DEP 3053

DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY DEP3053‐3896 SPRING 2015 TUESDAY 10:40 (WEIMER, 1064) THURSDAY 10:40‐12:35 (NORMAN 0137) INSTRUCTOR: PHONE: JEFF FARRAR, PHD 352‐273‐2140 TA: PHONE: VANESSA DIAZ, MS N/A OFFICE HRS: TR 3:30‐4:30 OR APPOINTMENT OFFICE HRS: WED 1:55‐3:50 OFFICE: PSYCH 135 OFFICE: PSYCH 163 EMAIL: USE SAKAI (send a copy to my email) EMAIL: VDIAZ010@UFL.EDU CLASS WEBSITE: SAKAI HTTPS://LSS.AT.UFL.EDU/ Purpose: The purpose of this course is to review the major areas of developmental psychology. These topics will include biological, cognitive, emotional and social development. Primary attention will be devoted to the period of infancy through adolescence with some coverage of adulthood. The specific objectives of the course are to: 1.
understand the different issues and theories of developmental psychology; 2.
understand the relation of research findings to those theories; 3.
critically evaluate the theories and research; 4.
understand the relevance of research to social and applied issues involving children Textbook: Child Development; Laura E. Berk, 9th edition. Three options: 
Students are required to purchase access to My Virtual Child (MVC). If you purchase a NEW textbook from the UF bookstore it will come with an access code‐that will give you access to MVC and an e‐book.  Students also have the option of going all digital and purchasing access online at The ID COURSE ID: farrar61686. This provides access to the e‐book, access to MVC, and an abundance of self‐study tools. Cost is $75 online.  You can purchase MVC only for $33 Class ID: 13941 and purchase a used text.  Complete registration information can be found at the Sakai website in the Lessons link. Requirements and Grades: 1. Exams (55% of grade): There are three regular exams: (1) Feb. 3 (2) Feb. 26 and (3) March 31. Each regular exam carries equal weight. Exam format will be multiple choice and short answer. Makeup exams will be given only for documented medical excuses or family emergencies. You must contact me before the exam in order to take the makeup exam. 2. Cumulative Final Exam (20%). May 1, 12:30‐2:30 PM. Format is multiple choice. 3. My Virtual Child Paper Assignments (20%) My Virtual Child is a computer software program than simulates the growth and development of a child from birth through adolescence based on the decisions that you make as his or her “parent.” The outcomes of the child will vary depending on the parenting decisions you make. As you raise your child there will be three brief writing assignments (1‐2 pages) to complete throughout the semester that involve reporting on your child’s progress and relating it to normative development. 4. Participation (5%): Approximately 9‐10 brief in‐class activities will be given unannounced during the semester. You can miss or drop 2 activities. Some of these may be surveys, problem‐solving, multiple‐
choice quizzes. Missed activities cannot be made‐up (they will be one of your drops) except for extenuating circumstances (documentation required). 5. Academic Honesty. All students are required to abide by the Academic Honesty Guidelines which have been accepted by the University. The conduct set forth hereinafter constitutes a violation of the Academic Honesty Guidelines. Those adjudged to have committed such conduct shall be subject to the sanctions listed in paragraph XI of the Student Conduct Code. 6. Students with Disabilities. Students requesting classroom accommodation must first register with the Dean of Students Office. The Dean of Students Office will provide documentation to the student who must then provide this documentation to the Instructor when requesting accommodation. 7. Strategies for Success: 1.
Attend Class. 2.
Have a good set of notes. Approximately 70% of the exams come directly from the notes. 3.
Read the text‐‐concentrating on those sections that correspond to lectures. 4.
You are responsible for other sections of the text not covered, although important sections will be identified in class and the study guide. 5. Use the study guide for each exam‐study guides will be available on the class web site approximately a week before each exam. 8. Grade Scale: Grades will be assigned based on a standard scale: A =91‐100 B+ =87‐89 C+ =77‐79 D+ =67‐69 A‐ =90 B= 81‐86 C =71‐76 D = 61‐66 B‐ = 80 C‐ =70 D‐ =60 F=0‐59 CLASS TOPICS AND READINGS DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY: Themes, Theories, Research & Biology Jan. 6 Introduction to Class Jan. 8 History, Theory, and Applied Directions Chapter 1 Jan. 13‐15 Jan. 20‐22 Research Strategies Chapter Biological Foundations Chapter 2 3 Jan. 22 Virtual Child Assignment # 1 Jan.27‐29 Physical growth Feb. 3 Exam 1 Chapter 5 COGNITIVE DEVELOPMENT Feb. 5‐10 Infancy Chapter 4 Feb. 12‐17 Piagetian Theory Chapter 6 Feb. 19‐24 Feb. 24 Information‐Processing Chapter 7 Intelligence Chapter 8 Feb. 22 Virtual Child Assignment #2 Feb. 26 Exam 2 COGNITON & SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT Mar. 10‐12 Mar. 17‐19 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Mar. 24‐26 Self‐Concept Development Development of Sex Differences & Gender Roles Chapter 13 Mar. 24 Virtual Child Assignment #3 Mar. 31 Exam 3 Apr. 2‐6 Moral Development Chapter 12 Apr. 9‐14 The Family Chapter 14 Apr. 21 Virtual Child Assignment #4 April 16‐21 Peers, Media, & Schooling Chapter 15 May 1 Cumulative Final 12:30‐2:30 PM Language Development SOCIALZATION AND CONTEXT 