................................................................................................................. 69 DUAL RETAIL TICKETS ................................................................................................................................. 69 TICKET PLACEMENT GUIDE ............................................................................................................................. 70 HANGER STANDARDS ...................................................................................................................................... 72 STORE CAPTIVE PROGRAM ............................................................................................................................. 72 MEN’S SPECIALTY HANGER PROGRAM ......................................................................................................... 72 MEN’S AND WOMEN’S APPROVED STANDARD PLASTIC HANGER PROGRAM ........................................ 73 Children’s Plastic Hanger Program ...................................................................................................................... 74 FULL LINE STORES............................................................................................................................................ 76 OFF 5TH STORES .............................................................................................................................................. 79 DISTRIBUTION CENTERS ....................................................................................................................................1 Import Supplier Set-Up Form: .................................................................................................................................2 Sample Exempt GCC: .............................................................................................................................................5 Sample Testing Non-Children’s GCC: ....................................................................................................................6 Sample Testing Children’s GCC: ............................................................................................................................7 5 APRIL 2015 Sample your company name address city country postal code Tel/Fax: e-mail: General Merchandise Sample COMMERCIAL INVOICE SAKS & Company DBA Saks Fifth Avenue 500 Hickory Dr. Aberdeen, MD Sold to: 21001 Date: Consignee Invoice #: Aberdeen MD 21001 USA Your Order PO Contact: Dept # Vendor # Quantity Currency Description Unit price Material Composition/Construction/Gender Item/Style Total #REF! Agents PO if applicable Manufacturer : Complete Company Name Address, City, Country and Postal Code of Manufacturer Total Pieces: No of Cartons : Dims: W eight : …………………….. Net Kg __________ Gross Kg NET 0 % VAT Special Instructions: Terms 30 Days TOTAL Shipping Terms (Named Place/Port/Location) If Multiple Countries of Origin specify by style : Signed : Invoice: ........8 6 APRIL 2015 Sample Packing List................................................................................................................................................9 7 APRIL 2015 SAKS FIFTH AVENUE INTERNATIONAL DIRECTORY & FAQ’s DIRECTORY SAKS FIFTH AVENUE CONTACTS BRANDED VENDORS: Jackie Persinger Sr. Manager, International Compliance Location: Aberdeen, Maryland USA (410) 297-5433 Vendor, Customs & Order Managment Jeanette Angel Manager, International Operations 8 APRIL 2015 Location: Aberdeen, Maryland (410)297.5508 Logistics, Pre-Shipment Vendor Document Approval, Exports, Invoice Processing SAKS BRAND VENDORS: Sandi Fantozzi Production Operations Manager (212) 382-6176 Production, Operation Management Maureen Metzinger Sr. Manager Private Brands Global Sourcing (212) 391-5356 Customs & Style Management SOCIAL COMPLAINCE: Julie Yan Director, Corporate Social Complaince (905) 792-4679 Molly Minton Social Compliance Analyst (212) 634-2252 INTERNATIONAL FINANCE : Chris Tobias Manager, International Finance (570) 821-6491 Angela Morrissey Financial Analyst Phone: (570) 970.6152 Payment Information, Letter of Credit Issuance, Return to Vendor Authorizations SAKS FIFTH AVENUE GENERAL MAILBOX ADDRESSES DESCRIPTION E-MAIL ADDRESS 9 APRIL 2015 INTERNATIONAL PURCHASE ORDERS & COMPLETED NEW VENDOR SET UP FORMS International Vendor Compliance team INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING DOCUMENT Pre- FOR APPROVAL International Operations team INTERNATIONAL CLASSIFICATION INFO & MERCHANDISE DETAILS EUROPEAN BUYING OFFICE CONTACTS JEAN PHILIPPE PRUGNAUD MINDY PRUGNAUD MINT Saks Fifth Avenue European Buying Office – Milan & Paris 33 1 4260 5461 (Paris) GLOBAL FREIGHT FORWARDERS & CONSOLIDATORS SIMONA BARTOLOZZI SAVINO DEL BENE Saks Fifth Avenue Air & Ocean Freight Forwarder – Milan & Paris, Air Forwarder Asia 10 APRIL 2015 Frequently Asked Questions What is the Saks definition of a “foreign” Vendor? A foreign Vendor is defined by where they are paid and the terms of sale. All foreign Vendors are paid to an international location for the first cost of the merchandise. First cost includes all Vendor costs incurred and profit prior to the point designated by the terms of sale. shipping as well as profit. What are the terms of sale for Saks foreign Vendors? The Inco terms that Saks uses for foreign Vendors are FCA Foreign Freight Agent or Ex-Works Vendor’s Foreign Warehouse. Meaning Saks accepts responsibility for the merchandise at the time it is delivered / picked up at these points. Saks will pay for all expenses incurred from these points until delivered to the Saks designated warehouse/store in the United States. What are the payment terms? Payment terms are Wire Transfer with terms of Net 60 days from the date the merchandise is turned over to the Freight Forwarder or 8% discount if paid within 10 days after the end of the month. What are the steps that I must follow to prepare for shipping? Provide all materials listed below to the Saks Fifth Avenue International Vendor Compliance team: • As soon as possible, complete & submit the New Vendor Set Up form. In some cases a “Social Compliance Audit” will be required in advance of set up. • 60 – 90 days in advance of the start ship date on the order: o Provide a copy of the Buyers worksheet/purchase order or your sales confirmation o Review the International Vendor Standards Manual and provide your signed acknowledgement page • 45 – 60 days in advance of start ship dates o Complete a Social Compliance Audit (see specifications to determine if necessary) o Provide / verify merchandise & production details with International Vendor Compliance in preparation for entry to U.S. Customs 5 days prior to cargo pick up provide all required commercial documents to the via e-mail attachment to receive approval for shipping. • Upon receipt of Saks written approval and shipping instruction, coordinate pick up of merchandise with Saks’ designated Freight Forwarder • After cargo is picked up, collect proof of pickup and submit with copies of all commercial documents to Saks’ Accounts Payable department for payment based on previously agreed upon payment terms 11 APRIL 2015 PURCHASE ORDER TERMS & BUSINESS PRACTICES 12 APRIL 2015 Purchase Orders – Legal Terms & Conditions These terms and conditions (“Terms and Conditions”) apply to all purchases by Hudson’s Bay Company or Saks Fifth Avenue doing business in the United States or Canada as Saks Fifth Avenue and Saks Fifth Avenue OFF 5TH, through its affiliates (individually and collectively "Purchaser" or “Saks” or “Our” or “We” or “Us”) and are binding upon seller / vendor (hereinafter “You” or “Your” or “Vendor”). Authority and Acceptance: Purchaser hereby purchases the goods specified on its electronic data interchange (EDI) or written purchase order contracts, subject to and upon the express terms and conditions hereof (the “Order”). You must have a valid Order prior to shipping goods to any Saks Fifth Avenue Enterprises affiliate. Verbal orders and/or "house orders" will not be valid unless confirmed with a written or electronic purchase order. By shipping goods or performing specified work, you agree to the Terms and Conditions of sale set forth herein, unless otherwise modified in writing by Purchaser. Any different or additional terms in Vendor’s acceptance of the Order are hereby objected to, and Purchaser’s objection to different or additional terms shall not be waived by acceptance of any goods or payment of any invoice. Vendor Expressly Warrants and Indemnifies as follows: A. That all the articles, material and work covered by this Order will conform to the specifications, drawings, samples or other descriptions furnished or adopted by Purchaser, and will be of good material and workmanship, and free from defects. B. That the goods will be merchantable, fit, safe and sufficient for the purpose intended; and will be transferred to Purchaser with a good and marketable title, free and clear of all liens, charges, security interests and encumbrances; title to goods will pass to Purchaser upon receipt. C. That all weights, measures, sizes, and particulars stamped on such goods or their containers comply with local, state, and federal laws of the United States (and/or, where applicable, local, provincial and federal laws of Canada) and any generally similar law or regulation in any other domestic or international jurisdiction. D. That in supplying the goods, articles, materials, and work, Vendor has complied with all applicable laws and regulations of the country where the goods are manufactured, including but not limited to, laws against child labor, forced labor, and unsafe working conditions, and if asked, Vendor will confirm such compliance in writing. E. That in supplying the goods, articles, materials, and work, Vendor is not in violation of any third party agreements including, but not limited to, any exclusive distribution arrangements. 13 APRIL 2015 F. That the goods are accurately labeled and where required or desired, clearly identify the country of origin. G. That such goods and any packaging, labelling, advertising or promotional materials furnished therewith by Vendor comply and conform to all applicable federal and state laws and any regulations, rules, and standards promulgated thereunder, including but not limited to: Consumer Products Safety Act of 1972, Flammable Fabrics Act of 1954, Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, Fur Products Labeling Act, Federal Hazardous Substances Act of 1960, Occupational Safety and Health Act, Fair Labor Standards Act, Textile Fiber Products Identification Act, Poison Prevention Packaging Act, Endangered Species Act, Wool Products Labeling Acts, Tariff Act of 1930, Dog and Cat Protection Act of 2000, California Proposition 65 and AB 1681; and in the case of goods sold to Saks Fifth Avenue Canada and OFF 5TH Canada, all applicable Canadian federal and provincial laws and any regulations, rules, and standards promulgated thereunder, including but not limited to: Product Safety Act, Food and Drugs Act, Food and Drug Regulations and Cosmetic Regulations, Consumer Packaging and Labelling Act and Regulations, Marking of Imported Goods Order, Textile Labelling Act and Regulations, Ontario Technical Standards and Safety Act and Upholstered and Stuffed Articles Regulation, and Quebec Charter of the French Language and Regulations, all as amended, and any generally similar law or regulation in any other domestic and international jurisdiction. H. That such goods do not and will not infringe upon any patent, trademark, trade name, copyright, right of publicity, or other similar right. You agree to protect, indemnify and hold Purchaser, its affiliates, its agents, and its employees, harmless against any claim, loss or damage, including attorneys’ fees, arising directly or indirectly from any alleged or actual trademark, patent or copyright infringement or unfair competition action resulting from Purchaser’s activities of use, sale or offering for sale any goods covered by this Order. No specification by Purchaser with respect to any part of this Order shall constitute a warranty, express or implied, against any claim for infringement of patents, copyrights or trademarks and Purchaser shall not be responsible to Vendor, as indemnitor or otherwise, for or on account of any such claim or liability. I. That Vendor will not sell to any person or entity any goods bearing or labeled with any trade name, trademark, service mark, logo, private label brand or design that is proprietary to Purchaser without the express written consent of Purchaser, even if said goods were rejected, cancelled, refused or returned by Purchaser. J. That Vendor will protect, indemnify, and hold harmless Purchaser, its affiliates, its agents, and its employees from any claim, loss, or damage, of any nature, arising directly or indirectly out of Vendor’s violation or alleged violation of the terms of this Order, including but not limited to any breach of warranty or claim connected in any way to the goods purchased under this Order. Vendor’s duty to indemnify and hold harmless covers all losses, damages, and costs, including attorneys’ fees. At Purchaser’s sole discretion, and with regard to any claims described herein, Purchaser may elect to: (i) control the defense and settlement of such claims at Vendor’s expense; or (ii) permit Vendor to control the defense and settlement of such claims at Vendor’s expense with legal counsel that is acceptable to Purchaser. To the extent legal fees are incurred by Purchaser in connection with the defense of claims described herein, Purchaser will require Vendor to directly reimburse Purchaser for such fees and costs or, at its option, may deduct all legal expenses and costs in the form of a deduction(s) or chargeback from any amounts owed to Vendor. K. That Vendor will protect, indemnify and hold Purchaser, its affiliates, its agents, and its employees, harmless against any claim, loss or damage, including attorneys’ fees, which may be made or brought against them by virtue of claims or demands of any kind which any purchaser of such goods 14 APRIL 2015 from the Purchaser or other person may make against the Purchaser or any affiliate thereof, including with respect to the injury to or death of any person, or damage to property in any way relating to the goods, whether or not such goods were manufactured by Vendor or whether or not the asserted defect was known or discovered by Vendor or Purchaser. Vendor shall procure and maintain adequate product liability insurance, including contractual liability insurance, and shall, upon request, furnish to the Purchaser certificates thereof in connection with this Order. L. That Vendor will protect, indemnify, and hold harmless Purchaser, its affiliates, its agents, and its employees from any claim, loss, or damage, of any nature, arising directly or indirectly out of any act or omission by Vendor’s servants, agents or subcontractors of Vendor, in the furnishing of goods or in the performance of work under the Order. M. That Vendor will protect, indemnify, and hold harmless Purchaser, its affiliates, its agents, and its employees from any claim, loss, or damage, of any nature, arising directly or indirectly out of any non-compliance with applicable law. N. That in the event that Purchaser or any of its employees, agents or subcontractors is served with or becomes subject to any subpoena, order or other legal process in a legal proceeding, to which Purchaser is not a party seeking disclosure of any materials or information related to the goods, services, information or deliverables that Vendor renders or delivers to Purchaser, then Vendor shall bear the cost of all direct and indirect costs and expenses, including without limitation, reasonable attorneys’ fees related to Purchaser's response, compliance with or defense/resistance thereto. O. That prices for the goods sold to Purchaser hereunder are no less favorable than those currently extended to any other customer for the same or similar goods in similar quantities. In the event that Vendor reduces its price for such goods during the term of this Order, Vendor agrees to reduce its prices of the goods ordered hereunder correspondingly. Vendor warrants that the price shown on this Order shall be complete and no additional charges of any type shall be added without the Purchaser’s express written consent. Such additional charges include, but are not limited to, shipping, packaging, labeling, custom duties, taxes, storage, insurance, boxing, and crating. To the extent legal fees are incurred by Purchaser in connection with the defense of any of the claims or legal proceedings described in sections (A) through (O) above, Purchaser will require Vendor to directly reimburse Purchaser for such fees and costs or, at its sole option, may deduct all legal expenses and costs in the form of a deduction(s) or chargeback from any amounts owed to Vendor. The above indemnification and warranties shall survive the termination or cancellation of this Order. INVOICING INSTRUCTIONS Each invoice must show specific information as described within the Accounts Payable section of the "Vendor Standards Manual", located on Purchaser's website at under "Vendor Relations." Our website may be updated periodically and any such updates shall be applicable to all Orders. RETURN AND CANCELLATION POLICIES You hereby agree that without prior authorization from You, and without further notice, Purchaser reserves the following rights: A. To refuse and/or return all goods delivered which are not equivalent to samples submitted or examined, or are damaged, or are not fit for resale, or do not conform to all specifications, terms and conditions of this order and to all warranties and guarantees herein set forth (being considered 15 APRIL 2015 "defective" goods for Our purposes). It is understood that this return policy shall apply to all such goods when found to be defective at any time prior to resale, or after resale if Purchaser allowed the customer a refund or credit. B. To refuse and/or return all goods which do not meet our purchase order specifications of style, size, color, quantity and/or quality (including unauthorized substitutions); or which are shipped before the ship date, or after the cancel date, or without valid purchase order numbers or without valid department numbers. C. To cancel a purchase order, in whole or in part, in the event the goods are not shipped in accordance with the terms and conditions hereof. D. To cancel a purchase order, in whole or in part, in the event the goods are shipped after the cancel date, time being of the essence. E. To accept any part of a shipment without waiving the right to refuse or reject the balance thereof by reason of Your failure to comply fully with the Terms and Conditions of the Order. All risks, claims, storage or handling charges on refused, rejected, returned, postponed or cancelled goods are Your full responsibility, regardless of other terms of sale or passage of title. Any claims for non-payment of an invoice by reason of either Our non-receipt of goods shipped by You or Your non-receipt of goods returned by Us, must be sent to Purchaser via certified mail no later than 60 days after goods are shipped. When goods are returned, refused or cancelled, they shall be returned via carrier of Purchaser's choice, F.O.B. origin, freight collect. Consideration will be given to Your carrier of choice upon receipt of Your written request stating that You will not refuse any such returned goods. You will be charged the full cost of returned, refused or cancelled goods. In the interest of clarity, and for purposes of this provision "full cost” means the cost of the goods We originally purchased from You (paid to You), plus all freight and handling charges We incurred, plus any other deductions We applied or took when We purchased the goods from You originally, including, but not limited to, any fast payment or other 8% discounts. Acceptance of non-conforming goods by Purchaser shall not be deemed a waiver of Purchaser’s right to recover damages or pursue any other remedy available to it under the Uniform Commercial Code as in effect in the State of New York or as applicable the Ontario Sale of Goods Act, nor shall the return of non-conforming goods to Vendor relieve Vendor of its liability for shipping such non-conforming goods. CUSTOMS Vendor will comply with applicable customs laws; and in particular will establish and maintain programs and documentation to support country of origin production verification, so as to prevent the illegal transshipping of goods. Where goods are shipped from a country which is a party to the North American Free Trade Agreement, Vendor will comply with its requirements. Vendor will obtain any applicable quota, visa, certificate of origin or other government authorization which may be required for lawful export of the goods from the country of origin and subsequent importation to the country of destination, and will be liable for detention or refusal of entry of any goods by the government of the country of destination. Goods which cannot be imported into the country of destination within a reasonable period (as determined by Purchaser) may be returned to Vendor at Vendor’s expense and Purchaser may demand a full refund therefor. 