The dorsal raphe nucleus—From silver stainings to a role in

B RA I N RE SE A R CH RE V I EW S 55 ( 20 0 7 ) 3 2 9–3 4 2
a v a i l a b l e a t w w w. s c i e n c e d i r e c t . c o m
w w w. e l s e v i e r. c o m / l o c a t e / b r a i n r e s r e v
The dorsal raphe nucleus—From silver stainings to a role
in depression
Kimmo A. Michelsen, Christoph Schmitz, Harry W.M. Steinbusch ⁎
Department of Neuroscience, Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, Maastricht University, PO Box 616, 6200 MD Maastricht,
The Netherlands 1
Article history:
Over a hundred years ago, Santiago Ramón y Cajal used a new staining method developed by
Accepted 10 January 2007
Camillo Golgi to visualize, among many other structures, what we today call the dorsal
Available online 17 January 2007
raphe nucleus (DRN) of the midbrain. Over the years, the DRN has emerged as a
multifunctional and multitransmitter nucleus, which modulates or influences many CNS
processes. It is a phylogenetically old brain area, whose projections reach out to a large
Dorsal raphe nucleus
number of regions and nuclei of the CNS, particularly in the forebrain. Several DRN-related
discoveries are tightly connected with important events in the history of neuroscience, for
example the invention of new histological methods, the discovery of new neurotransmitter
systems and the link between neurotransmitter function and mood disorders. One of the
main reasons for the wide current interest in the DRN is the nucleus' involvement in
depression. This involvement is particularly attributable to the main transmitter of the DRN,
serotonin. Starting with a historical perspective, this essay describes the morphology,
ascending projections and multitransmitter nature of the DRN, and stresses its role as a key
target for depression research.
© 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Cajal and Golgi . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The discovery of neurotransmitters .
3.1. Serotonin . . . . . . . . . . . .
The dawn of neurochemistry . . . . .
4.1. New histochemical techniques
4.2. Radioactive labels . . . . . . .
4.3. Immunohistochemistry . . . .
Transmitters of the DRN. . . . . . . .
5.1. Dopamine . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.2. GABA . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.3. Peptide transmitters . . . . . .
⁎ Corresponding author. Fax: +31 43 3671096.
E-mail address: (H.W.M. Steinbusch).
European Graduate School of Neuroscience (EURON).
0165-0173/$ – see front matter © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
B RA I N R E SE A R CH RE V I EW S 55 ( 20 0 7 ) 3 2 9–3 4 2
5.4. Glutamate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.5. Nitric oxide. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.6. Transient presence of additional transmitters
DRN morphology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.1. Cell types. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.2. Efferent projections of the DRN . . . . . . . .
6.3. Fiber morphology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.4. Pathway overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.5. Dorsal ascending pathway . . . . . . . . . . .
6.6. Medial ascending pathway . . . . . . . . . . .
6.7. Ventral ascending pathway . . . . . . . . . . .
6.7.1. Hypothalamus . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.7.2. Thalamus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.7.3. Habenula . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.7.4. Septum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.7.5. Amygdaloid complex . . . . . . . . . .
6.7.6. Cortex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.7.7. Hippocampus . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.7.8. Olfactory bulb . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.7.9. Supra-ependymal plexus. . . . . . . .
Functional neuroanatomy of the DRN with emphasis
Summary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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on depression
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References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The dorsal raphe nucleus (DRN) is a bilateral, heterogenous
brainstem nucleus, located mainly in the ventral part of the
periaqueductal gray matter of the midbrain. A majority of
the nucleus' neurons utilize its major neurotransmitter,
serotonin, but several other transmitters are also present.
It comes as no surprise that the first detailed outline of what
was later to be called DRN was presented by Santiago Ramón
y Cajal in his famous work on the texture of the nervous
system (Ramón Cajal, 1904). By skillful use of the silver
chromate-impregnation method developed by Camillo Golgi,
Cajal was able to reveal details about DRN morphology,
which are still valid.
The DRN is an interesting area in two ways. Firstly, because
it innervates a multitude of targets throughout the brain and
spinal cord via its ascending and descending pathways.
Secondly, because the story of DRN research nicely illustrates
several major breakthroughs, paradigm shifts and the emergence of new fields of research within neuroscience. In this
essay we outline the discoveries and technical advances of the
past century, which have taught us what we have learned
about the DRN from the times of Cajal and Golgi to the present
Cajal and Golgi
Golgi's silver chromate-impregnation method was undoubtedly of crucial importance to Cajal's success in describing the
texture of the mammalian nervous system. One of the areas
he studied in newborn rabbit and kitten, was the raphe area.
Cajal observed that the DRN contained four types of neurons,
which he described as being voluminous, fusiform, triangular
and stellate. His description is in accordance with modern
reports on other mammals, which also identify four morphologically distinct types of neurons in the DRN. They have
been described as round, ovoid, fusiform and triangular in
human (Baker et al., 1990), and small round, medium-sized
fusiform and bipolar, large fusiform and very large multipolar
in rat (Steinbusch et al., 1981; Steinbusch, 1984). Cajal also
recognized that the neurons were equipped with “several
divergent and strongly spiny dendrites” and that the fibers
tended to “concentrate in ascending and descending dorsoventral bundles”. However, he was not able to determine
how far the fibers continued. Today we know that the fibers
of DRN target a multitude of regions, both close to and far
from the DRN itself, throughout the brain and spinal cord.
