York University Ap/Adms 2500.03 Introduction to Financial Accounting Midterm Examination #2 - Test Form A Time: 3.0 hours Summer 2010 Questions: 50 Instructions: 1' Submit: only the pink mark sense sheet will be collected: you may keep this midterm examination paper. Mark your answers on it for later reference. 2. Mark Sense Sheet: ' Record your name and student number and answer all questions on the computer mark sense sheet provided with an HB (soft lead) pencil. Bring several pencils in case one breaks. The computer will not recognize ink or hard lead pencils . Test Form is-'A'and Code is your Section (in the left column; ' Fill in the bubbles for your name and student number in pencil (your phone number is not required). Leave the last column of the student ' 3. number BLANK If you change an answer' use ahigh quality eraser to completely remove the previous mark. question, only the first scanned will be recognized. If the computer senses two answers to a Exam Aids: ' only calculators without alphanumeric programrnable memories are allowed.It is strongly suggested you bring a couple of cheap 4 function computers to the exam in case one fails. Be prepared to be challenged by invigilators if you bring a,,fancy,, calculator. ' compact foreign languagelEnglish dictionaries may be used. Howirer, these will be examined by invigilators. If there are any loose pages or handwriting in the dictionary, it will be seized and you will be charged with academic dishonesty. ' In 2500' invigilators answer no questions of interpretation. They will pass along questions regarding possible errors/ typos/missing data to the head invigilator. If you believe a question contains un ...oi and do not receive a response, make a detailed note on the front of your exam and submit it with your answer sheet. 4. Exam Strategy ' careful budgeting of time on an accounting exam is essential. Bring a watch and check your progress regularly. poor time management is the most common reason for poor exam performance in accounting. ' It is always a good idea to attempt the questions you deem easiest first. In an interrupted exam that is not restarted, your exam will be scored based on questions attempted. ' ' ' 5. Remember there is no penalty for guessing on a multipie choice computer graded exam. Submit a choice for every question. Also note that in 2500, choice (E) None of the above does indeed ,"pr"r"nt a frequent correct choice to questions. Exam room regulations: ' All personal belongings either on the floor or at the front of the exam room. All items on your will be examined by invigilators ' Bring appropriate ID as proof of registration. You will be required to sign in and showdesk approplate documentation. students without ID will be allowed to write the exam, but will be photographed and asked to submit registration and photo ID to the School of ' ' ' 6. It is essential to transfer your answers to the grading sheet after each question in case the exam is interrupted by fire alarm. The last ten minutes of an exam should be devoted io double checking your transfers. what you submit is what is graded. If you have not transferred your answers to the mark sense sheet at the end of the exam, the invigilator will not wait. your answer sheet rvill be seized and it will be graded based on whatever questions have choices filled in. Administrative Studies the next dav. No student may leave the exam in the first hour. No student may start the exam after an hour. Students requiring restroom visits must be accompanied by an invigilator. The proctors will announce when there are l5 minutes remaining and any answers not transferred should be recorded at this time. No one is to leave their seat in the last 15 minutes. When time is called, the proctors will go down the rows collecting your answer sheets and this exam paper. They will not wait and they will not accept your sheet once they have passed. eny vioiation of this protocol will result in grade the exam. a of zero recorded for Fire Alarms ' A frequent occurrence in York exams' In the event of a fire alarm, you are to leave your exam and answer sheet face down on your desk and irnrnediately proceed outside with coats and all personal belongings. Print your surname on the back of the exam so you know which seat to return to' An invigilator will lead the group outside to a place o1safety. There is to be no talking during the evacuation or outside. Most rooms are