Meaning: Virabhadra = the name of a fierce warrior, an incarnation


Warrior II

Sanskrit: Virabhadrasana II

Pronunciation: (veer-ah-bah-DRAHSanna)

Meaning: Virabhadra = the name of a fierce warrior, an incarnation of Shiva, described as having a thousand heads, a thousand eyes, and a thousand feet, wielding a thousand clubs and wearing a tiger's skin.

To achieve Virabhadrasana II : Begin in downward facing dog. On an inhale, lift your right leg straight back and ensure your hips are level. On an exhale, step your right foot between your hands into a low lunge position.

Make sure your right knee is stacked above your right ankle. Spin your left heel flat and engage your left leg. On an inhale, windmill your arms around and lift your torso over your hips. Extend your arms straight out at shoulder height. Lunge deeply into your right leg, but ensure your right knee does not extend past your ankle. Engage your core and relax your shoulders.

Gaze straight over your right middle finger. Root down through the edge of your left foot, and work on opening through your left hip. Begin to press your right knee out toward the pinky side of your right foot to find length along your right inner thigh. Breathe here for 5 – 10 breaths, then release back to downward facing dog. Repeat on the left side.

This pose is all about strength, power and assertion. It strengthens and stretches your legs, ankles, chest and shoulders, stimulates your abdominal organs, relieves backaches and is therapeutic for carpal tunnel

syndrome, flat feet, infertility, osteoporosis and sciatica.

Muscles working

Back hip joint: Primarily gluteus medius and minimus, for internal rotation and abduction; gluteus maximus and hamstrings, for extention; tensor fascia latae, for internal rotation; pectineus for internal rotation; vastii, to extend knee.

Front hip joint: Hamstrings and quadriceps(eccentrically), gluteus maximus, piriformis, obturator inturnus and externus, quadratus femoris, gemelli, gluteus medius and minimus(posterior fibers).

Muscles lengthening

Back hip joint: Tensor fascia latae, illiopsoas.

Front hip joint: Hamstrings and quadriceps (vastii).
