Claire Brennecke Home Address: 32 Nash Street Apt A New Haven, CT 06511 Office Address: Department of Economics Yale University New Haven, CT 06520 Telephone: (202) 507-2204 E-mail: Website: Citizenship: USA Fields of Concentration: Economic History Finance Desired Teaching: Economic History Macroeconomics Finance Comprehensive Examinations Completed: 2011 (Oral): Macroeconomics, Finance 2010 (Written): Macroeconomics, Microeconomics Dissertation Title: Essays on Early American Credit Reporting Committee: Professor Gary Gorton (co-chair) Professor Naomi Lamoreaux (co-chair) Expected Completion Date: May 2015 Degrees: Ph.D., Economics, Yale University, Expected May 2015 M.Phil., Economics, Yale University, December 2012 M.A., Economics, Yale University, May 2012 B.A., Economics (First Class Honours), McGill University, 2008 Fellowships, Honors, and Awards: National Science Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grant, 2013 Rovensky Fellowship in U.S. Business or Economic History, 2013 Economic History Association Exploratory Travel and Data Grant, 2013 Charles V. Hickox Fellowship Fund, 2012-2013 Alfred Chandler Jr. Travel Grant, Harvard Business School, 2012 Yale University Graduate Fellowship, 2009 – 2014 Yale University Cowles Foundation Fellowship, 2009 – 2013 Fred Victor Stone Memorial Prize, McGill University, 2008 Teaching Experience: Intermediate Macroeconomics (undergraduate; instructor: W. Nordhaus), Fall 2011 Macroeconomic Theory (undergraduate; instructors: M. Galenianos (Spring 2012, G. Moscarini (Spring 2013))) Welfare Economics and Equity (undergraduate; instructor: D. Brown (Summer 2012 and 2013)) Game Theory (undergraduate; instructor: B. Polak) American Economic History (undergraduate; instructor: J. Wallis) Spring 2014 Research Experience: Research Assistant, Division of Research and Statistics, Federal Reserve Board of Governors, 2008 – 2009 Research Assistant, Professor Leah Brooks, McGill University, 2006 – 2008 Working Papers: “Information Acquisition in Antebellum U.S. Credit Markets,” (November 2014), Job Market Paper Seminar and Conference Presentations: Business History Conference (March 2014) National Bureau of Economic Research Summer Institute: Development of the American Economy (July 2014) – Poster Economic History Conference (September 2014) -- Poster References: Prof. Gary Gorton Yale University School of Management PO Box 208200 New Haven, CT Phone: 203-436-2857 Prof. Naomi Lamoreaux Yale University Department of Economics PO Box 208281 New Haven, CT 06520 Phone: 203-432-3625 Prof. Tim Guinnane Yale University Department of Economics PO Box 208281 New Haven, CT 06520 Phone: 203-432-3616 Dissertation Abstract Economic theory tells us that information asymmetries influence outcomes when borrowers and lenders contract. The primary way that lenders can resolve information asymmetries is by purchasing information from a credit rating agency. But we know very little about when and how much lenders rely on these agencies. In my dissertation I investigate the role of the first credit reporting agency, the Mercantile Agency of R.G. Dun & Co., in the 19th century U.S. trade credit market. In the first chapter, I provide evidence on when and how much subscribers accessed credit reports. In the second chapter, I describe the bias in early credit reporting and discuss its implications on access to credit. Chapter 1: “Information Acquisition in Antebellum U.S. Trade Credit Markets” (Job Market Paper) In my job market paper, I empirically investigate how subscribers to the first credit reporting agency, the Mercantile Agency of R.G. Dun & Co., used credit reports to learn about borrowers and trading partners in Antebellum America. I find that lenders accessed only a fraction of the reports produced by the Agency and were more likely to access a report when they received bad news, be it aggregate or idiosyncratic. These results are consistent with models of the information insensitivity of debt and older financial accelerator-style models in which lenders “fly to quality” when they experience an increase in the cost of lending. This project draws on a new dataset collected from the credit report records of R.G. Dun on all firms in New Orleans and all New York City subscriber inquiries between 1850 and 1860. I am able to provide novel insight into information acquisition due to a feature of the credit report records that I discovered: the Agency recorded when subscribers did and did not inquire after credit reports. From these data, I present a striking new fact: subscribers to the Mercantile Agency accessed only 25% of the information the Agency provided, despite having already paid for membership. Furthermore, subscribers accessed reports for only half of the firms for which the Agency produced reports. There was also a substantial lag between when the Agency started reporting on a firm and when a subscriber first accessed a report for the firm. I use a parametric duration model with time varying covariates to estimate the determinants of this lag. My analysis suggests that one primary reason that lenders were so selective in the information that they accessed was that they acquired information in response to bad news about specific borrowers and the aggregate economy. I find that NYC subscribers were more likely to access a credit report for the first time when there were they received bad news from idiosyncratic firm shocks, portfolio shocks, and aggregate shocks. In particular, a subscriber inquired after a firm in New Orleans if: (1) the firm had recently defaulted; (2) another borrower that the subscriber had a relationship with defaulted; (3) there was an adverse shock to the New York money market; or (4) the price of cotton decreased suddenly in New Orleans. These results suggest that subscribers did not always obtain all available information before they extended credit and credit report information was most valuable when subscribers were concerned about default. Chapter 2: "Race, Country of Origin, and Net Worth: Credit Report Coverage in Antebellum New Orleans." (Work in Progress) In the 19th century, mercantile credit reporting agencies facilitated access to trade credit for frontier mercantile establishments. Starting in 1841, companies such as the Mercantile Agency produced credit reports on mercantile firms across the US, providing a valuable opportunity for wholesale distributors in Northeastern port cities to gather information about trading partners elsewhere in the U.S. The existing literature provides little evidence on what types of businesses mercantile reporting agencies produced information and how this information might have impacted access to trade or credit. If wholesale lenders relied on credit reports before contracting, a merchant borrower might have been at a disadvantage if the reporting agency failed to produce information about him. To begin understanding how credit reporting might have negatively impacted certain types of merchants, I investigate if there was systematic bias in report coverage in the Mercantile Agency credit reports about merchant borrowers in New Orleans between 1850 and 1860. I link the credit report records to New Orleans city directories and US census records and test whether there was systematic bias in reporting based on several dimensions: race, nationality, net worth and industry. Next, I ask whether subscribers to the Mercantile Agency differentially inquired after reports based on these dimensions. I conclude by discussing whether there is evidence of bias in how the Agency supply of information, whether that bias was driven by demand for information from subscribers, and what impact these findings likely had on trade and access to credit.