Education Strategies for Taiwanese’s Family 20 21 Sue-Wen Lean Lang-Wen Huang Abstract To explore the significance of education strategies for Taiwanese’s families, this study took up the idea of social capital to examine whether various forms of social capital exerted predictability on two commonly noted education arrangements or choices parents made for children during the early part of their student careers. Education strategy was conceptualized as the undertaken of a deliberate, aggressive educational effort in accord with parental education aspirations for a child by a parent and for the purpose of enhancement in academic performance of a child. Two types of education strategies were investigated: cross-district school attendance and parental school participation. Based on a reduced sample of 255 households with at least one child in a grade or middle school, a part of the 2002 Survey of Family Change and Development in Shihlin by LHSS at Soochow University, our findings indicated that the employment of cross-district school attendance strategy is highly correlated with educational resources and choices at disposal for a given community. Moreover, forms of social capital have differential influences on education strategies used by families. Higher income families opted less for local schools. Families with higher rate of community participation on the other hand went for local schools more. Finally, for parental school participation strategy, families that invested in children on cram schools or extra-curriculum activities were less likely to get involved in school affairs. High parental participation in community affairs further extended to greater involvement in school by parents. Keywords: Education Strategy, Social Capital, Economic Capital, Cultural Capital, CrossDistrict School Attendance, and School Participation 20 Associate Professor and Chair, Department of Sociology, Soochow University, Taipei, Taiwan. E-mail: 21 Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, Soochow University, Taipei, Taiwan. 28