19 Polar molecules and polar bonds 19.1 What is a polar molecule? Hydrogen chloride is a good example of a polar molecule. Imagine a hydrogen atom and a chlorine atom coming close together and forming a bond. If you were one of the two electrons in the bond you would feel two attractions; one for the 17 protons in the chlorine nucleus, and one for the single proton belonging to the hydrogen atom. In spite of the shielding of the chlorine nucleus, the chlorine tends to win the competition. You would be drawn towards the chlorine and away from the hydrogen nucleus. Remember, though, that the electrons in a molecule are far from being stationary. Each electron in the bond would still have a chance of being found near the hydrogen, but a higher probability of being nearer the chlorine. Figure l9.l gives an impression of the spread of the electron charge cloud in hydrogen chloride. 6+ 6- o - p. Water, H2O Ho* ii+H 6N Ammonia,NH3 \ -"/-l H I H Hx- d+ E t h a n o l , C 2 H 5 0H 6+ 5H-lF . 'HF H y d r o g e nf l u o r i d e , 6H-o*-O- -Hd* H :C\r/ | I u-Y I' I IJ H LI I Figure19.1 Thesigmaorbitalin hydrogenchlorideis 'fatter' at the chlorineend; the electronsspendmore of their time nearerto the chlorinethanthehydrogen P r o p a n o n e , ( C H 3 ) 2 CO H--C 6lt. \ 6.+C : O " H / H-\C, '! Figure 19.2 Examples of polarmolecules The result of this uneven distributionof chargeis that one end of the moleculehasa slightpositivecharge,and the other a slight negativecharge.Theseslight charges are shown by the symbols0+ and 6- respectively(6 is the Greekletter 'delta'). Hydrogenchlorideis calleda polarmolecule becauseof its uneven distribution of charge.Notice that hydrogen chloride li a molecule; that is, it is predominantly covalent.Its small 6+ and 6- chargesdo notmake it an ionic substance. Many moleculesare polar, someof which are shown in Figure 19.2. 19.2 Polar bonds and electronegativities One way of predictingwhether a moleculeis polar is to Electronegativity is a use values oI electronegativity. measurewe use to tell us how well an element attracts electronsin a bond. The elementsfluorine and chlorine tend to attract electronsto themselvesvery strongly. havehigh valuesof electronegativitf On These.elements Polarmolecules andpolarbonds 107 Table 19.1.Electronegativity values for some elements* Table 19.2.Predictions from electronegativity values (a) Pauling scale Electronegativity values H 2.1 L i B e B C r.0 r.5 2.0 2.t Na 0.9 Mg r.2 Al I .5 Si I .8 K C 0.8 a 1. 0 Rb 0.8 Sr I .0 G a | .6 G In l .5 e 1.8 Sn r.8 N 1.0 P 2.t As 2.0 Sb |.9 O ).5 S 2.5 Se 2.4 Te '2.1 4.4 CI 1.0 Br 2.8 I 2.5 (b) Allred-Rochowscale H 2.1 L 1.0 i B 1.5 Na 1.0 Mg t.3 K C 0.9 a 1.1 Rb 0.9 Sr t.0 C 2.5 N 3.1 o 2.0 Al 1.5 Si 1.8 p S 2.1 2.4 Se 2.5 Te 2.O e G B a 1.8 In 1.5 G e 2.0 AS Sn L7 5D 2.2 I.8 3.5 F 4.1 c1 2.9 Br 2.8 2.2 nNoticethat electronegativityincreasesacrossa Period,and decreases down a Group (just like ionisationenergy) the other hand, metals like sodium or potassium very rarely form negative ions. On the contrary they tend to lose an electron to make positive ions. These elements have low electronegativities. You will find values for s o m e e l e m e n t si n T a b l e 1 9 . 1 . The first set were calculated by Linus Pauling in the l9l0s. On his scale,elements are given electronegativities calculated from values of their bond energies. Another scaleof electronegativitieswas invented by A. L. Ailred and E. G. Rochow in 1958.They used a method that estimated the shielding effect of the various electronsin an atom. This allowed them to work out the effective nuclear charge that an electron some short distance away would feel. Having calculatedthe attractive force on the electron, they converted their result to give numbers roughly in the range I to 4. They chose this scale so that it would give similar figures to Pauling's scale. You can see parts of both scalesin Table 19.1. Pauling's scaleis the most widely used, and we shall use his figures in the rest of the book. Electronegativity values have to be used carefully becausethey are not direct properties of elements. We cannot measure an electronegativity we can