Some of the fibers collateralize and, thus, a single neuron can
reach more than one target simultaneously. Cajal also wrote
about collateral fibers, but it is not entirely clear whether he
referred to single fibers or one of the ascending bundles as a
Cajal did not refer to the DRN by its present name, which is
based on a much later classification of the raphe complex.
Instead he designated an “intermediate or unpaired nucleus”
as the “median subaqueductal nucleus of the raphe” of the
kitten (Fig. 1). This nucleus probably resembles the dorsomedial DRN, situated medially just below the aqueduct of Sylvius,
as suggested by Pasik and Pasik in their annotated translation
of Cajal's work (Ramón Cajal, 2000). What Cajal called the
magnocellular central nucleus has been interpreted to include
B RA I N RE SE A R CH RE V I EW S 55 ( 20 0 7 ) 3 2 9–3 4 2
in the gastrointestinal mucosa. In 1940, Erspamer (1940)
showed that the substance was biologically active and
named it enteramine. It was soon detected also in the central
nervous system (Twarog and Page, 1953) and identified as the
heterocyclic amine 5-hydroxytryptamine (Erspamer and
Asero, 1952). Subsequent studies demonstrated the amine's
effect on smooth muscle contraction and it became regarded
as a local tissue hormone (Kosterlitz and Robinson, 1957;
Lembeck., 1958). The name serotonin was coined by Rapport
who reported that a substance isolated from ox blood was a
potent vasoconstrictor (Rapport, 1949). It was soon shown that
enteramine was identical to serotonin, and the substance
came to be known under the latter name (Rand and Reid, 1951;
Reid and Rand, 1952).
Fig. 1 – Cajal's drawing of a transverse section through the
caudal region of the superior colliculus of a few-days-old
kitten. E, cells of the “subaqueductal nucleus of the raphe”,
which probably resembles the DRN. A, cells of the trochlear
nerve nucleus; B, collaterals within the same nucleus; C,
medial longitudinal fasciculus; D, fibers of the superior
cerebellar peduncles; F, ventral cells of the raphe; G, radicular
fibers of the trochlear nerve. Image source: the annotated and
edited translation of Cajal's “Texture of the Nervous System
of Man and the Vertebrates” by Pedro Pasik and Tauba Pasik
(Ramón Cajal, 2000), used by permission.
(at least parts of) the DRN and median raphe nucleus (MRN).
He also mentioned that, in the magnocellular central nucleus
of the raphe, a “thin cellular trail extends ventrally penetrating
between both longitudinal fascicles”. This trail seems to
resemble the interfascicular DRN and, possibly, rostral parts
of the MRN (Ramón Cajal, 2000).
The discovery of neurotransmitters
When Cajal set the stage for neuromorphological work in the
early 20th century, the neuron doctrine was still heavily
debated. Although opposed by Golgi, the hypothesis was
supported by Cajal and by Charles Sherrington, who had
coined the term “synapse” a few years earlier (in 1897).
Sherrington described the synapse in 1906; the year that
Cajal and Golgi received the Nobel Prize, and soon the neuron
doctrine became widely accepted.
For a long time, it was debated whether the synapse is
chemical or electric. Convincing evidence in favor of chemical
transmission was presented in 1921, when Otto Loewi
demonstrated that acetylcholine, which had been discovered
by Henry Dale in 1913, transmitted signals across the synapse
between the vagus nerve and the heart muscle. The discovery
of other transmitters followed, including the main transmitter
of the DRN, serotonin, about one decade later.
The story of serotonin began in 1933, when Vialli and Erspamer
(1933) used an argantophyl reaction to demonstrate the
presence of an amine in the granules of the granulated cells
The dawn of neurochemistry
The connection between the DRN and serotonin was established when Dahlström and Fuxe (1964) described the
distribution of serotonergic neurons in the rat DRN. This,
and other discoveries, such as the histochemical technique for
detection of cholinesterase activity introduced by Koelle and
Friedenwald (1949) and modified by Lewis and Shute (1959)
turned the focus of many neuroscientists towards the
identification and localization of neuronal groups using
specific neurotransmitters, which led to something of a
paradigm shift: neurotransmitters became a prime determinant of a neuron's identity and neurons were judged, and
named, based on the neurotransmitters that they contained.
The field of neurochemistry had emerged.
New histochemical techniques
In their studies on the rat DRN, Dahlström and Fuxe used
formaldehyde-induced fluorescence (FIF), which had been
developed by Falck et al. (1962) for visualization of monoamines. The FIF-technique soon became the most popular tool
for visualizing serotonergic neurons in the DRN and elsewhere. A major drawback of the FIF-technique was that βcarboline is highly UV-sensitive, which led to rapid fading of
the fluorescence. In addition, freeze-drying of the tissue
compromised the level of obtainable morphological detail.
The latter problem was partly overcome after modifications
(Hökfelt and Ljungdahl, 1972).