cleared so that exams can recommence, within 30 minutes of the alarm. you will be told after this time whether to reenter the room and recommence the exam or to go home. 7. Academic Dishonesty ' ' You are reminded that cheating is a serious offense which can result in expulsion from university , Exams at York are held in regular classrooms, which may involve tiered slating. Consequently, nec* exercises are not allowed during exams' First instance of wandering eyes has the student relocated to the front of the room. Second instance results in seizure of paper. Questions i to 5 are based on the following information about Merrin company Merlin company has the following data extracted from its Accounts Receivable records Customer |'aIance Current $4000 J.,-000 31 -75 davs .,.. $5,000 -0a900 $3,000 E F G _$tqq0li.' -'"i:: t, i $28,000 a a a a a a o Over 75 davs $1,ooo $5,000 $2,000 $ r,000 $ .1,|t'io':, oo,uuu at June 30. 2010 .. ii. 1,000 $ 1,000 ; J' $6,000 IIAi4 ,,.. ...,. ,.t]ti $14,000 Merlin's sales terms ate2lI0 n/30 and it records sales Merlin's year end is June 30 $ 10,000 $4,000 at the gross amount of the invoice. The unadjusted balance in the Allowance for Doubtful Accounts at June 30 is $6,000 dr. Merlin makes average sales of $1,000,000 per year and averages write offs of uncollectible balances of $25,000 per year. sales for the year ended June 30, 2010 are $gob,ooo credit sales and $300,000 cash sales Merhn has a very conservative receivabl., *unug.*ent strategy. No adjusting entries have been recorded at June 30 Use the remaining space on this page and the back of the page for your carcurations QUESTTON I If Merlin uses the Allowance Method (percentage of sales) to estimate bad debts, the adjusting entry at June 30 to record the provision for uncollectible accounts would involve a credit to the "Allowance for Uncollectible Accounts,,of: A) $27.500 B) $20.000 c) $33.500 D) E) $26.000 Some other amount QUESTTON 2 If Merlin used the Allowance Method (aging) to estimate bad debts and by a detailed review of the above aged trial balance decided that an allowance of $9,000 was appropiiut", ttt.n the adjusting entry on June 30 would involve a credit to the ,,Allowance for Uncollectible Accounts,, of: A) $9.000 B) $3,000 c) $t5,000 D) E) S12,000 Some other amount QUESTTON 3 Assume that Merlin adjusts its Allowance to a $10,000 credit balance on June 30 and on July 4 it reads in the Toronto Star that Customer F has gone bankrupt. Merlin should: SuV some unprintable words but make no accounting entry lJ Make an entry debiting bad debt expense for $6,000 C) Make an entry debiting bad debt expense for $10,000 D) Make an entry crediting bad debt expense for $6,000 E) None of the above are correct statements !) QUESTTON 4 Assume the same information as in Question 3 (Customer F going bankrupt July 4). Assume also that on August 25 Merlin receives a cheque in the mail from F Company for $6,000 with the following note attached. "The company has reorganized and is trying to restore its credit rating with all its former suppliers. Please occept this cheque with our apologies". Merlin should: A) Make a debit to Cash and credit Miscellaneous Income B) Make a debit to Cash and credit Uncollectible Accounts Expense C) Make a debit to Cash and a credit to Accounts Receivable (after first reversing the write-off entry) D) Make a debit to Cash and a credit to "Advances from Customers,, E) Some other entry QUESTTON s Assume that Merlin had always been allowed under Canadian GAAP to use the Direct Write-Off Method because it had never experienced any bad debt losses in its history as a company. There isn't even an Allowance" account in its General Ledger Chart of Accounts. Under this assumption, the adjusting entry June 30 to record the provision for uncollectible accounts would involve: A) A debit to "Uncollectible Accounts Expense" B) A debit to " Allowance for Uncollectible Accounts" C) No entry to be made D) A credit to "Uncollectible Accounts Expense" E) A credit to Accounts Receivable Und of Merlin questions QUESTTON 6 Ace Company counts its inventory of tires prior to preparing monthly financial statements on June 30. It uses the periodic inventory system. The warehouse acfually contained 6284 tires, but the count team reported back to the accountant that there were 6824 tires and this number was used in the accountins records. As a result of this. net income for the month ended