Devon Progressive School Admissions Policy Policy Number: Issue Number: Issue Date: Next Review Due: 1 16/06/2015 16/06/2016 Originator: Authoriser: Service Type: Policy Location: Mark Hayhurst Amanda Morgan-Taylor Educational Services Devon Progressive School Aim of the Policy This Policy outlines the process for admissions to the School. Background The Devon Progressive School is registered with the Department of Education and Employment to support the educational needs of two 8 – 19 year olds who have been victims of or at risk of Child Sexual Exploitation, for whom it has been assessed that an alternative provision is more suited to meet their needs, and in many cases away from their home area due to the risks posed. Careful consideration will be made about the match of the students and their gender compatibility. The Devon Progressive School shares its grounds with a residential home. Policy Admissions Criteria The Admission criteria must be met before a pupil can be formally accepted for a place at the school. The following must apply: The pupil is aged 8 – 19 years The pupil has been assessed has having complex needs whereby alternative provision is more suited to their needs, due to a history of being a victim or at risk of child exploitation. Funding must be agreed by the relevant authorities before a placement may commence. Referral Pathway Pupils are usually referred through their Local Education Authority, Social Services or Health Authority. Admission decisions are made using: Information sent via a referral request and education plan Pre-placements visits A full impact assessment and where possible the views of the young person. This will ensure that individual young people receive the correct and appropriate care for their needs and that they are not affected by the needs of others to their detriment. Educational histories, specific vulnerabilities and the skill set of young people and staff will be 1 Devon Progressive School Admissions Policy considered in matching admissions. In addition, certain behaviours and or offences may prevent admission to minimise any child protection matters arising. Specific consideration will be given with respect to compatibility of age, ability and gender of young people who are educated together at the Devon Progressive School. Pre- admission activities will include the completion of an initial risk assessment to help inform this decision and facilitate a smoother and more successful transition. Admission procedures should be inclusive of young people and if appropriate the family / carers. This includes finding ways to ascertain the views, wishes and feelings, interests, fears and aspirations of young people. The Head of Education and Lead Teacher will consider an appropriate admission through the following process: Completion of Impact Assessment Forms. Pre Placement visits Initial Risk Assessment Skills and experience of staff Immediate needs of other children. Review of care placement plan of attached residential home where part of placement. All relevant information, reports, attainment, Statements of Special Educational Needs, EHC plans and other educational history must be provided prior to admission must be provided prior to admission. Visits to the School Local Authority staff are always welcome to visit the school prior to any referral being made, during the referral process or at any time during the child’s placement. All Interested parties are encouraged to arrange a visit to the school and meet with the lead teacher and other senior staff to discuss their particular child’s needs. The visit will include the opportunity to look around the school and assess the suitability for their child. If all agree that Devon Progressive School would be the correct school for the child an arrangement will be made for a suitable time for senior staff to conduct an assessment. In exceptional circumstances, pre-admission assessment or activities may not be practical. Emergency admissions will be accepted only in exceptional circumstances and where it is in the interests of the young person. In this event, the suitability of a place will be discussed with the professional referrer to ensure that emergency needs match the statement of purpose. Observation and Assessment The needs of the children and young people are paramount in any admission. Where possible a pre-admission assessment will be carried out ideally by The Head of Education and/or a Clinical Specialist, to assess the suitability of The Devon Progressive School to meet the needs of each young person. 2 Devon Progressive School Admissions Policy The Devon Progressive School cannot provide education for young people with mobility, severe physical impairment or disability requiring mechanical aids; however for children and young people with moderate or additional needs The Devon Progressive School may be appropriate. The Devon Progressive School does not provide education for: Children who may have serious mental health issues. Children whose behaviours may cause a serious threat to other young people. Complaints In the event of any dispute regarding admissions, interested parties are referred to the Complaints Policy, which can be made available on request. 3