Energy-efficient Resource Utilization in Cloud Computing

Energy-efficient Resource Utilization
in Cloud Computing
Giorgio L. Valentini1,2 , Samee U. Khan1 , and Pascal Bouvry2
North Dakota State University, NDSU-CIIT Green Computing
and Communications Laboratory, Department of Electrical and
Computer Engineering, Fargo, ND 58108-6050,
University of Luxembourg, Computer Science and
Communications Research Unit, Faculty of Science, Technology
and Communication, Kirchberg L-1359, Luxembourg,
In cloud computing systems, the energy consumption of the underutilized resources accounts for a substantial amount of the actual energy
use. Inherently, a resource allocation strategy that considers the resource
utilization would increase the energy efficiency of the system. Task consolidation is an effective technique that increase the system resource utilization. Recent studies reported that energy consumption (in servers)
scales linearly with (processor) resource utilization. The aforementioned
fact highlights the significant contribution of task consolidation to reduce
in turn the energy consumption of the system. In our study, we analyze two existing energy-conscious heuristics for task consolidation. Both
heuristics aim to maximize resource utilization, with the main difference
being whether the energy consumption to execute the given task is implicitly or explicitly considered. To improve the energy efficiency of task
consolidation, we propose a bi-objective algorithm that combines the two
heuristics, in order to take advantage of both. According to our experimental results on cloud computing systems, the proposed algorithm increases the energy efficiency of the task consolidation problem, without
any performance degradation when individually compared with the two
existing energy-conscious heuristics.
Nowadays, data communications are an important element of our daily lives.
Most of our interactions rely on gathering the information through the clientserver paradigm [7]. Over time, user demands have rapidly increased in terms of
the number of requests. To cater to the consistent amount of requests, the computational capacities and facilities must be constantly reviewed and improved.
As a drawback, the proportional nonnegligible amount of the required energy
has been often left behind to remain competitive.
The recent advocacy of “green” or “sustainable computing” (tightly coupled
with energy consumption) has been getting considerable attention. The scope of
sustainable computing goes beyond the main computing components, expanding
into a much larger range of resources associated with computing facilities as
auxiliary equipment, such as the water used for cooling and the physical/floor
space occupied by the resources.
In cloud computing energy consumption and resource utilization are strongly
coupled. Specifically, resources with a low utilization rate still consume an
unacceptable amount of energy compared to the energy consumption of a fully
utilized or sufficiently loaded cloud computing. According to recent studies
([23], [28], [44], [5]), average resource utilization in most data centers can be as
low as 20%, and the average energy consumption of idle resources can be as high
as 60% (or peak power). To increase resources utilization, task consolidation
is an effective technique, greatly enabled by virtualization technologies, which
facilitate the concurrent execution of several tasks and in turn reduce the energy
Our study uses two energy-conscious heuristics for task consolidation presented by Lee and Zomaya in [46]: MaxUtil that aims to maximize resource
utilization and ECTC (acronym for Energy-Conscious Task Consolidation —
an overview of the most common acronyms used in our study is provided in Table
1) that explicitly takes into account both active and idle energy consumption.
For a given task, ECTC computes the energy consumption based on an objective
function derived from findings reported in the literature. As stated in the findings, the energy consumption can be significantly reduced while consolidating
tasks instead of being executed stand alone. Consequently, the two heuristics reduce energy consumption without any performance degradation while assigning
a given task to a selected resource.
To take advantage of both of the methods, while always considered separately, we propose to combine the heuristics in a bi-objective model. Identifying
the resource offering the best compromise between the objectives will most likely
truly maximize the utilization rate while minimizing the energy consumption.
The main idea of the proposed model being to execute the task on the optimal
“energy-efficient” resource.
The remainder of this chapter is organized as follows. Section 2 overviews
the related work. Section 3 details the cloud computing, energy models, and
task consolidation algorithms. The bi-objective approach and the related mathematical model are described in Section 4 while the simulation results and the
discussions are summarized in Section 5 and Section 6, respectively. Section 7
conclude our study.
Related Work
Energy efficiency is an emerging research issue, recently addressed by several
researchers. For example, Khan and Ahmad in [38] were the first to use game
theoretical methodologies to simultaneously optimize system performance and
energy consumption. Since then several research works have used similar models
and approaches, which have addressed a mix of research problems related to
large scale computing systems, such as: energy proportionality, memory-aware
computations, data intensive computations, energy-efficient, grid scheduling,
and green networks ([37], [25], [10], [8], [4], [45], [19], [13], [29]).
Cloud computing and green computing paradigms are closely related and are
gaining more concerns. The energy efficiency of cloud computing became one of
the most crucial research issues. Advancements in hardware technologies [41],
such as lowpower CPUs, solid state drives, and energy-efficient computer monitors have relieved the energy issue to a certain degree. Meanwhile, a considerable
amount of software approach researches were conducted such as: scheduling and
resource allocation ([45], [22], [9], [32], [18], [20], [30]), task consolidation ([35],
[47], [21], [33]).
Virtualization technologies are a key component within task consolidation
approach. Parallel processing have been greatly eased and boosted with the
prevalence of many-core processors. That is, multiples tasks are often ran on a
single many-core processor. The parallel processing practice seems at a glance
to inherently increase performance and productivity. But the trade-off between
the aforementioned increase and the consequent energy consumption should
be carefully investigated. For example, the load imbalance (especially in the
many-core processors) is a major source of energy drainage that has motivated
multiples task consolidation studies ([35], [47], [21], [33]).