June 30 would be: A) Overstated B) Understated C) Correctlv stated D) There is insufficient information provided to make an assessment QUESTTON 7 Booth company has the following information in its accounting records: Sales year to date $500,000 Average mark-up on cost 25% Cost of Goods Sold year to date would then be: A) $375,000 B) $400,000 c) $425,000 D) $500.000 E) Some other amount QUESTTON 8 Culpepper Company had the following information in its accounting records at year end.: Inventory Cost $2,000,000 It estimates the net tealizable value of this inventory is $2,200,000. As a result of this information culpepper would: A) Make no journal entry B) Make a joumal entry crediting a gain on market appreciation for $200,000 C) Make a journal entry debiting the allowance for inventory valuation for D) Make a journal entry debiting a loss on inventory decline for 9200,000 $200,000 E) Make a joumal entry crediting the allowance foiinventory valuation for $200,000 QUESTTO]\ e Dingo company has just been formed and is deciding on its accounting policies for the first time. It wants an inventory costing flow assumption that results in the highest reported profits. Prices have beeriialling for the past r*o y.u.r'unJil;.^i; ," ;a in sight to this trend. Dingo would select the: A) LIFO method B) c) l8 20 D) 22 E) Cannot be determined from the data provided QUESTTON 13 Henrietta Company wants to raise money from the issue of bonds and the Board of Directors authorizes the issue of $10,000,000 of bonds in $ 1,000 denominations with interest paid semi-annually to run for a term of 5 years until maturity. At the time of issue the stated rate of interest on the bonds is 5o/o and the market rate of interest 1s 60/o. The proceeds from the bond issue will be: A) $t 0,220,330 B) $9,885,340 c) $9,573,550 D) $9,I 15,990 E) Some other amount QUESTTON 14 Toy Company has a 12131 year end and buys a punch press machine to use in its manufacturing plant. The cost of the machine is $ 1 10,000. Taxes, duty and freight on the machine totaled $ 10,000. The machine was purchased on Sept 20,2009 and there is no expected salvage value. The company uses the straight line depreciation method and the machine is expected to last 5 years.. Depreciation expense recorded in 2009 would be: (A) $24,000 (B) $8,000 (c) $6,000 (D) $7,333 (E) Some other amount Use the following information on Pare Spring for Questions 15 - 17 Accordin-g to its website (www, Pure Sring.com), the Pure Spring Company was founded in 2007 and sells bottled water tiom the Caledon Springs area ofOntario. The Report on Business in the Globe and Mail August 20, reported the following: I I per cent, due ro shong denlard for its product. Iy"",ltTg.,alr:.t ::co:d-qu?Tr-plo!!rose D tz'ruu'uuu ror the quarter eoded July3.l, although per-share profit The company reporred prcfit of declined I per cent during this quartei. Sales grew i0 per cent from the first quarter to $120,920,000 this quarter. Gross Profii for the quader was 2% higherilan the fint quart".irzo0z g.o* profit of $96,000,000. The company released its quaxterly financial stat;ments on August 15. QUESTION T5 Based on the information given, pure Spring,s yeax-end is most likely A) August 20 B) July 3l C) December 31 D) August 15 E) None ofthe above QUESTION T6 Based-o,n_the infomation given, pure Spring,s CostofSales for the reported second_quarter was: A) B) $96,000,000. $23,000,000 c) $24,920,000 D) not determinable from the information Drovided E) is determinable, but is not ooe ofrhe above choices QUESTION 17 Based on the information given for pure Spring; a) Sales price per bottle ofwater declitred duing the second quarter b) Cost per bottle of water increased during the second quarter c) Both (a) and (b) could explain the second quarter results. d) Neither (a) nor (b) could explain the second quarter results e) This industry faces declining profits Use the End of Pure Spring questions following informstion on Zenon Company to answer questions I8 to 22 The Zenon Company sells rechargeable flashlights that run on moonbeams. The following information has been extracted from the records of Zenon: January 1 January 10 January 15 January 30 QUESTTON If Zenon Beginning Inventory Bought Sold Boueht 18 uses the FIFO cost A) $40,000 B) $28,000 c) 5.000 units @ $2.00 each 10,000 units (@ $3.00 each 11,000 units @ $5.00 each 8,000 units @, $4,00 each flow assumption and the perpetual method