how much do you know on Watergate

1. What incident began the political scandal known as Watergate? When
did it take place?
It took place during President Nixon’s presidency, it started it by someone trying to steal
information on the opposite political party from the hotel Watergate.
Who are Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein? What was their role in
uncovering the Watergate scandal?
They were reporters who started the research in uncovering all of Nixon’s lies and
How did Watergate affect politics and journalism?
It showed how important and powerful journalism is and changed many people in the
White House.
Who was Deep Throat? What role did he play in the unveiling of
A secret source who gave information to Bob and Carl, now known as Mark Felt.
Each of the following people was a key player in the Watergate scandal.
What was each person's role in the Watergate scandal? How was each
person punished?
H. R. Bob Haldemann- President Nixon’s chief of staff who spent time in
prison for the Watergate scandal.
E. Howard Hunt – American intelligence officer who helped plan Watergate
G. Gordon Liddy – Helped with Watergate burglary, spent time in prison for it.
Jeb Magruder – Involved in burglary, Nixon’s deputy campaign manager.
John Mitchell – Attorney General and Nixon’s campaign manager.
Donald Segretti – A paid ‘political prankster’ for Nixon.
Hugh Sloan – Treasurer of committee to re-elect Nixon, didn’t know what was
really going on and resigned when found out.
Maurice Stans – Finiance chairman for re-electing Nixon and involved in
How did the Washington Post have a special relationship with the
Watergate scandal?
That was where Bernstein and Woodward worked and therefore the paper that uncovered
much of the Watergate scandal.