| 2015 | Timber Industry in Focus Educational information regarding forestry and the forest products industry in Montana This booklet is produced by the Montana Wood Products Association. What’s Inside? MWPA Mission Statement 2 3-4 Forest Products Industry 5 Who Uses Wood? 6 Montana Forest Land Classification 7-8 Forest Facts 9 Sustainably managing our resources 10 References & Resources For questions or to request additional copies, contact us: Montana Wood Products Association PO Box 1967 | Missoula, Montana 59806 montanaforests.com julia@montanaforests.com To promote healthy forests and healthy communities through management of Montana’s forests. 2 Montana’s Forests Products Industry Montana’s timber industry is about more than jobs. It’s about people. Many towns were formed around the processing of timber, and timber companies and their employees are still the foundation of many communities. Besides direct employment, forest products businesses make huge contributions to local economies, and their employees donate countless time and money to support local organizations. “Montana’s timber industry is about more than jobs. It’s about people.” For 2013, about 7000 of the 22,148 total manufacturing jobs in Montana are in the forest products industry. Annually, the manufacturing segment of Montana’s economy contributes about $1.1 billion in labor earnings and $14 billion in sales to the total state economy. Wood products manufacturing ranks first in the manufacturing sector in Montana in terms of jobs, contributing significantly to the state’s economy. Montana forest industry workers are wellpaid, earning an average $49,300 per year. This is above the statewide average annual labor income of about $40,800. Labor income from primary and value-added wood products manufacturing was $296 million in 2013. The 15 mills listed in Figure 1 are the major players in Montana’s Forest Products Industry. These mills rely on a predictable supply of logs. Summary of Montana Sawmills in 2014 In order to continue operations and maintain the employees they have, the annual volume requirements for maintaining these mills at full capacity is approximately 400-450 million board feet. This equates an average of 90,000 loaded log trucks per year! 3 Timber Facts at a Glance Labor income in Montana’s forest industry was estimated at $2 96 m illion du rin g 20 13 , about 4 percent higher than 2012. Em ploym en t durin g 201 3 wa s a bou t 7,00 0 w orkers (including private sector foresters and loggers, primary and secondary wood product manufacturers, and forestry support activities), up a little over 2 percent from 2012. Montana’s tim be r h arves t volum e d uring 2013 w as a b out 365 m illion b oard fee t. Ava ilab ility of tim be r contin ues to be a m a jor cha lle nge to Montana’s forest industry. Without a reliable and affordable supply of timber, mills cannot respond to increasing demand for wood products. W ood p rod ucts m an ufa cturing ran ks f ir st in the m a nuf acturing s ector in Montana in terms of jobs, contributing significantly to the state’s economy. 1 | Owens & Hurst Lumber Co. 2 | Plum Creek Ksanka Mill 3| F.H. Stoltze Land & Lumber 4 | Plum Creek Columbia Falls 5 | Plum Creek Evergreen 6 | Plum Creek Pablo Mill 7 | Thompson River Lumber Co. 8 | Tricon Timber Inc. 9 | Pyramid Mountain Lumber 10 | Eagle Stud Mill 11 | Smurfit-Stone Container 12 | Marks-Miller Post & Pole 13 | Marks Lumber 14 | Stimson Lumber 15 | Rocky Mountain Log Homes 16 | Sun Mountain Lumber 17 | R-Y Timber Livingston 18 | R-Y Timber Townsend 19 | Roseburg Forest Products 20 | Willis Enterprises *mills with fewer than 10 employees or less than one million board feet capacity may not appear. “Made in Montana” Montana’s timber industry turns trees, a renewable resource, into a wide array of products, including lumber, plywood, particle board, linerboard for cardboard boxes, posts and rails, log homes, wood pellets, furniture and biofuels. Nothing is wasted. Slabs and edgings, formerly burned in incinerators, are chipped and made into paper products. Sawdust is used for paper and panel products. Planer shavings are made into finer board. Even bark is utilized for industrial fuel and landscaping. Current & Future Market Conditions High levels of domestic lumber consumption are responsible for recent lumber price increases. These nearly record prices follow 3 to 4 years of record lows. The positive shift in wood product prices is primarily due to a combination of the following: •Low mortgage rates and high levels of building activity. • A sharp decline in the value of the U.S. dollar against most major currencies. Raw material availability continues to constrain Montanan’s wood products industry. Federal timber sale offerings continue to decline, while litigation of timber projects has shown an increase. Timber harvest from private ownerships increased in response to higher prices and increased competition for timber. Perhaps the most threatening issues affecting Montana mill operations is the availability of raw materials. Uncertainty over log supply involves public and private forestlands. Harvest from public lands may increase in response to fire hazard reduction and ecosystem restoration projects that often have high levels of sub-merchantable materials with limited use as timber products. The products that produce commercial products are frequently targeted for appeals and litigation. Private harvest may decrease in parts of the state where harvest levels have been high for many years. 