16 APRIL 2015 ENVIRONMENTAL STEWARDSHIP PROGRAMS Where environmental stewardship programs are mandated by law and Vendor is the obligated party, Vendor will comply with the requirements. Where such programs are not mandated by law, or are mandated and Vendor is not the obligated party, Vendor will assist Purchaser to comply as necessary. DATING, TERMS AND INSTRUCTIONS Time is of the essence on all orders; see above rights to refuse goods if not timely delivered th A. Goods received on or after the 25 day of a month will be recognized as received on the 1st day of the next succeeding month. B. Discounts for fast payment will be calculated from the later of the date goods are received in Our distribution facility, or the date We receive an invoice. We use commercially reasonable efforts to make payment by the due date as determined by the procedures described in this Order. Because of a number of factors that can result in payment after the due date, including delays caused by the Vendor, or limitations related to Saks’ billing payment cycles, We may, and You hereby agree to permit Us to, take a fast payment discount even when We do not make payment by the due date, and You agree not to challenge Our taking such discount on any ground. If YOU believe that WE are not entitled to a fast payment discount because of late payment, which is unrelated to a Vendor delay or billing payment cycle limitation, You must make an accounts payable inquiry, in writing, within sixty (60) days after the date of issuance of the Order giving rise to the claim. Inquiries or re-payment requests made after 60 days will be denied, and You agree to waive all claims based on inquiries that are not made in writing. Repayment requests of fast payment discounts will also be denied if it is determined that the delay was Vendor caused, i.e., invoices sent to an incorrect address, goods did not agree with the Order, the account is in debit balance, or other extenuating circumstances exist. In addition, 8% discounts not tied to fast payment will not be refunded under any circumstances, and You agree not to seek or claim a refund of such discounts under any circumstances. VENDOR STANDARDS Vendor recognizes receipt of and an understanding that, it is their obligation to adhere to all requirements, as cited in the current Vendor Standards Manual section of the Purchaser's website, located under "Vendor Relations." Any and all deviations from any Vendor Standards Manual guideline must be approved in writing by Purchaser. ADMINISTRATIVE FEES / EXPENSE OFFSET FEES Purchaser is entitled to be compensated as outlined in the Vendor Standards Manual, for non-compliance with these specifications (including those fees detailed in the Expense Offset Schedule) in the form of an invoice deduction(s) from any amounts owed the Vendor. Instead of a deduction, purchaser may demand direct payment of expense offset fees or other administrative fees specified in the Vendor Standards Manual. Any such direct payment demand by Purchaser shall be made within 30 days of the date of demand. Late payments shall accrue interest at the rate of one percent (1%) per month. Any amounts billed or deducted by Purchaser for failure to comply with the Vendor Standards Manual or the Terms and Conditions of this Order, shall be considered liquidated damages and not a penalty. BACK ORDERS You agree to make one complete shipment. Purchaser reserves the right to chargeback all freight charges as a result of back orders, divided, or partial shipments. OTHER TERMS: 17 APRIL 2015 CONFIDENTIALITY Vendor may have access to certain commercially valuable or otherwise proprietary or confidential information relating to the operations, products, sales and business of Purchaser and its affiliated and related companies (“Confidential Information”). For purposes of this agreement, Confidential Information means that information disclosed by Purchaser to the Vendor (before or after the date hereof), including but not limited to the trade secrets of Purchaser, nonpublic information relating to Purchaser’s product plans, designs, ideas, concepts, costs, prices, finances, marketing plans, customers or potential customers, business opportunities, personnel, research, development or know-how and any other nonpublic technical or business information of Purchaser. Confidential Information does not, however, include information that: (a) is now or subsequently becomes generally available to the public through no fault or breach on the part of Vendor; (b) the Vendor can demonstrate to have had rightfully in its possession without an obligation of confidentiality prior to disclosure hereunder; or (c) is independently developed by the Vendor without the use of any Confidential Information of the disclosing party. Vendor will not disclose, publish or disseminate Confidential Information to anyone other than its employees who need to know such Confidential Information, and the Vendor will take reasonable precautions to prevent any unauthorized use, disclosure, publication or dissemination of Confidential Information. The Vendor will not use the Confidential Information for any purpose other than the sale or offering of sale of goods under the Order without the prior written approval of an authorized representative of the Purchaser. If the Vendor receives notice that it may be required or ordered by any judicial or governmental entity to disclose Confidential Information of Purchaser, it will make reasonable efforts to give Purchaser sufficient prior notice in order to contest such requirement or order. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY AND STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS In no event shall Purchaser be liable for anticipated profits or for punitive, incidental, special or consequential damages. Purchaser’s sole liability on any claim of loss or damage arising out of, or in connection with, or resulting from the Order or from the performance or breach thereof shall in no case exceed the price allocable to the goods or unit thereof which gives rise to the claim. Any action resulting from any claimed breach on the part of Purchaser as to the good delivered hereunder must be commenced within one (1) year after the date of issuance of the Order giving rise to the claim. ASSIGNMENT You shall not assign or transfer this Order or any interest therein or monies payable thereunder without our prior written consent, and any assignment made without such consent shall be null and void. Purchaser may assign this Order and its interest therein to any affiliated or subsidiary corporation, or to any corporation succeeding to Purchaser's business without Your consent. Any assignment, consented to by Purchaser, remains subject to all Terms and Conditions hereof, including Purchaser's rights to offset and chargeback. REMEDIES AND NO WAIVER No waiver of any of the terms and conditions of this Order shall be effective unless in writing and signed by Purchaser. In addition, no failure or delay on the part of Purchaser in exercising any right, power or remedy under this Order shall operate as a waiver, nor shall any single or partial exercise of any such right, power or remedy preclude any other or further exercise of any other right, power or remedy. No waiver of a breach shall be construed as a waiver of a subsequent breach. The rights and remedies herein provided Purchaser shall be cumulative and in addition to any other rights and remedies given by law. SEVERABILITY This agreement is severable and the lack of enforceability or the voidance of any parts of this agreement shall not affect the other parts of this agreement. 18 APRIL 2015 FORCE MAJEURE Purchaser may have the option of cancelling all or any part of an Order where discontinuance of or substantial interference with the Purchaser’s business is caused, in whole or in part, by reason of fire, flood, earthquake, labor dispute, war, Act of God, embargo, riot, terrorism, governmental regulations, or other causes beyond Purchaser’s control. GOVERNING LAW AND JURISDICTION This agreement shall be construed in accordance with and governed by the laws of the State of New York and the laws of the United States applicable herein, without regard to conflict of law rules, which would cause the laws of any other jurisdiction to apply. The parties hereto expressly exclude the application of any non-United States laws (except as applicable Canadian laws) and the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods from this agreement and any transaction that may be entered into between the parties in connection with this agreement. You hereby waive any local or international law, convention or regulation that might provide an alternative law, construction or venue to the extent a waiver shall be permitted under such law, convention or regulation. Any action or legal proceeding related to this agreement shall be instituted exclusively in state or Federal Court in New York County, New York. You hereby agree that venue and jurisdiction are proper in such courts. Contacting Us If you need to contact us please identify the appropriate person in the "Directory" section of this document. Business Practice Standards for All Vendors, Suppliers and Contractor’s OVERVIEW Saks Incorporated is committed to legal compliance and ethical business practices in all our operations worldwide and is firm in our resolve to do business only with those vendors, suppliers, and contractors which we believe share in that commitment. In support of this commitment, Saks Incorporated demands that all individuals or organizations who provide direct and indirect materials and services, as well as all suppliers, contractors, consultants and other intermediaries (herein referred to as “Vendors”) agree to follow our Business Practice Standards as condition of the business relationship. CHILD LABOR / SWEATSHOPS We require our vendors to comply with all applicable laws and regulations mandated by the country in which the merchandise or product is manufactured, including but not limited to laws against child labor, forced labor and unsafe working conditions. CONFLICTS OF INTEREST A conflict of interest occurs when personal interests or activities conflict with the business interests of Saks Incorporated. Accordingly, vendors are required to make all decisions that affect Saks Incorporated based solely on Saks Incorporated’s best interests, free from improper influences (or the appearance of influence). Vendors must not become involved in any situation that creates an actual or potential conflict of interest with Saks Incorporated. A conflict of interest can occur in a number of situations. Several examples include: 1. Doing business with an associate or family member outside the Saks Incorporated business relationship 19 APRIL 2015 2. Employing an associate or the family member of an associate 3. A vendor having a financial interest in a direct competitor 4. A vendor doing business with a direct competitor while having access to confidential or competitive information 5. An associate or family member having a significant financial interest in a vendor Associates must not provide services for, or have a financial interest in or with, a customer, competitor, supplier, vendor or competitor, without the written consent of the Company’s General Counsel. It is not, however, typically considered a conflict of interest to own less than 1% of the outstanding shares of a publicly traded company, provided that such investment does not constitute a significant part of the associate’s portfolio. Each vendor is obligated to avoid any situation which may cause a conflict of interest and to make full disclosure of any actual or potential conflicts of interest with Saks Incorporated management officials. BRIBES AND KICKBACKS All associates and any agents or other individuals representing Saks Incorporated must not request or receive any kick-back, bribe, excessive or disguised commission or similar payment or benefit from any vendor. Similarly, associates, agents or individuals representing Saks Incorporated must not directly or indirectly make any kickback, bribe, excessive or disguised commission or similar payment to any vendor or to any public or governmental officials. ANTITRUST Vendors, agents or other individuals representing Saks Incorporated must not agree or act together with any competitor with regard to prices, terms or conditions of sale, purchase, production, distribution, territories, customers, or suppliers and must not exchange or discuss with a competitor prices, terms or conditions of sale, or any other competitive information, or engage in any other conduct which may restrict competition or otherwise violate any of the antitrust laws. GIFTS AND ENTERTAINMENT Saks Incorporated supports a gift policy that restricts gifts to associates with very few exceptions and respectfully requests that vendors do not send gifts to associates. Gifts covered by this policy include anything of value. Examples of gifts include: meals; entertainment; discounts; merchandise; trips; services; tickets to theater, concerts and sporting events; golf outings; vehicle use; and lodging. Gifts do not include: (1) items that are available generally to a large group of associates on an equal basis; (2) perishable items (such as chocolates, fruit baskets or flowers) that are shared with associates at the associate’s work location; and (3) business-related meals and business-related entertainment that meet all certain restrictions. Saks Incorporated associates are prohibited from: 1. Soliciting gifts from others with whom the Company does business or seeks to do business; 2. Giving or accepting gifts to or from others with whom the Company does business or seeks to do business; 3. Accepting any gift of cash or securities or a loan from others with whom the Company does business or seeks to do business (other than a loan from a financial institution on terms and at interests rates available to borrowers generally at the time of borrowing); and 4. Accepting gifts of any kind that would encourage or obligate (or be reasonably perceived as obligating) the associate to give special consideration to the person or company making the gift. Participation in customary business meals and entertainment is not a violation of this Policy, provided that: (a) it is intended to promote legitimate business discussions or to foster better business relations with the host; (b) it involves expenditures that are reasonable and occurs at a frequency that is reasonable under the circumstances; 20 APRIL 2015 (c) it occurs in settings that are reasonable and appropriate to the business at hand; and (d) the actual or prospective Company business partner or customer is present at the meal or event. Some vendors, particularly those vendors of cosmetics and fragrances, occasionally offer “gratis” or “free” merchandise to our associates. The following guidelines apply to such Gratis Merchandise: 1. Gratis Merchandise must never be solicited by Associates. 2. Gratis Merchandise may not be returned to or exchanged at Saks or any other retailer, or sold privately under any circumstances. 3. Gratis Merchandise may only be accepted by: (a) store Associates who are selling the vendor’s line of merchandise; (b) the Department Managers of eligible store Associates; and (c) with respect to new product launches only, merchants who are considering placing a purchase order on behalf of the Company for the particular Gratis Merchandise. Acceptance by any merchant of Gratis Merchandise for new product launches is subject to the prior approval of the DMM. In all cases, acceptance of Gratis Merchandise must be in full compliance with any and all applicable policies and procedures established by the Asset Protection Department, as may be modified from time to time. 4. The Asset Protection policies relating to Gratis Merchandise are available at all store locations and they require, among other things: (a) that Vendors who desire to distribute Gratis Merchandise at a store must be instructed to leave the merchandise at the store Asset Protection Package Check Area; and (b) that Vendors who wish to send Gratis Merchandise to the homes of eligible Associates or to distribute Gratis Merchandise at a seminar must first obtain written authorization from the relevant Department Manager on forms prescribed by the Asset Protection Department. CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION, TRADE SECRETS, AND INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY Vendors have a duty to not disclose confidential information concerning Saks Incorporated (including records, reports, processes, plans, methods, and prospective financial information), or to disclose information about the Company’s customers or other confidential information obtained through the vendor’s relationship with Saks Incorporated. Any trademarks or patentable or copyrightable subject matter, including computer programs and systems or methods of doing business, created and which relates to the Saks Incorporated’s business, is intellectual property belonging to the Company and will be held in the name of the Company. This is true irrespective of where, when and how the work is done. Vendors may be required to sign a confidentiality agreement and/or receive approval from Saks Incorporated’s legal counsel prior to being allowed access to confidential information. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH AND SAFETY Vendors shall comply with all applicable laws and regulations regarding environment, health and safety. Vendors must ensure that their employees or agents working on behalf of Saks Incorporated or at a Saks Incorporated facility work in a way that assures their own safety and the safety of others. COMPLIANCE WITH PRIVACY AND ANTI-MONEY LAUNDERING LAWS Vendors will comply with all applicable laws and regulations concerning customer privacy, the confidentiality of non-public personal information and anti-money laundering efforts. RESOURCES Vendors have the responsibility to ensure that all employees and agents within their respective organizations comply with this Code. Any vendor who becomes aware of any action or situation that may violate this Code must report the matter promptly to the confidential Saks ALERTLINE by calling 1(800) 403-4792 or logging on to 21 APRIL 2015 Environmental Health and Safety Vendors shall comply with all applicable laws and regulations regarding environment, health and safety. Vendors must ensure that their employees or agents working on behalf of Saks Incorporated or at a Saks Incorporated facility work in a way that assures their own safety and the safety of others. C-TPAT and Supply Chain Security All social compliance audits must contain security inspections in line with C-TPAT requirements. Banned and Sanctioned Countries The Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) is a division of the US Department of the Treasury. This division administers and enforces economic and trade sanctions based on US foreign policy and national security goals against targeted foreign countries and regimes, terrorists, international narcotics traffickers, those engaged in activities related to the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, and other threats to the national security, foreign policy or economy of the United States. OFAC's current country-specific sanctions programs include but are not limited Cuba, North Korea, Iran, Sudan, and Burma. Changes in the political climate may cause countries to be added or removed from the list therefore it is incumbent upon each business partner to review the information on the OFAC website: As part of its enforcement efforts, OFAC publishes a list of individuals and companies owned or controlled by, or acting for or on behalf of, targeted countries. It also lists individuals, groups, and entities designated under programs that are not country-specific. Such individuals and companies are called "Specially Designated Nationals" or "SDNs." Their assets are blocked and U.S. persons are generally prohibited from dealing with them. The SDN list is routinely updated and should therefore be continually reviewed by our business partners to ensure that business is not being conducted with individuals, groups or entities appearing on the list. The SDN list can be found on the OFAC website: Compliance with Privacy and Anti-Money Laundering Laws Vendors will comply with all applicable laws and regulations concerning customer privacy, the confidentiality of non-public personal information and anti-money laundering efforts. Resources Vendors have the responsibility to ensure that all employees and agents within their respective organizations comply with this Code. Any Vendor who becomes aware of any action or situation that may violate this Code must report the matter promptly to the confidential Saks ALERTLINE by calling 800-403-4792 or logging on to, or may contact any of the following Company individuals: Thomas Matthews, Group SVP Asset Protection & Operations & Chief Ethics & Compliance, 212.940.5067 Mike Brizel, Executive Vice President & General Counsel, 212.451.3838 Greg Fitting, Vice President, Internal Audit, 212.451.3962 22 APRIL 2015 INTERNATIONAL PURCHASE ORDER DETAILING – PRE-SHIPMENT STAGE 23 APRIL 2015 Required Pre-Work in Preparation for Order Confirmation Vendors participating in the Saks Fifth Avenue Private Label Program may be subject to additional or different requirements. Please thoroughly review the “Private Label Program” in this manual to clarify the standards for this program. New Vendor Set-Up Requirements Completing the New Vendor Set-Up Form All Saks Vendors are required to complete the New Vendor Set Up form provided in the Appendix. The form provides general instruction in the “Using this Form” section. Please note that the form has multiple steps including participation by the Merchant, Vendor, International Services department and the Accounts Payable department. Each section of the form is clearly marked for the user’s guidance, pointing to the information that is needed. All Vendors must complete the “Vendor Information” section including “Pay To Information” and “Supply Chain Capabilities”. Submitting the New Vendor Set-Up Form & Payment Instructions The Vendor should submit the completed set up form directly to the International Vendor Compliance mailbox: 24 APRIL 2015 International Vendor Compliance (IVC) will review the form and if complete, will forward to International Finance for assignment of a resource number. International Finance will not accept forms without prior approval from IVC Once IVC receives a resource number from International Finance they will communicate it to all interested parties. In addition to the information in the New Vendor Set Up form you must attach payment instructions. SFA payment terms are Net 60 days from the date title transfers (or cargo is received by SFA freight agent). Available payment options are check, wire transfer and letter of credit with SFA approval. Payment instructions must be on the Vendor's company letterhead, and include the following information: • • • • • • • • Vendor Trade Name Complete Physical Address Account Name, if different than trade name Bank Name, Branch, and complete address IBAN (International Bank Account Number) BIC SWIFT Code ABA Routing Number (If a U.S. bank) These instructions must be signed by no less than a Director of the Vendor’s company. All payment inquiries should be directed to the International Finance Manager, Michael Barnes whose contact information may be found in the above Directory. Social Compliance Audits Purpose for Social Compliance Audits Saks Incorporated is committed to legal compliance and ethical business practices in all our operations worldwide and is firm in our resolve to do business only with those Vendors, suppliers, and contractors which we believe share in that commitment. In support of this commitment, Saks Incorporated demands that all individuals or organizations who provide direct and indirect materials and services, as well as all suppliers, contractors, consultants and other intermediaries (herein referred to as “Vendors”) agree to follow our Business Practice Standards as condition of the business relationship. All vendors are responsible for checking their suppliers and making regular visits to their facilities. SFA at any time can ask a vendor to confirm this is being done on a regular basis. Acceptable Social Compliance Audit reports submitted by an approved selected and certified third party inspection service verifies that business partners in international locations are in compliance with acceptable practices. Requirements for Production Facilities All Vendors with active SFA purchase orders will be contacted to obtain additional information related to production location. Factories may be scheduled for social compliance audits by an approved third party inspection company. 