Transcript for French Revision Form 5 (“ER” verbs, Time and School

Transcript for French Revision Form 5 (“ER” verbs, Time and School Subjects)
le français
Bonjour, this CD has all the words you need to help you learn French
If you listen to the CD lots and lots of times you will find French very easy
The CD has 3 sections to it. Section 1 is all about verbs. In section 2 you will learn how to tell the time in French and
section 3 teaches you how to say you like or dislike a particular subject. Hope you enjoy listening.
Let’s now begin with section 1 which is all about VERBS
Verbs are doing words and are very important.
There are lots of different types of verbs.
We are going to learn about INFINITIVE VERBS.
In English, infinitive verbs have the word “to” T O in front of them.
For example to eat, to sleep, to sell
In French infinitive verbs are divided into 3 groups. Each group has a different ending.
The three endings are “ER” “IR” and “RE”
For example Jouer – J O U E R Jouer means to play
Dormir – D O R M I R Dormir means to sleep
Vendre – V E N D R E Vendre means to sell
OK now lets see how much we can remember
I’ll ask you some questions and see if you can answer them correctly.
Question 1
What are the 3 French infinitive verb endings ___________________The answer is “er”, “ir”, and “re”. Well done if you
got them right.
Question 2
What word does an English infinitive verb have in front of it?_________the answer is to T O for example to draw.
Question 3
I’m going to say 5 verbs in English. If you think they are infinitives shout yes. If you think they are not infinitives shout
no. Ready?
To colour --------Yes, 2. I whistle _______No, 3.She sees ______No, 4. To clean ______Yes, 5. To fly _____Yes
Fantastic if you got them all right!
Question 4
Now, I’m going to say 5 verbs in French. I will spell them for you and if you think they are infinitive verbs shout yes. If
you think they are not infinitives shout no. Ready?
1. Jouer - J O U E R ______ Yes because the verb ends in “er”
2. Je lave L A V E ________No because the verb ends in “e”
3. Finir F IN I R _____Yes because the verb ends in “ir”
4. Vendre V E N D R E ____ Yes because the verb ends in “re”
5. Elles mangent M A N G E N T ______No because the verb ends in “ent”
So remember,
French infinitive verbs have 3 endings “er”, “ir” and “re”
Now that we know what an infinitive verb is we are going to learn about CONJUGATED VERBS
Do you remember that French infinitive verbs have 3 endings “er”, “ir”, and “re”
Well, infinitive verbs are not very helpful because they do not tell us WHO is doing the action.
CONJUGATED verbs are very helpful because they tell us WHO is doing the action.
In English - To speak is an infinitive verb. I speak is a conjugated verb.
In French – parler P A R L E R is an infinitive verb. Je parle is a conjugated verb
To conjugate a verb in French there are THREE steps you follow: In step 1 you put a pronoun in front of the verb just like in English. The pronoun is very important because it tells us
who is doing the action.
For step 2 you take off the infinitive endings. Do remember these are “er”, “ir”, and “re” and that leaves you with half a
verb so to in step 3 we complete the verb by adding an ending which you will learn soon.
In French we have 9 pronouns
I in French is Je J E pronounced je
You (singular that means one person) in French is tu TU pronounced TU like the number 2
He in French is Il, pronounced ill - like someone who is not feeling well. Il can also mean it because every thing in
French is either masculine or feminine
She in French is Elle, pronounced ELLE. Elle can also mean it because every thing in French is either
masculine or feminine
So now lets summarize what we have just learned.
In French there are nine pronouns and they go before the verb.
Je which means I, tu which means you (singular), il which means he or it, elle which means she or it.
We then have a very special pronoun ON which means people in general.
We have now covered the five singular pronouns. This means these pronouns are all used to describe one person or
one thing doing an action.
For example I write, you (singular) swim, he travels, it shuts, she sits, and one gossips
Try and learn these five pronouns before you move on to the next bit of the tape.
Hope you have revised your pronouns. I will ask you what the five singular pronouns are and if you get them all right
then you can listen to the next section of the CD but if you still cannot remember them, then go back and learn them.
how do you say I in French. ________The answer is Je
how do you say you (singular) in French. ________The answer is tu
how do you say he or it in French. ________The answer is il
how do you say she or it in French. ________The answer is elle
how do you say one or people in general in French. ________The answer is on
Fantastic. If you got them all right you are now ready to learn the final four pronouns.
