Date: Abhorrence -­‐ Hatred Used Correctly in a Sentence: Acute -­‐ Sensitive Synonym: Abrogate – do away with Antonym: Accost -­‐ Confront Part of Speech: Acquit – to find not guilty Example: Identify the parts of speech by diagramming the following sentence: • With much abhorrence, Al accosted an acute Amy when his client was acquitted and abrogated of all charges. Date: Baffle -­‐ confuse Used Correctly in a Sentence: Begrudge -­‐ resent Synonym: Belligerent -­‐ aggressive Antonym: Blaspheme – disrespect Part of Speech: Bleak -­‐ unwelcoming Example: Identify the parts of speech by diagramming the following sentence: • Billie was baffled when a belligerent Bob begrudgingly blasphemed Billie for her bleak attitude. Date: Callow -­‐ inexperienced Used Correctly in a Sentence: Candid -­‐ honest Synonym: Corral -­‐ gather Antonym: Castigate -­‐ criticize Part of Speech: Clarify – to make clear Example: Identify the parts of speech by diagramming the following sentence: • Cayla felt callow when her manager corralled all the employees for clarification of evaluations, and candidly castigated her in front of her coworkers. Date: Deceitful -­‐ dishonest Used Correctly in a Sentence: garish Decrepit -­‐ old Synonym: Defiant -­‐ disobedient Antonym: Definite -­‐ obvious Part of Speech: Deplorable – terrible Example: Identify the parts of speech by diagramming the following sentence: • A decrepit Delores was defiant when she deceitfully told her deplorable husband that he was definitely getting a divorce. Date: Earnest -­‐ serious Used Correctly in a Sentence: Embellish – to exaggerate Synonym: Encumber -­‐ burden Antonym: Enlighten – to inform Part of Speech: Etymology – history of a word Example: Identify the parts of speech by diagramming the following sentences: • Ed paid a thousand dollars in earnest money, which was an embellishment of his financial situation, that normally encumbered him. • Enlighten me and tell me the etymology of the word “red”. Date: Faulty -­‐ defective Used Correctly in a Sentence: Feasible -­‐ possible Synonym: Fervid -­‐ passionate Antonym: Fickle -­‐indecisive Part of Speech: Furlough – mandated unpaid time off Example: Identify the parts of speech by diagramming the following sentences: • A fickle Frank was fervid about his car, even though it had many faulty car parts. • Furlough is a feasible idea for many school systems to save money. Date: Generally -­‐ normally Used Correctly in a Sentence: Ghastly -­‐ horrible Synonym: Gratuitous – unnecessary Antonym: Gullible – easy to fool Part of Speech: Gusto -­‐ pleasure Example: Identify the parts of speech by diagramming the following sentence: • Greg felt it generally gratuitous to prove his ghastly friends gullible, even though he did it with much gusto. Date: Havoc -­‐ chaos Used Correctly in a Sentence: Hereditary – inherited from family Synonym: Hindrance -­‐ obstacle Antonym: Hustle – to move faster Part of Speech: Hospitable -­‐ kind Example: Identify the parts of speech by diagramming the following sentence: • A hospitable Heather had blue eyes, which was a hereditary trait, but caused havoc, and served as a hindrance, with her boyfriends, who felt they had to hustle around her. Monday, March 19, 2012 Diagram the sentence below by identifying the part of speech for each word. The Parts of Speech: noun, adjective, verb, adverb, pronoun, article, conjunction, preposition Tomorrow is the state mandated ACT test day for all of Tennessee juniors or those that will graduate next school year. The average ACT score is a twenty-­‐one. Tomorrow Is The State Mandated ACT Test Day For All Of Tennessee Juniors Noun Or Those That Will Graduate Next School Year Average ACT Score A Twenty-­‐one Friday, March 23, 2012 Diagram the sentence below by identifying the part of speech for each word. The Parts of Speech: noun, adjective, verb, adverb, pronoun, article, conjunction, preposition Spring makes most people’s allergies unsettled; Chattanooga ranks among the ten worst allergy cities. Spring Makes Most People’s Allergies Unsettled Chattanooga Noun Ranks Among The Ten Worst allergy cities