20th Annual Black Solidarity Conference at Yale

Educates & Celebrates African-American Culture
● Founded in Fall 2011
● Unity by understanding cultural differences
● Designed to be an inclusive safe-space in which students of all origins and
backgrounds can learn and discuss life experiences that relate to the
group’s mission to foster a positive atmosphere for growth and to learn
as individuals and holistically.
Communicate. Network. Consolidate.
● The Black Solidarity Conference at Yale is an annual forum dedicated to
providing a highly conversational and interactive platform for students of
color to effectively express their opinions and ideas surrounding
contemporary concerns.
● Founded in 1994 as an extension of Black Solidarity Day
● It is the largest undergraduate conference at Yale, with an attendance of
over 700 students of color nationwide
● Past speakers include: Spike Lee, Tavis Smiley, Angela Davis, Cornel
West, Michael Eric Dyson, Jeffrey Johnson, Kathleen Cleaver
The Ties That Bind: Unique In Our Blackness,
One in Our Struggle
(February 19th-22nd 2015)
the dialogue to promote unity and meaningful
action as we strive to understand and fight against
systematic oppression”
Hotel Cost
Early Registration per
person= $105
For 14 members
$105 x 14= $1,470
Yale Hotel (from room confirmation)
Summary of Room Charges
Van Rental
Thursday, February 19, 2015 Sunday, February 22, 2015 (3 nights)
$300 each
$300 x 2=$600
Cost per night per room (USD) 133.00
Tolls/Gas= $200
Estimated government taxes and fees
per night - 19.95
Parking: $20 per day
Total for stay (for one room) $458.85
$458.85 x 4 rooms = $1,835.40
$20 x 4 days= $80
Total needed to budget for
during Spring Semester=$880
(minus what is left from the
Fall semester budget)
● Integrate and network with other Black student run organizations at
other colleges and universities.
● Expand our life experience for us, not only as Wells College students but
also as students of color.
● Educate Umoja members in order to educate the rest of campus.
● During the Spring Semester, we will host an event in the String Room Art
Gallery or Long Library where we will discuss what we learned at the
conference about ways to overcome systematic oppression
● http://www.blacksolidarityconference.com/
● https://www.facebook.com/pages/Black-SolidarityConference-at-Yale/227773974049611
● Twitter: BSC_2015
Umoja thanks you for your continuous support!
Questions or Comments?