We in French is nous N O U S.
You (plural – that means more than one person) is vous V O U S. Remember at the
beginning of every lesson I ask all of you in class to sit down? I say asseyez-vous or if I want you all to get up I
say levez-vous?
In French there are two words for they.
Ils it is spelt ils but pronounced I L and this is used to describe boys doing an action or boys and girls doing an
action. However if it is only girls doing an action then we say Elles spelt elles but pronounced E L L E
So if I want to say Form 5B and 5G, they are excellent at French. I would say Ils sont supers en français because we
are talking about boys and girls.
Do you remember we were talking about conjugating verbs. There are 3 steps we have to do to conjugate a French
Step 1 was to put the pronoun in front of the verb so if you want to say he eats you would put the pronoun il in front of
the verb
Step 2 you take off the infinitve ending which means you take off the ”er”, “ir” or “re” ending and in step 3 we complete
the verb by adding an ending to it. This year we are just going to learn the endings of “ER” verbs.
There are 6 endings you need to learn for “ER” verbs
Lets revise the pronouns and then I will tell you the endings which go with each pronoun.
Can you remember the French pronouns? Let’s revise them
I is je / You (singular) is tu / He or it is il / She or it is elle / One or people in general is on / We is nous / You (plural) is vous/
they (boys only or boys and girls) is ils / They (girls only) is elles
Here are the 6 “ER” verb endings
For the pronoun je we add an E to the verb
For the pronoun tu we add an ES to the verb
For the pronouns il, elle and on we add an E to the verb (these 3 pronouns have the same ending. An E)
For the pronoun nous we add ONS to the verb
For the pronoun vous we add EZ to the verb
For the pronouns ils and elles we add ENT to the verb
Here is a little poem to help you learn the verb endings
Elephants, EScape, Egypt, ONSafari, EZebras, ENTertain
Elephants ending (E), Escape ending (ES), Egypt ending (E)
On Safari ending (ONS), E Zebras ending (EZ), Entertain ending (ENT).
(Here’s a picture of an E Zebra entertaining!)
We are now going to revise what we have learned about verbs.
The first thing we learned was that in French infinitive verbs have three endings “er”, “ir” and “re”
Then we learned that infinitive verbs are not very helpful because they do not tell us who is doing the action
So if we want to know who is doing the action we need to conjugate the verb
We next learned that there are 3 steps we need to follow to conjugate a verb in French
Step 1 = put a pronoun in front of the verb. Step 2 = take away the “er” verb ending and Step 3 = complete the verb by
adding an ending
We know there are 9 pronouns – je, tu, il, elle, on, nous, vous, ils and elles and there are 6 endings for “er” verbs – E, ES,
Did you remember all of that? Now we are going to practise some examples of what we have learned. It might help you to
write these down.
Jouer J O U E R means to play so if I want to say I play in French I have to follow three steps
Step 1 I put the pronoun in front of the verb. The pronoun for I is je J E
Step 2 I take off the “er” at the end of the verb and I am left with J O U
Step 3 I complete the verb by adding the ending which goes with the pronoun. The pronoun is je and the ending which goes
with je is e
So I play is je joue – J E J O U E
Now you try this one
Chanter C H A N T E R means to sing so how would you say She sings
The answer is Elle chante E L LE CHANTE
You need to learn the pronouns and verb endings really well. Good luck and keep listening.
We are now going on to SECTION 2 of the CD. In this section we learn how to ask and tell THE TIME in French
The first thing you need to learn are the numbers from 1- 11
1 = une , 2 = deux , 3 = trois , 4 = quatre , 5 = cinq , 6 = six , 7 = sept , 8 = huit , 9 = neuf , 10 = dix , 11 = onze
Practise the numbers lots so you know them really well.
To say o’clock in French for example it is five o’clock we say il est then the hour so cinq then the word heure which
means hour so it is 5 o’clock is - il est cinq heures. Easy!
