APUSH Summer Assignment

APUSH Summer Assignment
Hello Historians!
Welcome to APUSH!! In order to hit the ground running, please enjoy the
Please read and have the definitions of these terms ready. For each
definition, try to find its place in history. Why is it meaningful? How
does it connect to the theme of the chapter? What does the term
(person, place, event etc.) contribute to the time period?
You will notice that not all of the terms listed will require a definition,
but rather an explanation. Try your best to figure out the impact and
significance of each term.
Develop a format for notes that works best for you (2
column/bullets/roman numerals etc.) Use short hand…it does not need
to necessarily be in paragraph form.
Please have these ready for the first day, as they will prove to be an
extremely valuable resource in the future. We will take an exam on
the first day.
Contact me with any questions/issues concerning the notes over the
summer! Please do not hesitate if you are unsure
Can’t wait to meet the new team!
Enjoy summer and be safe,
Mr. Cannon
Chapter 1
New World Beginnings
33,000 B.C.- A.D 1769 (B.C.E-C.E)
The Shaping of North America
Take a look at the massive time
scale in this section 225million2million years ago
Peopling the Americas
What happened from 35,00010,000 years ago?
Bering Sea
Climate change and agriculture
The earliest Americans
Corn and other crops
Three sister farming
How were most Native
Americans living by the Eve of
Europeans arrival?
Indirect Discoverers of the New
Muslim middlemen and the
luxuries of the Far East…what
were European explorers really
looking for?
Europeans enter Africa
Explain the Portuguese and the
“Dark Continent”
Dias and De Gama
Columbus Comes Upon a New World
When Worlds Collide
Describe the Columbian
“Sugar Revolution”
The Spanish Conquistadores
Treaty of Tordesillas
God, Gold, Glory
The Conquest of Mexico
Describe how Cortez
“Conquered” Mexico
The Spanish Conquistadors: Makers of
Main Idea
The Spread of Spanish America
Describe Spanish Colonial Rule
(Schools, Cathedrals, mission)
St. Augustine
Pope’s Rebellion of 1680
Differences between Spanish
and English empires in the New
Check out Chart on Explorers
The Planting of English America
*Team…please take a very close look at this chapter. Knowing how the colonies were formed can
tell us a great deal about their role leading up to and through the Revolution and also with Sectional
differences associated with the Civil War etc.*
Note When Spanish, French and English planted outposts in N. America
England’s Imperial Stirrings
King Henry VIII
Queen Elizabeth 1588
Ireland and Spain (Both Catholic)
Sir Walter Raleigh
Elizabeth Energizes England
Francis Drake
Roanoke Island…mystery
Spanish Armada 1588
Spain’s defeat ensures England’s Naval
dominance in North Atlantic…hmmm
Irish Tactics
Pocahontas and John Rolfe sealed
peace of First Anglo-Powhatan War in
1622…Rolfe dead
2nd War in 1644
3 D’s
The Indians New World
Note how European Colonization
disrupted Native American Life…all
Virginia: Child of Tobacco
England on the Eve of Empire
Population Boom
Mobile Population..why?
Joint stock Companies
England Plants the Jamestown Seedling
Virginia Company and King James I
Charter of VA. Co.
Capt. John Smith…Importance
Pocahontas and Powhatan
Lord De La Warr
Cultural Clash in the Chesapeake
Importance of this crop
1619…first slaves
House of Burgesses…huge precedent
James I revokes charter and makes
Virginia a ________ colony under his
direct control in 1624
Maryland: Catholic Haven
Lord Baltimore
Indentured Servants
Act of Toleration in 1649
The West Indies: Way station to Mainland
Sugar vs. Tobacco
Slave codes
Barbados slave codes 1661...what was it
and what did it lead to?
Colonizing the Carolinas
King Charles I, Oliver Cromwell, King
Charles II
Indian Slaves
The Emergence of North Carolina
Similarities with Rhode Island
Note the emergence of North Carolina
Late-Coming Georgia: The Buffer Colony
Act as a buffer?
King George II
James Oglethorpe
Debtors Jail
The Plantation Colonies
Note similarities and differences
“Soil Butchery”
The Iroquois
5 Nations
APUSH Chapter3
Settling the Northern Colonies
List some differences between Mid-Atlantic and New England Settlement
The Protestant Reformation Produces Puritanism
Calvin’s Doctrine?