for inventory, the cost of goods sold for January, is $55,000 D) $41,000 E) none of the above QUESTTON If Zenon A) 19 uses the LIFO cost flow assumption and the periodic method for inventory, the cost of goods sold for January, is $40"000 10 B) c) D) E) $28,000 $55,000 $41,000 none ofthe above QUESTTON 20 If Zenon uses a perpetual bookkeeping system, the inventory was counted on January 31, the physical stock count revealed there were 12,000 units on hand but no adjustment is made to the accounting records, the dnancial statements will A) overstate inventory and net income B) understate inventory and net income C) overstate inventory and understate net income D) understate inventory and overstate net income E) none of the above QUESTTON 2r If Zenon bought on account a purchase of 4,000 units on January 28, terms FOB Destination, which was not received by the time of the January 31 physical inventory count and was excluded from both inventory and payables, then Zenonwould be: A) Understating both inventory and payables B) Overstating both inventory and payables C) Understating payables and overstating inventory D) Overstating payables and understating inventory E) Conectly following GAAp QUESTTON 22 If Zenon uses the weighted average method of costing inventory and the periodic inventory method: A) ending inventory will be valued at $3.l3 per unit B) sales will be costed out at $3.13 oer unrt 1l c) (a) is correct but not (b) D) (b) is conect but not (a) E) both (a) and (b) are coffect end of Zenon questions ------------ QUESTION 23 Declining balance depreciation method of an asset costing $1,000,000 with a salvage value of A) Results in a smaller depreciation expense in the firJt year of depreciation than the straight$100,000 line method B) is not allowed under Canadian GAAP C) Results in a larger depreciation expense in the first year of depreciation than the straight line method D) Multiplies a constant rate times the net cost (cost less residuaivalue) E) None of the above QUESTTON 24 The amortization of Bond premium A) Increases the net interest expense reported in the income statement B) Decreases the net interest expense reported in the income statement C) Results in the net carrying value of the balance sheet liability increasing after each amortization entry D) Has no effect on the net interest expense reported in the income statemJnt E) None of the above QUESTTON 2s Restrictive Endorsement of a cheque: A) Is another way_ of saying the Payee name should be typed on the cheque in advance !) ts a stamp on the back of the cheque indicating whose bank account;he cheque can be deposited in. C) Voids the cheque D) Is used to identify which cheques are outstanding on the bank reconciliation t2 E) none of the above QUESTTON 26 Ho Ltd' Issues one share for $10 and a second share for $ 100 and a third share for $1,000 and its shares are no par value A) Ho cannot be federally incorporated B) The credit to the Capital Stock Account will be for $ 1 ,1 10 C) The weighted average number of shares outstanding during the year cannot be computed without knowing the dates of issue D) Two statements above are coffect E) Statemerr.s (a), (b) and (c) are all incorrect QUESTION 27 If a Canadian corporation buys share for $40 then a share of its own stock on the open market at $30 and holds it in the treasury and then resells the A) The company rnust be federally incorporated under the Canada Business Corporations Act B) The company will show a gain of $10 in Miscellaneous Income on the Income Statement C) The company will credit Contributed Surplus for $10 D) The company will credit the full $40 to the common Share Account E) None of the above statements is correct QUESTTON 28 if a company issues a 20o/o stock dividend when you are holding 200 shares of the company's stock: A) You can expect to receive an additional 20 shares in the mail B) You can expect to receive an additional 40 shares in the mail C) The aggregate market value of your holdings will D) The additional change on receipt of the additional shares shares gives you a larger voting interest (more control) of the company E) None of the above statements are correct l3 QUESTTON 29 A company declares a 3 for 1 stock split at a time when you are holding 300 shares of the company. Which of the following statements is incorrect? A) The company needs not make a journal entry for this event B) The market value per share of the company's stock will stay the same C) Your voting interest (control) of the company does not change D) The company felt the stock price was trading at too high a level as justification for the split E) There are no incorrect statements above QUESTTON 30 The following dividend data applies to Affluent Co. Entitlement: f I I Class Class A .... l0 8 cents/share ....10 cents/share Remainder split equally Cash to be distributed . . ..