25 APRIL 2015 If required by the Vendor, the Director of International Services for Saks will sign a Saks approved confidentiality agreement. However all information is considered completely confidential and is only shared if under legal demand. Factory Inspection Procedure Goal: Approval from the Social Compliance team 45-60 days in advance of shipping. Vendors are responsible for ensuring that all of its chosen production sites comply with local law and demonstrate acceptable business practices. This should be a primary concern when making sourcing decisions. All Vendor/Factories are required to complete a self-audit which will be provided by the Social Compliance team. It will then be determined and communicated if a full factory audit is required. The Vendor / factory will bear the cost of all factory audits, including any re-audit cost that may be required. If a full factory audit is required, it will be conducted well in advance of shipping but no less than 45 days in advance of the anticipated departure date. If the factory has already received an acceptable and detailed audit report from a certified and reputable auditing firm they may submit this for consideration. Subject to approval, a previous audit report may eliminate the need for an additional audit. Vendors who refuse to participate in this program are subject to review and exclusion as a SFA resource. No shipments will be approved without factory approval from the Social Compliance team. In the event of cancellation due to a critical audit failure, or failure to obtain factory approval from the Social Compliance team, SFA is not responsible for any costs that may have been incurred by the Vendor or factory, including but not limited to cost of finished merchandise, factory overhead related to cut, make or trim that may have been incurred. Collection of Merchandise Details Information not available on the purchase order is needed for U.S. Customs clearance. During this process we take the opportunity to collect necessary merchandise details, verify pricing and coordinate logistical support at the foreign location. This process will commence at the time the Buyer’s worksheet or purchase order is submitted and will be completed no later than 45 days prior to the anticipated ship date. Vendors will receive a recap sheet from the SFA ISD Vendor Compliance team indicating the terms of sale as indicated below and order details. If there are any discrepancies the Vendor must report them to International Services Vendor Compliance immediately or the terms will stand as communicated. Please be certain to review and respond to these very important details. It should be noted that shipments will not be approved for departure without a confirmed purchase order approved by the necessary Saks Fifth Avenue Executives and the necessary information in compliance with the applicable Federal Regulations of the U.S. Government. Verification of Terms of Sale Inco Terms establishes the cargo turnover point when SFA becomes responsible for the merchandise. Acceptable terms are: 26 APRIL 2015 • FCA Foreign Consolidator/Forwarders warehouse – Vendor delivers to the Saks selected freight agent (Vendor pays freight cost to agent’s facility) • Ex-Works – cargo is picked up by Saks selected freight agent (Saks pays all costs) Shipping Windows on the purchase order indicate when the merchandise is expected in our Distribution Centers. The start ship date is the first date that delivery is allowed. SFA’s ISD department will confirm the corresponding shipping windows from your international point in order to meet the Buyer’s requirements. First Cost reflects the cost that we will pay to the Vendor directly. It may be negotiated in local foreign currency or in U.S. Dollars. If applicable, any Vendor quoted rates of exchange will be requested for verification purposes. Country of Origin / Factory location is needed to determine special Customs handling that may be required. Additionally the factory name and address or MID number is required information on the commercial documentation needed for importing into the United States. SFA may also need to schedule a social compliance audit based on factory location. This information is completely confidential and secured. Production Records Saks Fifth Avenue expects all Vendors, contractors and subcontractors to maintain production records for all style numbers. Product Specifications for Classification Product information is collected using various tools for the convenience of our Vendors including the industry preferred “Wearing Apparel Detail Sheets” (found in Appendix) Vendor line sheets, catalogs, pictures or specification sheets. The primary requirements are listed below. Once the merchandise is properly classified you will be notified by International Vendor Compliance of the HTS # and additional document requirements that may be needed. If preliminary information changes during the product development cycle please advise your contact in the International department as soon as possible to avoid shipping delays. If your commercial documentation does not match this information shipment approval may be delayed unnecessarily. Item Description details identify the general category / nature of the item. For example: Women’s Woven Blouse. Material Content is needed to further detail the classification of the item for U.S. Customs. The percentage of each component is required (totaling 100%) including details regarding any materials that are made of scales, feathers, shell, seeds, fur or skins as special clearances and documentation is needed. For example: 80% Rayon 20% Silk with Mother of Pearl buttons Item Construction defines the final details for classification utilizing product specifications, description and content to select the Harmonized Tariff Number. 27 APRIL 2015 Other Government Agencies control entry and release of certain product types. They require more detailed information and different handling. These shipments must be released from these Agencies prior to Customs entry during the import process. These agencies include: • • • • Food & Drug Administration ( food, cosmetics, sunscreens, skin altering products) Fish & Wildlife Service Department of Agriculture Consumer Product Safety Goods eligible for GSP or special treatment due to a trade or preference agreement with the U.S. Government (i.e. NAFTA) should be identified by the Vendor. The appropriate documentation / filing to be eligible for preferential treatment must be provided by the Vendor in order to reduce the cost of duty (if applicable). At time of pre-class, any vendor that might be eligible for special provisions will receive a form that applies. For all GSP eligible vendors a “Form A” will be sent and expected to be returned complete along with their commercial documents at time of shipping. There will be additional information in the “Commercial Documentation” section of this Manual. Line Release Details Information related to the anticipated timing and specific items to be released is needed to expedite shipments through the international supply chain. Please copy your contact in the International Department on correspondence with Buyers relative to this subject. Also expect to hear from our group regarding this subject as the start ship date approaches. Saks Direct – Photo Samples Matching Merchandise Shipped Delivering exactly what is advertised on is paramount to servicing our customers and maintaining a quality shopping experience. Often it is a specific detail that entices the customer to purchase your product; a unique button, contrast stitching, a belt. As such, when the product in hand is even slightly different from the one seen on, our customers return the product saying, “This is not what I ordered from”. To set the standard, Saks expects advertising samples to be provided to the buying office as per the agreed specified date. If any change is made to the product, your company must immediately notify the Saks Direct Buyer and supply him/her with a corrected sample. Special Purchase Order Arrangements Trunk Shows Trunk show merchandise may be carried in or shipped in by the vendor or vendor representative. If the merchandise is carried in then the vendor must take full responsibility for the merchandise. Once the merchandise is received in the store the Asset Protection Manager or Associate must review the merchandise and sign off on it. The buyer must create a purchase order for all pieces that are brought in by the vendor. Once the trunk show is over, the AP Manager or Associate must once again review the merchandise and sign off to ensure all pieces are accounted for whether they sold or not. If the merchandise is shipped in then SFA would be responsible for the merchandise. The buyer must create a PO for all pieces. If the goods are going direct to store then the buyer must obtain a direct to store authorization for the merchandise (see direct to store section). If items need to be returned then the Asset Protection Manager or Associate and/or vendor must contact the International Services Department for further instruction. 28 APRIL 2015 The merchandise must be booked into inventory in both scenarios. The merchandise can be returned to the vendor by way of hand carrying the merchandise back by the actual vendor/vendor representative or shipped back with the assistance of International Services Department. The Accounting department will do a manual debit memo for the items that do not sell and are being returned to the vendor. Fabric Purchase Orders The store associate will contact the appropriate buyer to inform them of the quantity of fabric needed. The buyer will then create a purchase order for the fabric. Once the fabric is ready to be shipped then the vendor would send International Services Department the commercial invoice to review. Once the invoice is reviewed and approved the vendor is given shipping instructions. If the fabric is to be shipped direct to store, then the buyer must get a direct to store authorization (see direct to store section) and give to vendor. This number must be reflected on the vendors commercial invoice. All fabric orders are subject to the same pre-class requirements as regular purchase orders. INTERNATIONAL FLOOR READY REQUIREMENTS 29 APRIL 2015 Floor Ready Requirements All merchandise must be “floor ready” when it is received to enable immediate placement on the selling floor or in making it available in our #689 Saks Direct on-line store. Exemptions must be approved and are not automatically granted. Vendors who cannot comply must contact the International Services Department, Vendor Compliance team, as noted in the Directory. Specific ticket formats and detailed technical instructions are included in the Appendix. Frequently Asked Questions: • May I order tickets directly from the Saks Fifth Avenue Distribution Center in the United States? Vendors with “foreign” terms, meaning may order tickets directly from the Distribution Center, however these tickets must be declared on the commercial invoice as an assist. The vendor must add the following statement, “Tickets of US origin supplied by the importer.” The vendor will also need to add the following equation, “Ticket Value (.010) x Quantity = Total Ticket Value”. • May I call Avery for additional tickets if there is a change from the original purchase order which requires a re-print? Avery may not have the updated purchase order information in their system. Please contact Avery first then call your International Services contact for assistance if there is a problem. • What steps do I take if Avery does not have my order in their system? Please call Avery to resolve the issue, if further assistance is needed please call your International Services contact. 30 APRIL 2015 • What benefit is there for Vendors if they pre-ticket for Saks Fifth Avenue? The most efficient way to label or pre-ticket merchandise is after production, but before packaging or packing. This reduces the opportunity for errors, eliminates delays and costs related to duplication of effort. Merchandise that is floor ready is always given top priority in Saks Fifth Distribution Centers and Stores. Floor ready merchandise reduces the time taken to deliver goods to the selling floor and maximizes brand exposure. • If changes to the purchase order are made after the tickets have been ordered. How should the vendor proceed? Pack all items with tickets in their allocated cartons. Items without tickets should be packed by store also. The cartons that are not ticketed should be marked “NO TICKETS” along with the other required markings. Pre-ticketing Format & Placement Vendors may use UPC (Universal Product Code -A format) or EAN (European Article Number) marked with industry standard, quality, with scannable bar codes printed on Vendor generated tickets. Do not use both UPC and EAN formats. In the event that UPC or EAN cannot be used the IVC group should be notified during the new Vendor set up process so that arrangements for an acceptable style code can be made. In this manual UPC, EAN and SFA assigned codes are interchangeable depending on the approved method. Merchandise must be ticketed prior to arrival at our distribution facilities with our retail price as indicated on our purchase order or a manufacturer’s suggested retail price (MSRP). • th Saks Fifth Avenue OFF 5 Only – Your price tickets must indicate a “dual retail” meaning th th MRSP or “Value” retail plus the OFF 5 selling retail which is communicated by your OFF 5 th buying office. The MSRP or “value” retail should be listed ABOVE the OFF 5 retail price. Place the retail price adjacent to the UPC code. This provides our associates a convenient way to verify pricing when they ring the item on POS. Include product ID (Vendor style # or PID) and merchandise color name on all retail tickets. If your merchandise is sized, please include this on your UPC ticket. If using UPC/EAN ensure that the PID/color/size on the Inovis Catalogue exactly matches the information that is used on all other materials including the UPC/EAN retail ticket. Off-price or closeout assortments must include a UPC, style/Product ID (PID), size, and retail price. The UPC and product ID must be unique, so it can be easily identified from any regular merchandise. Boxed merchandise that can be sold in or out of the packaging must be ticketed with UPC and price both on the item and on the box. If you are unable to double ticket, then please provide “piggy back” (double stick) tickets so we can re-apply them to the item easily. Note the exception for OFF 5TH shoes: Footwear for OFF 5TH must be ticketed with dual retail UPC/EAN or SKU tickets on the bottom of the right shoe. 31 APRIL 2015 Where your merchandise will be sold as either a set or individually, please provide both the “each” UPC and the set UPC. Affix the set UPC on the outside of the package and the “each” UPC on the individual item. If your merchandise is sold in two different departments at Saks Fifth Avenue (e.g. sunglasses) you must assign unique UPC codes to prevent inventory shortage issues. Your UPC catalog PID description should also clearly state these differences. Create and affix your UPC/EAN tickets securely to your merchandise, following the “Ticket Placement International Vendor Standards Manual lines” found in this manual. If you are using a hang tag UPC ticket, use a plastic swift-attach to secure the UPC ticket to the merchandise. If you have questions on placement, please refer to the Ticket Placement International Vendor Standards Manual lines found in the Appendix. Ticketing Outsource Services & Procedure If you are unable to produce tickets in-house, and you are producing in Asia, please use the Saks providers found in the Appendix. Our ticket providers are established in many international locations for your convenience. Currently SFA does not have a ticket provider for regions outside of Asia, so if you are manufacturing in a location other than Asia, tickets will be produced and sent from our Aberdeen Maryland facility. International Vendors may not independently order tickets from the SFA Distribution facility. Your International Services Representative will coordinate your ticket needs. Order details will be confirmed with you 45 – 60 days in advance to ensure that accurate tickets are printed. Please review the “Ticketing Confirmation Recap” below. Ticketing Confirmation Recap: Should your company choose to become one of our vendors, we will require you to pre-ticket your merchandise. Once a Purchase Order reaches a date threshold (generally thirty to forty days, although it is dependent upon when the buyer uploads the PO into our system. Avery is also capable of assisting you with production of garment labels, hangtags, shipping & carton (or any) bar code labels. All Vendors are responsible to establish payment terms and relationships with the nearest Avery office contact in Asia. SFA is not responsible for these ticket costs. Avery Dennison and their affiliates are our current providers for tickets in Asia and have been provided the Saks format, paper specifications and artwork for a quick turn-around. Steps: • • • • • • • • Buyer places order in the SFA purchase order system From the Vendor’s system profile, the order details are marked to be electronically sent to Avery The next day Avery will receive the order details Vendor plans production and determines ticket ordering date. The most efficient and cost effective way to label or pre-ticket is after production but before packaging or packing. Vendor must establish credit terms with local Avery office completing Avery’s “Account Opening Agreement and Credit Application” (found in the Appendix) in order to open an account. This must be done at least 2 weeks before tickets are ordered if a timely delivery is expected. Vendor places order for tickets with Avery, using the “Saks Fifth Avenue Pre-Ticket Request Form” (found in Appendix) timing delivery before final production stages. Avery produces tickets and sends to Vendor Vendor verifies all ticket information to Buyers order completing quality control check for style, color, size, MSRP and retail 32 APRIL 2015 The ticket company will provide a proof of the ticket for your approval; if you are a new international Vendor you may provide this proof to the international department for verification. The most common challenge is purchase order changes that occur after the tickets have already been printed. Please proceed as follows: • • • Pack all items with tickets in their allocated cartons Items without tickets should be packed by store also. The cartons that are not ticketed should be marked “NO TICKETS” along with the other required markings. Hangers All merchandise displayed hanging on our selling floor must be shipped to us on a SFA approved Floor Ready hanger, inserted in each garment and then flat packed into a conveyable carton or hanger pack to prevent wrinkling. (Please refer to the General Packing Instructions and SFA Hanger Program chart in the Appendix) • If merchandise is purchased in a store captive* department, it will be necessary to ship on a hanger to facilitate handling and stockroom storage. Currently Saks Fifth Avenue Men’s & Women’s full line departments are captive and can be shipped on any appropriate hanger. *The Saks Fifth Avenue Buyer will communicate to you if you are a part of the ‘store captive’ hanger program. Garment Labeling Saks Fifth Avenue Sewn in Woven Labels If a Saks Fifth Avenue Sewn in Woven Labels is required the Buyer will communicate instruction to the Vendor. It is the Vendor’s responsibility to obtain and bear the cost of these labels. All SFA labels must be produced based on our specification using SFA preferred resources. Do not ship without these labels. Failure to use the appropriate label will result in a handling charge against the Vendor for extra handling or administrative expense incurred. There is no formal placement International Vendor Standards Manual for Full-Line merchandise. We expect Vendors to adhere to Federal and State regulations as well as current industry standards. Fur Labeling Act Due to current legislation that has been passed or is pending, Saks Fifth Avenue, Saks Fifth Avenue Off5th and Saks Direct require that Vendors label all applicable merchandise accurately. Effective March 1, 2011 all applicable merchandise must be labeled correctly as “real fur” or “faux fur”, regardless of the final destination point and regardless of the amount or value of the fur in each garment or of the manufacturer’s selling price. Permanent labels detailing exact content are preferred. 33 APRIL 2015 These labeling requirements extend to all product garments and accessories, in addition to shoes and handbags. Fur garments and accessories include Men’s, Women’s, Children’s Outwear, scarves, shawls, gloves and hats. As stipulated in Saks Fifth Avenue’s Purchase Order Terms and Conditions, it is a Vendor’s responsibility to learn and follow all applicable federal and state laws. Saks maintains the right to either a) keep or chargeback or b) return all mislabeled merchandise. The details below are provided for informational purposes only and should not be construed as legal advice on a specific requirement. Kindly contact your legal counsel for specific instruction. In reference to the Act, a Fur Product Label must include but is not limited to the following: Identification Animal name as provided in the Federal Trade Commission’s Fur Products Name Guide Name or RN number of the manufacturer, importer or seller Country of Origin for imported fur NOTE: Even if the adjective form of the country name is used with the name, the COO must be stated separately. (i.e. Name: Australian Opossum COO: Australia) Composition Identify treatments (if the fur is pointed, dyed, bleached, artificially colored. If no treatments apply, it should be labeled “Natural” Identify composition (if the fur is composed in whole or more than 10% is of pieces Identify status if used or damaged fur Identify textile or wool components content, country of origin and manufacturer of the textile or wool NOTE: As of Fall 2012, Saks no longer accepts products containing Asiatic Raccoon fur sourced from China. However, Saks will continue to accept products containing Asiatic Raccoon fur sourced from Finland. Specifications Size: minimum 1 ¾ x 2 ¾ inches or 4.5 cm x 7 cm Durability: The tags, labels or cards attached to the product should be affixed so as to remain in place until delivery to the end-consumer Lettering: no smaller then pica or 12 point type with all letters of equal size Order of information: treatment, name of the animal, composition, country of origin, RN number or manufacturer name 34 APRIL 2015 INTERNATIONAL PACKING, MARKING & LABELING 35 APRIL 2015 International Packing, Marking & Labeling All merchandise should be properly prepared, documented and packaged for efficient and prompt handling. By following SFA instruction you will reduce delays related to distribution, logistical and Customs issues. There are several shipment types including but not limited to: • • • • • • Merchandise for resale Samples (not for resale) Visual merchandising items Trunk shows / Store Events Catalogs / Documents Repairs & Alterations Although there is a slight variance in handling for articles that are not for resale, all require the proper marking, approval prior to shipping by SFA’s International Services and accurate commercial documents. Packing Instructions Merchandise will be prepared for shipment in a manner that is in accordance with this International Vendor Standards Manual and is adequate to ensure safe arrival of the merchandise to its designated destination. Packing Merchandise Requiring Other Government Agency Clearances If your products have been identified as requiring additional clearances from other government agencies as well as Customs you may NOT comingle it during the packing process with regular merchandise. 