STEPHEN ERIC BRONNER Department of Political Science Rutgers University New Brunswick, New Jersey 08903 Home: (201) 947-5064; Cell: 646-552-0214 Office: (732) 932-9327 Fax: (732) 932-7170 E-mail: EMPLOYMENT Professor II: Rutgers University 2000 Professor I: Rutgers University 1990 Visiting Professor, Universitaet Leipzig 1998 Visiting Professor: New School for Social Research 1989 Associate Professor: Rutgers University 1983-89 Assistant Professor: Rutgers University 1976-1982 JOINT APPOINTMENTS Director of Global Relations: Center for the Study of Genocide, Conflict Resolution, and Human Rights –Rutgers University: Newark 2008 Center for Social Theory Studies: Nanjing University 2007 Appointed to the Executive Committee of the Center for Middle Eastern Studies 2007 Appointed to the Graduate Faculty in German Studies 2002 Appointed to the Graduate Faculty in Comparative Literature 1995 EDUCATION Ph.D University of California: Berkeley 1975 M.A. University of California: Berkeley 1972 B.A. City College of New York 1971 SCHOLARLY WORKS The Bigot: Why Prejudice Persists (Yale University Press: New Haven: Forthcoming July 2014) Modernism at the Barricade: Aesthetics, Politics, Utopia (Columbia University Press: New York: 2012) Critical Theory: Very Short Introduction Series (Oxford University Press: New York: 2011) nd st Camus: Portrait of a Moralist 2 Edition (University of Chicago Press: Chicago, 2009; 1 Edition: University of Minnesota Press: Minneapolis, 1999), pgs. 179. Translation into German by Verlag Vorwerk 8: Berlin, 2002). Peace Out of Reach: Middle Eastern Travels and the Search for Reconciliation (University Press of Kentucky: Lexington, 2007). Blood in the Sand: Imperial Fantasies, Right-Wing Ambitions, and the Erosion of American Democracy (University of Kentucky Press: Lexington: 2005), pgs. 207. Spanish translation by University of Buenes Aires Press (publication pending) Reclaiming the Enlightenment: Toward a Politics of Radical Engagement (Columbia University Press: New York, 2004), pgs. 182. Chinese translation by Jiangsu Publishing House, 2006; Spanish translation by Editorial Laetoli, 2007; Farsi translation by Chesmeh Publishing House, 2008. *Honorable Mention: David Easton Award -- Best book in Political Theory of the last five years – from American Political Science Association 2009. 1 A Rumor about the Jews: Anti-Semitism. Conspiracy, and the “Protocols of Zion” (Paperback Edition: Oxford University Press: New York, 2004); Hardcover: St. Martin’s Press: New York, 2000), pgs. 177. German translation by the Propylaen Verlag, 2000; Spanish Translation by Editorial Laetoli, 2009. Arabic translation in preparation. Imagining the Possible: Radical Politics for Conservative Times (Routledge: New York, 2002), pg. 240. nd Of Critical Theory and Its Theorists (2 Edition: Routledge: New York, 2002; 1st Edition: Basil Blackwell: London, 1994), pgs 323.Translation into Portuguese by Papirus: Rio de Janeiro, 1997; Socialism Unbound 2 pgs. 241. nd Edition. (Westview Press; Boulder, 2000;);1st edition, (Routledge: New York, 1990), Ideas in Action: Political Tradition in the Twentieth Century (Rowman & Littlefield: Landham, MD; 1999), pgs. 349. Translation into Korean by Ingansarang Publishers: Seoul, 2003). Moments of Decision: Political History and the Crises of Radicalism (Routledge: New York, 1992), pgs. 164. Winner of the Michael Harrington Book Award of the Caucus for a New Political Science. Translation into German by Suhrkamp Verlag: Frankfurt am Main, 2000). Rosa Luxemburg: A Revolutionary for Our Times (3rd printing; Pennsylvania State University Press, 1997); 2nd printing, Columbia University Press: New York, 1987; 1st printing, Pluto Press: London, 1980), pgs. 130. *** Rational Radicalism and Political Theory: Festschrift for Stephen Eric Bronner ed. Michael J. Thompson (Lexington Books: Lanham, publication pending) POPULAR WORKS Albert Camus: The Thinker, The Artist, The Man (Franklin Watts: New York, 1996), pgs. 130. Leon Blum (Chelsea House Publishing Co.: New York, 1986), pgs. 140. A Beggar’s Tales (Pella Press: New York, 1978), pgs. 136. EDITED WORKS The Logos Reader: Rational Radicalism and the Future of World Politics co-edited with Michael Thompson (University of Kentucky: Lexington, 2006), pgs. 380. Planetary Politics: Human Rights, Terror, and Global Society (Rowman & Littlefield: Lanham, 2005) Twentieth Century Political Theory: A Reader (Revised 2 st 2004; 1 Edition 1996), pgs. 408. nd Edition: Routledge: New York, publication pending Vienna: The World of Yesterday 1889-1914 co-edited with F. Peter Wagner (Humanities Press International: Atlantic Highlands, New Jersey, 1997), pgs. 279. The Letters of Rosa Luxemburg edited, translated, and with an introduction (2nd edition: Humanities Press International: Atlantic Highlands, New Jersey, 1993; 1st edition; Westview Press: Boulder, 1979), pgs. 307. Critical Theory and Society co-edited with Douglas Kellner (Routledge: New York, 1989), pgs. 316. Passion and Rebellion: The Expressionist Heritage co-edited with Douglas Kellner (2nd printing; Columbia University Press: New York, 1988; 1st printing: Bergin & Garvey: South Hadley, MA; Universe Books: New York; Croom Helm: London, 1983), pgs. 468. 2 Socialism in History: Political Essays of Henry Pachter (Columbia University Press: New York, 1984), pgs 361. SERIES EDITOR Genocide, Atrocity, and Human Rights: Co-Editor for Rutgers University Press Polemics: Rowman & Littlefield, Lanham, MD. Interventions: Social Theory and Contemporary Politics: Westview Press, EDITORIAL BOARDS Logos: A Journal of Modern Society and Culture -- Senior Editor Associate Editor: The International Encyclopedia of Revolution and Protest: 1500 to the Present 5 vols. Edited by Immanuel Ness (Oxford: Blackwell, 2009). Critical Social Theory (Nanjing: China) Focus on German Studies Human Rights and Human Welfare Capitalism, Nature, Socialism New Political Science X-Alta (France) Eszmelet (Hungary) New York Journal of Sociology CONFERENCE ORGANIZER “Impasse: Alternative Voices in the Middle East” Columbia University (November 20, 2004) PUBLIC SERVICE: Chair of the Executive Committee: US Academics for Peace Executive Council Representative for the AAUP: New Brunswick Chapter September 2005-Advisory Board: Brussels International War Crimes Tribunal Advisory Board: Conscience International Member: International Commission of Inquiry on Crimes against Humanity in Iraq ARTICLES “Hamas’s Choice” for Projekt-Syndicat (publication pending) “Il Potenziale di Cambiamento” for Una