BISHOP GRANDIN HIGH SCHOOL Application for Exemption

Application for Exemption: Attendance Incentive - Semester 1, 2015-2016
As outlined in the Student Agenda, to qualify for an attendance exemption from an exam, you
must have three or fewer absences and three or fewer lates in each course per semester
including TA. Attach a copy of your attendance from September 7, 2015 – December 18, 2015
(inclusive!). Only those students who have met these criteria and have filled out and submitted
this application form in its entirety will be considered for an exemption. Students cannot
exempt the same subject more than once during the three years at Bishop Grandin High School.
Please note that a signature is required from your teacher advisor as well as the subject area
teacher you wish the exemption to be from.
Student Name:
_________________________________ Grade: _______
Teacher Advisor: ______________________________________________
Course of exemption: __________________________________________
Gradebook item to be exempted: ________________________________
Course teacher name:
Course teacher signature: _______________________________________
TA must make sure the student has no more than 3 lates or 3 absences in any one class.
(Student could miss 3 days of school and still qualify for incentive)
Attendance verified by:
TA Signature
Remember: Attach copy of attendance! (Print Student Quick Look-Up page in power school)
This form must be completed with all signatures and handed in by the student to the main
office by 12:00 pm. Monday January 4, 2016.
Your application will be reviewed by administrative staff. Students who qualify for attendance
exemption will be notified by their TA on Monday January 11, 2016.