Srikantaiah et al. in [35] approached the task consolidation using the traditional bin-packing problem with two main characteristics: (a) CPU usage and
(b) disk usage. The proposed algorithm consolidates the tasks relying on the
Pareto front to balance the energy consumption and the performance. The algorithm incorporates two main steps: (1) the determination of the optimal points
from the profiling data and (2) the “energy-aware” resource allocation using the
Euclidean distance between the current selection and the optimal point within
each server.
Song et al. in [47] proposed an utility analytic model for Internet-oriented
task consolidation. The model considers task’s request for Web services such as
e-books database or e-commerce. The proposed model aims to maximize the
resource utilization and to reduce the energy consumption, offering the same
quality of services proper to the dedicated servers. The model also measure
the performance degradation of the consolidated tasks through the introduced
“impact factor” metric.
The task consolidation mechanisms detailed by Torres et al. in [21] and
Nathuji et al. in [33] deal with the energy reduction using unusual approaches,
especially in [21]. Unlike typical task consolidation strategies, the approach
used in [21] adopts two interesting techniques: (1) memory compression and
(2) request discrimination. The first enables the conversion of the CPU power
into extra memory capacity to allow more (memory intensive) tasks to be consolidated, whereas the second blocks useless/unfavorable requests (coming from
Web crawlers) to eliminate unnecessary resource usage. The VirtualPower approach proposed in [33] incorporates task consolidation into the power management, combining “soft scaling” and “hard scaling” methodologies. The
two methodologies (of [21] and [33]) are based on power management facilities
equipped with virtual machines and physical processors, respectively.
More recently, several noteworthy efforts on energy-aware scheduling (in
large scale distributed computing systems as grids) using game theoretic approaches have been reported ([34], [38]). Subrata et al. in [34] propose a cooperative game model and the Nash Bargaining solution to address the grid
load balancing problem. The main objective is to minimize energy consumption while maintaining a specified service quality (i.e. time and fairness). Both,
[38] and [34], deal with independent jobs through (semi-)static scheduling mode
leveraging DVFS technique to minimize the energy consumption. (For recent
literature reviews the reader is referred to [1], [11], and [12].)
The Energy Efficient Utilization of Resources
in Cloud Computing Systems
The Cloud Computing
The underlying system consists of a set R = {r0 , . . . , rm−1 } of m resources
(processors) that are fully interconnected in the sense that a route exists between
any two resources. It is assumed that resources are homogeneous in terms of
computing capability and capacity. The aforementioned is achieved through
the virtualization technologies [14]. Nowadays, as many-core processors and
virtualization tools are commonplace [14]. The number of concurrent tasks on
a single physical resource is loosely bounded and a cloud computing can span
across multiple geographical locations.
The cloud computing model we consider, is assumed to: (a) be confined
to a particular physical location, (b) have the inter-processor communications
performing with the same speed on all links without substantial contentions,
and (c) allow messages to be transmitted from one resource to another while a
task is being executed on the recipient resource.
Energy Model
The energy model is based on the fact that processor utilization has a linear
relationship with energy consumption. The proportional relationship means
Table 1: The most common acronyms used in this book chapter
[xmin : xmax ]
[ymin : ymax ]
Arrival time of a task
Bi-objective Task Consolidation (algorithm)
Distance between two points
Solution set in the two-dimension search space
Due date of a task
Normalized complement of the distance result (d)
Energy-Conscious Task Consolidation
Energy consumption of a task on a resource
Minute energy factor of a resource
Energy consumption of a resource
Energy consumption of the system
Subset (of equivalents solutions) of D
Generic cost function
Normalized result of the ECTC cost function
Result of the MaxUtil cost function
Number of resources
Maximum (rate) Utilization
Objectives vector
Number of tasks
Normalization function
Point in the two-dimensional search space
Power consumption at peak load
Power consumption in the active mode
pmax − pmin
ith resource
Set of resources
j th task
Set of tasks
Resource usage of a task
Utilization rate of a resource
Utilization rate of the system
Generic time periods of the ECTC cost function
Total processing time of a task on a resource
Time period where a task is run alone
Time period where a task is consolidated
Output / Input (ratio)
ECTC unit range
MaxUtil unit range
that, for a particular task, the information on the processing time and the
processor utilization is sufficient to measure the energy consumption for the
At any given time, for a resource ri , the utilization Ui is defined as
Ui =
ui,j ,
where n is the number of tasks running at the given time and ui,j is the resource
usage of a task tj .
The energy consumption Ei of a resource ri at any given time is defined as
Ei = (pmax − pmin ) × Ui + pmin ,
where pmax is the power consumption at the peak load (or 100% utilization)
and pmin is the minimum power consumption in the active mode (or as low as
1% utilization).
Consequently, at any given time, the total utilization (UR ) as the total
energy consumption (ER ) of the system are defined as
UR =
and ER =
Ei ,
respectively, where m represents the number of resources.
The resources in the underlying system are assumed to be incorporated with
an effective power-saving mechanism for idle time slots. The mechanism results
from the significant difference in energy consumption, between active and idle
resources states. Specifically, the energy consumption of an idle resource at any
given time is set to 10% of pmin . Because the overhead to turn off and back on
a resource takes a nonnegligible amount of time, the option for idle resources
was not considered in our study or by others ([35], [47], [21], [33], [46]).
The Task Consolidation Problem
The task consolidation (also known as server/workload consolidation) problem
is the process of assigning a set T = {t0 , . . . , tn−1 } of n tasks (service requests or
simply services) to a set R = {r0 , . . . , rm−1 } of m cloud computing resources,
without violating time constraints. The main purpose remains to maximize
resource utilization and ultimately to minimize energy consumption.
