IE463 – Chapter 5 DEPRECIATION AND INCOME TAXES Depreciation Depreciation is the decrease in the value of physical properties with passage of time Because, depreciation is a non-cash cost that affects income taxes we must consider depreciation properly, when making After-Tax Engineering Economy studies CHAPTER 5 2 Depreciable Property It is a property for depreciation is allowed under governmental income tax laws and regulations In general, property is depreciable if it meets the following basic requirements: It must be used in business or held to produce income. It must have a determinable useful life, and the life must be longer than one year. It must be something that wears out, decays, gets used up, becomes obsolete, or loses value from natural causes. CHAPTER 5 3 Basic Terminology Depreciation = an annual non-cash charge against income. It represents an estimate of the dollar cost of fixed assets used in the production of a good or service. Cost Basis (B) = actual cash cost plus book value of trade-in (if any) plus costs of making asset serviceable (e.g., installation). Book Value (BVk) = value of asset as shown on the accounting records. Represents amount of money still invested in the property. BVk = book value at EOY k SVN = estimated salvage value in year N (used in depreciation calculations where applicable) MVN = market (resale) value at EOY N from the disposal of an asset CHAPTER 5 4 STRAIGHT-LINE (SL) METHOD A constant amount is depreciated each year over the asset's life. N = depreciable life of the asset in years. dk = annual depreciation deduction in year k dk = (B - SVN ) / N for k = 1, 2, ..., N dk* = cumulative depreciation through year k. dk* = k x dk BVk = B - dk * CHAPTER 5 5 DECLINING BALANCE (DB) METHOD Annual depreciation is a constant percentage of the asset's value at the BOY R = 2/N 200% declining balance R = 1.5/N 150% declining balance d1 = B x R dk = B(1-R)k-1 (R) = BVk-1 (R) dk* = B[1 - (1 - R)k ] BVk = B(1 - R)k BVN = B(1 - R)N CHAPTER 5 6 SL and DB Example The La Salle Bus Company has decided to purchase a new bus for $85,000, with a trade-in of their old bus. The old bus has a trade-in value of $10,000. The new bus will be kept for 10 years before being sold. Its estimated salvage value at that time is expected to be $5,000. Compute the following quantities using (a) the straight-line method, (b) the 200% declining balance method depreciation deduction in the first year and the fourth year cumulative depreciation through year four book value at the end of the fourth year CHAPTER 5 7 Cost basis: B = $10,000 + $85,000 = $95,000 trade-in value SV10 cash-cost Deduction amounts are fixed for SL: dk = 95,000 - 5,000 = $9,000 for k = 1 to 10 10 N Deduction ratios are fixed for DB: R= 2 = 0.2 , thus, (d k = 0.2 × BVk -1 ) 10 CHAPTER 5 200% DB 8 Straight Line Method (k = 1 to 4) EOY, k 0 1 2 3 4 dk 0 9,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 BVk 95,000 86,000 77,000 68,000 59,000 = 95,000 – 9,000 = 86,000 – 9,000 = 77,000 – 9,000 = 68,000 – 9,000 d4 = d1 d4* = 4 x 9000 = 36,000 CHAPTER 5 BV4 = 95,000 – 36,000 9 Straight Line Method (k = 5 to 10) EOY, k 5 6 7 8 9 10 dk 9,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 BVk 50,000 41,000 32,000 23,000 14,000 5,000 = 59,000 – 9,000 = 50,000 – 9,000 = 41,000 – 9,000 = 32,000 – 9,000 = 23,000 – 9,000 = 14,000 – 9,000 SV10 = B – N x dk CHAPTER 5 10 200% Declining Balance Method (k = 1 to 4) EOY, k 0 1 2 3 4 dk 0 19,000 15,200 12,160 9,728 d1 = BV0 x R = B x 0.2 = 95,000 x 0.2 = 19,000 BVk 95,000 76,000 60,800 BV1 = BV0 – d1 = B – d1 48,640 = 95,000 – 19,000 38,912 BV4 = B – d4* d4* = 19,000 + ... + 9,728 = 56,088 d4 = 48,640 x 0.2 CHAPTER 5 11 200% Declining Balance Method (k = 5 to 