4 Who Uses Wood? Popula tion grow th im pa cts ou r nee d for sp a ce a nd res ources. U.S. Census Bureau projections now indicate that the number of households will grow by nearly 24 million between 2000 and 2020. This breaks down to a need for approximately 1.2 million new homes each year. In order to accommodate these homes and the businesses that come with them, by 2030, the U.S. will require 44% more built-up space (developed land) than existed in the year 2000. The a vera ge Am erican hom e is larger today. Today’s average home is approximately 2,200 sq. ft. in size compared to the 1,400 sq. ft. of the average home built in the 1970’s. The size figure includes apartments and condos, which make up over 32% of U.S. housing. A typical 2,500 sq. ft. home is built with approximately 15,000 board feet of timber and wood paneling, or 2-3 truckloads of raw logs. Depending on the size and species of tree, about 130-180 trees “Wood is Good” When we are good stewards of our forestlands, wood is a renewable resource that continues growing and fulfilling our needs into the future. In addition, wood is 100% biodegradable, recyclable and natural. Did you also know a recent study in cold, snowy Minnesota revealed that a wood frame constructed home uses 17% less energy to heat than comparable steel construction and 16% less than a concrete structure? The study was conducted by the Consortium for Research on Renewable Industrial Materials (CORRIM). Additional climate benefits show that the growth of wood in renewable forests works to sequester and remove carbon from the atmosphere, and fewer carbon emissions are created during wood product manufacturing than their steel and concrete counterparts. This makes wood a good choice for those seeking environmentally-friendly products and building materials. 5 would be needed to build that 2,500 sq. ft. home. In addition, the average U.S. citizen uses about 12 lbs. of wood fiber each day in their consumption of cardboard, paper, lumber, and household products. One source estimated this to be the equivalent of each person using a 100-ft., 18 in. diameter tree each year! In 2 013, the U.S. im p orted $1 4.71 b illion of our wood produ cts to su pp ly the g row ing d em a nd for th is valua b le res ource. The demand for land to build on will further exacerbate this problem as more private and agricultural land is sold for residential use. Growth & Mortality Su sta in ab le Fore st M an ag em en t. According to the most recent inventory data available, tree growth in Montana far exceeds natural mortality and harvest combined. Theoretically, if only the volume equivalent to the annual growth and mortality were harvested each year, there would be little impact on existing forest volumes. Gr oss Gr owt h & Mo rta lity on Ti mberla nd f or T op 6 Volum e Species Gr oups Montana Forest Land Classification Di ve rse fore sts of the Bi g S ky. The forests of Montana are as diverse as her landscape. Seventeen coniferous tree species cover about ¼ of Montana’s land area, or about 22.5 million acres. Forests on the east side of the Continental Divide are dominated by ponderosa pine and Douglas Fir. In western Montana, many more species are present, mostly due to higher precipitation levels. These species include, western larch, lodgepole pine, western white pine, grant fir, alpine fir Engelmann spruce, western hemlock and western red cedar. F ore sted A cres : T he n and No w. Changes reflect human influence such as harvesting and settlement, as well as natural events, such as forest fires and disease infestation. Some changes are also due to modification in how “forestland is classified. Common Conifers Tree & Shrub species common to Montana Lodge pole Pi n e (Pinus contorta) Po nde rosa P in e (Pinus ponderosa) W es te rn W h it e P in e (Pinus monticola) W hi te bark ed P in e (Pinus albicaulis) Li mber Pin e (Pinus flexilis) S ubal pin e L arc h (Larix lyallii) W es te rn L arc h (Larix occidentalis) C olo rado (B l ue ) S pru ce (Picea pungens) W hi te Spr uc e (Pinea glauca) En gel mann S pru ce (Picea engelmannii) Dou gla s-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) W es te rn H e mloc k (Tsuga heterophylla) M oun tai n H e mloc k (Tsuga mertensiana) G ran d Fi r (Abies grandis) S ubal pin e F ir (Abies lasiocarpa) W es te rn R ed C e dar (Thuja plicata) Roc ky M oun tai n J u ni per (Juniperus scopulorum) Pac ifi c Y ew (Taxus brevifolia) C re epi ng J un i pe r (Juniperus horizontalis) C ommon Ju ni per (Juniperus communis) Utah J un ipe r (Juniperus osteosperma) Column1 Who Owns Montana's Forests? Nonindustrial Private 20% National Forest 60% State 4% Native American Trust 4% Forest Industry 8% BLM 4% O w ne rsh ip of Mo ntana’ s F ore sts . Montana’s forests contain about 22.5 million acres of classified forestland. Over 9.6 million federal acres (43% of all forested acres) are “reserved” or unavailable for harvest of wood products. Of this, 3.4 million acres are in National Forest Wilderness Areas, National Parks and National Monuments, while an additional 6.2 million acres of U.S. Forest Service lands are also unavailable for harvest due to their status as proposed wilderness areas, roadless areas, experimental stations, and other special management considerations. The remaining 12.9 million acres of non-reserved land (57% of total forestland), is comprised of the following suitable for timber production and harvest: 5.2 million acres National Forest System Land administered by 8 National Forests in Montana. 