*$ .f ,\ft*#$ DLI-T SLI-t lk. David Mr. Favl.dB. E, Martin Brrtla E, R. AseLsf€et Assistant to the Provost Prorpst for to the far Governmental Goverrrent*l Relations ts€l*t{en$ Yale tlniverelty Eale University Fene liaven, New Haven, esnnecticut Connecticut Dear Sear Mr. l{artLnr Hr. Martin: Ttresky.ou you discussed of 18 Thank youfor forysur yourletter letter of the 18January Jaau*ry in wlrictr you 1nwhich dl,aeuesed tb algerustiye costs E$AFtrsining alternative cssts of af the training *t at Y*1e Yale *nd andth* theavetlabtlity availability of tbeUSAF ef the Yale Talc training tralnlag materials FLI. #t€rials for fsr DLI. As As indicated drerlns our 6rs recent our lndtc*ted during re.cent telephone telnphcae conversation, our study convGraatd.oa, of str:dyof fY-66 training tr*ltrlng load lead requires reEritee that edher* to pront slo*s of our FY-66 tlrat we rccadhere t$ the the tbe provisions of the E-65 csatrtct, April 1965 FY..65 contract, l*cludtng including the the trainLag, training, *ad and rake make the Chr April Ln tge5 input fuput in the 3*1c pregrm, the Yale program the lastel.esE. class. This the lagt tkXsdecision decLsloewas seg necessary, clee€saary,since c|rr sfsce our {a*house praFar€ fer edeqtr*tely prepare in-house facilities faellLtles do do not hevetime tgnccto adequately for handling sst have handl,tng the &prtl April *nput. input. It It is *nt{elpated that thet tbe FT-65 eontrset the FY-65 contract can ls anticipated eanbe bemodircd.lfled to ts prov!.& tslyereltyr * facilities fsr use u*e Ef tha university's faellt t,lee to fied provide for of the t$ house houscthe tbe students until the ptogrm program ls is phac*d phased out ln in l{oryersber November 1965. 1965. This ttrrdents unL{l Tirlsheadhead* puchae modificaquartrets e*d lnltl"*Ee actfsa to quarters s111 will explore and initiate action ts implement errytrora lryle*nt such mdiflcation. t{.on. The ef actual Th* determination dete'elrstlsa of aetr*al costs th*reof will s{11 be b€subject eubJeetto eest* thereof te rr€gstlatlsa between negotiation betr*eenthe fb€ &ttver*lty t{aehlngtonProcurement ad the Fraeuremetrt University and Division. the Washington Dtvt*LsE. ELI DLI is i.ntse;tad in *cqulrfng the la acquiring the Grademaster ls interested Gredeaeter Electronic Electranlc Scoring $ccring Xsc*rls€ Chine arEd and all all of of Efl€ the te*ehtng teaching esf,erLale materials affered offered ia in yotr your letter. letter. II must afiurt prccurwnt of tufors nf the tbat the procurement inform yau you that the machine seclr{sc will w111be be subject to inpection laBectia* *ubJeet to prtrec !*egEt,{*tlon thereof aad and price negotiation with rlttb the the Washington }lashtngtorProcurement Frscures€ntDivision. Dlvl.eLon. Ife will slll also al*a initiate We action on matter. With trainlsl.tlatc the ea this lgtthrespect the rctl.aa to the Bhe thto estter. rc*Fccrto treLapackt*g and ing msterlslsf materials, II believe DtI, can hsadlc the andshipping b€ll.ave DLI e*r handle the packing the of the ehlpplngof lfe utll aatert*le dt"rectly materials directly vlth with the the tlntverelty. University. We will advise our lfcst West Coast advlse our C$eft psg€trl.et, trlll bebe faelllty, whlchwill the facility, which the consignee ofsf thethe material, to make arrangements conalgnee artrarrg@ntr ttr laake gerrerwat transportation tc{th the local with the ofaf a Government lecs,lgovernment e GwarftGat, tr*rrepereatl$n office effL*e for forissuance l"ss$ance 8111of ofLading ledtng to gs$€rffi€nt es;t. Bill cost. tocover et,government csverthe theshipment *htprmntat l t: i I $ g_ b & F & ;- --1 I ' i , : i i : i I 'I ti/; S. Under use t - ] i l j c rtile. t h t ifair ar:u ' i cpravisions p r c r . i s i ' l :of : sI. - i i t j ; . : c .q,ct ,pl.righ'. , , tI i r tam l i : i material r r , a t e r i in : i i iMatuiscripis i l ' { a i ; . ' r . i i ' i:ma 1 ; ; . . . r n j A, cs, r i : hYak i r . cIllniver s,YeltIjnir.cr Linhtss { ' I n i e sper s p cmission r r : : i . sis s i,canted, i l n i s g r neither a n r c i l this . n e copy ] . i ! : .nor : l . t the h i ss, c i•' p Y n r t } l * , iaiiividu;I, i. i r g institi i n s l r i ueion t i c nr : r irrilividual. or any c , , , i l e c t r r ,of -, -: i,s n tthe h c adliti/tions . . ' rplaci.1 i l r c e t Jiin (17 "CSC 107), 0 Box 20824C, 1: Traduced rig an C op ccscipn!v dceci 1 1 -v: Havcri CT 06520 - 8240. an unauthorizej pcirs•n; i,:,.1 ..! i ri.-:r I'i i-r:-ii e_::t .:> j Your cooperation ISAF Program ln maklng trensltlea of of the USAF Your making the cosperetton in the transition Pragrem from frcm greetly appreciated. Yale orderly one Yale to to DLIWC $tIS€ an an orderly ie greatly appreciated. one is $l.neereLy, Sincerely, tlsm H. GOMES LLOYD H. GsllEs Cslonel; U.S. U,E. Army Colonel, Army Director SirecEor Defense Language lengurge Institute Inetl"tute Sefenee '.:' ! 'i /l 2 i,;] \t- r' \#;4 l l , . f rwas $ r prciffueed i . : reference r ( 1 . 'r . Luse . u {o n l \ J : : ; r ,(17 ' ( l USC - L : C107), t 0 7 ithis r.h ,single \' r n g eopy Under o ri .che thh*eUnited t n i r r States p n r r , r . . or r uthe . - r eopyright l r h r , o ; , law r r g of h t : r J ethe r r htar . l use aul : ,provisions t r . . l u * Jfor University 1: .2Wall 8 \ ' r Street, l l y r , - Nee. :5 L ,- 1Haven H r r c CT n C06520-8240. fC b ; l ] 5 - ' l : . Yaic: 1 1 . lBox )B. o r )208240, :]r. ' 8 : . 1US froin A r r h [ e , , Y , rUl en i v . r , rLibrary, IL i b - . r P.O. rlnManuscripts \ t r l l r , , . , i and 1 r sArchives, r r u : material n m r r . n ain 'c1 "nd 1....Triless permission is granted, neither this copy no: zhe if.-ords on n may be: reproducedin inany imy{clmr inrmi used used by a:r an unaurh"r,z.d unauthorized person, on ir rnaybe:reproduced neirh.rrhn copynorrhea'.rrds isgr.rnred, Lhlesrpermis$icn P.r:,,rn. th pl d i c collections of any institution or individual, or indilidurln rhe e collections of aayinsritu:ion a e io or or placed Il -\*/_ ":4'