ABSTRACT MARIHOT H. HUTABARAT : Anatomical and physic

MARIHOT H. HUTABARAT : Anatomical and physic properties of Cocos nucifera
Linn), Supervised by Evalina Herawati and Luthfi Hakim.
This research is aim to evaluate the anatomical and physical properties of Cocos
nucifera Linn. The anatomical studied by identification the sample and using microscop
for determined the fiber dimension and Bristish Standard 373-1975 were used to test the
physic properties.
The anatomical and physical properties variated according to height and depth of
the stem. The anatomical structure of Cocos nucifera dominated of vascular bundles and
parenchyma. Vascular bundles effect moisture content, spesefic gravity and the
shrinkage three direction. Fiber were contained in vascular bundles wich the average of
fiber length and fiber wall thickness variated according to length and depth of stem.
Moisture content of Cocos nucifera was between 71.23% - 337.51%, spesific gravity
was between 0,08 – 0,39. The average of shrinkage three direction (tangencial, radial and
longitudinal) waw between 0,44% - 23,87%.
Keyword : Cocos nucifera Linn, anatomical properties, physical properties
Universitas Sumatera Utara
MARIHOT H. HUTABARAT: Sifat anatomis dan fisis batang kelapa hibrida, dibimbing
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi sifat anatomis dan fisis batang
kelapa hibrida. Ciri anatomi diamati langsung pada sampel dan menggunakan mikroskop
untuk pengamatan dimensi seratnya, dan pengujian sifat fisis menggunakan British
Sifat anatomis dan fisis batang kelapa hibrida bervariasi menurut ketinggian dan
kedalaman. Struktur anatomis batang kelapa hibrida didominasi oleh vascular bundle
dan parenkim. Serat kayu dapat ditemukan didalam vascular bundle dengan rata-rata
panjang dan tebal dinding serat yang bervariasi menurut ketinggian dan kedalaman.
Kadar air basah batang kelapa hibrida berkisar antara 71,23% - 337,51%, berat jenis
berkisar antara 0,08 – 0,39. Kisaran rata-rata penyusutan 3 arah (tangensial, radial,
longitudinal) yaitu 0,44% - 23,87%.
Kata kunci : Cocos nucifera Linn, sifat anatomis, sifat fisis
Universitas Sumatera Utara