Citta #166 (June-July, 2009), pgs. 7-8. “Constructing a Critical Political Theory” for New Politics 47 Vol. XII No. 3 ( Summer,2009), pgs. 72-84. “Gaza On My Mind: Old Hopes, Mistaken Assumptions, and New Ideas on the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict” in Logos: A Journal of Modern Society and Culture Vol. 7, No. 3 (Spring, 2009): Translated for Lettre Internationale #84 (Spring, 2009); Translated into Italian for Una Citta #163 (March, 2009). “Last Chance for Darfur” for Project-Syndicate (May 7, 2008). Reprinted in 40 major newspapers worldwide and Z-Net 3 “On the Anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto” in Outlook Vol.46 No.2 (March/April 2008) “Who Are the Palestinians Today?” in Logos: A Journal of Modern Society and Culture Vol. 7 No. 1 (2008) ; Reprinted in the Newsletter of the Ibn Saud Institute in Cairo: Civil Society “Annapolis and Beyond” in ZNet (February 15, 2008) “Is Neo-Conservatism Dead?” for Project-Syndicate (September 1, 2007). Reprinted in The Guardian, Daily Times of Pakistan; The Sunday Times of Sri Lanka; Daily News of Egypt; Japan Times; The Bangkok Independent; Common Dreams; Daylife; Megite; The Malta Independent; South Asian Media Net; Staebroek News; The Economist’s View; New Brief; Current Developments in the Middle East; The View; The Huffington Post, and various other internet journals and newspapers. “About Saving Darfur: Reflections on the Carrot and the Stick” in Logos Vol. 6, No.1-2 (Winter-Spring, 2007), pgs. (?) ; Countercurrents (06/03/2007) in Reprinted in ZNet (May 29, 2007),; Canadian Dimension (06/02/2007); Global Business News Online,; "Explaining Iraq" in Znet (May 20, 2007); Reprinted in WordPress; “Images d’une Eopque: Reflexions sur la Correspondance Schoenberg-Kandinsky” in X-Alta no. 9 (Winter, 2006), pgs. 179-194. “The Sudan and the Crisis in Darfur”in Logos Vol. 5, No. 3 (Fall, 2006), pgs. (?); Reprinted on Znet (March 1, 2007). “Moral Maze” in The New Humanist (November/December 2006), pgs. 32-33. “Israel, Gaza, and Lebanon: A Crisis Without End” in Outlook Vol. 44, No.5 (September/October, 2006), pgs. 5ff. “Incendiary Images: Blasphemous Cartoons, Cosmopolitan Responsibility, and Critical Engagement” in Logos Vol. 5, No.1 (Winter, 2006), pgs. (?) ; Translated into Italian for Lettera Internazionale (publication pending) “Republic of Letters” in The New Humanist (March/April 2006), pgs. 24-6; Translated into Swedish for Axess Vol. 4 No. 8 (November 2005), pgs. 14-17. “Twilight in Tehran” in Logos Vol. 4, No.3 (Fall, 2005), pgs. (?) “Iraq Redux: How It Looked Then and How It Looks Now” in Logos Vol. 4, No.2 (Summer, 2005), pgs. (?) “Withdrawal Pains: Gaza, Peace, and the Future of Palestine” in Outlook (publication pending). German translation for Lettre International #69 (Summer, 2005). “Of Reason and Faith: A Reply to His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI” in Logos Vol. 4, No. 1 (Spring, 2005) pgs. (?) “Rumors and Reflections: A Reply to Dean Ian Markham” in Conversations in Religion and Theology Vol.2, No.2 (November, 2004), pgs. 212-216. “Human Rights, Religion, and the Cosmopolitan Sensibility” in Human Rights Review Vol.5, No.3 (April-June, 2004), pgs. 33-49. 4 “Dubya’s Fellow Travelers: The Left Fellow Travelers and Mr. Bush’s War” (co-authored with Kurt Jacobsen) in Logos Vol.3. No.4 (Fall, 2004), pgs. (?) . Reprinted in Canadian Dimension Magazine Web Digest (October, 18, 2004). “The Election and the War at Home” for the Website of the Bundeszentrale for Politische Bildung (GermanFrench Television). and Arte torale/671396,CmC=680396.html “Interpreting the Enlightenment: Metaphysics, Politics, Critique” in Logos Vol. 3, No.3 (Summer, 2004), pgs. (?) “The Political Legacy of Ronald Reagan” in Tribune 11 June 2004, pg. 3. “Constructing Neo-Conservatism” in Logos Vol. 3 No.2 (Spring, 2004), pgs. (?) “States of Despair: History, Politics, and Resistance in Palestine” in Logos Vol.3, No.1 (Winter, 2004), pgs. (?) . Translated into German for Lettre International (June, 2004); translated into Spanish for Panorama International; translated into French for X-Alta 8 (novembre 2004); translated into Hungarian for Eszmelet (publication pending). “The Anatomy of a Disaster: Class War, Iraq, and the Contours of American Foreign Policy in Logos Vol. 2, No.3 (Fall, 2003), pgs (?) . Translated into Spanish for Panorama International. “American Landscape: Lies, Fears, and the Distortion of Democracy” in Logos Vol. 2, No.2 (Summer, 2003), pgs. (?) Translated into Hungarian by Csaba Pesti for Eszmelet No.60. 2003 December, pp.46-51 “Misstrauen” in the “Feuilleton” of the Frankfurter Rundschau August 6, 2003. “Baghdad Memories” in Logos Vol. 2, No.1 (Winter, 2003), pgs. (?) Translated into German for the Frankfurter Rundschau 25.01.2003 th “Lenin’s Century: On the 100 Anniversary of What Is To Be Done?” in Radical Society Vol. 29, No.3 (October, 2002), pgs.67-74; Translated into German in Utopie-Kreativ No. 51 (Mail, 2003), pgs. 425-34; “Interview” for Krytyka Polityczna no. 2 (Fall, 2002), pgs. 97-110. “The Radical Imagination: Aesthetics, Spontaneity, Utopia” translated into French for X-Alta no.6 (Octobre, 2002), pgs. 85-95 and into Spanish for La Gouillotina radical.htm “Paul Wellstone” in Logos Vol.1, No.4 (October, 2002), pgs. (?): “Moving On: New Replies to New Critics” in New Politics Vol. 9, No. 1 (Summer, 2002), pgs. 224-235. “Sketching the Lineage: The Critical Method and the Idealist Legacy” in New Political Science Vol. 24, No.2, 2002, pgs. 265-292 “Us and Them: The State of the Union and the Axis of Evil” in Logos Vol. 1, No.2 (April, 2002), pgs. (?): “Versuch das Sozialismus zu verstehen” in Utopie-Kreativ #135 (January, 2002). Translated into German. “Rosa Redux: A Reply to David Camfield and Alan Johnson” in New Politics Vol. 8, No.4 (Winter, 2002), pgs. 35-52. 