36 APRIL 2015 These goods must be invoiced, packed and shipped separately to avoid delays for goods that may clear Customs more promptly. Packing Merchandise in Accordance with the Store Allocation on the Purchase Order All merchandise must be packed as directed in the purchase order’s store allocation details. Items may be comingled only if they are NOT subject to special Customs clearance handling i.e. Quota/Visa, or other government agency Packing List Distribution The original packing list must be submitted with the commercial documents when the cargo is received by them. A copy of the packing list must be placed inside of the lead carton (or #1 carton) for every invoice that is submitted. For Packing List format instruction please see the section “International Commercial Document Requirements”. Carton Specifications • All merchandise must be packed into conveyable carton and securely sealed. • Cartons may be opened for handling by our distribution centers. Ensure merchandise is packaged properly so that cartons can be resealed. • Carton strength must be adequate to prevent crushing or damage during transit. • Select a carton that fits the product. Allow ¼” below the top and 1/8” from the sides. Hangers must fit squarely in the carton, not at an angle. • Carton size minimum/maximum DIMENSION Length Width Height Weight MINIMUM 9” 9” 4” 5 lb. MAXIMUM 36” 24” 30” 70 lb. • Cartons must be taped closed. Do not use bands, string, or straps. • Do not over-pack or under-pack a carton. • For Master Packed Carton Shipments: o All inner packages or “master-packs” should be of shippable cardboard. o Cartons must be clearly marked “MASTER PACKED” o All cartons inside must be labeled with a store & PO number. Wrinkle Prevention • Cover each garment with a clear, clean polyethylene (dry cleaning) bag to prevent soiling or wrinkling. (This is not required unless you have concerns about soiling or the fabric has wrinkling characteristics.) Note: All polybags are required to have the following safety warning. This text should be clearly printed on the bag in a visible location and be smudge-proof. WARNING: TO AVOID DANGER OF SUFFOCATION, KEEP THIS PLASTIC BAG AWAY FROM BABIES AND CHILDREN. DO NOT USE THIS BAG IN CRIBS, CARRIAGES OR PLAYPENS. THIS BAG IS NOT A TOY. 37 APRIL 2015 • Do not over pack. • Place tissue or cardboard between the layers of merchandise if necessary to prevent crushing and shifting of the contents. • Pack garments flat in cartons (on an SFA approved hanger if presented hanging on our selling floor.) If they must be folded, keep the folds to a minimum. • To prevent excess bulk and prevent shifting, bundle hangers with string or rubber bands (not tape or wire) and alternate the way you position the merchandise. • Assist the shipper by identifying cartons with “Do Not Crush” or “This End Up” if the merchandise inside is easily crushed or wrinkled. Shipping on Pallets Vendor’s who elect to ship on pallets, will be responsible for any concealed shortage. • Palletize by purchase order, by store. If the carton count per store is insufficient to build a complete pallet, you may combine multiple stores but be certain to keep cartons for the same store together. • In addition to carton marking each pallet must be labeled as follows: TH 1. Saks Fifth Avenue operating company name/address (i.e. Saks Fifth Avenue, OFF 5 ) 2. Purchase order number 3. Department number 4. Store number and abbreviation 5. Number of cartons contained within the pallet International Carton Labeling (Not EDI) • Carton labels must be positioned on the side of the carton, not the top or bottom. • Labels must be legible and easy to read • Pre-distributed (by store) shipment required information: 1. Vendor name/address 2. Saks Fifth Avenue operating company name/address (i.e., Saks Fifth Avenue, OFF 5TH) 3. Saks Fifth Avenue purchase order number 4. Saks Fifth Avenue department number 5. Saks Fifth Avenue designated store number and store abbreviation 6. Cartons must be identified in the following manner: Carton 1 of ____, Carton 2 of____, Carton 3 of ___ and so on and so forth. 38 APRIL 2015 • Main Carton Marking printed 2 side: Ship To: Saks Fifth Avenue DC Address: PO #: Style: Dept: Store#/Alpha Code : Vendor: Carton No: Made In: Below is an example: Main Carton Marking printed 2 side: Ship To: Saks Fifth Avenue DC Address: PO #: Style: Dept: Store#/Alpha Code: Vendor: Carton No: Made In: 39 APRIL 2015 All required purchase order and store numbers on labels must be clearly separated from numbers which internal to vendor processing and must be at least as as those numbers. • Side Carton Marking printed 2 side: are large Post-distributed (bulk) shipment required information: 1. Vendor name/address 2. Saks Fifth Avenue operating company name/address (i.e., Saks Fifth Avenue, OFF 5TH) 3. Saks Fifth Avenue Purchase order number 4. Saks Fifth Avenue Department number 5. Style, color, size PO: Style: Color: Size/Qty: DC Name: N.W. : kgs G.W. : kgs Measurement: x x cm All required purchase order and store numbers on labels must be clearly separated from numbers which internal to vendor processing and must be at least at as those numbers. are large The outside of each carton must be properly marked with metric weight and measure: o o o Gross weight Net weight Carton Dimensions Effective January 1, 2011, Saks Fifth Avenue no longer considers GOH shipments an acceptable practice of receiving merchandise. To note that GOH(Garment on Hanger) is a method of shipping merchandise between destination points WITHOUT using cartons or carton hanger packs. GOH merchandise is shipped in special trucks that usually have a trolley or rope system on which the individual, loose items are hung. 40 APRIL 2015 Marking Instructions The information provided below is a general overview of Federal marking requirements. As such, we highly recommend that each of our business partners review the websites listed at the bottom of this section as well as seek professional legal advice regarding any specific requirement. Country of Origin Marking: Imported products must identify the country where they were processed or manufactured. The name of the country must be in English. Abbreviations close to the English version (example: Italie for Italy) can be used if they unmistakably identify the country. Garments covering the upper torso such as shirts, blouses, coats, sweaters, dresses and similar apparel: Country of origin marking must be placed on the inside center of the neck midway between the shoulder seams or in that immediate area. Garments covering the lower part of the body such as trousers, jeans and similar wearing apparel : Must be marked by means of a permanent label affixed in a conspicuous location on the garment, such as the inside of the waistband. This would apply to shorts, skirts and similar garments as well. Special marking rules exist for reversible garments, two or three piece suits, neckties, silk scarves and other specific situations. Federal Trade Commission In general, most clothing and textile products commonly used in a household are covered by the labeling requirements. These items include (but are not limited to) clothing, handkerchiefs, scarves, tablecloths, and floor coverings. In general, labels must be in English, legible, and the letters must be of equal size. The labels with required information must be securely attached to the product until it is delivered to the consumer. Fiber Content Labeling If your product is covered by the Textile or Wool Act and Rules, it must be labeled to show the fiber content. The generic fiber names and percentages by weight of each constituent fiber must be listed in descending order of predominance. In general, you may name only the fibers that comprise five percent or more of the fiber weight. Fibers of less than five percent should be disclosed as “other fiber” or “other fibers,” as the case may be, and not by their generic name or fiber trademark. Exceptions to the five percent rule: (1) Wool or recycled wool must always be disclosed by name and percentage weight, even if it is less than five percent of the product. (2) You may state the name and percentage of a fiber that is less than five percent of the product, if the fiber has a definite functional significance at that amount. Wool Act 41 APRIL 2015 Most products that contain any amount of wool including clothing, blankets, fabrics, yarns, and other items are covered by the Wool Act and Wool Rules. Wool or recycled wool must always be disclosed by name and percentage weight, even if it is less than five percent of the product. Products exempt from the Textile Act and Rules — such as hats and slippers — are covered by the Wool Act and Rules if they contain any wool. Products not covered even if they contain wool: Carpets, rugs, mats (however, these items are covered by the Textile Act and Rules) Upholsteries Wool products made for export Cotton Act The fiber content statement must list the generic name of each fiber that equals 5 percent or more of the product's weight, in order of predominance, and the percentage of the product's weight represented by each fiber. o Ex:"85% Cotton, 15% Polyester." Fibers that are less than 5% of the weight should be listed as "other fiber[s]." The fiber content statement may include the name of a type of cotton, cotton trademark, or a term that implies the presence of a type of cotton, as long as it's not deceptive. o Ex: 85% Egyptian Cotton, 15% Silk. You must use type of the same size and conspicuousness for the required fiber content information. The type must be reasonably easy to read. Care Label Products subject to the care labeling rules: o Textile apparel worn to cover or protect the body. o Piece goods sold for making apparel at home Products exempt from the care labeling rules: o Shoes, gloves, and hats o Handkerchiefs, belts, suspenders, and neckties General Overview: o Provide complete instructions about regular care for the garment, or provide warnings if the garment cannot be cleaned without harm. o Ensure that care labeling instructions, if followed, will cause no substantial harm to the product. o Warn consumers about certain procedures that they may assume to be consistent with the instructions on the label but that would harm the product. For example, if a pair of pants is labeled for washing, consumers may assume they can iron them. If the pants would be harmed by ironing, the label should read, “Do not iron.” o Ensure that care labels remain attached and legible throughout the useful life of the product. Clothing Labeling: Labels must be attached so they can be seen or easily found by consumers at the point of sale. If labels can’t be seen easily because of packaging, additional care information must appear on the outside of the package or on a hangtag attached to the product. Labels must be attached permanently and securely and be legible during the useful life of the garment 42 APRIL 2015 Please kindly review the following websites for more details on marking and labeling: 43 APRIL 2015 INTERNATIONAL COMMERCIAL DOCUMENTATION & SPECIAL HANDLING 44 APRIL 2015 International Commercial Documentation & Special Handling Requirements Correct & accurate commercial documentation will facilitate reaching SFA’s “first to market” goal. Please use the information provided by the International Services department to prepare them. If for some reason you cannot comply with the instructions provided, please call your contact in the International Vendor Compliance team. Once commercial documents are ready but PRIOR to turn over to the freight agent, Vendors must submit their documents with a request for approval to ship. The documents must be submitted 5 days in advance of cargo delivery to the pre-determined Saks FCA point or pick up from the EXW point. All requests should be forwarded to the International Services Department – International Operations team: In order to be approved the e-mail request must be accompanied by scanned attachments of ALL required commercial documents. If documents are received by 2:00 p.m. (14:00) EST and there are no discrepancies you may receive approval the same day. If the documents do contain discrepancies you may receive an email notice same day identifying the required changes. The Operations team will reply no later than 24 hours of receipt if everything is in order with a Letter of Instruction (example may be found in the Appendix). Commercial Document Format Commercial Invoice for Merchandise Offered for Re-Sale Samples of commercial invoices may be found in the Appendix for your reference. Vendors must issue one commercial invoice for each purchase order, destination delivery point and shipment. In these circumstances separate invoices are required; do not combine the following on one invoice: • • • • • More than one purchase order More than one shipment departing at different times More than one delivery point More than one export point Merchandise that is subject to other government agency clearances 45 APRIL 2015 • Merchandise requiring Quota/Visa Although the packing list must be broken down by store, the commercial invoice must reflect a total of each style or style/color shipped. Commercial invoices should not be broken down by store allocation. The only exception would be if a style has different costs due to up charges for color, size or material composition or an approved direct to store authorization. Saks reserves the right to request industry-used “Wearing Apparel Detail Sheets” or “Interim Footwear Invoice” to better define the classification for U.S. Customs. Samples of these documents are included in the Appendix. The following information must be included on every commercial invoice which must be signed by the seller, and must be in English: Invoice header: • Invoice number, invoice date, terms of sale & shipping point and the Saks issued Vendor number • Complete name and address of the Vendor, which must match the name on the purchase order • Saks complete purchase order number, department number • Sold to party should always be listed as Saks & Company DBA Saks Fifth Avenue / 500 Hickory Drive / Aberdeen, MD 21001 • Ship to name and address (as instructed by Buyer and/or Division) Full Line: Saks & Company DBA Saks Fifth Avenue c/o Wilkes Barre, PA Distribution Center/ Lord & Taylor DC 82S / 250 Highland Park Blvd. / Wilkes Barre, PA 18702 Saks Direct: Saks & Company DBA Saks Fifth Avenue LaVergne Distribution Center, 1 Walden Books, LaVergne, TN 37086 Saks Off Fifth: Saks & Company DBA Saks Off5th Fifth Avenue c/o Wilkes Barre, PA Distribution Center/ Lord & Taylor DC 82-S / 250 Highland Park Blvd. / Wilkes Barre, PA 18702 It should be noted that shipments may not be directed to stores without special permissions, so please note the instructions in the section below and contact your International Services Representative for assistance in advance. Invoice details: • Style Info: Style number, description, total units shipped for that style, unit price, currency indicator (Euros, British pound)and total cost by style First cost specifics: Certain HTS classifications require a breakdown of component parts. Textiles require: o o o • Weight Percentage by weight of each fiber for each product Percentages must total 100% to be valid Any discount(s) applied must be listed as a separate line item on the commercial invoice. This means that the first cost per style, extended first cost per style, as well as a Grand Total MUST appear on the commercial invoice without consideration of a discount. The discounted amount and/or percentage per style should be noted in a separate column. 46 APRIL 2015 Some products are required to list component parts and their related cost listed on the commercial invoice i.e watches / clocks, which must total the unit first cost. If the item is being returned to Saks after being repaired or altered the total first cost of the item must be declared on the commercial invoice along with the total cost of the repair. Contact your International Services Representative for guidance in advance. All items that are “free of charge” must have a commercial value reflected on the commercial invoice for declaration with a notation “for Customs purposes only”. Any charges that are not a part of the first cost, but that will be paid by Saks must separately be declared on the commercial invoice with a description and a value. Examples of these charges would be: o o o o o • • • • Dies, molds, tools Engineering or design work Components or materials of foreign supply at less than fair market value or free (i.e. hangers, labels, or other items supplied by Saks for use in/on the garment) Woven Labels Tickets Manufacturer: Complete name and address of the manufacturer and/or US Customs approved manufacturer’s Identification (MID) number for each style (if only one for the entire invoice, is not required by style, but must be listed in the body of the invoice) Country of origin: of each style (if only one for the entire invoice, is not required by style, but must be listed in the body of the invoice. HTS number: for each style that was provided by Saks International Services Metric weights: for total shipment covered by this invoice, include pieces, net & gross weights. Carton dimensions should also be included. Other specific instruction will be provided by the International Services Vendor Compliance team at the time of classification. Commercial Invoices & Requirements for Samples All sample shipments must follow the same shipment approval process as outlined in “Commercial Documentation Requirements” section of this manual. Shipments sent without prior to approval are subject to refusal. SFA will only pay for the freight and duty for samples meeting the following International Vendor Standards Manual Guidelines AND that are solicited by the merchandising departments: • • • • Contact International Operations for instruction prior to shipping If there is a purchase order follow any instruction indicated Commercial documents must be submitted to International Operations via, in the same manner as any other shipment and is subject to approval. A copy of the courier’s air waybill must also be included in the documents submitted. All samples shipped on the same day to the same delivery destination must be included in the same air waybill (unless requiring special clearances through other government agencies) o Shipments involving other government agency clearances must have separate commercial documents and be on separate air waybills 47 APRIL 2015 o • Consolidated sample shipments must include a list of Buyer and relevant department numbers in the request for approval of shipping release. The “Ship To” address should be listed as follows on the commercial documents and the air waybill: FULL LINE: Saks & Company DBA Saks Fifth Avenue Enterprises Attn: Buyer / Department # th 12 East 49 Street New York, NY 10017 OFF FIFTH: Saks & Company DBA Saks Off5th Fifth Avenue Enterprises Attn: Buyer / Department # th 362 9 Avenue New York, NY 10001 SAKS DIRECT (.COM) Saks & Company DBA Saks Fifth Avenue Enterprises th th 34 West 24 Street 8 Floor New York, NY 10010 • • • Please note the SFA employee name and relevant department number in the shipping address and on the air waybill Vendors must use the SFA designated courier service which will be provided once the commercial documents are approved by the International Services office Samples must be valued at the actual value for customs purposes. It is illegal to knowingly reduce value to avoid payment of duties to CBP. If the sample is mutilated according to rules found on the customs website, the value may be reduced. Please note that any invoice received for unmutilated samples with a reduced value will be held for correction prior to entry. Commercial Invoices & Requirements for Direct-To-Store Shipments All direct to store shipments MUST have an authorization number which is issued in advance of shipping. This number must be listed on your Commercial Invoice before shipping authorization will be given and must be referenced on the lead carton of the shipment. Contact International Vendor Compliance immediately if you do not have this number. Unless this authorization is provided in writing, in advance of shipping, SFA reserves the right to refuse payment to the Vendor. The merchandise will move directly from the Vendor to the SFA store, bypassing the SFA Distribution facility. It is very important that this merchandise meet floor ready standards or the benefit of expediting delivery to the store directly is lost. The purchase order related to the direct to store shipment must be specifically noted and approved by the appropriate DMM. The Vendor must contact their International Vendor Compliance contact in order to receive a final approve for direct to store shipping. The Vendor MAY NOT: • Use their own courier service • Bypass the approval process with SFA International Operations before shipping Commercial Invoices for Trunk Shows, Special Orders and Store Events 48 APRIL 2015 Merchandise ordered for Trunk Shows or other events have a specific delivery date that is not subject to change. If a shipment is for a specific event the event and the deadline date for delivery should be discussed with International Services well in advance to ensure on-time arrival. Please be certain to properly plan so