AMER. EXPRESS NYSE-AXP TIMELINESS SAFETY TECHNICAL 3 1 3 High: Low: Lowered 8/7/15 57.1 47.3 RECENT PRICE 59.5 46.6 62.5 49.7 65.9 50.4 10.0 RELATIVE DIV’D Median: NMF) P/E RATIO 0.56 YLD 2.3% 53.66 P/ERATIO 9.5(Trailing: 52.6 16.5 LEGENDS 14.0 x Earnings p sh . . . . Relative Price Strength Options: Yes Shaded area indicates recession Raised 8/14/15 Raised 1/15/16 BETA 1.00 (1.00 = Market) 42.3 9.7 49.2 36.6 53.8 41.3 61.4 47.4 90.8 58.3 96.2 78.4 93.9 67.6 VALUE LINE Target Price Range 2018 2019 2020 D 160 120 100 80 60 50 40 30 2018-20 PROJECTIONS Ann’l Total Price Gain Return High 90 (+70%) 15% Low 75 (+40%) 10% Insider Decisions to Buy Options to Sell A 0 0 1 M 1 2 3 J 0 0 0 J 0 1 1 A 0 0 0 S 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 N 0 3 2 D 0 0 0 % TOT. RETURN 1/16 Institutional Decisions 1Q2015 2Q2015 3Q2015 661 544 504 to Buy to Sell 613 612 623 Hld’s(000) 830397 818669 815148 Percent shares traded 18 12 6 1 yr. 3 yr. 5 yr. THIS STOCK VL ARITH.* INDEX -32.7 -5.8 31.5 -10.4 20.6 40.9 20 15 On November 14, 2008, American Ex- 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 © VALUE LINE PUB. LLC 18-20 press became a bank holding company un- 2.43 2.92 3.39 2.48 1.54 3.35 4.09 4.40 4.88 5.56 5.37 5.35 Earnings per sh A 6.00 der the BHC Act subject to the supervision .48 .57 .63 .72 .72 .72 .72 .78 .86 .98 1.10 1.22 Div’ds Decl’d per sh B■ 1.30 and examination by the Federal Reserve of 8.50 8.77 9.52 10.21 12.09 13.56 16.15 17.09 18.32 20.21 21.65 23.15 Book Value per sh 26.20 the United States. Thus, in order to better 1241.0 1199.0 1158.0 1160.0 1192.0 1197.0 1164.0 1105.0 1064.0 1023.0 969.00 940.00 Common Shs Outst’g C 900.00 represent American Express’ operations, we 21.9 18.7 17.4 15.3 17.5 12.4 11.6 12.7 15.0 16.2 14.5 Avg Ann’l P/E Ratio 14.0 have altered our financial presentation. D 1.17 1.01 .92 .92 1.17 .79 .73 .81 .84 .85 .74 Relative P/E Ratio .90 .9% 1.0% 1.1% 1.9% 2.7% 1.7% 1.5% 113960 CAPITAL STRUCTURE as of 9/30/15 40801 ST Debt $3160 mill. Due in 5 Yrs $40000 mill. 2440.0 LT Debt $48653 mill. LT Interest $1180 mill. 2758.0 (Total interest coverage ’14: 6.7x) 19985 (67% of Cap’l) 15614 No Defined Benefit Pension Plan 3062.0 Leases, Uncapitalized Annuals rentals $237 mill. 24.5% 2.69% Pfd Stock Series B $750 mill. Div’d 5.2% 30781 Series C $850 mill. Div’d 4.9% 10549 Common Stock 984,245,923 shs. 9.3% as of 10/23/15 35.8% 29.0% MARKET CAP: $52.8 billion (Large Cap) 23.4% FINANCIAL POSITION 2013 2014 9/30/15 19% ($MILL.) 128329 43116 2993.0 3026.0 22161 16989 3611.0 29.7% 2.81% 42747 10511 8.2% 33.6% 34.4% 28.1% 18% 149830 53436 3590.0 4341.0 24141 17824 4048.0 27.3% 2.70% 55285 11029 7.4% 35.7% 36.7% 30.2% 18% 126074 40659 3646.0 5798.0 24719 18986 2871.0 19.8% 2.28% 60041 11841 9.4% 32.3% 24.2% 17.2% 29% 124088 30010 3124.0 5313.0 21399 16369 2137.0 24.8% 1.72% 52338 14406 11.6% 24.2% 14.8% 8.4% 43% 147042 57616 4869.0 2207.0 22950 19648 4057.0 32.0% 2.76% 66416 16230 11.0% 39.2% 25.0% 19.7% 21% 153337 61166 4641.0 1112.0 25321 21894 4899.0 29.6% 3.20% 59570 18794 12.3% 39.9% 26.1% 21.5% 18% Cash Assets Invest. Sec’s Receivables Other Total Assets Deposits Accounts Payable Other Total Liab. 19486 22288 19938 5016 4431 3947 47185 47000 46407 81688 85384 83924 153375 159103 154216 41763 44171 49301 10615 11300 11340 81501 82959 72240 133879 138430 132881 ANNUAL RATES Past of change (per sh) 10 Yrs. Loans 5.0% Earnings 4.0% Dividends 8.5% Book Value 4.0% Past Est’d ’12-’14 5 Yrs. to ’18-’20 2.5% 2.0% .5% 3.5% 13.0% 7.0% -2.0% 6.0% QUARTERLY REVENUES ($ mill.) A Mar.31 Jun.30 Sep.30 Dec.31 2012 7614 7965 7862 8141 2013 7881 8245 8301 8547 2014 8199 8657 8329 9107 2015 7950 8284 8193 8391 2016 8050 8450 7900 8100 EARNINGS PER SHARE A Calendar Mar.31 Jun.30 Sep.30 Dec.31 2012 1.07 1.15 1.09 1.09 2013 1.15 1.27 1.25 1.21 2014 1.33 1.43 1.40 1.39 2015 1.48 1.42 1.24 1.23 2016 1.30 1.90 1.10 1.05 QUARTERLY DIVIDENDS PAID B■ Calendar Mar.31 Jun.30 Sep.30 Dec.31 2012 .18 .20 .20 .20 2013 .20 .20 .23 .23 2014 .23 .23 .26 .26 2015 .26 .26 .29 .29 2016 .29 Calendar Full Year 31582 32974 34292 32818 32500 Full Year 4.40 4.88 5.56 5.37 5.35 Full Year .78 .86 .98 1.10 1.4% 1.2% 1.1% 1.4% Avg Ann’l Div’d Yield 1.5% 153140 153375 159103 161000 162000 Total Assets ($mill) 167000 64309 66585 70104 59000 62000 Loans ($mill) 70000 4628.0 5047.0 5472.0 5922.0 5500 Net Interest Inc ($mill) 6000 1990.0 2110.0 2044.0 1988.0 2000 Loan Loss Prov’n ($mill) 2100 26954 27927 28820 26896 26500 Noninterest