only use one of the scalesand see how well predictions made from it fit with the results of experiment (Table 19.2).In particular, the differencesbetween values are often correlated with the degree of ionic character in a bond. 108 PhysicalChemistry Examples Prediction Non-polarcovalentbond H2,Cl2,A2 Identical HCl,No, Bclr Slightlydifferent Polarcovalentbond* RbF,NaCl,Mgo Ionic bond formed Very different *The presenceof polar bondsdoesnot guaranteethat a is polar molecule As we have seen, the bond in hydrogen chloride has an uneven distribution of chargeat each end. That is, the bond is polar. Becausehydrogen chloride is a molecule with only one bond, the molecule must be polar as well. This fits with the difierence of 0.9 in their electronegativity values, and correspondsto around 20% ionic character. The values for sodium and chlorine are 2.1 units apart, which works out at nearly 650/o ionic character. 19.3 Polar molecules and dipole moments Electronegativities are not properties of atoms like their massesor spectra: there are no machines that we can use to measure electronegativities. The different scalesthat have been used from time to time have proved useful in some ways; for example, in explaining why hydrogen chloride is polar. But if you think about what you have read in the previous section, one or two things might worry you. In particular, you have not been given any experimental evidence that shows that hydrogen chloride really is polar. Fortunately such evidence does exist. It comes from measuring the dipole moment of the molecule. Suppose a negative and a positive charge are kept apart from one another as shown in Figure 19.1. This arrangement defines an electric dipole moment, or just dipole moment for short. The size of the dipole moment is given by multiplying the size of the charge by the distance apart, i.e. w:qxr Dipole moment +q f------> -q r Dioole TT:".1 Figure 19.3 Two charges, +q and *q, separated by a distance r possess a dipole moment. (The symbol for a dipole moment is +-) O,$. \U,K \., C Moleculeswith no dioole moment 19.3.Table of dipole moments* + + + v,\ On\, Structure Molecule Dipole momentlD T ? + Hydrogen fluclride f* 6 +g - p Hydrogen chloride +-* d +g - 6 1 6 - 6- 1.91 T Chargingthe plates has little effect 1.08 +* Hydrogen bromide 6 +g - 6 , 6 - Hydrogen iodide 6 +g - 0.80 +* sry Moleculeswith a dipole moment @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ 0.42 16. l l+ Water r) o| s- * . , , / - \ , , r * | -n H' + l+ Ammonia i-* ,n, / ' i - - , , . ux- * I | | l+ l+ l+ rr 6- l+ lI + 6- Ethanol u.-a*.r,-orn n* J ' t.68 H.-^r.l H It is possibleto measurethe sizeof a dipole moment. Supposeyou were to set up two setsof metal platesas shown in Figure 19.4. Between one set of plates you placemoleculeswith a dipolemoment, and betweenthe other pair you put moleculeswith no dipole moment. Now imagine chargingup eachpairbf platessothat one becamenegativeand the other positive.Thepositiveend of the dipoleswill be attractedto the negativeplate,and the negativeend towardsthe positiveplate.Thesemoleculestend to line up in the electricfield between the plates.The field of the dipolesis in the oppositedirection to the field betweenthe plates.By using somesensitive electronics,the changein the field can bi measured.On 'the other hand, the molecules without the dipole moment 'randomlywill not line up. They remain more or less oriented so the electricfield will changevery little. You will find that, for the simplermolecules,the sizes of the dipolemomentsare (approximately)proportional to the differencebetween the electronegativities of the atoms (seeTable 19.3).For the more complicatedmoleculesthe matter is not so straightforward.The reasonis that the dipole moments of the different bonds can reinforceone another,or in somecasescanceleachother out. An example is tetrafluoromethane,CFn (Figure 19.5).The electronegativity of carbonis 2.5, while that of fluorine is 4.0. This suggeststhat a carbon-fluorine bond shouldbe polar,with the carbonbeingpositiveand the fluorine negative.However, even though CFnhas four polar bonds, the molecule as a whole is not polar. 