that merchandise will avoid delays due to late shipping. Please be advised that consignment orders are not permitted transactions with foreign vendors. If for some reason the event date and requirements are not noted on the Buyer’s purchase order the Vendor should advise International Vendor Compliance during the pre-shipping conversations. In any case International Services must be notified of any special circumstances when submitting documents for shipping approval. The Vendor should follow “Commercial Invoices & Requirements for Direct-To-Store Shipments unless otherwise instructed by International Operations. The following are general rules for every Trunk Show: • Coordinate with International Services and the store ahead of time. Discuss special requests/needs. • Pre-ticket merchandise with the Saks Fifth Avenue selling price. • Send a courtesy email to the buying office detailing the store and date. • Allow Asset Protection to check merchandise into the store prior to the Trunk show. • Please be prepared to provide an invoice/recap by style, description & cost at the end of the show. • Allow Asset Protection to check merchandise out of the store after the Trunk show. • Saks Fifth Avenue is not liable for any merchandise left in the store during or after hours unless kept in a SFA locked safe. • Communicate comments/issues/problems with the buying office immediately so that it can be addressed. Commercial Invoices for Other Government Agency Clearances Detailed requirements for shipments that need special FWS handling will be communicated during the Preshipment process, however please find below a brief list of the most common possibilities. A more complete list is included in the Appendix. Fish & Wildlife products (feathers, fur, skins, scales, shells) Each Fish and Wildlife (FWS) product must include specific details in order to be released. Helpful information is provided on the FWS web page: Unlike U.S. Customs, FWS will immediately confiscate products that are not in compliance with their requirements, eliminating the possibility of exporting them back to the Vendor. Additionally SFA will be fined with the possibility of additional penalties. Saks Fifth Avenue will not assume any financial responsibility for merchandise that is not in compliance with the regulatory standards of the U.S. Government. If in fact a fine / penalty is assessed it will be deducted from the Vendors payment (both L/C and wires). The Vendor is responsible to understand and comply with all detailed regulatory requirements. Find below information related to FWS shipments. Please do not accept this as detailed instruction or legal advice and kindly seek a formal opinion from your legal counsel. • • FWS shipments may require a CITES document, if so the CITES permit number must also be declared on the commercial invoice. All FWS documentation must be for the account of Saks & Company 49 APRIL 2015 • • A stamp from the Ministry of Agriculture or the Cites Management Authority may be required FWS merchandise must identify specific information on the commercial invoice o Common name (in English) o Scientific name o Source of the animal species: Born in captivity Bred in captivity Originated from ranching operations Species take from the wild o Country of Origin (broad regions such as Asia or European Community are not acceptable) California In addition to the above, it is unlawful to possess with intent to sell, or to sell within the state of California, the dead body, or any part or product thereof, of any alligator, crocodile, polar bear, leopard, ocelot, tiger, cheetah, jaguar, sable antelope, wolf (Canis lupus), zebra, whale, cobra, python, sea turtle, colobus, monkey, kangaroo, vicuna, sea otter, free-roaming feral horse, dolphin or porpoise (Delphinidae), Spanish lynx, or elephant. Any purchase order containing parts of one or more animals from the above list and intended to be delivered to a store in California must be brought to the attention of the International Services Department immediately. PLEASE BE REMINDED THAT ALL FWS COMMODITIES MUST BE PACKED AND INVOICED SEPERATELY FROM NON FWS COMMODITIES. FURTHERMORE, ALL FWS COMMODITIES THAT REQUIRE CITES MUST BE PACKED SEPERATELY FROM NON FWS AND NON CITES FWS COMMODITIES. Consumer Product Safety The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) is charged with protecting the public from unreasonable risks of serious injury or death from thousands of types of consumer products. This mission has been further enhanced by the passage of the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act of 2007. . Overview The CPSC regulates a wide range of commodities. Saks Fifth Avenues expects the Vendor to understand and fully comply with all regulatory requirements including but not limited to the Flammable Fabrics Act, Federal Hazardous Substances Act as well as the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act of 2007 (CPSIA). Children’s Products The health and safety of all of our customers is of the utmost concern to Saks Fifth Avenue. Children’s products may be subject to a variety of tests due to the unique considerations needed to protect children from unnecessary choking, strangulation and lead poisoning hazards. It is therefore incumbent upon each Vendor to fully understand and comply with all safety standards. We strongly urge each Vendor to seek legal counsel when transacting in children’s products. Expectations Saks Fifth Avenue expects each Vendor to ensure their children’s products are tested by an accredited rd 3 party testing facility in accordance with the law. Any children’s product which fails required safety standard testing cannot be sold to Saks Fifth Avenue. Each Vendor is responsible for maintaining record of all safety standard testing for a minimum of 5 years. 50 APRIL 2015 Saks Fifth Avenue reserves the right to request test certificates and related information in order to ensure compliance with safety standard regulations. U. S. Department of Agriculture – Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) The Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) is a division of the U.S. Depart of Agriculture (USDA). The goal for APHIS is to safeguard the health of animals, plants and ecosystems in the United States and foster safe agricultural trade worldwide, resulting in abundant and affordable agricultural products for U.S. consumers and the rest of the world. USDA-APHIS most notably regulates Wood Packaging Material as well as the Lacey Act. Wood Packing Materials Wood packaging material is defined as "hardwood and softwood packaging other than that comprised wholly of wood-based products such as plywood, particle board, oriented strand board, veneer, wood wool, etc., which has been created using glue, heat, and pressure or a combination thereof used in supporting, protecting or carrying a commodity (includes dunnage)." Examples of WPM includes but not limited to pallets, skids, pallet collars, containers, cratings/crates, boxes, cases, bins, reels, drums, load boards, dunnage. Wood Packaging Materials must be either be heat treated or fumigated with Methyl Bromide and properly marked as such prior to exportation. There are a few exemptions: Manufactured wood materials such as fiber board, plywood, whisky and wine barrels, polywood, strandboard, and veneer, Pieces of wood that are less than 6 mm (0.24 in) in any dimension, Sawdust, wood wool, and wood shavings, produced as a result of sawing or shaving wood into small, slender, and curved pieces less than 6 mm in any dimension,. Lacey Act The Lacey Act combats trafficking in “illegal” wildlife, fish, and plants. The focus of USDA-APHIS is on the plant and plant products portion of the legislation. The Lacey Act makes it unlawful, beginning December 15, 2008, to import certain plants and plant products without an import declaration. The import declaration requirement is being implemented in phases. Saks Fifth Avenue expects the Vendor to be aware of the phases of implementation and its production schedule so that the appropriate declaration details can be supplied to the International Services Department at the time of preclassification. The declaration must contain, among other things, the scientific name of the plant, value of the importation, quantity of the plant, and name of the country from where the plant was harvested. For paper and paperboard products containing recycled content, the declaration also must include the average percent of recycled content without regard for species or country of harvest. The Federal Trade Commission: Bamboo and Eco-Friendly Advertising The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) seeks to prevent product mislabeling in the U.S. marketplace. 51 APRIL 2015 The Commission has authority to bring law enforcement actions against false or misleading marketing claims, including environmental or “green marketing claims”. As a valued SFA business partner, you must ensure that your products comply with all Federal and local statutes including the Federal Trade Commission Act. What are the rules concerning textile products made from Bamboo? The FTC has expressed concerns regarding the mislabeling of textile products made from Bamboo when they are actually made of manufactured rayon fiber. If a product is made of manufactured fiber for which bamboo was the source plant, it should be labeled/advertised using the proper generic name for the fiber, such as “rayon”. What are the guidelines for making Eco-friendly advertising? Any hang tags, labels and/or packaging containing expressed or implied statements about a product must be substantiated through professional and accepted methods of testing. Advertising materials should specify whether the environmental statements apply to the product, packaging or just a component of the product. The statements should be clear and understandable. Environmental advertising materials should not exaggerate the attributes or benefits. For example, if a product was advertised as having “50% more recycled content” because it went from 2% recycled content to 3% recycled content, this would give the consumer the false impression that the recycled content of the product was substantially increased. Comparative claims should be clear in order to avoid consumer confusion. For example, ambiguous statements such as “50% more recycled content” should be avoided as the basis for the comparison is unclear. Broad claims such as “environmentally friendly” and “biodegradable” should be avoided. What is my role as an SFA Business Partner? As a valued SFA business partner, it is your responsibility to provide Saks with products that comply with all federal and local statutes. The FTC website contains a wealth of information on Bamboo, Eco-friendly claims as well as other FTC regulated topics: As always, we recommend that our business partners seek legal counsel for specific instructions. U.S. Federal Drug Administration The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is the governing body responsible for ensuring the safety of foods, human and veterinary drugs, biological products, medical devices, cosmetics and electronic products that emit radiation. FDA also ensures that these products are honestly, accurately and informatively represented to the public. Examples of the products regulated by the FDA are: Cosmetics 52 APRIL 2015 Dinnerware Drinking Glasses Food Containers Cookware Food (except meat and poultry – see USDA) Sunglasses/Eyewear Drugs The FD&C Act defines drugs in part as “articles (other than food) intended to affect the structure or any function of the body of man or other animals”. Drugs companies must register with the FDA in order to obtain Facility Registration Number. Drug products require a National Drug Code (NDC) issued by FDA. Articles with references to “sunscreen” or similar sun protection terminology in the labeling of a product causes the product to be subject to regulation as a drug. It is important to note that claims about a product made either on the label and/or advertising media such as a Vendor’s internet website can cause a product to be regulated as a drug. The NDC number and Foreign Manufacturer’s Facility Registration Number for products classifiable as a Drug must be provided to the International Services Department during pre-classification and must appear on all commercial documentation. Sunglasses/Eyewear Sunglasses and reading glasses are considered “medical devices” by the FDA. Owners or operators of places of business that are involved in the production and distribution of medical devices intended for use in the U.S. are required to register annually with the FDA. This process is known as establishment registration. Sunglasses and eyewear are subject to testing including the “drop ball test”. Passing test certificates as well as the vendor/manufacturer’s FDA establishment registration number must be supplied to the International Services Department prior to export. Other Commercial Documents Packing Lists Samples of packing lists may be found in the Appendix for your reference. The following information must be included on every packing list: • Complete Saks purchase order number • Corresponding invoice number • Individual carton breakdown including: o Carton # the style is located in o Carton number o Store number o Style o Color o Size • Total metric weight and measure plus a breakdown by carton of: o Gross weight o Net weight o Dimensions 53 APRIL 2015 Additional Documents Some commodities require specialized documentation, which will be discussed at the time of classification. International Services reserves the right to require detail sheets with specific information to clarify merchandise classification or for submission to Customs. Please find below a partial list of the most common forms requested, however this should not be considered a complete list: • • • • • Watches / clocks – SFA Watches and Clocks Classification Sheet must be completed and signed by an authorized Vendor employee Returns / Repairs - Repaired Goods Declaration Footwear – Interim Footwear Declaration Quota / Visa – although phasing out, some Visas are still required based on commodity and country of origin NAFTA/TPL Certificates Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) and other preferential duty programs Documentation At the time of classification any preferential duty treatments such as NAFTA, CAFTA, CAFTA-DR, etc…and/or special handling should be identified. Specific documentation requirements will be discussed at this time. Government Agency Websites As stated previously, all Vendors are responsible to understand and comply to U.S. regulations. For your convenience we are providing the addresses to some websites which you may find useful. Please be advised that this is an abbreviated list and is provided for informational purposes only. It should not be construed as a detailed list or as legal advice: U.S. Customs and Border Protection: The U.S. CBP website contains general import related information. U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission: The CPSC website contains safety related information form products including textiles and children’s toys. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services: The FWS website contains information related to the trade of various wildlife. U.S. Food and Drug Administration: The FDA website contains information regarding food, cosmetics, and medical devices. U.S. Department of Agriculture: The USDA website contains information related to international trade in various agricultural products such as plants, feathers as well meat and poultry. Federal Trade Commission: The FTC website contains information related the proper labeling of products such as textiles. 54 APRIL 2015 Federal Communications Commission The FCC website contains information for various communications products such as radios and televisions. Dispensation of Commercial Documents All documents must be prepared in triplicate and surrendered to the Freight Forwarder/Consolidator. The logistics provider will dispatch as follows: • Original set – U.S. Customs Broker • Copy set – Travel with shipment • Copy set – Retained by logistics provider A full copy set of all required documentation will be sent directly from the Vendor to SFA’s International Operations team for approval prior to surrender to the logistics provider which will serve as their file copy. If a Buying Agent is involved, a copy set of all required documents will be sent to them directly by the Vendor during the document approval stage. The Agent should always receive a copy set of all documents, including corrections and updates. 55 APRIL 2015 INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING & DELIVERY Shipping & Delivery General Shipping Requirements All shipments must be approved for departure by Saks Fifth Avenue’s International Services department. International Operations will audit all commercial documents submitted and respond to all requests within in 24 hours of receipt. Often the requests are approved the same day, provided all information is accurate and in compliance. 56 APRIL 2015 Attached to the shipment approval provided to the Vendor, there will be shipping instructions including the freight agent to be contacted for pick up and the service. The Vendor is not to deviate from the instructions and is obligated to contact the freight agent the same day of the approval provided that the cargo is ready for pick up. The freight agent is obligated to pick up the cargo the next day, but exceptions are granted depending on the cargo location. The Vendor should contact the SFA Import Operations department immediately if the freight agent is not performing their duties as noted in the instruction. If the Vendor does not have the cargo ready at the time that the commercial documents are approved, the expected ‘ready’ date should be communicated to SFA for planning purposes. If the cargo will not be ready within the next 5 days the Vendor is required to resubmit the documents with an updated invoice date at the time of completion. Concealed Shortages Due to security concerns most cargo is picked up at the vendor’s facility shrink-wrapped and on pallets. When picked up at the vendor’s facility the freight agent will inspect the wrap to verify security and note any exceptions. Upon arrival at the freight agent’s facility it is required by SFA that the agent breakdown the cargo, count the boxes and inspect for any damage or potential evidence of pilferage. The vendor will be responsible for any shortages that may result from identified incidents of tampering at the time of receipt. Shipping Windows The Vendor shall deliver or make the cargo available to SFA’s designated freight agents in strict accordance with the scheduled cancel dates and in the expected quantities on the Buyer’s purchase order. The vendor is not liable for delays of goods in transit provided that they have: • • • • Received approval to ship from SFA’s International department Used the designated freight agent Have used their best efforts to promptly make the cargo available to the freight agent for shipping Have delivered the cargo as designated on the Buyer’s purchase order Delayed and/or Early Cargo If shipping requests indicate that merchandise is shipping late compared to the requirements on the purchase order, and, at the discretion of Saks Fifth Avenue, orders may be; • • Extended with expedited delivery costs being absorbed by the Vendor Cancelled relieving Saks Fifth Avenue of any financial obligation for the undelivered portion of the order In the case of requests for shipping earlier than designated in the shipping window, the Vendor may request consideration by sending an e-mail to the Saks Fifth Avenue International Vendor Compliance Department for coordination with the Buyer. Acceptance of any merchandise shipped before or after the specified ship dates is at SFA’s discretion and return of merchandise because of the vendor’s failure to deliver such merchandise on time, or the failure of the merchandise to conform with the specifications of the order, shall be without prior notification and/or the vendor’s authorization, at the vendor’s expense and charged to the Vendor’s account. 57 APRIL 2015 Direct to Store / Direct Door Shipments If the SFA buyer requests Direct to Store delivery, the vendor should contact the buying office to obtain a Direct to Store Authorization Number. This number must be on your Commercial Invoice at the time of shipment authorization as well as notated on the lead carton. If you are unable to obtain this number, please notify your International Vendor Compliance contact immediately. The only exceptions to this policy are pre-approved routing issued in writing from the Saks Fifth Avenue International Services office, typically for the following commodities; fine, fashion jewelry, perishable food merchandise, trunk show and special orders (including customer specific bridal gowns and accessories, personalized stationery, as well as made-to-measure merchandise – not stock orders). • The shipment MUST be received at the store by the date specified on the request submitted by the buying office or the Direct to Store authorization number will expire. • Direct to Store authorization numbers are valid per PO, on a ONE TIME shipment basis. Recycling or reusing an authorization number(s) is not allowed. Saks Direct – Direct to Store Shipments A Direct to Door shipment request for Saks Direct merchandise must be shipped to the LaVerge address listed on page 48. Procedure for Obtaining Direct to Store Authorization Numbers • Vendor submits request to the buying office with purchase order number and expected delivery date. This date is used to determine the appropriate level of service. • Buying office forwards request to the Logistics Administration Department for approval. • If approved, Logistics Administration requests and generates an authorization number at a Purchase Order/Store/Ship Date level. • Logistics Administration provides the buying office with the authorization number and effective date. The buying office provides the authorization number AND EFFECTIVE DATE to the vendor. The vendor is required to display the authorization number and the effective date on the invoice, packing lists, lead carton label and bill of lading. Please contact the International Vendor Compliance team for assistance with coordination and expediting this process. 