Office for Mission and Spiritual Care Presents Mental Illness Crisis and Opportunity Behavioral Health Symposium Advocate Good Shepherd Office for Mission and Spiritual Care Friday, October 5th Panel of SPEAKERS and INFORMATION tables. Keynote— Hugh BRADY, Board President NAMI— IL (National Alliance on Mental Illness) Participation as follows: Dick PETERSON, Journalist and Certified Recovery Support Specialist The Rev. James CHRISTIAN, V.P. Mission and Spiritual‐ Good Samaritan Jennifer WEST, Mary OLIVER, Noel LEMKE, (Good Shepherd, Social Workers) Scott CAMPBELL, ACSW, LCSW, Samaritan Counseling, Barrington Barbara HARRIS, Barrington Youth and Family Services Anne GULOTTA, The Association for Suicide Prevention Rachel PETERS, Elgin Mental Health Center Terri LONGO, H.E.R.E (Help, Encouragement, Resources and Education) Rev. Jeannie HANSON, Executive Dir. Samaritan Counseling ‐Barrington Wendy NEUMAN, McHenry County Mental Health Board Todd SCHROLL, McHenry County Mental Health Board Karlyn KOBILNYK, Pioneer Center for Human Services Dr. Christina BLODGETT‐DYCUS, Thomson Mental Health Zulima HURTADO, M.D., Medical Dir. for BHS for The Lake County Health Dept. 450 W. HWY 22, Barrington 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Updates and education on the realities of the state of behavioral health and mental illness. Real discussion on the state of behavioral health, the disorders and treatments. Information provided by community wide experts for support and resources. Be informed and empowered as to the resources that are available in your community. Where do you turn to for help in your community? Breakfast and Lunch Will Be Provided (No Charge) Where: Good Shepherd Hospital, Prairie and Lakeview rooms Registration begins September 3, 2012 Call HealthAdvisor to Register: 800‐323‐8622 Seminar Code: 3M04 Office for Mission and Spiritual Care 847‐381‐9600 Ext: 265062