5 “Gandhi: Non-Violence and the Violence of Our Times” in Logos Vol. 1, No.1 (November, 2001), pgs. (?). www: “Red Dreams and the New Millennium: Remarks on Rosa Luxemburg” in New Politics Vol. 8, No. 3 (Summer, 2001), pgs.162-167. Translated into German for Utopie-Kreativ #123 (January, 2001), pgs. 9-16. “The Limits of Metatheory: Reconsidering the Dialectic of Enlightenment” the Mikarev: Journal of Literature and Society Nr. 3 (Summer, 2000). Translated into Hebrew. “The Sickness Unto Death: International Communism Before the Deluge” for Eszemelet No. 43 (Winter, 1999), pgs. 4-16. Translated into Hungarian. “Making Sense of Hell: Three Meditations on the Holocaust” in Political Studies Vol. 47. No.2 (June 1999), pgs. 314-328. Translated into Spanish for Nuestra Memoria (publication pending). “Looking Backwards: 1968 Thirty Years After” for New Political Science Vol.20; No.4 (December, 1998), pgs. 485-40. Translated into Hungarian for Fordulat "Politics or Utopia?" in New Politics Vol. VI, No. I (Spring, 1996), pgs. 27-33. “In the Shadow of the Resistance: Camus and the Paris Intellectuals” in New Politics Vol.V; No.4 (Winter, 1996), pgs. 150-165. “The Aesthetics of Emancipation: Historical Experiments and Future Possibilities” in Access Vol. 14; No.1 (1995), pgs. 42-55. “The Great Divide: The Enlightenment and Its Critics” in New Politics Vol.V; No.3 (Summer, 1995), pgs. 65-86. “Internationalism in Our Time” in Global Justice Vol.1; No.1 (Spring, 1995), pgs. 5-8. “Ecology, Politics, and Risk: Considerations on the Social Theory of Ulrich Beck” in Capitalism, Nature, Socialism Vol. 6; No.1 (March, 1995), pgs. 67-86. “Persistent Memories: Jewish Activists and the German Revolution of 1919" in New Politics Vol. 5; No.2 (Winter, 1995), pgs. 83-94. “Toward the Risk Society? In Honor of Ulrich Beck’s 50th Birthday” in Aesthetik und Kommunikation Vol.23; No.86 (May, 1994), pgs. 98-105. Translated into German. “The New Right: Reflections on an International Phenomenon” in New Political Science (Spring-Summer, 1993), pgs. 87-98. “Confronting Nationalism” in New Politics Vol.4, No.1 (Spring, 1992), pgs. 60-65. “Transforming the State: Capitalist Democracy, Socialist Politics and the Labor Movement” in New Political Science (Summer, 1991), pgs. 17-40. “Politics and Judgment: A Critique of Rational Choice Marxism” in The Review of Politics Vol.52; No.2 (Spring, 1990), pgs. 242-262. “Criticism and its Discontents: A Reply to Duncan Greaves" in Politikon: South African Journal of Political Science, Vol.17, No.2 (December, 1990), pgs.142-51. “Into the Future: Reflections on the End of History” in New Politics Vol. III, No.1 (Summer, 1990), pgs. 111125. “Tasks of the Socialist Intellectual” in Enclitic Vol.10, No.1 (Spring-Fall, 1988), pgs. 67-84. “The Political Theory of Rosa Luxemburg” in New Politics Vol.4, No.1 (Winter, 1988), pgs. 171-188. 6 “Marxism and Critical Aesthetics” in Enclitic Vol.3, No.1-2 (Spring/Fall, 1984), pgs. 37-57. “Reconstructing the Experiment: Politics, Ideology, and the American New Left” in Socialtext No.8 (Summer, 1984), pgs. 127-141, Translated into French for L’Homme et la societe (1989) and into German for Konkursbuch (1989). “Karl Kautsky and the Twilight of Orthodoxy” in Political Theory Vol.4, No.2 (Winter, 1982) “Tribute to a Socialist: Henry M. Pachter” in Telos No.46 (Winter, 1981), pgs. 169-176. The Socialist Project" in Social Research Vol. 47, No. I (Spring, 1980), pp. 11-35) "Paris and Berlin 1900-1933 " in New German Critique No. 16 (Winter, 1979), pp. 145-153 "The Tapestry Unravels: Considerations on the Structure of Walter Benjamin's Thought" in Colloquia Germanica No. 3 (Winter, 1979), pp.201-219 "The Poverty of Scholasticism: A Pedant's Delight" in Salmagundi No. 43 (Winter, 1979), pp. 185-200 "The Living Mask and the Humanist Myth: Reflections on the Art of Nicholas Sperakis" in The Journal of the Hellenic Diaspora Vol. 5, No. 4 (Winter, 1979) "F. T. Marinetti: The Theory and Practice of Futurism" in The Boston University Journal XXV No. 2, 1977, pp. 48-56; reprinted in Twentieth-Century Literary Criticism vol. 42 edited by Paula Kepos (Gale Research Inc: Detroit, 1991); reprinted in Twentieth Century Literary Criticism vol. 166 edited by Linda Pavlovski (Gale Research Inc: Detroit, 2005). "Martin Heidegger: The Consequences of Political Mystification"in Salmagundi No. 38-9 (June, 1977), pp. 153-174. "Revolutionary Anticipation and Tradition" in Honor of Ernst Bloch's 90th Birthday" in Minnesota Review NS 6 (Spring, 1976), pp. 88-96 "Art and Utopia: The Marcusean Perspective" in Politics and Society Vol. 3, No. I (Winter, 1973). Reprinted in Ira Katznelson et. al The Politics and Society Reader (David McKay, Inc.: New York, 1974), pp.378-408 CHAPTERS IN BOOKS “Critical Theory” in The International Encyclopedia of Political Science (Washington, DC: Congressional Quarterly Press: publication pending) “Twentieth Century Political Theory” in Encyclopedia for Modern Political Thought ed. Gregory Claeys (Washington, DC: Congressional Quarterly Press; publication pending) “Constructing a Critical Political Theory” in Herbert Marcuse ed. Arnold Farr (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press: publication pending, 2009). “Critical Theory” in The International Encyclopedia of Revolution and Protest: 1500 to the Present edited by Immanuel Ness 5 volumes (Oxford: Wiley/Blackwell, 2008) ”Counter-Revolution” in The International Encyclopedia of Revolution and Protest: 1500 to the Present edited by Immanuel Ness 5 volumes (Oxford:Wiley/ Blackwell, 2008) “Civil Rights Movement in the United States” in The International Encyclopedia of Revolution and Protest: 1500 to the Present edited by Immanuel Ness 5 volumes (Oxford: Wiley/Blackwell, 2008) “Ernst Bloch” in The International Encyclopedia of Revolution and Protest: 1500 to the Present edited by Immanuel Ness 5 volumes (Oxford: Blackwell, 2008) 7 “Leon Blum and the Popular Front” in The International Encyclopedia of Revolution and Protest: 1500 to the Present edited by Immanuel Ness 5 volumes (Oxford: Wiley/Blackwell, 2008) “Vladimir Tatlin” in The International Encyclopedia of Revolution and Protest: 1500 to the Present edited by Immanuel Ness 5 volumes (Oxford: Wiley/Blackwell, 2008) “Resisting the Right: Challenging the Neo-Conservative Agenda” in Confronting the New Conservatism: The Rise of the Right in America edited by Michael J. Thompson (New York: NYU Press, 2007), pgs. 269-284. “Libeling the Jews: Truth Claims, Trials and the Protocols of Zion” in From the Protocols of Zion to the Holocaust Denial Trials: Challenging the Media, the Law, and the Academy eds. Debra Kaufman et. al (Valentine-Mitchell: Middlesex, 2007), pgs. 15-25. “False Antinomies: Cultural Uniqueness and Human Rights” in Identity, Difference, and Human Rights eds. Katherine Brown and Tony Evans (Routledge: New York, forthcoming) “The Jewish Exiles of the Frankfurt School” in Encyclopedia of American Judaism (Jerusalem: Shalvi Publishing Company: 2007). “Forward” (with Frances Fox Piven) to The Encyclopedia of Social Movements edited by Immanuel Ness (M.E. Sharpe: Armonk, NY: 2004). “Preface” to Joel Shatzky Common Sense: What America Needs To Do To Save The Family and Democracy (N&S Publishers: Cortland, NY 2004). “Notes on the Intellectual at Work” in Die Lektuere der Welt: Zur Theorie, Geschichte und Soziologie kultureller Praxis: hrsg. Helmut Heinze und Christianne Weller (Peter Lang: Zurich, 2004), 42-46. “Looking Backwards: 1968 Thirty Years After” in Die Phantasie an die Macht? 