Barrington High School PTO Minutes The seventh meeting of the 2010-2011 PTO Board February 7, 2011 The meeting was called to order by President Sue Padula at 9:23 a.m. Approval of the minutes from the meeting of January 10th was sought. Sue Anderson made a motion to approve the minutes; Betsy Diamond seconded the motion. The motion was voted on and approved. President’s Report Sue Padula Steering committee notebooks, fillers, and district information are still available for those members who have not yet picked them up. Sue reminded all members to turn in their nominating forms for the 2011-2012 PTO Board and Steering Committee positions if they have not already done so. Sue sought approval of PTO co-sponsorship with BHS of the upcoming all school fund raiser to be held at Pinstripes on March 13th. The fund raiser is part of the “IT” campaign, begun last year, to raise funds for organizations that support our students through community outreach. Last year $13,000 was raised and given to Barrington Youth and Family Services. The funds this year are being raised to benefit Walk On Farm. Deanna Griffin made a motion to approve cosponsorship; it was seconded by Sue Randall. The motion was voted on and approved. The PTO President’s Council is sponsoring a “Candidate Forum” for the four individuals running for the three open positions on the School Board. The forum is being held on Friday, March 11th from 9:30-11:00 a.m. at the Barrington Public Library. The three open positions are those currently being served by Brian Battle, Cara Richardson, and Jeff Church. Only Brian Battle is seeking reelection. In addition to Brian Battle, Thomas Antoine, Joseph Ruffolo and Richard Burkhart are seeking election. Vice President’s Report Lisa Nelson There was nothing new to report. Treasurer’s Report Marilyn Kallimanes Marilyn noted that a number of Staff Grants have been paid out. Secretary’s Report Jacqueline Husa Solosky There was nothing new to report. Committee Reports Registration There was nothing new to report. Mailings Lisa McCaleb reported that the next mailing will take place on February 15th at 8:00 a.m. in room C-271 at BHS. Communications Lora French reported that the newsletter is finished for February. The deadline for the March newsletter is March 1st. School Board Representative Penny Kazmier reported on the targeted $2 million budget cut for the upcoming school year. The cuts are being sought by the School Board because of the $1.6 $1.8 million cut in the state of Illinois transportation reimbursement. In that bus transportation is mandated by the state, the district must come up with these monies by cutting programs elsewhere. It is still possible that the State of Illinois will provide these funds, but this information won’t be known until the end of May. Our School Board cannot wait that long to make decisions on program and staff cuts. Toward that end the School Board has been seeking input from the community, as well as the administration and staff regarding potential areas that could be cut. The board will be voting on all non-teacher reductions at their meeting on March 1st; they will be voting on teacher reductions at their March 15th meeting. Please see the District web site for the most updated information on these proposals. Freshman Welcoming There was nothing new to report. Academic Boosters Lynnea Walsh reported that the committee has raised $43,000 year to date. They still have an additional $2,000 to deposit. The funds received exceed the funds received last year at this time. College/Class Programs The committee is going to be meeting with the College Counselors to prepare for College Night which is going to be held at BHS on April 4th. Directory There was nothing new to report. Fine Arts Boosters Ann Kimes reported that the Fine Arts Studio Tour, which was to be held on February 1st, is being re-scheduled to February 8th. The Fine Arts Department is sponsoring a “Sound of Music” sing-along on Saturday, February 12th at 7:00 p.m. and on Sunday, February 13th at 2:00 p.m. Tickets can be purchased on-line at or at the Barrington High School Fine Arts Department. The cost of admission is $10.00 In addition, the Fine Arts Department is presenting, the “Sound of Music” musical on Thursday, March 3rd and Friday, March 4th at 7:30 p.m., Saturday, March 5th at 2:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. and on Sunday, March 6 th at 2:30 p.m. in the Richard C. Johnson Auditorium at BHS. Hospitality Susan Laudick reported that their committee will be meeting with the college counselors to discuss refreshments for the upcoming College Night to be held on April 4th. Hospitality provided refreshments for the Morningline program, Meet the Electives. The refreshments were appreciated by all who attended. Morningline Betsy Diamond reported that the Meet the Electives program was very well attended. Kathy Conrad asked if, in the future, the Meet the Electives program could be scheduled a week earlier and presented to sophomores. She suggested that the information could be useful in course selection. The next Morningline presentation will be Ask the Experts which is a college information session targeted to sophomores and juniors. It will take place on Wednesday evening, March 16th from 7:00 – 8:30 p.m. in the BHS Auditorium. The following schools will be represented: University of Illinois ChampaignUrbana, Seton Hall, Illinois State, Drake, Northern Michigan University, and Harper Community College. Nominating Barb Karon reported that Nominating will be presenting their slate at the March meeting. The PTO will be voting to approve the slate at our April meeting. Parent Link Barb noted that Carol Dweck, author of Mindset The New Psychology of Success will be speaking at North Shore Country