Time constraints are directly related to the resource usage associated with
the tasks. More precisely, in the consolidation problem, the resources allocated
to a particular task must sufficiently provide the resource usage of that given
task. For example, a task with its resource usage requirement of 60% cannot be
assigned to a resource for which the available resource utilization at the time of
that task’s arrival is 50%.
The Task Consolidation Algorithm
Task consolidation is an effective means to manage resources, particularly in
cloud computing, both in the “short-terms” and “long-term” ([24], [31]). In
the short-term case, volume flux on incoming tasks can be “energy-efficiently”
dealt with by reducing the number of active resources and putting redundant
resources into a power-saving mode, or even turning off some idle resources
systematically. In the long-term case, cloud infrastructure providers can better
supply power and resources, alleviating the burden of excessive operational costs
due to over provisioning. Lee and Zomaya [46] focused on the short term case,
even if the results delivered by the task consolidation algorithms could be used
as an estimator in the long-term provisioning case.
Subsection 3.4.2 presents the energy conscious task consolidation heuristics
(ECTC and MaxUtil ), more commonly referred to as cost functions [46]. The
two cost functions are described side by side to highlight the main differences,
being whether the energy consumption is considered explicitly or implicitly.
More precisely, MaxUtil makes task consolidation decisions based on resource
utilization, which is a key indicator for energy efficiency.
The Cost Functions (ECTC and MaxUtil)
The cost function, termed ECTC, computes the actual energy consumption
of the current task by subtracting the minimum energy consumption (pmin )
required to run a task, if other tasks would be running in parallel with that
task. That is, the energy consumption of the overlapping time period among
the running tasks and the current task (tj ) is explicitly taken into account. The
cost function tends to discriminate the task being executed in a stand alone
The value fi,j of a task tj on a resource ri obtained using the ECTC cost
function is defined as
fi,j = [(p∆ × uj + pmin ) × τ0 ] − [(p∆ × uj + pmin ) × τ1 + (p∆ × uj × τ2 )], (4)
where p∆ is the difference between pmax and pmin , uj is the utilization rate of
tj , and τ0 , τ1 , and τ2 are the total processing time of tj . That is, the time period
tj is running stand alone and that tj is running in parallel with one or more
tasks, respectively. For example, consider two tasks (t0 and t1 ) that are running
in parallel on the same resource (r0 ), with t0 arriving first on the resource (see
Figure 1). While computing the result for f0,1
the total execution time of t1 ,
= τ0 − τ2 ,
= τ0 − τ1 ,
where τ1 is the time period where t1 will be running stand alone on r0 , and
τ2 the time period where t1 will be consolidated with t0 in r0 (the overlapping
Figure 1: Time periods of the task t1
The rationale behind the ECTC cost function is that the energy consumption
at the lowest resource utilization is far greater than that in idle state, and the
additional energy consumption imposed by overlapping tasks contributes to a
relatively low increase.
Alternatively, the MaxUtil cost function is derived with the average utilization during the processing time of the current task, as core component. The
cost function aims to increase consolidation density and has a double benefit.
That is, (a) the implicit reduction of the energy consumption is directly related
to (b) the decreased number of active resources. In others words, MaxUtil tends
to intensify the utilization of a small number of resources.
Consequently, the value fi,j of a task tj on a resource ri using the MaxUtil
cost function is defined as
P τ0
fi,j = τ =1 ,
which is the utilization of a resource ri , as defined in Equation (1), divided by
the total execution time (τ0 ) of task tj .
The Task Consolidation Algorithm
In essence, for a given task, the algorithm checks every resource and identifies the
most energy-efficient resource for that task. The evaluation of the most energyefficient resource is dependent on the used heuristic (ECTC or MaxUtil ). More
specifically, on the employed cost function (referred to as fi,j ). Algorithm 1
describes the main steps of the task consolidation procedure.
Application of the Model — A Working Example
As incorporated into the energy model, energy consumption is directly proportional to the resource utilization. At a skimmed glimpse, for any two taskresource matches, the one with a higher utilization may be selected. However,
because the determination of the right match is not entirely dependent on the
input : tj ∈ T = {t0 , . . . , tn−1 }, R = {r0 , . . . , rm−1 }
output: r∗ ∈ R
r∗ ←− ∅
forall the ri ∈ R do
Compute the cost function value fi,j of tj on ri
if fi,j > f∗,j then
r∗ ←− ri
f∗,j ←− fi,j
Assign tj to r∗
Algorithm 1: Task consolidation algorithm
current task, ECTC makes its decisions based rather on the (sole) energy consumption of that task.
Table 2 details four tasks properties specifically selected (as the working
example) to point out the divergent behavior of ECTC and MaxUtil. For each
task (tj ) we specified the arrival time (aj ), processing time (τ0 ), and utilization
or resource usage requirement (uj ). For the working example it is assumed that
pmin is set to 20 and pmax to 30. These values can be seen as rough estimates in
actual resources and can be referenced as 200 watt and 300 watt, respectively.
Conforming to the respective properties presented in Table 2, each task (tj ) will
be assigned to the more “energy-efficient” resource (ri ) selected through the
cost functions.
Figure 2 depicts the allocation of the first three tasks, where task t3 illustrates the divergence from the results obtained from the respective cost functions. Based on the (sole) energy consumption of the task, ECTC assigns t3
to the resource r1 (see Figure 2(a)), while based on the available utilization
rate of the resources, MaxUtil assigns t3 to the resource r0 (see Figure 2(b)).