Inc ($mill) 27800 22246 22976 23257 22892 22325 Noninterest Exp ($mill) 23500 5076.0 5359.0 5885.0 5163.0 5150 Net Profit ($mill) 5500 30.9% 32.1% 34.5% 35.0% 33.0% Income Tax Rate 33.0% 3.31% 3.49% 3.70% 3.20% 3.20% Return on Total Assets 3.30% 58973 55330 57955 48000 48000 Long-Term Debt ($mill) 45000 18886 19496 20673 21000 22000 Shr. Equity ($mill) 23600 12.3% 12.7% 13.0% 13.0% 13.5% Shr. Eq. to Total Assets 14.0% 42.0% 43.4% 44.1% 36.5% 38.0% Loans to Tot Assets 42.0% 26.9% 27.5% 28.5% 24.5% 23.5% Return on Shr. Equity 23.5% 22.1% 22.7% 23.4% 19.5% 18.0% Retained to Com Eq 18.0% 18% 18% 18% 20% 23% All Div’ds to Net Prof 22% BUSINESS: American Express Company is a leading global payments, network, and travel firm established in 1850. Its business segments are: Global Consumer Group and Global Business-toBusiness Group. Divested AMEX Life, 10/95; American Express Bank, 2/08. Spun off Lehman Brothers to shareholders, 5/94; American Express Financial Advisors, 9/05. Had approximately 54,000 employees at 12/31/14. Officers and directors own approximately 1.0% of the company’s common stock; Berkshire Hathaway, 14.9%; Capital World Investors, 5.6%; BlackRock, 5.5% (3/15 Proxy). Chrmn. & CEO: Kenneth I. Chenault. Incorporated: New York. Address: 200 Vesey Street, New York, New York 10285. Telephone: 212-640-2000. Internet: Investor sentiment toward American Express continues to sour. Since our November report, the stock price has declined 27%. For comparison, the Dow has dropped 8% over the same period. This has continued a trend for AXP, which has been a market laggard over the past few years. We attribute the bulk of the underperformance to news that the company will lose transaction exclusivity with Costco (effective March 31, 2016). At present, the warehouse chain accounts for a material percentage of AMEX’s total transactions. Fully offsetting this business will be very difficult (discussed below). The company’s near-term prospects appear unexciting. Losing the Costco contract will take a hefty bite out of total transactions, revenues, and profits over the quarters and years ahead. That said, in the June interim, as part of the separation, Amex will register a one-time $1 billion sale of the Costco portfolio. That will certainly help 2016 share net; our estimate is $5.35 a share, or $0.02 lower than last year’s tally. We think that Amex will recover over the longer term, though the road may be bumpy. It has already begun allocating greater funds and resources toward marketing initiatives and technology in order to attract new card members. Management also mentioned that it will focus on restructuring and streamlining operations, and may consider acquisitions. However, a game-changing purchase is probably not on the horizon, due to the complicated and costly nature of such deals. We agree with management’s approach, though it will probably lead to increased costs that will further hamper profits. On that note, for the 2018–2020 time frame, we have trimmed our bottom-line projection by $0.50, to $6.00 per share. We think that this out-of-favor equity should interest some buy-and-hold investors. The loss of Costco and management’s strategies will likely hurt Amex’s near-term profitability. However, the company should be able to eventually get back on track and return to healthy annual profit gains. Due to the stock’s prolonged underperformance, it now trades at a very reasonable price-to-earnings ratio, and total return potential is worthwhile. Ian Gendler February 12, 2016 (A) Fully diluted earnings. May not sum to total (B) Div’d’s historically paid in mid-Feb, May, (C) In millions. due to rounding. Next earnings report due mid- Aug., and Nov.■ Div’d reinv. plan available. (D) Began reporting as a bank holding compaApril. ny on 11/14/08. © 2016 Value Line, Inc. All rights reserved. Factual material is obtained from sources believed to be reliable and is provided without warranties of any kind. THE PUBLISHER IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY ERRORS OR OMISSIONS HEREIN. This publication is strictly for subscriber’s own, non-commercial, internal use. No part of it may be reproduced, resold, stored or transmitted in any printed, electronic or other form, or used for generating or marketing any printed or electronic publication, service or product. Company’s Financial Strength Stock’s Price Stability Price Growth Persistence Earnings Predictability A++ 80 70 60 To subscribe call 1-800-VALUELINE