AP World History - Chapter 31

AP World History - Chapter 31 - The Cold War
Study Guide
1. Explain the phrase “iron curtain”
2. Explain what the Cold War was
3. Explain what the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) was
4. Why was the World Bank created
5. Explain the Marshall Plan
6. The success of the European Economic Community, or Common Market, is evident through
7. In the Soviet Union there was a post war economic recovery followed by
8. In order to resist Soviet pressure, the Truman Doctrine offered military aid to
9. The Soviet counterpart to NATO was called the
10. Explain the causes of the Korean War
11. The Korean War was limited to the Korean peninsula because
12. Restrictions on U.S. military operations during the Vietnam War were designed to
13. When the United States discovered the Soviet Union had deployed nuclear missiles in Cuba in 1962,
it sparked
14. Explain the Helsinki Accords
15. What event was the catalyst for the space race?
16. Nations became independent at the end of World War II primarily because of
17. Which ways were India and Pakistan different?
18. In 1947 India and Pakistan went to war over the
19. The Dutch East Indies are known by what other name
20. After World War II, France considered Algeria to be
21. Describe the causes and effects of the French-Algerian War?
22. The first British colony in West Africa to gain independence was
23. Kenya faced a difficult task in winning independence mostly because of
AP World History - Mr. Mulford - Liberty High School
24. Independence in French West Africa came slowly because of
25. South African governments used policies of racial segregation called
26. Which leader of the African National Congress organized guerrilla resistance in 1960?
27. The United States overthrew the Guatemalan government in 1954 because
28. In 1956, 25 percent of Cuban national income was derived from
29. The Cuban government was overthrown by Fidel Castro mostly because
30. The Bay of Pigs invasion
31. The goal of Castro and his revolution was to
32. Third World nations were
33. In 1956, Israel, Great Britain, and France joined together to
34. The Cold War isolated and excluded Japan from world political issues, helping Japan to
35. Mao Zedong’s 1958 Great Leap Forward was a plan designed to
36. The 1966 Chinese Cultural Revolution was initially intended to
37. Since World War II, the most important political issue in Arab countries has been the
38. Explain the created of Israel and its struggles with its Arab neighbors?
39. Explain the Six Day War of 1967?
40. The superpowers didn’t view the struggle between Israel and the Arab States as a vital concern until
41. The Egyptian-Israeli war in 1973 led directly to the
42. An example of new awareness for environmental issues in the United States was the
AP World History - Mr. Mulford - Liberty High School