Crash Course: Ancient Egypt Name - Most influential of the valley

Crash Course: Ancient Egypt
Name __________________________
Most influential of the _______________ valley civilizations
The ____________________ are the last man standing of the seven ancient wonders of the world
Lasted from 3000 BCE to __________ BCE-
The ____________ shaped the world view of the Egyptians
It was ______________________, navigable and benign- one of the safest and richest ________________________________
areas in the world
Communities existed ONLY ________________ the Nile- easy to transport goods upstream
Easily tamed- used a system called __________________ irrigation- used floodwaters to fill basins and
_____________________ for irrigation
All these things = big ____________ surpluses with relatively little work
Influenced ancient Egypt’s general optimism: Sumerians saw the afterlife as ______________ and dark; Egyptians saw the
afterlife as a continuation of this (pleasant) life
Egyptian history is divided into ____________ categories
Old Kingdom (2649-2152 BCE)
Glory age of ancient Egypt
Divine kingship: king was either a ________ or very close to a _________
Pyramids: represent political and _____________________ control over population
Guilt partly by _____________________- required to work for the __________________ for a certain
number of months per year
Ra- god of the ____________ and god of creation
If humans did their jobs, then the gods would maintain cosmic _______________
Pharaohs became _______________ upon their death, so pleasing them by building
pyramids made sense
Two forms of writing: ____________________________ for sacred writing and demotic script for everyday writing
Ridiculously rich- but series of droughts and Pharaohs fighting ended Old Kingdom
Middle Kingdom (2040-1640 BCE)
Outsiders from Nubia
New group of gods and the star was Ammun- merged with Ra to form the god
Developed an interest in conquering- and getting conquered
One group- Hyksos- conquered all of _______________________; assimilated into Egyptian
New Kingdom (1550-1070 BCE)
Most expansive of pharaohs: Hatshepsut- woman who ruled Egypt for 22 years
Akehenaten- tried to invent a new god: ___________________
Expanded Egypt through ___________________, not military might
Son: Tutankhamen- King Tut- died around the age of _________
Crucial thing about Egyptian culture: lasted longer than all of __________________ civilization had existed
Crash Course: Ancient Egypt
Name __________________________
Most influential of the _______________ valley civilizations
The ____________________ are the last man standing of the seven ancient wonders of the world
Lasted from 3000 BCE to __________ BCE-
The ____________ shaped the world view of the Egyptians
It was ______________________, navigable and benign- one of the safest and richest ________________________________
areas in the world
Communities existed ONLY ________________ the Nile- easy to transport goods upstream
Easily tamed- used a system called __________________ irrigation- used floodwaters to fill basins and
_____________________ for irrigation
All these things = big ____________ surpluses with relatively little work
Influenced ancient Egypt’s general optimism: Sumerians saw the afterlife as ______________ and dark; Egyptians saw the
afterlife as a continuation of this (pleasant) life
Egyptian history is divided into ____________ categories
Old Kingdom (2649-2152 BCE)
Glory age of ancient Egypt
Divine kingship: king was either a ________ or very close to a _________
Pyramids: represent political and _____________________ control over population
Guilt partly by _____________________- required to work for the __________________ for a certain
number of months per year
Ra- god of the ____________ and god of creation
If humans did their jobs, then the gods would maintain cosmic _______________
Pharaohs became _______________ upon their death, so pleasing them by building
pyramids made sense
Two forms of writing: ____________________________ for sacred writing and demotic script for everyday writing
Ridiculously rich- but series of droughts and Pharaohs fighting ended Old Kingdom
Middle Kingdom (2040-1640 BCE)
Outsiders from Nubia
New group of gods and the star was Ammun- merged with Ra to form the god
Developed an interest in conquering- and getting conquered
One group- Hyksos- conquered all of _______________________; assimilated into Egyptian
New Kingdom (1550-1070 BCE)
Most expansive of pharaohs: Hatshepsut- woman who ruled Egypt for 22 years
Akehenaten- tried to invent a new god: ___________________
Expanded Egypt through ___________________, not military might
Son: Tutankhamen- King Tut- died around the age of _________
Crucial thing about Egyptian culture: lasted longer than all of __________________ civilization had existed
Crash Course: Ancient Egypt
Name __________________________
Most influential of the river valley civilizations
The pyramids are the last man standing of the seven ancient wonders of the world
Lasted from 3000 BCE to 332 BCE-
The Nile shaped the world view of the Egyptians
It was predictable, navigable and benign- one of the safest and richest agricultural areas in the world
Communities existed ONLY along the Nile- easy to transport goods upstream
Easily tamed- used a system called basin irrigation- used floodwaters to fill basins and canals for irrigation
All these things = big food surpluses with relatively little work
Influenced ancient Egypt’s general optimism: Sumerians saw the afterlife as gloomy and dark; Egyptians saw the afterlife as a
continuation of this (pleasant) life
Egyptian history is divided into three categories
Old Kingdom (2649-2152 BCE)
Glory age of ancient Egypt
Divine kingship: king was either a god or very close to a god
Pyramids: represent political and social control over population
Guilt partly by peasants- required to work for the government for a certain number of months per year
Ra- god of the sun and god of creation
If humans did their jobs, then the gods would maintain cosmic order
Pharaohs became gods upon their death, so pleasing them by building pyramids made
Two forms of writing: hieroglyphics for sacred writing and demotic script for everyday writing
Ridiculously rich- but series of droughts and Pharaohs fighting ended Old Kingdom
Middle Kingdom (2040-1640 BCE)
Outsiders from Nubia
New group of gods and the star was Ammun- merged with Ra to form the god Ammun-Ra
Developed an interest in conquering- and getting conquered
New Kingdom (1550-1070 BCE)
Most expansive of pharaohs: Hatshepsut- woman who ruled Egypt for 22 years
Expanded Egypt through trade, not military might
Akehenaten- tried to invent a new god: Aten
One group- Hyksos- conquered all of Egypt; assimilated into Egyptian culture
Son: Tutankhamen- King Tut- died around the age of 17
Crucial thing about Egyptian culture: lasted longer than all of western civilization had existed