From the sixties to the early eighties, the morphology of the
DRN was described in cat (Taber et al., 1960), man (Braak,
1970), rabbit (Felten and Cummings, 1979) and rat (Steinbusch
et al., 1981). Already soon after the FIF-technique was
discovered, data on efferent raphe projections started to
accumulate. The first DRN projections to be reported targeted
the hypothalamus (Dahlström and Fuxe, 1964). A significant
improvement in the tool palette for fiber pathway researchers
resulted, when Kristensson and Olsson (1971) established
horseradish peroxidase (HRP) as a retrograde tracer, which
was taken up by nerve endings of the hypoglossal nerve and
transported to the perikaryon. LaVail and co-workers first
used it in the CNS (LaVail et al., 1973; LaVail and LaVail, 1972)
and soon after it was utilized for tracing fiber inputs to the
DRN (Fibiger and Miller, 1977).
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Radioactive labels
Other early methods included autoradiographic detection on
[3H]-serotonin uptake (Calas et al., 1974; Chan-Palay, 1977)
and [3H]-radiolabeled reserpine (Richards et al., 1979). Meanwhile, radioactively labeled leucine was used as an anterograde tracer to map DRN projections in the cat (Bobillier
et al., 1976).
The early seventies saw the dawn of yet another new method:
immunohistochemistry. It became a powerful tool in the
hands of numerous neuroscientists, and within the next
decade, most major neurotransmitter pathways were mapped
with high specificity and accuracy.
With respect to the DRN, first out were antibodies
against tryptophan hydroxylase and amino acid decarboxylase (Hökfelt et al., 1973; Joh et al., 1975). The development
of antibodies against serotonin itself (Steinbusch et al.,
1978) led to increased specificity and sensitivity. Similar
results to those reported by Dahlström and Fuxe (1964)
were obtained, but much more fibers were distinguished
(Steinbusch, 1981).
Since then, afferent and efferent fibers have been mapped
with immunohistochemistry in combination with a variety of
tract tracing applications, which utilize several anterogradely
or retrogradely diffusible lipophilic compounds. Besides of
those already mentioned, successful anterograde tracers
include Phaseolus vulgaris leucoagglutinin (PHA-L) and HRP
conjugates with wheat germ agglutinin or cholera toxin, of
which the latter is also a retrograde tracer. Retrograde tracers
also include propidium iodide, and compounds known by
their commercial brands, such as fast blue, true blue and
Transmitters of the DRN
After the invention of the FIF-technique, the DRN was
regarded as a more or less purely serotonergic nucleus for
many years. In the mid-seventies, however, additional
neurotransmitters were discovered in the DRN, and over the
next two decades their number grew to more than ten (Fig. 2).
Most of the discoveries were made in the rat.
Dopamine (DA) was one of the first transmitters to be
demonstrated in DRN neurons, first with histofluorescence
methods (Lindvall and Björklund, 1974; Ochi and Shimizu,
1978) and later with antibodies against tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) and dopamine-β-hydroxylase (DβH) (Nagatsu et
al., 1979). These dopaminergic neurons are located preferentially in ventromedial parts. They mainly target the
nucleus accumbens and lateral septum, and to a lesser
extent the medial prefrontal cortex. In addition, very few
fibers project to the caudate-putamen (Stratford and
Wirtshafter, 1990).
GABAergic neurons were first demonstrated in the DRN by
radioautographic tracing and GABA-uptake (Belin et al., 1979).
The observation was supported by immunohistochemistry
with an antibody against the GABA-synthesizing enzyme γaminobutyric acid decarboxylase, or GAD (Mugnaini and
Oertel, 1985) and the GABA-degrading enzyme GABA-transaminase, or GABA-T (Nagai et al., 1983). The GABAergic neurons
synapse with serotonergic DRN neurons (Wang et al., 1992).
They are markedly smaller than most serotonergic neurons
and fire spikes characterized by short width and high
frequency (Allers and Sharp, 2003).
Peptide transmitters
Immunohistochemical stainings have shown that the DRN
harbors neuropeptide Y (NPY)-containing neurons, most of
which are medium-sized, fusiform and bipolar (de Quidt and
Emson, 1986). In situ hybridization has demonstrated the
presence of NPY mRNA in the DRN (Pau et al., 1998).
Substance P has been shown to colocalize with serotonin in
the DRN in at least rat (Hökfelt et al., 1978; Chan-Palay et al.,
1978), cat (Arvidsson et al., 1994; Lovick and Hunt, 1983) and
human (Baker et al., 1990, 1991). Substance P also colocalizes
with serotonin in ascending projections, but such fibers have
not been shown to arise from the DRN (Otake, 2005).
Low levels of prepro-galanin mRNA are present in DRN
neurons (Cortes et al., 1990), yet galanin itself has been
detected with immunohistochemistry only after colchicine
treatment (Skofitsch and Jacobowitz, 1985). Galanin colocalizes with serotonin in the DRN. In fact, it has been reported
that a large proportion of serotonergic DRN neurons also
contain galanin (Melander et al., 1986). Galanin is also present
in serotonergic fibers in one of the target areas of the DRN, the
cortex (Skofitsch and Jacobowitz, 1985), but it has not been
confirmed that these projections arise in the DRN.
Enkephalin (ENK)-containing neurons were first reported in
the dorsal and lateral parts of rat DRN, just adjacent to the
periventricular grey matter (Uhl et al., 1979; Hökfelt et al.,
1977). Immunohistochemical studies showed that ENK is
present throughout the cat DRN in neurons of variable
morphology (Moss et al., 1980, 1981). However, serotonergic
double labeled neurons were predominantly small and round
and located at the midline, dorsal to the medial longitudinal
fasciculus (Glazer et al., 1981).
Corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) immunoreactivity has
been demonstrated in DRN neurons after colchicine-treatment (Commons et al., 2003). CRF-immunoreactive neurons
were mainly clustered in the dorsomedial subregion, especially in the middle DRN. Scattered neurons were seen in the
lateral wings, while they were largely absent from the
ventromedial DRN and the most caudal pole of the DRN.
Most (∼ 96%) of CRF-immunoreactive neurons in the dorsomedial DRN were serotonergic, as defined by immunoreactivity
for tryptophan hydroxylase. Anterograde tracing (PHA-L)
indicated that neurons in the middle portion of the dorsomedial DRN mainly target the central nucleus of the amygdala,
the dorsal hypothalamic area and the bed nucleus of the stria
terminalis (Commons et al., 2003).
B RA I N RE SE A R CH RE V I EW S 55 ( 20 0 7 ) 3 2 9–3 4 2
Fig. 2 – Two of the DRN neurotransmitters, serotonin (a) and dopamine (b), visualized with DAB-immunohistochemistry in
coronal rat DRN sections. Details of a and b are seen in c and d, respectively.
Additional neuropeptides demonstrated in neurons of the
DRN are vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP) (Sims et al.,
1980) and cholecystokinin (CKK) (Bhatnagar et al., 2000; Otake,
Phosphate-activated glutaminase (PAG) has been demonstrated in TH-DβH- or phenylethanolamine-N-methyltransferase (PNMT)-immunoreactive neurons, suggesting that
glutamate is formed from glutamine in serotonergic and
catecholaminergic neurons of the DRN (Kaneko et al., 1990).
Nitric oxide
The presence of nitric oxide (NO) in DRN was first demonstrated by immunohistochemistry against the NO synthesis
reaction product citrulline (Pasqualotto et al., 1991) and
against argininosuccinate synthetase which turns citrulline
into argininosuccinate (Nakamura et al., 1991). Subsequently,
the presence of NO in both serotonergic and non-serotonergic
DRN neurons was demonstrated by colocalization of serotonin-immunoreactivity with activity of a NO synthesizing
enzyme (Johnson and Ma, 1993; Wotherspoon et al., 1994;
Rodrigo et al., 1994; Dun et al., 1994). The NOS neurons are
predominantly clustered in medioventral and mediodorsal
parts of DRN (Wang et al., 1995). In the medial subnuclei,
between 23 and 38% of serotonergic neurons appear to
synthesize NO, whereas 60–77% of the NADPH diaphorasecontaining neurons are serotonergic. In the lateral subregions,
serotonin and NADPH diaphorase activity is present, but its
activity does not overlap with serotonergic neurons (Wotherspoon et al., 1994).
Transient presence of additional transmitters
At least two additional neurotransmitters have been reported
in the developing, but not adult, DRN. Histamine is present in
B RA I N R E SE A R CH RE V I EW S 55 ( 20 0 7 ) 3 2 9–3 4 2
neurons of rat and mouse DRN during embryonic development, but disappears before birth, as demonstrated by the
presence of histamine immunoreactivity and histidine decarboxylase (the histamine-synthesizing enzyme) mRNA (Nissinen and Panula, 1995; Nissinen et al., 1995; Auvinen and
Panula, 1988; Karlstedt et al., 2001). Recent studies have shown
that the gastro-intestinal peptide secretin is also present in the
DRN during mouse embryonic development (Lossi et al., 2004).
DRN morphology
Over the past decades, several new methodologies have led to
new discoveries about the morphology of the DRN and its
The DRN is a bilateral, heterogenous brainstem nucleus,
located in the ventral part of the periaqueductal gray matter
of the midbrain. Its rostral end is at the level of the
oculomotor nucleus and its caudal subdivision reaches well
into the periventricular gray matter of the rostral pons. It
has been estimated that the human DRN contains on
average approximately 235.000 neurons (Baker et al., 1990),
of which on average approximately 165,000 (or 70%) contain
the nucleus' major neurotransmitter serotonin (Baker et al.,
Together with the caudal linear and median raphe
nucleus, the DRN forms the rostral, or superior, division of
the raphe complex. The caudal, or inferior, division encompasses the raphe obscurus, raphe pallidus and raphe magnus
nuclei and parts of the lateral reticular formation, located in
the medulla and caudal pons (Steinbusch, 1981; Jacobs and
Azmitia, 1992).
According to the original nomenclature by Dahlström and
Fuxe (1964), the rat raphe nuclei (including the brainstem
reticular formation) are divided into nine subdivisions, B1–B9.
The subdivisions were later renamed and slightly redefined
when the nuclei were re-examined using an antibody
against serotonin, and what is now considered as the DRN
corresponds to the original subdivisions B6–B7, B6 being the
caudal extension. In most species, the DRN can be divided
into five subregions, namely the interfascicular, ventral (or
ventromedial), ventrolateral (or lateral), dorsal and caudal
subregions (see Baker et al., 1990). The DRN is also often
divided along the rostrocaudal axis into a rostral, middle and
caudal portion. All the five subregions extend from the
rostral to the middle part of the nucleus, except for the
caudal subregion, which is located in the caudal portion of
the DRN. The boundaries have not been precisely defined,
which has made it difficult to make accurate comparisons
between publications. However, Abrams et al. (2004) recently
proposed detailed stereotaxic coordinates to be used for
subsequent work. Accordingly, the rat and mouse DRN were
divided in three equally long parts along the rostrocaudal
axis, and labeled rostral, middle and caudal. For both
species, values are based on stereotaxic atlases (Paxinos
and Watson, 1997; Paxinos and Franklin, 2001) and immunostainings with tryptophan hydroxylase (Abrams et al.,
2004). These coordinates deal with the rostrocaudal axis
only, but division into the five subregions is fairly easy to
make on a morphological basis.
