Duke TECHTIPS UNIVERSITY ! oit.duke.edu START WITH THE OIT SITE The OIT website—and especially oit.duke.edu/newtoduke—has good informa9on about technology on campus. Search the OIT website for more informa9on about all the services and resources below. YOUR NetID, EMAIL & NETWORK ACCESS ! mail.duke.edu Your Duke NetID provides access to our network and technology resources, including email (mail.duke.edu), digital file storage, registra9on and grades through ACES (aces.duke.edu), course informa9on in Sakai (sakai.duke.edu) and your Duke-­‐issued web space. ! oit.duke.edu/help IT SUPPORT & RESOURCES During the first few days of school, get technical support from OIT staff on East Campus. Throughout the year, get help from the OIT Service Desk in person at the Link in Perkins Library, by phone or online. ! oit.duke.edu/software SOFTWARE & SECURITY Duke provides many soMware programs, including MicrosoM Office and an9-­‐virus soMware, free or at a discount. Duke's IT Security Office (security.duke.edu) helps you protect your computer from malware. FREE TRAINING, LABS & PRINTING ! oit.duke.edu/comp-print Free IT training is available in person and online. Take advantage of computer labs across campus, including our two Mul9media Project Studio labs for help with graphics and video produc9on. Free and low-­‐cost prin9ng is available at dozens of ePrint loca9ons on campus. Duke’s Innova9on Co-­‐Lab (colab.duke.edu) is a crea9vity incubator that brings together faculty and staff to inspire & help Duke students to solve problems through technology. OFFICE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY