Morrisby letter for Year 11 pupils

Morrisby Profile at St Christopher
Dear Parents,
As well as the 1-2-1 discussions with Advisers and Senior Management that students at St
Christopher have during the first half of this year, to help them further analyse and determine
their way forward, students now have the opportunity to take the Morrisby Profile.
Morrisby has been at the forefront of psychometric testing for several decades, providing advice
and guidance to tens of thousands of young people as they embark on the next stage of their
education. Some further information about the Profile is in the leaflet attached to this
Schoolcomms email.
Though some students are clear about what they want to pursue, for those who are not, the
Morrisby process can be very valuable in gaining an idea as to the area/s in which their future
may lay. It also provides useful pointers as to which subjects at A level they might choose and
possible degrees/areas of study in Higher Education.
The extensive battery of tests and questions (it takes nearly three hours to complete) are
designed to measure a student’s overall aptitudes, identify talents, and highlight key aspects of
their personality likely to be significant in choosing a career.
To ensure no teaching time is lost, the Profile tests will take place on Saturday, 14 November
2015 starting at 10.00 a.m.
The cost of the Morrisby Profile is subsidised by the School and is £55.00. Included in the fee is
an online support site (through a personal log-in at This site will enable
candidates to access an electronic version of their report and a range of other resources.
The optional follow-up interview with a Morrisby-trained specialist – which many find to be an
extremely valuable addition to the process – is an additional £28.00. Interviews are scheduled to
take place on 12th & 13th January 2016.
If you would like your son/daughter to take the Morrisby Profile at St Christopher, please
complete the details below, sign and attach a cheque made payable to ‘St Christopher School’ for
the appropriate amount and return to Jenny Palmer or Anne Rice in Room 12 before the end of
school on Thursday 22 October.
If you have any further questions please email me on or Anne Rice on .
Yours sincerely,
Andy Selkirk
Second Deputy (Academic Director)
I would like my son/daughter _______________________________________ to participate in
A. The Morrisby Profile only
cost £55.00
B. The Morrisby Profile and Interview
cost £83.00
I enclose a cheque made payable to St Christopher School
Signed ________________________________ Print name ____________________________