1.47 T 6+ li Figure19.4 Thetendencyof moleculeswitha dipotemoment to line up in an electricfield can be usedto measuretheir dipole moments.(ln practice they never lineup pertecilysurroundingmoleculesjostlesomeof themout of position) I H l+ Chargingthe plates causes the molecules to line up in the same direction 1.85 ..) H l H Proparibne 1.30 H s " Chlorobenzene 6+ 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ! y -cl r t rai v t.57 fi-cru- 2.25 '-'r / *v 6- c l 1.3-Dichlorobenzene A "' t ( ) l 1.72 aSZ---.,ucl I 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 16r 0.00 Y cl Polarmolecules andpolarbonds 109 Resultant - Cont' Table lg.t' Dipole momentlD Structure llolecule 6+ NH, I t.rt '-A) l ( ) l PhenYlamine tlt / 1, 2 - D i c h l o r o b e n z e n e II .A t[ )l 1 have dipole Figure 19.6 Two of the dichlorobenzenes moments:the third does not 5, ,v 5F ,i\ F d- Figure 19.5 Atthough tetrafluoromethanehas four polar binds, themolecuti as a wholeis not polar' Thisoftenhap' penswithhightysymmetricmolecules The reasonlies in the symmetricalarrangementof the Uo"at, and their dipoie moments' The four dipole momentscancelout. Further examplesare the dichlorobenzeneslisted in Table19.1.The waysthe dipolescombineare shown in Figure19.6. "In somemoleculesthe presenceof highly electronegative atoms can affectUonassome distanceaway in the molecule.Trichloromethane,CHClr,is an example'Her-e pull ;h;-;h;.; highly electronegativechlorine atoms carbon; central the from awiy them, .t".tto"t to*"utdt this in turn causeselectronsto be drawn towards the carbonfrom the hydrogen-carbonbond (Figurel9'7)' il tltit way the nyArog*enatom has a greaterdegreeof Chemistry Physical ci o" - 1.02 6F 6-t ' I ' r, ;d+ . cl. \ \\ 6-^,*-_--C-H L'I ll *Dipole moments are usually stated in debyes (D)' One debye equals 3.14x l0-ro C m 110 tcl r^l d-ct)c_Ho* clo" - Diooles cancel: no resultant moment 1, 4 - D i c h l o r o b e n z e n e I Trichloromethane j i,: VI I t.4i NO, *_--i o -^' Llr i ;i a 6- . 1, 3 - D i c h l o r o b e n z e n e tLl ,v i Nitrobenzene { 'i - o H rA, Resurtant ffi*,,o," v\., \/ 8+ Phenol lf ffi;" u\2 I t dipore 6+ Chlorinedrawselectrons towards itself draw Fioure 19.7 The chlorine atoms in trichtoromethane '"if"iiiriinductive negative a show They io*airdstn"*' effect 'ordinary' positivechargethan we would expectin an iirUo"-nyat5ge" bond. The electron withdrawing said to exert a negativeinductiveeffect. .niori". uio,,'i "t. itr.r" ut. groups of atoms that can exert a positive inductive eltect, but we shall ignore them until later (unit I l2). wouldyou 19.1 Whichof the followingmolecules boron HrS; polar: sulphide, hydrogen or"Oictto be ethane' CClo; tetra-chloromethane, eitr; iricnroriOe, CO? CrHu;carbonmonoxide, 1g.2 Lookat the diagramsof the two moleculesin f'rgureig.a. woutOi-hemoleculeshave a dipole moment? cl cl cl I H cls-1,2-Dichloroethene (,t H trans-l'2-Dichloroethene Figure19.8 Twoformsof 1,2-dichloroethene 19.4 Polarisability Imagine putting a Iarge negative ion near to a small positive ion. Becausethe outer electronsof the large ion are far from the nucleus, they are not held very tightly. They will be attracted towards the positive ion. The /-E-\ +ion(;,) Far apart: no influenceon each oiher Closertogether:the negativeion is polarisedby the positiveion Evencloser:thechargecloudof the negative ionmergeswiththat of the positiveion;coValency results Figure 19.9 A small positiveion close to a larger negative ion will polarisethe negative ion Table 19.4. Fajans' rules An ionic compound will have a high degree of covalency if: The positive ion is small and highly charged.and The negative ion is large (highly polarisable) An alternative version is; Covalency is promoted by a small cation and a large anion* pound may be almost entirely covalent.For example,the beryllium ion, Be2*, is so small that it manages to polarise any negative ion to such a degree that its compounds are predominantly.covalent. 