Cell types
The four main morphologically different types of DRN neurons
are differentially distributed within the DRN, which seems to
reflect neurochemical and functional specialization. Indeed,
an increasing number of studies have supported this notion.
Electrophysiological studies in the eighties led to a division of
rat serotonergic DRN neurons into two types, which were
named Type I and Type II (or typical and atypical serotonergic
neurons, respectively). Type I neurons exhibited a rhythmic
firing-pattern and were called clock-like neurons, whereas
Type II neurons fired irregularly and were called non-clocklike (Nakahama et al., 1981). More recently, each type was
divided into three distinct classes based on firing patterns
during the sleep-wake cycle as measured by single-unit
recordings in cats. In addition, non-serotonergic DRN neurons
were divided into three groups as well (Sakai and Crochet,
Efferent projections of the DRN
Serotonergic neurons of the DRN display a topographic
organization along the rostrocaudal axis, with respect to
efferent projections (see Abrams et al., 2004). Thus, neurons
located more rostrally project to more rostral areas of the brain
than neurons located more caudally in the DRN.
Yet, individual neurons seem to project to several distinct
but functionally related targets through branched fibers (see
Lowry, 2002). The first branched projections to be discovered
run from the dorsal DRN along the dorsal raphe cortical tract
to the substantia nigra and caudate-putamen (van der Kooy
and Hattori, 1980a; Imai et al., 1986). Also, single neurons have
been observed to target hippocampus and entorhinal cortex
(Kohler and Steinbusch, 1982), prefrontal cortex and nucleus
accumbens (Van Bockstaele et al., 1993), the paraventricular
nucleus of the thalamus (PVN) and the lateral parabrachial
nucleus (PBN) (Petrov et al., 1992), the central nucleus of the
amygdala (CeA) and the PVN (Petrov et al., 1994), distinct sites
in the trigeminal somatosensory pathway (Kirifides et al.,
2001) and the vestibular nuclei and CeA (Halberstadt and
Balaban, 2006).
This could be a key to understanding the role of the DRN as
a modulator of complex autonomic functions with anatomical
correlates in several parts of the brain. For instance, both the
CeA and the PVN, which are targeted by the same branched
fibers, are involved in anxiety and conditioned fear (Petrov et
al., 1992, 1994). These fibers emerge from well-defined
subpopulations of neurons in the medial part of the middle
DRN as well as more caudal clusters.
However, only a part of the neurons with branched
axons contain serotonin, the reported range being between
8% (Petrov et al., 1992) and 64% (Halberstadt and Balaban,
2006) depending on the targets. This serves as a reminder
that serotonin is not the only transmitter utilized by the
DRN. For example, the CeA-PVN projecting subpopulations
mentioned above (where about half the neurons are
serotonergic) also contain corticotropin-releasing factor
(CRF), which has been associated with anxiety and stressrelated behavior. Anxiety-related behavioral changes
induced by serotonergic activity, such as development of
B RA I N RE SE A R CH RE V I EW S 55 ( 20 0 7 ) 3 2 9–3 4 2
learned helplessness, seem to be CRF-dependent (see Maier
and Watkins, 2005). However, it has not been shown,
whether the CRF-containing neurons themselves, or the
serotonergic DRN neurons they target, send collaterals to
CeA and PVN.
Early studies showed that most DRN neurons project
ipsilaterally, and few contralaterally (Miller et al., 1975).
Retrograde labeling studies of DRN efferents to the entorhinal
cortex indicated that, when present, contralateral terminals
are preferentially located close to the midline (Kohler and
Steinbusch, 1982). Similar results were obtained recently in a
study by Waselus and co-workers, in which all DRN neurons,
which sent collaterals to lateral septum and striatum, were
located ventromedially near the midline or slightly lateral to
it. Notably, all such collateral neurons were serotonergic
(Waselus et al., 2006). However, single neurons do not seem
to project collaterally to both hemispheres (van der Kooy and
Hattori, 1980b; Kohler and Steinbusch, 1982). Besides of their
topographic organization, different cell types also seem to
display different projections. This has, however, not been
extensively studied but is reflected in the distribution patterns
of different cell types vs. the projections emerging from
different areas.