58 APRIL 2015 INTERNATIONAL PAYMENT PROCESS 59 APRIL 2015 Terms, Payment Information & Returns Terms for Payment SFA will only pay for items that have been confirmed as received at the elected freight forwarders warehouse or vendors location depending on the terms of sale (ex-works or FCA). A Debit Memo will be issued for any shortages or substitutions, and will be deducted from the next payment. Vendors must submit a copy set of the commercial documents along the signed international transport document (house air waybill, forwarder’s cargo receipt) proving surrender to the designated SFA logistics provider in order to be paid. These documents should be sent to the mailbox. Proof of Delivery for Unpaid Invoices. To request payment on an unpaid invoice, the vendor must scan and email the Proof of Delivery (POD) along with the corresponding invoices to the mailbox. A valid POD is defined as a house air waybill or forwarders cargo receipt stamped and signed by an authorized representative of the SFA designated freight agent. We do accept a Bill of Lading signed by the carrier as a valid form of POD, as all cargo is shipped via our designated consolidator or forwarders. The POD must contain: 1. Purchase order number 2. Vendor invoice number 3. Carton count (if multiple orders, provide carton count by purchase order) 4. Saks Fifth Avenue operating company name/address (e.g., Saks Fifth Avenue, Saks OFF 5TH) 60 APRIL 2015 Payment methods. SFA will remit payments to international Vendors via Wire Transfers, check to US location or factor or Letters of Credit (Letters of Credit only applicable when SFA has given approval). Payment will be made 30 days after title has transferred, or the date cargo was received by our designated freight agent. EDI payments for international vendors is not allowed. Credit memos and balances. If credits are issued by the Vendor they must indicate the SFA Debit Memo number, order number or Vendor Return Authorization number to insure proper application. Vendor Credit Memos must be received within 30 days of the return, including specific unit and unit cost information along with the return of the damaged merchandise. Open credit balances will be deducted from the Vendor’s next payment. Credit memos should be sent to mailbox. Purchase order terms are outlined in this document. The International Vendor Standards Manual and the Purchase Order Agreement will govern all orders placed by SFA with Vendors. Acceptance of a Saks Fifth Avenue purchase order and/or shipment of goods to Saks Fifth Avenue binds the Vendor and its contractors to compliance with all SFA terms and conditions as mentioned above. Requests for prepayments must be routed through the SFA GMM and approved by the Chief Merchant and the Chief Executive Officer before being presented to International Finance. Requests will not be processed without prior written consent from designated SFA Executives. Terms and conditions – effect of additional or different terms. No additional terms or modifications proposed by Vendors shall be binding on Saks Fifth Avenue unless expressly agreed to, in writing, by an authorized representative of SFA. Change in the shipping mode or method may only be affected by SFA’s International Service Department in the form of a “Letter of Instruction”. This Letter shall reference the specific Purchase Order, and detail the carrier, ship mode, term of sale, or other details related to shipping. Any other changes, waivers, or additions to the terms and condition of this order shall bind SFA only if they are in writing via Change Order and signed by a duly authorized Buyer of SFA. SFA has the right and may make changes within the general scope of every purchase order by written order to alter: • • • • • Drawings, designs or specifications; Method of shipping or packing; Place of inspection, delivery, or acceptance; Quantities; Delivery schedule If any such change causes a decrease or increase in Vendor’s cost or in the time required for performance, an equitable adjustment in the price or delivery schedule will be made by the parties in writing. Any claim by Vendor for adjustment under this clause must be asserted in writing within the (10) days from the date of receipt by Vendor of the notice of change. SFA may act upon any such claim at any time prior to final payment under this order. Failure of the parties to agree upon adjustments to be made under this clause shall not excuse Vendor from proceeding with the order as changed. Assessment of Service Charges by Vendor. SFA shall not be under any obligation to pay all or any part of service charges assessed by the Vendor without the written consent of SFA. Right to offset. Any offsetting claim of SFA against the Vendor shall be deducted by SFA from the amount to the invoice at the time of payment where possible. 61 APRIL 2015 Received Not Ordered Saks Fifth Avenue purchase orders specify all styles, colors and sizes placed on order for each store. All vendors are expected to ship according to the issued and approved purchase order. Units, styles, colors, or sizes not listed as ‘on order’ for a specific store in the Saks Fifth Avenue PO system at the time of receipt are considered overages or substitutions, classified as Received Not Ordered. Received Not Ordered negatively impacts the open to buy process and makes it difficult to effectively manage the overall business. Various circumstances and changes may impact an initial order prior to shipping. Any changes to the order must be entered into the Saks Fifth Avenue system accordingly. Vendors must request a retransmission or reprint of the adjusted order to confirm that changes have been entered as agreed. Adherence to these guidelines ensures that Saks Fifth Avenue can provide our customer with the merchandise they want in the assortments they need. Please note that Saks Fifth Avenue reserves the right to refuse, return, or keep associated with merchandise that is Received Not Ordered. Return to Vendor Requests Return authorization requests by SFA which are not acknowledged or confirmed within 30 days will result in a debit memo being issued and the Vendor’s account being debited for the full dollar amount of said request. A written notification will accompany the debit memo and will be sent to the Vendor. If a debit memo is deducted from a payment, a copy of the debit memo with full details will be forwarded with the payment. Return Procedures The Buyer will negotiate the terms of the return with the Vendor and advises International Finance and International Services of the agreement and merchandise details. All returns are valued at the total landed cost including merchandise first cost, shipping, handling & administrative costs, transportation costs, storage or any other cost incurred by SFA during the delivery process. International Services provides the Foreign Vendor Return Authorization Form to the Buyer. The Buyer completes the form, copies International Services, and sends a request to the Vendor in order to obtain a Return to Vendor Authorization Number. The Vendor must provide the number, sign and return the form to International Finance. International Finance reviews the information, approves and forwards to International Services for processing and approval. If merchandise is being recalled from the SFA stores the Vendor will be notified of the anticipated “ready” date. International Services will confirm the quantities on the internal transfers and verify to the return authorization to ensure accuracy. If revisions are needed International Services will notify the Buyer and the Vendor. International Services will also coordinate pick up of the cargo by Vendor’s preferred freight Agent. Once quantities and values are confirmed, the Vendor will wire transfer the full amount into the account communicated by International Finance. 62 APRIL 2015 PRIVATE LABEL PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS Although the Private Label program’s specifications are outlined in this section of the guide, they do not supersede any other requirements that are noted in the International Standards Manual. Compliance to all standards as detailed in this Manual are still enforce. 63 APRIL 2015 SAKS FIFTH AVENUE OFF 5TH PRIVATE LABEL PROGRAM (Women’s Merchandise only) SFA OFF 5th Private Label Program Goals As we work to grow our Saks Brand business with you, we are striving to make the processes we use as efficient and effective as possible for all involved. Our end goal is to foster strong VENDOR PARTNERSHIPS, establish and maintain CLEAR COMMUNICATION, provide an EFFICIENT APPROVAL process, ensure TOP QUALITY and STYLING expectations are met, meet ON TIME DELIVERY requirements and ultimately deliver a successfully selling product that we are proud of as our Brand. With this in mind please find below an outline of requirements. Purchase Orders Upon confirmation of the order by the Vendor, purchase orders will be approved and entered into the SFA system th by the Off 5 buying team. Vendor should review all terms and conditions of the Buyer’s purchase order including delivery dates, construction requirement and cost to ensure that the purchase order contract agrees with Vendor’s confirmation. Variances in purchase order specifications may be allowed, but must be submitted and approved by the buyer and in writing. If variances are related to raw material or sourcing changes, the Vendor must notify the Buyer in advance of moving forward with procurement/production. If variances are a result of production, the Vendor must notify the Buyer as early as possible, but no later than when cargo is being packed. Some examples of variances are: • A tolerance in quantity of +/- 5% 64 APRIL 2015 • • • • Late and/or early shipments based on the Inco terms Change in country of origin Change in fabric/yarn content Specification change Certain variances are acceptable but are considered on a case by case basis, and in all cases must be approved in writing by the Buyer. The Buyer reserves the right to cancel the purchase order or apply late delivery penalties if there are variances to any of the order specifications. Specifications, Samples and Approvals Specification Approval th Specifications must be in line with SFA Off 5 requirements. Vendor must provide in writing to Buyer a detailed specification sheet for every style or garment type, whichever is applicable. Strike-Offs, Pattern Submissions, Lab Dips and Trims All of the above mentioned items must be submitted to Buyer, reviewed and approved PRIOR to production. They should represent the correct yarn, fabric, gray goods, wash, finish or they will be marked as a variance which is subject to cancellation. Sample Submission & Approval All sample shipments must follow the same shipment approval process as outlined in “Commercial Documentation Requirements” section of this manual. Shipments sent without prior to approval are subject to refusal. Samples must be submitted in a timely manner and must be in line to meet Buyers purchase order shipping requirements. Vendor must bear the cost of shipping as well as cut, make & trim costs for fit and pre-production samples needed for approval. Samples are required at least twice before shipping will be approved: • • Fit samples to confirm specification Pre-Production samples to verify production specs in line with approved fitting spec (TOP) It should be noted that additional samples will be needed if changes are made to fit or any other item’s specifications. At the time that pre-production samples are approved an inspection certificate will be signed by an authorized SFA associate and sent to the Vendor and International Services to confirm approval. The Pre-Production Sample Inspection Certificate format is included in the Appendix. 65 APRIL 2015 Samples must be properly marked for Buyer with the standardized tag attached indicating “Fit”, “TOP”(preproduction) or “Market”. This determines handling and ensures expedient processing by Buyer. A comment section on the tag should be used to note any “call-outs” i.e. incorrect trim, not final wash, etc.) Samples must be representative of the final product and must be: • Correctly labeled and properly placed as noted in the guidelines provided to Vendor and based on commodity type • Ticketed with all required hangtags, or price tickets in the approved format and quality (preferably produced by SFA preferred ticket provider). Must be properly placed as noted in the guidelines provide to Vendor and based on commodity type • Hangers must be the approved hanger type produced by SFA preferred hanger provider. • If packaged the sample must be in the packaging, with the packaging properly marked according to Buyers specification as well as be compliant to U.S. Federal Regulations • Testing completed through the Saks Fifth Avenue OFF 5 preferred laboratory provider, with passed results with the test report included in the box with the sample. th If testing failed and alternate care instructions are needed they should be suggested as soon as possible in order to secure a passing test report and maintain required delivery dates. If testing is not completed prior to sample submission the passing test results must be submitted to the Buyer before shipping will be approved. Fitting Samples All fittings are required PRIOR to production commencement and must be in the approved fabric with the correct yarn used. If fittings are completed in New York, the Vendor is required to arrange them with the required parties including but not limited to SFA Private Label fit model, SFA Private Label Coordinator and Buyer. Notice of readiness for fittings must be sent to the appropriate parties one week in advance for scheduling. Vendor may submit Fit Samples in a similar yarn/fabric if necessary; however approval is subject to Buyer discretion. Pre-Production Samples 30 days in advance of the anticipated shipping date – Pre-Production Samples must be submitted for approval for every style, and every color in a Size 8 or Medium. Substitution in fabric, yarn, color, trim, size specs, or improper marking, labeling, or packaging will not be acceptable at this stage. All samples must be approved before a request to ship is sent to International Services. The Vendor must submit the Buyer’s signed Inspection Certificate with their document submission to International Services as part of the Commercial Documentation. In order to expedite delivery all sample shipment paperwork must follow the procedures as noted in the Manual. Commercial documents should be provided to International Services prior to turn over to the Courier. 66 APRIL 2015 Product Testing th Product testing requirements can be found in the Saks Fifth Avenue OFF 5 Testing Program Manual in the Appendix. These tests are required for Quality Assurance approval. All applicable products are subject to testing in order to adhere to Consumer Product Safety Standards. For these products Vendors must understand ALL test protocol that is required, perform the tests using a SFA preferred and certified laboratory, and receive passing test results. For Private Brand merchandise CPSC testing only a certification is needed from the Vendor at time of shipping request. The Vendor must provide SFA with a General Conformity Certificate when submitting Commercial Documentation for shipping approval to International Services. APPENDIX SECTION 67 APRIL 2015 FULL LINE TICKET FORMATS A sample of your ticket must be sent to or mailed to SFA Vendor Relations office. See Contact List for address. For RFID-EPC tagging requirements, please see the RFID Implementation Guide available at under “Master Documents.” VERTICAL TICKET Figure 7 A: Vertical Ticket Requirements ⇐ Merchandise Identification (PID) Optional Size to Color ZONE 1 code location. Figure 7 B: Vertical Ticket Samples VENDOR LOGO STYLE STYLE ZONE 2 ⇐ COLOR Vendor Information COLOR SIZE ⇐ UPC Version A Symbol or EAN Version A Symbol ⇐ Consumer Information ZONE 3 ZONE 4 ⇐ Optional Size to Color code location Size/Dimension ⇐ Preferred Size to Color code location Space for Retail Price ZONE 5 ZONE 6 SIZE 012346789804546 0 12345 67890 1 012346789804546 0 $250.00 12345 67890 1 ------------------MSRP $125.00 (1” x 1.25”) ⇐ ZONE 7 Manufacturer’s Suggested Price Perforated Section REQUIRED OPTIONAL HORIZONTAL TICKET Figure 7 C: Horizontal Ticket Requirements ZONE 1 ZONE 3 ZONE 4 ZONE 7 ZONE 2 ZONE 5 ZONE 6 68 APRIL 2015 STYLE COLOR MSRP $250.00 Figure 7 D: Horizontal Ticket Samples SIZE 0000000000000 0 12345 67890 1 STYLE COLOR SIZE MRSP $250.00 -------------------- 012346789804546 0 12345 67890 1 OFF5 5TH TICKET FORMATS For merchandise requiring dual retail, the wording “MARKET PRICE” must be printed on the price tag. The suggested retail and selling retail will be communicated by the buying office and included on the EDI PO (850). For all questions or concerns, please contact Effective for February deliveries, women’s and men’s shoes, kids’ apparel and accessories require new ticket layout: dual retail with savings. TICKET FORMAT BY CATEGORY PRODUCT CATEGORY Women’s and Men’s Apparel, Jewelry and Accessories Kids’ Apparel and Accessories Watches Beauty, Food, Home & Gift Women’s and Men’s Shoes FORMAT Dual Retail Dual Retail with Savings Single Retail Single Retail Dual Retail with Savings DUAL RETAIL TICKETS Figure 7 E: Horizontal Dual Retail Ticket Samples 0 00000000000 12345 67890 1 $250.00 $199.99 DEPT # STYLE SIZE MARKET PRICE DEPT # COLOR STYLE COLOR MARKET PRICE SIZE $250.00 $199.99 ---------------------- 012346789804546 0 12345 67890 1 69 APRIL 2015 TICKET PLACEMENT GUIDE PRODUCT CATEGORY Women’s Jackets, Sweaters, Blouses, Dresses, Robes, Outerwear Skirts, Pants, Shorts, Denim Bras, Lingerie, Panties, Slips Swimwear Men’s Sweaters, Sport Shirts, Polo and Tees, Robes Dress Shirt Jackets, Suits & Coats Pants, Shorts, Denim, Swimwear Underwear Ties Kids’ Jackets, Sweaters, Blouses, Dresses, Outerwear Skirts, Pants, Shorts, Denim Swimwear Layette Items Comforters, Bumpers, Blankets Toys & Books TICKET TYPE / PLACEMENT Swift attached preferably in the neck label or top of left underarm Swift attached to label or at top left side seam near waistband Packaged: Self-adhesive gum label on front upper right-hand corner Not Packaged: Swift attached to label Swift attached to label or secur-a-tach on the left strap Swift attached preferably in the neck label or top of left underarm Swift attached near a button hole of the placket of the shirt or secur-atach through a button hole on the front at the bottom of the folded shirt Swift attached under left lapel or secure-a-tach through a button hole Swift attached to label or top left outside seam near waistband Self-adhesive gum label on front upper right corner Swift attached to label Swift attached preferably in neck label or top of left underarm Swift attached to label or at top left side seam near waistband Swift attached to label or secur-a-tach on the left strap Self-adhesive gum label on front upper right corner Swift attached to label Packaged: Self-adhesive gum label on back at bottom Not Packaged: Swift attached to label or self-adhesive gum label on back or bottom, preferably adjacent to the UPC code Accessories Belts Capes, Gloves, Hats, Scarves, Shawls Hair accessories, headbands Handbags, Small Leather Goods Jewelry, Watches Sunglasses and Optical Shoes – Full Line Shoes – OFF 5TH Socks Panty Hose, Tights Luggage, Umbrellas Beauty Cosmetics & Fragrances – Full Line Cosmetics & Fragrances – OFF 5TH Industry belt ticket sewn into buckle end of belt or secure-a-tach a hang ticket with a continuous loop in the hole closest to the buckle Swift attached to label Rattail label. Fabric headbands - swift attached to label Swift attached through an inside fabric seam/pocket or secure-a-tach with a continuous loop through zipper where ticket can be tucked or hidden from view Packaged: Self-adhesive gum label on back at bottom and rattail label attached near clasp/closure Not Packaged: Rattail label attached near clasp/closure Rattail label attached to right hinge of sunglass arm Self-adhesive gum label horizontally on front end of box Self -adhesive gum label on bottom of right shoe, preferably on shoe arch closest to heel and self-adhesive gum label horizontally on front end of box at least 2 inches from lid and bottom of box Self-adhesive gum label Self-adhesive gum label on front upper right-hand corner of packaging Secure-a-tach to handle Vendor UPC barcode, preferably on back at bottom Self-adhesive gum label on bottom back with OFF 5TH selling price only 70 APRIL 2015 Home & Gift Pillows, Throws, Bedding Barware, Cookware, Dinnerware, Flatware, Glassware, Home Décor, Kitchen Accessories, Serveware, Vases, Frames Furniture Food Holiday, Ornaments Packaged: Self-adhesive gum label on back at bottom Not Packaged: Swift attached to label Packaged: Self-adhesive gum label on back at bottom of individually sold items or sets Not Packaged: Self-adhesive gum label on back or bottom of individually sold item including items sold as sets. Swift attached or secure-a-tach to item. For packaged items, at bottom of individually sold item Self-adhesive gum label on back at bottom of packaging Packaged: Self-adhesive gum label on back at bottom Not Packaged: Swift attached in label, or rattail through hanging loop 71 FULL LINE STORES HANGER STANDARDS All merchandise that is to be presented hanging on the selling floor must be shipped with an approved Saks Fifth Avenue hanger inserted in each garment and flat-packed into conveyable cartons or in a hanger pack. Be sure to reference your EDI-850 or hard copy PO for proper hanger / flat instructions. Failure to follow PO instructions will result in an expense offset fee. See Expense Offset Fee section. Saks Fifth Avenue no longer considers GOH (Garment on Hanger) shipments an acceptable practice of receiving merchandise. We do not accept shipments if garments are not packed into conveyable cartons. For our list of approved hanger suppliers, please visit our website at under “Reference Materials.” STORE CAPTIVE PROGRAM Merchandise purchased in a “store captive” department is required to ship on any appropriate hanger to facilitate handling and stockroom storage. For further instructions please contact Vendor Relations. Please note that Men’s Full Line and select Women’s Full Line departments are currently store captive. Your buying office will communicate if you are part of our Store Captive Program. MEN’S SPECIALTY HANGER PROGRAM The buying office will communicate if you are a part of the specialty hanger program. Please reference the “SFA New Script Logo Specialty Black Hanger Approved Outsources” located under Reference Materials at Only the listed hanger suppliers have been given authorization to produce our SFA Logo artwork. Any suppliers that have obtained the SFA Logo artwork through unauthorized sources are illegally counterfeiting our trademark. For questions and concerns, please contact Vendor Relations at Figure 8 A: Men’s Script Logo Hangers Apparel Type Hanger Style MEN’S SCRIPT LOGO HANGERS Hanger Description Men’s Suits, Sport coats, Coats Black 17” (1” thick), wood wishbone, black swivel euro style ball end hook with black wood bar, white script SFA logo Men’s Shirts Black 17” (1/2” thick), wood wishbone, black swivel euro style ball end hook with white script SFA logo Men’s