726,662 acres Forested State Trust Lands administered by the Department of Natural Resources & Conservation (DNRC). 6 million acres Private land owned by farmers, ranchers and other “non-industrial” private landowners. 900,000 acres Owned by the forest products industry. This equates to 8% of the forestland in Montana. 900,000 acres Bureau of Land Management (BLM) 6 A Look a t Ha rvest Tre nds. Harvest levels typically mirror the health of the nation’s economy. Harvest levels plummeted during the recession of the early 1980’s. However, recent declines in federal harvest levels are politically driven, and run counter to the nation’s robust economy. During the last 25 years, harvest from national forests in Montana have fallen 80%, even as U.S. house starts reached record levels. The federal harvest decline is a direct result of regulatory constraints, timber sale appeals and litigation. Management of our public forests W hy Ma na g e Our Na tion al Fores ts? You may have heard this question raised by those who believe we shouldn’t cut trees from our National Forests. The truth is timber management has many benefits besides production of useful forest products from our renewable resource. Timber harvesting is used to improve wildlife habitat, reduce losses to insects and disease, improve the growth and vigor of our forests, reduce the risk of high intensity wildfires and restore forests to historic conditions. 7 Grow ing T omorrow ’s Forest Today. Forest managers in Montana believe it’s not enough to simply care for existing forests’ we must also ensure that future generations have the same abundant forests we enjoy today. That’s why foresters in Montana are committed to reforestation of harvest areas through tree planting or planned natural regeneration. On average, nearly 20,000 acres of forestland in Montana were regenerated through planting and seeding. This does not include areas naturally regenerated every year with seeds from surrounding trees. The Cost of Res toration. In recent years, the federal timber program has come under scrutiny for “below cost” timber sales, where costs of selling timber exceed revenues. The reasons behind this phenomenon are complex and varied. Even though the National Forest harvest levels have plummeted, a large staff is still required to conduct all environmental assessments for timber projects. Timber sales are being designed to remove smaller trees with less volume per acre, and specialized logging equipment is often required. These factors result in higher logging costs and reduced federal timber revenues. Many timber sales contain requirements for work that has no timber output, such a streambed restoration. Yet, the cost of these projects is billed to the timber program. Despite the large size of our National Forest System in Montana, there are surprisingly large tracts that are classified for other uses and will not have trees cut or removed. Suitable acres are those currently available for timber production and roaded for multiple use management. Timberland Species Composition by Volume Sta te Trust L an d M ana g em en t In 1889, Congress granted certain tracts of land to the states for the support of schools. The Department of Natural Resources and Conservation (DNRC) manages timber, and surface and mineral resources on over 6.3 million acres of state trust lands in Montana, of which about 11% is forested. Revenues from each specific tract of land are dedicated to the support of an assigned beneficiary institution, or to the common school trust. In fiscal year 2013, the sale of timber from state trust lands contributed roughly $15 million to support endowed institutions in Montana. See figure below. In 2003, the State Legislature passed HB 537, which directed the DNRC to conduct a sustained yield study to set a new annual timber sale target based on updated forest inventory information. The study found that annually, 53.2 million board feet could be sustainably harvested from state trust lands, while still protecting fisheries, wildlife and recreation values. With the state Land Board adoption of the Habitat Conservation Plan, the sustained yield increased to 57.6 million board feet annually. Trust Returns by Resource | Montana Department of Natural Resources & Conservation Res ource B urea u 20 10 20 11 20 12 20 13 20 14 Agriculture & Grazing Forest Management Minerals (Mining) Real Estate (Leases) Recreation T ota ls 17,956,610 9,241,157 118,060,706 7,732,549 1,087,310 177,413,333 20,714,158 10,496,231 41,781,055 8,243,871 1,043,707 105,600,229 23,898,972 7,173,483 45,846,476 9,028,381 1,101,020 111,591,970 27,827,321 10,504,738 38,873,679 13,757,776 1,089,037 115,484,304 28,495,222 11,204,002 39,116,340 11,041,050 1,101,392 114,418,828 Sh ared Revenu es. Since the Federal Government does not pay taxes to counties in which national forestlands are located, a system of support was established whereby counties share in revenues from federal land. Under the Weeks Law of 1911, the Payment in Lieu of Taxes (PILT) of 1976, and the Secure rural Schools and Community Self-Determination Act of 2000, all 56 Montana counties are eligible for various amounts of compensation to aid in funding county roads and schools. Thirty-four counties have USFS lands within their boundaries. The remaining 22 counties contain other Federal lands managed for timber, rangeland, agriculture and oil/minerals. PILT payments to Montana counties totaled $28,809,242 in fiscal year 2014. 