Day on May 2nd at 7:00 p.m. If you have any topics that you would like to see addressed in the Parent Link section of the Newsletter, please contact Barb. Barb reported that the BADPC, Barrington Area Drug Prevention Coalition, forum that was cancelled due to inclement weather on February 3rd, will be re- scheduled to a time in either April or May. She suggested, in response to a question, that the forum will be appropriate for children in the 6 th to 12th grades, but would strongly discourage bringing children younger than this. Publicity There was nothing new to report. Senior Celebration Karen Poglitsch reported that their committee will be looking for volunteers at the beginning of March for the end of year boat trip. Guidance Staff Jill Fearday and Joan Bell noted that the Guidance Staff is actively involved with staff and students in course registration for the upcoming 2011-2012 academic year. Teacher recommendations for 8th grade student course placements at the high school went out on Friday, February 4th. Appointments between counselors and students are going well. In that we had two snow days last week, on Wednesday, February 2nd and Thursday, February 3rd, appointments are being re-scheduled as appropriate. The Guidance Department does not know at this point which classes will or won’t run. They are telling students to make their best possible choices at this time. Students also need to list their first, second and third choices for electives. In the event that none of the three choices are being offered, counselors will set up appointments with students to discuss alternatives. In addition, successful summer school course completion will impact fall schedules. The list of summer school offerings will come out on February 28th, with on-line registration to begin on March 17th at 7:00 a.m. Mid-year grades for seniors who requested them have all gone out. Local scholarship forms are available for seniors in the Guidance Resource Center at the high school. The PSAE, the Prairie State Achievement Exam, will be given at the end of April. Again, because of the snow days, SAT/ACT prep course make-up classes will be held. The last day of school, as of now, is being extended to Wednesday, June 8th and the final exam schedule will be bumped back. The June 3rd graduation date remains, as well as the first day of summer school, June 13th. May 25th will be the seniors last day. Jill and Joan noted that the incoming freshman class is larger than last year’s freshman class. Jill and Joan responded to a number of questions from Steering Committee members. Ann Kimes asked about interscholastic team waivers. Specifically she wanted to know the criteria for obtaining a waiver. Joan explained that 1) the waivers apply to juniors and seniors who are participating in a junior varsity or varsity sport, 2) the student will qualify for the waiver only if they are taking six classes. 3) if the student is taking less than six classes the waiver will only apply for the duration of the sport, and 4) the students will only qualify for the waiver if they were on the team the previous year and in good standing with the coach. Kathy Conrad asked about registration and the gym leadership program, whereby students are chosen to assist gym teachers in their classes. Jill and Joan said that if it is not known at the time of registration if a student will serve in that capacity, the student should register for a gym class. If they are chosen to be a gym leader, the gym class will be replaced with the class that they are leading. Karen Poglitsch asked about Dance I and Dance II courses. Joan responded that Julie Salk, Department Chair of Fine Arts, makes the decisions regarding admittance into Dance II classes. Administration Principal Steve McWilliams said planning for next year. They registration numbers, looking at demand. The average course size at 24.8 students. that the administration is in the middle of are currently in the process of compiling every course that is offered and analyzing prescribed is 25 students. They are currently In addition, he has been actively involved with his administrative staff, the secondary leadership team, which includes the middle school and elementary school administrators, and department heads in regard to budget issues. Specifically they are looking for cuts that would have minimum programmatic impact. In addition they are looking for areas that can be “absorbed” into other areas. Due to the salient nature of the budget issues, Steve opened up the floor to members’ questions and concerns. He also noted in regard to Young Hearts for Life that he will have the numbers by the middle of this month. New Business Barbara Harris reported that the District 220 Educational Foundation will host its annual “Chili and Music” fundraiser on Saturday, March 12th at 7:00 p.m. at the Onion. Music will be provided by the band, “Way Past Curfew”. Old Business Sue Randall said that members of the President’s Council met with Lisa Stamos, Editor in Chief of Quintessential Barrington, who will be featuring Wendy Mogel, author of Blessings of a B- in an upcoming issue. Wendy Mogel will be the guest speaker at Barrington High School on Wednesday, March 30 th at 7:00 p.m. Lisa McCaleb motioned to adjourn the meeting. It was seconded by Vicki Perille. The meeting was adjourned at 11:15 a.m. Jacqueline Husa Solosky BHS PTO Secretary Present: Carol Levy, Lora K. French, Lynnea Walsh, Sue Padula, Deanna Griffin, Ann Kimes, Kirsten Neptun, Sue Anderson, Meg Simmons, Kathy Conrad, Vicki Perille, Lisa McCaleb, Karen Poglitsch, Connie Jacobs, Barb Laughlin-Karon, Sue Randall, Marilyn Kallimanes, Jacqueline Husa Solosky, Barbara Harris, Betsy Diamond, Susan Laudick, Claire Hamilton, Penny Kazmier, Marla Truitt, Helen Sheyka