Fiber morphology
Fibers arising from the DRN are characteristically very fine and
have small varicosities, which are granular or fusiform in
shape (so-called type D axons). This is in contrast to fibers
arising from the MRN, which display large, spherical varicosities (so-called type M axons) and variations in fiber thickness
(Kosofsky and Molliver, 1987). Serotonin-immunoreactive
fibers display similar variation, which may help to give an
indication of the origin of serotonergic fibers in purely
immunocytochemical preparations (Kosofsky and Molliver,
1987; Mulligan and Tork, 1988). Whereas the thinner DRN
fibers branch frequently and target large, often diffuse areas,
the thicker fibers branch infrequently, and are often seen to
surround the somata of single neurons (Mulligan and Tork,
1988). On an electron microscopic level, the DRN fibers display
small, fusiform boutons and are believed to signal predominantly via volume transmission, whereas the MRN fibers
contact their target via large round boutons, often in large
numbers (see Tork, 1990). The morphology and origin of the
fibers have also been linked to differential drug-sensitivity,
first demonstrated in the forebrain, where the neurotoxic
amphetamine derivatives methylenedioxyamphetamine
(MDA) and p-chloroamphetamine (PCA) induce denervation
of the fine axons, whereas the thick ones are unaffected by the
drugs (Mamounas and Molliver, 1988; O'Hearn et al., 1988;
Mamounas et al., 1991). A suggested reason for this difference
is SERT expression, which, in amygdala, is present in the thick
MR drug-insensitive fibers but lacking from the thin DRN drugsensitive ones (Brown and Molliver, 2000).
Thus, functionally the serotonergic fibers seem to be
organized into two main subsystems, of which the DRN
system has a more widespread influence via its highly
divergent branches and volume transmission, while the
MRN system has extensive and direct synaptic contacts with
neuronal somata.
Pathway overview
The DRN projects along several ascending and descending
pathways, most of which it shares with one or more of the
other raphe nuclei. With regard to the focus of this article, the
ascending pathways, which target forebrain areas, are of
particular interest. There are three ascending pathways: the
dorsal, medial and ventral ascending pathways (Fig. 3). The
dorsal and ventral ascending pathways are the two most
important efferent projections of the DRN. They reach a
multitude of targets throughout the forebrain, the most
important one being the caudate-putamen. In addition, four
descending projections leave the DRN: the bulbospinal pathway, cerebellar pathway, propriobulbar pathway and one that
innervates the locus coeruleus, dorsal tegmental nucleus and
pontine raphe nucleus. The main targets of the descending
pathways are cerebellum, the lower brainstem and the spinal
Dorsal ascending pathway
The dorsal ascending pathway rises from the medial and
rostral DRN and innervates the striatum and globus
Fig. 3 – The three ascending pathways (AP:s) of the rat DRN and their main targets. See text for details.
B RA I N R E SE A R CH RE V I EW S 55 ( 20 0 7 ) 3 2 9–3 4 2
pallidus (GP). The striatum is the most important target for
DRN innervation and one of the first to be extensively
studied. The earliest anatomical indications for DRN
projections to caudate-putamen (CP) of the dorsal striatum
(Anden et al., 1965) were subsequently supported by lesion
studies, which showed a drop in striatal tryptophan
hydroxylase (TPH) activity (Geyer et al., 1976) as well as
a decrease in [3H]5-HT uptake (Kellar et al., 1977) after
DRN lesions. Approximately a third of all serotonergic DRN
neurons project to the CP. This is, however, region-specific: in a cluster in the dorsomedial DRN, 80–90% of serotonergic neurons were found to project to the CP (Steinbusch
et al., 1981). Twenty percent of DRN neurons that project
to the CP are non-serotonergic. Nucleus accumbens of the
ventral striatum, and particularly its core, are also
extensively innervated by DRN fibers (Van Bockstaele and
Pickel, 1993; Brown and Molliver, 2000). DRN efferents
target the striatum at caudal to midlevels (Vertes, 1991).
Approximately half of the neurons are located in the
rostral third of the DRN, fewer in the middle third and
very few in the caudal third (Steinbusch et al., 1981;
Waselus et al., 2006).
Pallidal afferents from the DRN have been demonstrated
by tracing studies (Vertes, 1991; DeVito et al., 1980). The
innervation of the GP is mainly serotonergic, as confirmed
by micro-dialysis studies in the rat (McQuade and Sharp,
Medial ascending pathway
The main target of the medial ascending pathway is the
substantia nigra (SN). The projections seem to arise from the
rostral DRN (Imai et al., 1986) and they target the pars
compacta division in particular (Fibiger and Miller, 1977;
Bobillier et al., 1976). However, a study using the retrograde
tracer PHA-L failed to demonstrate DRN innervation of the
pars reticulata (Vertes, 1991). To a lesser extent, the pathway
also innervates the CP. Some of the fibers branch, and target
both the SN and CP (van der Kooy and Hattori, 1980a; Imai et
al., 1986). Thus, single DRN neurons exert control over both
the SN and the CP.
Ventral ascending pathway
Via the ventral ascending pathway, the DRN innervates many
areas. The bilateral pathway ascends ventrolaterally and then
turns rostrally to enter the medial forebrain bundle. The
pathway also contains fibers from other raphe nuclei,
especially median raphe. The main targets are thalamic and
hypothalamic nuclei, habenula, septum, amygdala, cortex, the
Fig. 4 – Coronal sections through rat hypothalamus processed for DAB-immunohistochemistry illustrate the widespread,
diffuse innervation pattern of serotonergic fibers (a) projecting along the ventral ascending pathway, as compared to fibers
containing tyrosine hydroxylase; TH (b), noradrenalin; NA (c) and dopamine; DA (d). Images e–h show a detail, paraventricular
nucleus, of the upper row images.
B RA I N RE SE A R CH RE V I EW S 55 ( 20 0 7 ) 3 2 9–3 4 2
olfactory bulb, hippocampus, interpeduncular nucleus and
geniculate body (Fig. 4).