19.3 A largenegative ionisto someextentsimilar to a largeatomor molecule. Because of theirsize,each of themwill be highlypolarisable. lf you prefer,you could say that they were 'soft' or 'squashy'.The meaning isthesame:bothwillbe easilydistorted by a nearbyelectricfield.Try to givea reasonwhy highly polarisable atomsor molecules havea tendency to line up in an electricfield,eventhough,theymight haveno permanent dipolemoment. 19.4 Hydroxide ions react with iodomethane according to the equation OH-+CH.l--+CH.OH+lln somebooksit is saidthatthe iodineatomattracts electrons towardsit, leavingthe carbonatomslightly positively charged.The positivechargeis claimedto be the reasonwhy the hydroxideion is attractedto the CH.l.Whatdo youthinkof thisreasoning? 19.5 lf a streamof waterfalls closeto a charged rod,the streamis attractedto the rod (Figure19.10). (i) Explainwhy the streambends. (ii) Doesthisexperiment provethatWatermolecules are polar? lt tl r**., "A cation is a positive ion; an anion is a negative ion chargecloud of the negativeion will be distorted.We say that the negative ion has been polarisedby ttre positive ion (Figure 19.9);or that the largenegativeion is highly polarisable.If we were to put a much smallernegativeion closeto the positive ion, it would not be polarisedso much. Thisis becausethe electronswould be held tightly by the nucleus and the charge cloud could not be so easilydistorted.The smallernegativeion is only slightly polarisable. You should be able to understand that if a highly polarisablenegativeion is placednear a small positive ion, then the charge cloud on the negative ion may spreadover the regionof influenceof the positiveion. A degreeof covalencyresults. The ideasthat we havejust met lie behind a setof rules known as Fajans'rules.The rules,which are developed from a different set that Fajanspublishedin 1924, are summarisedin Table 19.4. In extreme cases,the com- IV \ Figure19.10A streamof waterwill bend towardsa chargedrod Polarmolecules and polar bonds tlr 20 Intermolecular forces 20.1 Where are intermolecular forces found? The noble gas helium will only turn to a liquid at the very low temperature of 4I(. The question is, why doesit liquefy at all? For some reason, ar 4K helium atoms stick together, while at higher temperatures they do not stick together. Helium may be an extreme casein terms o{ the low temperature at which it liquefles,but other elements or covalent substances follow a similar pattern. For example, iodine exists as a black solid up to 456K (183'C). The solid contains a regular pattern of iodine molecules, I, (Figure 20.1). Above 456K the crystal breaks up and the molecules escape from the crystal, giving a purple vapour. F P @ @ ffi ,ffi \ \ @ . N S @ N The forces that hold helium atoms, or covalent substanceslike iodine, together in a liquid or solid are called intermolecularforces. If the forces are between atomt rather than molecules, we can speak about interatomic forces. Another name given to the forces is van der Waals forces after the Dutch chemist who first investigated the origin of the forces. An important point is that intermolecular (or interatomic) forces are not meant to apply to the purely electrostatic forces that exist between oppositely charged ions. Likewise they do not include the forces that hold atoms together through covalent bonds, or hydrogen bonds (which we shall discussin the following unit). 20.2 What causesintermolecular forces? To find one answer to this question we shall begin with the single atom of Figure 20.2. On averagethe negative charge of the electrons in an atom is spread evenly around the nucleus. However, over very short periodsof time (e.9.millionths of a second)the charge is not completely evenly distributed. At times more electrons will be found on one side of the atom rather than the other ( s e eF i g u r e 2 0 . 