The difference between the two functions becomes more prominent when task
t4 must be assigned to a resource. As illustrated in Figure 3, ECTC can only
assign t4 to the empty resource r2 (see Figure 3(a)), while MaxUtil assigns t4
to r1 (see Figure 3(b)). On our specific working example MaxUtil seems to be
more “energy-efficient” than ECTC.
Ref.[46] claimed that the performances of the algorithms can be slightly
ameliorated incorporating task migration. At each computational time, the
Table 2: Task properties
Task (tj )
Arrival Time (aj )
00 (sec.)
03 (sec.)
07 (sec.)
14 (sec.)
20 (sec.)
Processing Time (τ0 )
20 (sec.)
08 (sec.)
23 (sec.)
10 (sec.)
15 (sec.)
Utilization (uj )
(a) ECTC
(b) MaxUtil
Figure 2: Depiction of the first three tasks
(a) ECTC
(b) MaxUtil
Figure 3: Final depiction for all the tasks
scheduler checks if some of the running tasks would be more “energy-efficient”,
when allocated to a different resource. If suitable, then the scheduler proceeds
with the migration. Interestingly, the benefit of using migration is not apparent.
Migrated tasks tend to be with short remaining processing times and these tasks
are most likely to hinder the consolidation of new arriving tasks. Consequently,
the incorporation of task migration increased the energy consumption.
Bi-Objective Approach
The Main Idea
The algorithm described in Section 3.4 uses only one of the two cost functions
at a time. In advance, it must be decided whether to use ECTC or MaxUtil.
According to the working example described in Section 3.5, for a given task,
the result of the two cost functions can converge as diverge. The divergence
comes from the two different considered aspects (energy consumption or resource
The idea behind the bi-objective model is to combine the two cost functions
to only benefit from their advantages. The algorithm will then provide, as a
result, the more “energy-efficient” resource based on both of the considered
aspects. That is, the (sole) energy consumption as the resource utilization.
The Motivation
We must note that ECTC computes the energy consumption of a given task on a
selected resource, while MaxUtil looks after the more energy-efficient resource in
terms of resource utilization. The ECTC cost function is designed to encourage
resource sharing. As stated in Subsection 3.4.2, for a given resource, the energy
consumption of two tasks running in parallel is slightly superior than the energy
consumption of a task ran alone ([17], [15], [16]).
To be accurate on the computation of the energy consumption, ECTC uses
τ1 and τ2 ( see Subsection 3.4.2). Based on the time periods (τx ), the cost function gives priority to resources where concurrent tasks can be fully consolidated
and tends to discard the resources offering only a partial consolidation. The
aforementioned scenario is illustrated in Figure 2. Task t0 do not fully overlap
task t3 on resource r0 , then ECTC assigns t3 on r1 because t3 can be fully
consolidated with the task t2 .
The working example presented in Section 3.5 pointed out the main drawback of ECTC. Intuitively, the resulting divergence from the behavior of MaxUtil
can be seen as a “domino effect” that will temporarily affect the system. Being
energy efficiency (see Figure 3) the main concern of the presented heuristics, the
eventuality of a “domino effect” should not be neglected while considering the
ECTC cost function for the task consolidation problem as defined in Section
3.3. Alternatively, MaxUtil always minimizes the total number of used resources
without individually considering the energy consumption of the given task.
Because the objective of our study is to minimize the energy consumption as
the total number of used resources, our proposal combines the two cost functions
to select the resource that will most likely maximize the utilization rate and
minimize the energy consumption.
The Approach
The approach uses the two cost functions described in Equation (4) and Equation (5). The respective results are combined to build a “point” in a twodimensional search space where ECTC gives the x coordinate and MaxUtil the
y coordinate.
Originally, Equation (4) returns a value greater than zero only when applied
on a resource allowing task consolidation. Among the collected results, the
highest value identify the most “energy-efficient” resource (if τ1 6= τ0 ), while
the null value identifies empty (non “energy-efficient”) resources (if τ1 = τ0 ).
Figure 4 illustrates the rationale behind the ECTC cost function.
To properly construct the point in the search space, the two cost functions
have to be slightly modified. Defining the energy consumption ej of a task (tj )
on a given resource (ri ) as
ej = (p∆ × uj + pmin ),
the value fi,j of tj on ri obtained using the ECTC cost function is now defined
(ej × τ0 )
; if τ1 = τ0
fi,j =
((ej × τ1 ) + (p∆ × uj × τ2 )) ; otherwise.
The value of fi,j obtained using the MaxUtil cost function as
fi,j =
Ui ,
where aj is the arrival (or ready) time and dj the due date (given by aj + τ0 )
of the current task tj .
The Metric Normalization
To find the optimum point in a two-dimensional search space, the results of the
two cost functions must be normalized to a homogeneous unit scale. Because
the range of MaxUtil is defined in a continuous unit scale from 1 to 100, the
result of ECTC will be normalized to the unit scale of MaxUtil, from now on
formally referred as [ymin : ymax ].
For a given task (tj ) the utilization on a selected resource (ri ) is directly dependent on the speed (operations per seconds) of the CPU on that resource. The
amount of time needed for the resource to accomplish the task is derived from
the speed of that CPU. Based on the above information (speed and time) of a
Figure 4: Structure of the ECTC cost function
selected resource, the maximum value (xmax ) returned by the ECTC cost function can be then estimated and the ECTC unit range defined by the bounded
interval going from 0 to xmax .