Varying degrees of DRN innervation have been observed in
most hypothalamic nuclei (Vertes, 1991; van de Kar and
Lorens, 1979; Bobillier et al., 1976; Yoshida et al., 2006). This
includes many of the transmitters-specific hypothalamic
neuronal systems: for instance, one out of four to five of the
orexinergic neurons of the lateral hypothalamus is innervated
by neurons in the central portion of the rostral DRN (Yoshida
et al., 2006). The preoptic area and anterior hypothalamic
areas including the suprachiasmatic nuclei do not seem to be
innervated (Bobillier et al., 1976; van de Kar and Lorens, 1979;
Meyer-Bernstein and Morin, 1996).
Several of the thalamic nuclei receive moderate to dense
innervation from the DRN (Bobillier et al., 1976; Vertes, 1991;
Conrad et al., 1974).
The DRN innervates the lateral habenula to a moderate extent,
whereas the medial habenula does not seem to receive little or
no innervation (Sim and Joseph, 1993; Bobillier et al., 1976;
Morin and Meyer-Bernstein, 1999). Input from DRN is mainly
The DRN sends strong innervation to the lateral septum, 80%
of which is serotonergic. The innervation predominantly
targets the medial portions of the lateral septum (Waselus et
al., 2006; Vertes, 1991; Kohler et al., 1982). The medial septum
is not generally considered a target of DRN innervation,
although micro-dialysis studies have shown that stimulation
of the DRN can increase serotonin dialysate in the medial
septum by more than 55% (McQuade and Sharp, 1997).
Amygdaloid complex
Studies using neuronal tracers, PHA-L in particular, have
demonstrated that the basolateral and lateral amygdaloid
nuclei, as well as the extended amygdala receive dense
innervation from the DRN (Grove, 1988; Vertes, 1991). Also,
immunohistochemical techniques in rat have shown that the
basolateral amygdaloid nuclei receive strong serotonergic
innervation. In the centromedial nuclei innervation is very
low, except for the posterior part of the medial amygdaloid
nucleus and in the medial and lateral parts of the posterior
nucleus (Steinbusch, 1981). The serotonin-immunoreactivity
has not been directly correlated to DRN efferents, but the
fiber morphology in squirrel monkeys suggests that serotonergic innervation emerges predominantly from the DRN
(Sadikot and Parent, 1990). In macaque monkeys, the relative
fiber density in amygdaloid subnuclei does not seem to
correspond to the rat data, probably due to species differences. The highest levels were present in lateral subregions
of the central amygdala and the dorsolateral bed nucleus of
the stria terminalis. Levels were high in basal amygdala and
moderate in centromedial amygdaloid nuclei (Freedman and
Shi, 2001).
Several studies have dealt with cortical projections of the DRN
(see e.g. Bobillier et al., 1976; O'Hearn and Molliver, 1984;
Vertes, 1991). Anterograde labeling with PHA-L has shown that
many cortical regions receive dense (the piriform, insular and
frontal cortices), or moderately dense (occipital, entorhinal,
perirhinal, frontal orbital, anterior cingulate and infralimbic
cortices) projections from the DRN (Vertes, 1991). The density
is highest in the dorsal frontal cortex and low in caudal
regions, with intermediate densities in areas in between
(Steinbusch, 1981). The frontal cortex receives projections
from nearly twice as many DRN neurons as either the parietal
or occipital cortex (O'Hearn and Molliver, 1984). The cortical
projections of the rat DRN emerge predominantly from the
ventral subnucleus, in particular from immediately dorsal or
medial to the medial longitudinal fasciculi. These areas
account for three fourths of the DRN innervation of the cortex,
whereas the dorsal subnucleus contributes one fourth. Along
the rostro-caudal axis, most neurons are located in the middle
DRN, and the lateral areas of the DRN do not seem to project to
the cerebral cortex at all. More than 80% of the projections are
serotonergic (O'Hearn and Molliver, 1984). The ratio of
contralateral fibers is 26–35%, and different between the
subnuclei. At least in the entorhinal cortex, the contralateral
fibers seem to preferentially target medial areas (Kohler and
Steinbusch, 1982; O'Hearn and Molliver, 1984).
The DRN projects to the hippocampus (Segal and Landis, 1974;
Azmitia and Segal, 1978; Mamounas et al., 1991). DRN efferents
to the hippocampus emerge predominantly from the most
caudal parts of the nucleus, close to the midline, and are both
serotonergic and non-serotonergic (Wyss et al., 1979; Kohler
and Steinbusch, 1982).
Olfactory bulb
Tracing studies with radioactively labeled amino acids in rat
(Halaris et al., 1976) and cat (Bobillier et al., 1976) have
demonstrated DRN projections to the olfactory bulb. The
DRN is the primary source of serotonin in the olfactory bulb, as
shown by retrograde transport of [3H]serotonin (Araneda et al.,
1980a,b). Immunohistochemical stainings have demonstrated
serotonergic innervation of all layers of the olfactory bulb,
especially the glomerular lamina (Steinbusch, 1981).