$ 10,000,000 # of shares outstanding t Class A 18,384,157 I Class B 10,182,538 Which statements are correct? A) Both classes of shares will get the same total amount of dividends B) Both classes of shares will get the same dollar amount of dividend per share C) The data indicates that the participation rate is eighty cents per share D) Based on the formula specified, not all of the $10,000,000 will be distributed E) All of the above statements are correct T4 QUESTTON 3r Current Liabilities by definition A) Are due within ayear B) Are due within one operating cycle c) Are normally presented on the balance sheet in order of liquidity D) Are considered to be part of a firm,s working capital E) None of the above statements are correct QUESTTON 32 Assume Cain borrows $ 1,000 from Abel and gives him a Note which matures in 6 months and the borrowing rate is 8% per annum. A) If the note is dishonoured on maturity then Abel will set up a receivable for more than $ 1,000 B) If the note is paid on maturity then Abel will record $80 in interest income C) If the note is paid on maturity then Abel will record $40 in interest expense D) If Cain prepares financial statements prior to the maturify date of the note, he will have to make an adjusting entry to set up the interest income earned E) None of the above statements is correct QUESTTON 33 Given the following data for Sunsang Company Sungsang sells cellular phones for $2,000 each with a one-year warranty against defects. Past experience indicates that 4 percent of the units will prove defective and that the average repair cost for each is $70. This past year, 40,000 phones were sold, and 500 of these have already been retumed for service. A) The estimated liability for warranties at year end is $44,000 B) The estimated liabilify for warranties at year end is $62,000 C) The estimated liability for warranties at year end is $ 70,000 l5 D) The estimated liability for warranties at year end is $ g6,000 E) None of the above QUESTTON 34 XYZ Corporation announces an offer to issue bonds with a $100,000 par value, anSoh annual contract rate with interest payable semi-annually, and with a three-year life at a time when the market rate of interest is 10% If PV of $l (factor for n:6 and r:.05 is .74622 PV of $1 annuity (factor for n:6 and r:.05 is 5.0757 then : A) The bonds will sell for $104.336 B) The bonds will sell for $97,444 C) The bonds will sell for $102,996 D) The bonds will sell for $92,552 E) The bonds will sell for $94,923 QUESTTON 3s Assume that a firm issues bonds at a discount. Which statement is correct? A) Amortizationusing the straight line method will increase the reported interest expense on the income statement B) Amortization using the effective interest method will result in a larger charge against earnings in each successive period C) Amortizationusing the straight line method results in an equal interest expense each period D) Amortization using the effective interest method produces a constant yield on the bonds which will be by definition equal to the market rate E) All of the above statements are correct. t6 QUESTTON 36 Land with a building on it is bought for $1,000,000 at a time when the market value of the land is $2,001,000 and the market value of the building is $500,000 A) Each asset would be set up at $500,000 B) The assets would be shown together on the balance sheet as a single asset " Land, & Building" C) The two assets would be recorded at $2,000,000 and $500,000 reipectively D) No depreciation will be taken on the building until such time as the market value drops below book value E) None of the above statements are correct QUESTTON 37 Given the following data I Pay $595,000 plus $5,000 legal fees for land, building and equipment I Land is appraised for $375,000, the building for $300,000, and the equipment for $75,000 I cost $3,000 to demolish an unneeded shed on the properry r architectural fees of $50,000 and additional construction costs of $100,000 were incurred to adapt the