Defining xmin as the lower bound and xmax as the upper bound of the
ECTC unit range, the normalization of the (ECTC ) metric on the unit scale
[ymin : ymax ] is given as
[xmin : xmax ] −→ [ymin : ymax ],
(fi,j − xmin ) × (ymax − ymin )
xmax − xmin
As mentioned in the Section 4.3, for a set of resources (R = {r0 , . . . , rm−1 })
the highest value (fi,j ) returned by the cost functions identify the most “energyefficient” resource (see Algorithm 1). Because we modified the original ECTC
cost function (see Equation (7)), the complement of normx , denoted as fx , must
be considered
[ymin : ymax ] −→ [ymin : ymax ],
ymax − normx ,
to coherently build the normalized two-dimensional point in the evaluation
The Evaluation Space
Renaming the respective returned value from the cost functions as fx for (the
normalized) ECTC and fy for MaxUtil, the coordinates of the point pi for a
selected resource ri is defined as
pi = (fx ; fy ),
and among all the points, the optimum will be the higher point giving the best
compromise between the results of the two cost functions (fx and fy ). The ideal
optimum points must then belong to the domain space of the function
f (x) = y.
Therefore, the closer the pi is to the line (given by Equation (11)), the more
probable it is for that point to be the local optimum. For every pi , the respective
distance to the corresponding ideal optimum point will be computed and referred
to as
d = |fx − fy |.
The smaller the value of d, the closer the pi is to the respective ideal optimum
point belonging to the domain space (of Equation (11)). This also will be the
best compromise offered by the given point. The value of d will finally be
the main estimator of the selection of the best candidate among the equivalent
optimum solutions.
Selection of The Best Candidate
The Mathematical Model
There exist many methodologies to find the optimum solution among the solution set ([36], [2], [6]). The main idea would be to avoid having to compare all
points within the solution space at every decision point.
The first step of our approach consists of constructing the solution search
space based on the results of the two cost functions. The optimum solution will
be identified and updated at the same time the solution set is constructed. By
the time the solution set is built the optimum solution will be identified. The
search operation will rely on the Pareto dominance criteria ([40], [42], [43]). The
first point of the solution space will be set as the “current” optimum solution.
The “current” solution will then be compared to the next (new) created point
and updated, if needed.
Formally, let D be a finite set. For a fixed natural k, a mapping
D −→ Rk ,
(m1 (p), . . . , mk (p)),
can be defined, whose components mi : D −→ R, ∀i : 1 ≤ i ≤ k, are denoted as
objectives and Rk is the evaluation (or measurement) space of the elements of
D. As already mentioned, our approach maximizes the considered objectives.
Accordingly, given p and q, the two elements of D, p dominates q, and it is
represented as p q, if and only if,
∀i : 1 ≤ i ≤ k : (mi (p) ≥ mi (q)) ∧ ∃j : 1 ≤ j ≤ k : mj (p) 6= mj (q) . (13)
From our analysis and discussion of Section 4.5 it follows that
m(p) = (fx , fy ),
where m(p) belongs to the homogeneous unit scale [ymin : ymax ].
The Algorithm
For each resource, the algorithm constructs the corresponding point in the evaluation space (D) and verify if the new created solution dominates the current
optimum solution. If the aforementioned case is verified, then the algorithm updates the optimum solution. Algorithm 2 details the main steps of the procedure
used to identify the optimal solution from the solution set D.
Processing of Equivalent Solutions
The design of Algorithm 2 does not identify equivalent solutions. A double
dominance check must be introduced and the equivalent solutions added to a
subset F (F ⊆ D). Because the optimum solution may change by the time
the domain space (D) is constructed, F must “reset” each time a new optimum
input : tj ∈ T = {t0 , . . . , tn−1 }, R = {r0 , . . . , rm−1 }
output: r∗ ∈ R
r∗ , optimum ←− ∅
forall the r ∈ R do
x ←− fx
y ←− fy
result ←− (x, y)
if result optimum then
optimum ←− result
r∗ ←− r
Algorithm 2: Bi-Objective procedure
point is identified. This will ensure that the subset only contains the equivalent
solutions to the latest optimum point.
By the time the solution space is constructed, the equivalent optimum points
will be identified. The selection among the equivalent solutions belonging to F,
if any, will rely on d. Because our approach maximizes the considered objectives,
the complement of d, denoted as δ, will be considered according the formula
[ymin : ymax ] −→ [ymin : ymax ],
= ymax − d.
The aforementioned selection process will sequentially compare each f ∈ F
with the actual optimum point. The actual optimum will then be updated
based on the δ parameter, or on the sum of the two coordinates ((fx , fy ) ∈ pi ),
if the pair share the same value for the x (energy consumption) or y (utilization)
The Bi-objective Task Consolidation Algorithm
The algorithm constructs, for each resource, the corresponding point in the
evaluation space (D) and verifies if the: (a) new created solution dominates the
current optimum solution or (b) two solutions are equivalent, otherwise. If the
fist aforementioned case is verified, then the algorithm updates the optimum
solution and “reset” the equivalent solutions subset (F). Otherwise the algorithm update F with the new created solution if suitable. Among the equivalent
solutions of F, the algorithm identifies the optimum solution through: (c) the
δ parameter or (d) the sum of the two objectives. Algorithm 3 describes the
entire procedure that identifies the optimal solution from the solution set D and
the related subset F.