Supra-ependymal plexus
The supraependymal plexus is a network of serotonergic
fibers, which covers nearly all ventricular surfaces with
moderate or high density (Richards et al., 1973; Lorez and
Richards, 1982; Chan-Palay, 1976). Several studies have
indicated that the supraependymal serotonergic fibers ascend
from the medial and, in particular, dorsal raphe (Aghajanian
and Gallager, 1975; Chan-Palay, 1976; Richards, 1978; Steinbusch et al., 1981; Derer, 1981; Pierce et al., 1976).
Studies on the rat lateral ventricles indicate that serotonergic fibers do not penetrate the ependyma, but instead
enter the ventricles from their rostral poles. These fibers
travel through the median forebrain bundle and turn
dorsocaudally between the caudate-putamen and corpus
callosum. Also, they do not form synaptic contacts with
B RA I N R E SE A R CH RE V I EW S 55 ( 20 0 7 ) 3 2 9–3 4 2
ependymal cells. They are not found between ependyma and
subependyma, but only in the lateral ventricles (Dinopoulos
et al., 1995).
Functional neuroanatomy of the DRN with
emphasis on depression
Major depression is one of the most common psychiatric
diseases. It has an incidence of about 4% and a life-time
prevalence of 12–20% in Europe (Alonso et al., 2004; Paykel et
al., 2005) and, thus, a deeper understanding of its mechanisms
is of high clinical importance. Dysfunction of the serotonergic
system has been linked to depression, and although a
dysfunctional serotonin system alone cannot explain the full
pathophysiology, it is considered a key factor in depression
and other mood disorders: for example, levels of serotonin and
its metabolites are decreased and responsivity to serotonin
receptor agonists is reduced in depressed patients.
The first implication of a connection between serotonin
and depression was made in the early sixties, when the first
antidepressant, iproniazid, was found to inhibit monoamine
oxidase B, which degrades serotonin and other monoamines.
Subsequently, the search for drugs, which would selectively
enhance the transmission of one monoamine only, led to the
development of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI).
SSRI enhance serotonergic signaling by inhibiting the reuptake of the transmitter from the synaptic cleft and constitute
the most successful antidepressants today.
As a major source of serotonergic input to the forebrain, the
DRN has naturally received much attention in depression
research. Recent evidence includes a post-mortem study,
which found a 31% decrease in overall neuron number in the
DRN of depressed patients with a mean age of 50 years
(Baumann et al., 2002). On the other hand, another study
found no decrease in DRN neuron number and pathology in
elderly people who had suffered from depression (Hendricksen et al., 2004). This may reflect differences in the etiology
between depression among middle-aged and elderly. In
addition, tryptophan hydroxylase immunoreactivity and
mRNA levels in the DRN are higher in depressed suicide
victims than in controls (Boldrini et al., 2005; Bach-Mizrachi
et al., 2006).
Given the heterogenicity of the DRN and its large number of
neurotransmitters, depression research has lately expanded
its realms to focus on other transmitter systems as well. All
transmitters of the DRN are found in close proximity of
serotonergic neurons, and several of them have been identified in the same neurons. Thus, they are likely to interact with
the serotonergic system.
For instance, CRF seems to modulate serotonergic neuron
activity via GABA-ergic neurons in the DRN. It has been
suggested that CRF receptors 1 and 2 upregulate and downregulate, respectively, GABA-ergic neurons, which, in turn,
inhibit serotonergic DRN neurons. CRF also acts directly via
CRF2 receptors on serotonergic neurons (Valentino and
Commons, 2005). Galanin and galanin-agonists have also
been shown to have antidepressant-like effects, probably by
upregulating serotonergic transmission via galanin receptors
on serotonergic DRN neurons (see Kuteeva et al., 2007;
Karlsson and Holmes, 2006; Lu et al., 2005). Thus, subtypespecific galanin receptor agonists and/or antagonists could
prove to be useful tools in the development of antidepressants
(see Ögren et al., 2006). In addition, it has been proposed that
substance P (the endogenous ligand for neurokinin 1 receptor)
activates glutamatergic input to the serotonergic system. The
net effect would differ topographically within the DRN,
leading to a decrease in serotonergic activity in the ventral
DRN and an increase in the dorsal DRN (Valentino and
Commons, 2005). Neurokinin receptor antagonists might
have antidepressant effects, but currently the available
evidence is contradictory (see Keller et al., 2006; Kramer
et al., 2004).
During the past century starting from Cajal's silver stainings,
the DRN has developed from an object of purely morphological
studies towards being recognized as a complex multifunctional and multitransmitter nucleus and an important target
for depression research. During the next decades, understanding the interactions between the many transmitter
systems of the DRN will be of crucial importance for the
development of new and better treatments for depression. In
addition, the DRN's involvement in neurogenesis and neurodegeneration may open up new aspects of its function and
influence future treatment strategies.
The DRN, situated in the dorsal part of the mesencephalon,
is a phylogenetically old part of the brain, and modulates or
influences a wide variety of CNS processes. A hundred years
after Cajal's description, it is still a highly interesting brain
area due to its involvement in serious neurological and
psychiatric disease, but also in cognitive, locomotive and
anxiety-related functions.
K.A.M. is supported by European Union Framework 6 Integrated Project NEWMOOD Grant LSHM-CT-2004-503474 and by
grants from Helsingin Sanomain 100-vuotissäätiö, Alfred
Kordelinin yleinen edistys- ja sivistysrahasto, Orionin tutkimussäätiö and K. Albin Johanssons stiftelse.
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