Fin 330 Tentative Schedule of Events/Assignments/Exams

Fin 3220 Tentative Schedule of Events/Assignments/Exams
This is a ROUGH guide only as to what I would like to cover and when. It should at least alert you to when assignments
are approximately do and when exams will be.
Week 1
Jan. 14
Classes Begin, What is Finance(Positions Available)
Week 2
Jan. 21
Continue Time Value of Money
Assign Mortgage Assignment
Mortgage Assignment Due/Review in Class
Finish Time Value of Money
Time Value of Money(Chapter 2)
Jan. 25, Last day to drop without a grade of “W”
Week 3
Jan. 28
Review Practice Exam 1
Week 4
Feb. 4
How to read the WSJ Handout
Week 5
Feb. 11
Exam 1
How to read the WSJ Handout
Mstar (READ ON YOUR OWN) SC 101-108
Begin Overview of Financial Statements (Chapter 3)
Complete Discussion on Ratios(Chapter 4)
Week 6
Feb. 18
Assign DuPont Assignment
Week 7
Exam 2
Week 8
March 3
Spring Break, March 3-8
Week 9
March 10
Risk, Return (8)
Week 10
March 17
Exam 3 Review
Week 11
March 24
Begin Capital Budgeting(Chapter 10)
Week 12
March 31
Cash flow Estimation, Chapter 12.1-3 and 13.1-2. Assignment.
Week 13
April 7
Review Exam 4
Week 14
April 14
Mutual Funds & Retirement Planning
Week 15
April 21
Morningstar, read on your own: FC 101-107, 201, 301-305, PC 402, 403
Dupont Assignment Due
Begin Interest and Bond Evaluation(Chapter 7)
Stock Valuation(Chapter 9)
Exam 3
Capital Budgeting Techniques(Chapter 11)
Capital Budgeting Assignment Due
Exam 4