Chemistry 110a SECOND EXAM October 4, 2013 Name (print)______________________________ A Valid Lewis Structure Note: Your exam should consist of 6 pages including the cover page, appendix, and grade tabulation sheet. Skim the entire exam and solve the easiest problems first. Exams not returned at the end of the period will not be graded. PLEASE DO NOT OPEN THIS EXAM UNTIL YOU ARE INSTRUCTED TO DO SO 1. Name the following compounds. (4 pts each) 2 CH3 (1S,3R)-3-methylcyclohexan-1-ol (1R,3S)-1-methylcyclohexan-3-ol (1R,3S)-3-methylcyclohexan-1-ol OH (a) (1R,3S)-1-methylcyclohexan-3-ol (b) (a) _______________________________________________(IUPAC) (b) (circle the correct name) 2. Consider the twist conformer for a 1,4 disubstituted cyclohexane, written as shown (1 or 2) in the box at the right: (a-g, 4 pts each) (a) On either of the structures (1 or 2) provided, indicate an interaction making this conformation less stable than the chair conformation. H H Br CN (b) Is this the highest energy twist conformation? YES 1 NO 2 (c) In the box provided, draw the appropriate chair conformation(s) for this compound. You can use the bond-line drawing style used for structure 1. (d) Use "axial" and "equatorial" at least once in your drawing to demonstrate your understanding of these descriptors. (e) If appropriate, circle the more stable chair conformation. (the appendix material may be of some help!) (f) Name the interaction you used to evaluate the relative stability of the chair conformations, and label your drawings to illustrate the interaction. (g) This compound (1 or 2) contains 2 centers of chirality in a sample held at room temperature. c-f TRUE / FALSE 3. Match the boiling point with the structure (4 pts) CH3CH3 A. -89 °C B. 49 °C C. 106 °C D. 126 °C 3 4. Circle the letter of the higher energy conformation in each pair. Estimate the energy difference (kcal/mol) between the two conformations using appendix data. (10 points each) H CH3 H CH3 H H CH3 H CH3 Br H CH3 H CH3 or H Br H CH3 or CH3 CH3 CH3 H A B C D 5. The G° for the equilibrium between E and F shown below is +2 kcal/mol. Use this information to estimate the energy cost of a 1,3-diaxial interaction between two methyl groups. Hint: use appendix information to quantitatively estimate the familiar sources of strain in each conformer and combine these estimates with the measured G° value (+2 kcal/mol) to solve for the diaxial Me-Me interaction. (10 pts) CH3 CH3 G° = +2 kcal/mol CH3CH3 H3C CH3 E CH3 F Me-Me 1,3-diaxial interaction (kcal/mol) CH3 CH3 CH3 6. G° values are experimentally determined for substituted cyclohexanes by spectroscopically measuring equilibrium concentrations of the two forms. For the E/F equilibrium in question 5, what is the approximate (calculator not required) concentration of each conformational isomer? (4 pts) E: F: This is what you are seeking to compute. 4 7. Consider the following pairs of structures. Designate each chirality center as R or S and identify the relationship between them by describing them as representing enantiomers, diastereomers, constitutional isomers, or two molecules of the same compound (Assume the molecules are at room temperature). 4 pts each. H CH3 Br Br H H F H3C CH3 CH3 H F CH3 CH3 H Cl Br H H Br Cl H CH3 CH3 CH3 F F F F 8. A recent paper in Angewandte Chemie (2013, ASAP) reported the isolation of the analgesic tramadol from the African peach tree. The bizarre thing about this observation is that before being isolated from a plant, Tramadol was known only as a synthetic analgesic--discovered and made in the laboratory. The other curious thing about the plant isolation is that racemic (+/-)-tramadol was recovered (living systems often produce chiral molecules). (10 pts) (a) Designate each chirality center as R or S in tramadol isomer A. (2 pts) OCH3 (b) In the box at lower left, write a bond-line structure of the other isomer of tramadol isolated from the peach tree. (2 pts) HO (c) Draw the preferred (lowest energy) conformation of tramadol isomer A. Make sure your drawing conveys a sense of the stereochemistry and three-dimensional character of the molecule. The appendix material may be useful. (6 pts) H N A (b) Monosubstituted Cyclohexanes - Thermodynamics H H H H H X G° H H H H H H H H HH H X H HH H H H Conformational Energies (A = G°, kcal/mol) Appendix 1 D 0.008 CN 0.2 F 0.25 C CH 0.41 Cl 0.53 CH=CH2 1.49 Br 0.48 CH3 1.74 I 0.47 i-Pr 2.21 OH 0.6 Ph 2.8 OMe 0.58 C(CH3)3 4.7 OAc 0.7 Si(CH3)3 2.5 NH2 1.2 Sn(CH3)3 1.0 CO2H 1.4 HgOAc 0.0 CO2Na 2.0 MgBr 0.78 5 6 Chemistry 110a SECOND EXAM October 4, 2013 Name (print)______________________________ Page Points 2 40 3 34 4 26 Total 100 Score