building for its intended r use An additional $20,000 was incurred for relocating and testing the equipment A) B) C) D) E) The building will show a higher cost on the balance sheet than the land The equipment will show on the balance sheet at $60,000 The $3,000 demolition charge will be added to the land cost The legal fees should be expensed immediately None of the above statements is correct t7 QUESTTON 38 Haulaway Company buys a truck costing $ 1 1,000. It is expected to last for 10 years but to be traded-in bfter 3 years for a newer model (the trade-in allowance is estimated at $2,000). A) The truck will be depreciated over l0 years B) The truck will be depreciated over 3 years C) The truck will be depreciated at one rate the first three years and ata different rate the remaining 7 years D) The trade in allowance is not part of the depreciation calculation E) None of the above statements is correct QUESTTON 39 Given the data in the previous question for the truck purchase by Haulaway and the additional information that the truck is expected to be driven 30,000Km Yr I 15,000 Km Yr 2 45,000 Km Yr 3 What is the depreciation expense in year 3 under the units of activity depreciation method. A) $3,000 B) $3,667 c) D) E) $900 $4,000 $4.500 QUESTTON 40 If a dividend is declared by a corporation, this will result in: A) A debit to Dividend Expense B) A debit to Retained Earnings C) A debit to Owner's Equity t8 D) A debit to Share Capital E) No entry is required at the date of declaration QUESTTON 41 Peggy Sue is a shareholder of Generous Company and receives a 5% stock dividend. Peggy: A) Will debit Cash and credit Dividend Income in her accounting records B) Will own a larger percentage of Generous than before C) Will own the same percentage of Generous as before D) Will only be legally entitled to such dividend if Generous has positive net income that year E) None of the above are correct statements QUESTTON 42 Which of the following statements is correct with respect to liabilities? A) They should be classified as current if they are due within one accounting cycle B) All iiubiliti.r should be shown at their net present value (although for convenience this rule is normally only applied to current liabilities) C) Liabilities are shown in the order of liquidity (how quickly they can be converted to cash) nj Every liability must be matched by a cbnesponding asset on the opposite side of the balance sheet (the matching principle) E) None of the above statements are correct QUESTION 43 The recognition of a loss contingency before it actually occurs requires satisfying: A) One condition B) Two conditions C) Three conditions D) Four conditions E) A loss contingency is never recognized before it actually occuls 19 QUESTTON 44 Which of the following statements is incorrect with respect to Bonds Payable? A) Convertible bonds can be converted into cash at the discretion of the bondholder B) Mortgage bonds are normally secured by real estate property C) Coupon bonds actually have perforated coupons attached which should be presented to receive interest payment D) A group of banks which undertakes to underwrite a bond issue is called an Investment Syndicate E) Debenture bonds are unsecured QUESTTON 4s If the stated rate printed on a bond certificate is higher than the market rate of interest at the time of issue ihan that bond will: A) Sell at par B) Sell at a premium C) Sell at a discount D) Not sell until the certificate is reprinted showing the market rate E) None of the above QUESTTON 46 Which of the following statements with respect to Intangible Assets is correct? A) All research and development costs must be expensed B) Leasehold improvements are cash incentives provided by the Landlord to improve the property C) Copyrights have an indefinite life D) Patents should only be capitalized only when they are purchased from another company E) None of the above are correct statements QUESTTON 47 If Ace Company and Deuce Company trade machines, Ace should set up the new machine: A) At fair market value unless the machines are deemed similar and there is no culmination of the earnings process B) At the net book value of the machine given up C) At fair market value unless the machines are deemed dissimilar and there is culmination of the earnings process D) At zero since there was no cash paid 20 E) None of the above are correct statements QUESTTON 48 The basket purchase method is: (A) The