57 • 51 (a) (b) Hybrid orbitals are generated by mixing atomic orbitals which.are close m energy. A set of spatially-directed orbitals, for application within VB theory, is derived. The character of a hybrid orbital depends on the atomic orbitals involved and their percentage contributions, e.g. an sp^ hybrid comprises V.s and V^ orbital character Each hybrid orbital points along an intemuclear vector or towards a lone pair within a molecule; e.g. in CH,, sp' hybridization is used to obtain 4 equiyalpnt hybrid orbitals, each pointing along a different C-H intemuclear vector.. Hybridization provides a convenient way to develop a bonding picture lismg localized ff-bonds; unused orbitals such asp atomic orbitals can be used to fonri ;rbonds, e.g.jn CO2 (see answer 5.9). (c) Equations 5.1 and 5.2 in H&S are: >/^sp hybrid = ~f~(y^2s Normalization: see Box 1.4 and discussion with equation 2.2 in H&S + ¥2p, ) 4i y^sp hybrid 4i {¥2s~¥2p) The equations refer to two sp hybrid orbitals. For normalized wavefunctions, the sum of the squares of the normalization factors must equal unity. Checkthis is true. For the fii^t wavefunction: 1 1 ¥sp hybrid = -J^¥2s^~-f^ ¥lp. Vz V/- 1 +1 = 1 .*. Normalized 2 2 Similarly for the second wavefunction. Questions 5.2-5.4: general notes In hybridization schemes: • mixing orbitals of the same phase corresponds to constructive interference of waves; - mixing orbitals of opposite phases cotxesponds to destructive interference of waves; • changing the sign of a wavefunction changes its phase. ^ 5.2 (a) The information in Figure 5.4 in H&S only allows a qualitative answer. It is easily seen that the first (additive) combination yields the hybrid orbital shown: 2s 2p^ • For the second hybrid, take the combinations of atomic orbitals in 2 stages. Step 1: X Watch signs! Think about phases! 2R Now add in the 2p^ character: r 2P. > 58 Bonding in polyatomic molecules For the last hybrid, again take the orbital combinations in 2 stages. Step I: X X X 2s 2/j. Now add in the 2p character: Watch signs! Think about phases! '2p. (b) The method is as in answer 5. lb. Take each wavefunction.in turn: • ;.••.• 1 I// • -.-iiv If/ ^sp^ hybrid ~ R^'^' /T A.: I -.--If/ i-x ^2 P. 1 2 Sum of the squares of the normalization factors is: - 4--- = i 3 3 1 1 W.JI sp^ hybrid " / r y^2s VJ Normalized Vz Sum of the squares ofthe normalization factors is: - + - + — = i .-. Normalized 3 6 2 1 ¥^^21,,,5,^;^ -""Tr 5^2,s rzWlp, ^¥l, VI ^^"^ 5.3 Sum of the squares of the normalization factors is: - -i- •- H- — = l .-. Noniialized 3 6 2 The method of working is as answer 5.2a, but now you must work in three dimensions; use Figure 5.1 to help you. Equation 5.6 in H&S is: ^ sp^ hybrid -1 W2s+V^2p,+W2p+W2p, 9 Take the combinations below in a stepwise manner as in answer 5.2a. Because of the vector properties of the 2p orbitals, as each 2p contribution is added in, the resultant hybiid orbital changes direction: c=:> Equation 5.7 in H&S is: Vhybrid = 7 ^ 2 . +y^2p^ ~Vip^ ~¥2p. Figure 5.1 The relationship between a cube and a tetrahedron (for answer 5.3), The edges of the cube coincide with a set of Cartesian axes. Again, consider the contributions from the atomic orbitals in a stepwise manner and watch the signs: c=^ Equations 5.8 and 5.9 in H&S can be correlated to the last two diagrams in Figure 5.6a in H&S in a similar way to the worked answers above. Bonding in polyatomic molecules 54 • ^5 59 (a)Taketheshadedlobesofthep,and,i^^,.orbitaltopoiBtalongthe+xms^^a^^^ the shaded lobe of the p^ orbital to point along the +y axis. In the xy plane, the orbital combinations to give 4 spH hybrid orbitals are: Watch signs! Think about phases! IT-;—> 1 (b) Available for hybridization are one ., two p, and one d ^^^^^'^^^^^ orbital must contain the same amount of.character;smce there are4hybndorbitals each contains 25% . character. Each hybrid orbital must contam the same amount of p character, i.e. 50% p character. Each hybrid contains 25% d character. 5.5 .Si I'll, (5.1) 1-~ " P . - " a ci' ra)SiF -Si group 14.4valenceeIectrons,seestructure5.1.Molecularstructureis tetrahedral! 