input : tj ∈ T = {t0 , . . . , tn−1 }, R = {r0 , . . . , rm−1 }
output: r∗ ∈ R
r∗ , optimum, F ←− ∅
forall the r ∈ R do
x ←− fx
y ←− fy
δ ←− (ymax − |x − y|)
result ←− (x, y)
if (result optimum) then
optimum ←− result
r∗ ←− r, F ←− ∅
F ←− F ∪ (result, r, δ)
if ((result 6 optimum) ∧ (optimum 6 result)) then
F ←− F ∪ (result, r, δ)
forall the (f, r, δ) ∈ F do
if ((fx 6= optimumx ) ∧ (fy 6= optimumy )) then
if (δ > δoptimum ) then
optimum ←− f
δoptimum ←− δ
r∗ ←− r
if ((fx + fy ) > (optimumx + optimumy )) then
optimum ←− f
δoptimum ←− δ
r∗ ←− r
Algorithm 3: BTC Algorithm
An Intuitive Example
Conforming to the data provided in Table 2, the problem will be now solved using the BTC algorithm, where for the normalization procedure into the MaxUtil
unit scale, ymin have been set to 1 and ymax to 100. Table 3 summarizes the
numerical results of Equation (7), Equation (8), Equation (10), and Equation
(14) presented in Section 4. For each task (tj ) a maximum number of three
resources (ri ) are identified. ECTC and MaxUtil represent the values of the
respective cost functions (see Equation (7) and Equation (8)) for a given task
(tj ) on the selected resource (ri ). The coordinates of the constructed point in
the two-dimensional search space are denoted by pi (see Equation (10)), and δi
(see Equation (14)), which shows the normalized complement of the distance (d)
from the point (pi ) and the corresponding ideal optimum point for the selected
resource (ri ). If at the arrival time of a task (tj ) the selected ri had not enough
available resource utilization rate for the given tj , then that resource will not be
shown in the table. The double right arrow (⇒) identifies the optimum result
selected by the algorithm.
For example, task t0 requires: (a) 40% of available resource utilization, (b)
20 seconds to be executed by a selected resource, and (c) arrives at time t equal
to zero. In line with the aforementioned task’s properties, when evaluating the
resource r0 , (d) ECTC returns a (normalized) value equal to 48 and (e) MaxUtil
a value equal to 40 (because ran in stand alone mode). The coordinates of the
corresponding point p0 are given based on the result obtained in: (d) and (e).
The x coordinate is computed substracting 48 (result obtained in (d)) from 100
(value set as ymax ), equal to 52 (fx ). The y coordinate is equal to 40 (fy ),
as computed in (e). From the coordinates (fx and fy ) of p0 we compute (f)
the distance (d = |fx − fy |), equal to 12. The value of δ is then computed
substracting the result obtained in (f) to ymax (δ = 100 − 12) and is equal to
Table 3: Results of the BTC’s computations
Task (tj )
Resource (ri )
⇒ r0
⇒ r0
⇒ r1
⇒ r0
⇒ r1
pi (fx ; fy )
(52; 40)
(52; 40)
(52; 40)
(82; 90)
(80; 50)
(80; 50)
(49; 20)
(49; 20)
(88; 80)
(80; 60)
(76; 40)
(80; 90)
(59; 70)
The resulting two-dimensional search space for the evaluation of task t0 on
the three considered resources is illustrated in Figure 5(a). For a given task
(tj ), if at least two resources (ri ) share the same coordinates (e.g. task t0 in
Table 3), then that point is only represented once. In the aforementioned table
and figure, the point p0 identifies r0 as the optimum (most “energy-efficient”)
resource evaluated through the BTC algorithm. Consequently, the algorithm
assigns t0 to r0 as depicted in Figure 6.
Figure 5 illustrates the two-dimensional search spaces for each task, in agreement with the informations contained in Table 3. Among the points within the
evaluation space, the (black) full dot (within the subset F) identifies the optimum point (resource) for the given task, while the line given by Equation (11)
represents the ideal optimum points.
Throughout the numerical results summarized in the aforementioned table
(visually reflected in Figure 5), the BTC algorithm evaluates and identifies
the optimum solution simultaneously considering two aspects: (a) the resource
utilization rate and (b) the energy consumption implied by a given task. As a
result, the solution selected by the algorithm is the “energy-efficient” optimum
in terms of both (a) and (b).
Figure 6 depicts an additional representation of the optimum scenario provided by the algorithm after completing the evaluation of our intuitive example.
The four tasks have been assigned only on two resources. As expected the algorithm maximized the resource utilization rate simultaneously minimizing the
system’s energy consumption. For each given task of our particular example,
BTC selected the same solutions than MaxUtil (see Figure 3(b)). The main difference being that BTC always guarantee Pareto optimality in terms of energy
Simulation Results
Simulation Setup
The simulations were carried out using the MPICH2 framework [27]. A highperformance and widely portable implementation of the Message Passing Interface (MPI) standard [26]. MPICH2 has two main goals. First, to provide an
MPI implementation that efficiently supports different computation and communication platforms (including commodity clusters, high-speed networks, and
proprietary high-end computing systems). Second, to enable cutting-edge research in MPI through an easy-to-extend modular framework for other derived
Throughout the simulations, the resource usage of the generated tasks was
random and uniformly distributed between 4% and 95% (or 0.04 and 0.95). The
minimum utilization rate of 4% avoids generating processing times lower than
1 millisecond (τ0 < 1 ms).
The architecture used to simulate the environment followed the Master-Slave
scheme. One selected resource (the Master) was in charge of : (a) dynamically
(a) t0
(b) t1
(c) t2
(d) t3
(e) t4
Figure 5: The two-dimensional search space of the BTC algorithm
Figure 6: The Final result identified by the BTC algorithm
generating the next task and (b) selecting the “optimum” resource (the Slave)
to execute that task, according to the selected energy efficiency policy.
Because cloud computing systems are always ready to perform the next
incoming request, our problem becomes time and space dependent. That is,
every future decision will be directly dependent on the previous decision.