1968: Bilanz eine Periode hrsg. Richard Faber und Erhard Stolting (Philo Verlag: Berlin, 2002), pgs. 17-23. “The Sickness unto Death: International Communism Before the Deluge” in After the Fall: 1989 and the Future of Freedom ed. George Katsiaficas (Routledge: New York, 2000), pgs. 140-151. "Utopian Projections: In Honor of Ernst Bloch" in Not Yet: Reconsidering Ernst Bloch eds. Jamie Owen and Tom Moylan (Verso Books: New York, 1997), pgs. 165-174. "Fromm in America" in Erich Fromm und die Frankfurter Schule eds. Rainer Funk and Michael Kessler (Francke Verlag: Tubingen, 1991), pgs. 41-59. "Between Art and Utopia: Reconsidering the Aesthetic Theory of Herbert Marcuse" in eds. Robert Pippen et. al., Marcuse: Critical Theory and the Promise of Utopia (Macmillan: London, 1988), pgs. 107-140 "Expressionism and Marxism: Towards an Aesthetic of Emancipation" in Passion and Rebellion, pgs. 411453 "Emil Nolde: The Politics of Rage" in Passion and Rebellion, pgs. 293-311 "Expressionist Painting and the Aesthetic Dimension" in Passion and Rebellion, pgs.. 237-249 HONORS AND AWARDS 2009 Honorable Mention: David Easton Award: Foundations of Political Theory: APSA 2007 Sigma Phi Epsilon Faculty Appreciation Award 2005 Charles E. McCoy Lifetime Achievement Award: New Political Science: APSA 1998 Certificate for Distinguished Teaching: American Political Science Association 1998 Warren I. Susman Teaching Award, Rutgers University 1998 Best Teacher in Who's Who Among America’s Teachers 1994 Michael Harrington Book Award from the Caucus for a New Political Science 8 1979 Dean's Fellowship, University of California, Berkeley, 1974 Department Scholarship, University of California, Berkeley, 1972 Bennett Essay Prize, City College of New York, 1971 GRANTS DAAD Summer Grant 1997 American Council of Learned Societies Travel Grant 1996 DAAD Summer Grant 1991 Robert Bosch Foundation Grant, Tubingen, Summer Seminar 1989 Fulbright-Hays Grant; Bonn. Summer Seminar, 1988 Rutgers Research Grant, 1985 Fulbright-Hays Grant, University of Tubingen, BRD, 1973 REVIEWS: “Strangers Nowhere in the World: The Rise of Cosmopolitanism in Early Modern Europe by Margaret C. Jacob for The American Historical Review (April, 2007), pgs.573-4. “Neocons and Philosophes: The Roads to Modernity: The British, French, and American Enlightenments by Gertrude Himmelfarb” for The Washington Post ( September 12, 2004) "The Rhetoric of Reaction by Albert 0. Hirschman" for Political Theory Vol. 2 1, No. I (February, 1993), pgs. 132-5. "The Art of Revolution: Kurt Eisner's Agitprop by Albert E. Gurganus", in The Germanic Review Vol. LXIV No. 2 (Spring, 1989), pgs. 81-2. "Neo-Conservative Obsession: The Bloody Crossroads: Where Literature and Politics Meet by Norman Podhoretz" in The Texas Observer (December 19.1986). "Fire from the Mountain by Omar Cabezas" in New Political Science #15 (Summer, 1986), pps. 108-111. "The Same Old Criterion: The Revenge of the Philistines: Art and Culture 1972-1984" in The Texas Observer (March 21, 1986). "The Foundation for a Spirit of Resistance: The War Diaries by Jean-Paul Sartre" in The Texas Observer (Aug. 2, 1985). "On Democracy: Toward A Transformation of American Society by Joshua Cohen and Joel Rogers" in Political Theory (August, 1984). "Utopie und Ideologie in der expressionistischen Lyrik by Karl-Heinz Hucke" in German Studies (Winter, 1983). "On the Collapse of the Weimer Republic" in Kapitalstate No. 10- 11. "The Imaginary Witness: The Critical Theory of Herbert Marcuse by Morton Schoolman" in Political Theory (February, 1982). "Karl Korsch's Revolutionary Theory" in Telos No. 23 (Winter, 1977), pp.225-236. "Alienation and Identification and Justice, Human Nature, and Political Obligation by Morton Kaplan" in Journal of Politics (Fall, -1978). MISCELLANEOUS: “Critical Theory” for International Encyclopedia of Political Science (Washington DC: Congressional Quarterly Press, 2007). 9 “Terror, War, and Democracy: An Interview” for New Political Science Vol.27, No.4 (December, 2005), pgs. 521-5267. “Distorting Democracy” in Longshot Vol. 27 (2004), pgs. 199-203. “Misstrauen: Weder zuhoren noch debattieren” in Frankfurter Rundschau 06/08/03. “Baghdad Memories: Amerikanische Kriegsgegner auf Erkundungsfahrt in Irak” in Frankfurter Rundschau 1/25/03. “Rosa Luxemburg” for Jewish Women: A Comprehensive Historical Encyclopedia (Shalvi: Jerusalem, 2003) "Rosa Luxemburg" for Encyclopedia of Political Revolutions ed. Jack Gladstone (Congressional Quarterly Press: Washington, DC., 1998). "Internationalism in Its Time" in Longshot Vol. 19 (November, 1997), pgs. 130-33. "Rosa Luxemburg" for the Encyclopedia of Democracy ed. Seymour Martin Lipset (Congressional Quarterly Press: Washington, D.C., 1995). "Ernst Bloch" for The Routledge Dictionary of Twentieth Century Political Thinkers ed. Robert Benewick and Philip Green (Routledge: New York, 1992). "Max Horkheimer" for The Routledge Dictionary of Twentieth Century Political Thinkers ed. Robert Benewick and Philip Green (Routledge: New York, 1992) "Karl Kautsky for The Routledge Dictionary of Twentieth Century Political Thinkers ed. Robert Benewick and Philip Green (Routledge: New York, 1992). "Rosa Luxemburg" for The Routledge Dictionary of Twentieth Century Political Thinkers ed. Robert Benewick and Philip Green (Routledge: New York, 1992). "Ernst Bloch's Philosophy" Letter to The New York Times (December 28, 1986). "Between Terrorism and War" in Links (June 1986). "Nationalism or Peace?: An Open Letter to the German Left" in Links (March, 1982). NEWSPAPERS, RADIO AND TELEVISION Host and Executive Producer for Hearts & Minds for Press TVNY: 10 one hour shows from 9/07 –6/08. Guests have included Richard Bulliet, Professor of Anthropology, Columbia University; David Harvey, Distinguished Professor of Anthropology CUNY Graduate Center; Cornel West, Professor of Religion Princeton University; Frances Fox Piven Distinguished Professor of Political Science CUNY Graduate Center; Richard Murphy, Former Assistant Secretary of State for Middle Eastern Affairs; Pranay Gupte, Senior Correspondent Forbes, Newsweek; Katrina Vanden Heuvel, Editor of The Nation, and others. Interview: “Conversations” with Harold Channer (MNN T; Channel 34, 9/29/09) Interview: “Anti-Semitism Today” in El Pais (2/13/09; rumores/mal/judio/elpepuint/20090213elpepuint_3/Tes Interview: Fars News Agency: Iran (1/21/09) Interview: “Peace Out of Reach” for “Equal Time for Free Thought” for WBAI 3/2/08 Interview: “The Sudan in Crisis” for Deutsche Welle 10/9/07 10 Interview: “Peace Out of Reach” for Air-America 7/9/07 Interview: “Peace Out of Reach” for WMET 6/28/07 Interview: “American Foreign Policy” for Fars News, Iran 6/23/07 Interview: “Saving Darfur” for WNUR in Chicago 6/2/07 Interview: “Geo-Politics and the Tragedy of the Middle East” for Fars News in Iran 10/1/06 Interview: “Sudan, Darfur, and the UN” for Deutsche Welle 9/26/06 Interview: “Lebanon and Beyond” for Farsnews Agency in Iran 8/12/06 Interview: “Enlightenment and Faith” (1 hr.) for British Broadcasting Bureau 3/22/06 Interview: “The State of Faith” (1 hr.) for BBC: Westminster 2/20/06 Interview: “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion” (1 hr.) for U.S Holocaust Museum 2/16/06 Interview: “Foreign Policy and the Middle East” (1 hr) for WBAI 12/5/06 Interview: “Blood in the Sand” for WKPW (1 hr) 1/11/06 Interview: “Eye on Books” for Metro Networks (1 hr) for National Public Radio 10/25/05 Interview: “Westwood One: The Jim Bonohan Show” (1 hr) 10/24/05 Interview: “Beyond the Pale with Esther Kaplan” (2 hrs) for WBAI Radio 10/16/05 Interview: “Culture Schocks with Barry Lyn” for WAMU Radio 10/14/05 Interview: “The Iraqi Constitution” for Deutsche Welle Radio 10/13/05 Interview: “Evening News with Andrea Sterns” for WBAI Radio 10/3/05 Interview: Fars New Agency in Iran 8/5/05 Interview: “Equal Time for Free Thought” for WBAI 7/3/05 Interview: “Talk of the Nation” for National Public Radio 5/23/05 Interview: “The Plot: Jewish Conspiracies” for The Leon Charney Show 5/12/05 Interview: “The Mid-East and the World” for Inno-Mind 4/10/05 Interview: Fars News Agency: Iran “America and Iran” 2/30/05 “Interview: Documentary: “Chronicle of Lies: The Protocols of Zion”; PBS: Two Cats Production” “Interviews: Conversations with Harold Channer” on Channel 34 MNN Cable (September 23, 2004) For WDIQ Pennsylvania (National Public Radio): “Seeing Palestine” (April 9, 2004) For Irish Radio: NEAR FN: “The Plight of the Palestinians” (February 5, 2004) For German Radio: Sudwestfunk: “The Bush Administration and the Culture of Lying” (June 28, 2003) For German Radio: SFB: Interview “The Middle East in Crisis: Iraq and Iran” (June 10, 2003) 11 For German International Radio: Deutsche Welle: “Short Interview on Bush and Iraq” (May, 30, 2003) For KBOO Oregon (Pacifica): “Short Interview on Rebuilding Iraq” (April 21, 2003) For CN8 Television: “Short Interview on the Iraqi War” (March 21, 2003) For German International Radio: Deutsche Welle: “Short Interview on the Iraqi War” (March, 18, 2003) For Public Broadcasting Service: Television: “Short Interview on the History of Socialism” (March 16,2003) Interview with The Daily Record 3/15/03 Interview” with Die Tageszeitung 3/4/03 Interview” with Home News Tribune of New Brunswick 2/9/03 For WYPR: National Public Radio: “Should We Go to War: A Debate with Stephen David” (February, 13 2003) For German National Radio: Deutschlandfunk: “Short Interview on Iraq” (January 23, 2003) For German International Radio: Deutsche Welle: “Short Interview on the Iraq Crisis” (January 2, 2003) For German Radio: SFB: Short Interview: “American Left-Wing Intellectuals” (November, 2002) For German Radio: Deutsche Welle: Short Interview on the visit of President George Bush (June 2002) For German Radio: Deutsche Funk: Half-hour Interview: Albert Camus December 2001 For German Radio: SFB: The War in Afghanistan. December 2001. For German Radio: Radio Bremen: Half-hour-Interview: Albert Camus December 2001 For German Radio: Bayrisches Rundfunk: Half-Hour Interview: Albert Camus December 2001 For WNYE Radio: Half-hour interview. September, 2000. For WNYE Television: “The Leon Charney Report”: Half-hour interview. September, 2000. For WBAI: Twenty Minute Interview: "Ideas in Action." March, 2000. For ABC Radio, Melbourne Austrailia: Twenty Minute Interview. "Albert Camus and Existentialism." February, 2000. For German Radio: Bayerisches Rundfunk; Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk; Radio Bremen; SFB/ORB: Interview: “Antisemitism: A Rumor about the Jews” November 1999. For Deutschland Radio: Hour Panel Discussion: “Jewish Culture” November, 1999. For Sudwestfunk Berlin: Hour Panel Discussion: "From the 1960s to the 1990s" April, 1998. For Deutsches Radio: Hour Interview (October, 1997). For WEVD: Hour Interview. "The German Public and the Persecution of the Jews" June 1996. For Pacifica Radio: Hour Interview "The Nazis, The Jews, and Ordinary Germans" June, 1996. For Suedwestfunk Berlin: Hour Panel Discussion "Hitler's Willing Executioners" May, 1996. For Sender Freies Berlin: Hour Panel Discussion: "Culture and Censorship: Towards a New McCarthyism?" August, 1995. Germany and France 12 For Suedwestfunk: Hour Panel Discussion: "The Globalization of Culture." August, 1994. For WBAI: Hour Panel Discussion: "Russia and Yeltsin" October, 1993. For WNYC: Hour Panel Discussion: "The Right and German History" April, 1993. Hour Interview: "The Rise of the Right" June 1992. Austria For Pacifica Radio; Hour Interview: "Socialism Unbound" August, 1991. For Suedwestfunk, Hour Interview: "Conflicts of Consciousness: Multiculturalism and the American University." July 1991. Germany For KPFK (Los Angeles) Hour interview: "Socialism Unbound"; August, 1990. For WACTV (Austin) "Gorbachev and Glasnost": Half-hour interview aired May 1986. For WACTV (Austin): "The Prospects for European Social Democracy." Guest for a half-hour interview aired in May, 1981. For WACTV (Austin): "The Polish Crisis. Guest for a half-hour interview aired in April, 1981. For WBAI Radio: The French Elections. Co-anchor for four hours of election coverage aired in April, 1978. For WBAI Radio: "The Politics of Music" (Part I: Theodorakis and Neruda; Part U: Brecht). Co-host and commentator for each of these one hour programs which were aired in April, 1977. For WNYC Radio: "Memoirs of an Exile: A Three Part Oral History of Europe Between the Two World Wars" (The Weimar Republic; France and the Popular Front; The Spanish Civil War). HONORABLE MENTION: International Who's Who; Who’s Who in the Social Sciences; Outstanding Young Men of America; Personalities of America; Who's Who in Business and Finance; Who's Who Among America’s Best Teachers. PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES