You can help stop the Tasmanian Euthanasia Bill! Action on the Euthanasia Bill in the Lower House Seat of DENISON Please write to your local members of parliament expressing your opposition to the euthanasia bill. The name of the Bill: Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill 2013 Sponsored by: Premier Lara Giddings MP & Nick McKim MP Introduces: Both euthanasia and assisted suicide Your MPs (in order of priority – start at the top) Remember: All five MPs represent your electorate – so you can write to all of them! But if time is an issue, we suggest you try to write to the first two or three on the list. Mr Scott Bacon MP Mr Graeme Sturges MP Ms Elise Archer MP Mr Matthew Groom MP The Hon Cassy O’Connor MP Address your letters to the following MPs at this address: Care of Parliament House, Salamanca Place, HOBART Tasmania 7000 Thank you so much for taking the time to make a difference! NB: If you can’t stay or can’t do all your letters PLEASE TAKE THIS HOME WITH YOU! Helpful hints Start with your name and address at the top! (for some of us – it’s been a long time since we wrote a letter!) Subject line: Regarding the Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill 2013 You need only make one or maybe two short points in your letter – use your own words! Here are some ideas about what you might want to say: • No matter how you frame it, euthanasia and assisted suicide is a recipe for abuse. • No legislation, no matter how careful, can protect vulnerable people. • The government’s priority should be to make sure all Tasmanians have equal access to the very best of care and not to open the path for abandonment of those most in need. • We don’t want to be known as the ‘death tourism state’. • Elder Abuse is a serious and growing issue in Tasmania. This bill provides opportunity for the ultimate in Elder Abuse. Please protect our elderly, don’t abandon them. • How is it that we can so easily turn the caring profession into one that kills? • Suicide is not an answer to problems — this bill sends a twisted, mixed message to young people at risk. Dos and Don’ts Be polite. There’s no need to tell your MP that you won’t vote for them if they support this bill – the fact that you’ve taken the time to write tells them that quite clearly! If you like, you can close by asking them to let you know how they intend to vote. Make sure you provide your postal address (even if sending an email). Please thank them for taking the time to note your concerns.