To properly emulate the system, the simulation was divided into three steps:
(a) the “seeding”, (b) the “training” (or warm-up) period, and (c) the (window)
“run”. First, the resources are filled with “concurrent” tasks (seeding operation) generated on a nonlinear “time dependent” distribution, aiming to simulate some ongoing previous requests. Secondly, the new tasks were randomly
generated and assigned to the “optimum” resource (training period) based on
the current work-flow of the system. Finally, the run evaluates the heuristics
based on a predefined interval of tasks. More precisely, the seeding operation
creates the environment, the training period stabilizes the simulation, and the
run evaluates the algorithm over a window consisting of one hundred thousand
(105 ) tasks dynamically generated and assigned among the system. Figure 7
illustrates the aforementioned steps.
The length of the warm up (“training”) period needs to be evaluated, if the
state of the model at starting time does not represent the steady state of the
actual system. The point at which the model seems real for the first time could
be estimated as the warm-up time. In our experiment, the warm-up period
is the amount of (simulated) tasks that need to run before the data collection
begins [3]. The switch from the “training” to “run” occurs dynamically based on
the result given by the “output to input” ratio (λ/µ), also know as the system
utilization. At each task assignment, λ and µ represent the number of outgoing
and incoming tasks, respectively. The ratio (λ/µ) aids in the monitoring of the
system, allowing a dynamic start to the evaluation of the selected heuristic in an
environment secured from collapse. The “run” starts as soon as the simulation
reaches the steady state. In our environment, we considered the steady sate
Figure 7: The three steps of the simulation
from any value of the ratio (λ/µ) greater than 0.50.
The performance and behavior of the BTC algorithm were evaluated compared to the individual results obtained with Algorithm 1 presented in Section
3. Initially setting MaxUtil and successively ECTC as the cost function.
Given that the main objective of our experiment was to maximize the utilization while minimizing the energy consumption, at each task assignment two
global factors were logged: (a) the total rate of resources utilization (UR ) and
(b) the cumulated amount of the energy consumption (ER ) of the system (see
Equation (3)). Both (a) and (b) aim to observe the global behavior in terms of
energy efficiency of the selected algorithms.
To compare the scalability of the different heuristics, at each task assignment,
we observed the speed intended as the time (in microseconds (µs)) to select the
“optimum” resource. The recorded computation relied on the MPICH2 time
function (MPI Wtime).
The simulation environment was developed based on four different topologies: (a) 10 and 20 resources of 4 cores and (b) 5 and 10 resources of 8 cores.
The number of cores available on a resource bound the maximum number of
tasks that can be concurrently executed on a selected resource. The experiment follows the specifications of the task consolidation problem as explained
in Section 3.3.
For each resource a central processing unit (CPU) of 2, 048 GHz was assumed
and equally shared between the predefined numbers of cores. The process to
randomly generate the tasks is as follow. Initially, a bounded number is generated corresponding to the number of operations (per second) needed to perform
that given task. Being bounded, the aforementioned prevents the resulting generated task to overflow the computational capabilities of the available resources
(i.e. uj > 100% for a given task tj ). The bounded interval that generates the
number of operations (per second) is directly dependent on: (a) the predefined
CPU speed and (b) the number of cores. From (a) and (b) we compute the sole
core speed. Successively, dividing the number of operations (per second) by the
sole core speed we obtain the processing time (in milliseconds (ms)) needed for
the given task to be executed on a selected resource. Finally, the utilization
rate of that task is derived by dividing the processing time by the predefined
CPU speed. Table 4 summarizes the parameters used to set our experiment.
Table 4: Parameters of the simulation environment
4 cores
8 cores
CPU speed
Window of tasks
Resource usage
[xmin : xmax ]
[ymin : ymax ]
2,048 GHz
100 000
[0.04 : 0.95]
[1 : 20 000]
[1 : 99]
Single core speed
Number of resources
Number of operations per second
Single core speed
Number of resources
Number of operations per second
512 MHz
10, 20
[1 : 9 400]
256 MHz
5, 10
[1 : 4 700]
Energy Efficiency
The results presented in the following graphs aim to evaluate the energy efficiency of the three heuristics: (a) MaxUtil, (b) ECTC, and (c) the Bio-objective
Task Consolidation (BTC ) algorithm.
For each of the heuristic we depicted four graphs (see Figure 8, Figure 9,
and Figure 10) that showed the behavior, in terms of energy efficiency and task
consolidation, among the four selected topologies: (a) 10 and 20 resources of 4
cores and (b) 5 and 10 resources of 8 cores. Within the aforementioned figures,
the solid (blue) line represents the total utilization rate of the system while the
dashed (red) line the energy consumption. The sampling rate for the collection
of the system’s status was performed at each task assignment. The y axis shows
the utilization as the (normalized) energy consumption unit scale, while the task
index was reported following a logarithmic scale in the x axis.
Figure 8 and Figure 9 corresponds to MaxUtil and ECTC, respectively, while
Figure 10 to the BTC algorithm. From our results, no significant differences
can be pointed out among the three heuristics conforming to the task consolidation problem. Consequently, MaxUtil, ECTC, and the BTC algorithm can
be considered “energy efficiently” equal.