Member of the Burdette Prize Committee for the Best Paper at the APSA – 2000 Chair for the Caucus for a New Political Science 1995-Program Director for the Caucus for a New Political Science 1994 Co-Program Director of the Caucus for a New Political Science, 1983 Coordinator for UNITAR project on the New International Economic Order, 1978-9 COURSES TAUGHT Introduction to Politics; American Politics, American Political Theory; Contemporary Social Theory; Critics of Modernity; The Western Political Tradition; Nineteenth Century Political Thought; The Politics of Existentialism; Marx; Idealism; Theories of the Labor Movement; Critical Theory; Political Aesthetics; Politics and Culture; Politics, Literature and the Arts; The Idealist Legacy; Politics and Phenomenology; and others. Evaluations on request. MEMBERSHIPS IN ORGANIZATIONS American Political Science Association Caucus for a New Political Science Academy of Political Science 13 INVITED LECTURES “The Museum as a Cosmopolitan Site” at the Temporaen Kunsthalle Berlin, Germany (11/24/09) “Critical Theory American Style: C. Wright Mills and the Tradition” at the CUNY: Graduate Center (10/16/09) “Of Guns and Butter: Arms Running in Africa and Darfur” for The New York Theological Seminary (10/9/09) “Reclaiming the Enlightenment: Then and Now” for the Swedish Association of Sciences, Stockholm (5/19/09) “Darfur and Humanitarian Intervention”: Plenary Speech for the Global Studies Association at Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton (5/9/09) “Dealing with Darfur” for the Central New Jersey Coalition against War in Highland Park, NJ (4/25/09) “Enlightenment Today” at the Graduate School for International Studies: University of Denver (4/20/09) “Hunger in Africa” for the International Conference Against Hunger” in New Brunswick, NJ (4/5/09) “American Foreign Policy and the Democrats” for Young Democratic Socialists of America in NYC (2/ 23/ 2009) “America and the World” William Paterson University, Wayne, NJ (11/23/08) “Stages of Peace: Syria and the West” at the Center for the Study of Genocide and Human Rights: Newark (11/15/08) “Reflections on the Saffron Revolution” at the Center for the Study of Genocide and Human Rights, Newark (10/2909) th “Political Liberty and Social Justice” at the University of Cape Town, South Africa (July 8 , 2008). “The United States, Sudan, and Darfur” for Left Forum at Cooper Union, New York 3/15/08 “Divide and Conquer: Identity Politics, Progressive Action, and Resistance” at William Paterson University in Wayne, New Jersey 2/20/08 “The Iraq Moratorium”: Plenary for the Young Democratic Socialists of America Convention in New York City 3/15/08 “New Perspectives on the Darfur Crisis” sponsored by the Center for African Studies at Rutgers University 2/13/08 “Sudan, Darfur, and American Foreign Policy”: cosponsored by The Commission on Peace and Justice Roman Catholic Diocese of Albany, Veterans For Peace, The Interfaith Alliance of NYS, Bethlehem Neighbors For Peace, and Women Against War. Albany, NY 8/17-18/2007). “American Foreign Policy and the Neo-Conservatives” for the Logos Public Sphere Project in New York 8/7/07 “Reclaiming the Enlightenment” for The Humanist Association: Fairlawn, NJ 4/14/07 “Leaving Iraq” sponsored by PIRG: New Brunswick, 3/28/07 “The Sudan and the Crisis in Darfur” sponsored by the Ermeritii Assembly and the Graduate Students Association at Rutgers University: New Brunswick 3/29/07 14 “Reclaiming the Enlightenment” at Loyola University: Chicago 2/9/07 “Anti-Semitism and Its Resurgence” for Tikkun: Chicago 2/11/07 “Neo-Conservatism in America” at the University of Central Arkansas in Conway, Arkansas 10/27/06 “The Sudan and the Crisis in Darfur” for the Center for African Studies, Rutgers University in New Brunswick, NJ 10/24/06 “The Sudan and the Darfur Crisis” at “Dialogue for Civilizations” Conference: Council for International Friednschip in Khartoum, Sudan 9/6/06 “Enlightenment Now?” at The New Humanist: London, England 3/21/06 “Politics and Resistance” at the Wolfsohn Center, New School University, 3/16/06 “Travels and Travails in the Middle East” at Long Island University 3/2/06 “The Elections in Palestine” at Association for International Relations, Rutgers University (February, 2006) th “Herbert Marcuse and the Birth of Critical Political Theory” for Eros and Civilization: 50 Anniversary Conference at St. Joseph’s Conference in Philadelphia (November 2005). “The Protocols of Zion in the Inter-War Period” at Boston University (October, 2005) “America After 9/11 and the Geo-Strategic Implications of the Iraq War” for the Institute of Scientific Research in Teheran (September, 2005) “The Enlightenment and Secularism” for The Ethical Culture Society in Teaneck, NJ (April, 2005) “Gaza and the Road to Peace” for NYU Students for Justice in Palestine at NYU (April, 2005) Distinguished Scholar Lecture: College of St. Rose in Albany, NY (March, 2005). “Arguing the Enlightenment: for The Marxist Symposium at the Center for European Studies: New York University: January 29, 2005. “Fiction/Non-Fiction” for the Zurich Dialogues in Dusseldorf, Germany (September, 2004) “Academic Justice in Palestine” at the Conference: A Just Peace in Israel-Palestine in Brussels, Belgium (July 3, 2004) “The Problem in Palestine” at the Unitarian Universalist Church co-sponsored by Lehigh University in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania (April, 2004). “Plenary: America and the War in Iraq” at the State University of New York: Cortland (March, 2004) ”The War in Iraq” at the Unitarian Universalist Church in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania (October 25, 2003). “US Foreign Policy: A Debate with Former German Ambassador John C. Kornblum” at the Initiative Hauptstadt Berlin (June 11, 2003) “Liberalism, Rights and Cosmopolitanism” at the Second International Human Rights Conference at Mofid University in Qom, Iran (May 18, 2003) “Baghdad Memories” at Rutgers University (February, 24 2003) “Baghdad Memories and the Prospects for War” at University of Maryland: Baltimore County (February, 13 2003) 15 “War in Iraq” for the Hudson Valley Peace Coalition at St. Peter’s College, New Jersey (February, 4 2003) “Baghdad Memories” at the Blair Academy in New Jersey (January, 22 2003) “The American Left and Iraq” for the Rosa Luxemburg Institute in Berlin (November, 2002) “Blinded by the Light: On the Limits of Subjectivism” for the Zurich Dialogues in Ascona, May 2002. “The Last Bolshevik: Radek, a Novel by Stefan Heym” for