10) EOY, k 5 6 7 8 9 10 dk 7,782 6,226 4,981 3,985 3,188 2,550 BVk 31,130 24,904 19,923 15,938 12,750 10,200 BV10 = B – d10* = BV9 – d10 CHAPTER 5 12 SL vs. DB CHAPTER 5 13 Consideration of Income Taxes in EE Income tax represents a significant cash outflow that we cannot ignore Notation: Rk = gross revenues in year k Ek = operating expenses in year k plus interest paid on borrowed capital dk = depreciation allowance for year k t = effective income tax rate used for computing income taxes Tk = income tax liability for year k CHAPTER 5 14 General Tax Procedure BTCF = Before tax cash flow = R – E NIBT = Net income before tax = R – E – d T = tax liability = t ( NIBT ) = t (R – E – d) NIAT = Net income after tax = NIBT – T = (R – E – d) – t (R – E – d) = (1 – t)(R – E – d) ATCF = After tax cash flow = NIAT + d ATCF = BTCF – t (R – E – d) CHAPTER 5 15 General Tax Procedure - Example a) b) c) d) You invested $113,028 on an asset with the depreciable life of 10 years. You can earn $30,000 per year from this investment for 10 years. Asset has a negligible or zero MV at the end of its useful life. Published income tax rate is 40% on annual taxable income (NIBT). Use after-tax MARR of 15% per year, and straight line depreciation method. NIBT? NIAT? ATCF? Is it profitable investment after taxes? CHAPTER 5 16 Solution to (a), (b) and (c) d = 113,028 / 10 = $11,303 (depreciation amount) (+) Net income 30,000 (-) Deprecation 11,303 (a) NIBT $18,697 (R – E – d) (-) Income Tax (0.4) 7,479 (b) NIAT $11,218 (1 – t)(R – E – d) (+) Depreciation 11,303 (c) ATCF $22,521 (1 – t)(R – E – d)+d CHAPTER 5 17 Solution to part (d) AW (15%) = ATCF – 113,028 (A/P, 15%, 10) = 22,521 – 22,521 = $0 CHAPTER 5 18 Typical Before-Tax Cash Flow Diagram: Typical After-Tax Cash Flow Diagram: CHAPTER 5 19 After-Tax Cash Flow Analysis CHAPTER 5 20 After-tax MARR To perform an after-tax evaluation of a project's after-tax cash flows, we must use an after-tax MARR. After - tax MARR Before - tax MARR = 1 - effective income tax rate, t Example: Suppose the before-tax MARR = 20% and t = 40%. What is the approximate after-tax MARR? MARR BT = MARR AT ⇒ MARR AT = 0.2 (1 - 0.4) = 0.12 1- t CHAPTER 5 21 ATCF Analysis – Example Investment $10,000 Net Annual Receipts $4,000/yr Study Period 4 years Market Value at EOY 4 $5,000 After-tax MARR 15% Effective income tax rate 40% Depreciable recovery period 5 years Is this a worthwhile investment after taxes? Use Straight Line Method for depreciation. CHAPTER 5 22 Step 1: Find depreciation amounts for the study period of 4 years: dk = 10,000 - 0 = $2,000 for k = 1 to 5 5 EOY, k 0 1 2 3 4 dk --2000 2000 2000 2000 BVk 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 CHAPTER 5 23 Step 2: Determine the ATCF with tax rate of 40%: dk TIk Tk (t = 0.4) EOY, k BTCFk ATCFk 0 - 10,000 1 4000 2000 2000 -800 3200 2 3 4a 4b 4000 4000 4000 5000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 3000 -800 -800 -800 -1200 3200 3200 3200 3800 - 10,000 MV4 – BV4 = 5000 – 2000 CHAPTER 5 24 Step 3: Use the ATCF to evaluate this investment @ MARR = 15%: After-tax cash flow diagram: PW(15%) = – 10,000 + 3,200 (P/A, 15%, 3) + 7,000 (P/F, 15%, 4) = + $1,309 CHAPTER 5 25 Affordable Investment - Example An asset purchased at the price of (I), and it is depreciated for 10 years, with straight line method. Estimated market value @ EOY 10 is zero, how much can you afford to purchase this asset when it produces annual $30,000 net income for 10 years. Effective income tax is 40% and MARRAT = 15%. CHAPTER 5 26 Solve for I? d = (I – 0) / 10 ATCF = 30000 – 0.4 (30000 – d) AW(15%) = – I(A/P,15%,10) + 30000(1 – 0.4) + 0.4 (I/10) AW(15%) = 0 I = 30000(1 – 0.4) / ((A/P,15%,10) – 0.04) I = $113,028 0.1993 CHAPTER 5 27