AP Psychology Summer Work 2014-1015 1. Check out textbook from the library. Psychology - Myers, 7e. 2. Read and outline Prologue and Chapter 1 by the first day of class in August/September. Outlines should be 2-3 pages minimum. Worth 100 points ea. 3. Use the Internet to write a 1-page biography on each of the following people. Include their main contributions to the field of Psychology*. 30 points total. a. B.F. Skinner b. Sigmund Freud c. Carl Rogers *must cite at least 2 different URL’s (web addresses) 4. Highly recommended - Obtain a copy of any one of the following Study Guides before start of school year: a. Crash Course AP Psychology b. 5 Steps to a 5 c. Princeton Review d. Kaplan’s AP Psychology e. Barron’s AP Psychology New books are usually less than $20 and used copies are often less than $10. Amazon.com or any bookstore will have or can order for you.