The Center for Global Change and Governance at The Graduate School: Rutgers University-Newark (April, 2002). “Albert Camus” at the Literaturhaus in Berlin (December 2001). “Gandhi: Non-Violence and the Violence of Our Times” at the Gandhi Association, Rutgers University (October, 2001). “The End of History Revisited” at the University of Leipzig in Germany (June, 2001) “Libeling the Jews: The Protocols of the Elders of Zion -- Then and Now” for Jewish Studies Conference at Northeastern University in Boston (May, 2001). “Antisemitism Past and Present” for University of Washington: Tacoma and the Jackson Center of Seattle (April, 2001). “New Strategies for Progressive Politics” at the Socialist Scholars Conference in New York (April, 2001). “Antisemitism Past and Present” for Columbia University Seminar: Contents and Methods (February, 2001). “A Rumor about the Jews” for the Center for Holocaust Studies at Brookdale Community College and the Monmouth County Library in New Jersey (October, 2000). “The Crisis of a Prejudice: Notes on Antisemitism Today” at Universitaet Potsdam, Germany (June, 2000). “The Crisis of a Prejudice: Notes on Antisemitism Today” at Universitaet Oldenburg, Germany (June, 2000). “Red Dreams and the New Millennium: Notes on Rosa Luxemburg” for the Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung” in Berlin (June, 2000). “Antisemitism: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow” at Columbia University (December, 1999). Commentator to “Ideas in Action: The Political Theory of Stephen Eric Bronner” at the Caucus for a New Political Science at the American Political Science Association (September, 1999) “On the Merits of Critical Theory” at Universitaet Leipzig (January, 1999). “Looking Backwards: 1968 Thirty Years After” at Budapest University, Hungary (November, 1998). “The Limits of Metatheory: Reconsidering Dialectic of Enlightenment” at Budapest University (November, 1998). "On the Holocaust" at the New School for Social Research. (October 1998). "Critical Theory and Historical Judgment: Reconsidering the Dialectic of Enlightenment" for Critical Theory in Contexts: An International Conference at Tel Aviv University, Israel (June, 1998). "Kant’s Idea of Knowledge" for the Zuricher Gespraech in Duesseldorf, Germany (October, 1997). "The Foundations of Fascism" at Long Island University (October, 1997). 16 "Making Sense of Hell: New Considerations on the Holocaust" at York University in Toronto (March, 1997). "Neoconservatism and Neonationalism" for Insitut fur Fort-und Weiter Bildung in Rottenburg-Stuttgart (July, 1996). "The Vagaries of Democratic Theory" for The Club Malraux at the Europaische Akademie in Berlin, Germany (July, 1995). "Public Action and Private Choices" for the Zurcher Gespraech in Ascona, Switzerland (October, 1994). "What's Left": Inaugural Lecture for a two year symposium at St. Lawrence University (April, 1993). "The Future of the European Labor Movement" at the University of Denver (April, 1993). "The Authoritarian Mind" for the International Conference on Humanistic Psychology in Moscow (July, 1992). "On the Rise of the International Right" for the Karl Renner Institute in Vienna (June, 1992). "Marx and Democratic Theory" at the New School for Social Research (March, 1991). “Contradictions in Democratic Theory" at the JFK Institute, Free University of Berlin (November 1990). "Democracy in America" at the JFK Institute, Free University of Berlin (November 1990). "Democratic Ethics" at the Center for the Humanities and Social Sciences at Williams College (May, 1990). "Karl Marx and the Rise of Democratic Socialism" at Lafayette College (February, 1989). "The Origins of Western Marxism" at the University of Massachusetts: Amherst (April, 1988). "The Foundations of Marxism" at the University of Texas: Austin (February, 1988). "Rosa Luxemburg and the Contemporary Left" at the N.Y. Marxist School (November, 1987). "The Nazi Spectacle" at the New School for Social Research (May, 1986). "The Politics of Social Democracy" at Lehigh University; (October, 1985). "Rosa Luxemburg: Marxism and Democracy" at Black Rose Society, MIT (April, 1985). "The History of the Internationals." Three Lectures at the New York Socialist School (April, 1982). "Poland Today" at Rutgers University Teach-in (May, 1981). "Rosa Luxemburg’s Marxism" at the University of Texas: Austin (March, 1981). "Socialism and Democracy" at New College, University of Southern Florida (February, 1979). "The Future of Socialism" at the University of Texas: Austin (February, 1978). CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS: “Critical Theory and Democratic Vision” for the Brecht Forum in New York (March, 2009) America and the World” for the American Political Science Association in Boston (August 2008). “American Foreign Policy and the Bush Administration” for the American Sociological Association in New 17 York (August 2007) “Psychoanalysis and the Enlightenment” for the American Sociological Association in New York (August, 2007) “Economic Equality and Inequality” at William Paterson University (April, 2006). “The End of Enlightenment?” at Institute for Public Policy Research: London England (March 2006). “The Class Ideal and the Current Crisis” for the Labor Section at the American Political Science Association in Washington, DC (September, 2005) “Foreign Policy and War”: Roundtable Participant at the American Political Science Association in Washington, DC (September, 2005) “The Enlightenment: Yesterday and Today” for Left Dialogues at the CUNY: Graduate Center (April, 2005). “Romancing the Past” at the German Graduate Student Conference at Rutgers University in New Brunswick (February, 2005) “The Role of the Public Intellectual at the American Political Science Association in Chicago (September, 2004). “Closing Plenary” for the Socialist Scholars Conference, New York, (March 2004) “The Enlightenment Today” for the Socialist Scholars Conference” (March, 2004) “America and the World” for the Socialist Scholars Conference” (March, 2004 “The Limits of Metaphysics” at the American Political Science Association in Philadelphia (September, 2003). “The Politics of Suffering” at the American Political Science Association in Philadelphia (September, 2003). “Rethinking T.W. Adorno” at the Socialist Scholars Conference (March 15, 2003) “Iraq and the Middle East Crisis” at the Socialist Scholars Conference (March 15, 2003) “Author Meets Critic: Dick Howard, The Specter of Democracy” at the Socialist Scholars Conference (March 15, 2003) “Art and Politics” at the Socialist Scholars Conference (March 15, 2003) “Intellectuals in a Time of War” at the American Political Science Association in Boston (September, 2002) th “Marx’s 18 Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte: Democracy, Dictatorship and the Class Struggle” at the American Political Science Association in Boston (September, 2002) “Cultural Preconditions for Cosmopolitanism” for the Democracy Collaborative at the American Academy in Berlin , June 2002. “Politics and the Academy” at the American Political Science Association in Washington. (September, 2000). “The Culture of Work in a Global Society” at A Working Culture II sponsored by the European Union (June, 1999). “Why Heidegger?” at the Socialist Scholars Conference in New York (April, 1999) “Civil Society: A Global Perspective” at the Socialist Scholars Conference in New York (April, 1999). 