8 Under the Weeks Law, the 34 Montana Counties with USFS timberlands receive 25% of the revenue derived from total receipts from local National Forests. In 2000, in response to dramatic fluctuations in timber harvest receipts from federal lands, 31 counties elected to accept an average of past revenues under the Secure Rural Schools and Community Self-Determination Act, to stabilize funding for schools and roads. These counties must allocate 80-85% of the money they receive towards roads and schools, however, they may spend the remainder on search and rescue, forestry projects, road maintenance, fire prevention, etc. In each county, the county commission allocates these funds through a local Resource Advisory Committee (RAC) to determine how the remaining 15-20% of the funds will be used. Sustainably Managing our Resources M ontan a’s Fores t Policy Approach . When it comes to protecting our natural resources, Montana has chosen education over regulation. A network of dedicated individuals, organizations and programs ensures timber harvesting techniques in Montana are among the best in the nation. Loggers do what’s right for the land because they understand the need for careful practices. When harvesting next to a stream, operations must follow the rules of Streamside Management Zone (SMZ) laws. Areas along a stream are very special and important places in the forest – they are home to wildlife, they provide shading for streams, and they act as natural filtration zones. The SMZ is a buffer along each side of a stream and is at least 50 feet wide. On steeper slopes, the buffer is 100 feet wide and management activities are modified within all SMZ buffers. Some aspects of a harvesting job, such as equipment operation and road building, are prohibited unless an alternative practice permit is granted. This ensures that Montana’s streams remain cold and clear for generations to come. Com m itme nt to Exce lle nce. For over 20 years, timber harvesting professionals have proved their dedication to continual improvement. Educational workshops designed by the Montana Forest Council, including Montana Logging Association, Montana State University (MSU) Extension Forestry, and the Department of Natural Resources and Conservation, give loggers reasons not just rules. In 1994, the Accredited Logging Professionals (ALP) program was conceived by loggers to advance professionalism in timber harvesting. ALP graduates are required to attend 56 hours of training, including a 40 hour Forest Stewardship Workshop. Training topics include BMP’s, the Streamside Management Zone laws, the Endangered Species Act, forest ecology, insects and disease, business, safety, and first aid. Once accredited, an ALP logger must attend 32 hours of training per year to retain accreditation. 9 Fore stry B es t M an ag em en t Pra ctices. Loggers and foresters follow voluntary guidelines called Best Management Practices (BMPs) to ensure their operations minimize soil disturbance and protect water quality BMPs cover every aspect of a harvest from layout and design of roads, to road construction and stream crossings, to skidding. Loggers even use BMPs when leaving a job, to ensure roads are drained adequately and disturbed areas are grass seeded. References and Resources For ad d itiona l inform a tion on th e f acts a nd f igu res p rese nted in this b ooklet, visit th e followin g w eb sites : M on tan a Wo od Prod ucts A ss oci ati on | h ttp ://w ww .m o ntan af ores ts.co m U .S D epartm en t o f C om m erce | h ttp ://w ww .co m me rce .go v U .S . F ore st S e rvice | No rth e rn R eg io n | h ttp ://w ww .f s.u sda. gov/r1 De partm en t o f Natu ral R es ou rc es & C on se rv ati on | F ores try A ss istan ce Bu re au h ttp ://d nrc.m t.g ov/F ores try/A s sis tance /Practice s/de faul t.asp Bu reau of Bu si ne ss and Eco no m ic R es earch | F ore st Ind us try Re se arch P rog ram h ttp ://w ww .b ber. um t.e du /F IR/de faul t.asp Inte rnatio nal Wo od Prod ucts A sso ciati on | h ttp ://w ww .i wp awoo d.o rg/ M on tan a A ss ociation o f C ou nti es (M A C o) | h ttp ://w ww .m tco un tie s.o rg M on tan a Log gin g As so ciatio n | h ttp ://w ww .l ogg in g.o rg M SU E xten sion | Ide nti fyin g T ree s & Sh rub s in Mo ntan a h ttp ://s tore .m su exte ns io n. org/pu bli catio ns /O u tdoo rsEn vi ron me n tan dWi ld li fe/2 B03 2 3. pdf 10 Contact Us Montana Wood Products Association PO Box 1967 | Missoula, Montana | 59806 Montanaforests.com Julia@montanaforests.com