4 substituents and no lone pairs, therefore sp^ hybridization. _ (b) fPdCl f- : Square planar Pd(II) complex 5.2, therefore spU is appropnate. c NF - N group 15,5 valence electrons, see structure 5.3. Molecular structure is daonal pyramidal; 3 substituents and 1 lone pair, therefore sp^ hybridization. ( T F 0 o j o u p 16,6 valence electrons, see stmcmre 5.4. Molecular structure .s bent;'2 sub'stituents and 2 lone pairs, therefore sp" hybridization, (e) rCoH.]'^ is a 5-coordinate Co(I) complex. Whether this xs tngonal bipyramidal ! ^ \ q u ^ e based pyramidal (5.5, see Figure 10.13 in H&S), spH hybridization xs m F ^ H ^ r is an octahedral FedD complex (structure 5.6, see Figure 10.13 in H&S)-5p3# hybridization is appropriate. , , • ,• (g) CS, C, group 14,4 valence electrons, see structure 5.7. tHe molecule is hnear and the C Ltom is therefore sp hybridized. fh) BF • B group 13,3 valence electrons, see structure 5.8. Molecular structure is trigona'l planar; 3 substituents and no lone pairs, therefore sp^ hybridization. (5.2) H 4- 4- H l.o^H S= C= S F ,^^^^'F B 'H H (5.3) (5.4) (5.5) (5.6) (5.7) (5.8) 60 Bonding in polyatomic molecuies 5.6 (a) See 2.28 and 2.29 (p. 22) for structures of a V and trans-f^^F^. Both isomers contain N in a non-Imear environment with I lone pair, so sp^ hybridization (b) Figure 2.1 in H&S shows that each O atom in H^O^ is in a non-linear environment with 2 lone pairs. Hence, sp^ hybridization is appropriate. 5.7 (a) Regular geometries for a 5-coordinate species are trigonal bipyramidal and square-based pyramidal (5.9). C,^ symmetry for PF^ is consistent with a trigonal bipyramidal structure, 5.10. (b) VB theory describes the bonding in PF^ in tenns of a set of resonance structures m which the P atom retains an octet of electrons: F F F I F *.o>'F F F- (5.10) F- 5.8 (a) Trigonal planar (isoelectronic with [NO3]-, see worked example 5 2 in H&S) (b) The resonance structures which contribute the most are: ° ^v O C o C (c) The bonding description is like that for [^03]- in worked example 5.2 in H&S and can be summarized as follows: Check that the number of electrons used in the scheme = number of valence electrons available (24) C - 0 cT-bond SfP hybrid orbital on oxygen, occupied by a ione pair of electrons One pair of electrons in each of two oxygen 2p orbitais One pair of electrons for C - 0 7C-hond This scheme corresponds to one resonance structure (1 C=0 double and 2 C-O single bonds). Each resonance structure may be similarly described. 5.9 (a) CO2 is linear (see answer 2.19b, p.21). (b) For a Hnear triatomic molecule, the central atom can be considered to be sp hybndized. ^ ^tiW°W*'" Bonding in polyatomic molecules 61 (c) An appropriate bonding scheme is summarized below: Carbon sp hybrid orbitaJs Oxygen 2p orbital Oxygen sp^ hybrid orbital ;r~Bond Oxygen sp^ hybrid • orbitals each containing 2 electrons ;o ; c : o a-Bond (T-Bond -Q. •Q Oxygen' 2p orbital 7r-Bond Q Carbon 2p orbitals (5.11) (d) The scheme shows the formation of two C^O double bonds. (e) Lewis structures are shown in 5.11. These are consistent with the bonding schemes developed using hybridized atomic orbitals in the VB model. 5.10 Read through the first part of Section 5.4 in H&S. Your answer to this problem should be constructed from the information in Section 5.4 in H&S, and should include a simple example such as an MO diagram for linear XH,. 5.11 In VB theory, localized bonds arise because a wavefunction is set up to describe each X~H interaction. Using a hybrid orbital approach for linear XH^, the X atom can be considered to be sp hybridized and each X-H interaction described as in Figure 5.2. In MO theory, molecular orbitals are constructed using contributions from atomic orbitals of all the atoms (where this is allowed by symmetiy). For linear XH^, the interactions between the atomic orbitals of X and the ligand group orbitals (LGOs) of the H—H fragment are considered (Figure 5.3). Each of the bonding MOs possesses bonding character spread out (delocalized) over all 3 atoms. Assuming X has at least 2 valence electrons (e.g. Be), then the bonding MOs are filled. The TC^ M O S are non-bonding, and the 0^* and o;* MOs are antibonding. •X Figure 5.2 Foranswer5.11: in linear XHg, each X™H bond can be described by the overlap of an sp hybrid orbltai and H Is orbital. Each bond comprises a iocalized 2c-2e interaction. Out-of-phase 1.