SFChronicie APR 1 2 1973 Goldwater's Analogy Watergate Teapot Dome Washington Senator Barry Goldwater (Rep-Ariz.) likened the Watergate case to. the Teapot Dome scandal and said in an interview pub- Baltimore lished yesterday that he Anne Armstrong, a White has urged President Nixon House counselor, said yesto speak out personally on terday she agrees with Senathe issue. tor Barry Goldwater (RepOtherwise, Goldwater told Ariz.), that the Watergate the Christian Science Moni- issue is hurting the Republitor, Republican candidates can party. will be hurt in the 1974 elecMrs. Armstrong said she tion and the GOP will be unable to elect a Republican a 1 s o agrees that party fund-raising efforts were president in 1976. Presidential counselor hurt by • the controversial Anne Armstrong told report- case. ers that Goldwater is "absolutely right" in asserting that the Watergate case is hampering the party's television, show that bugging fund-raising efforts. and political espionage are `HURT' nothing new in. American "Yes; we are being hurt politics and that he himself rtow,F she said. "But I ,am had been bugged when he convinced the administra- ran for president in 1964. tion' is determined to clear TEAPOT this up to the satisfaction of Teapot Dome w a s the the American public. So in name of Wyoming oil land the long run, I don't think it set aside for Navy war use, will be a detriment (to the and in the early 1920s Secparty )." retary of the Interior Albert Goldwater's strong 1 a n- B. Fall quietly leased Tea' u age was striking since in pot Dome and other oil rethe past the former GOP serves in California to pristandard-bearer has tended vate oil interests without o shrug off the bugging and competitive bidding. Later, •-.reak-in last June 17 of the Teapot Dome came to symDemocratic National Com- bolize all scandals in the mittee headquarters in the Warren G. Harding adminisWatergate apartinent com- tration. plex. In the Monitor interview As recently as Janurary 23 Goldwater said, "the Waterhe said on the Dick Cavett gate. The Watergate. It's be- Asked what the president can say, the senator replied, "I dont know. If there's something t o the whole She also said the Presi- charge of unusual,' peculiar dent is keeping aides from happenings in the Watergate testifying publicly to avoid incident, he's got :to admit it. "putting the Republican par- If • there's nothing, he's got ty under a cloud for an ex- to s a y there's nothing — which he has said repeatedly tended period of time." "Let's look at it pragmati- through other people. But cally," said the former vice he, himself, has to have a chairman of the .Republican press conference- where he National Committee. "There spells it out." are very few things the Presidential press secreDemocrats can agree on, ex- tary Ronald L. Ziegler decept the Watergate." clined to comment' on GoldAssociated Press water's statement other than to mite his March 39 announcement that White House staff members will ginning to be like Teapot testify before a federal Dome. I mean, there's a grand jury investigating the smell to it. Let's get rid of case and will work out a the smell." procedure to cooperate with The senator, who praised a Senate probe, headed by the Nixon foreign and do- Senator Sam Ervin mestic policy, said he sees (Dem-N.C.). the Watergate issue as raisGoldwater said of the ofing the question: "Can you trust Dick Nixon? It gets fer to allow staff testimony betore a grand jury: "I right down to that. "All of us who support don't think (it) goes far Nixon are going to be on the enough." . line in the 1974 election. He suggested that in aidWhen they say. 'are you still. ing the Ervin select commitSupporting the president?' tee White House aides like I'd say, 'yes, I'm still sup- presidential assistant H. R. porting the President.' And (Bob) Haldeman and counI'd say that even if . . . no, I sel John W. Dean III should won't -say that. I might not give sworn testimony prisupport him if it turns out he vately to Ervin and Senator knew all about this and kept Howard H . Baker (Rephis mouth shut. But I don't Tenn.). Then if Ervin and think he knows about it." Baker "feel they have a story to tell . . . let it be made public," Goldwater said. The senator added that the political situation "is salvageable" for Republicans "if the president was not involved." But if Mr. Nixon or Haldeman or Dean were involved, Goldwater warned, "there's no way" to salvage the situation. Watergate Issue Washington Post Service