Pant Hanger Black 15” wood with Euro Clips and script SFA logo FULL LINE STORES MEN’S AND WOMEN’S APPROVED STANDARD PLASTIC HANGER PROGRAM Apparel Type Hanger Style FULL LINE Hanger Description Standard Top, Blouse, Dress, Jacket, 1pc Swimsuit Black plastic 17”, matte black finish, black swivel euro style ball end hook, black rubber grip Pant, Skirt, Standard Suit, 2-pc Swimsuit Black plastic 17”, matte black finish, black swivel euro style ball end hook, black bar, black plastic clips, black rubber grip Outerwear Black plastic 17” heavyweight, matte black finish, black swivel euro style ball end hook Bras and Panties Clear plastic foundation hanger OFF 5TH Standard Top, Blouse, Dress, Jacket, 1-pc Swimsuit Standard Suit, 2-pc Swimsuit Black plastic 17”, matte black finish, black swivel euro style ball end hook, black rubber grip Black plastic 17”, matte black finish, black swivel euro style ball end hook, black bar, black plastic clips, black rubber grip Pant, Skirt Black plastic 14”, matte black finish, black swivel hook, black bar, black plastic clips Outerwear Black plastic 17” heavyweight, matte black finish, black swivel euro style ball end hook 73 FULL LINE STORES Bras and Panties Clear plastic foundation hanger Children’s Plastic Hanger Program Apparel Type Hanger Style Hanger Description FULL LINE AND OFF 5TH Infant Dress, Top, Outerwear, 1-pc Swimsuit Clear 10” chrome swivel euro style ball end hook preferred, but Clear 12” acceptable Toddler Dress, Top, Outerwear, 1-pc Swimsuit Clear 12” chrome swivel euro style ball end hook Infant/Toddler Suit, Bottom, 2-pc Swimsuit Clear 12” chrome swivel euro style ball end hook, silver clips Boys 4-8 /Girl's 4-6x Dress, Top, Outerwear, 1-pc Swimsuit Clear 14” chrome swivel euro style ball end hook Boys 4-8 / Girl's 4-6x Suit, Bottom, 2-pc Swimsuit Clear 14” chrome swivel euro style ball end hook, silver clips Girls 7-16 Dress, Top, Outerwear, 1-pc Swimsuit Clear 17” chrome swivel euro style ball end hook 74 FULL LINE STORES Girls 7-16 Suit, Bottom, 2-pc Swimsuit Clear 17” chrome swivel euro style ball end hook, silver clips 75 FULL LINE STORES FULL LINE STORES CURRENT STORE CODE NEW STORE CODE ABBR STORE NAME 0001 0601 NY NEW YORK 0003 0603 BH BEVERLY HILLS 0004 0604 TY TYSONS 0008 0608 NO NEW ORLEANS 0010 0610 NP PALM BEACH GARDENS 0018 0618 CN CINCINNATI 0020 0620 CG CHICAGO 0021 0621 TL TULSA 0023 0623 CC CHEVY CHASE 0024 0624 BR BOCA RATON 0026 0626 PX PHOENIX 0028 0628 TR TROY 0029 0629 AT ATLANTA 0030 0630 BN BOSTON 0031 0631 BC BALA CYNWYD 0032 0632 DA MIAMI-DADE 0034 0634 HO HOUSTON ADDRESS 611 FIFTH AVENUE NEW YORK, NY 10022 9600 WILSHIRE BOULEVARD BEVERLY HILLS, CA 90212 2051 INTERNATIONAL DR MC LEAN, VA 22102 301 CANAL STREET NEW ORLEANS, LA 70130 3109 PGA BLVD PALM BEACH GARDENS, FL 33410 101 W 5TH ST CINCINNATI, OH 45202 700 N MICHIGAN AVE CHICAGO, IL 60611 1780 UTICA SQUARE TULSA, OK 74114 5555 WISCONSIN AVENUE CHEVY CHASE, MD 20815 5800 GLADES ROAD BOCA RATON, FL 33431 2446 E CAMELBACK RD PHOENIX, AZ 85016 2901 W BIG BEAVER RD TROY, MI 48084 3440 PEACHTREE ROAD ATLANTA, GA 30326 750 BOYLSTON ST BOSTON, MA 02199 2 BALA PLAZA BALA CYNWYD, PA 19004 7687 N KENDALL DR MIAMI, FL 33156 5115 WESTHEIMER RD HOUSTON, TX 77056 76 FULL LINE STORES 0036 0636 SC SOUTH COAST PLAZA 0037 0637 BA BAL HARBOUR 0038 0638 BY BERGEN COUNTY 0039 0639 FR ST. LOUIS 0041 0641 BW BEACHWOOD 0043 0643 PL PALM BEACH 0045 0645 LV LAS VEGAS 0046 0646 SN SAN FRANCISCO 0056 CURRENT STORE CODE 0656 NEW STORE CODE ST STAMFORD ABBR STORE NAME 0057 0657 SA SAN ANTONIO 0069 0669 NS NAPLES 0072 0672 GW GREENWICH 0078 0678 SL SHORT HILLS 0089 0665 OF ORLANDO 0090 0633 SR SARASOTA 0092 0664 FF FORT MYERS 0101 0101 LS NY OFF-SITE 0173 0173 PS FL HOLD AND FLOW 0207 0607 SB SANTA BARBARA MAIN 0212 0612 PA PALM DESERT 0254 0654 WW WALT WHITMAN 0613 0613 BI BIRMINGHAM 0619 0619 SF SARASOTA 2 0655 0655 BD BROOKFIELD PLACE 0659 0659 PU SAN JUAN 0671 0671 RI RICHMOND 0673 0673 RA RALEIGH 0674 0674 CV CHEVY CHASE MEN'S 3333 BRISTOL STREET COSTA MESA, CA 92626 9700 COLLINS AVENUE BAL HARBOUR, FL 33154 380 HACKENSACK AVENUE HACKENSACK, NJ 07601 1 PLAZA FRONTENAC ST SAINT LOUIS, MO 63131 26100 CEDAR ROAD BEACHWOOD, OH 44122 172 WORTH AVENUE PALM BEACH, FL 33480 3200 LAS VEGAS BLVD S LAS VEGAS, NV 89109 384 POST STREET SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94108 140 ATLANTIC STREET STAMFORD, CT 06901 ADDRESS 7400 SAN PEDRO AVE STE 650 SAN ANTONIO, TX 78216 5395 TAMIAMI TRL N NAPLES, FL 34108 205 GREENWICH AVE GREENWICH, CT 06830 1200 MORRIS TURNPIKE SHORT HILLS, NJ 07078 8001 S ORANGE BLOSSOM TRL ORLANDO, FL 32809 3501 S TAMIAMI TRL SARASOTA, FL 34239 13499 U.S. HIGHWAY 41 S FORT MYERS, FL 33907 250 HIGHLAND PARK BLVD WILKES BARRE, PA 18702 250 HIGHLAND PARK BLVD WILKES BARRE, PA 18702 1001 STATE STREET SANTA BARBARA, CA 93101 73555 EL PASEO PALM DESERT, CA 92260 230 WALT WHITMAN RD HUNTINGTON STN, NY 11746 129 SUMMIT BLVD BIRMINGHAM, AL 35243 3501 SOUTH TAMIANI TRAI SARASOTA, FL 34231 225 LIBERTY STREET NEW YORK, NY 10281 2000 MALL OF SJ BLVD SAN JUAN, PR 00924 9214 STONY POINT PKWY RICHMOND, VA 23235 7700 OLD WAKE FOREST RD RALEIGH, NC 27616 5300 WISCONSIN AVE NW WASHINGTON, DC 20015 77 FULL LINE STORES 0675 0675 CO COLUMBUS 0679 0679 IP INDIANAPOLIS 0689 0689 SK SAKS DIRECT 0694 0694 SP FL NYC PHOTO STUDIO 0805 0805 BF REASSORT 9999 1500 POLARIS PKWY COLUMBUS, OH 43240 8701 KEYSTONE CROSSING INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46240 53 W. 23RD ST., 8TH FLOOR NEW YORK, NY 10010 34 W. 24TH ST. 8TH FLOOR NEW YORK, NY 10010 250 HIGHLAND PARK BLVD WILKES BARRE, PA 18702 DIRECT TO DOOR SHIPMENTS – SEE PAGE 46 78 OFF 5TH STORES OFF 5TH STORES CURRENT STORE CODE NEW STORE CODE ABBR STORE NAME 0007 0707 CZ CABAZON O5 0012 0712 BM BERGEN O5 0025 0725 EF ELLENTON O5 0027 0727 WI WOODFIELD O5 0033 0733 SG SAWGRASS O5 0050 0750 HC HAWAII O5 0051 0751 GM GURNEE O5 0052 0752 PV PETALUMA O5 0054 0754 CF CAMARILLO O5 0055 0755 PO POTOMAC O5 0059 0759 FM FRANKLIN O5 0060 0760 TA TUCSON O5 0062 0762 DG DAWSONVILLE O5 0066 0766 FO FOLSOM O5 0067 0767 NC NIAGARA O5 0071 0771 SQ SUGARLAND O5 0073 0373 PK SO LOCKER STOCK 0076 0776 WB WESTBURY O5 0080 0746 SM SAN MARCOS O5 0081 0747 OC ORLANDO O5 0082 0748 MN MINNEAPOLIS O5 0083 0749 MO MILPITAS O5 0088 0772 AF AURORA O5 0093 0758 LN LAS VEGAS O5 0096 0773 CT CLINTON O5 0097 0098 0779 0778 RH ON RIVERHEAD O5 ONTARIO O5 ADDRESS 48400 SEMINOLE DR STE 306 CABAZON, CA 92230 120 BERGEN TOWN CENTER PARAMUS, NJ 07652 5709 FACTORY SHOPS BLVD ELLENTON, FL 34222 1430 E GOLF RD SCHAUMBURG, IL 60173 12801 WEST SUNRISE BLVD SUNRISE, FL 33323 94-800 LUMIANIA STREET WAIPAHU, HI 96797 6170 WEST GRAND AVENUE GURNEE MILLS, IL 60031 2200 PETALUMA BVD. NORTH PETALUMA, CA 94952 520 E VENTURA BLVD#1400 CAMARILLO, CA 93010 2700 POTOMAC MILLS CIRC PRINCE WILLIAMS, VA 22192 1618 FRANKLIN MILLS CIR PHILADELPHIA, PA 19154 7325 N LA CHOLLA BLVD STE 150 TUCSON, AZ 85741 800 HIGHWAY 400 SOUTH S DAWSONVILLE, GA 30534 13000 FOLSOM BLVD FOLSOM, CA 95630 1892 MILITARY ROAD NIAGARA FALLS, NY 14304 2745C TOWN CENTER BLVD N SUGAR LAND, TX 77479 501 HICKORY DR. ABERDEEN. MD 21002 1070 OLD COUNTRY RD GARDEN CITY, NY 11530 3943 IH 35 S SAN MARCOS, TX 78666 4953 INTERNATIONAL DR STE 1B-A ORLANDO, FL 32819 655 NICOLLET MALL, 4TH MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55402 1330 GREAT MALL DR MILPITAS, CA 95035 549 S CHILLICOTHE RD AURORA, OH 44202 7680 LAS VEGAS BLVD S STE 205 LAS VEGAS, NV 89123 20 KILLINGWORTH TPKE CLINTON, CT 06413 701 TANGER MALL DRIVE RIVERHEAD, NY 11901 4490 MILLS CIR OFF 5TH STORES ONTARIO, CA 91764 CURRENT STORE CODE NEW STORE CODE ABBR STORE NAME 0193 0193 OL LOCKER STK O5 0273 0273 HF HOLD & FLOW O5 0281 0281 ND O5 REMODEL1 0282 0282 NG O5 REMODEL2 0290 0290 NJ O5 REMODEL3 0292 0292 NM BAY OUTLET O5 0301 0701 SD SAN DIEGO O5 0304 0704 CR CASTLE ROCK O5 0305 0705 GV GRAPEVINE O5 0306 0706 WM WRENTHAM O5 0308 0708 TP TEMPE O5 0309 0709 WO WOODBURY O5 0310 0710 LB LEESBURG O5 0311 0711 AB AUBURN HILLS O5 0312 0713 AN ANAHEIM O5 0714 0714 MI NORTH MIAMI O5 0715 0715 EN ELIZABETH O5 0716 0716 CM CONCORD O5 0717 0717 KM KATY O5 0718 0718 DP DOLPHIN O5 0719 0719 WS NORTH ATLANTA O5 0720 0720 OS OPRY O5 0722 0722 AM ARUNDEL O5 0723 0723 NA NAPLES O5 0726 0726 AL ATLANTA O5 0729 0729 GO GOLDEN O5 0731 0734 0731 0734 DE DK DESTIN O5 DEER PARK O5 ADDRESS 500 HICKORY DRIVE ABERDEEN, MD 21001 4652 GUASTI ROAD ONTARIO, CA 91764 250 HIGHLAND PARK BLVD WILKES BARRE, PA 18702 250 HIGHLAND PARK BLVD WILKES BARRE, PA 18702 250 HIGHLAND PARK BLVD WILKES BARRE, PA 18702 250 HIGHLAND PARK BLVD WILKES BARRE, PA 18702 1750 CAMINO DE LA REINA SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 5050 FACTORY SHOPS BLVD CASTLE ROCK, CO 80108 3000 GRAPEVINE MILLS PKWY GRAPEVINE, TX 76051 1048 SOUTH ST STE A200 WRENTHAM, MA 02093 5000 S ARIZONA MILLS CIR TEMPE, AZ 85282 850 GRAPEVINE CT CENTRAL VALLEY, NY 10917 241 FORT EVANS RD NE LEESBURG, VA 20176 4700 BALDWIN ROAD AUBURN HILLS, MI 48326 20 CITY BLVD W STE B2 ORANGE, CA 92868 18701 BISCAYNE BLVD AVENTURA, FL 33160 651 KAPKOWSKI ROAD ELIZABETH, NJ 07201 8281 CONCORD MILLS BLVD CONCORD, NC 28027 5000 KATY MILLS CIRCLE KATY, TX 77494 11201 NW 12TH ST STE J100 MIAMI, FL 33172 915 RIDGEWALK PKWY #800 WOODSTOCK, GA 30188 247 OPRY MILLS DR NASHVILLE, TN 37214 7000 ARUNDEL MILLS CIR STE E1 HANOVER, MD 21076 10801 CORKSCREW RD ESTERO, FL 33928 5900 SUGARLOAF PKWY 269 LAWRENCEVILLE, GA 30043 14500 W COLFAX AVE UNIT 161 LAKEWOOD, CO 80401 10406 US HIGHWAY 98 W STE 84 DESTIN, FL 32550 455 COMMACK RD STE 1250 80 OFF 5TH STORES DEER PARK, NY 11729 CURRENT STORE CODE NEW STORE CODE ABBR STORE NAME 0735 0735 PB PALM BEACH O5 0736 0736 ME MERCEDES O5 0737 0737 AS ST. AUGUSTINE O5 0738 0738 DT DALLAS PARK O5 0739 0739 SX SAN ANTONIO O5 0741 0741 GI GILROY O5 0742 0742 CD CINCINNATI O5 0743 0743 OH OKLAHOMA O5 0744 0744 MR MERRIMACK O5 0753 0753 SS ST. LOUIS O5 0756 0756 RS ROSEMONT O5 0757 0757 SY SYRACUSE O5 0761 0761 JM JACKSON O5 0763 0763 PZ PHOENIX O5 0765 0765 GR GRAND PRAIRIE O5 0769 0769 LM LIVERMORE O5 0770 0770 VF ORLANDO VINELAND O5 0774 0774 MA MEBANE O5 0777 0777 CS CYPRESS O5 0780 0780 NB NORTHBROOK O5 0781 0781 PI PITTSBURGH O5 0782 0782 PR PORTLAND O5 0784 0784 CB CHARLESTON O5 0785 0785 HI HILTON HEAD O5 0786 0786 KK KANSAS CITY O5 0787 0787 JK SSC OFF 5TH O5 0789 0793 0789 0793 OD FP OFF5TH.COM O5 TN PHOTO STUDIO ADDRESS 73555 EL PASEO PALM BEACH, FL 33401 5001 E EXPRESSWAY 83 MERCEDES, TX 78570 500 OUTLET MALL BLVD SAINT AUGUSTINE, FL 32084 8040 PARK LANE DALLAS, TX 75231 5819 WORTH PARKWAY SAN ANTONIO, TX 78257 681 LEAVESLEY RD, C310A GILROY, CA 95020 301 PREMIUM OUTLET DR MONROE, OH 45050 7650 W. RENO AVE, H-800 OKLAHOMA CITY, OK 73127 80 PREMIUM OUTLET BLVD MERRIMACK, NH 03054 18501 OUTLET BLVD #306 ST. LOUIS, MO 63005 5220 FASHION OUTL #1295 ROSEMONT, IL 60018 9090 DESTINY USA DR SYRACUSE, NY 13290 200 BASS PRO DR STE 320 PEARL, MS 39208 4976 PREM OUTL WAY #100 PHOENIX, AZ 85003 2950 W. I-20, SUITE 125 GRAND PRAIRIE, TX 75052 3310 PARAGON OUTLET BLV LIVERMORE, CA 94551 8215 VINELAND AVE #1901 ORLANDO, FL 32821 4000 ARROWHEADBLVD #380 MEBANE, NC 27302 29300 HEMPSTEAD RD STE 1301 CYPRESS, TX 77433 127-A SKOKIE BOULEVARD NORTHBROOK, IL 60062 2200 TANGER BLVD #420 WASHINGTON, PA 15301 7489 SW BRIDGEPORT RD TIGARD, OR 97224 4840 TANGER OUTLET,#500 NORTH CHARLESTON, SC 29418 1260 FORDING ISLAND RD BLUFFTON, SC 29910 1803 VILLAGE WEST PKWY KANSAS CITY, KS 66111 3455 HWY 80 WEST JACKSON, MS 39209 1 WALDEN BOOKS DRIVE LAVERGNE, TN 37086 1 WALDEN BOOKS DRIVE 81 OFF 5TH STORES LAVERGNE, TN 37086 CURRENT STORE CODE NEW STORE CODE ABBR STORE NAME 0794 0794 FQ O5 NYC PHOTO STUDIO 0807 0807 BT BOSTON O5 0808 0808 CE CHARLOTTE O5 0809 0809 CU COLUMBUS O5 0810 0810 EM EAGAN O5 0811 0811 LK LOUISVILLE O5 0812 0812 MW MILWAUKEE O5 0813 0813 NR NORTH SAN DIEGO O5 0814 0814 CJ COSTA MESA 0816 0816 BV BEVERLY CONNECT O5 0817 0817 BB BOCA RATON O5 0818 0818 SZ SAN FRANCISCO O5 0819 0819 GB GREENBURGH O5 0820 0820 VN LAS VEGAS N O5 0821 0821 VS LAS VEGAS S O5 0822 0822 RC ROSEVILLE O5 0823 0823 GL GLENDALE O5 0824 0824 CK STAMFORD O5 0825 0825 AI AURORA CHICAGO O5 9999 ADDRESS 34 W 24TH ST, 8TH FLOOR NEW YORK, NY 10010 10 NORTH EAST BOSTON, MA 02145 5404 NEW FASHION WAY CHARLOTTE, NC 28278 3940 STELZER RD COLUMBUS, OH 43219 3885 EAGAN OUT PKY #1100 EAGAN, MN 55122 1155 BUCK CREEK RD #400 SIMPSONVILLE, KY 40067 11500 BURLEIGH ST #170 WAUWATOSA, WI 53222 11940 CARMEL MOUNTAIN ROAD, SUITE 102 SAN DIEGO, CA 92128 901 S COAST DR COSTA MESA, CA 92626 100 N LA CIENEGA BLVD LOS ANGELES, CA 90048 8903 N GLADES RD BOCA RATON, FL 33434 901 MARKET ST, STE 110 SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94103 29 TARRYTOWN ROAD WHITE PLAINS, NY 10607 505 S GRAND CENTRAL PARKWAY, STE 3101 LAS VEGAS, NV 89106 TBD LAS VEGAS, NV 1252 GALLERIA BLVD ROSEVILLE, CA 95678 6800 NORTH 95TH AVENUE GLENDALE, AZ 85305 140 ATLANTIC STREET STAMFORD, CT 06901 TBD AURORA, IL DIRECT TO DOOR SHIPMENTS – SEE PAGE 46 82 OFF 5TH STORES DISTRIBUTION CENTERS FULL LINE AND OFF 5TH STORES Distribution Center Abbreviation Location # New Location # Address Wilkes Barre WBDC 075 0575 250 Highland Park Blvd., Suite #2 Wilkes Barre, PA 18702 0597 12816 Shoemaker Avenue Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670 Performance Team West / Gale Triangle GLTR 091 Distribution Center `Abbreviation Location # New Location # Address Lavergne TNDC 185 0585 One Waldenbooks Drive Lavergne, TN 37086 Contact Information P: (570) 8216240 (570) 8216235 F: (570) 8216242 P: (615) 9958803 F: TBD E-COMMERCE Contact Information P: (615) 2803116 F: (615) 2803117 For shipping and routing information, see the Carrier Matrix located in the Shipping & Routing Guide available on our website at under “Master Documents and Announcements.” SAKS FIFTH AVENUE - INTERNATIONAL VENDOR STANDARDS – JANUARY 2015 Import Supplier Set-Up Form: 2 SAKS FIFTH AVENUE - INTERNATIONAL VENDOR STANDARDS – JANUARY 2015 3 SAKS FIFTH AVENUE - INTERNATIONAL VENDOR STANDARDS – JANUARY 2015 4 SAKS FIFTH AVENUE - INTERNATIONAL VENDOR STANDARDS – JANUARY 2015 Sample Exempt GCC: 5 SAKS FIFTH AVENUE - INTERNATIONAL VENDOR STANDARDS – JANUARY 2015 Sample Testing Non-Children’s GCC: 6 SAKS FIFTH AVENUE - INTERNATIONAL VENDOR STANDARDS – JANUARY 2015 Sample Testing Children’s GCC: 7 SAKS FIFTH AVENUE - INTERNATIONAL VENDOR STANDARDS – JANUARY 2015 Sample Invoice: your company name address city country postal code Tel/Fax: e-mail: General Merchandise Sample COMMERCIAL INVOICE SAKS & Company DBA Saks Fifth Avenue 500 Hickory Dr. Aberdeen, MD Sold to: 21001 Date: Consignee Invoice #: Aberdeen MD 21001 USA Your Order PO Contact: Dept # Vendor # Quantity Currency Description Unit price Material Composition/Construction/Gender Item/Style Total #REF! Agents PO if applicable Manufacturer : Complete Company Name Address, City, Country and Postal Code of Manufacturer Total Pieces: No of Cartons : Dims: W eight : …………………….. Net Kg __________ Gross Kg NET 0 % VAT Special Instructions: Terms 30 Days TOTAL Shipping Terms (Named Place/Port/Location) If Multiple Countries of Origin specify by style : Signed : 8 SAKS FIFTH AVENUE - INTERNATIONAL VENDOR STANDARDS – JANUARY 2015 Sample Packing List Your Company Name Address City - Country - Postal Code Telephone / Fax: E-mail: PACKING LIST SAMPLE SOLD TO: Saks & Company DBA Saks Fifth Avenue DATE: 500 Hickory Drive INVOICE #: Aberdeen SAKS PO #: Maryland 21001 USA AGENT PO #; If Applicable CONTACT: DEPT #: DELIVER TO: VENDOR #: CARTON # STORE CODE STYLE # / NAME COLOR SIZE # OF UNIT(S) DIMS STYLE SUMMARY: a) Style # / Name a) Total Units b) Style # / Name b) Total Units c) Style # / Name c) Total Units Additional Carton Marks and Numbers: ** Please indicate when cartons are master-packed and number of inner cartons for each master-pack. ** Total Pieces: Total Cartons : Total Net Wt (Kgs): Total Gross Wt (Kgs): 9 SAKS FIFTH AVENUE - INTERNATIONAL VENDOR STANDARDS – JANUARY 2015 Revised 2012 ACCESSORIES PRODUCT DETAIL SHEET Instructions: Fill out this sheet for the following types of items: ◊ Swimwear, scarves, hats, shawls, mantillas, mufflers, veils, handkerchiefs, neckties, bowties, cravats, pantyhose, tights, stockings, socks, belts, handbags, luggage, gloves, mittens, or other miscellaneous apparel accessories. ◊ Please write or type the information in the areas provided. For "Yes" or "No" answers, please select the appropriate box. ◊ For each style, please provide a sketch along with the completed form. 1. Name of item 12. For items containing leather, fur, or other wildlife product, please indicate species: 2. Vendor Style Number a. Does the garment contain furskin and/or buttons (leather with hair attached)? If the garment contains buttons of natural material please indicate number and cost per button 3. Purchase Order number 4. Identify gender or wearer (check one box): Yes No Men's Women's Material Compostion Boys (Must be U.S. size range 2T-4T, 4-7, 8-20) Common Name Girls (Must be U.S. size range 2T-4T, 3-6X, 7-16, 10-16) Scientific Name Infants (Must be U.S. size range 0-24 months; Country of Origin body length must not exceed 86 cm) Source (wild or farm raised) Unisex 5. Identify fiber content/materials in percentage by weight; Material Composition (example--cotton 50%, wool 50%): Common Name 6. For items that are composed of both textile and non-textile (example--textile garments trimmed with leather), please identify: Buttons: NO Unit Cost per Button 13. For all KNIT items, please complete the following (for woven garments skip to 13): a. What direction do the stitches run? Horizontal Vertical b. What is the stitch count in the direction the stitches are made? c. What is the weight of fabric in grams as measured in square meters? (example: 200 grams per square meter) a. Identify percentage of components by value: b. Identify percentage of components by surface area: 7. Identify the function of the accessory: Bathing suit / swimsuit see question 10 Gloves / mittens / mitts see question 15 Braces/suspenders/garters Shawl/scarf Muffler/mantilla/veil Handkerchief Hemmed? YES Necktie/bowtie/cravat see question 14 b. Pantyhose see question 13 d. Tights see question 13 d. Full length/knee-length hosiery see question 13 d. see question 16 Hat Belt / bandolier see question 18 Handbag / purse / clutch see question 17 Travel bags see question 17 Cosmetic / vanity bags see question 17 Attache / briefcase see question 17 Other (Please describe) 8. Identify construction: Knit Woven Scientific Name Country of Origin Source (wild or farm raised) NO Leather / Fur 9. Does the item have any of the following features: Yes No Fiber content/location Lining Interlining Trim Beading Lace Net Embroidery Buttons * Butt ons of Natural Material complete block 12* 10. For swimwear, please indicate the following characteristics: a. For men's swimwear, please indicate: Yes No Elastic waistband? Functional drawstring? Extends below the knee? b. Does bathing suit include a top and bottom? Yes No b1. If yes, are top and bottom sold separately? Yes No 11. Please identify the factory for where the garment is produced? d. For pantyhose, tights, and hosiery, please indicate: The number of decitex per single yarn (example: 65 decitex per single yarn) 14. For all WOVEN items, please complete the following: a. Does the item contain 2 or more colors in the warp or filling? Yes No b. For neckties, bowties and cravats please indicate which is correct: (1) Item contains 50% or more by weight (including linings and interlinings) of textile materials other than silk or silk waste (2) Item contains less than 50% by weight (including linings and interlinings) of textile materials other than silk or silk waste 15. For all Gloves, Mittens, or Mitts, please complete the following: a. Is the garment for use in sports? Yes No Skiing Baseball Ice Hockey If yes, what sport? Golf Other b. Are the gloves, mittens or mitts lined? Yes No c. Do the gloves, mittens or mitts have a seam? Yes No d. Do the gloves, mittens or mitts have a fourchette? Yes No 16. For Hats, please complete the following: a. Is the hat made by plaiting or assembling strips of any material? Yes No b. Is the hat sewed or not sewed? Sewed Not Sewed 17. For Handbags / travel bags, etc., select type of closure and indicate dimensions: Zipper Magnet Length Snap Buckle Width Height * a. If handbag, is it made wholly of braid, part of braid, or does not have any braid? Wholly braid Part of Braid No braid * b.If made of patent leather, provide thickness of the plastic coating in mm--------18. For a belt or bandolier, is the item reversible? Yes No 19. What is the country of origin of the article? 20. NET WEIGHT OF THE GARMENT: (required) REQUIRED 21 What is the weight of the fabric in Ounces per Square Yard? ____________________________________________ 22 Does the fabric have a plain surface or raised surface? YES OR NO 10 SAKS FIFTH AVENUE - INTERNATIONAL VENDOR STANDARDS – JANUARY 2015 Revised August 2012 DRESSES & GOWNS WEARING APPERAL DETAIL SHEET Instructions:Fill out this sheet for the following types of items: ◊ Dresses, gowns. ◊ Please write or type the information in the areas provided. For "Yes" or "No" answers, please select the appropriate box. ◊ For each style, a photo or sketch is required along with the completed form. 1. Name of garment 2. Vendor Style Number 3. Purchase Order number 11. For items containing leather, fur, or other wildlife (i.e., MOP, corozo or coconut) product please indicate species: a. Does the garment contain furskin (leather with hair attached)? 