18 "Herbert Marcuse in Retrospect" at the Socialist Scholars Conference in New York (March, 1998). "The Communist Manifesto: 150th Anniversary" at the Socialist Scholars Conference in New York (March, 1998). "Does Socialism Have a Future ?" at the Socialist Scholars Conference in New York (March, 1998). "The Dialectic of Enlightenment at 50" Caucus for a New Political Science at the American Political Science Association (August,1997). "Globalization of Communication and Intercultural Experience" for the International Society of Political Psychology in Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland (July, 1997). "Globalism and Nationalism" for the Caucus for a New Political Science at the American Political Science Association (August,1995). “Democracy and Civil Society" for Normative Theory/ Caucus for a New Political Science at the American Political Science Association (August, 1994). “The Vagaries of Democratic Theory" at the Socialist Scholars Conference in New York (April, 1994). "Theodor Adomo Today" for the Northeastern Political Science Association in Newark (December, 1993). "1968 in the Memory of the Present" for the Caucus for a New Political Science at the American Political Science Association (August, 1993). "Critical Theory Today" for the Institut de Sociologie at the Sorbonne Paris (June, 1993). ”1968: Twenty Five Years Later" for the Socialist Scholars Conference in New York (April, 1993). "The Relevance of Socialism in a Post-Communist World" for the Midwest Radical Scholars Conference (October, 1992). "Marxism Revisited" for the Caucus for a New Political Science at the American Political Science Association (August, 1992). "Democratic Socialism/Dictatorship of the Proletariat?" for the Socialist Scholars Conference (April, 1992). "Socialism, Markets, and Democracy" for the American Political Science Association (August, 1991). "Fromm in America" for Erich Fromm and the Frankfurt School: An International Symposium, Stuttgart, Germany (May 1991). "Socialism and Democracy" for the Socialist Scholars Conference, New York (April 1991). Panelist: "The Iraq Crisis" at the JFK Institute, Free University of Berlin (November 1990). "The American Left and Eastern Europe" for the American Political Science Association (August 1990). "In Memoriam: Christian Bay" for the American Political Science Association (August 1990). "Politics and Culture" for the American Political Science Association (August, 1990). “The End of Communism" for Political Parties and the Future of Democracy: A Symposium at the University of North Texas, (April, 1990). "Socialism and Revolution" for the Socialist Scholars Conference (April, 1990). "Marxism and the French Revolution" for the Caucus for a New Political Science at the American Political Science Association (August, 1989). 19 "Perspectives on the French Revolution" at the American Political Science Association (August, 1989). "Reform and Revolution in the Modem Era" at the Socialist Scholars Conference (April, 1989). "New Directions in Marxism and Democratic Theory" for the Caucus for a New Political Science at the American Political Science Association (August, 1988). “After Reagan" at the Center for Transformative Politics for the American Political Science Association (August, 1987). "Socialism and Rights" at the Caucus for a New Political Science for the American Political Science Association (August, 1987). “The Ernst Bloch Centennial at the Caucus for a New Political Science for the American Political Science Association (August, 1986). "The Politics of Emotion" for the Caucus for a New Political Science at the American Political Science Association (September, 1985). "Georg Lukacs and Ernst Bloch: The Story of a Friendship" for Georg Lukacs Centennial Conference at the New School For Social Research (April, 1985). "Freedom and Socialist Theory" for the Socialist Scholars Conference at Borough of Manhattan Community College (April, 1985). "The Bureaucratic Phenomenon" for the Caucus for a New Political Science at the American Political Science Association (September, 1984). "The State in Capitalist Society" for the American Political Science Association (September, 1983). "The Fall of Weimar" for the Political Economy Colloquium at Rutgers University (February, 1983). "The SPD: An Identity Crisis" for the Caucus for a New Political Science at the American Political Science Association (September, 1982). "The Crisis of Advanced Industrial Societies in Europe" for the Caucus for a New Political Science at the American Political Science Association (August, 1981). "The Limits of American Reform Policies" for the American Political Science Association (August, 1981). "Eduard Bernstein and the Politics of False Pragmatism" for the Caucus for a New Political Science at the American Political Science Association (August, 1980). "Herbert Marcuse Symposium" for the Caucus for a New Political Science at the American Political Science Association (August, 1980). "The Concept of Western Marxism" at New York University; (June, 1980). "Gramsci's Political Theory" for ' the Caucus for a New Political Science at the American Political Science Association (August, 1979). "The Crisis of Euro-Communism" for the New Jersey Political Science Association (April, 1978). "The Marxian Dialectic and the Concept of the Concrete" for the Union of Radical Political Economists Conference Berkeley, California (August, 1977). "Marinetti and the Futurists" for the Social Theory and the Arts Conference at Stockton State College (April, 1977). 20 "Contemporary French Thought and Literature" for the Politics and Literature Conference at Rutgers University; April, 1977. 21