FEMALE INFORMATION 1.) Please choose one monologue and

1.) Please choose one
monologue and MEMORIZE it
2.) Please bring a PHOTO
3.) Please sign up for an
audition slot on the board in the
4.) Please learn BOTH vocal
selections from the show
***You may not be asked to sing both
Selection 1 – In My Own Little Corner (Start at
pickups to mm. 48-70)
Selection 2 – A Lovely Night (Start at pickup to
mm. 17-35 )
Please select one monologue to prepare for our initial
auditions for the 2015 SHS spring productions. Our
expectation is that you will memorize and be able to
demonstrate a variety of actor beats and physical blocking in
the prepared piece.
The Principal’s Best Friend
I don’t know where that came from. I never saw it before.
Honest! Someone must have written it on my hand at lunch.
I fell asleep. At the lunch table. Who did this to me? Do you
think it’s funny? Putting the answers to today’s test on my
hand? That is so lame. And very dishonest. Mrs. Stinkhauser
and I are very disappointed in you! Did I say – No, no! I
didn’t say Stinkhauser. I said Simhauser. Your name. I said
your name. Mrs. Simhauser and and…Look I’ve got to go. I
think the principal’s missing me. I haven’t been to his office
yet this week and he gets lonely so…I’ll be going now Mrs.
Show: Halloween Night
Playwright: An Original by Haroon Querish
It feels like this street is a mile long. Why doesn’t anyone
turn their lights on? I mean it’s only 8 pm and tomorrow’s
Saturday…don’t these people own lightbulbs? Man, I wish I
didn’t have to drop Julia/Jacob off at his/her house. He/she
could have come over to my place to watch a movie…and
then not watch the movie. But that will have to wait for
another night. For now it is just me versus this creepy ass
street. I don’t get these people. No one on this street is
giving out candy. They didn’t even leave out a bowl. Why the
hell is it so empty? I seriously wish this wasn’t the only way
back to my house.
Show: Earth and Sky
Playwright: Doug Post
I am sick of being hidden! I am so tired of fear and ignorance
and the feeling in my gut of utter uselessness! I hate this
state! I close up! I hear nothing! I see some kind of perfect
world which exists nowhere! AND I AM DONE WITH IT! A
man died. I thought I knew him. He was kind to me. He
listened when I spoke. He saw me and not the illusion I
create. He was the childhood I never had. He was my own
life. My skin and bones. All of my sins and aspirations.
Heaven and earth. Earth and sky.