

UNIT 1 (Chapters 1-5) STUDY GUIDE

CHAPTER 1: New World Beginnings 33,000 BC – AD 1769

Peopling of the Americas pp. _____ ways in which people may have reached the North American continent

The Earliest Americans pp. _____

How did the cultivation of corn (maize) influence the lives of all Native American


Why were the native peoples of North America (NA) easier to overpower than the civilizations of South America? describe the style of living for the majority of natives in NA prior to European arrival

Indirect Discoverers of the New World pp. _____ list the various indirect discoverers and the cause for their accidental discovery

Europeans Enter Africa pp. _____ influence of Marco Polo on exploration

What events in Spain allowed for entry into the race for trade routes and riches?

Columbus Comes upon a New World pp. _____ list the events that set the stage for a new era in history legend of Christopher Columbus


UNIT 1 (Chapters 1-5) STUDY GUIDE

When Worlds Collide pp. _____

The Columbian Exchange


World consequences of the Columbian Exchange

The Spanish Conquistadores pp. _____ terms and outcome of the Treaty of Tordesillas (1494) early attempts in exploration explain the Spanish encomienda system







UNIT 1 (Chapters 1-5) STUDY GUIDE

The Conquest of Mexico pp. _____ explain how Hernan Cortez was able to conquer the Aztec empire lasting influence of Cortez in Mexico

The Spread of Spanish America pp. _____ explain the impact of Spanish possessions in North America

CHAPTER 2: The Planting of English America 1500- 1733

England’s Imperial Stirrings pp. _____ consequence for the New World caused by the struggle between Protestants and Catholics

Elizabeth Energizes England pp. _____

England’s futile and feeble attempts at colonization during Spanish supremacy

1588 defeat of the Spanish Armada and resulting significance for colonization

England on the Eve of Empire pp. _____ list the factors that led to the eventual migration of Englishmen to North America in the



UNIT 1 (Chapters 1-5) STUDY GUIDE

England Plants the Jamestown Seedling pp. _____ how and why was Jamestown established (note: joint stock company) what/who saved Virginia from collapse and how?

Cultural Class in the Chesapeake pp. _____

Describe the relations between the Indians and settlers in Virginia (including the Anglo-

Powhatan Wars) the three D’s:

The Indians’ New World

pp. _____ effects of European contact on the Indian way of life

Virginia: Child of Tobacco pp. _____ impact of tobacco on early Virginia (note: cash crop)

Maryland: Catholic Haven pp. _____ explain the establishment of Maryland (why and how) (note: proprietorship)

The West Indies: Way Station to Mainland America pp. _____

How did the sugar-plantation system affect the relationship between the West Indies and the North American colonies?


UNIT 1 (Chapters 1-5) STUDY GUIDE

Colonizing the Carolinas pp. _____ explain the establishment of South Carolina (why and how)

Indian relations

The Emergence of North Carolina pp. _____ explain the establishment of North Carolina (why and how)

“the quintessence of Virginia’s discontent”

Late-Coming Georgia: The Buffer Colony pp. _____ explain the establishment of Georgia (why and how)

The Plantation Colonies pp. _____ describe the overall nature of the plantation colonies

CHAPTER 3: Settling the Northern Colonies 1619-1700

The Protestant Reformation Produces Puritanism pp. _____

Describe the Protestant Reformation’s creation of the Puritan church and the resulting religious and political tension within England

The Pilgrims End Their Pilgrimage at Plymouth pp. _____

Pilgrims, Plymouth, and the Mayflower Compact


UNIT 1 (Chapters 1-5) STUDY GUIDE

The Bay Colony Bible Commonwealth pp. _____

The Massachusetts Bay Colony (why and how)

Building the Bay Colony pp. _____ characteristics of Puritan way of life (theocracy – its intentions and impact)

Trouble in the Bible Commonwealth pp. _____ emergence of dissent and its impact

Anne Hutchinson (antinomianism)

Roger Williams

The Rhode Island “Sewer” pp. _____ freedoms in Rhode Island

New England Spreads Out pp. _____ satellite colony of Connecticut satellite colony of New Hampshire

Puritans Versus Indians pp. _____ king Philip’s War


UNIT 1 (Chapters 1-5) STUDY GUIDE

Seeds of Colonial Unity and Independence pp. _____

New England Confederation (1643)

British “benign neglect” restoration of the English throne and its impact (note: proprietorships increased)

Andros Promotes the First American Revolution pp. _____ the short lived Dominion of New England (purpose and impact) (note: mercantilism and the Navigation Laws)

England’s Glorious Revolution and its impact on the colonies (salutary neglect)

Old Netherlanders at New Netherland pp. _____

New Netherland “acquired” in 1624

Friction with English and Swedish Neighbors pp. _____ never important New Sweden

Dutch Residues in New York pp. _____

New Amsterdam becomes New York

Penn’s Holy Experiment in Pennsylvania

pp. _____

The Quakers and the establishment of Pennsylvania (why and how) (note: liberal attitudes/toleration)


UNIT 1 (Chapters 1-5) STUDY GUIDE

Quaker Pennsylvania and Its Neighbors pp. _____ establishment of New Jersey and Delaware

The Middle Way in the Middle Colonies pp. _____

The Middle Colonies (geographic/economic/social nature) (note: “…most American part of


CHAPTER 4: American Life in the Seventeenth Century1607-1692

The Unhealthy Chesapeake pp. _____ hardships

The Tobacco Economy pp. _____ tobacco cultivation and trade sources of labor (there are several)

Frustrated Freemen and Bacon’s Rebellion pp. _____

Bacon’s Rebellion (note: frontier/backwoods vs. Costal/tidewater)

Colonial Slavery pp. _____ social changes that led to the rise in slave trade slave trade


UNIT 1 (Chapters 1-5) STUDY GUIDE

“slave codes”

Africans in America pp. _____ slave culture

Southern Society pp. _____ southern social ladder

The New England Family pp. _____ family orientation

Life in the New England Towns pp. _____ town life/town meetings emphasis on education

The Half-Way Covenant and the Salem Witch Trials pp. _____ the Half-Way Covenant (what was it and why did it come about) witchcraft hysteria


UNIT 1 (Chapters 1-5) STUDY GUIDE

The New England Way of Life pp. ____ geography and economy ethnic homogeneity

The Early Settlers’ Days and Ways pp. _____

NOTE: Last four paragraphs of this section

CHAPTER 5: Colonial Society on the Eve of Revolution 1700-1775

Conquest by the Cradle pp. _____ population growth (map on pp. 85) consequences of the growth

A Mingling of the Races pp. _____ ethnic diversity (chart on pp. 86)

The Structure of Colonial Society pp. _____ socioeconomic realities of the colonies

“Europeanization” of America

Clerics, Physicians, and Jurists pp. _____ social status epidemics and inoculations

Workday America pp. _____ farming fishing lumber naval stores shipping (note: triangle trade)


UNIT 1 (Chapters 1-5) STUDY GUIDE

Horsepower and Sailpower pp. _____ modes of transportation (problems)

Dominant Denominations pp. _____ number and nature of growing number of congregations/churches (note: chart pg. 95)

The Great Awakening pp. _____ roots

Jonathan Edwards

George Whitefield

Schools and Colleges pp. _____ religious reasons for education note chart on page 98 subjects emphasized


UNIT 1 (Chapters 1-5) STUDY GUIDE

A Provincial Culture pp. _____ colonial art/architecture/intellectual life as a byproduct of Europe with the first small steps towards indigenous American intellectual identity

Charles Willson Peale

Benjamin West

John Singleton Copley

Phillis Wheatley

Benjamin Franklin

Pioneer Presses pp. _____

Colonial Newspapers

The Zenger Trial

The Great Game of Politics pp. _____ colonial assemblies (role and power)

Royal Governors (relationships to assemblies) degree of democracy

Fundamental Orders of Connecticut

Colonial Folkways pp. _____ general overview

NOTE: last paragraph of the summary


UNIT 1 (Chapters 1-5) STUDY GUIDE