same method as the relative sales value method (B) Used to combine asset into similar categories on the balance sheet (C) A method which allocates costs based on the fraction of book value that each component is to the t&tal i (D) Based on estimated (E) Two of the statements in choices A, B, C and D are correct values QUESTTON 49 A change in accounting estimate is handled: A) Simultaneously B) Prospectively C) Retroactively D) At fair market value E) Some other way QUESTTON s0 The father of accounting is: (A) Da Vinci (B) Ravioli (C) Pacioli (D) Debere (E) Legere 2T F qa G h = N) N) \F 0a \ n s U1 N) (}J t0a \t (: U1 tJ A tJ (, i Future Value of gl r 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1't 12 '13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 7Y. 1.0100 1.0201 1.0303 1.0406 .t.0510 1.0615 1.0721 .t.0829 1.0937 1.1046 1.1157 1.126A 1.1381 1.1495 1.16.10 1.1726 1.1843 1.1961 1 .2081 1.2?02 1.2324 1.2447 1.2572 1.2697 1.2824 I iiii ri:lccii FV = P(1+r)" r = Interest rate; n = number of 2% 3% 4% r.0200 1_0300 1.O4oO 1.0404 LO6o9 1,0816 1.A612 1.0927 1_1249 1.0824 1.1255 1.1699 '1.104't 1.1593 1.2167 1.1262 1.1941 .t.2653 1.1487 1.2299 1.3159 1.1717 1.2668 .1.3686 1.1951 1.3048 1.4233 1.2190 1.3439 .4802 1.2434 1.38/2 1.5395 1.26A2 I .4258 1.6010 1.2936 1.4685 1.6651 1.3195 1.5126 1.7317 r.3459 1.5580 .1.8009 1.3728 1.6M7 1.8730 .4002 1.6528 .g47g 1.4242 1.7024 2.O25A 1.4568 1.7535 2..1068 ].4859 1.8061 2.191'l '1.5157 1.8603 2.2788 1.5460 1_9161 2.3699 1.5769 1.9736 2.4647 1.6084 2.0328 2.s633 1.6406 2.0938 2.0658 1 1 llt 1 5% 6% 1.0500 1.0600 1.1025 'l .1236 1.'1576 1.1910 't.2't55 1.2625 1.2763 1_3382 .340't 1.4185 .407'1 .5036 't.4775 1.5938 1.5513 1.5895 'l .6289 1.7908 1.7103 1.8983 1.7959 2.0122 1.8856 2.1329 1.9799 2.2609 2.0789 2.3966 2j829 2.5404 2.2920 2.692A 2.4066 2.A543 2.5270 3.0256 2.6533 3.207'l ?.7860 3.3996 2.9253 3.6035 3 0715 3.8197 32251 4.0489 3.3864 4.2919 7% 8% 1.0700 1.0800 1.1449 1_'t664 1.2250 1.2597 1.3108 1.3605 1.4028 1.4693 1.5007 1.5869 1.6058 1.7138 .7182 1.8509 1.8385 1.9990 1.9672 2.1589 2j049 2.3316 2.2522 2.5182 2.4098 ?.7196 2.5785 2.9372 2.7590 3.1722 2.9522 3.4259 3.1588 3.7000 3-3799 3.9960 3.6165 4.3157 3.8697 4.6610 4.1406 5.0338 4.4304 5.4365 4.7405 5.8715 5.0724 6.3412 5.4274 6.8485 1 1 1 1 'J, 9% 10% 11% 12% 1.0900 1.1000 1.1100 1.1200 1.1881 1.2100 1.2321 1.2544 1.2950 '1.3310 "t.3676 1.4049 1.4116 1.464't 1.5181 1.5735 1.5386 1.6105 1.6851 1.7623 1.677'1 1.7716 1.8704 1.9738 '1.8280 't.9487 2.0762 2.2107 1.9926 2.1436 23A4s 2.4760 2.'t719 2.3579 2-5580 2.7731 2.3674 2.5937 2.8394 3.1058 2.5804 2.853't 3.1518 3.4785 2.8't27 3.1384 3.4985 3.8960 3.0658 3.4s23 3.8833 4.3635 3.U17 3.7975 4.3104 4.8871 3.6425 4.'t772 4.7846 5.4736 3.9703 4.5950 5.3109 6.1304 4.3276 5.0545 5.8951 6.8660 4.7171 5.5599 6.5436 7.6900 s.1417 6.1159 7.2633 8.6128 5.6044 6.7275 a.0623 9.6463 6.1088 7.4002 8.9492 10.8038 6.6586 8.1403 9.9336 '12.1003 7 2579 8.9s43 11.0263 13.5523 7.9.111 9.8497 12.2392 15.1786 6.6231 10.8U7 13.5855 17.0001 15% 1.'1500 't.3225 1.5209 1.7490 2.0114 2.3131 2.6600 3.0590 3.5179 4.0456 4.6524 5.3503 6.1528 7.0757 8.137.1 9.3576 10.7613 12.3755 14.2318 16.3665 1A.a215 21.6447 24.8915 28.62s2 32 9.190 B) FIFO method C) Average Cost Method D) FISH method E) Retail method QUESTION 10 in Ecudor is Ernesto Estevez buys an Ecudorian Government Savings Bond for $2,000 Canadian Funds. The market rate of interest I2yo andinterest is compounded quarterly. At the end of three years, Ernesto's investment will be worth (rounded to the nearest dollar): A) $2,000 B) 52,720 c) $2,790 D) $2,852 E) None of the above QUESTION 1r Felicia Fedora wants to have $20,000 saved up when she starts college in 5 years. Money is worth 10% and all investment opportunities she is looking at are compounded semi-annually. How much should she deposit now? A) $12,278 B) $13,110 c) $ 13,890 D) $14,224 E) Some other amount QUESTION 12 leaves it there for 36 Gustaf Gulag invests an inheritance into an investment account that pays simple interest at 8o/o per annum and takes this immediately months at which time the insurance company sends him a cheque for the principal plus accrued interest. He based on an effective interest cheque and buys an annuity from an insurante company that pays him $800 per month. The annuity is for how many months? rate of l}oh, money .ornporrnded monthly. Gustaf will receive a cheque from the insurance company A) 16