Who were the Puritans and how does King Henry VIII Connect to this?
King James I threatens Separatists
The Pilgrims End Their Pilgrimage at Plymouth
Myles Standish
Plymouth Bay outside of jurisdiction
Mayflower Compact!
First Winter
The Beaver and the Bible
William Bradford
The Bay Colony Bible Commonwealth
John Winthrop
Non-Separatist Puritans
What jobs helped Mass Bay prosper?
City Upon a Hill
Building the Bay Colony
Describe the Bible Commonwealth (Voting, Town Meetings)
What does Winthrop mean when he calls democracy the “meanest and worst” form
of Gov’t?
Congregations could hire and fire…and ministers could not hold political office
(Separation of Church and State)
Protestant Ethic
“Day of Doom”
Trouble in the Bible Commonwealth
Anne Hutchinson-Describe trial in 1638
Roger Williams
The Rhode Island “Sewer”
Freedom of Religion
“Rogues” Island…made up of?
Charter in 1644 (independent Man)
New England Spreads Out
Hartford 1635- Thomas Hooker
Fundamental Orders in 1639
Merged with New Haven
Maine Absorbed by Mass
New Hampshire Absorbed by mass, and then granted a ___________ colony in
Puritans vs. Indians
Squanto and Massasoit
Pequot War
Metacom and Pan-Indian alliance
King Philips War
The English (Makers of America)
Summarize this section
Seeds of Colonial Unity and Independence
New England Confederation
Limited, but a seed nonetheless
Describe the deepening Colonial defiance in Massachusetts
Andros Promotes the First American Revolution
Dominion of New England Created…Why? (From Parliaments perspective)
How did Colonists respond to Navigation Laws?
What did Andros do while in Boston? (THIS IS HUGE!)
How did Glorious Revolution dismantle Andros’ regime?
Old Netherlands at New Netherland
Dutch emerge as an international power
Dutch East and West India Companies
Employ Henry Hudson (New Netherland on Hudson River)
Purchase Manhattan (New Amsterdam…aka New York)
Friction with English and Swedish Neighbors
Origins of Wall Street
Peter Stuyvesant
Dutch Residues in New York
New York! Dutch were in English Shadow
Penn’s Holy Experiment in Pennsylvania
Quakers…Who were they?
William Penn…”Saucy”
Quaker Pennsylvania and its Neighbors
Describe the colony
The Middle Way in the Middle Colonies
Fertile Land
Describe these Middle Colonies and how they were “coming to life”
Europeanizing America or Americanizing Europe?
Discuss the arguments made and respond. What do you think?
American Life in the 17th Century
Then Unhealthy Chesapeake
Describe lifespan of settlers here
Who came to the Chesapeake?
Describe women and family life here
The Tobacco Economy
Great for Tobacco
More production meant more labor
Headright system
Describe the indentured servant
Frustrated Freeman and Bacon’s Rebellion
1676 Nathaniel Bacon
William Berkeley
Bacon lit the fire with the majority of Virginia (landless and penniless class)
Lordly Planters looked elsewhere for labor (less troublesome)…Where?
Colonial Slavery
10-12 million transported (___________ to North America)
What changed in the 1680’s concerning labor force?
Middle Passage
1662 “slave codes” begin to make conditions clear
Africans in America
Describe Slave Labor in South vs. Middle colonies
Stono Rebellion
Southern Society
Planter class (FFV”S)
Small Farmers (largest class)
Landless whites
From African to African American
Describe Slave Culture
The New England Family
Disease like the Chesapeake?
Describe the longevity and family stability in New England vs. the Chesapeake
Which women had more rights? (New England or Chesapeake?)
Life in New England Towns
Tight knit towns
Town Meeting (Thomas Jefferson)
The Half Way Covenant and the Salem Witch Trials
Half-way covenant allows more members, but weakens the distinction of the “elect”
and others
1692 Salem Witch Trials
Notice difference in social status between the accused and the accusers
The New England Way of Life
How did the land shape New Englanders
Explain, commerce, ship building and fishing
How did Calvinism add to this?
“Yankee ingenuity”
The Early Settlers Days and Ways
Describe the conditions of women in colonial times, rich vs. poor, and frontiersmen