4. Identify gender or wearer: Yes No Women's Common Name Girls (Must be U.S. size range 2T-4T, 3-6X, 7-16, 10-16) Scientific Name Infants (Must be in the U.S. size range 0-24 months; Country of Origin body length must not exceed 86 cm) Source (wild or farm raised) 5. Identify fiber content/materials in percentage by weight; (example--cotton 50%, wool 50%): Cost of Buttons (if applicable) Common Name Scientific Name Country of Origin Source (wild or farm raised) 6. For garments that are composed of both textile and non-textile Cost of Buttons (if applicable) (example--textile garments trimmed with leather), please identify the following: 12. For all KNIT garments, please complete the following (for woven garments skip to 13): a. Identify percentage of components by value: a. What direction do the stitches run? b. Identify percentage of components by surface area: b. What is the stitch count in the direction the stitches are made per cm? Horizontal 7. Identify construction: Knit Woven Leather / Fur Vertical 13. For all WOVEN garments, please complete the following: a. Does the garment contain 2 or more colors in the warp or filling? Yes 8. Does the garment(s) have any of the following features: No b. Is the garment made from Worsted Wool? Yes Yes No Fiber content/location No If yes, what is the average diameter of the fiber as measured in microns? Lining microns (For example, 18.5 microns; or 16.2 microns) Interlining c. Is the garment made from blue denim? Trim Yes Beading No d. Is the garment made from corduroy? Buttons* (indicate quantity) Yes 9. Does the garment have raised or napped fibers? Yes No 10. What is the country of origin of the article? No 14. Please identify the factory and provide shipping information. a) Factory Name and Address (where the garment is produced): b) Ex Factory Date: c) Ship Point: REQUIRED 15 What is the weight of the exterior fabric in Ounces per Square Yard? ____________________________________________ 16 What is the weight of the lining in Ounces per Square Yard? ____________________________________________ 17 Does the exterior have a plain surface or raised surface? YES OR NO 18 Does the lining have a plain surface or raised surface? YES OR NO 19 If a Free or Reduced Duty Program is applicable, please provide the following: a.Country of Origin of the exterior material: b.Country of Origin of the lining material c.TPL applicable: YES OR NO NAFTA applicable: YES OR NO 11 SAKS FIFTH AVENUE - INTERNATIONAL VENDOR STANDARDS – JANUARY 2015 LOWER BODY GARMENT WEARING APPERAL DETAIL SHEET Revised August 2012 This sheet is for the following types of items Instructions: ◊ Pants, trousers, breeches, shorts, skirts, divided skirts, capri's, skorts, or overalls. ◊ Please type the information in the area provided. For "Yes" or "No" answers, please select the appropriate box. ◊ For each garment style, a photo or sketch is required along with the completed form. 1. Name of Garment 11. Please indicate the type of garment: 2. Vendor Style Number trousers or breeches skirt divided skirt Shorts skort overalls 3. Purchase Order Number 4. Identify gender or wearer (check only one box): Men's 12. For items containing skins, furs, feathers, scales, or other wildlife (i.e., MOP, corozo or coconut) product please indicate species: Women's a. Does the garment contain furskin (leather with hair attached)? Boys (Must be U.S. size range 2T-4T, 4-7, 8-20) Girls (Must be U.S. size range 2T-4T, 3-6X, 7-16, 10-16) Infants Yes No Common Name (Must be U.S. size range 0-24 months; body length must not exceed 86 cm) Scientific Name Country of Origin Unisex Source (wild or farm raised) 5. Identify textile fiber content/materials in percentage by weight; Cost of Buttons (if applicable) (example--cotton 50%, wool 50%): Common Name Scientific Name Country of Origin 6. For garments that are composed of both textile and non-textile Source (wild or farm raised) (example--textile garments trimmed with leather), Cost of Buttons (if applicable) please identify the following: 13. For all KNIT garments, please complete the following a. Identify percentage of components by value: (for woven garments skip to 14): b. Identify percentage of components by surface area: a. What direction do the stitches run? Horizontal Vertical b. What is the stitch count in the direction the stitches are made? 7. Identify construction: 14. For all WOVEN garments, please complete the following: Knit Woven Leather / Fur a. Does the garment contain 2 or more colors in the warp or filling? 8. Does the garment(s) have any of the following features: Yes No No Yes Material Composition/location b. Is the garment made from Worsted Wool? Lining Yes No If yes, what is the average diameter of the fiber as measured in microns? Interlining Trim microns (For example, 18.5 microns; or 16.2 microns) Beading c. Is the garment made from blue denim? Padding for warmth Yes Water resistant No d. Is the garment made from corduroy? Yes Buttons* (indicate quantity) No 9. Does the garment have raised or napped fibers? Yes 15. Please identify the factory and provide shipping information. a) Factory Name and Address (where the garment is produced): No 10. What is the country of origin of the article? b) Ex Factory Date: c) Ship Point: REQUIRED 16 What is the weight of the exterior fabric in Ounces per Square Yard? 17 What is the weight of the lining in Ounces per Square Yard? ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ 18 Does the exterior have a plain surface or raised surface? YES OR 19 Does the lining have a plain surface or raised surface? YES OR NO NO 20 If a Free or Reduced Duty Program is applicable, please provide the following: a.Country of Origin of the exterior material: b.Country of Origin of the lining material c.TPL applicable: YES OR NO NAFTA applicable: YES OR NO 12 SAKS FIFTH AVENUE - INTERNATIONAL VENDOR STANDARDS – JANUARY 2015 Revised August 2012 SUITS AND ENSEMBLE WEARING APPERAL DETAIL SHEET Instructions: Complete the form below for all sets of textile garments consisting of at least 2 pieces one of which is made to cover the upper body and one made to cover the lower body. The pieces to the set must be of identical fabric, construction, style, color and size. This sheet is to be submitted in addition to the commercial invoice for each style. Please write or type the information in the area provided. For "Yes" or "No" answers, please place an "X" in the indicated space. For each garment style, a photo or sketch is required along with the completed form. 1. Name of garment 13. Is the fabric and design of the upper body garment identical in color 2. Vendor Style Number and construction to the fabric and design of the lower body garment? Yes 3. Purchase Order number No 4. Identify gender or wearer (check only one box): Men's 14. For vests, is the front of the vest made from the same fabric as the Women's outer surface of the jacket and lower body garment and the back of Boys (Must be U.S. size range 2T-4T, 4-7, 8-20) Girls (Must be U.S. size range 2T-4T, 3-6X, 7-16, 10-16) Infants (Must be U.S. size range 0-24 months; body length must not exceed 86 cm) Unisex 5. Identify textile fiber content/materials in percentage by weight; (example--cotton 50%, wool 50%): 6. For garments that are composed of both textile and non-textile (example--textile garments trimmed with leather), please identify the following: a. Identify percentage of components by value: b. Identify percentage of components by surface area: 7. Identify construction: Knit Woven Leather / Fur 8. Identify the upper body garment(s)? Tailored suit jacket Vest Other (please describe) 9. Identify the lower body garment(s)? Trousers Skirt Shorts Divided Skirt the vest made from the same fabric as the lining of the jacket? Yes No There is no vest 15. Please list the number of vertical panels on the tailored suit jacket: Vertical Panels 16. Do the garments contain any of the following? Exotic skins (example: alligator, lizard, snake) Fur skins (example: mink, shearling, rabbit) Feathers (example: ostrich, chicken, duck) Shell (example: mother of pearl buttons) Animal fibers (example: cashmere, camel, angora, alpaca) *For each animal product, please provide: Common Name Scientific Name Country of Origin Source (wild or farm raised) How many buttons Cost of buttons (if applicable) Common Name Scientific Name Country of Origin Source (wild or farm raised) How many buttons Cost of buttons 17. For all KNIT garments, please complete the following (for woven garments skip to 16): a. Number of Horizontal stitches per centimeter 10. Provide a price breakdown for each garment: Garment Price Jacket Trousers b. Number of Vertical stitches per centimeter 18. For all WOVEN garments, please complete the following: a. Do the garments contain 2 or more colors in the warp or filling? Yes No 11. Do the garments have any of the following features: b. Are the garments made from Worsted Wool? Yes No Material Composition/location Yes No Lining If yes, what is the average diameter of the fiber as measured in microns? Interlining microns (For example, 18.5 microns; or 16.2 microns) Trim 19. Please identify the factory and provide shipping information. Buttons* (indicate quantity) a) Factory Name and Address (where the garment is produces): 12. What is the country of origin of the article? b) Ex Factory Date: c) Ship Point: REQUIRED 20 What is the weight of the exterior fabric in Ounces per Square Yard? ____________________________________________ 21 What is the weight of the lining in Ounces per Square Yard? ____________________________________________ 22 Does the exterior have a plain surface or raised surface? YES OR NO 23 Does the lining have a plain surface or raised surface? YES OR NO 24 If a Free or Reduced Duty Program is applicable, please provide the following: a.Country of Origin of the exterior material: b.Country of Origin of the lining material c.TPL applicable: YES OR NO NAFTA applicable: YES OR NO 13 SAKS FIFTH AVENUE - INTERNATIONAL VENDOR STANDARDS – JANUARY 2015 Revised August 2012 Instructions: UPPER BODY GARMENT WEARING APPERAL DETAIL SHEET This sheet is for the following types of items: ◊ Shirts, blouses, tops, T-shirts, sweaters, sweatshirts, pullovers, or other similar items. (Not for Coats or Jackets!) ◊ Please type the information in the area provided. For "Yes" or "No" answers, please select the appropriate box. ◊ For each garment style, a photo or sketch is required along with the completed form. 1. 2. 3. 4. Name of garment Vendor Style Number Purchase Order number Identify gender or wearer (check one box): Men's Women's Boys (Must be U.S. size range 2T-4T, 4-7, 8-20) Girls (Must be U.S. size range 2T-4T, 3-6X, 7-16, 10-16) Infants (Must be U.S. size range 0-24 months; body length must not exceed 86 cm) Unisex 5. Identify textile fiber content/materials in percentage by weight; (example--cotton 50%, wool 50%): 16. What type of sleeves does the garment have? Long Short Sleeveless a. For garments with long or short sleeves, what type of cuffs are on the sleeves? Hemmed Rib Other, please describe b. Does the garment have very large, oversized armholes? Yes No c. For sleeveless garments, please provide the amount of shoulder coverage (e.g. width of strap) of the garment in centimeters. (example: 5 centimeters) d. For sleeveless garments, please advise if the upper back extends from side seam to side seam. ___YES or NO________________ 17. Does the garment cover the neck and shoulder of the wearer? Yes No If No, is the garment one of the following: Bandeau Bustier Halter 6. For garments that are composed of both textile and non-textile (example--textile garments trimmed with leather), please identify the following: a. Identify percentage of components by value: b. Identify percentage of components by surface area: 7. Identify construction: Knit Woven Leather / Fur 8. Does the garment(s) have any of the following features: Yes No Fiber content/location Lining Interlining Trim Beading 9. Does the garment have any openings / closures at the neck? Yes No a. If yes, describe the type of closure: Full (example: Button down shirt) Partial (example: Polo type shirt) b. If yes, give the location of the closure: Front Back Side (example: tied bow on the shoulder) c. Method of fastening: Buttons Are buttons of all natural material? Zipper If yes, please fill in question 18. Tie Other If Other, please describe: d. If closure by buttons, does garment Button left over right as garment is worn Button right over left as garment is worn 10. Does the garment extend at least to the waist of the wearer? Yes No If No, give the length of top in centimeters: 11. Does the garment have pockets below the waist? Yes No 12. Does the garment have a tightening at the waist? Yes No 13. What type of finish is found at the bottom of the garment? Hemmed Drawstring Rib-knit Other 14. Is the garment fleece or does it otherwise have raised or napped fibers? (example: like a sweatshirt or corduroy) Yes No 15. What is the country of origin of the article? 18. For items containing leather, fur, or other wildlife (i.e., MOP, corozo, or coconut) product please indicate species: a. Does the garment contain furskin (leather with hair attached)? Yes No Common Name Scientific Name Country of Origin Source (wild or farm raised) How many buttons Cost of buttons (if applicable) Common Name Scientific Name Country of Origin Source (wild or farm raised) How many buttons Cost of buttons (if applicable) 19. For all KNIT garments, please complete the following (for woven garments skip to 20): a. What direction do the stitches run? Horizontal Vertical b. What is the stitch count in the direction the stitches are made per cm? c. Is this garment worn as underwear? Yes No d. Is the garment color white? Yes No e. What is the weight of fabric in grams as measured in square meters? (example: 200 grams per square meter) f. Does the garment have any of the following characteristics? Yes No Plain Jersey Interlocking fabric Close fitting sleeves Appliques Embroidery Heat transfers Shoulder pads Side slits 20. For all WOVEN garments, please complete the following: a. Does the garment contain 2 or more colors in the warp or filling? Yes No b. Is the garment a man's dress shirt (example: shirt to be worn with a necktie) Yes No c. Is the garment made from blue denim? Yes No 21. If the garment is for Men, please indicate if the sizing is numeric or alpha (S, M, L) Numeric Alpha 22. Please identify the factory and provide shipping information. a) Factory Name and Address (where the garment is produced): b) Ex Factory Date: REQUIRED 23 24 25 26 27 c) Ship Point: What is the weight of the exterior fabric in Ounces per Square Yard? ____________________________________________ What is the weight of the lining in Ounces per Square Yard? ____________________________________________ Does the exterior have a plain surface or raised surface? YES OR NO Does the lining have a plain surface or raised surface? YES OR NO If a Free or Reduced Duty Program is applicable, please provide the following: a.Country of Origin of the exterior material: b.Country of Origin of the lining material c.TPL applicable: YES OR NO NAFTA applicable: YES OR NO 14 SAKS FIFTH AVENUE - INTERNATIONAL VENDOR STANDARDS – JANUARY 2015 INT ERNATIONAL FOOT WEAR ASSOCIATION FOOTWEAR RET AILERS OF AMERICA INTERIM FOOTWEAR INVOICE In structions: Complete part A (questions 1-9) for all entries. The answ ers to questions 3 and 4 determi ne which of the remaining parts, B-E, must be completed. If the ans wers to questions 3 and 4 are rubber and/or plastics, complete part B only. If the answer to question 3 is textile materials and the answer to question 4 is not other m ateri al s, only complete part C. If the answ er to question 3 is leather and the ans wer to 4 is not other materials, only com plete part D. If the answer to ques ti on 3 or 4 is other m ateri al s, only complete part E. A. 1. Manufacturer's style num ber , if any: 2. Impor ter's style and/or SKU, if any: 16. If th e answer to 15 is yes, is the foxing or foxing -like b and wholly or alm ost wholly of rubb er or plastic YES 3. Iden tify which of the follo wing materials make up the g reatest p ortion o f the external surface area o f the u pper (accessor ies, NO 17. Which of the fo llowing characteristics do es the footwear possess? r einfor cements, orn am entation, etc… excluded): a. Leather a. zoris b. made on a base or platform of wood with inner sole b. Rubber and/or plastics c . made on a base or platform of wood without inner sole c . Textile Materials d. made on a base or platform of cork d. Other Materials e. open toes or open heels f. exclusively adhes ive construction g. slip on ty pe 4. Iden tify which of the follo wing materials make up the g reatest p ortion o f the external surface area o f the sole (accessories, h. none of the above r einfor cements, spikes, etc… excluded ): 18. If th e answer to 14 is yes, are the upp ers entirely of non -m olded a. Leather or c ompos ition leather construction from a poin t 3cm above the top of the outer sole? b. Rubber and/or plastics c . Other materials YES NO 5. Is the footwear designed for sports activity and does it have spikes, cleats, etc or provision for attachm ent o f such? C. YES Uppers ar e textile materials; soles are leath er, composition leather, rubber or plastics. 19. Is th e external surface area of th e u pper mo re th an 50% leather NO 6. Is the footwear one o f the following typ es? (leath er accessor ies, reinforcem ents, etc… included) YES a. Skating boots, wrestling boots NO boxing boots or cy cling shoes If y es, stop; if no, complete questions 14,15,16,17 and 20 b. Ski Boots 20. Which of the fo llowing characteristics do es the footwear possess? c . Cros s Country Ski Boots d. tennis shoes, basketball shoes, gym shoes, training shoes , & the like a.not over 50% (by weight) as a total of textile materials, rubber and plastics OR under 10% of rubber and plastics b. over 50% (by weight) as a total of textile materials, rubber and plastics AND 10% or over of rubber and/or plastic s gym s hoes , training shoes, & the like c . uppers of vegetable fibers (cotton, flax, etc) e. none of the above d. soles which overlap the upper exc ept at the toe or heel 7. Is the footwear exclusively fo r m en, yo uth or boys? YES D. NO Uppers ar e leather ; soles are leather, com position leather, r ubber or p lastics 8. Does the fo otwear have a protective metal toe cap ? 21. Which of the fo llowing characteristics do es the footwear possess? YES a. welt construction NO 9. What is the height of the upper: b. turn or turned c onstruction c . uppers consis ting of leather straps ac ross the instep and aroung big toe a. cov ers the knee or higher d. made on a base or platform of wood with inner sole b. cov ers the ankle, but not the knee c . does not cover the ankle e. made on a base or platform of wood without inner sole f. none of the above E. For sh oes m ade of rubber and/or plastic so les and u ppers B. Other 22. Which of the fo llowing characteristics do es the footwear possess? 10. Is the footwear waterproof and assemb led by means oth er th an stitching, mailin g, riveting, screwing, plugg ing o r similar processes YES NO c . uppers and soles of wool felt d. disposable footwear (If yes, complete questions 11-15; if no, c omplete questions 13-18) e. none of the above 11. Are the external surface areas of the upper and the sole (accessories, r einfo rcements, etc included ) over 90% PVC? YES 12. a. uppers of leather or compostion leather b. uppers of tex tile materials 23. For item s co ntaining leath er, fur, or o ther wildlife (i.e. calf skin, pyth on skin...) product please in dicate sp ecies: NO Is the fo otw ear design ed for use withou t clo sures? a. Does the garm ent contain furskin (leather with h air attached)? YES NO YES NO 13. Is the external surface area o f the up per (accessories, r einfor cements, etc, included) over 90% rubber and/or plastic YES NO 14. Is the footwear protective in natur e (ie. desig ned to be wor n over , o r in lieu o f, other footwear as a protection against water, oil, SPECIES FWS INFO: Common Name Scientific Name Country of Origin Source (wild or farm raised) 15 SAKS FIFTH AVENUE - INTERNATIONAL VENDOR STANDARDS – JANUARY 2015 FABRIC DETAIL SHEET FOR KNITTED & CROCHETED FABRIC INVOICE NO. __________ PO NO. _______________ REF NO. ______________ A. 1. State exact width of the fabric _________________________________ 2. Detailed description of fabric __________________________________ 3. List percentage by weight of each material: Material 1 __________________ (Name of Material) ______________ (% by weight) Material 2 __________________ (Name of Material) _____________ (% by weight) Material 3 __________________ (Name of Material ) _____________ (% by weight) 4. Weight in grams per square meter: _____________________________ 5. Is this a pile fabric (include “long pile” and “Terry” fabrics): No: Skip to item 6 Yes: Answer questions below What type of pile ____ Long pile ____ Looped pile ____ Velour ____ Other type of pile 6. For fabrics that are NOT pile answer below: a. Is the fabric a warp knit fabric _____ No proceed to item B _____ Yes answer questions below Is fabric an open work fabric? ____Yes ____ No Is fabric stitch-bonded goods? ____ Yes ____ No b. Is the baric circular knit? ____ No ____ Yes (if yes answer questions below) Is the cotton yarn exceeding 100 metric number per single yarn? ___ Yes ___ No Is fabric single knit? ____ Yes ____ No Is fabric double knit or of interlock construction? ___ Yes ___ No NOTE: Stitch-bonded goods are Fabrics where the chain stitches are formed of textile yarn. Long pile fabrics refer to fabrics made by inserting fibers from card silver into the loops of the ground Fabric during knitting. Open work fabrics means fabrics with stable open meshes, whether or not containing inwrought designs. 16 SAKS FIFTH AVENUE - INTERNATIONAL VENDOR STANDARDS – JANUARY 2015 CHIEF WEIGHT WOOL FABRIC DETAIL SHEET Article, Item or Quality Name or Number #: __________________________________. Fiber Contents in percentages by weight: ____________________________________ ____________________________________. Check One: Type of Wool: Worsted: YES NO (circle one) If worsted, provide average Fiber diameter per yarn in microns: _____________. Fine Animal Hair ________________. Coarse Animal hair____________________. (State percentages in space if a mixture) Carded: YES____ NO _____ Combed: YES ______ NO ____________ If mixture, give percentages: Carded % __________ Combed % __________ Grams per square meter (g/m2): _______________________________________. Width in centimeters (cm): ___________________________________________. Hand Woven: YES _________ NO____________ For tapestry or upholstery use: YES __________ NO ________________ Type of weave (plain (1x1 only), sateen or satin, twill, jacquard, dobby, other: Specify: __________________________________________________________. If containing any man-made fibers: State each man-made fiber by percentages: ________________________________. State is staple or filament for each fiber by percentages: _______________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________. DO NOT USE THIS SHEET IF FABRIC IS KNIT, PILE, LACE, NET OR ANY OTHER SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION. PLEASE NOTE THAT FAILURE TO PROVIDE COMPLETE AND ACCURATE INFORMATION ON THIS DOCUMENT WILL DELAY ENTRY OF GOODS TO CUSTOMS AND SHIPPER WILL INCUR CHARGEBACK PER OUR POLICY. 17 SAKS FIFTH AVENUE - INTERNATIONAL VENDOR STANDARDS – JANUARY 2015 OVERVIEW OF PAST REVISIONS SECTION Terms and Conditions Date: 4/17/2015 PAGE 12-21 Import Supplier Set Up Form 82-85 Store/DC Numbers Fashion Fix 77-84 n/a SECTION Store/DC Numbers Import Supplier Set Up Form Date: 1/20/2015 PAGE 78-81 82-85 Sample GCC’s 86-88 Contacts 8 SECTION Saks Fifth Avenue Contacts Date: 11/5/2014 PAGE 7 DESCRIPTION Added Saks Brand Contacts SECTION Store/DC Numbers Saks Fifth Avenue Contacts Date: 10/6/2014 PAGE 77-82 7 DESCRIPTION New Store and DC Numbers Removed June Sassler Info DESCRIPTION Update to terms and conditions for Saks Canada Updated version of form added New Store Numbers Removed DESCRIPTION New Store Numbers Updated version of form added Updated version of the GCC added Updated phone number for Angela Morrissey 18