It is 1 o’clock = il est une heure, It is 2 o’clock = il est deux heures, It is 3 o’clock = il est trois heures
It is 4 o’clock = il est quatre heures, It is 5 o’clock = il est cinq heures, It is 6 o’clock = il est six heures
It is 7 o’clock = il est sept heures, It is 8 o’clock = il est huit heures, It is 9 o’clock = il est neuf heures
It is 10 o’clock = il est dix heures, It is 11 o’clock = il est onze heures
It is midday = il est midi, It is midnight = il est minuit
To say minutes past the hour for example it is 10 past 5. In French we say it is 5 o’clock and then we just say the
number of minutes past so it is 10 past 5 in French is il est cinq heures dix
It is very IMPORTANT to remember that in French we ALWAYS say the HOUR first and then the minutes.
For example it is 5 past 8 is il est huit heures cinq. It is 20 past 4 is il est quatre heures vingt
We are now going to learn the numbers for the minutes past the hour
5 is cinq, 10 is dix, quarter past is et quart, 20 is vingt, 25 is vingt-cinq, and half past is et demie.
You need to learn all of these really well. Lets practise some examples of saying minutes past the hour.
It is 5 past 7 = il est sept heures cinq. Remember to say the hour first and then the minutes
It is 10 past 3 = il est trois heures dix
It is a quarter past 5 = il est cinq heures et quart
It is a quarter past midnight = il est minuit et quart
It is 20 past 9 = il est neuf heures vingt
It is 25 past 11 = il est onze heures vingt-cinq
It is half past 10 = il est dix heures et demie
It is half past 4 = il est quatre heures et demie
We are now going to practise saying minutes to the hour
If you imagine a clock divided into two halves, a right hand side and a left hand side.
The right hand side tells us the number of minutes past the hour and the left hand side tells us the minutes to the hour.
It is very IMPORTANT to remember that in French we ALWAYS say the HOUR first and then the minutes
In English we say it is 5 to 7. We put the minutes first and then the word to and then the hour.
It is 5 to 7 means there are 5 minutes to go until it is 7 o’clock.
It is 20 to 9 means there are 20 minutes to go until 9 o’clock.
In French we do the OPPOSITE. We put the HOUR first and then we take away the minutes
It is 5 to 7 is il est sept heures moins 5. In French we say it is 7 o’clock minus 5. The word for minus is MOINS
Here are some examples : It is 5 to 7 = Il est sept heures moins cinq
It is 10 to 8 = il est huit heures moins dix
It is 25 to 11 = il est onze heures moins vingt-cinq
It is 10 to midday = Il est midi moins dix
It is quarter to 5 = il est cinq heures moins le quart
It is quarter to 11 = il est onze heures moins le quart
Now lets practise some examples. How do you say the following times in French:It is 10 past 3 ___________ the answer is il est trois heures dix
It is very IMPORTANT to remember that in French we ALWAYS say the HOUR first and then the minutes
It is 5 past 8 ___________ the answer is il est huit heures cinq
It is a quarter past 6 _____________ the answer is il est six heures et quart
It is 10 to 10 is Il est dix heures moins dix
It is 25 to 11 is il est onze heures moins vingt-cinq
It is 5 to midnight is il est minuit moins cinq
The time in French is very important so you need to learn it really well. We have now finished section 2.
In SECTION 3 we are going to learn how to say which schools subjects les matières you like and which ones you don’t
Here are the school subjects les matières which we have learned : English is l’anglais, Art is le dessin, P.E. is l’EPS, French is le français, Geography is la géographie, History is l’histoire, ICT
is l’informatique, Maths is les maths, Music is la musique, Sciences are les sciences, and DT is la technologie
I love in French is j’adore, I like is j’aime, I hate is je déteste, I do not like is je n’aime pas
So to say I love art in French is j’adore le dessin, I like maths is j’aime les maths. I hate musique is je déteste la musique
and I do not like English is je n’aime pas l’anglais
Here are some adjectives we learned to describe the school subjects.
Fun is amusant, Easy is facile, Interesting is intéressant, Difficult is difficile, Boring is ennuyeux
So if you want to say
I hate French it is boring, you say je déteste le français c’est ennuyeux!
To say I love art is it fun, you say j’adore le dessin c’est amusant
This is the end of the CD. I hope it has helped you to understand your French a little better.