(d) 8 cores - 10 resources
(b) 4 cores - 20 resources
Figure 8: Results using the MaxUtil cost function
(c) 8 cores - 5 resources
(a) 4 cores - 10 resources
(d) 8 cores - 10 resources
(b) 4 cores - 20 resources
Figure 9: Results using the ECTC cost function
(c) 8 cores - 5 resources
(a) 4 cores - 10 resources
(c) 8 cores - 5 resources
(d) 8 cores - 10 resources
(b) 4 cores - 20 resources
Figure 10: Results using the BTC algorithm
(a) 4 cores - 10 resources
Speed Analysis
Figure 11 depicts the behavior of the heuristics in term of speed. The time
needed to select the “optimum energy-efficient” resource among the system at
each task assignment. The solid (blue) line represents the BTC algorithm, while
the dashed (red) and the dotted (cyan) lines represent MaxUtil and ECTC, respectively. The data are represented following a logarithmic scale on both of the
axis, where the task number is provided on the x and the time (in microseconds
(µs)) on the y axis.
Among the considered aspects (utilization rate and energy consumption),
MaxUtil only considers the available utilization rate, because developed to
maximize task consolidation. ECTC considers the available utilization rate
(as MaxUtil ) combined with the time periods (τx ) to predict the energy consumption of the given task on a selected resource, designed to consolidate task
energy-efficiently. When compared, MaxUtil proved to be faster than ECTC.
The BTC algorithm uses the solutions generated by MaxUtil and ECTC to
construct the (bi-objective) evaluation space, conferring to the algorithm the
more complex election of the optimum solution. Consequently, our proposed
algorithm was the slowest when compared, but resulted being the heuristic that
provided the best “energy-efficient” solutions.
Discussion of Results
Recalling Section 3, our study described two existing heuristics: (a) MaxUtil
and (b) ECTC. The main difference between (a) and (b) being whether the
energy consumption is implicitly or explicitly considered. MaxUtil proved to
maximize task consolidation reducing in turns the number of used resources.
Consequently, the decreased number of used resources directly reduces the energy consumption of the system. According to the aforementioned MaxUtil was
defined as implicitly energy-efficient. Alternatively, ECTC was developed to
consolidate tasks that can be fully overlapped, tending to discard the consolidation option for partial-overlapping tasks. The main concern of ECTC remain
the energy consumption of the given task on the selected resource, that must
be minimal. Consequently, the aforementioned property defined ECTC as explicitly energy-efficient.
The rationale behind the ECTC cost function relies on the energy consumption during the time periods (τx ) and pmin , the minimum power consumption
in the active mode. Designed to consolidate only full overlapping tasks, ECTC
allows the minimum power consumption pmin to be ignored for that given task,
independently from the number of consolidated tasks. The estimation of the energy consumption of the given task will be fully dependent on the time period
given by τ2 , the time period τ1 being respectively null (see Figure 4).
When the consolidated task can only be partially overlapped, for that task,
ECTC considers the energy consumption as follows. The time period τ1 with
the implied power consumption in the active mode (pmin ) is added to the energy
(d) 8 cores - 10 resources
(b) 4 cores - 20 resources
Figure 11: Computational speed of the heuristics
(c) 8 cores - 5 resources
(a) 4 cores - 10 resources
consumption during the time period τ2 (see Figure 1). For example, if n tasks
are consolidated based on partial overlap, pmin must be considered n times on
n different (time periods) τ1 . Formally, let the time period (τ1 ) corresponding
to the task (tj ) on a selected resource (ri ) defined as τ1j , the total power consumption of that resource must then be increased by the minute energy factor
i = pmin ×
τ1j ,
which is what ECTC tries to avoid.
Because the time periods constraints are strongly related to the minimum
power consumption in the active mode, ECTC can “diverge” by taking decisions
that generate the “domino effect” as mentioned in Section 4.2. From the energy
efficiency point of view, MaxUtil saves energy minimizing (when possible) the
number of used resources of the system, while ECTC prioritizes the consolidation of full overlapping tasks. More precisely, ECTC runs as much as possible
concurrent tasks under the same pmin to save that energy consumption.
The proposed bi-objective algorithm named BTC was built from the two
heuristics (MaxUtil and ECTC ). The BTC algorithm identifies the resource
offering the best compromise between the results of the two cost functions, consolidating tasks energy-efficiently. The closer the normalized results (see Section
4), the more the offered solutions will be energy-efficiently converging. Consequently, divergent solutions will be dismissed by the BTC algorithm discarding
the possibility of generating the domino effect as mentioned above.
Task consolidation, especially in cloud computing systems, became an important
approach to streamline resource usage that in turn improves energy efficiency.
Two existing energy-conscious heuristics for task consolidation, offering different energy-saving possibilities, were analyzed in our study. For both heuristics
we identified the corresponding drawback and proposed, as a (single) solution,
the Bi-objective Task Consolidation (BTC ) algorithm. The aforementioned algorithm combines the two heuristics to construct the corresponding bi-objective
search space. Within the domain space, the optimum solution set and the corresponding optimum solution are selected through the Pareto dominance criteria
and the Euclidean distance, respectively. The efficiency of the proposed algorithm was proved thought the evaluation study, consisting of different simulations carried out using the MPICH2 framework. Concerned about the energy
efficiency of the system and the scalability of the proposed algorithm, at each
task assignment we observed three main aspects: the total energy consumption,
the total resource utilization, and the time needed to select the optimum solution. To evaluate the performance of the BTC algorithm according to the
aforementioned criteria, the two heuristics were individually implemented and
used as key indicator for the energy efficiency and the scalability. Despite the
more elaborate selection of the optimum solution, our study reported that the
proposed BTC algorithm was the slowest when compared, but resulted being
the heuristic that provided the best “energy-efficient” solution. The result of
our study should not only contribute on the reduction of electricity bills of
cloud computing infrastructure providers, but also promote the combinations
of existing techniques toward optimized models for energy efficient use, without
performance degradation.
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