2 ) . I f y o u I o o k b a c k t o U n i t l 9 o n p o l a r molecules, you should recognisethat the separation of positive and negative charge produces a dipole. Unlike P , @ffi,ffi lnstantaneous dipole moment # f f i @ ffi laYer ToP eh-@ layer Bottom Figure 20.1 The crystal structure of iodine. The crystal contains planes of l, molecules, with alternate planes staggered as shown in the diagram. One peculiarity of the crystal is that the distance betuveenthe layers is about 427 pm while the distance between molecules within the same plane is much shorter, 356pm On averagethe negativecharge of the electronsis spread evenry For brief periodsthe electronsare more on one side oJ an atom than another.This causes a short-lived dipole moment Figure 20.2 The origin of temporary dipole moments Intermolecular forces lll \ \ / ,- 1 l-- *2> ?,ffJ8t---r preserit - -- : _=_A @-r-:-} {- ---:;7 :--ry /- 2=:\ /- --:-:-\\f _ _ @ _ _ _ _\l_ _ z \ - - - ' I ---/ \ -\___/ \ \ \ \ Figure 20.3The dipoleon neighbouringatom one atomcan induce a'dipoleon a permanent dipole hvtlrogen chloride, which has a only temporary' moment-is the atom's dipole "-lior, "io-"""t, imagine that you were watching another atom would see oortine.totJto the atom with the dipole' You away it't"-.tJ.t.otls in the passing atom being repelled situThe dipole' the temporary iio- tf r. negative encl ol the moment a For 20'3' in Figure utlo" it repiesented new a induced has atom first the on dipole ,"-po.ury aipo'f o.r ih. i..ottd atom. These two dipoles will briefly utiru.t" one another. The force of attraction was first caliutut"a by the German physicist Fritz London' For this reason the force of attraction between two temporary ciipoles is known as a London force. Another name often ur.,l it to call the force a dispersionforce' London' or dispersion, forces are just one type of intermolecular {orce. 20.3 Dispersion forces and polarisability If our two atoms pass close to one another and are not travelling too quickly, the dispersion force may be strong enough io *ui" them stick together. The way to make ,ur. ih" atoms do not merely collide with one another and bounce off without sticking is to reduce their kinefic energies. The easiest way to do this- is..to lower the temp"erature.You should realisethat in helium the forces of aitraction are so weak that the temperature has to be very low before the helium will liquefy. For iodine the molecules stick at a much higher temperature' This tells us that the dispersionforcesin iodine are much stronger than in helium. The next problem is to explain why this is so. Our work in Unit 13 tells us that the electrons nearer the outside of a large atom are lessstrongly attracted by the nucleus. The electrons in a smaller atom are' by comparison, more strongly held by the nucleus' tLerefoie, the outer electrons in a large atom will be attracted more easily by a neighbouring charge than the electronsin a smaller itom. Figure 20.4 shows that the electron cloud about a large atom is more easilydistorted than the electron cloud around a srnall atom' The shorthand way of describingthe different degrees I l4 Smallatom: littledistortion, i.e. small atom is not very polarisable This dipoleis inducedbY the first dipole PhysicalChemistrY o I I \ Large atom: much distortion, i,e. large atom is highly polarisable polarise Figure 20.4 An atom with a dipole moment will atom a small than easily more much atom talge of distortion is to say that large atoms are more polarisable than smaller aioms. Altirnatively. we say that a large atom has a larger polarisabilitythan a smaller atom' Ii is possible (but difficult) to calculate the polarisability of utt uto-' It turns out that the dispersion force U"t*."tt two atoms depends on the polarisability of each of them. In other wordi, the higher the polarisability, the stronger the dispersion force. In this casewhat holds true io, ut"o-t tendsio hold true for molecules' The larger the atoms in a molecule, the larger is the polarisability of the molecule - hence the temperature of 456I( at which iodine vaporises. 