^ orbitals Q = LG0(2), (7, (^ In-phase Is orbitals = LGO(l),a Figure5.3 Foranswer5,11:an MO diagram for the formation of linear XH^, the atoms are defined to iie along the z axis. a^ (H-X~H bonding) (7^ (H-X-H bonding) X XH. H-X-H- H--H 62 Bonding in polyatomic molecules 5.12 -* y (a) First draw the HjO molecular framework with respect to the axis set specified in the question: see 5.12. The left-hand column in Table 5.6 in H&S lists the atomic or ligand group orbitals, and reading down each of the next 6 columns gives the % composition of each MO along with the eigenvector (i.e. sign of each contributing wavefunction). MOs can be constructed as follows, with the relative sizes of the lobes reflecting the % contributions: H' (5.12) V^i % ¥, ¥. • % ' % ' (b) The number of valence electrons available = 6 (from O) + 2 (from 2H) = B. Hence MOs )/,, xir^, y^ and y/^ are occupied, y/^ and t/^^ P^^o^ide the 0-H bonding character, and y/^ and ^^ correspond to the lone pairs. 5.13 (a) The BH3 molecule is defined as lying in the xy plane. The H atoms lie in the nodal plane of the B 2p^ orbital. There is no net overlap between the H Is and B 2p, orbitals, so the B 2p^ orbital becomes a non-bonding MO in BHg. (b) Schematic representations are: =5 Bonding MOs 5.14 Antibonding MOs Schematic representations are: The second e orbital is shown in Figure 5.19 in H&S 5.15 [NH^]"^ is isoelectronic with CH^. Thus, the description of the bonding in [NH^]-^ is essentially the same as in CH^. Refer to the discussion in Section 5.5 in H&S and to Figures 5.20 and 5.21 in H&S. In each, replace C by N+ (isoelectronic species). 5.16 -j r I -+ (a) The Lewis structures give 2c-2e localized I-I I^ bonds in each case. This does not explain the variation in bond lengths. (b) The bonding in I^ can be described as in Fj (Figure 2.7 in H&S, replacing 2s and 2p orbitals by 55" and 5p). This gives a bond order of I. For bent [I3]*, an MO diagram can be. constructed using that for HjO (Figure 5.15 in H&S) as a basis, because I"" is isoelectronic (in terms of valence electrons) with O. Each I-I bond order is therefore 1. For linear [1^]~, an MO diagram can be constructed using that • ^nsn^ T - ' ' Bonding in polyatoinic molecules 63 for XeF, (Figure 5.30 in H&S) as a basis, because I^ is isoelectronic with Xe. This ™ o one occupied bonding MO which is deiocalized over all tee atoms, and therefore an 1-1 bond order of % llie conclusion from MO theory is: I-I bond orders: ^ ^ {l^V > [I3] Expected trend in I-I bond lengths: I j « i h T < S^^' . . ,, ,^ , ^Q^ This agrees with the experimental values of 267 pm in I,, 268 pm m [I3] , and 290 pm in [I3]". 5.17 (a)ForBa3tohaveD3,symmetryJtmustcontaina<r>rrorplane,aC3principal S s , three \ axes andWee o^ mirror planes. T^e molecule is togonal planar. ci Each of the three Cl-B-Cl bond angles is 120°. ,, „ X! cr For NCl^ to possess C3. symmetry, it must contain a C, Pnncipal a>ds and tee a mirror planes. Its structure is therefore trigonal pyramidal. Each Ci-N-Cl bond ansle is <120^ but the exact value cannot be determined from the pomt group, ( b ^ e axes a e defmed in BCI3 so that the . axis coincides with the C axis, and S e / a n d , axes are as shown in the margin structure.The boron 2 . orbual xs e Unchanged by each of the symmetry operations of the J^,, pomt group and th.s corresponds to the following row of characters: OK For character tables, see Appendix 3 in H&S This matches the row of characters for symmetry type A,' in the chmcter table arTd tte 2 , orbital therefore has «/ symmetry. For the 2p, orbital, the results ofOperating on it are as follows: F. C-, Cn Dj, 53 o-v ar=d this leads to an assignment of a'' symmetry for the 2p^ orbital. Similarly, the 2p and 2B orbitals can be shown to possess e'symmetry. Th'e same procedure is applied to NCI,, C,, symmetry. Operating on the mtrogen 2s orbital with the relevant symmetry operators yields: and from the Q , character table, the 2s orbital can be assigned a, symrnetry. The "stltTo'operaJikg on the 2,, orbital can be summarized in fte row of characters. and this orbital therefore also has . , symmetry. The 2p, and 2p,orbitals are degenerate and possess e symmetry.