20.4 Intermolecular forces are also produced bY Permanent diPoles You have discovered that dispersion forces rely on an atom or molecule having a temporary dipole moment and this dipole inducing another dipole on a neighbouring atom or molecule. Clearly, dipole moments are iniportant sourceso{ intermolecular forces' What better' ifrett, tftatt a molecule having its own permanent dipole moment? You may remember that such molecules are .utteA potur moleiules. Indeed, a polar molecule will nor-uily have higher melting and.boiling points than a non-polar molecule of similar molecular mass' An example of this is shown in Figure 20'5' Propanone, (CHr)rC-O, is an organic compound with a ielative molecular mass of 58. It also happens to have a dipole moment. Compare-its-boilingpoint of p"r-ut..tt 'lz'C *ith thit of butane, C4Hr0,which has the same molecular mass, no permanent dipole moment and a boiling point of - IoC. 2o.5 Some words of warning It is important not to be too dogmatic when making p..ai.tii,nt about the relative melting or boiling points of molecules. For example' 1,2-dichlorobenzeneis polar' but 1,4-dichlorobenzeneis not (Figure 20 '6) ' (They have the same molecular mass.) H H=c I l ' C : Ot / a* 6- s H H H #=. I \/ c --a - -H -c ,_\a u / \ | H H H Propanone has a dipolemoment. Mr(proPanone)=58 b.p. 57"C Bu t a n e has no dipolemoment. M'(butane)=58 b.p. -1'c H I H H I Figure 20.5 Thedifferencein boitingpointof propanoneand butaneis a resultof the dipolemomentin propanone &"ff 1 . 2 - D i c h l o r o b e n z e n1e, 3 - D i c h l o r o b e n z e n e eculehas a melting point of -18"C whereasthe nonpolar form has a melting point oI 5)' C, i.e. some 70'C higher.Thenon-polarmoleculestillhastwo polarbonds. Observationslike this show that it is not just the dipole moment that counts. Especially,in solidsthe way the moleculespack together to make a crystal can have a marked-influenceon melting points. Although 1,4dichlorobenzeneis non-polar, it still has two polar bonds,It is the interactionbetweenthe polar bonds on the'upset'in the orderof differentmoleculesthat causes the melting points. Similarly, we must be careful not to ignore other important effectsthat may be at work. For example, many polar moleculescan make hydrogen bonds and the strengthsof thesebondsmay overcomeother effects solely due to induced or permanent dipole moments. Similarly,as moleculesbecomelarger and heavier,it is lesslikely that they will be gases,and more likely thaf they will be liquids or solids.Partly this is becauseof the influence of the large numbelof intermolecularforces that can arise;for example,between the long chain of atoms in a polymer. However, heavy molecules are harder to move no matter whether the intermolecular forces are weak or strong; so without a great deal of energythey will not fly around loose in a gas.A summary of the points made in this unit is given in Table 20.1. Table,2o.l. Summary of intermolecular forces No dipole Intermolecular forcesdepend on dipole moments Thereare three types:' temporary dipole-induced dipole permanent dipole-induced dipole permanent dipole-permanent dipole cl : ' :. 1,4-Dichlorobenzene Figure 20.6 All of the dichlorobenzenes have polar bonds betweencarbonand chlorineatoms.Onlytwo of themhave dipolemoments The larger, or heavier, the atom or molecule the greater the polarisability and the stronger the intermolecular forces As expected,the boiling point of the former r higher than that of the latter (but only by 5"C). However,their melting points are in the reverse order. The polar mol- Intermolecular forcesare sometimescalled van der Waals forces 20.1 Explainthe followingorderof boilingpoints: Helium Neon Argon Xenon Relativeatomic mass BoilingpoinvK 4.0 4 20.2 39.9 27 87 131.3 165 2O.2 Whichof the halogenswouldyou expectto fluorine,chlorine, have the highest polarisability: bromine,or iodine?Brieflyexplainyouranswer. 2O.3 lf two atoms,A and B, are a distancer apart, the dispersion energybetweenthemvariesas -1116. Intermolecular forcesbetween non-polar moleculesare calledLondon or dispersionforces For two oppositelychargedions a distancer aparl, energyvariesas -11r. Writea comthe interaction plotgraphsof -1116and -1lr to the puterprogram.to samescale.First,explainwhatthe negativesigntells Secondly,when us aboutthe energyof interaction. you haveplottedthe graphs,explainwhy the disperforce,whereas sionforceis knownas a short-range force. the forcebetweentwo ionsis a longer-range 20.4 Afierlookingin a databook,a studentnoticed that the water moleculehas a permanentdipole moment.The studentalso rememberedthat, conmass,waterhasan sideringitsfairlysmallmolecular unusuallyhigh boilingpoint.The studentwrotethat Intermolecular forces ll5